Channel: James Kobielus' Blog

Aweekstweets November 25 to December 22 2016: the weeks I didn’t stop worrying or despising Donald Trump

"Mark van Rijmenam’s Top 7 Big Data Trends for 2017" (http://ow.ly/i9GN307n971 ) JK--Mistakenly equates deep learning with unsupervised.

Spark for Big Data Analytics - Part 2 http://bit.ly/2ifiMov 

Is data th new oil? Or new electricity the oil generates? Or new illumination the electricity powers? Or new insomnia that damn light causes

"Work smarter, not harder"? Is it harder to work smarter, or smarter to work harder? Need an insanely industrious supergenius to crack this

"Building Jarvis" (http://ow.ly/RXoZ307lyI9 ) JK--Zuckerberg on the AI virtual assistant he built for his domestic merriment.

"Should #IBM be yr AI & machine learning platfrm?" (http://ow.ly/UZiM307luZX ) JK--Great installment in series of solution provider assessmts

"Inside the black box: Understanding AI decisionmaking" (http://ow.ly/rjJv307luzd ) JK--Good dissection o transparency accountability & ethics

"How to Implement AI and Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/a9Ec307lswt ) JK--Excellent ZDNet special section.

"#IBM Cloud Unveils New Features and Growing Momentum for Open Serverless Platform" (http://ow.ly/uSk9307lr72 ) JK-- #Bluemix#OpenWhisk

"Serverless Architectures" (http://ow.ly/RkpF307lqqN ) JK--Srvr-side logic in stateless event-triggrd ephemeral 3rd-pty mgd compute containers

"Cooking With Big Data? Let AI Create Yr Next Recipe" (http://ow.ly/TMr6307lpyf ) JK--And you might find other AI-developed artistry delicious

"Yes you should understand backprop" (http://ow.ly/EuKo307ljfS ) JK--AI developers should also be able to do backflips and the Fosbury Flop.

Can a Bot make you laugh? http://bit.ly/2h2eITP 
Spark for Big Data Analytics - Part 1 http://bit.ly/2h2iLzm 

"73 Experts Reveal B2B Marketing Trends to Leverage in 2017" (http://ow.ly/wFTv307lhP5 ) JK--Fairly overwhelming but good tips in here.

"Big Data and The Great A.I. Awakening. Interview with Steve Lohr" (http://ow.ly/WY1Z307kJfh ) JK--Roberto Zicari interviews NYTimes reporter

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp The Day I Left Home by The Hidden Cameras from Home On Native Land JK--2016. Cool new one from the Canadian minstrels

Now that the main crush of year-end stuff is abating, I can actually read and ponder other stuff in-depth. Intense, but inwardly so.

"Deep Learning for Everyone – and (Almost) Free" (http://ow.ly/Rjmc307jde4 ) JK--Vorhies on prevalence of open-source in deep learning.

Chief Data Officer 2016 Year-End Review; 2017 Predictions; and CDO JOBS Update for November 2016 - CDO Club http://bit.ly/2i6tcqH 

"10 Digital Mktg Assets U Need 2 Invest In Today" (http://ow.ly/BxTD307iNKt ) JK--Good. Investing in "content" should mean "expert authors"

"Why Technology Won't Displace Human Artists" (http://ow.ly/PmNP307iMEt ) JK--Author forgets that most human artists arent blindingly original

Public sector: Hadoop, Spark and the 360-degree view of citizens http://bit.ly/2i5KvrK 

"Deep-Learning Machine Listens 2 Bach Then Writes Own Music in Same Style" (http://ow.ly/Hydu307iD4r ) JK--Think o it as higher-order synthszr

"This Self-Driving Car Smiles At Pedestrians 2 Let Them Know It's Safe 2 Cross" (http://ow.ly/HbRW307iCgd ) JK--Humanizes their intentionality

"Teaching a Machine to Steer a Car" (http://ow.ly/I1sD307iAyT ) JK--Winners of the Udacity open source self-driving car challenge

"Watson Discovery Service:..." (http://ow.ly/gB6e307iuS7 ) JK--New API suite to assist users in collecting, organizing, and using their data

"McKinsey's 2016 Analytics Study Defines Future Of Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/Cu8k307h28v ) JK--Identified 120 use cases in 12 industries

"Has Deep Learning Made Traditional Machine Learning Irrelevant?" (http://ow.ly/xyIi307gZyn ) JK--William Vorhies highlights DL difficulties

"Predicts 2017: Licensing, Legal and Language Lessons for Data & Analytics Leaders" (http://ow.ly/bf4R307gXZp ) JK--Excellent #Gartnerrollup

"Researchers use ML to pull interest signals from readers’ brain waves" (http://ow.ly/N2qP307gXaw ) JK--Harvesting attention? Brainsourcing?

The Experience of Being a High-Performing Data Scientist http://bit.ly/2i1GLrm 

IBM Watson Turns Its Computer Brain to NASA Research http://bit.ly/2gUckhV 

How We Will Harvest Cognition in 2017 http://bit.ly/2gUbTUG 

New jk blog: "Kobielus thought leadership in all things data in 2016" (http://ow.ly/R7Rn307gE4H )

New jk blog; "Kobielus predictions for big data, data science, cognitive computing, and deep learning in 2017" (http://ow.ly/OdzZ307gDcF )

New #IBM jk #KDNuggets column: "Predictions for Deep Learning in 2017" (http://ow.ly/PB6K307gB9r )

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Little Rain by The Rolling Stones from Blue & Lonesome JK--2016. Great. Originally recorded in 1957 by Jimmy Reed.

"It May Not Feel Like Anything To Be an Alien" (http://ow.ly/zS5e307fOkJ ) JK--AI-mania sci-fi apocalyptic overreach freakout speculation

My latest #Dataversitycolumn, "How We Will Harvest Cognition in 2017" (http://ow.ly/8d8g307fGqF ) cites #forrester@mgualtieri

New #IBM jk #Dataversitycolumn: "How We Will Harvest Cognition in 2017" (http://ow.ly/8d8g307fGqF )

"How I detect fake news" (http://ow.ly/zkzc307fFBF ) JK--Tim O'Reilly goes in-depth. I simply google them for independent corroboration.

"Put Away Your Machine Learning Hammer, Criminality Not A Nail" (http://ow.ly/m7Z0307fEOa ) JK--May show facial bias in criminal justice sys

"Deep Learning Works Gr8 Cuz [blahblahblah]" (http://ow.ly/PfZj307fDlW ) JK--DL triumphalism premature until artificial gen'l intel perfected

More days. More stuff. More days stuffed with stuff. The stuff of days.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp In The Morning I'll Be Better by Tennis from Yours Conditionally JK--2017. Alaina Moore has a yearning romantic voice

RIP Zsa Zsa Gabor. So iconic a prima donna, she was namechecked by Dion in "Donna the Prima Donna" (http://ow.ly/PJxn307f792 )

Lotsa great deals on LinkedIn Groups, especially "ABSOLUTELY NEW AND UNIQUE WAY T0 GENERATE PASSIVE INC0ME F0R INTERNET USERS...." Goldmine!

How’s Big Data looking for 2017? http://bit.ly/2gQ5auU 

"AI Ethics Effort Starts at IEEE" (http://ow.ly/tx2b307f0xa ) JK--They'll seeking feedback on how to make this a community process.

Dear People Who Connect With Me on Socials With the Express Purpose of Extracting Uncompensated Work Out of Me: What are you smoking?

"Learning To Trust AI Systems In The Age Of Smart Machines" (http://ow.ly/DRxn307e7nT ) JK--Good attempt at axiomatic trust framework

"The Neural Network Zoo" (http://ow.ly/b8lg307e7bL ) JK--Note to self: study this. Brilliant way of classifying algorithmic approaches.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Do Ya Think I'm Sexy by Revolting Cocks frm Linger Ficken Good...and Other Barnyard Oddities JK--1993. Rebel poultry?

"Pun intended" is the dumbest disclaimer ever. Don't call attention to your supposed verbal cleverness. Self-congratulations grate.

"Data Science for IoT v Classic Data Science: 10 Diffs" (http://ow.ly/fQpL307e5UU ) JK--"9. AI: Machines teaching each other (cloud robotics)"

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Swedish Guns by The Radio Dept. from Running out of Love JK--2016. Cool new song by veteran dream-pop Swedish group.

"Tech Companies Create Shared DB To Track/Remove Violent Terrorist Imagery" (http://ow.ly/OxOG307e5d4 ) JK--Hashes of images they've removed

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Hyper Dark by Sleigh Bells frm Jessica Rabbit JK--2016. Good one from their latest. Feels a bit School of Seven Bells

Deep learning frameworks growth over the past month via @fchollet#DeepLearning

Saw "Florence Foster Jenkins" on DVD. I wonder if Meryl Streep suffered irreparable throat damage singing like an overmodulated squeak toy.

Check out "Eye On," a new IBM film series exploring art, science and tech: http://bit.ly/IBMEyeOn 

Always good to have a little Boots Randolph in Christmas rotation. Excluding “Yakety Sax.” Unless it’s a Benny Hill Xmas.

Yoga instructor worked a Straits of Mackinac image into her practice today. That relaxed me right away. Turns out, she’s from Harbor Springs

Check out this interesting Stanford University panel study: "Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030" (http://ow.ly/nT9P307bLLR ).

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Rings of Gold by Dottie West & Don Gibson from Dottie & Don JK--1969. Kind of a cool processed twang to this.

UX Improvements to Cloudant Data-Replication http://bit.ly/2hMehll 

Persisting Data for a Smarter Chatbot http://bit.ly/2hMj7Pi 

Managing data complexity: does your warehouse measure up? http://bit.ly/2gHdUDn 

"The Future Is B2B (Bot-to-Bot) Commerce" (http://ow.ly/2bWb3079xfo ) JK--That's not a stretch. Automated supply chains are well established

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Self-Centered Blues by Natural Child from Okey Dokey jK--2016. Nashville group. Feels like a great drinking song.

"MIT's deep-learning software produces videos of the future" (http://ow.ly/bS6a3078USg ) JK--Real-time scene predictive auto-completion.

Regarding top LPs of 2016, #KEXPinterns' lists show the Knowles sisters, Beyonce & Solange, at or near the top: http://ow.ly/wei63078CNY 

AI-powered virtual sex sounds like a blast. But I'll draw the line at someone asking me to kiss their bot.

"The Daunting Task Of Making AI Funny" (http://ow.ly/OOGT3078txJ ) JK--From 10 months ago, my thoughts on the topic:

Well, technically, Santa Claus isn’t coming to “town,” just homes of good little girls & boys. He’s not distributing gifts in public squares

New #IBM#SPSSStatisticsjk podcast: "Maximizing the value of high-performance statistical analysis and reporting" (http://ibm.co/2hwn6PU )

"Preventing SelfDriving Vehicles frm Becoming Land-Bsd Cruise Missiles" (http://bit.ly/2hws240 ) JK--Enderle on something I too worry about

Ah yes, explaining what I do for a living. It's almost exhausting as what I do for a living.

In business, Monte Carlo methods in finance are often used to calculate the value of companies,... #spssstatistics

IBM Bluemix wants to take the drudgery out of devops http://bit.ly/2gAQqzQ 

How cognitive computing will touch your life in 2017 http://bit.ly/2gAO3x3 

Trends in #StatisticalAnalysis? Join me & other experts at top of the hour to discuss. Crowdchat: http://ibm.co/2hjXq9b #SPSSStatistics

Trends in #StatisticalAnalysis? Join me & other experts at 11am ET tomorrow Wed 12-14 to discuss: http://ibm.co/2hjXq9b #SPSSStatistics

Dear E-commerce site: Don’t tell me you “need” my feedback. You simply want it. You’ll get along fine without it.

I always keep my smartphone handy when reading travelogues. Stop writing up some exotic destination without showing it on a map.

Using my days off to read excruciatingly technical material in some depth. Same dopamine rush as a strenuous workout. Pleasure in my leisure

Catch me et al tomorrow on this. http://bit.ly/2gwzRoE 

A Big Market For Big Data – An Outlook on 2017 http://bit.ly/2hASVal 

Information architecture: The key to governance, integration and automation http://bit.ly/2gwE6k1 

Machine learning: The big draw at a big Beijing, China event http://bit.ly/2gwA9MB 

I assume the "Love, Actually" producers are working on a cybersequel: "Love, Virtually."

A good houseguest suffers the host's subpar coffee with a smile.

A good houseguest knows where to find their host's Wi-Fi password without being a whiny burden.

Cognitive machines for the aging http://bit.ly/2hpAWkt 

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Letter To The Editor by Thievery Corporation from The Temple of I & I JK--2017. Great new LP due on Feb 10.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp 6 Underground by Sneaker Pimps from Becoming X JK--1996. Note to self: need some of theirs in my music stash.

Feeling chatty? Join @dez_blanchfield& other top #BigDataexperts to talk trends in #StatisticalAnalysis: http://ibm.co/2hjXq9b 

I've seen "existential threat" this year in AI contexts. Please limit it to Parisian cafe patrons smoking Gauloises & discussing alienation.

"Neighbors Know Best: (Re)Classifying Underappreciated Beer" (http://ow.ly/N0sB3072OMJ ) JK--Need stat model o "tastes great" v "less filling"

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Watching the Waiting by Wye Oak from Tween jK--2016. Song & album among my faves of the year.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp It's Been A Long Time by Lady Wray from Queen Alone JK--2016. Cool retro-soul. Reminds of Honey Cone's "Want Ads"

Weather’s cold, drab, & damp. Seems like a perfect time to do Philadelphia. It’s always sunny there, I’m told.

Caught several episodes of “Downton Abbey” on DVD. Enjoyed. Have never watched before. Deliberately. Waited till series ended & hype abated.

Saw “Joy” on DVD. Excellent performances from Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, Isabella Rossellini, & Virginia Madsen.

Saw “Captain Fantastic” on DVD. Great, strange. Imagine von Trapp family singers as precocious survivalist brats. Viggo awesome, of course

Saw the US flag at half-staff near our supermarket today. Wife & I puzzled for a nano-second and then blurted out, in unison, "John Glenn!"

Dylan's Nobel acceptance speech: http://ow.ly/1ttv3070Bui . Written by him but delivered today at Nobel Banquet by US ambassador to Sweden.

Caught "Grinch" on TBS. This month marks its 50th anniversary. Groove on it anew each time I watch. This time: eyepopping color composition

Had this nightmare where th all-Christmas-format radio stations reduced their playlists to just Barbra Streisand’s version of “Jingle Bells”

Personal fave o my year-end columns is upcoming Dataversity “How We’ll Harvest Cognition in 2017.” Thoughtstuff = cognitive computng payload

I expect the next 4 years to be nothing but chestbeating “deals” that violate the Constitution and indulge in pure spoils distribution.

Fitness clubs tend to have locker-room TVs turned up loud to either cable talking-head politics or cable sports. Same rah-rah-team blather.

Slapped together th deep learning predictions rapidly today. I’ve written tons on it this year. Wednesday’s crowdchat helped. This capped it

My end-of-year use-or-lose vacation begins. Began it with yoga, some wine/cheese sampling at Trader Joe, some lazy sofa reading. Good start.

"I Covered Tech for th Times for 28 Years, And Now My Time Is Over" (http://ow.ly/XvTX306Z0VZ ) JK--Markoff took the buyout. He will be missed

"Just one autonomous car will use 4,000 GB of data/day" (http://ow.ly/VOCQ306Z0HD ) JK--At what octane?

"Wired founder KKelly on letting go of AI anxiety" (http://ow.ly/t2R4306YZYM ) JK--"Machines..have answers. What humans R good at R questions"

"2017 Predictions in Social Media & Content Mktg" (http://ow.ly/KF0d306YZl1 ) JK--These are B2C-engagement focused, not B2B thought-leadership

"IBM Research and Rice University Explore Watson-Powered Robot Aimed at Aiding Elderly and Caregivers" (http://ow.ly/Ecq3306YXOg )

Considered making my email signature say "from the desk of.." Changed my mind. That would mean I could never again work out of coffee shops.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Here In Spirit by Jim James from Eternally Even JK--2016. Great new one from My Morning Jacket dude. Talk Talk-ish

Stay tuned for my next #KDNuggetscolumn: "Predictions for Deep Learning in 2017." To be posted in the next week or two. Densely packed.

New #IBM jk blog: "Gauging your organization’s readiness to drive digital disruption" (http://ow.ly/3KAS306YrLZ )

Find your way through the chief data officer maze http://bit.ly/2gitmWz 

What Has Pokémon Go Got To Do With Big Data? http://bit.ly/2gitlBZ 

RIP John Glenn. Iconic American hero in the classic sense. Unlike Lindbergh, his foray into politics was on the side of the angels.

We need to revisit this notion that Charlie Brown is a loser. The dude has his own comic strip. That’s no loser in my book.

I’m surprised Trump didn’t choose Carson for Secretary of Agriculture. Has this great idea of using massive stone pyramids for grain storage

"The State o Spark Adoption, Carefully Considered" (http://ow.ly/2p5r306WJdt ) JK--Swoyer reports Databricks-sponsored adoption survey results

Nice to see you on one of our chats, Bruno. #makedatasimple

Yes. That's in keeping with the trend toward self-taught citizen data scientists and the inexor... #makedatasimple

Getting lots of requests for "1 minute of your time." Currently, 1,440 o them in inbox. Full up. Have no more minutes left today to lend you

"Apache Zeppelin opn-src analytics startup reveals new name" (http://ow.ly/6XTr306W9sJ ) JK--ZEPL. Better than GROUCHL, CHICL, HARPL, or GUMML

Researchers mimic how we recognize faces through artificial intelligence http://bit.ly/2geAVNO 

"For Machines, Analogies Are Just Math" (http://ow.ly/fROd306VZAm ) JK--Not true. See Hofstadter "Surfaces & Essences"http://ow.ly/Vx1U306VZYh 

RIP Greg Lake. Lead singer/bassist of ELP and King Crimson. Here's his great solo "I Believe in Father Christmas" (http://ow.ly/LUAF306VYzY )

"Say goodbye to MS-DOS command prompt" (http://ow.ly/De68306VW38 ) JK--Really? It was still there in Windows? For aging-loser-geek nostalgia?

"Video meets the Internet of Things" (http://ow.ly/DO4r306VVwG ) JK--Good McKinsey discussion of video-analytics IoT use cases. Deep learning.

"Apple to Publish AI Rsch 2 Hasten Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/yjba306VUTJ ) JK--See open-src on yesterday crowdchat:

"The Impact of Sex Robots" (http://ow.ly/Hup4306VUts ) JK--Today's "made you look" headline. Purely speculative discussion of robodildonics.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Nadine by Fool's Gold JK--2009. Wikipedia sez "weaves together Western pop aesthetics w/African rhythms & melodies"

Latest Netflix DVD? Some Hollywood movie where people engage in noisy public lavatory sex. Yeah. Quite a turn-on.

"Having Lots o Data Is Nice but It's Yr Intention That Matters" (http://ow.ly/Q1ws306UyzS ) JK--My intention is to have lots more. Even nicer!

"Who Owns The Data, Anyway?" (http://ow.ly/XpUa306Uyka ) JK--Well, technically, it's me. All your data are mine. Hand it over right now!

[LIVE CHAT] http://www.via-cc.at/94lv2 #SparkDeepLearningHappening now. Join us!

Meet #TJBot, the DIY kit that allows you to build your own programmable cardboard robot powered by IBM Watson http://ibm.co/2fCZhTg 

Ingenuity starts with a spark: An excellent summary of the talks of TED@IBM: http://bit.ly/2fKfci1 via TED Partners #TEDatIBM

#IBM has been named the world’s most LGBT-inclusive employer for 3rd year in a row via Workplace Pride #InclusiveIBM

"AI Platforms Welcome Devs With Open Arms" (http://ow.ly/nrAh306U1Lm ) JK--The open-sourcing of deep learning proceeds apace!

"Complex Event Processing Patterns for Stream Analytics" (http://ow.ly/Yrqo306TZHK ) JK--Pttrn #12: in-stream real-time machine-learning model

"An Interactive Tutorial on Numerical Optimization" (http://ow.ly/8brw306TX50 ) JK--Luv those minimalistic arc-tracing mathematical animations

"Why hacker giving away special code that turns cars into self-driving machines" (http://ow.ly/Eb5c306TWax ) JK--I won't risk my life for this

Join me et al on today's Crowdchat at 1pm ET. Deep Learning and #ApacheSparkhttp://ow.ly/oj4Q306TV0z #SparkDeepLearning

SPSS Statistics CrowdChat: Trends in statistical analysis http://bit.ly/2h65Dx4 

IBM Entity Analytics http://bit.ly/2h68SVt 

IBM partnership puts Watson in your ear to help you at work http://bit.ly/2h6bCSN 

The power to predict, transform and optimize business http://bit.ly/2h6bxhY 

Here's my InfoWorld column from 2 years ago that suggests how Facebook et al might use AI to spot fake news:

"Facebook Eyes Artificial Intelligence for Spotting Fake News" (http://ow.ly/Pa9a306TLqe ) JK--Before its users do. OK. How will FB do that?

"Content mktg strategy: Start w/Qs, end with insights" (http://ow.ly/CTPe306TIxZ ) JK--Huh? Just keep audience expecting more cool new stuff

"Go, Minsky, & Chasm AI Hasn’t Yet Crossed" (http://ow.ly/TeqO306THl0 ) JK--Still no master learning algorithm. See:

"Rise of Emergent Organizations" (http://ow.ly/jD4D306TGy3 ) JK--A long-in-tooth vision. See my rambling take here:

Interview questions emailed from a high school journalist. Of course I'll respond. Happy to indulge my longwinded old-coot gasbag tendencies

Robotic process automation. Per McKinsey: mimics human in carrying out a task within a process (eg, screenscraping):

"IBM building blockchain ecosystm" (http://ow.ly/t78o306TEyG ) JK--Tools, expert sppt, rev share re #IBM Blockchain & Linux Hyperledger Fabric

"IBM Launches New Bluemix Svcs w/ GitHub & Slack Integ 2 Speed App Dev in Cloud" (http://ow.ly/FntD306TDGO ) JK--Build enterprise toolchains

Just received an email addressing me as "Dr." not "Mr." That reminds me: where'd I leave my stethoscope?

Don't tell me you're netting out your gist "in a nutshell." All I want to know is this: pea, wal, or coco?

Drafted my latest #IBMjk #Dataversitycolumn: "How We’ll Harvest Cognition in 2017"

My 2017 data-science capsule prediction included in #KDNuggets multi-expert rollup article: http://ow.ly/T13d306RKSK 

"How invisible interfaces going to transform way we interact w/computers" (http://ow.ly/TC3k306RCyd ) JK--"Keeps us focused on th task @ hand"

"How Robots Make First Impressions" (http://ow.ly/uNE0306RCfj ) JK--Please don't encode petty superficiality into embodied cognition.

"Biggest threat to artificial intelligence: Human stupidity" (http://ow.ly/drQ7306RBm4 ) JK--Really? Stupid cognition is great training data!

"OpenAI unveils 'Universe,' platform helps AI learn frm complex envmts" (http://ow.ly/kunr306RANM ) JK--Benchmarking AI's general intelligence

"Internet of Things: Sensors & Sensing" (http://ow.ly/moJZ306RvC7 ) JK--Nice taxonomy of sensors--with photos!

"AI, instrumental convergence, and photos of cats" (http://ow.ly/HTqv306RvgJ ) JK--We'll distract that catbot with an adjacent yarnball bot.

Delivering the ultimate fan experience for the next generation @Sportstechie#IBMSports#IBMServices#SportsTechiehttp://bit.ly/2g69QfV 

"Inside black box: Understanding AI decision-making" (http://ow.ly/hUvc306RpFe ) JK--Neural nets should auto-doc plain-English self-narrative

"Sensor industry to grow to $162B thanks 2 IoT, smart cities, eHealth" (http://ow.ly/X6D4306RphX ) JK--No aspect of our lives will be unsensed

"AI will take some jobs but no need to worry" (http://ow.ly/RPn7306Ro5T ) JK:--Will create new jobs while boosting productivity o current jobs

"Developers: Will AI Run You Out Of Your Job?" (http://ow.ly/tWJI306RnFh ) JK--Forrester's Lo Giudice says no: will make devs more productive

"Dive Deep Into Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/iwn2306RmEY ) JK--Good layering discussion of "what led from neural networks to deep learning."

"Is Information Technology Dying?" (http://ow.ly/BaE2306RlLG ) JK--OMG! Reminds of "matter is decaying" line from Woody's "Stardust Memories"

"Self Service Data Prep Platforms: Fish or Fowl?" (http://ow.ly/tz73306Rkpk ) JK--Good overvu 4 data scientist, but "SSDPPs" is bizarre abbrev

"MIT Algorithm Predicts Rogue Waves in Real Time to Save Lives" (http://ow.ly/LMH7306Rju9 ) JK--Interesting. Has it actually saved lives?

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Drive by R.E.M. from Automatic for the People JK--1992. "Hey kids, rock and roll. Nobody tells you where to go, baby"

"Data Scientist Breaks State Monopoly on Lotteries" (http://ow.ly/yDjC306RiD7 ) JK--Test of mathematical/algorithmic skill, not random luck.

The greatest productivity tool is a deadline.

New #IBM jk #MakeDataSimple#KDNuggetscolumn: "Kobielus Predictions for Data Science in 2017" (http://ow.ly/daWE306RdQz )

New #IBM jk #makedatasimpleblog: “Big data and analytics trends in 2017: James Kobielus’s predictions” (http://ibm.co/2gddGXG )

"Facebook developing artificial intelligence to flag offensive live videos" (http://ow.ly/vUYX306PXLJ ) JK--Lo-latency streaming video analytx

""Year 1999 AD" - A 1967 Film Imagines the Future" (http://ow.ly/p1pG306PAFq ) JK--Prophetic: bongo music was indeed all the rage in '99.

"20 years ago: Hot sci/tech images from 1996" (http://ow.ly/Ylno306OSrY ) JK--My fave is #56: "Clinton the Cable Puller."

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Only One (f/ Paul McCartney) by Kanye West from single JK--2014. I'm not a huge Kanye fan, but I like this.

"5 Reasons You Should Participate in TwitterChats" (http://ow.ly/6our306ORo6 ) JK--Grow your following if influencers particip8 & U contribute

New #IBM jk #InfoWorld column: "How cognitive computing will touch your life in 2017" (http://ow.ly/IVrP306OQ6c )

"#Watson IDs Heart Disease" (http://ow.ly/qEtC306OOPh ) JK--Spots 25% o undiagnosed cases. Very actionable info for treatment, life extension

"DNA Test Reveals How Well You're Aging" (http://ow.ly/PGXV306OOsB ) JK--How actionable is that knowledge? Accelerate Bucket List cash-in?

Pleasant enough weekend. Continued the steady process of hiding Facebook newsfeeds that once were interesting, now simply annoying.

Pleasant enough weekend. Read my usual stack of physical newspapers. Gr8r assurance it's not fake when comes from hi-speed printing presses

Going to write at least 2 more predictions blogs before the year's out. Not overthinking this stuff. Whatever hits me when I start typing.

Caught “The Revenant” on DVD. Intense. Felt like I was hemorrhaging and hypothermic from start to finish.

Wife inquired about the current value of the dollar. 100 cents, last time I checked.

Drafted new #TechTarget#ITKnowledgeExchangecolumn: "How the Backlash Against Cognitive Computing Will Play Out in 2017"

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Anarchy in th UK by Sex Pistols frm Never Mind th Bollocks JK--1977. Yeah, you're "just another country." Get over it

Drafted latest InfoWorld column: "How Cognitive Computing Will Touch Your Life in 2017"

Infographic: SETI Institute uses IBM advanced analytics to make sense of interstellar signals http://bit.ly/2ggW0YQ 

Compose is starting a webinars series so you can become a #database-deploying wizard! #PHP#MYSQL#codinghttp://bit.ly/2guSEV8 

"Smart Home Needs Data Standards" (http://ow.ly/kzEN306Koif ) JK--Says lo-qual data can hurt consumers by misleading ML-driven smart assistnts

"Using Graph Analytics to Predict Outcomes in Game of Thrones" (http://ow.ly/YWBI306KnrX ) JK--Unless U deploy plot-twist countermeasure algo

As the accuracy of predictive analytics improves, we may have to issue spoiler alerts as augmented-reality overlays for everyday occurrences

"How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Retail Experience For Consumers" (http://ow.ly/ucLL306KmPZ ) JK--Forbes interview with #IBMCMO

"Why so many machine learning Implementations fail?" (http://ow.ly/RMr6306Kmmr ) JK--Then why say most implementations work "more or less"?

"Salary history and career path of a data scientist" (http://ow.ly/3xxr306KlU7 ) JK--Vincent Granville bares his detailed CV, earnings, houses

"Has AI Gone Too Far? - Auto Inference of Criminality Using Face Images" (http://ow.ly/MTTE306Kljp ) JK--Prejudicial analytics, not predictive

"Should Peer Review Catch Fraud?" (http://ow.ly/Gn1W306KhYJ ) JK--That's rhetorical Q. If most knowledgeable people don't catch it, who will?

New #IBM jk blog: "Data industry experts offer 2017 predictions throughout December" (http://ow.ly/rvyI306Kgd2 )

What make/model of truck would you recommend for that operation? #biginsights

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp The Kids Are Alright by The Who frm My Generation JK--1965. How do U know they're alright? Checked up on them lately?

"Decoded Neurofeedback: Reconditioning Brain to Overcome Fear with AI" (http://ow.ly/XCYy306InMG ) JK--Maybe can also overcome the fear of AI

"‘Deep Tech’ Dominates Plateauing European Venture Capital" (http://ow.ly/Qk1m306Inf5 ) JK--Ai/cognitive mania spans the entire continent

"An overview of the bot landscape" (http://ow.ly/mEa1306ImkQ ) JK--Interesting stab at a taxonomy of commercial bot solutions.

Drafting my 2017 predictions. Finally over the hump. I've drafted the first 1286 of them. Just 731 more predictions and I can call it a day.

Why Cognitive Computing will Redefine Application Creation http://bit.ly/2gbzX5Z 

Listen to experts from @IBMIIG and xTensegrity as they talk about #ApplicationRetirementhttp://bit.ly/2fEWO92 

Join @IBMIIG for a #DataQualitydeep dive on Information Analyzer thin client on 12/15, 9am ET http://ibm.co/29NDXW0 

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Mad World (alt Version) by Gary Jules from Trading Snakeoil for Wolftickets JK--2001. Great pathetic "happy birthday"

"Secrets to Building Any AI-Driven Smart Service" (http://ow.ly/8P0H306HVjz ) JK--Ray Wang proposes useful framework for building these svcs

"Researchers Figure Out How 2 Trick Facial Recognition Systems: What It Means" (http://ow.ly/AuBf306HUZT ) JK--Good article by Chris Kanaracus

Excellent compendium of research papers on use of deep learning in diverse applications (http://ow.ly/cpxf306HUMg )

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp She by The Method Actors from This Is Still It JK--1980. Athens GA duo. Stripped-down jangly edgy guitar

"How to Hold Algorithms Accountable" (http://ow.ly/cRnV306HT4Y ) JK--Focus on responsibiity, explainability, accuracy, auditability, fairness.

"The hard thing about deep learning" (http://ow.ly/yMEI306HRZT ) JK--The deeper the neural net, harder 2 B sure it always classifies correctly

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp The Modern Dance by Pere Ubu from The Modern Dance JK--1978. Song's bridges are crowd noise over guitar noise.

"Using AI to Spot Faults in Buildings" (http://ow.ly/P8qN306HQTf ) JK--Computationally assess how they absorb vibrations from nearby traffic

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Corrina, Corrina by Freddy Fender from Tejano Roots JK--1991. This great song sounds even better in Spanish.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Chickasaw County Child by Bobbie Gentry from Ode to Billie Joe JK--1967. Like the title track, a cool downhome ballad

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Brighter Than The Blues by Joan Shelley from Over And Even JK--2015. Incandescent Americana with Celtic overtones.

AA Signs With IBM Cloud For Some Applications http://bit.ly/2gkkPWT 

"Object Storage & Erasure Coding: Future of Storage?" (http://ow.ly/g5Oe306Fsqr ) JK--Store more data, more distrib, higher avail, lower costs

"$1 Trillion Deep Learning Race 4 Smarter Cars" (http://ow.ly/7Nfv306Fs0R ) JK--That's not the investment. It's what KPMG estimates it's worth

"Tech’s Empathy Gap Is a Bug, Not a Feature" (http://ow.ly/mSS4306FrAG ) JK--Silicon Valley's charitable giving argues against "empathy gap"

"AI Natives & th Age of Disinformation" (http://ow.ly/wUfn306FpXB ) JK--Unclear what point this rambling piece makes. Beware o lying chatbots?

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp The Night Josh Tillman Came To Our Apartment by Father John Misty JK--2015. Tillman imagines self as th ghosts o Xmas

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp K. by Cigarettes After Sex JK--2016. This is fairly hypnotic. Like a sleepy wine-soaked reverie in front of fireplace

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Searching for Mr Right by Young Marble Giants frm Colossal Youth JK--1980. 1st track o classic LP. Music for evenings

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Ritual Union by Little Dragon from Ritual Union JK--2011. Love the little electronic flourishes that accent line-ends

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp They by Jem from Finally Woken JK--2004. Song blew lid off international conspiracy o Protocols of th Elders o "They"

Just saw article that tries to prove an assertion w/out primary or even anecdotal evidence. Just "quotes." Why not quote cartoon characters?

“Munchkin likely pick to head Treasury”? I thought they were a fictional race. But at least it’s a stab at diversity. Wait....correction...

Trump wants to outlaw flag-burning while he busies himself with burning the Constitution. What’s wrong with this picture?

Join me et al on Crowdchat "Big Data & Analytics in 2017" Thurs Dec 8 1pm EST (http://ow.ly/q3FC306DOkv ) #makedatasimple

Join me et al on Crowdchat "Deep Learning & #ApacheSpark" Wed Dec 7 1pm EST http://www.via-cc.at/94lv2 #SparkDeepLearning

Join me et al this Thurs Dec 1, 1pm EST, Crowdchat, "Hadoop as a Service: Your Lever for Agility" (http://ow.ly/QkU7306DzeY ) #BigInsights

Americans are starting to realize that, come Jan 20, we'll need to activate our collective coping strategy for dealing with an abusive boss

#IBM Unveils #Watson -Powered Imaging Solutions for Healthcare Providers (http://ibm.co/2gFicf4 ) JK--Partnership with Merge Healthcare

Enough with the expert articles informing us that big data is big. Jupiter is also big. We don't need Neil deGrasse Tyson to remind us.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp The Only Living Boy in New York by Simon & Garfunkel from Bridge Over Troubled Water JK--1970s' 1st gr8 LP. Jan 1970.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Fairytale of New York by Pogues+Kirsty JK--1988. Only Xmas song with lyric: "U scumbag U maggot U cheap lousy faggot"

Now serving up secure mobile apps & tasty fare at Individual Restaurants. Check out @IBMSecurity's new case study! http://bit.ly/2g1GoIR 

Hmm. Sign of the times. I just saw cars referred to as "devices," in the context of AI-powered consumer goods (e.g., IoT-enabled appliances)

"Data Socialization: How to Achieve “Data Utopia” & Expedite Outcomes" (http://ow.ly/lWok306CTS9 ) JK--"Utopia"? Tone down the hoohah please.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Utopia by Austra from Future Politics JK--2017. Due for release on January 20. Very spacious thrilling romanticism.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Midnight Room by Springtime Carnivore from Midnight Room JK--2016. Nice earworm-grade melodic hook.

Just saw somebody post an "open letter to all data users." That's a perfect way to get absolutely nobody to read or care what you're saying.

Bought/downloaded Phantogram's latest LP, "Three." Been a big fan of their rich electropop textures for some time. This one goes even deeper

Florence Henderson’s passing unleashed dumb commentary on “The Brady Bunch.” It didn’t reflect a simpler time. 1969 was batshit crazy!

"Probabilistic Programming" (http://ow.ly/r3YL306BmWT ) JK--Modeling statistically how any program--probabilistic or otherwise--might behave.

"Deep Thoughts Regarding the Bodacious Brain" (http://ow.ly/LsRO306BiwQ ) JK--Also describes glassware as "curvaceous"& wife as "gorgeous."

New #IBM jk #SPSSStatisticsblog: "Tackling predictive uncertainty with Monte Carlo statistical analysis" (http://ow.ly/gO6k306BggL )

It's Cyber Monday. The one day of the year retailers encourage us to shop online. Not sure whether I'll have time before they shut it off

I tire of scrolling all way down those alphabetical e-forms lists to the "U"'s to declare my country. Another reason Canada looks good now

Cheatsheets disappoint. They usually overlook the obvious, e.g. "sneak a peek over that smart person's shoulder." Classic cheating strategy.

Thank you spam for the fraud alert on my ScotiaBank account. As soon as I move to Canada & open an account there, I'll let them know.

"Meet the iPhone's 30-ton ancestor: Inside the project to rebuild one of the first computers" (http://ow.ly/PCX3306AlcB ) JK--Eniac maniacs!

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Ain't No Sunshine by Horace Andy from Mr. Bassie JK--1973. Great reggae cover of the Bill Withers classic.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Best To You by Blood Orange from Freetown Sound JK--2016. One of my fave songs of the year.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Same Old Blues by Phantogram from Three JK--2016. Great new one from them. Feels a bit like classic '70s rock.

Let's not pretend that Fidel Castro wasn't a brutal despot. The Cuban people would be best served by a rapid dismantling of his legacy.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Ain't Nothing You Can Do by Big Mama Thornton from Stronger Than Dirt JK--1969. LP title a late-60s commercial ref

Dear Xmas Radio Programmers: Every 5th song should be devotional. Every 10th should be 21st century. Every so often, a Bing Crosby.

First time NYT reported Fidel's death was Dec. 3, 1956.

Though I generally don’t follow football, I do make an exception for the Michigan/Ohio State game. GO BLUE!!!!

Radio playing the greatest hits of the 80s. I remember the era well. Everybody wang chung’d all night.

Saw classic all-points soc-news freakout headline: “13 impossible crises that humanity now faces.” Really? 13? Apocalyptic triskadekaphobia?

Watching a Carpenters special on PBS fundraising drive. I’m definitely a Carpenters softie. I’m Richard.

Hope my email filter gets smart & starts automatically blocking those Trump Hotel promos while reporting them as abusive (just because).

Merle Haggard "House of Memories" (http://ow.ly/Begl306xbNx ) JK--Today's the 25th anniversary of our move-in to ours.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp One Note Joe by The Hi-Risers from Once We Get Started JK--Very cool. Sort of as if the early Beatles did Surfaris

Aweekstweets December 22 2016 to January 14 2017: the weeks of moment

Yoga class was packed with January newbies this morning. Everybody's a Yogi, no one wants to be a Boo-Boo. Sad....

If AI apps gray out news of dubious trustworthiness, the incoming president’s tweets will tend to be the deepest shade of gray.

Need curational AI that grays out fresh news in our feeds/apps based on the extent to which it’s not been independently corroborated.

I think the “fake news” issue is greatly exaggerated. When some BS story isn’t corroborated on other news channels, most people realize soon

Things I’m fine with normalizing: a relational database. Things I’m not fine with normalizing: an irrational president.

President-elect seems 2 B too much in love with one country. I don’t recall any prior getting kissyface over any country other than the USA

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Folsom Prison Blues by JC JK--1968. Never explains how shooting man in Reno (NV) lands U in Folsom (CA) State prison

"[7] Steps 2 Prevent Algorithmc Bias" (http://ow.ly/eSCg307YHAY ) JK--Awareness access accountblty explanation provenance auditability valid8n

How Blockchain Can Offer a Secure Model for the Internet of Things http://bit.ly/2jrhcgE 

Current list of Kaggle cash-prize data-sci/machine-learning competitions: http://ow.ly/zwZW307YfyS . $1M for improving lung cancer detection

"9 Deep Learning Papers U Need 2 Know About (Understanding CNNs Part 3)" (http://ow.ly/r6UY307YeYc ) JK--Extremely technical. Keeper overview

"JanusGraph" (http://ow.ly/AuKy307Yem5 ) JK--New Linux Fdn community project to build and maintain a distributed graph computation system.

"The Big Data Wave: 1980s Redux?" (http://ow.ly/MwHg307Ye04 ) JK--Draws Hadoop industry parallel to early days of commercial RDBMSs.

"Machine Learning Is Bringing More Intelligent Things" (http://ow.ly/qVVj307YdHD ) JK--Highlights ML shift from deterministic to probabilistic

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp NIV by Lambchop from FLOTUS JK--2016. Hyperanalog Kurt Wagner went hyperdigital, as has Bon Iver's Justin Vernon

"Top 10 AI events of 2016" (http://ow.ly/2oFw307YcJv ) JK--Good list. I'd put OpenAI's launch up top.

"Machine Learning, Data Science, & Unicorns" (http://ow.ly/Ccha307Yclf ) JK--Huh?! ML is NOT about "mirroring data." It's illuminating reality

"What I Always Wanted To Know About Big Data* (*but was afraid to ask)" (http://ow.ly/iayD307YbhG ) JK--Shows #IBMinfographic i created.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Robots by Flight of the Conchords JK--2008. Future overlords commenting casually on how they've vanquished humans.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp You Wanted A Hit by LCD Soundsystem from This Is Happening JK--2010. Beat is a slightly slowed B-52s "Planet Claire"

Not sure which phrase expresses greatest urgency: "pedal to the metal" or "balls to the wall." The 1st one sounds unhinged & the 2nd painful

New #IBM jk #TechTarget#ITKnowledgeExchangecolumn: "Neuromorphic chipsets shifting deep learning into overdrive" (http://ow.ly/Fkz9307WPr9 )

Drafted latest #IBMjk #TechTarget#ITKnowledgeExchangecolumn: "Neuromorphic Chipsets Are Shifting Deep Learning into Overdrive"

Create outstanding customer experiences through mobile and analytics with @IBMzSystems financed by #IBMFinancinghttp://bit.ly/2jno66O 

10 expert tips to boost agility with Hadoop as a service http://bit.ly/2jninxL 

Taking another look at in-database analytics http://bit.ly/2jnnHkF 

"Pentagon tested world's largest swarm of autonomous micro-drones" (http://ow.ly/X9h3307W9eL ) JK--Utterly lethal move toward micro-strafing

"3 tips on improving chatbot retention" (http://ow.ly/WcqJ307W8By ) JK--Aka abandonment: "about 40% of users never get past the first text"

"Best Data Visualization Projects of 2016" (http://ow.ly/5Y97307W8ku ) JK--Or worst. Visualizes how screwed we are (eg, global warming, Trump)

"You know it's a Ferrari, but..." (http://ow.ly/Q4ge307W7Rh ) JK--Use cases for using convolutional neural networks to identify car models

"4 trends in security data science for 2017" (http://ow.ly/qonc307W7qO ) JK--Use adversarial machine learning for anti-spoofing.

"5 Things To Watch In AI & Mchn Learning In 2017" (http://ow.ly/9PSh307W6MN ) JK--"AI Czar"? Why not simply enterprise AI competency centers?

"The Bitcoin Protocol: How It Works" (http://ow.ly/ZfqB307W65R ) JK--It's all written down in the sacred protocols of the elders of Bitcoin.

Trump says Russian cyberhacking will stop after he's inaugurated. How in hell would he know if not w/cahoots with them? The more U know...

There's always something vaguely patronizing about bringing something "to the masses." A short step toward hurling it into a rowdy mob.

"Facebook is starting own journalism project" (http://ow.ly/4u5P307VYKn ) JK--New formats, media literacy push, & hackathons on news problems

Earbuds and loud music are a wonderful tool for tuning out annoying conversations in your immediate vicinity.

Contemplating the hugely disruptive year ahead. Makes my head hurt. Best to sit cross-legged letting life flow on within me and without me.

"300 million smartphones will have machine learning ability, says Deloitte" (http://ow.ly/kPFf307UaWh ) JK--That's 1/5 of those sold this year

A day in the life of a data architect http://bit.ly/2j62pub 

"#IBM#Watson Health Announces Collab to Study Use of Blockchain Technology 4 Secure Exchange of Healthcare Data" (http://ow.ly/FNdf307TOqa )

"Mathematics without history is soulless" (http://ow.ly/mwvC307TMRp ) JK--People have been refining the arts of calculation since dawn of time

"A.I.mpact: Who’s On Yr Marketing Team o Tomorrow?" (http://ow.ly/9Hyd307TMd1 ) JK--Should be people who know just enough of AI to B dangerous

"The Bright Side of Smart-Home Silly Season" (http://ow.ly/tUi1307TLYy ) JK--Of course, "silly" is mild pejorative for "unbridled innovation"

"GPUs: The Key to Cognitive Computing" (http://ow.ly/mrTd307TLIw ) JK--Mindblowing number of processing cores & amount of memory bandwidth

I'm still waiting for advanced computers that can beat a world grandmaster in Chutes & Ladders. Combinatorial explosion o childish merriment

"Reinforcement Learning Using Quantum Boltzmann Machines" (http://ow.ly/UBAo307TJZA ) JK--Extremely abstruse edge topic in quantum analytics

"Deep Learning on Resource-Constrained Embedded Devices" (http://ow.ly/FRIq307TJLc ) JK--Cornell research paper on DL model compression.

Podcast: Rob High, #IBMFellow, Vice President, and CTO #Watson discusses cognitive computing, deep learning, etc:

"Nvidia shows self-driving-car supercomputer at CES" (http://ow.ly/bD39307TIrE ) JK--Octa-core ARM64 + Nvidia's new Volta GPU do 30,000 TOPS

"Maluuba’s AI & Deep Learnng predictions for 2017" (http://ow.ly/kTz8307TI2X ) JK--Check out Trischler thoughts on NLP grounded in rules+stats

Just to be a sport, Meryl Streep should perform at Trump's inauguration, perhaps in her lovely Florence Foster Jenkins voice.

Plugging gaps in my music collection. Bought/downloaded Moby's landmark "Play"& "Play: B Sides." Hard to believe that's almost 20 years ago

"It’s Not Just Altaba. Here Are the 7 Worst Company Name Changes" (http://ow.ly/ZHla307STWN ) JK--Alternative Alibaba? You kidding?

So Yahoo! ends not with a bang but with a WTF?! Altaba? How to pronounce? Stress could be any syllable. Each "a" could have various voicings

"Quantum Computers Ready to Leap Out of the Lab in 2017" (http://ow.ly/lz4H307RSXm ) JK-- #IBM quantum cloud here: http://ow.ly/hVnY307RT9S 

"The Conversational Economy — Voice & New Era o Multi-Modal Computing" (http://ow.ly/Q8nq307RRwa ) JK--Suddenly voice-recognition is super-hot

What Is Fog Computing? And Why It Matters In Our IoT And Big Data World http://bit.ly/2jeg9kf 

"At LinkedIn, artificial intelligence is like ‘oxygen’" (http://ow.ly/9SG8307Rnig ) JK--Explosive gas?

"Designing chatbot: male, female or gender neutral?" (http://ow.ly/v8KM307RnaL ) JK--IMHO, all of the above. Personalize gender to your needs

"Brain actvty too complic8d 4 humans 2 decipher. Machines can decode 4 us" (http://ow.ly/K2GG307RmYy ) JK--Consciousness in statistical mirror

"What AI needs is a dose of realism" (http://ow.ly/qSDk307Rmh7 ) JK--Measured approach that refrains from utopian/dystopian bipolarities.

"How a Machine Learns Prejudice" (http://ow.ly/BCSe307RiYz ) JK--Data sourcing, feature engineering, & stat modeling rife w/bias opportunities

"Making telecommunications infra smarter" (http://ow.ly/GSpr307RiwH ) JK--Predictively recognizing & responding to complex traffic patterns

"'AI as co-pilot': The state of autonomous driving, from ...Detroit" (http://ow.ly/Roy7307Ri9C ) JK--"We want to build a better driver."

Considering all the self-driving & connected car innovations demonstrated at CES, you'd half-believe Las Vegas hosted the Detroit Auto Show.

"Data Could Be Next Tech Hot Button for Regulators" (http://ow.ly/cNTd307Rh6T ) JK--Concerns about market power, entry barriers, anti-trust.

"The big takeaway from this year’s CES" (http://ow.ly/Qyo4307QvR0 ) JK--Virtual personal AI-powered voice assistants. Heeding your every word

If you don't watch it with that pinot grigio, you'll end up sounding like Topo Gigio!

'How to build an all-purpose big data engine with Hadoop and Spark" (http://ow.ly/o6SX307QudO ) JK--Authored @andrea_braida

Today's #InfoWorldcolumn performed an important public service. I boosted the salience o "transfer learning" in the data science discussion

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Stupid Girl by Garbage from Garbage JK--1995. One of the composers was a woman: singer Shirley Manson.

.@IBM inventors break U.S. patent record with 8,088 patents granted in 2016 http://ibm.biz/Bdsbwe 

WGBH visits IBM’s Cyber Range to experience a cyber attack firsthand: http://bit.ly/2iJnsmi #infosec@wgbhnewshttp://bit.ly/2iUHkAQ 

"Coming to Carnival Cruises: Wearable Medallion That Records Yr Every Whim" (http://ow.ly/GqV7307OYS6 ) JK--Does it also track yr seasickness?

"This AI will battle poker pros for $200,000 in prizes" (http://ow.ly/NIhq307OYwl ) JK--Yet another example of tech as a literal game-changer

"GGL AlphaGo AI secretivly won more than 50 straight games against wrld’s top Go players" (http://ow.ly/7z3Q307OY7Z ) JK--Effectively stops Go

"Apache Spark: ...." (http://ow.ly/Xykl307OWyP ) JK--"Spark isn't perfect but what is these days?""These days"? When were things perfect?

"Gecho Loopsynth: Theremin for 21st Cntry" (http://ow.ly/r9vO307OVH0 ) JK--And who among us hasnt been tempted to use a cat as set o bagpipes?

"The best tech at CES you probably cant afford" (http://ow.ly/HUpa307OU3a ) JK--And if you have to ask th price, you definitely can't (loser!)

New #IBM jk #InfoWorld column: "'Transfer learning' jump-starts new AI projects" (http://ow.ly/T9GG307OQxz )

U know yr video rental’s a dog when U spend as much time looking at th sys clock as th movie. “Oh God, still 53 more minutes o this crap?!”

No, I have no intention of watching the inauguration. Thanks for not asking.

Social media is jumping tonight discussing an awards show I don’t care about giving trophies for movies and TV shows I haven’t seen.

RIP Nat Hentoff. Prolific longtime liberal journalist, jazz critic, & intellectual provocateur. Tentpole pundit of Village Voice. Mensch

The streets around our place look like they’ve been whitewashed with road salt overkill.

Top 10 #AI Friends You Need to Have in 2017, by @gsvpioneer@Medium

Oddly for a January at the fitness club, not many other members working out. I have my choice of the equipment. People resolving to wimp out

I’m sure that Trump will continue the tweeting in his presidency as a way to bark out orders & opinions without having to explain himself.

It’s better to think of nothing than not to think.

Caught "The Man Who Knew Infinity" on DVD. Dev Patel good as Indian math genius Srinivasa Ramanujan. Helps to check Wikipedia while watching

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Little Acorns by The White Stripes from Elephant JK--2003. Spoken intro is by former Detroit broadcaster Mort Crim

“Hungry like the wolf”? One specific wolf? The entire species? Cultural archetype? Platonic ideal of wolf? Waiting for Simon Le Bon’s reply

I prefer the LA Fitness next to the Army base over the one in the shopping mall. Guys at the former approach fitness with professionalism.

“Game-changing”? How many games we changed in 2016? How many games do they predict will be changed this year?

Reviewing the mini-mansions in the Washington Post real estate section. Wondering how many come equipped with mini-butlers.

Yoga training has helped me hold a wide-legged lotus pose longer. All the better to have a place to situate my laptop while I surf the web

I usually try to keep an intellectually stimulating meditation in the background of my consciousness. If it's front & center, all the better

Per our incoming CiC, I've decided to forgive & extend warmest wishes to all my enemies by writing this tweet declaring them my enemies.

Before I forget, I'd like to remind all my followers on social media to like everything I've ever posted and to keep doing so in perpetuity.

End of the work week. I got more done this week than I expected. Sitting at Panera now, sipping coffee, reading about stupidity in the world

Don't people live in "places" anymore? "What geography are you from?" Ummm....a continent surrounded by oceans (?!) I dunno.

The older I get, the more millennial I become. Literally. Feels like I'm pushing 1,000 years old.

Drafted latest #IBMjk #Dataversitycolumn: "Training Every Algorithm With Everything We’ve Got"

No snow fell overnight in our vicinity. It's still a naked winter in northern Virginia. Unadorned by the crystalline stuff.

The extent to which Watson ‘thinks'http://bit.ly/2iJnAC3 

"CES 2017 Connects with AI" (http://ow.ly/hqSJ307KtMI ) JK--Assumes consumers will pay to be reminded & coached by AI-driven gadgets 24/7.

"How We Built Successful Influencer Mktg Strategy" (http://ow.ly/YBPO307KthQ ) JK--"Brands cede partial control o message"? Hav2hav great msg!

"Battle to Bring Smart Home Assistant to Mainstream Dominates CES" (http://ow.ly/BSuf307Kt1E ) JK--Huge market potential.

"Panasonic Automotive and #IBMPartner to Develop Cognitive Vehicle Infotainment System with Watson" (http://ow.ly/o0A3307KsUv )

"Intel Announces ‘Go’ for Cars, Aiming to Gain in Self-Driving" (http://ow.ly/5DfL307KsJl ) JK--Chips used in 100s of autonomous test vehicles

"BMW Deploying Self-Driving 7 Series Fleet to Roads This Year" (http://ow.ly/eU4a307KsC4 ) JK--Goal is fully autonomous driving by 2021.

Deep learning is a fascinating set of techniques of longer vintage than many realize. It gets more engrossing the deeper I delve into it.

Hollywood should test plot confusion on audiences. Ask viewers every 10 minutes if they have a clue what's going on. If they dont, deep-6 it

Flake news alert. They say we may get some tonight. Looks like Russia orchestrated it. All the telltale signs of a Siberian vortex.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Don't Look Back by The Remains JK--1966. Short-lived garage rockers did 2 awesome singles: this plus "Why Do I Cry"

"2016 Was a Bad Year For Predictions" (http://ow.ly/WJ8b307IN5A ) JK--On th upside, those who bet on Dylan snagging a Nobel cashed in bigtime!

"Transforming Travel Experience With Cognitive Techs" (http://ow.ly/C2Dh307IMoC ) JK-- #IBM S. Kumar. Me in Dec 2014: http://ow.ly/PdbZ307IMvE 

"Hyperledger Project Enters 2017 with Major Momentum" (http://ow.ly/BaZ3307ILOh ) JK--CRG's Kanaracus on blockchain progress & case studies.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Sheela-Na-Gig by PJ Harvey from Dry JK--1992. Ancient Celtic architectural grotesques o nakd women w/exagger8d vulvas

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp North American Scum by LCD Soundsystem frm Sound of Silver JK--2007. Sez Europe is "old buildings" peopled by "mimes"

Noticing new "data scientist" stock character in Hollywood films. Invented "algorithm" that "calculated" something & made them "super-rich"

Algorithms are statistical muscles. Machine learning is like physical conditioning. You're only as (predictively) fit as yr (data) training

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Name For You by The Shins from Heart Worms JK--2017. New Shins LP forthcoming. Now you've got me new-year hopeful.

Another tech event organizer dangles an "early-bird discount." If in fact it's a worm, I'm not biting.

"IBM and The New York Times Company's T Brand Studio Unveil New AR Experience Inspired by "Hidden Figures" Movie" (http://ow.ly/zvvK307ItYi )

#IBM Reveals 5 Innovations that will Help Change our Lives within 5 Years (http://ow.ly/xpOG307ItzS ) JK--Macro to micro, AI, ML, & sensors

IBMVoice: The Dawn Of A Cognitive Era: How To Evolve Analytics To The Next Level http://bit.ly/2iFmlnp 

How to build an all-purpose big data engine with Hadoop and Spark http://bit.ly/2hUWnZn 

#makedatasimpleI'm a host and featured chatter on this. Please join us and share your thoughts. http://bit.ly/2iF5265 

“The Power of Thinking Big: IBM Research’s ‘5 in 5’” by @IBMResearch

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp I Figured You Out by Elliott Smith from Either/Or JK--1997. Remastered re-released 2017. Deeply beautiful melancholy

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Alone Again Or by Love from Forever Changes JK--1967. I too think people are the greatest fun. Puppy dogs a close 2nd

Ah yes, another day, another round of strangers on social media imagining that I'm some resource to help them find jobs at my employer.

Drafted next #IBM jk #InfoWorld column: "Transfer Learning Accelerates Data Science Development"

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Signs of Love by Moby from 18 JK--2002. His best work transports the listener into stratospheric frames of mind.

Twenty degrees colder tomorrow than today in northern Virginia. A steep thermal gradient. Moist air mass. Slippery slope to slippery slopes.

Caught “Age of Adaline” on DVD. Good performances from Blake Lively & Harrison Ford. Fantasy premise makes U appreciate aging w/fresh eyes

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp If I Needed You by Karl Blau from Introducing Karl Blau JK--2016. A beautiful Townes Van Zandt cover.

"It’s Aye Robot as Driverless Cars Finally Steer Near Showrooms" (http://ow.ly/ZMEB307G9YG ) JK--Most of us will encounter 1st in "robo-taxis"

IBMVoice: Learn About The Top Five Trends To Watch In Cloud Computing During 2017 http://bit.ly/2hQqn8H 

"Generative Adversarial Networks will change world" (http://ow.ly/g7Gf307G7sj ) JK--Neural nets designed to ace Turing test on pattern recog

"Google teaches 'AIs' to invent own crypto & avoid eavesdropping" (http://ow.ly/HtbB307G6yL ) JK--Will future AI botnets fashion adhoc crypto?

Excellent overview of hot DL R&D. Summary of last month's Neural Information Processing Systems conf in Barcelona: http://ow.ly/SkA6307G4Kx 

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Rooting For You by London Grammar from Rooting For You JK--2017. Big, bold, dramatic. Adele-ish.

"Deep Learning 2016: The Year in Review" (http://ow.ly/T87k307G1Z7 ) JK--Comprehensive. I'd like GANs that translate tech specs into images

“17 Big Data Predictions for 2017” by @IBMBigData

"How blockchain can create the world’s biggest supercomputer" (http://ow.ly/wCNd307FXvo ) JK--Ancient dream of distributed compute brokering

"Data breaches through wearables put target squarely on IoT in 2017" (http://ow.ly/ykPZ307FW86 ) JK--Risk the security death of 1000 cuts.

"Think Like a Futurist 2 B Prepared 4 the Totally Unexpected" (http://ow.ly/JQar307FVLF ) JK--Scenario-building for business risk mitigation.

Join me & other experts on #MakeDataSimpleCrowdchat "2017 Outlook for CIOs and CDOs," Thurs Jan 26, 1pm EST:

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Cool Kids by Shana Falana from Here Comes The Wave JK--2017. Great. Feels like Cyndi Lauper fronting Dum Dum Girls.
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RT @kexpplaylist#kexp 29 #Strafford APTS by Bon Iver from 22, A Million JK-2016. Critics raved about this. Must give it a listen.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Amputation by The Jesus and Mary Chain from Damage and Joy JK--2017. Great new one from post-hiatus indie pioneers

"How2Make Better Predictions When Dont Have Enuff Data" (http://ow.ly/nD8u307E5lk ) JK--Transfer learning IDs relevant other-domain knowledge

"How to Train AI to Do Everything in Digital Universe" (http://ow.ly/egQX307E48M ) JK--Best discussion I've seen of how OpenAI Universe works

"Race for AI Chips Begins" (http://ow.ly/ovft307E2uk ) JK--Will be big tech story this year.

"Statistical analysis of art on convicts’ bodies" (http://ow.ly/ol7v307E16u ) JK--"Tattoos are unreasonably effective predictors o recidivism"

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp'02 Be True 2 Your Bar by Magnetic Fields frm 50 Song Memoir JK--2017. Concept LP. 50-yr-old Merritt toasts each year

"BigDL: Distributed Deep learning Library for Apache Spark" (http://ow.ly/cPwz307DZEl ) JK--Open sourced by Intel.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Sweet Thing by Van Morrison from Astral Weeks JK--1968. "I will drink clear clean water for to quench my thirst."

"Grtnr Sez by '19 20% o Intrxns w/Smtphns'll Take Place via VPAs" (http://ow.ly/fN91307DVIs ) JK--Vaping appliances? Virtual personl assistnts

"With Apache Spark, Old Mainframes Learn New Tricks" (http://ow.ly/o0gC307DVcz ) JK-- @joemckendrick on #IBM z/OS Platform for #ApacheSpark

Dear Facebook Friend Who Asks Me to "Feel Free to Like My Page": Thanks for granting me permission. I felt chained & bound to indifference.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Laura Lee by The Besnard Lakes from The Besnard Lakes Are the Divine Wind JK--2017. Good new one from Montreal group

"The new face of big data: AI, IoT and blockchain" (http://ow.ly/vE6i307DT5V ) JK--"Face"? They're the new central & peripheral nervous system

"Deep Learning Race: A Survey of Industry Players’ Strategies" (http://ow.ly/DGSD307DPLG ) JK--Shows that this space far from maturity.

"2016: The Year That Deep Learning Took Over the Internet" (http://ow.ly/pMKx307DPsH ) JK--Having a cool-sounding name didn't hurt the buzz.

"WSJ Editor Says His Newspaper Won’t Call Trump’s Lies ‘Lies’" (http://ow.ly/rUwj307DMXu ) JK--BS. Need to report a factcheck alongside each

Glancing at the tech news. A new year with lots of new incremental feature enhancements. Too soon to say which are also excremental.

"Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics" (http://ow.ly/2Q79307DL0F ) JK--Mindblowing. Suggests new approach for creating live-action animations

"Bat chat: ML algorithms provide translations for bat squeaks" (http://ow.ly/oBlP307DKid ) JK--Distinguishing batsignal from batnoise

"The Alien Style of Deep Learning Generative Design" (http://ow.ly/f0Ir307DJDh ) JK--Auto-DL-generated designs of otherworldly-feeling origin

"Why GGL co-founder Larry Page is pouring millions into flying cars" (http://ow.ly/Ry2y307DJ6N ) JK--Spacely Sprockets has 1st mover advantage

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp On Hold by The xx from I See You JK--2017. Nice new one. Moody male-female duet on verses with over-rapped chorus.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Masters of War by Anika from Anika JK--2010. Sounds like back-alley stoned reggae with trashcan percussion.

"How to Make Yr Mark as a Woman in Big Data" (http://ow.ly/fdoN307DFqr ) JK--Same advice applies for guys, except #3 should be "Be yourself"

"Here's Bigly Listicle o 'Banned' Words That U Shouldnt Use" (http://ow.ly/Q1BM307DEOi ) JK--"Queen's English"? Which Sault Ste Marie is this?

This just in: Trump will singlehandedly perform all the music at his inauguration. He knows music better than anyone, he says.

Finished the DVDs of Michael Palin’s “Himalaya” & “Sahara” travelogue series from the 2000s. Excellent presentation of peoples & places.

When I hear a band has attaind “cult status,” I wonder if it’s begun 2 confiscate fans’ worldly possessions & choose their marriage partners

"Deep Learning AI Listens to Machines For Signs o Trouble" (http://bit.ly/2iriPgn ) JK--Detecting sound signatures o incipient malfunction

"Hacking is a very hard thing to prove."? Oh, really! Since when is it hard to prove that a system has been th target o unauthorized access?

Reading "Superforecasting: Art & Science of Prediction" by Tetlock & Gardner. Retro-vetting my own 2017 predictions: http://ow.ly/nCJJ307CxDi 

New year. Time to revisit investment strategy. Hard to gauge likely impact o new admin that hasnt yet taken office. Trump bump? Trump slump?

Caught the “Absolutely Fabulous” movie on DVD. Confirms that Kate Moss, Joan Collins, & Lulu are still alive. Yawn. Whatever.

Oh how sweet of our incoming POTUS to wish us his "enemies" something called "love" in the new year. We wish him "well."

6. Our own @jameskobielus is always a must-read! For the full #MakeDataSimplechat transcript, visit: http://ibm.co/2fM2kb6 #BigData #2017

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Committed To The Cause by The Radio Dept. from Running out of Love JK--2016. Cool Morricone-ish vibe to this.

2017 is the bicentennial of my alma mater, the University of Michigan. Let us all stand & salute the Maize & Blue:

"Game Theory Reveals Future of Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/2DiP307Bdh5 ) JK--Need general competing-DL-agent decision-optimization" framework

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Europe Is Lost by Kate Tempest from Let Them Eat Chaos JK--2016. Cockney lady voice raps apocalyptic.

Dear Facebook: How to turn off those "live" notifications, so I'm not disturbed by "breaking news" such as "bald eagles await egg hatching"?

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Run On by Moby from Play JK--1999. Samples Bill Landford & The Landfordairs 1949 recording "Run On for a Long Time"

"Amazon’s latest idea is a flying warehouse that’ll deliver your stuff by drone" (http://ow.ly/b1IG307Ba4F ) JK--Feels vaguely ominous.

"Beyond Digitization To Digitalization" (http://ow.ly/CnD8307B9Ix ) JK--Culminating in the dreaded antidisestablishmentdigitalizitarianism

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Swim by Surfer Blood from Astro Coast JK--2010. Righteously gr8 shouted-in-unison vocals over power-chorded rock riff

"Should We All Just Stop Calling 2016 'The Worst'?" (http://ow.ly/FGt4307B8Qi ) JK--Good coinage: "ambient journalism." A jitter intensifier.

This just in: reliable clickbaiters inform us that what all long-ago celebrities now look like is unbelievable. They’re unrecognizable!

My new year’s resolution is to ensure that all the world’s problems come to a successful resolution. And perhaps learn to speak Esperanto.

I stayed up to midnight just to observe the calendar change. Kept changing channels to avoid annoying rappers & washed-up ex-Spice Girls.

Put away all the decorations yesterday and cleaned the house. Old-year mess is depressing. Always best to greet the new year uncluttered.

New year begins. We’re exercising this morning. I shot a few hoops. Sadly, I made dozens o attempts, but only got a few. I did it for cardio

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Wall Watcher by Sunflower Bean from Human Ceremony JK--2016. Nice forward thrust to this rocker.

Reading Washington Post Style Section’s year-end in-out list. What’s out? Stuff I’ve never heard of. What’s in? More of the same.

2016? I’ve had worse.

Caught “Money Monster” on DVD. Preposterously overplotted Hollywood thriller BS. Makes me glad I chose a drama-free investment strategy.

Caught “Sully” on DVD. Liked it. I still think “Chesley B. Sullenberger III” is a made-up name, like “Art Vandelay” or “Zbigniew Brzezinski”

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Fool by Perfume Genius from Too Bright JK--2014. Love the finger snaps & stalking rhythm on this. WestSideStory-ish

2016 DATAVERSITY Top 20 http://www.dataversity.net/2016-dataversity-top-20/ …JK--One of mine was #7: "Top Trends to Watch in Cognitive Analytics in 2016"

Spark for Big Data Analytics - Part 3 http://bit.ly/2hy4lHi 

Cleveland Clinic, IBM announce cognitive & data-driven collaboration for personalized healthcare #IBMServiceshttp://bit.ly/2iOzrQn 

Driving Data Science Results By Asking Why http://bit.ly/2iOI512 

The Meta Model and Meta Meta-Model of Deep Learning http://bit.ly/2hy2aUv 

What is Digital Transformation? http://bit.ly/2hy0Bpy 

Data Warehousing Made Easy http://bit.ly/2hxYfqM 

AI brings Intelligence Agency tech in line with popular culture http://bit.ly/2hxW9XN 

What's the feeling you've heard that ghost story before? Deja boo!

December 30. Northern Virginia’s first snow of the season. A pleasant flurry under a salmon sky

Golden Globes coming up in early January. Their website is confusing. What’s up for Feel-Good Picture of The Year?

I haven’t stopped counting people’s empty promises. I’m just doing it now in the imaginary number system.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Waltz Across Texas by Ernest Tubb from The Country Music Hall of Fame: Ernest Tubb JK--1965. "With you in my arms"

"How Will Big Data Evolve in the Year Ahead?" (http://ow.ly/NQyd307y3Pb ) JK--Quotes me at length.

Fun (true) fact: Dolly Parton once anonymously entered a "Dolly Parton look-alike contest" but lost to a drag queen.

Did a little touristing around WashDC with houseguests this week. Witnessed construction of inauguration stands. All feels like gallows.

Thanks President Obama, for being a sober, reasonable leader for 8 great years. Wishing you well. Wish us well.

Joan Baez gets into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? Kraftwerk doesnt? Remind me again what the heart of rock & roll is. The beat?

RIP Debbie Reynolds. Here’s young Debbie in her breakout role in “Singin’ in the Rain”:

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp All th Young Dudes by Mott the Hoople JK--1972. In '72 when I was a young dude, I carried the Free Press, not th News

"Deep Probabilistic Modeling of Natural Images using a Pyramid Decomposition," Kolesnikov and Lampert: https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.08185 

Facebook starting to feel like an endless tabloid. Everything except family photos feels like it’s being hyped, sensationalized, & spun.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Getaway by Dr. John from Locked Down JK--2012. Way cool one from the NOLA musical legend.

RIP Carrie Fisher. I loved her best as a comic actress, author, & quipster. She also did a great Watson commercial

Thank U LinkedIn for updating me on what new skills my vaguest business acquaintances are reputed 2 have acquired. Puts those rumors to rest

Wonderful! The houseguests have joined the wife in an excursion to the local outlet shopping center at which my assistance is not requested.

The incoming Climate Change Denier in Chief. It will be interesting to see how he denies it while building a dike around Mar-A-Lago.

Houseguest apologizes 4 not speaking English in my presence. I replied “R U kidding? I’m relieved that I don’t need 2 join the conversation”

2016 was a good year for me professionally. Played key roles in several successful marketing campaigns. Worked with a great team.

US Capitol grounds were mostly closed today in prep for inauguration day. Nearby at th Botanical Garden, rafflesia didn't flourish its stink

Long line to see the Hope Diamond? Forget it! I’ll bet Bob Hope is rolling in his grave right now.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp I Know What You Want For Christmas by Kay Martin from I Know What He Wants For Christmas JK--1962. He wants nooky.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Standard White Jesus by Timbuk 3 from Edge Of Allegiance JK-1989. Madison band that formed as I was leaving Madison

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp White Wine in the Sun by Tim Minchin JK--2012. I like this. Respectful Christmas song 4 conscientious Xmas objectors

Having to restrain our impulse to drive downtown just to enjoy the free holiday on-street parking. No meter enforcement on Christmas Day!

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Cool Santa by M. Ross Perkins JK--2016. And this is a cool new holiday song.

It’s beginning to look one helluva lot like Christmas. Funny that I hadn’t noticed till just a moment ago. I’m always the last to find out.

“Ten Commandments”? Why not simply call them “Ten Commands”? Don’t need an unnecessary syllable to remind you they’re a mandate from God.

Ah, yes, the burning Yule log in the fireplace. Please resist the urge to dismember and dispose of your Christmas tree in this fashion.

Religious carols are the only occasion when Americans pronounce it “Iz-rye-el,” as opposed to “Iz-ree-ull.”

It may be more important to be kind than right. But it’s still important to be kind of right.

I just discovered that “Netherlands” is an anagram of “Neanderthals.” Add that to your DNA evidence. Give me that Nobel right now!

Oh, it's almost midnight. Time to sing "Auld Lang Syne" yet? Or am I getting ahead of myself?

I've noticed that approxmately every 5th Facebook post is sponsored. So I'm making sure to blink when that crap slides thru my field of view

We were discussing the origin of “Skip to the Loo.” If you can skip to there, you must not have to go very bad.

Please stop reacting to celebrity deaths as a matter of “all the great ones are dying.” Great ones are always being born too. Perspective.

Gave th long lines of last-minute pre-holiday Honey Baked Ham patrons wide berth. So many folks just realized Xmas falls on Dec 25 this year

"AI tools came out of the lab in 2016" (http://ow.ly/rKbC307q79U ) JK--Highlights trend toward AI (ie, deep learning) software as a service

"Caution: AI & Big Data Reaches Our Kids' Xmas Toys" (http://ow.ly/erHm307q6Td ) JK--Don't blame AI/big data. Culprit is sensors+connectivity

"Race for AI Chips Begins" (http://ow.ly/vKxw307q6CN ) JK--"Tensor processing units"?

What's up with all "quality" TV being on premium channels I'm not paying for? I already pay too much for 1000 channels o basic cable crapola

Ted Nugent and Kid Rock basically the only musicians willing to play Trump’s inauguration. In case you needed another excuse for avoiding it

I’ve diluted FB’s hold on my attention. I’ve moved its app to less conspicuous place on my iPhone & its tab to less obvious browser position

New #IBM jk LinkedIn Pulse post: "Resisting the Urge to Uncritically Accept Deep Learning Hype in 2017" (http://ow.ly/Rnjx307nGul )

Aweekstweets January 14 to February 12 2017: the weeks of waiting and then hating the snow

I've come to accept Donald Trump's essential humanity. No choice. None of the other primate species will have anything to do with him.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Touch of the Blues by Bobby "Blue" Bland from That Did It!: Duke Recordings, Vol 3 JK--1967. Dramatic voice-breaks!

U don’t want 2 B the person in noisy restaurant who sits on his keyless remote while in parking lot your horn honks endlessly. U just don’t

I’ve decided to forgive & forget. But I’ve forgotten what it was I’d decided to forgive. Nevertheless, I forgive myself for forgetting that.

 “What’s an EGOT? The most coveted achievement in Hollywoodexplained” ( http://read.bi/2lvGJtz ) JK--Fun fact: Honorees known as “EGOTists.

 “How a #blockchaintransaction works () JK-Relies on PKI, trust web, & distrib secure transaction middleware.

"Edge computing deserves a spot in your big data playbook" JK--Edge/IoT apps will dominate your SW dev playbook too

Have several trips planned, some o which may or may not be impacted by predictions of snow in various & sundry places. Too many variables!

Pondering the unbearable lightness of being, the being of unbearable lightness, and the lightness of being unbearable. Heavy thoughts, all.

Ambling around Wegman’s in my usual post-workout low-energy daze. Not had lunch yet. Risk getting carried away w/those little wine samples

As I grow older, I don’t worry about going senile. I just worry about not achieving the last item on my bucket list: see Nile.

"Pros and Cons of AI Generated Content" (http://ow.ly/ORLr308T5Q1 ) JK--Con: "It Can’t Come up with New Ideas and Lacks Common Sense."

"PaddlePaddle" (http://ow.ly/hsyY308T5x4 ) JK--Baidu's open-sourced deep-learning platform. Them: "Our vision is to enable DL for everyone"

"YouTube-BoundingBoxes Dataset" (http://ow.ly/EScG308T53l ) JK--Vast open human-annotated training-video-data trove 4 DL developers everywhere

"Google DeepMind researches why robots kill" (http://ow.ly/aJjT308T4xI ) JK--Geez, now you've gone & done it, put ideas into their tinny heads

RT @kexpplaylist#kexpLondon by Noonday Underground from Self-Assembly JK--2001. Very irresistibly impatient urban drive to this beat.

"Gee Jim you write all this original data-science stuff but you're not a data scientist. How do you do that?" Me: "I pay close attention."

"The Data Science Behind AI" (http://ow.ly/60Wt308SZsU ) JK--First chart nicely aligns AL/ML/DL/neural net approaches with chief use cases.

"Your car's data may soon B more valuable than the car itself" (http://ow.ly/JLqe308SYPp ) JK--Possible reason you should own car, not do Uber

Feeling old isn't necessarily a bad thing. Having a long life is an accomplishment, like any other. If you've lived it, don't live it down.

Drafted 2 #KDNuggetsarticles: "Cooperative Trust Among Neural Networks Drives Deeper Learning"& "Homebrewed Deep Learning & DIY Robotics"

I'm not a young man anymore. We're expecting our first grandchild next month. Life throws milestones at you whether you like it or not.

Catch me et al next Wednesday, Feb 15, on IBM ML Launch Event livestream from NYC. Register here to view: http://ow.ly/bLKs308SFBN #IBMML

"Artificial intuition will supersede AI, experts say" (http://ow.ly/xzis308SEHQ ) JK--Not so fast. That's just different AI training data set

"Machine learning in hybrid transaction/analytics processing" (http://ow.ly/1ga3308SCSp ) New #IBMML podcast: Jeff Josten w/James Kobielus

"Big blues: IBM's remote-worker crackdown is companywide, including engineers" (http://ow.ly/nFEL308SAoG ) JK--Yes, I too am affected by this

Nice to be home. Feeling all homely tonight. Like a lazy graying drift of old snow.

Dodged nor’easter in Boston by diverting to Detroit. Now I’m a sitting duck for a mi’wester. Hope I’m not clobbered by sou’easter going home

What!? Detroiters actually FLY to Grand Rapids? Have Michiganians become wimps since I fled the area? Drive 4 cryin out loud! You make cars!

Good ol'Romulus, Michigan. I grew up just north of here & never had a clue what's in Romulus, other than DetroitMetroAirport.

"Personality Not Specs: Designing Social Robots" (http://ow.ly/FY25308QmIW ) JK--We'll pick personal robots 4 personalities compatible w/ours

"What we can learn from Alexa’s mistakes" (http://ow.ly/UCn1308QkMd ) JK--Chatbots fail when users need 2 repeat or R repeatedly misunderstood

CIO Insights: Hitting the accelerator on app development while meeting the expectations of your CIO http://bit.ly/2lobkcD 

"Sports Illustrated"? Where are the illustrations? All I see are a bunch of photographs. Did they lay off all the watercolorists?

Still wrapping my head around the fact that the name of a data scientist doing genomics deep learning is “Cotton Seed.”

"Clipper: A Low-Latency Online Prediction Serving System" (http://ow.ly/1MPw308OMRM ) JK--UC-Berkeley RiseLab proj discussed at #SparkSummit

"GGL new AI system unscrambles pixelated faces" (http://ow.ly/GzLQ308OrBk ) JK--Everybody gets a little pixelated now & then. Hair of the dog!

Press room at #SparkSummit. That’s not me. Wait a sec. I write columns for InfoWorld Dataversity TechTarget and now Datanami. That’s me!

New #IBM jk #Datanami column: "How Spark Illuminates Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/o1Fb308O5av ) #ApacheSpark#MachineLearning#SparkSummit

Innovation through digital intelligence http://bit.ly/2lkmoqY 

In <100 a="" code="" href="https://t.co/TAiWXbUeNE" lines="" o="" target="_blank" title="http://ow.ly/FYDA308NDej">http://ow.ly/FYDA308NDej 100>
http://ow.ly/1V66308NDgs http://ow.ly/7vLz308NDix http://ow.ly/fv5L308NDlI http://ow.ly/qqHa308NDno 

"Once More into the DataLake" (http://ow.ly/MudI308NCrK ) JK--Hey @BarryDevlin , here's my "data lake" definition: http://ow.ly/k52o308NCCq 

"AI Will Surpass Human Ability Before Century Is Over" (http://ow.ly/aUzm308NCbq ) JK--Already has. FB's bot recognizes faces faster than me

"AI’s Next Big Step: Reinforcemt Learning" (http://ow.ly/Q3zM308NB4x ) JK--Has uses but not "next big step." Not geared 2 flexbl learning Xfer

"Elon Musk's Surprising Reason Why Everyone Will Be Equal in Future" (http://ow.ly/ls5U308NACb ) JK--Sounds like microchips-in-brains humbug

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Single Again by The Fiery Furnaces JK--2005. One o those rare songs that ardently wish for redeeming power of divorce

Reptiles proved that amphibians can scale. Dinosaurs proved that scale isn't everything.

"#IBM: We’re the Red Hat of Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/P7Br308N2z1 ) JK--PowerAI: enterprise-level DL distribution now includes TensorFlow

Boston. I think the name derives from "St. Buttocks Town." But that can't be right. Help me out here.

Wife used emoji on me tonight for 1st time. Had to ask her to explain what she meant. Must know what the significant other is signifying.

Tired of folks saying they "can't write blogs." Give me th tired, th poor, th wretched refuse of yr verbal spew. I'll edit it into blogshape

Trump loves Putin, no doubt. Does this POTUS also wish to rehabilitate Stalin & Ivan Th Terrible's respective reputations? That'd B sporting

I'm here in Bostonfor #SparkSummit. Not much spark in the mid-winter atmosphere around these parts. Drabbest drippiest New England slush.

"Super TicTacToe Bot" (http://ow.ly/D42p308MtvC ) JK--The best minds of a generation are applying advanced algorithms to gradeschool pastimes

After Trump builds his wall, I assume that a piranha-filled moat will be phase two.

"Intricacies o Traffic Sign Classific w/TensorFlow" (http://ow.ly/n0yY308LPca ) JK--Nice demo of DL predictive accuracy sensitivity to preproc

Thank you Facebook for informing me which friends are in the area thru which I'm connecting at the airport. I must change my travel plans.

5 key attributes of effective data monetization strategy http://bit.ly/2ll8odr 

The Symbiotic Relationship between IoT and Analytics http://bit.ly/2lfs85k 

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Totally Wired by The Last Shadow Puppets from The Dream Synopsis JK--2016. Great cover of The Fall.

"Uber hires NASA veteran to work on flying autonomous cars" (http://ow.ly/pp0a308L8xW ) JK--Goal: deploy from "vertiports" throughout a city

Life stays infinitely interesting. But can't always be sure it's interesting for you. Someone's interests will always have the upper hand.

"Humans Working Behind AI Curtain" (http://ow.ly/lFjS308KRwq ) JK--Supervised learning relies on training-data labeling? OMG! Stop th presses!

"Facebook’s AI now lets you search for photos by content" (http://ow.ly/LMtM308JIVN ) JK--Query image content by natural language, not tags.

"This AI Can Diagnose a Rare Eye Condition as Well as a Human Doctor" (http://ow.ly/wx0V308JDlf ) JK--Tailor-made for deep convolutional nets

"This wearable will tell how other people are feeling from tone of voice" (http://ow.ly/md45308JD8B ) JK--How do they feel about my wearable?

New #IBMInterConnectjk blog: "Connecting you with collab data science, data engineering, & data app devel" (

IBM’s big data meetup program approaches a significant milestone http://bit.ly/2lb9BHk 

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp'Show You The Way by Thundercat (feat. Michael McDonald & Kenny Loggins) JK--2017. Holy '70s Easy Listening, Batman!

Catch #IBM this week at #SparkSummit East 2017 Boston (http://ow.ly/LiEg308INFp ). I'll be there.

"Cafe X opens in San Francisco, bringing robots to the coffee shop" (http://ow.ly/68Sx308IMxf ) JK--Being trained to misspell your name on cup

"Using Machine Learning to predict parking difficulty" (http://ow.ly/E6mU308IMmt ) JK--Overkill. 100% of time, I have parking difficulty in SF

"Build a super fast deep learning machine for under $1,000" (http://ow.ly/DQb5308IM5S ) JK--Startups, hackers, & hobbyists: take note!

"SimGANs: Unsupervised Learning, Self Driving Cars" (http://ow.ly/ahDn308ILnQ ) JK--GANs minimize skew btwn synthetic training data & labels

"Unsolved Problems in AI" (http://ow.ly/jNwM308IKAJ ) JK--Wow! Excellent compendium. Well worth studying.

"Experts have 23 guidelines to avoid AI apocalypse" (http://ow.ly/sLv2308IJFE ) JK--23? Geez. By time we learn 'em, the zombies will have won!

"Deep Learning for Noobs [Part 1]" (http://ow.ly/ZTPg308IJ26 ) JK--That's a cinch. I've already advanced to "Deep Learning for Nudniks."

"AI Tapped to Improve Design" (http://ow.ly/WvN3308II20 ) JK--Machine learning 2 help electronx designers predict complx performance scenarios

"The Beginning Of A New Age For Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/Dvbd308IH2C ) JK--Forrester publishes excellent TechRadar study on AI.

Caught "Hell or High Water" on DVD. Well-told story of desperate brothers robbing banks in 21st Century smalltown Texas. Chris Pine shines.

"'Partnership on AI' Gathers Tech Giants/Academics to Dev AI Responsibly" (http://ow.ly/V42w308IEMi ) JK--One of several AI/ethics initiatives

Google's natural-language translation getting good. Over weekend, it translated my English tech gobbledygook to Indonesian tech gobbledygook

Another day another spammed batch of "LEGIT 0PP0RTUNITIES T0 GENERATE EXTRA INC0ME 0NLINE 0N DAILY BASIS." Glad they vouchd 4 its legitimacy

"Leading People Too Smart to Be Led" (http://ow.ly/RMVg308IBue ) JK--Unfortunate headline. Falsely implies intelligence breeds arrogance.

Hey Delta, if you want my feedback on my last flight so badly, howsabout giving me a free upgrade on my next? Whatcha say? Deal?

Lady Gaga isn’t my cup of tea. But I’ve enjoyed the fleeting samples of Vampire Weekend on those Super Bowl commercials.

Watching the Super Bowl. Rooting against Brady. Just because.

New #IBM#SparkSummitpodcast "Data science transformation thru Spark on hybrid cloud" (http://ow.ly/rY8y308HH6V ) S. Dobrin with J. Kobielus

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp 96 Tears by Big Maybelle from America's Queen Mother of Soul Got a Brand New Bag JK--1967. Great full-throated soul.

Here’s my all-purpose benediction: May good fortune rain down upon you in any currency your heart desires: cash, acclaim, and/or contentment

"Philosophical Data Scientist" (http://ow.ly/EB6j308GPXr ) JK--Sez I'm data scientist & began as "classically trained economist." Double nope

"Microsoft's AI & Speech Breakthrus Eclipsed by New #IBM Watson Platform" (http://ow.ly/GR1q308GPFe ) JK--From Nov 2016. Quotes 1 of my blogs

Reminiscing about childhood neighbors with smelly houses: the smokers, the pet owners, the heavy grease cookers. Ah, gross times!

Jerry Seinfeld takes pride in working clean. That’s why he pushed back when producers suggested he do it as “Comedians in Cars Getting Laid”

Idle Saturday musings. Still wondering whether the Reba referenced in the B-52s’ “52 Girls” was Reba McEntire. Got money riding on it.

Trump calls actual judge whose ruling he disagrees with a “so-called judge.” So I guess it’s OK to refer to Trump as “so-called president.”

Thanks but no thanks iPhone weather app. Snow is not approaching my area nor has it precipitated the last dozen or so times you warned me.

Donations to ACLU are booming. I assume that UCLA also benefiting. Anti-Trump sentiment so strong people can’t see straight.

Wrote my next KDnuggets column on a plane. Wish I could say I wrote it on a higher plane. But that would be pretentious.

IBM’s big data meetup program approaches a significant milestone http://ibm.co/2kpPS3m 

What's with these invites to events with all-uppercase names? I want to exhibit at ALL-CAPS WORLD. All booths come equipped with bullhorns.

3 signs it's time to evolve start-up thinking to support growth http://bit.ly/2kvPDps by @IBMServices' Philip... http://bit.ly/2l39uKx 

The capital of Texasisn’t weird in the least. If I had to name what its certain something is, I’d say it’s ostentatious.

 “Hydration station”? My favorite passage from the Book of Genesis was the part about hydration covering the face of the earth.

"Want to be a software developer? Time to learn AI and data science" (http://ow.ly/CGyO308E6w9 ) JK--Next-gen app developer is data scientist

"Use deep learning on data U already have" (http://ow.ly/zCjz308E5Tp ) JK--Lorica rocketship analogy: big engine (model) + lotsa fuel (data)

"Seven Trends & Predictions for 2017" (http://ow.ly/Wd4c308E5ae ) JK--"Confluence" isn't a trend. It's an abstract sigh of analytical fatigue

"5 Ways The IoT Could Change The World" (http://ow.ly/lmbD308E4T7 ) JK--Please be more specific than "greater business potential."

Headlines about "10 ways [x] could change world" are total cop-out. U can shove endless nonsense behind "could." Magic? Miracles? Dumb luck?

"Facebook brings GPU-powered ML 2 Python" (http://ow.ly/y2Wz308E4fY ) JK--PyTorch lets developer modify existing NN w/out rebuild from scratch

Laura tells me my voice sounds higher pitched over the phone than in person. Yes, I actually work my throat as much as my sinus cavity.
0 replies0 retweets0 likes

Forrester's Laura Ramos sure knows B2B marketing. That was one excellent workshop. I'm a practitioner of those arts. I found much of value.

New #IBMML podcast: "Machine learning in the evolution of data science" (http://ow.ly/Sykw308CiEi ) Steven Astorino w/ James Kobielus

At #ibminterconnectthere is no shortage of insightful content. Make sure you don't miss out http://ibm.biz/BdsVrL 

The talent keeps coming in for #ibminterconnect. Will you be there? http://ibm.biz/BdsVrL 

What are you most looking forward to at IBM InterConnect http://bit.ly/2kY1daM 

"Which Social App Will Be the 1st to Harness AI?" (http://ow.ly/SO84308BDjF ) JK--"Will"? Article details how deeply entrenched it already is

"What’s the Difference Between AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning?" (http://ow.ly/vcei308BCWS ) JK--DL focuses on kittycat recognition
0 replies0 retweets2 likes

"More Help on the Way for Democratizing Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/2Zs4308BADG ) JK--Tough nut to crack. Fearsomely complex field

Groundhog Day. Here we go again. Same thing every year. Yet another Groundhog Day. Will we ever break this annual cycle o rodent revelation?

Dear Hotels w/Complimentary In-Room Coffee: Please also offer conveniently placed unused in-room electrical outlets for plugging the maker

"Rise Of AI Will Force Data Scientists 2 Evolve Or Get Left Behind" (http://ow.ly/c0iW308B5TZ ) JK-Places AI in history o software development

"iSee: Using DL to remove eyeglasses from faces" (http://ow.ly/MeL9308B51s ) JK--Autoencoders recover face, hyperparameter tweaks remove specs

Was congratumiserating with my older brother on his attaining the big 6-0. I'll take always take comfort in the fact that he is indeed old

Great restaurant conversation. But I'm still sure my 2 Jimmy Carter & 2 Al Gore encounters beat my new boss' 1 casual chat w/George W Bush

Fun fact: I would have become an Austinite if Madisonhadnt made me a better offer. Major universities long ago realized Jimmy has his price

Quite a happy surprise to meet my colleague Doreen Dunn in her glorious real person in Austin. We're exactly the same people as on the phone

Austin. Let's see....turn left on Capital of Texas Hwy. Note to self: suggest rename Pennsylvania Ave"Capital of Whole Damn USABoulevard"

"What Everyone is not Telling You about AI" (http://ow.ly/HZxE308AlM6 ) JK--"Psst...it's run by a big eastern syndicate, Charlie Brown!"

"Choosing a Software Approach 4 Large-Scale IoT Deployments" (http://ow.ly/b7Gn308AkI6 ) JK--IoT app mgt w/containerized deployment automation

Somebody reviewed book: "a long, depressing read, but worth it." Thanks. I'll put it last on my bucket list for casual deathbed reading

"Learning Policies 4 Learning Policies:  Meta Reinforcement Learning (RL²) in Tensorflow" (http://ow.ly/uAmJ308Ai8S ) JK--Full-meta jacket?

"Global AI startup financing hit $5bn in 2016" (http://ow.ly/Wtng308Ahvo ) JK--Zoinks! That's some serious Scooby Snacks for pet AI ventures!

"Deep Learning'll Radically Change Ways We Interact w/Tech" (http://ow.ly/ufkV308Ah72 ) JK--Good discuss o need 4 mktplace o reusable DL nets

All-hands meetings get out of control when you ask for a show of hands. Best to ask each of the individual digits to account for themselves

"Onward & upward" too wimpy a slogan. I prefer the bolder "onward, upward, outward, inward, forward, backward, & awkward." Covers all bases

"#IBM#OpenPOWER Moves on Deep Learning with a Vengeance" (http://ow.ly/r8o1308zUIX ) JK--Quoth @Enderle"IBM kicked some butt today"

"#IBM and #TensorFlow: Myriad Benefits of Customer Choice" (http://ow.ly/YiBw308zUfn ) JK--Charles @pund_it King on recent AI/DL announcement

SparkR: Transforming R into a tool for big data analytics http://bit.ly/2kS86dU 

New #IBMML podcast: "Machine learning in the private cloud" (http://ow.ly/MCKT308zH8M ) @robdthomas with @jameskobielus

Drafted the inaugural #IBM jk #Datanami column: "How Spark Illuminates Deep Learning."

"Mr ED." Fun fact: horse adopted that stagename when took up acting; moniker refers to issue that derailed original "out to stud" ambitions

Thank you spam for notifying me that my tax refund is on the way. Amazing world we live in when the govt gives back even before I've filed.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Blank Generation by Richard Hell & The Voidoids JK--1977. Richard Meyers belongs to 60s hippie generation. Born 1949

"The cost of renting just one room in San Francisco: $$$$$$" (http://ow.ly/X2mv308z1oz ) JK--OMG! ~$1,100-1,700. Apt is ~$3500. YIkes!

Weekly message digests on LinkedIn tech groups I'm a member of have really slacked off. Many new "Big Data" posts are on male enhancement.

First IBM France Sparkathon a winning success http://bit.ly/2kM9oGX 

Next-generation business analytics: Intersection of discovery and dashboards http://bit.ly/2kMakLP 

"AI principles" (http://ow.ly/7vEG308wBcS ) JK-Research/ethics/risk mitigation etc principles worked out at recent Asilomar conference.

"The United States Of Artificial Intelligence Startups" (http://ow.ly/14uk308wAJP ) JK--Top state for AI startups is California(duh!).

Keynoting this morning at The Conference Board in NYC on trends in deep learning, data science, AI, & big data analytics. Snow expected.

"Beyond 'Brogrammers': Can AI create a meritocracy?" (http://ow.ly/rUH9308wwOM ) JK--Term in quote marks almost made me do a spit-take. LOL!

"AI building blocks: The eggs, the chicken, and the bacon" (http://ow.ly/Zh3P308wwCn ) JK--Where are the omelets in this analogy? I'm hungry!

"Neural Architecture Search w/ RL" (http://ow.ly/Gmhg308wwdX ) JK--Title a bit opaque: it's neural nets that build/optimize other neural nets

"State of Jupyter" (http://ow.ly/fqMI308wvvB ) JK--Proj 2 create ecosys o OSStools 4 interactive computation/analys with iterative human loop

Learn to maximise value from the #IoT. Attend this free IoT Workshop in your city http://ibm.co/2ijfnAQ #cloud#Informix

Achieving Hybrid IT: Five Database Must-Haves for meeting evolving Needs  https://ibm.biz/BdsLku #DB2#security#cloud

The new president needs a headcheck as much or more as he needs a factcheck. More, actually.

"TensorFlow 1.0 unlocks machine learning on smartphones" (http://ow.ly/gOMX308uWe6 ) JK--Via experimental compiler: Accelerated Linear Algebra

Necessary Properties for artificial general intelligence to be AGI"

"Robots & drones take over classrooms" (http://ow.ly/NYzP308uVxU ) JK--Old news. I had my fair share o robotic profs who droned on incessantly

New #IBMInterConnectjk Tumblr blog: "IBM InterConnect 2017 connects you with cloud-based data analytics" (http://ow.ly/TFmM308uicA )

IBMers illuminate new ideas based on Watson http://bit.ly/2kjf79p 

Artificial Intelligence Doesn't Just Cut Costs, It Expands Business Brainpower http://bit.ly/2kjiXj2 

#SparkSummit My interview with Holden. http://bit.ly/2kFOlWC 

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp 99 Luftballoons by Nena JK--1984. Anti-war lyric inspired by thought of West Berlin balloons floating over to East

"The merging of humans and machines is happening now" (http://ow.ly/tZ0T308u2lo ) JK--It's been happening as long as we've been building them

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp 3/5 of a Mile in 10 Seconds by Jefferson Airplane frm Surrealistic Pillow JK--1967. Awesome opening cut on classic LP

"How do Generative Adversarial Networks intuitively work?" (http://ow.ly/uoSy308u1jl ) JK--Bot-to-bot human-free Imitation Game with AI/ML/DL

"Deep learning algo does as well as dermatologists in ID'ng skin cancer" (http://ow.ly/HDtZ308tZZ2 ) JK--Compiling training data was tricky

"Partnership on AI to Benefit People & Society" (http://ow.ly/PXRG308tZgu ) JK--Humanitarian group trustees incl ACLU, MacArthur Fdn, & #IBM

"Google wants to add AI to Raspberry Pi gadgets" (http://ow.ly/tu8w308tYgl ) JK--Open-source deep learning smarts on open-source hardware?

Doing another keynote at another NYC event this week. They’ve given me wider scope to range around in. Wondering where to start.

"Using ML-driven mktg optzn 2 solve attribution conundrum" (http://ow.ly/TNtr308t7CN ) JK--Nutshell: fine-grained A/B testing within campaigns

Another quiet Sunday @ home, another telemarketer. "Hello this is [x]. This call is being recorded." Me: "Hello, this call is being hung up"

Next 4 years will involve staying calm & focused while an abusive threatening powerful bully screams non-stop in our faces.

Now that Twitter has been weaponized as a channel for political warfare, I’m going to tweet from the trenches. Nice dirt down here, eh?

Gong xie fat choi!

New #IBM jk blog: "Internet of Things: Setting business vision on speed and agility" (http://ow.ly/Kb9M308qhBd )

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each Other) by Willie Nelson JK--2006. Some serious truth-telling here.

Don't miss out on MD CTO Adrian Gropper at #ibminterconnect: http://ibm.biz/BdsVrL 

Is your #ITinfrastructuresecure? Learn from industry experts at #ibminterconnecthttp://ibm.biz/BdsVrL 

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp You'll Never Walk Alone by Gerry & The Pacemakers JK--1964 Merseybeat. Orig 1945 Rodgers & Hammerstein "Carousel"

"Machine Learning and Statistical Algorithms: Training With Everything We’ve Got" (http://ow.ly/T7JE308pCfO ) JK--He's onto something.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp I'm Set Free by Brian Eno from The Ship JK--2016. Excellent straightforward Velvet Underground cover.

"Dominant Life Form in Cosmos Probably Superintelligent Robots" (http://ow.ly/31bT308pA7f ) JK--Don't fool yrself. It's probably single-celled

"What prod breakthrus'll recent advances in DL enable?" (http://ow.ly/1gic308pzhY ) JK--Inter alia, customizd data compress & comprssv sensing

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp How It Ends by DeVotchKa from How It Ends JK--2004. No need for spoiler alert. You already know how this will end

"AI Software Learns to Make AI Software" (http://ow.ly/bNwR308pyeW ) JK--Need ML-driven approaches 4 hyperparameter selection & algo training
"Putting science back in data sci" (http://ow.ly/Etu4308pwU6 ) JK--"Harder 2 ensure reproducblty 4 complic8d data pipelins & modlng technques"

"Good fences (btwn data science & production) make good neighbors" (http://ow.ly/cNmX308pwcE ) JK--Smooth handoff from featurization 2 scoring

"There Are Lies, Damn Lies, And Journalism" (http://ow.ly/kAG6308pvQK ) JK--Nice try, Vincent, but let's not play into Trump's gaslighting.

"Taxonomy of 3D DataViz" (http://ow.ly/idij308pun1 ) JK--Allocentric vs. egocentric visualization. Anchored in objectivity vs subjectivity

"Doomsday Prep 4 th Super-Rich" (http://ow.ly/6Tue308ptxi ) JK--Another manifestation of th narcissism that drives some 2 acquire filthy lucre

"How to #StayOutragedWithout Losing Your Mind" (http://ow.ly/UB5v308pt7X ) JK--Smart "self-care lessons for the resistance."

"IBM Expands Choices for PowerAI Developers with TensorFlow" (http://ow.ly/IzoZ308pqKf ) JK--Also, new GBS deep learning design/develpmnt team

"#IBM ML server adds TensorFlow" (http://ow.ly/Jurx308pqwl ) JK--PowerAI on Power8 & Nvidia GPUs now supports Google deep learning framework
Dear News Media: There’s absolutely no need to use this idiot’s propagandistic term “America First.” Report it for what it is: isolationism

A reasonable sort of day. The day reasoned with me and we arrived at a mutually beneficial arrangement. The sun set as we settled.

This just in: Chinaand the ghost of Emperor Hadrian have whispered to Donald Trump their secrets for building secure border walls.

"With Single Tweet, Elon Musk Showd Why U Should Lease Tesla (Insted o Buying)" (http://ow.ly/GbmY308oaZl ) JK--A single tweet! So f-ing what!

"C-suite"? Honestly, the only sea suite I'd like to occupy is a first-class cabin on a luxury ocean liner.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns by Mother Love Bone JK--1989. Puts extra syllable in "matter": "doesnt really mat-EE-er"

Offline-first web and mobile apps: Top frameworks and components http://bit.ly/2k7pjlM 

Blockchain is transforming the future. Attend #ibminterconnectand hear from the best http://ibm.biz/BdsVrL 

My worst tech purchase ever? Probably that home computer long ago with Windows Millennium Edition. Single worst OS I've ever used.

"Feature hashing for scalable machine learning" (http://ow.ly/zQv5308n1us ) New #IBM#SparkSummitpodcast. Nick Pentreath with James Kobielus

New #IBM jk #makedatasimpleblog: “Going beyond collaboration to achieve data-driven success” (http://ibm.co/2kkATYb )

I too will mourn MTM in private with a little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down the pants.

RIP Mary Tyler Moore. Best sitcom of the 70s. So many memorable episodes. Remember her breakdown at Chuckles' funeral? Absolutely hysterical

Keynoted today on team data science at Velocity Network's event, NYC. Great group of startups, including #IBMpartners Continuum & RStudio

If Whoopi Goldberg married Scooby Doo, she'd be Whoopi Doo.

"RISELab make apps smarter & more secure" (http://ow.ly/dDTf308kSvF ) JK--AI-driven autom8d environmntlly contxtual real-time machine response

Apples that don't turn brown. Excellent: an organic substitute for the wax fruit that realtors display in dishes in homes they're showing.

"Artificial intelligence could help fight financial fraud" (http://ow.ly/HQCu308kRQf ) JK--Already is. Intelligent dynamic transaction scoring

If any sufficiently advanced tech is indistinguishable from magic, what is any sufficiently advanced magic indistinguishable from? Fraud?

"Artificial Immune Systems May Be Future of Cybersecurity" (http://ow.ly/UdGN308kR6l ) JK--Generative adversarial nets & evolutionary algos?

Somebody's marketing department has a "Suggestions Team" sending me messages. Note to self: we need a "Hypnotic Suggestions Team."

For some reason, the late Ernest Borgnine is trending. His 100th birthday was yesterday. Fun fact: his handlers scrapped plans for Borg10

Thanks Facebook for informing me that Tom Kobielus is nearby. Please also confirm that he’s my brother. You have fancy algorithms for that.

 “Super Bowl LI”? Geez,enough with the Roman numerals already! Why not stage it in the Colosseum with swords, sandals, and gladiators?

I heard that this past Friday was declared a National Day of Public Revulsion. What have you heard?

I joined AARP for a while but then aged out of their demographic. So I've joined a group for people who are freaked out about aging: AARGH!

In 1 hour! Join @StevenDickens3@jameskobielus@majorhayden@GuyShone for a crowdchat on IT architecture. Follow #ibminterconnectat 12P ET.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Poetry (with the Jayhawks) by Ray Davies from Americana JK--2017. His voice hasn't changed. This is great.

"Self-driving cars could be boon for Americans with disabilities" (http://ow.ly/iF0l308iU3S ) JK--Fundamental for disabled people everywhere

Crawl With Analytics Before Running With Artificial Intelligence http://bit.ly/2j0D4mw 

In the age of data: Data not Dada, part 2 http://bit.ly/2j0CghE 

IBM Analytics Insights Podcasts by IBM on iTunes http://bit.ly/2koG48O 

Ah yes for the 1st time since the inauguration the sun has come out here in The Nation's Capital. That doesn't mean it's sunny in Washington

"5 Positions Companies Need 2 Navigate Cognitive Digital Transfrm8n" (http://ow.ly/xxyL308iHfd ) JK--"Taxonomy curator"? That's "data steward"

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Marquee Moon by Television from Marquee Moon JK--1977. Classic LP received zero rock-radio airplay in its day.

"How 2 train generative adversarial network?" (http://ow.ly/gAS0308iEwe ) JK--Shows fuzzy line between scientific tactics & statistical tricks

"10 Troubling Habits o Unhappy People" (http://ow.ly/YSgN308iCKj ) JK--"Unhappiness lethal to everyone around U, just like secondhand smoke"

"Data Science Automation 4 Big Data & IoT Envmts" (http://ow.ly/u8kx308iCbq ) JK--Overstates feasibility of automating results interpretation

"Why I Only Work Remotely" (http://ow.ly/Riv7308iA1x ) JK--Makes good case for "results-only work environment" over "butts-in-seats thinking"

Trump’s been in office less than 4 days & already the Washington Post has dozen inside sources dishing dirt on turmoil in the administration

Yoga teacher has got me proficient in the down dog. Next she's going to teach me to roll over, bark, and fetch frisbees with my teeth.

"Respect the office"? I remember Nixon. I was in high school. I didn't feel it was my patriotic duty to respect an office-holding crook.

"Mean tweets"? I think late-night shows should require every actor/actress to recite mean clickbait: "Why Hollywoodwon't cast me anymore."

Was a fairly nice day, in spite of the rain, the wind, the cold, the gloom, the state of the world, having to see the dentist, & other crap

Catch me speaking on Wed, Jan 25, at Velocity Network's Data Analytics Event, NYC (http://ow.ly/6fIk308hesc ). "Data Science As a Team Sport"

One of those kinds of days where just hunker down & read through work files that I hadn't delved terribly deeply into. Forced self to focus

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp What Part of Me by Low from Ones and Sixes JK--2015. Nice plaintive mid-tempo song with relaxing beat.

How could Akamai update its finance and #HR solutions ‘in-flight’? Read the case study: http://ibm.co/2eTTiaZ ... http://bit.ly/2iVylmg 

Be connected to your products & services like never before, from conception to distribution. See how:... http://bit.ly/2iVxeCT 

What does #DigitalReinventionmean? We'll explain 1/25 during our CrowdChat. Register now: http://bit.ly/2iDWVX0 http://bit.ly/2iVxSQZ 

"Robot Cars to Descend on 10 Sites US Names as Proving Grounds" (http://ow.ly/NnzG308geC9 ) JK--One of which is Willow Run, near YpsilantiMI

"How Will AI Affect Your Life | Jeff Dean | TEDxLA" (http://ow.ly/hVdK308gcuI ) JK--OMG. Mr. "I'm kinda old" is 10 years younger than me.

"Analyzing Papers Behind Facebook's Computer Vision Approach" (http://ow.ly/Znaq308gcfj ) JK--Dissects how they're getting scary-good at this

"Hidden Figures & #IBM 7090 computer" (http://ow.ly/JsUx308gaxY ) JK--One of 1st computers architected from a then-new invention: transistors

"How to make sure future connected car is secure" (http://ow.ly/rrNZ308ga5C ) JK--Entire vehicular ecosys/lifecycle, including regs/insurance

"Attribution & Strategy: yr mktg $ at work" (http://ow.ly/rwwu308g6Bq ) JK--That's just ads. Good luck attributing ROI to social mktg tactics

"Can computers think?" (http://ow.ly/PeUF308g5ib ) JK--Tests: Turing (imitation), Winograd (pronoun disambigu8n), Searle (true understanding).

Sunday morning's the best at th fitness center. Not many members there yet. I switch my workout around. I work the weights, skimp the cardio

"Why AI is about to make some of the highest-paid doctors obsolete" (http://ow.ly/2R5P308eKIl ) JK--I'd prefer we start with Drs. Phil & Oz.

"Trump Attacks News Media Over Reporting on Crowd Sizes" (http://ow.ly/sYUM308eKqO ) JK--Size indeed matters. He's already insecure over his.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Takin' Another Man's Place by Aretha Franklin from The Delta Meets Detroit: Aretha's Blues JK--1998. Digs into him.

In this new era of journalism, factchecks will be embedded in every story. Journalists will hone 5 Ws, one H, and one big honkin’ WTF!

2016 #AI Recap: Startups See Record High In Deals & Funding http://buff.ly/2ka2o5V @CBinsights

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp People Got a Lotta Nerve by Neko Case from Middle Cyclone JK--2009. Her voice always feels like a friend come calling

"Kristen Stewart has co-authored paper on AI" (http://ow.ly/giuz308dXIH ) JK--Deep learning powered cinematic "style transfer"

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Misery is a Butterfly by Blonde Redhead from Misery is a Butterfly JK-2004. This has quite an orchestral uplift.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free by Nina Simone JK--1967. Great uplifting melody & sentiment.

For some obnoxious reason, Twitter auto-followed me to some "President Trump" personage. I've blocked that and reported it as abusive.

Trump’s presidency is a constant reminder of how reality shows ruined television.

Geez enough of the "Jim you should be a professor" and "Jim you should be on Jeopardy." Like I need starvation wages or more exposure.

Deep breathing kicks in automatically these days. I’m stretching my full body length to keep the chi flowing. Did I just say “chi”?

Chilling. Chilling. Stuff blows over. Stuff blows over.

Improving financial performance with predictive analytics http://bit.ly/2k8MUiD 

Detecting complex fraud in real time with graph databases http://bit.ly/2k8MVmG 

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Streets o Bakersfield by Buck Owens JK--1973. Spent a night on the can? Eat more fiber. Oh, it's "in" the can. Nvrmnd

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Where Grass Won't Grow by George Jones JK--1969. The man certainly had a velvety beautiful voice.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp In Th Good Ol Days (When Times Were Bad) by DParton JK--1969. They don't make anti-nostalgia songs like this anymore

"Deep Learning Enables You to Hide Screen when Your Boss is Approaching" (http://ow.ly/Khjl308ags2 ) JK--Not exactly a boss-sanctioned DL app

"Isaac Asimov: How 2 Never Run Out o Ideas Again" (http://ow.ly/gKKt3089BJj ) JK--Plagiarism? No. Just B restlessly relentlessly self-involved

I've had enough of top trends in big data. I'm on the hunt now for big trends in top data. Wish me luck.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp It's a Shame About Ray by The Lemonheads JK--1992. Love that studio trick where Dando's voice sustains between verses

"#IBM Delivers New All-flash Storage 4 Cognitive Workloads" (http://ow.ly/PyjP3089yf3 ) JK--Optimizd 4 ML, speech recog, video analytics, etc

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp John Hughes by Tim Cohen from Luck Man JK--2017. I like this. Has a feeling of being on the road, slightly lost.

Thanks spam for notifying me of all the Fedex packages waiting for me and all the bucks Paypal has coming my way. I am truly blessed.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp The Lightning by Wussy from Attica! JK--2014. Love how they interweave their voices amid the electric guitars.

New #IBM jk #Dataversitycolumn: “Machine Learning & Statistical Algorithms: Training w/Everything We’ve Got” (http://www.dataversity.net/machine-learning-statistical-algorithms/ …)

Defining smart business intelligence solutions http://bit.ly/2iBQ4id 

"A Study of Count-Based Exploration for Deep RL" (http://ow.ly/QH4M3087nfh ) JK--Disappointed. I thought it was The Count from Sesame Street

"Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars" (http://ow.ly/ZvFx3087mHK ) JK--Deep gratis course materials from those fine Boston boffins at MIT.

The trick of speed-analyzing a tech article is to impatiently search for the thesis, then to pith it tweetily with pinpoint brevity.
2 replies0 retweets1 like

"Applying deep learning to Related Pins" (http://ow.ly/1WQY3087m3u ) JK--Pinterest uses deep neur net to contextlze Pins wrt pinner activities

"AI: ...Products from CES 2017" (http://ow.ly/N2aJ3087lme ) JK--See here (http://ow.ly/qfxf3087lox ) for self-driving car "levels" discussed

"Nadella Warns Against ‘Hubris’ Amid AI Growth" (http://ow.ly/ZTtw3087kmN ) JK--I warn against overuse o "hubris.""Overweening pride" funnier

"Game Theory reveals the Future of Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/suNG3087kdT ) JK--IMHO, future of cyberwarfare is contending adversarial nets

"6 areas of AI and machine learning to watch closely" (http://ow.ly/3Qvs3087k1C ) JK--Most valuable here are the lists of researchers in each

"Learning AI if You Suck at Math" (http://ow.ly/rdy93087jFq ) JK--"Dirty little secret"? No vice squad'll bust you for failing in trigonometry

"How 2 Make 2 Prediction: Intro 2 Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/9KXc3087jqv ) JK--I predict his arms'll fly off his body if not deeply anchored

140 Machine Learning Formulas (http://ow.ly/M0CC3087jd3 ) JK--A dash of equations to swirl in your morning coffee.

"#IBM Rometty lays out AI considerations, ethical principles" (http://ow.ly/90F23085NXM ) JK--Purpose, transparency, skills.

Transparency and Trust in the Cognitive Era -

Charting the data lake: Rethinking data models for data lakes http://bit.ly/2jFYsdC 

Virtual Reality: Not all Fun and Games Anymore http://bit.ly/2k0NRgW 

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp King's Lead Hat by Brian Eno from Before and After Science JK--1977. Sounds like warmup for THeads "Remain in Light"

"Will open data survive Trump?" (http://ow.ly/bHv03083YVE ) JK--Openness a fragile thing--eg,. "attempts to conceal incompetence"/malfeasance

"Practical artificial intelligence in the cloud" (http://ow.ly/NZeM3083WHq ) JK--Says only 0.1% of world's 18M developers have AI expertise

"#IBM Wants to Build Machine Learning ‘Macroscopes’ to Understand World" (http://ow.ly/gemh3083U5t ) JK--Contextualized geospatial data sets

"Thanks to AI, Computers Can Now See Your Health Problems" (http://ow.ly/FhY93083TWb ) JK--Machine learning can glimpse subtle symptoms

Classical FM radio. Station library recorded at St Martin-In-the-Fields. Trafalgar Square? Where are the fields? http://ow.ly/eArD3083SCr 

"The Most Popular Language For Machine Learning and Data Science Is …" (http://ow.ly/t4RU3083Sb3 ) JK--Python, says #IBMJean-Francois Puget

"Labs, 'Spaces,' and Innovation Around World" (http://ow.ly/Dlas3083PJ0 ) JK--Developer cultures, engagements, communities, forums, & events

"Using Deep Learning 2 Find Insights in Messy Data" (http://ow.ly/RxUH3083P99 ) JK--Discusses transfer learning. Me:

"Can AI Make The Sexiest 21st Century Job Obsolete?" (http://ow.ly/J2rD3083Moi ) JK--IMHO, no. End-to-end data-science automation a pipe dream

An Overview of Graph Database Query Languages http://bit.ly/2jsLthN 

Ringling Bros. circus folds big top forever. Honestly, I can't make myself get teary-eyed over clowns, animal acts, acrobats, or sideshows

"As Self-Driving Cars Approach, Auto Industry Races to Rebuild" (http://ow.ly/UaME3082vrK ) JK--Engineering neural nets. "Gobs of LIDAR data"

"Saving you bandwidth thru machine learning" (http://ow.ly/aQmY3082ve1 ) JK--Render hi-qual versions of lo-res images for viewing on mobiles

"Who came up with the name Big Data?" (http://ow.ly/Ten93082uQr ) JK--Industry trivia. Gives credit to Michael Cox and David Ellsworth (1997).

Glimmers of blue and sun on this warmer January Sunday morning. Yesterday’s soaking rained the salt residue off the roads and our car.

Amazing number of AI startups now (http://ow.ly/QEhK3080LVR ). So many it's practically intimidating.

RT @kexpplaylist#kexp What in the World??... by The Dukes of Stratosphear from Chips from the Chocolate Fireball JK--1987. It's XTC (duh!)

Pretty much all of my IBM thought leadership output, April 2012 to March 2017

Scrutinizing the Inscrutability of Deep Learning

Homebrewed Deep Learning and Do-It-Yourself Robotics

Composing Deep-Learning Microservices for the Hybrid Internet of Things

Fundamentals for sure-fire cloud data warehouse optimization: An interview with James Kobielus

5 reasons to attend InterConnect 2017

Cooperative Trust Among Neural Networks Drives Deeper Learning

Don’t let Agile methods undermine data science

Will Data Scientists Automate Themselves Out of Jobs?

6 predictions for the future of deep learning

InterConnect will connect you with unstructured content governance

James Kobielus, IBM - IBM Machine Learning Launch - #IBMML - #theCUBE

Machine learning beyond data scientists: the self-serve model emerges | #IBMML

Machine learning enriches the private cloud

InterConnect will connect you with NoSQL Polyglot Persistence

InterConnect: Connecting you with collaborative data science, data engineering, and data app development

How Spark Illuminates Deep Learning

Machine learning in the evolution of data science

Machine learning in the private cloud

Going beyond collaboration to achieve data-driven success

Machine Learning and Statistical Algorithms: Training With Everything We’ve Got

Neuromorphic chipsets are shifting deep learning into overdrive

'Transfer learning' jump-starts new AI projects

Resisting the Urge to Uncritically Accept Deep Learning Hype in 2017

Predictions for Deep Learning in 2017

How We Will Harvest Cognition in 2017

Maximizing the value of high-performance statistical analysis and reporting

Gauging your organization’s readiness to drive digital disruption

Big Data: Main Developments in 2016 and Key Trends in 2017

Kobielus Predictions for Data Science in 2017

Big data and analytics trends in 2017: James Kobielus’s predictions

How cognitive computing will touch your life in 2017

How the backlash against cognitive computing will play out in 2017

Data industry experts offer 2017 predictions throughout December

Tackling predictive uncertainty with Monte Carlo statistical analysis

The Experience of Being a High-Performing Data Scientist

Moving beyond spreadsheets into enterprise-ready statistical analysis

Data science expert interview: Dez Blanchfield, Craig Brown, David Mathison, Jennifer Shin and Mike Tamir

The Controversy over Algorithmic Newscycle Curation

Accessing the power of R through a robust statistical analysis tool

Coming to Grips with Artificial Intelligence’s Many Manifestations

Deep learning is already altering your reality

Embodying Every Last Thing With Cognition

Accelerating deep learning to superhuman proportions

Making a better world with cognitive systems: Wrapping up World of Watson

The cognition blitz at World of Watson 2016

A deeper shade of simplicity at IBM Insight at World of Watson 2016

Disrupting business with team data science at IBM Insight at World of Watson 2016

Keeping a clear mind about the potential downsides of AI

Center your business strategy on predictive analytics at IBM Insight at World of Watson 2016

Enabling chief data officer success at IBM Insight at World of Watson 2016

Building a cognitive business at IBM Insight at World of Watson 2016

Putting data to work at Strata + Hadoop World 2016

5 reasons data engineers are attending IBM Insight at World of Watson

Fresh Blood: The Democratization of Enterprise Data Science

Driving Data Science Productivity Without Compromising Quality

Instilling Industrial Discipline in Enterprise Analytics

Next-generation data science: Open analytics ecosystems

Data science expert interview: Influencer roundtable

Next-generation data science: Acceleration for team productivity

Data science predicts election winner!

Doing the Data Science That Drives Predictive Personalization

Collaborate to foster cognitive disruption

The Acceleration of Data Science Excellence

Getting the right mix of analytics specialists in data science teams

Know when your big data is telling big lies

Grappling with first-world problems and data-fueled disruptions

The Social Analytics of What Passes for Political Conversation These Days

Using Cognitive Computing to Prevent Human Cognitive Decline

Doing the Data Science That Drives Extreme Personalization

Federating Unfettered Analytics Across IoT’s Sprawl

Surmounting huge hurdles to algorithmic accountability

Big Brother, Crowd Control, and Pokémon Go

The Emotional Arc of Data Storytelling

Cognitive Chatbots in the Patterns of Our Lives

Encroaching Commoditization in Data Science

Pushing Data-Science Automation To Its Practical Limits

Drilling and Building: The Power Apps of Machine Learning
Accentuating the positive vision of cognitive computing’s potential

Big Data Tells Many Stories, Some of Them Spurious

Advancing the art of the cognitive chatbot

Deep Learning and the Deep Warping of the Photographic Record

Making Your Data Progressively Smarter

Eliciting high-quality data science from non-traditional sources

Highlights from the Apache Spark Maker Community Event

The Rise of Open Data Science. Join Us June 6th

Open Data Science Innovation in the Cloud

What is Business Intelligence?

Don’t Fence Me In: Tensions on the Data Science Frontier

Bridging to a hybrid cloud data services architecture

Vetting the Actual Science Behind Data Science

How to monetize the fuzzy narratives of social listening

Giving citizen data scientists a short leash

Distributing Machine Intelligence to the Foggy Edge of the IoT

On Big Data and Data Science. Interview with James Kobielus

3 safeguards for intelligent machines

Merrymaking vs. Mischief: Beating Machine-Learning Algorithms At Their Own Game 

Precipitating money from the edges of the Internet of Things

Algorithmically Detecting Cyberattack Patterns in the Absence of Open Training Data

Pattern Curators of the Cognitive Era

Using Machine Learning to Ward Off Zero-Day Attacks on the Internet of Things

Allaying Anxieties Surrounding the Potential of Artificial Intelligence
Can We Use Social Listening as a Virtual Breathalyzer?

Communications Connection: Is big data still relevant?

Real Time Isn’t As Real As You’ve Been Led to Believe

Mining and Divining The Mysteries Of The Mind

Open Source Analytics Penetrating Deeper into the Internet of Things

Surprise in the Narrative Flow of Data Science

How Cognitive Computing Can Boost Educational Performance

From Creation to Gustation: How Modern Foodchains Crave Precision Analytics

The Bubble Edens of IoT Mood Management

The Sitting-Duck Machine-Learning Model

A More Brilliant Fog: Containerizing Algorithmic Services at the IoT’s Edges

Interview with James Kobielus, Big Data Evangelist, IBM

The Anti-Bias Bias of the Data Scientist

Empathetic vs. Pathetic: Living With Affective Computing

Graph analysis: Not the dots, but the connections

Survival of Fitness: How Model Selection Happens In The Natural Order of Data Science

Morphing Targets and Fancy Math

The Merry Melodious Milling of Machine-Learning Music

Statistically Slicing Through the Knotty Tangle of Human Morality

The Evenly Matched Global AI Arms Race

The robotic throttling of information overload

Emotion Analytics and the Algorithmic Parsing of the C-Suite Poker Face

Statistically Crunching a Crowdsourced Image of the World in Flux

Paths, Patterns, and Lakes: The Shapes of Data to Come

Cognitive Coaching: The Algorithmic Acceleration of Human Learning

Quarks: Embedding Open Cognitive Analytics at the Edge of the Internet of Things

Deploying analytics microservices in the cloud

Optimizing the Physical Fitness of The Community At Large

Becoming cognitive: a new disruptor remakes the business landscape

Dredging the Data Lake Down to Its Muddy Bottom

What’s the Threshold at Which Big Data May Be Considered Mainstream?

Crowdsourcing Verbal Context for Deep Visual Analysis

Controlling the Weaponization of Deep Learning

Pondering The Prophesied Master Learning Algorithm

Machine learning models need love, too

The Rashomon Effect in Algorithmic IoT Memory Capture

The Deeply Embedded Future of Deep Learning

You Wouldn’t Know Humor If It Bit You in the Algorithm!

Digital Placebo: The Psychosomatic Impacts of Quantified Self

The Internet of Things will eliminate data deadzones

Citizen Data Scientists in the New Global Order

The Bottomless Log of Everything

The Remorseless Recrystallization of the Open Source Analytics Ecosystem

Fitting Data Science Methodologies to the Complex Contours of the Internet of Things

2020 vision: The triumph of cognitive IoT

Deep Learning: The External Contextualization Engine Behind The Self-Driving Car

I’ve Got This Down to a Data Science

How Many Crowdsourced Experts Can Compute on the Head of a Problem?

Internet of Things and the Principles of Personal Data Exploitation

Inflecting and Genuflecting Toward Yet Another Analytic Industry Turning Point

The Swarming Nano-Agents of Algorithmic Cognition

Cognitive Computing and the Emerging Ecosystem of Algorithmic Savants

Fluid Is as Fluid Does: Automating the Machine-Learning Pipeline

Stuff You May or May Not Do With Whatever Data You May or May Not Possess

From REST to Restless: The Probabilistic Fabric of Cognitive Integration

The Sisyphean Challenge of Content Curation in a Big Data Universe

Top Trends to Watch in Cognitive Analytics in 2016

Deploying Analytic Microservices In The Internet Of Things

Prediction 2016: Cognition comes to all things

Zeitgeists, wind gusts and the analytics of environmental turbulence

Data Science to Change The World or Scratch an Itch

It's springtime at last for cognitive computing

Social learning to instill confidence in data science applications

The new soul of the insight economy: A Datapalooza dispatch

Rocking Data Science for Sustainable Innovation: A Datapalooza Dispatch

A Community Event for Innovative Spark Apps: A Datapalooza Dispatch

Creative Data Engineering Can Drive Data Science Insights: A Datapalooza Dispatch

Datapalooza: Produce Your Data Application Development Concert

Datapalooza: Compose Your Data-Science Music

IBM Insight 2015, day 2: Highlights from sessions and the Hack the Weather finals

Demystify your data with the next generation of business analytics
James Kobielus

The outthink imperative: The many paths to cognitive illumination
James Kobielus

Listening, engaging and influencing: The power of Twitter-based social insights
James Kobielus

The Internet of Things and the evolving role of big data analytics in the insight economy

Cognitive Computing, Artificial Intelligence Apps Have Big Future in the Enterprise

Securing Everything in the Internet of Things

The Bogus Bogeyman of the Brainiac Robot Overlord

Identifying Privacy Sensitivities Before It’s Too Late

Stitching Computing into the Fabric of Life and Consciousness

Context Is A King Easily Checkmated

Digital Business, Digital Customers, and That Last Critical Mile

The Many Models Of Maturity In Big Data Analytics

Modeling Mind and Body with Spark

Searching the Blur of Online Images

Exclusive – IBM Big Data Evangelist James Kobielus Talks Analytics and Staying Flexible

Stigmatizing, Euphemizing, and Other Patterns of Technological Life

Humanitarian Giving and the Role of the Professional Data Scientist

Defending Connected Cars & the Vehicular Grid Against Cyberthreats

Social Sentiment and the Barometer of Backlash

The Irrelevance of Mathematical Certainty in Deep Learning Analytics

Statistical Modeling: Head, Heart, & Soul

How Long Should We Wait For That Quantum Leap?

Where and how do I start my digital business journey?

The Relativism of Privacy Sensitivities

Developing on-demand streaming analytics in the cloud         http://www.ibmbigdatahub.com/blog/developing-demand-streaming-analytics-cloud

Streaming analytics enter the fast lane

Orchestrating Predictive Policing in Real Time

IBM Insight 2015 Chat: Applying Insight Everywhere with Data Science

Panning the Streams for Things of Gold

Artistic Deception, Machine-Learning Style

Algorithms For Wrestling Narrative Transparency Out Of Other Algorithms

Customer Segmentation: The Fine Line Between Profiling and Personalization

Real-World Experiments: When Algorithmic Inventions Engage In Biomimicry

Spark: Everything In Its Right Zone

Spark: Toward A More-Complete, Albeit Imperfect, Open-Source Big-Data Analytics Stack

Spark: On the Recent Radar


Drones and Their Impact on Data in the Internet of Things

Spark as a fit-for-purpose big data component

Deep Learning & The Searchable Streaming Corpus

Algorithms for eyes: How deep learning can help the blind

9 reasons why developers & data scientists are primed to spark insight with Spark

Spark Summit 2015, Day 2: A gathering of today’s most dynamic data scientists

Spark Summit 2015, Day 1: Energizing a new wave of data scientists

Advertising Fatigue and The Analytics of Stealth Targeting

The Spark that ignites the insight economy

The emergence of a diversified industry ecosystem around Spark

Spark delivering value in the real world here and now

Hadoop Summit 2015, Day 3: Passing the torch to Apache Spark

Things Within Things Within Things Within And In And In And In And….

Humans vs. algorithms: Who -- or what -- should decide?

Practical applications for which Spark sparkles brightly

Quo Quantum?

Deep Learning Lives and Dies By Dimensionality Reduction

Big Data Analytics, GMOs, and the Future Cuisine of Space-Dwelling Humanity

Machine learning as a fluid intelligence harvesting service

Trusting the ecosystem that sustains and maintains the Internet of Things

If Machine Learning Only Had A Heart

Apache Spark and the power of openness

Connected Cars & The Coming Era of The Distributed Data-Transmission Drivetrain

Tracking and monetizing the genome of human mobility

The power behind Apache Spark

Machine Learning, 3-D Gestural Interfaces, and the Demise (or Triumph) of Personal Computing

High-quality data science training on the cheap

The Brains In Our Clouds And The Chips In Our Heads

Debunking the Myths around Cognitive Computing

IBM’s Continued Leadership in the Data Warehousing Market

Machine-milled insights and the limits of algorithmic automation in cognitive computing

The resurgent relevance of the data warehouse

The Fantastic Visualization Voyage Through the Deep Data of Human Physiology

Accelerate your operational analytics

Questioning The Authority Of Intuition And The Intuition Of Authorities

No, the data warehouse is not dead

The Analytics Of Quantified Candor

Predictive business: Tools for bending the future in your direction

Something Singular May Or May Not This Way Come

One Query Drives It All: IBM Fluid Query Is The Foundation Of The Logical Data Warehouse

Apache Spark: 3 Promising Use-Cases

Delving deeply into the narrative hierarchies of computer vision analytics

Placemaking, Urban Design, & The Analytics Of Public Space Utilization

The all-consuming future of cloud analytics


Framing the Data-Science Narrative through Spatial Composition

Frameworks Taking Precedence Over Stacks in Big Data

The evolving shape of distributed databases in the Internet of Things

The Coming Constellation Of Remote-Sensing Things

Visualizing big science like never before

Embodied Cognition in the Customer-Engagement Loop

Defining the Unified Data Model for the Internet of Things

Hadoop is probably as mature as it's going to get

How to Game the Turing Test

Using Analytics To Pinpoint Medicine With Precision

Fogs, logs and cogs: The newer, bigger shape of big data in the Internet of Things

Networks Are Becoming Self-Aware and Self-Defending

When New Hardware Starts To Spontaneously Self-Fabricate

Distinguishing Data’s Latency From Its Actionability

Big Data Drives the 21st Century Automotive Experience

The dev@ was in the details, and in my delivery

Meet the Expert: James Kobielus

Flat Org. Flat Earth. Whatever.

Spooky action at a personal distance

Probabilistic programming languages in data science

Black Swans, Sitting Ducks, and Geospatial Analytics

Ignite dev@Insight James Kobielus: Data science not magic wand for diagnosing global warming

Chief Data Science Officers Won't Supplant CIOs

The Matter is Settled: Big Data = [ ]

Data scientists need to nip model overfit in the bud

The Challenge of Data-Driven Security in the Petabyte Era

Simulating customer cognition with or without neuroscience

Detangling Herd Bias From Crowd Wisdom

Gamifying the Real Game of Business

Why you may never need to become a data scientist

Real-World Experiments: The Value Of Failure In A/B Testing

Fathoming photos at algorithmic speed

The Declining Value of Social-Media Water-Cooler Sentiment

Analytics and measurements: A recipe for sustainable food chains

Data Warehouse Modernization: Vetting Forrester’s Return-on-Investment Calculations

Shining analytical light deeply into dark data


Pushing the MapReduce Efficiency Envelope

The Evolving Big Data Fabric Of The Travel Experience

Healthcare Analytics And The Mysterious Statistical Signatures Of Mental Health

Ambient Analytics and The Coming Of Big-Data Unaware-Ables

Cognitive Computing and the Indelible Role of Human Judgment

Does Big Data Facilitate Big-Time Manipulation?

Patting down the pachyderm: Big data prognostications for 2015

Decision Automation: Retraining And Restraining The Long-Data Arm Of The Law

Busted! The campaign against counterfeit reviews

Internet of Things: Revisiting Metcalfe's Law In The Era Of Everything Networking

Cognitive Computing: Undecidable Problems And The Limits Of Algorithmic Cognition

December 18, 2014

December 11, 2014

Peeling back the layers of the smarter city

The Challenges of Master Data Management in the Internet of Things

Optimized object storage is key to streaming media

Big Data Ethics for Targeted Segmentation

Cognitive computing: Programming the artificial mind

November 20, 2014

Chief data officer: My mixed and nuanced musings on the need for one

November 13, 2014

Behavorial analytics in the era of wearables

Cognitive computing as a wearable prosthetic

Five Ways To Move Your Big Data into the Cloud

Bringing cloud-based modernization to data warehousing and analytics

October 28, 2014

Big Data Is Not the Death Knell of ETL

What's keeping data science from playing a more central role in public policy?

October 23, 2014

Self-Service Analytics, Data Warehousing, and Information Management in the Cloud

Collaborations and correlations in the common cause

Ensembles to Boost Machine Learning Effectiveness

Distributing data science brainpower more equitably among the haves and have-nots

Governance, Stewardship, and Quality of Temporal Data in a Data Warehousing Context

Converging in-motion and in-memory analytics

Using analytics to help hospitals avoid inadvertently sickening patients and their caregivers

October 2, 2014

The Challenges of Deploying Big Data Analytics to the Cloud

Data science's limitations in addressing global warming

September 25, 2014

September 19, 2014

IBM Watson: Core of the cognitive revolution

September 18, 2014

Immunizing your business against toxic customer relationships

September 11, 2014
Who's afraid of the big (data) bad wolf?

When big data is truly better

The analytic potency of the ontology

Raising real-time transaction and analytic processing to the next power

September 2, 2014

Consolidating and migrating to an in-memory analytics cloud

August 27, 2014

Doing something about the weather

August 21, 2014

The Larger Stakes Behind Big Data Ethics

Explore New Frontiers in Business Analytics

Using real-time analytics to identify who's scooping whom in online journalism

August 14, 2014

August 7, 2014

Algorithms are not magic

Empowering athletes with real-time, data-driven decision support

July 31, 2014

The Power of Behavioral Fingerprinting

Can a machine detect sarcasm? Yeah, right

Real-time healthcare compliance analytics can keep patients alive and well

July 24, 2014

Big algorithm libraries breathe life into big data

Real-world experiments and the Facebook controversy over mood manipulation

July 17, 2014

Big data as a factor in life-or-death decisions

July 10, 2014

Transforming the agile data warehouse in the age of the in-memory cloud

July 9, 2014
James Kobielus: Cualquiera se beneficia del big data

Streaming media and narrative power of video content analytics

IBM Watson and the power of conversation in the cognitive fabric

June 26, 2014
Data De-Duplication Should Be the Heart of all Big Data Strategies

What's machine learning? It depends on who you ask

The delicate art of data science project prioritization and triage

June 19, 2014

Big data log analysis thrives on machine learning

The Ground Truth in Agile Machine Learning

The democracy of open data

Scientists beginning to tap the research potential of the quantified self

June 12, 2014

Hadoop, whither goest thou?

Too big, too small, or just right? Balancing your social connections

Grounding cognitive computing in probabilistic data analytics

Practical Data Science and the Tricky Business of A/B Testing

Evolving the binocular vision and opposable thumbs of cognitive computing

May 29, 2014

Whipping Web Analytics into Shape to Glimpse True Customer Experience

In Data Science, Take Nothing on Faith

Big data's bogus correlations

May 22, 2014

IBM Data Magazine: Its Value and Its Vision

Don’t Understaff and Overstretch Your Analytics Development Team

Never put everything in one database basket, even if it’s Hadoop

Open climate data will focus humanity on solutions to global warming

May 15, 2014

Sports Teams: Smack That Ol’ Moneyball Right Out of the Park

Hidden Biases That May Cloud Cognitive Computing

Using advanced image analytics to spot hidden cancer patterns

May 9, 2014

Data confidence: The proof's in the process

May 1, 2014

Hadoop is Beginning to Stare Newer Big Data Approaches in the Face

April 28, 2014

Nurturing open marketplaces for predictive models and modeling expertise

April 24, 2014

Moneyball is the true game-changing application of data analytics

April 17, 2014

The embryonic days of the data journalism industry are upon us

April 10, 2014

IBM big data roundtable: The transformative power of big data

April 4, 2014

Big data powers the practical know-it-all in us all

April 3, 2014
Extract maximum insights before you purge your data

Rules of thumb for identifying and prioritizing big data applications

The Irreducibly Human Center of Streaming Music Algorithmics

Saving the Planet

Plugging a lean, mean big-data-analyzing machine into manufacturing

March 21, 2014

Using big data to tune the fusion of human physiology and machine physics

March 13, 2014
Detecting the Signs of Drama and Drift in Customer Loyalty

Caveat on use of the Internet of Things in behavioral analytics

March 6, 2014

The exabyte era is rapidly streaming our way

The cloud now has a BLU lining and BLU has a cool hub

February 28, 2014

Machine learning floats all boats on big data's ocean

Mobile data traces the contours of urban experience

Mitigating the Disruption of Real-World Experiments

Data scientists need psychological insights to tune customer analytics

February 20, 2014

Big data drives the daisy chain of value in today's economy

February 13, 2014

Pay Your Customers What They’re Worth to You

Customer experience data is too important to foul with shoddy governance

February 6, 2014

IBM Patterns and Platforms for Business Intelligence (BI): Choosing What’s Best for You

When and When Not to Have Faith in Statistical Models – Part 2

Cognitive computing can take the semantic Web to the next level

Autonomic planet: Distributed intelligence for a self-healing ecosystem

When and When Not to Have Faith in Statistical Models – Part 1

Big data overkill can stunt scientific rigor

January 23, 2014

The Beauty Metric: Choosing the Best-Fit Advanced Analytic Algorithms

Next best expert: Collaboration of people and machines on big data and analytics

January 16, 2014

Log data is pivotal to analytics on Internet of Things

Koby's predictions for the Internet of Things in 2014 and beyond

January 10, 2014

Foretelling 2014 Trends In Big Data, Hadoop, Data Science & More

What Koby's tea leaves foretell for big data in 2014

January 2, 2014

Open Data Graphs Can Boost the Global Economy

The Aromatic Ambience of Customer Experience
December 19, 2013

#GreaterIBM Big Data chat Recap: Data Science Career

Big Identity’s Double-Edged Sword: Wielding It Responsibly

SAP users now have access to the acceleration benefits of IBM BLU

James Kobielus: Big Data, Cognitive Computing and Future of Product

Big data demands nonstop experimentation

The NoSQL Conundrum: Lagged Veracity and the Double-Edged Promise of Eventual Consistency

December 5, 2013

The tricky chemistry of a high-performance data-science team

YARN unwinds MapReduce's grip on Hadoop

Small, Spotty and Zero Data: The Insights Present in Information’s Absence

November 21, 2013

The Big Media Revolution

Analytics Illuminate Stab-in-the-dark Recommendations

Big Data and the Power of Mathematical Breakthroughs

Recommendations Galore – Part 2

November 15, 2013

Data Scientists: The Challenge of Managing Stubbornly Autonomous Experts

November 14, 2013

Recommendations Galore – Part 1

November 8, 2013

Interview outside the press working room at IBM IOD 2013 by Mark Brunelli of SearchDataManagement.com

Big science thrives on open reference data

James Kobielus - IBM Information on Demand 2013 - theCUBE

My personal take-aways: Surfing the deeply informative IOD Hub

November 6, 2013

IBM PureData business overview and Roadmap discussion from Enzee Universe at Information On Demand 2013

My personal passion: IBM IOD 2013 and the big buzz for data science

November 5, 2013

My personal cheatsheet: IBM IOD 2013 day one announcements

November 5, 2013

Cognitive Computing: Relevant at all Speeds, Scales and Scopes of Thought

Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of American History. Lemelson Center. Video playback. October 25, 2013. "Inventing the Surveillance Society." Kobielus: 31:30-53:00 & 1:19:00-2:10:00

Converting Big Data And Analytics Insights Into Results: IBV Study Findings

Machine Learning Boosts Data-Scientist Learning, and Vice Versa

The Challenges of Transparent Accountability in Big Data Analytics

The Emergence of Big Media: Evolving and Dwarfing Today's Big Data Platforms

Don’t Aggravate the Aggregate with Continuous Campaigning

Combining PureData and System z for Mission Critical Analytic an IBM Virtual Enzee Recap

Geospatial Analytics: Evolving to Address Mindblowing Big-Data Challenges

Sometimes it's OK to treat people like numbers

Data Scientists and Their Curriculum

Geospatial Analytics Transforming Brick-and-Mortar Retailing into a Digital Experience

Twisting the Kaleidoscope – Part 1

Twisting the Kaleidoscope – Part 2

Big data rapidly evolving away from rotating storage

Cognitive Computing: Driving Intelligent Cross-Channel Conversations

How do we extend Hadoop and what is the big data burger?

Living the Big Data Dream: Confidence, Confidentiality and Continuous Automation in the 21st Century

Data Scientists Need a Professional Code of Conduct

Sentiment or Sediment?

Optimal Deployment for Big Data

Whitepaper: Big Data Analytics For A Holistic Customer Journey

Openness: Bringing Greater Transparency and Agility to the Smarter Planet

September 19, 2013

Data Scientists: Key Programmers in the Convergence of Big Data, Cloud, Streaming and Internet of Things

September 12, 2013

Big data and analytics for a holistic customer journey

Hadoop Appliances: Key Building Blocks of the Big Data Cloud

Hadoop appliances: the key to simplicity, speed, scalability, and stability in big data

Tweets Are The Fruit Flies Of Consumer-Facing Data Science—For Better and Worse

September 5, 2013

VIDEO: Acquire, Grow, Retain: Enhancing the 360 View of the Customer


Perception Science Should Drive Advanced Visualization Designs

Indescribable! Indestructible! Humungous! Nothing Can Stop the Big Media BLOB!

Big Data’s Coming End-State Architecture

Big Data’s Growing Impact on Hollywood’s Creative Process

Decision Confidence: Where the Predictive Chickens Come Home to Roost

August 22, 2013

Big data means big challenges in lifecycle management

Right Skills, Right Place, Right Time: Educating the Next-Generation Big-Data Professional

August 14, 2013

The Best Data Scientists Cluster Around the Biggest Big-Data Challenges

Evolving Supercomputing in the Era of Big Data

August 2, 2013

Counterintuitive Data Science Methods May Yield Keener Analytical Insights

Big Data Can Deepen or Dilute Caregiver-Patient Engagement

August 1, 2013

Big Data Analytics Will Permeate the Internet of Things

July 25, 2013

Graph analysis will make big data even bigger

Please Don’t Alchemize Social Sentiment into Fool’s Gold

Big Data’s Potential in Helping to Secure the Internet of Things

Social Data Quality Will Take Back Seat to Data Relevance

Big Data: How Can We Measure the Risks?

July 19, 2013

Hadoop’s Linux Analogy is Wearing Thin as the Market Evolves

July 11, 2013

Shooting Down Myths about Data Scientists

Stream computing is core of the Internet of Things — and much more

High-Quality Data Science Demands Independent Verification

Internet of Things May Disrupt Predictive Analytics in Big Data Clouds

July 2, 2013

The Enterprise Data Warehouse is Virtualizing into the Big-Data Cloud

June 27, 2013

Generational Segmentation has Become a Marketing Industry Joke

Single Version of the Truth: Ground it in Data Science, Not Data Faith

June 20, 2013

Big data needs data virtualization

Convergence of Social, Mobile and Cloud: 7 Steps to Ensure Success: Step 5: Leverage Analytics to Gain Insight

June 13, 2013

Social Business: The Power of Big Data in Agile Engagement

The Power of Big Data to Drive Agile Social Business

Data Scientist: Strike a Balance Between Quantitative & Qualitative Exploration

June 6, 2013

Data science should be free of intrusive regulation

Big Data Driving Converged Digital Telecommunications & Media

Big Data Philosophies: More Practical than You Might Think

Influence Attribution in Marketing is an Inexact Science…At Best

Big Data: Practical Solutions [Video]                                                          

Big Data In Danger of Definitional Overkill

May 23, 2013

Data Scientist: Bias, Backlash and Brutal Self-Criticism

May 16, 2013

There's no shortage of data science smarts

The Rise of the Data Scientist: Recap of IBM Twitterchat

May 14, 2013

Measuring the Business Value of Big Data

May 9, 2013

The Rise of the Data Scientist in the Smarter Planet

Data scientists need a cloud sandbox

Big-data trustworthiness needs independent vetting

Ambient Analytics: Will Wearable Gadgets Open the Floodgates to Glut?

The Next Big “H” in Big Data: Hybrid Architectures

Shopping Happiness is Bursts of Spontaneity Within The Routine

Crowdsourced Surveillance: Next Big App of Big Media

May 3, 2013

Recap of IBM Twitterchat: Storing Big Data

April 26, 2013

Is Privacy Possible in the Era of Big Data?

Big Data - The Hadoop Data Warehouse - Part 2

Big Data - The Hadoop Data Warehouse - Part 1

How Big Data is Changing Patient Care

April 22, 2013

Big Data As a Strategic Asset: Got Guru?

April 18, 2013

Big identity is big data’s double-edge sword

Data Journalism: Big Data, Data Science, & the Art of Non-Fictional Storytelling

April 12, 2013

Recap of IBM Twitterchat: Enterprise Challenges of Incorporating Hadoop

April 11, 2013

Finding gems in big data archives

Going Cloud with Your Big Data: A Structured Approach

https://www-304.ibm.com/profiles/html/simpleSearch.do?searchFor=06000021Q7&searchBy=useridGamified Analytics: Unlocking Disruptive Genius or Disrupting Data Quality?

The Age of Agile: Beyond Big Data

April 4, 2013

Don’t Force-March All of Your Customers to a New Improved Experience

Recap of IBM Twitterchat: How In-Memory Technology is Transforming Big Data

March 29, 2013

Big Data, Quality of Service, and Telecom 2.0

March 28, 2013

Big Data Debate: Will Hadoop Become Dominant Platform?

Small data and big data are joined at the hip

When you should put big data in the cloud

In-Memory: The Lightning in the Big Data Bottle

March 21, 2013

Recap of IBM Twitterchat: Mobile Data - Taking Your Big Data on the Road

March 20, 2013

Hardcore Big-Data Use Cases: Better Results at Extreme Scale

March 14, 2013

How Much Big Data Do You Actually Need?


5 Ways to Make Big Data Production-Ready

Big Data On the Move: Everywhere You Need It To Be

March 7, 2013

Gauging the Maturity of Your Big Data Initiatives

Data Scientist: Exploration in the Age of the Unstructured

February 28, 2013

Koby Asks: Must You Sacrifice Privacy for Social Business?

Productionizing Your Big Data: A Checklist of Key Considerations

February 21, 2013

Building big data skills: Closing the talent gap

Graph Analysis Powers the Social and Semantic Spheres of Big Data

Controlled Explosion: Keeping Big Data Contained with Security, Governance and Information Lifecycle Management

February 14, 2013

Graph-o-mania: The Flowering of a New Visual Paradigm in Business Analytics

Integrated Systems Unlock True Potential of Big Data

The Maturing of Big Data: From Herding Cats to Taming Tigers

February 7, 2013

Recap of Tweetchat on Big Data in the Cloud

February 4, 2013

Koby Asks: What Keeps the Chief Marketing Officer Up At Night?

Healthcare Personalization in the Age of Ubiquitous “Omics”

January 31, 2013

Next Best Action in the Internet of Things

January 24, 2013

Securing Big Data: Issues to consider in your strategic planning

Jan 22 2013

Data Scientist: Closing the Talent Gap

January 17, 2013

Actionable Analytics: It's Coming Out of Dilbert's Boss' Mouth...Is it Useless Industry Jargon?

The Role of Stream Computing in Big Data Architectures

Koby’s Big Data Predictions for 2013

January 3, 2013

Materializing the Data of Desire in Digital Marketing

Data Scientist: Sexy Is as Sexy Does

December 10, 2012

Big Data, Fractal Geometry, and Pervasively Parallel Processing

Next Best Action in Social Business

November 27, 2012

"The Cube - #IBM Information on Demand - James Kobielus"

Data Scientists: Myths & Mathemagical Powers

Data Scientist: Potential Superstars in Prediction Markets

November 9, 2012

Next Best Action Rides the Best-Fit Model

November 6, 2012

True Hadoop Standards are Essential for Sustaining Industry Momentum: Part 2

Data Scientist: Bringing True Science into the Business Process

November 2, 2012

Next Best Action Driving the Fluid Modern Experience

October 31, 2012

Targeted Marketing: When Does Cool Cross Over to Creepy?

IBM IOD 2012: The Big Data Buzz Continues to Amaze

October 29, 2012

Deepen the Business Value of Big Data: IOD Announcements

Posted on October 22, 2012

Takeaways from Recent ZDNet TechLines Broadcast Panel on Big Data

October 17, 2012

Data Scientist: Chart The Customer Journey

October 15, 2012

True Hadoop Standards are Essential for Sustaining Industry Momentum: Part 1

IBM PureData System Incorporates Common Platform for Analytics and Transactions

October 9, 2012

Workload-optimized Systems? Integrated Management for Maximum Administrator Productivity

October 5, 2012

Workload-optimized Systems? Clean-slate Design for Optimal Appliance Performance

October 3, 2012

Workload-optimized Systems? Built for and Building the Big Data Cloud

October 3, 2012

Workload-optimized Systems? Scale In, Out and Up for Balanced Big Data Configurations

October 2, 2012

Workload-optimized Systems? Patterns of Expertise for Built-in Solution Best Practices

October 1, 2012

The V Monologues

Next Best Action in the Influence Economy

September 25, 2012

Data Scientist: Consider the Curriculum

September 18, 2012

Next Best Action Functionality Baked into Your Business Platform

September 11, 2012

Twitter Chat Preview: How Big Data is Changing Patient Care

September 10, 2012

Hadoop Cluster Management

Podcast: “Debunking Big Data myths

Data Scientist: Mastering the Methodology, Learning the Lingo

August 30, 2012

Next Best Action Back Inside Your Business

August 29, 2012


August 24, 2012

Data Scientists: Credentialed or Otherwise

August 22, 2012

Next Best Action: Its Leading Synonyms and Trailing Cynicisms

August 22, 2012

Hadoop Myths Debunked

August 20, 2012

What Worries the CMO? Fathoming the Human Heart.

A Week of Koby's Quick Hits - Aug. 13-17

August 17, 2012

Next Best Action on the Streets of Your Town

August 16, 2012

Data Scientists: Explore Game Theory to Boost Customer Engagement

August 13, 2012

A Week of Koby's Quick Hits - Aug. 6-10

August 10, 2012

Big Data: Data Quality’s Best Friend? Part 2

Hadoop: Nucleus of the Next-Generation Big Data Warehouse

Big Data: Data Quality’s Best Friend? Part 1

Week's Worth of Koby Quick Hits: July 30 - August 3, 2012

August 06, 2012

Week's Worth of Koby Quick Hits: July 23-27, 2012

July 30, 2012

Another shot from the Koby side: Customer as Pantheon

Recap: Big Data: What Drives You and Where Do You Start?

July 25, 2012

Data Scientists: Bridge the Cultural Divide with BI Practitioners

July 24, 2012

Asking the Experts: James Kobielus on Big Data, BigInsights, and Hadoop

Week's Worth of Koby Quick Hits: July 16-20, 2012

July 23, 2012

Tweetchat Preview: Big Data – Where to Start

July 19, 2012

Next Best Action in the Ever-Virtualizing Physical Point of Sale

July 17, 2012

Week's Worth of Koby Quick Hits: July 2-13, 2012

July 16, 2012

Big Media: It’ll Make Big Data Look Like A Puny Pachyderm

Business Intelligence in the Hadoop Era

July 5, 2012

Data Scientists: Myths and Mathemagical Superpowers

June 29, 2012

Week's Worth of Koby Quick Hits: June 25-29, 2012

June 29, 2012

Make Turing Proud: Next Best Action in Multichannel Conversations

June 26, 2012

Week's Worth of Koby Quick Hits: June 18 - 22, 2012

June 22, 2012

More Big Data Mythbusting

June 21, 2012

Response: Top 5 Myths about Big Data

June 21, 2012

Week's Worth of Koby Quick-Hits June 11th - 15th, 2012

June 18, 2012

Data Scientists: Run Your Mad Experiments

June 18, 2012

What Skills are Essential for Big Data?

June 13, 2012

Week's Worth of Koby Quick-Hits June 4th - 8th, 2012

June 11, 2012

Next Best Action in Real Time: The True Test of Big Data

June 11, 2012

Reuse, Recycle, Compost: A New Level of Insight into Garbage

June 05, 2012

Week's Worth of Koby Quick-hits: May 28 to June 1 2012

June 04, 2012            

Data Scientists: Illuminate Your Patterns with Pictures

June 04, 2012

Week's Worth of Koby Quick-Hits May 21-25, 2012

May 29, 2012            

Next Best Action in Unprecedented Circumstances: When No One Truly Knows the Next Best Action

May 29, 2012            

Week's Worth of Koby Quick-Hits May 16th to 18th 2012

May 23, 2012

May 23, 2012

Data Scientists: Grow and Sustain a Center of Excellence

May 21, 2012            

Big Data Analytics Helps Researchers Drill Deeper into Multiple Sclerosis

May 14, 2012            

Next Best Action in Healthcare: Save & Improve Lives Through Applied Analytics

May 14, 2012

Data Scientists: How Big is Your Big Data Sandbox?

May 07, 2012

Next Best Action in a Smarter Planet: Think Global, Optimize Local

April 30, 2012

High Powered Profiling: Emerging Best Practice for Big Data

April 25, 2012

Big Data Analyst Crosses Over to the "Dark Side"? Hardly.

April 23, 2012

Aweekstweets February 12 to March 20 2017: the weeks of Declan’s debut

6m6 minutes ago New blogpost: "Pretty much all of my IBM thought leadership output, April 2012 to March 2017" (http://ow.ly/hC4o30a3rjC )

 9h9 hours ago Caught "Allied" on DVD. Brad Pitt & Marion Cotillard good in a twisty WW2 tale of resistance, espionage, double identities, & tangled hearts 

 9h9 hours ago We'll be using Uber & Airbnb for the first time this week. We'll also be buying our first flat-panel TV soon. We don't rush into new stuff 

22h22 hours ago RIP Chuck Berry. He put the showboating lead guitarist at the center of rock & roll and infused R&B with a witty country-western sass. 

24h24 hours ago It says here (http://forebears.io/surnames/kobielus …) that my surname is the 1,953,851st most common in the world. Yes, we have the common touch.

 Mar 17 TCM is showing John Ford’s 1952 classic “The Quiet Man.” I can’t tell you how much I love this film. Well, saints preserve us, I just did!

 Mar 17 "One Deep Learning Virtual Machine to Rule Them All" (http://ow.ly/1QMT30a0Nhx ) JK--Calls for standardized internal representation for all DL

 Mar 17 "Learning to communicate" (http://ow.ly/BWCK30a0MnK ) JK--Here's a link to that OpenAI research where bots fashion their own bot-to-bot lingo

 Mar 17 St. Patrick's Day. Day when I celebrate one-fourth of my heritage. The rest of my DNA just not worth getting pugnaciously drunk over.

 Mar 17 "Bots Learning to Chat in Own Language" (http://ow.ly/qMz330a0DK1 ) JK--Algorithmically generate lingua-franca grammar semantics vocab etc

 Mar 17 "Recruiters: Coding talent needed, degree optional" (http://ow.ly/bnsR30a0xBL ) JK--Vocational education certificate may be sufficient.

 Mar 17 "DARPA plan would reinvent not-so-clever machine learnng systems" (http://ow.ly/OR5o30a0wKU ) JK--Autom8 transfer learning w/manual guardrails

 Mar 17 "All th ways AI will slash Wall Street jobs" (http://ow.ly/qZWl30a0wtF ) JK--Duh. Old news. Pre-dates AI. You've heard of algorithmic trading?

 Mar 17 "Digital twins: trend in mass customz8n enabld by IoT" (http://ow.ly/9R01309ZYq6 ) JK--Full digital replica incl behavs o real physical endpnt

Mar 17 "IoT data is moving target; computing requires new artillery" (http://ow.ly/s67g309ZXBD ) #SiliconANGLE

 Mar 17 "Spark ML: getting closer to the edge to improve latency" (http://ow.ly/k9kg309ZXsv ) Holden Karau of #IBM #SiliconANGLE

 Mar 17 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Posse "Keep Me Awake" JK--2016. Good slow-burning 7" from the Seattleindie outfit.

 Mar 17 Dear FBrs Who Ask Us 2 Read a Grievance Post to the End & Either Share or Reply 2 It: I havent got time for th chain, not since I’ve known U

 Mar 16 "Iteration is not design" (http://ow.ly/peU6309YPxI ) JK--Really? Who says iteration can't innovate? If that was so, evolution'd be impossible

 Mar 16 "AI4ALL" (http://ow.ly/wwEg309YO7x ) JK--"National nonprofit working to increase diversity in artificial intelligence."

 Mar 16 " Mark Cuban: The world’s first trillionaire will be an AI entrepreneur" (http://ow.ly/AqFt309YNQB ) JK--He hopes it's himself, obviously

Mar 16 13th Floor Elevators "You're Gonna Miss Me" (http://ow.ly/nj4D309YMDx ) JK--Thanks 4 the well-wishes but U're not gonna miss me. Not going far

 Mar 16 "AI in the Crosshairs" (http://ow.ly/z19Y309YM1F ) JK--That's where you need to grab it if you want artificial hearts&minds to follow.

 Mar 16 "Can new metadata and machine learning salvage data swamps?" (http://ow.ly/GJEJ309Yp4I ) #SiliconANGLE

 Mar 16 "Can the enterprise afford to be in the ‘ignore state’ with its data lake?" (http://ow.ly/dQ5l309YoHQ ) #SiliconANGLE

 Mar 16 It’s Lent. I long ago gave up giving up things for Lent for Lent.

 Mar 15 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Lulu "Feelin' Alright" from New Routes JK--1970. 
She's not Joe Cocker, but this still is a damn good version.

 Mar 15 Regarding "assuage," there are two types of people: those who pronounce it "uh-SWAGE" and those who don't pronounce it all. I'm the latter.

 Mar 15 I assume that whoever owns Hanna-Barbera's copyrights has made far more from licensing Jetsons crap than was ever earned on initial TV run.

 Mar 15 "NVIDIA’s Driving A Robot Invasion And It’s A Good Thing!" (http://ow.ly/f9ji309Wlyu ) JK--"Up to our butts In robots" sounds scary, actually

 Mar 15 New #IBM jk #Datanami column: "Scrutinizing the Inscrutability of Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/GZ0T309W3bj )

 Mar 15 "Amazon Is Winning The AI Race" (http://ow.ly/QiTX309W0JR ) JK--That's a vast overstatement. Have 1 successful AI-driven consumer product.

 Mar 15 "How can you see the network through the microservice jumble?" (http://ow.ly/H1Aw309VPNQ ) JK--Down to the network/packet level #SiliconANGLE

 Mar 15 "You’re Not Busy, You’re Just Rude" (http://ow.ly/ag8T309VPeP ) JK--Thank U WSJ for dissecting/flaying this cold condescending cop-out phrase

 Mar 15 "The Dark Side of DevOps" (http://ow.ly/FDcT309VLE9 ) JK--Bah! Not dark at all. Just inevitable tension between procedural change v. stability

 Mar 15 "Introducing Keras 2" (http://ow.ly/Tf1A309VGuE ) JK--DL lingua-franca API, works with TensorFlow, Theano, and (in the future) other backends

 Mar 15 "Deep Learning on Title + Content Features to Tackle Clickbaits" (http://ow.ly/2iuG309VGcX ) JK--Pages dense with links, pics, & buzzwords

 Mar 15 "Netflix AI tweaks each scene individlly 2 make vid look good evn on slow intrnet" (http://ow.ly/v8pu309VFlZ ) JK--"Net neutrality" mitigator?

 Mar 15 My favorite genre of popular music is "alternative." Generally, but not always, it's the alternative to the crap they play on the radio.

 Mar 15 "Why Men Drink" (http://ow.ly/dSkZ309VCvJ ) JK--Ummm...hydration?

 Mar 15 "Science-Backed Ways Music Affects Your Brain & Productivity" (http://ow.ly/EILn309VBRv ) JK--My technique is to think about it while I listen

 Mar 15 "How Smart People Handle Difficult People" (http://ow.ly/U52j309VBsw ) JK--"You are in control of far more than you realize."

Mar 14 John Oliver: “dead as Melania Trump’s eyes.” Thanks. I wondered whether I was the only one who noticed that.

 Mar 14 We got our overdue but not overwhelming winter precip. Not worth photographing. I assure U it’s white & glistens. Trust me on this. For once

 Mar 14 New #IBM jk #KDNuggets column: "Homebrewed Deep Learning and Do-It-Yourself Robotics" (http://ow.ly/CpZ1309UkVo )

 Mar 14 Drafted my next #KDNuggets column: "Putting Together A Full-Blooded AI Maturity Model"

 Mar 14 "‘Artificial Intelligence’ Has Become Meaningless" (http://ow.ly/Njnw309TrKt ) JK--I agree. Label slappd on everythng formrly dubbd "big data"

 Mar 14 "Search Earth w/AI eyes via powerful satellite image tool" (http://ow.ly/wvcn309Tr4G ) JK--Search images of entire world for matching objects

 Mar 14 "The Singularity Coming in 2029 & Will Make Humans 'Sexier'" (http://ow.ly/Pbyy309TpZc ) JK--Yep. Will give us all toned butts & rock-hard abs

 Mar 14 "Seeing Theory - A visual intro to probability & statistics" (http://ow.ly/HvNp309Tpik ) JK--Awesomely great use of interactive visualization

 Mar 14 "How AI Is Transforming the Workplace" (http://ow.ly/WnhI309ToOk ) JK--WSJ has a really bizarre graphic illustrating this.

 Mar 14 "Dynamic duo: Can AI and humans revolutionize thought labor together?" (http://ow.ly/qABB309TomV ) #SiliconANGLE

 Mar 14 "Algorithms to sniff out pollution and train ballerinas, AI is changing the world" (http://ow.ly/CwAL309ToeX ) #SiliconANGLE

 Mar 14 "How AI became a key technology in finding missing and exploited children" (http://ow.ly/7PjP309To2x ) #SiliconANGLE

 Mar 14 OK LinkedIn enough w/prompts to congratulate people on job changes. Or give us response option: "glad to see you've kept your career alive"

 Mar 14 Enjoyed shoveling the densely packed inch+ of ice crystals on my driveway at the crack of dawn this a.m. Glad my shovel & back didn't crack

 Mar 14 Home-based workers needn't apologize when their kids are visible/audible in background on livestreams. Unless it disrupts, it's understood

 Mar 14 RT @KEXPNowPlaying #kexp Sex Pistols "God Save th Queen" JK--1977. Johnny's benediction workd like a charm. Longest-reigning British monarch

 Mar 13 Back issues o NYTimes Book Review. Exactly how many titles on particle physics, Hitler & forgotten postwar intellectuals can th market bear?

 Mar 13 Saw "The Silent Storm" on DVD. Hideously overwrought cinema turd. Damian 
Lewis plays fire/brimstone Scots preacher like Groundskeeper Willie

Mar 13 "Beyond Deep Learning – 3rd Generation Neural Nets" (http://ow.ly/Pyhe309R20i ) JK--Vorhies says it's "spiking neural nets."

 Mar 13 "Design Framewk 4 Chatbots" (http://ow.ly/cTFr309QW0W ) JK--Please design taxi-driving chatbots that clam up when we're trying 2 chill in back

 Mar 13 "ML and Misinfo" (http://ow.ly/uhNA309QUPH ) JK--What the world needs now are generative DL algos that retro-splash dopey grins on classic art

 Mar 13 "Long-term Trends in Public Perception of AI" (http://ow.ly/iRDA309QTp1 ) JK--Best not to regard AI as menacing creature from black lagoon

 Mar 13 "Picking an optimizer for Style Transfer" (http://ow.ly/aHeY309QRGA ) JK--Kind of a cool cookbook for building your own with deep learning

 Mar 13 "Role of Affordances in Internet of Things" (http://ow.ly/Mz5r309QQsl ) JK--Refers to action-possibilities that an environment makes available

 Mar 13 Stuff blows over. It's all water under the bridge. Just hope it doesn't blow you in while you're crossing over.

 Mar 13 "It Seems Like Anyone Can Be a Data Scientist… but Is It True?" (http://ow.ly/H1ve309QNYf ) JK--No, it actually DOESN'T seem like that!

 Mar 13 "The Road Toward S Mart Clothing" (http://ow.ly/6E4e309QNuC ) JK--Not 2 B confused with "you look really smart in that double-breasted blazer"

Mar 13 Looking ahead 2 grandson's eventual 1st vocaliz8n. Smart $ on "googoo" or "gaga," but statistical outlier (eg "rosebud") not out of question

Mar 13 "The Neanderthal’s Cautionary Tale" (http://ow.ly/Xx0X309QKXn ) JK--Race-mixing, not racist homogeneity, is key to our species' survival.

 Mar 13 "If U Dont Invest In Deep Thought Leadership, Don’t Have Blog At All" (http://ow.ly/nZ2U309QKvn ) JK--"Executive eminence" blogs mostly ho-hum

 Mar 13 "The Hidden Economics of Ideas: Ideas are getting harder and harder to find" (http://ow.ly/SUML309QKjP ) JK--Nonsense. Just slap crap together

 Mar 13 "The AI ethics gap: the dangers of democratizing data" (http://ow.ly/MsQk309QIkI ) JK--Video interview at #SXSW Austin #SiliconANGLE

 Mar 13 "One Metallic Step Closer to Robot Apocalypse" (http://ow.ly/HfyU309QHY4 ) JK--Apocalypse when? Do they love th smell of WD-40 in the morning?

 Mar 13 "This call is being recorded for training & quality purposes." Training who to do what with what quality? The useless fool on the other end?

 Mar 13 "IBM at SXSW" (http://ow.ly/rgSb309QFys ) JK--Through tomorrow. Makers' Garage. Community Radio. Rooftop Lounge.

 Mar 13 "Scientists Test Tire Filler Made From Food Waste" (http://ow.ly/T2Gh309QEWT ) JK--Highschool cafeteria food already fit for this purpose.

 Mar 13 "SEC Denies Winklevoss Application for a Bitcoin ETF" (http://ow.ly/Rv0h309QEHJ ) JK--Somehow, these twins' serial failures are headline news

 Mar 13 News confirms what I knew was coming. Republicans fall over selves to essentially reconstruct Obamacare, as if was their idea all along.

 Mar 13 "SXSW Dispatch: Public Speaking Power Tips for Introverts" (http://ow.ly/K8UI309QDWV ) JK--Tip #1: DON'T GET SELF-CONSCIOUS UP THERE!!!!!

 Mar 13 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp The Rolling Stones "Can't You Hear Me Knocking" from Sticky Fingers JK--1971. That dirty guitar totally rocks this!

 Mar 13 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Sera Cahoone "Only One" from From Where I Started JK--2017. Definitely has an "I Saw The Light" devotional feel.

 Mar 13 "VA 1st state 2 pass law allow robots deliver straight 2 door" (http://ow.ly/jJ3e309QBjx ) JK--I'll build ramp so he can climb my front stoop

 Mar 13 As spring nears, snow approaches DC. By this time tomorrow, forecasters predict we'll be digging out from 4-8" of wilted cherry blossoms

 Mar 13 Things that didn't prove useful during my jobsearch: every online resource. Things that did prove useful: my reputation+personal connections

 Mar 12 “Psst...check out the hot social network you’ve never heard of.” If no one’s heard of it, how hot & how social can it be?

 Mar 11 We’re enjoying a Sidney Poitier night on cable: “Raisin In Th Sun” & “To Sir With Love.” Patricia Routledge plays off him well in the latter

 Mar 11 I long for the old days when movies had clear unambiguous endings. Back when they splashed “The End” on the screen and that was that.

 Mar 11 Thanks for all the best wishes on the new job & grandchild. Next on my to-dos: line up new job for my grandson. Working on his resume now.  

 Mar 11 Wine tastings at Wegmans. Excellnt Virginiavintages. I miss those drives 2 C’ville when my kids did college there. Heart o our wine country

 Mar 11 I take nothing for granted. I can’t. I’ve seen too much. I regard everything as an act of grace. How does fate choose to grace me?

 Mar 10 Declan Henry Kobielus. Child of the 21st century. Welcome to the world. Love, Grandpa Jim and Grandma Egidia. Make your daddy & mommy proud

 Mar 10 Just to add to today's craziness, as this too-warm winter draws to a close in Northern Virginia, the flurries begin.

 Mar 10 Just a typical day in our family: changing jobs, changing to a new TV provider, new grandbaby almost here, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary.

 Mar 10 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Bjork "Army of Me" from Post JK--1995. She feels like a very robust personality. Would love to meet her.

 Mar 10 "Google Cloud Now 2017- Google Gets Aggressive in A.I." (http://ow.ly/YZD7309Mtam ) JK--They made strong enterprise push this week.

 Mar 10 "Building powerful image classific models using very little data" (http://ow.ly/qmW2309MsQq ) JK--Good one. "Big" data not always DL-necessary

 Mar 10 "Economists may be underestimating how fast the robots are coming" (http://ow.ly/7lPt309MqHu ) JK--They're coming to take me away, haha!

 Mar 10 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Car Seat Headrest & Naked Giants "This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)" JK--2016. Excellent live THeads cover

 Mar 10 In my real life, I've never once used the word "actionable."

 Mar 10 "How to Build a Meaningful Life & Make It Incredibly Amazing" (http://ow.ly/5AEg309Mg6m ) JK--But how to cope when it gets tediously amazing?

 Mar 10 "A vertical play: Can niche services win Google Cloud users from AWS?" (http://ow.ly/rKtK309Mbjt ) #SiliconANGLE

 Mar 10 "What to expect from Google Cloud-SAP team-up" (http://ow.ly/zBRj309Mb6r ) #SiliconANGLE

 Mar 9 Caught “Loving” on DVD. This white Virginiaman and his wife of another race enjoyed the movie.

 Mar 9 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp DJ Shadow "Organ Donor" from Endtroducing JK--1996. Love how he rubs early 70s prog-rock organ sound in your face

 Mar 9 "5 bots 2 try ths wk: Anony, Forksy, Guggy, Chuck Norris, Swelly" (http://ow.ly/fYVY309KiA3 ) JK--B careful. Any o those controlld substances?

 Mar 9 Q: Is this thing on? A: This thing is always on. We're living in the Internet of Things. They’re always on & THEY’RE COMIN’ TO GETCHA!!!!!!

 Mar 9 "Why Deep Learning, and Why Now" (http://ow.ly/H0TQ309Khj1 ) JK--Why NOT now? And who are you? Why are you asking? And why do U need to know?

 Mar 9 "Happy & Productive Your Job? HR Wants 2 Know — Right Now" (http://ow.ly/mG9k309KgrE ) JK--Metrics will B beaten 2 death till morale improves

 Mar 9 "Biomimicry and the Internet of Things" (http://ow.ly/kJHR309Kfqe ) JK--Hey Dan Graham, is "cogitative" the same as "cognitive"? Distinction?

 Mar 9 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Th Beatles "A Day In th Life" from Sgt. Peppers JK--1967. Nobody sure if he from shadowy org calld "House of Lords"

 Mar 9 "Emerging Machine Intelligence Clusters" (http://ow.ly/PNC7309KbUq ) JK--Update on AI innovations in Europe (UK, France, Germany) and Canada.

 Mar 9 "8 New Products You’ll See @ Strata + Hadoop World" (http://ow.ly/AxKT309Kbv1 ) JK--Personal conflict keeps me from attending. #IBM there, tho

 Mar 9 "Random forests to save human lives" (http://ow.ly/u2AT309KaUI ) JK--Predictive analytics mitigates the randomness of rapid inundation.

 Mar 9 "How 2 make something people give a shit about" (http://ow.ly/uCy6309K8Dh ) JK--Good. I'd net it to "just make sure you yourself give 2 shits"

 Mar 9 "3 Kaggle alternatives for collaborative data science" (http://ow.ly/BcXs309K7st ) JK--CrowdAI, DrivenData, CrowdAnalytix

 Mar 9 "Google machine learning gains Kaggle and more" (http://ow.ly/PmSC309K73p ) JK--GA on API, engine GA, interactive data science workflow tool

 Mar 9 New #IBM jk Medium blog: "Composing #DeepLearning #Microservices for the Hybrid #InternetofThings" (http://ow.ly/3hAr309JYUX )

 Mar 9 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Broadcast "Echo's Answer" from The Noise Made by People JK--2000. Spare, calm, gorgeous. A transporting meditation

 Mar 9 "How Spark Illuminates Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/EhMo309JN4N ) JK--"Source" = me (http://ow.ly/1i7S309JN8p )

 Mar 8 I’ll let next employer announce when I’m on board. BTW, it’s nobody I’ve been with before. It’s also broader coverage scope than my current

 Mar 8 Want to thank everybody who’s told me how talented & indispensable I am. IBM’s thick with talent. They’ll do just fine without me.

 Mar 8 I’ve declined IBM’s relocation request. I’ve also resigned, effective end of this month. I’ve accepted position w/analyst firm. Stay tuned.

 Mar 8 Pere Ubu "Goodbye" (http://ow.ly/O6Rl309Itq3 ) JK--I'm such an Ubu geek, but if I had to choose a single favorite song, it'd be this.

 Mar 8 "Google is acquiring data science community Kaggle" (http://ow.ly/soFr309IrRV ) JK--Brilliant move. Data-sci contests = talent proving grounds

Mar 8 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Neko Case "Hold On Hold On" from Fox Confessor  Brings th Flood JK--2006. Curious how she "hangs around the ceiling"

 Mar 8 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Kim Weston "Take Me in Your Arms (Rock Me a Little While)" JK--1965. Great original of song covered by Doobie Bros

 Mar 8 "Evolution of Business Logic frm Monoliths thru Microsvcs 2 Functions" (http://ow.ly/QQB0309HODT ) JK--"Optimal size for bundle of biz logic"?

 Mar 8 "Analysts: Hadoop Faces Cloud Disruption" (http://ow.ly/TfLl309HOgG ) JK--I call humbug on claim Hadoop wasn't designed for public cloud

 Mar 8 "Adapting Serverless Architecture" (http://ow.ly/u2d5309HNQi ) JK--Good diagram explains at a high level what's going on under virtualization

 Mar 8 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Belly "Feed the Tree" from Star JK--1993. Dare I ask what th boy should take his hand off when he's talking to her?

 Mar 8 "The Future Is in Fog Computing" (http://ow.ly/BeJp309HMAS ) JK--Sketches the architectural distinction vs. cloud computing very nicely.

 Mar 8 Enough of the biz-tech stories of form "predictive analysis predicts [x]." Really? This stuff actually works as advertised? You kidding?

 Mar 8 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Lucius "Born Again Teen" from Good Grief JK--2016. Love it. Their stuff has great snap and bounce.

 Mar 8 "Serverless computing: Freedom 4 devs last" (http://ow.ly/fTA6309HINV ) JK--But only if developing scalable stateless event-driven cloud svcs

 Mar 8 "What would happen in a world where women didn't exist?" (http://ow.ly/9CRU309HI6r ) JK--Um, I dunno. Extinction of the species? What else?

 Mar 8 Dear Whoever Develops Spam Filters: Please use ML & NLP to filter out messages that obviously come from people who aren't fluent in English

 Mar 7 "10 Epic Shifts Rewriting Rules o Marketng" (http://ow.ly/ARAF309G4Bj ) JK--Astute. Influencer mktg is key. It's how U assemble huge audiences

Mar 7 "The Lisp approach to AI (Part 1)" (http://ow.ly/Z3Ui309FXwE ) JK--Harks back to pre-ML days of AI as primarily rule-driven NLP expert systems

Mar 7 "The race to monetize artificial intelligence is on" (http://ow.ly/VZVh309FXdp ) JK--Astute competitive SWOT analysis.

 Mar 7 "AI Is Going to Change 80/20 Rule" (http://ow.ly/fwSl309FWAN ) JK--Schrage on dynamic shifting ensembles o AI-boosted business superperformers

 Mar 7 "Brain-controlled Robots" (http://ow.ly/rX4D309FWlh ) JK--I feel like one on my off-days.

 Mar 7 "Davos 2016 - The State of Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/cHeJ309FW5d ) JK--When geekly topics consume world mover/shakers, watch out!

 Mar 7 "...smaller yet better Image Recognition" (http://ow.ly/ojp3309FVSC ) JK--Awesome illustration of how Convolutional Neural Nets actually work

 Mar 7 "Attention and Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks" (http://ow.ly/8ata309FVwu ) JK--Great dissection of key advances in this core DL approach

 Mar 7 "XLA - TensorFlow, compiled" (http://ow.ly/NY6Q309FV2P ) JK--Google developer blog. Key milestone in maturation of TensorFlow as app dev tool

 Mar 7 "Simplified Analytics: The Good Bad & Ugly of IoT" (http://ow.ly/gap4309FTXi ) JK--Tired ancient-cinema ref. BTW, what's IoT's Cool Hand Luke?

Mar 7 "Five AI Startup Predictions for 2017" (http://ow.ly/SXaK309FTBw ) JK--Very insightful no-BS predictions from Bradford Cross.

 Mar 7 Someone: "Dear Mr Kobielus please help me locate IBM individual who handles infrastructure monitoring in yr IT org" Me: Yep, one individual

 Mar 7 "Smart Cities& Smart Sewers" (http://ow.ly/snYo309FkZc ) JK--Robots self-repair cities? Public-works employment killer? Local-economy killer?

Mar 7 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp The Shins "Mildenhall" from Heartworms JK--2017. Has rapidly become one of my favorite Shins songs of them all.

 Mar 7 "Invisible Force That Warps What You Read in the News" (http://ow.ly/FClj309Fk5Y ) JK--"Narrative gravity." Great term. Lazy/biased reporting

 Mar 6 "Tech industry hit by suspension of expedited H-1B visas" (http://ow.ly/EJf8309ECXr ) JK--Indian outsourcers will be hit hardest #SiliconANGLE

 Mar 6 "IBM makes its quantum computer more accessible for developers" (http://ow.ly/4V8p309ECMZ ) JK--Expanded development API #SiliconANGLE

 Mar 6 "Bitcoin ‘hybrid banking’ company Wirex raises $3M" (http://ow.ly/280b309ECI0 
) JK--Curious if any nation will go all-bitcoin #SiliconAngle

 Mar 6 Ro-ro-ro your bot gently down the stream.....

 Mar 6 "Elephants’ Graveyard?" (http://ow.ly/B5fD309Dr2M ) JK--I'm cited here. Personally, I'm very fond of them. Mancini:

 Mar 6 "Will neuroscientists ever be able to read minds?" (http://ow.ly/uy6v309Da4j ) JK--In other words, ascertain intentions & pre-verbalizations?

 Mar 6 "White collar jobs under threat: not all jobs created = in AI automation" (http://ow.ly/a0dB309D7gp ) JK--Skip 2 end 4 less automatable tasks

 Mar 6 "How to Generate Art - Intro to Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/YE4s309D5iL ) JK--Computational artistry era awaits its Da Vinci.

 Mar 6 "120 Machine Learning business ideas" (http://ow.ly/OHgq309D4QL ) JK--Substitute "big data analytics" for "ML,"& this is so 4 years ago

 Mar 6 Hamhanded appeals to fear/uncertainty/doubt are so passé. I expect cunning
 Marketers to finely target pitches to each of those weaknesses.

 Mar 6 "Making sense of machine learning" (http://ow.ly/358R309D2KI ) JK--Eric Knorr parses definitions correctly: AI v. ML v. neural nets v. etc

 Mar 6 "Intuition Is The Highest Form Of Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/N7xT309CZTK ) JK--Or lowest form of stupidity. Opinions without data = delusions

 Mar 6 "San Jose regional economy strong but challenges imperil job growth" (http://ow.ly/3v1x309CZEZ ) JK--Highlights insane cost-o-living & traffic

 Mar 6 "Evolution of Microcomputers: Personal Histories" (http://ow.ly/Q39k309CYjz ) JK--By jinkies, we had 2 walk 5 miles thru snow 4 MS-DOS support

 Mar 6 Dear digital news services: Thanks, but don't tell me how long it should take to read each article. I know within split-second of 1st glance

 Mar 6 " #IBM Building First Universal Quantum Computers" (http://ow.ly/VBaw309CVOM ) JK-- IBM Q Series. Already 40K users have run 
>275K experiments

 Mar 6 "Want to Make Yr Presentation Memorable? Do These 5 Things" (http://ow.ly/JsFM309CVnn ) JK--Omitted most important: Say something interesting

 Mar 6 RT @KEXPNowPlaying #kexp Cry Now, Laugh Later by Grace Jones from Living My Life JK--1982. She had great discofied blend of robotic & human

 Mar 5 "Download the whitepaper"? Actually, I'm hoping to download the blackink words that would normally be imprinted on that paper. Capiche?

 Mar 5 Flipping thru channels on the tube. Ah, yes, public television. Your pledges support endless pledge drives extolling the glory of public TV

 Mar 4 How come MY tweets aren’t front-page news? Huh?! What’s up with that?

 Mar 4 Going to stay up for SNL tonight. Musical guest is Father John Misty. Their lead tambourinist really knows how to shake it.

 Mar 4 I'm sure Obama bugged my tower too. Or at least my attic. Or my belfry. There are bats up there, and I'm sure he's bugged them too.

 Mar 4 Not too shabby, not too shabby. Just shabby enough. Optimized with my patent pending deep neural shabbification algorithm.

 Mar 4 Commercial email sbjct: "You’re Considering Switching to Nearshoring, Now What?" My response: "How near & do I risk sharks if I swim there?"

 Mar 4 Fitness-club members who do their push-ups etc while obliviously obstructing where others must walk should be required to do floormat duty.

 Mar 4 “Greed, Fear, Game Theory and Deep Learning” (http://www.kdnuggets.com/2017/03/greed-fear-game-theory-deep-learning.html#.WLrZtJlT90E.twitter …) JK--Excellent research framework

 Mar 4 Amazon blames S3 outage on typo by employee in Northern Virginiadata center. Clearly, we NoVa denizens have jittery figners (ah sh*t!)

 Mar 4 WSJ reports McDonald’s refocusing on hamburgers, getting new ice cream machines, & trialing deliveries. Boring. Make Ronald a creepy clown

 Mar 4 WSJ editorial uses phrase “drop-site in the Virginiasuburbs” to refer generically to espionage tradecraft. Yes, we’re thick with spooks!

 Mar 3 Got my crown today. Dentist visits like this are more tolerable if I think of them as coronation ceremonies and the chair as my throne.

 Mar 3 I have used the phrase “it’s more complicated than that” several times in a personal context in the past week. I’m not that complicated.

 Mar 3 Saw “Moonlight” on DVD. Excellent tight-focus drama. Daring material. Performances rich with silence.

 Mar 3 I powerblasted my way through dozens of research papers today while writing that Datanami column. My head is blown every which way but loose

 Mar 3 Reading stories in Jeff Bezos’ newspaper about screwup in Jeff Bezos’ cloud services company & big plans at Jeff Bezos’ space travel company

 Mar 3 Drafted my next #IBM jk #Datanami column: "Scrutinizing the Inscrutability of Deep Learning"

 Mar 3 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Colour of Water by Rose Elinor Dougall from Stellular JK--2017. Good one. Reminds me of th best School of Seven Bells

 Mar 2 "The embarrassing reason behind Amazon’s huge cloud computing outage this week" (http://ow.ly/R9LL309xwAI ) JK--Warren Beatty not implicated

 Mar 2 "How millions of kids are being shaped by know-it-all voice assistants" (http://ow.ly/NP7e309xwxj ) JK--Parents, just be happy it isn't dope.

 Mar 2 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp The Ballad of Dale & Ray by Dale Watson & Ray Benson JK--2017. Love it. Country-western equivalent of "Monkees Theme"

 Mar 2 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Naked As We Came by Iron & Wine from Our Endless Numbered Days JK--2004. Comforted @djcherylwaters during cancer bout

 Mar 2 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Dance Me to the End of Love by Leonard Cohen JK--1984. Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end.

 Mar 2 "Serverless Computing Isn't Simple to Explain" (http://ow.ly/74tg309wMlJ ) JK--Dev abstraction 4 transparent on-demand cloud-app spin up/down

 Mar 2 "What DevOps Is and What It Is Not" (http://ow.ly/xaUH309wLMY ) JK--Tells you what it's not, then dishes an overstuffed confusing "what it is"

 Mar 2 "10 things
 Marketers need to know about AI" (http://ow.ly/Lnd7309wLiP ) JK--Substitute "big data" for "AI," and this could be a 2012 article

 Mar 2 New #IBM blog: "Fundamentals for sure-fire cloud data warehouse optimization: An interview with James Kobielus" (http://ow.ly/qat2309wyIX )

 Mar 2 Will Data Scientists Automate Themselves Out of Jobs? http://www.dataversity.net/will-data-scientists-automate-jobs/ … JK--Will cobbler de-shoe himself AND his children? Stay tuned!

Mar 2 "Microservices 101: Changing the Monolithic Data Architecture Model" (http://ow.ly/xzAZ309w3Uq ) JK--Essentially, droplets in the IoT data fog

 Mar 2 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Fearless by Pink Floyd JK--"I'll climb that hill in my own way, wait around for the right day."

 Mar 2 "How AI Already Changing Yr Life Backed By 6 Incredible Stats" (http://ow.ly/CILd309w3h6 ) JK--Embedded virtual assistants inside more stuff

 Mar 2 "NKorea Sez Kim Jong Nam Likely Died of Heart Attack" (http://ow.ly/sfdg309w2AP ) JK--Sure. Induced by assassins rubbing deadly poison in face

 Mar 2 Silicon Valley's political common cause? IMHO, it's free
 Markets, low trade barriers, open immigration, R&D incentives, & IP 

 Mar 2 "Sessions did not disclose meetings w/Russian ambassador during Trump campaign" (http://ow.ly/iooy309vUa0 ) JK--Like was easy to forget he had

 Mar 2 "Wild goose chase." The more we chase them, the less wild they become. That's because we've essentially trained them to outrace us. 

 Mar 2 "Dyson expands AI robotics efforts w/new tech ctr" (http://ow.ly/KY8H309vTfp ) JK--OMG! Autonomous robot supervacuum could hasten Singularity!

 Mar 2 "Can AI save a life? Facebook thinks so" (http://ow.ly/xn4f309vSF2 ) JK--Excess false-positives could undermine suicide-prevention initiative

 Mar 2 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Love is Stronger by Sade from VS Matrixxman Remix JK--Her voice is perfect blend o silk+smoke http://ow.ly/jR2r309vQ38

 Mar 1 Tee-ing up my
 March columns to draft: Datanami, KDNuggets, InfoWorld, Dataversity, TechTarget. Seeding each w/kernels from my recent reading

 Mar 1 My coverage zone is near-certain to broaden in the near future. Aligning with future contours. My own & the world generally.

 Mar 1 I’ve produced a lot of quality thought leadership lately under trying circumstances. By “quality,” I mean “did fresh analysis” & “nailed it”

 Mar 1 Outbound tele
 Markter: "Hi I'm Emily from customer service. Can you hear me?" Me: "What company?" Emily: "Great! We'd like to.." Me: [hangup]

 Mar 1 "Beyond the Black Box in Analytics and Cognitive" (http://ow.ly/dRfj309tAVX ) JK--That's another type of AI: Artificial Inscrutability.

 Mar 1 "How Far Are We From ‘True’ AI & Do We Really Want To Go There?" (http://ow.ly/rGFs309tAuX ) JK--And how much of this navel-gazing is healthy?

 Mar 1 "GGL Unveils Neural Net w/“Superhuman” Ability 2 Determine Location o Almost Any Image" (http://ow.ly/dBsH309tn7w ) JK--Espionage accelerator?

 Mar 1 "Feel Th Kern: Generating Proportional Fonts w/AI" (http://ow.ly/eYNa309tmJI ) JK--Use autoencoders to boil fonts to essence, for smooth manip

 Mar 1 "Want an Energy-EfficientDataCenter? Build It Underwater" (http://ow.ly/C1rg309tlCm ) JK-- Powered by renewable energy (winds, tides, waves)

 Mar 1 "Creating A Massive Network Visualization Of The Global News Landscape" (http://ow.ly/iKoZ309tlm1 ) JK--How to visualize fake-news landscape?

 Mar 1 "Inside Facebook's AI machine" (http://ow.ly/hzkM309tkHs ) JK--Photo of that riotously cluttered high-ceilinged development space is classic.

 Mar 1 S3 outage meant we couldn't do a Zoom videoconference. But we had Slack, Sametime, email, and good old audioconferencing as backups. Whew!

 Mar 1 "This Man Makes Founders Cry" (http://ow.ly/bLxu309th1A ) JK--Helps rich/powerful CEOs make peace with their personal demons/fortune. Boo-hoo!

 Mar 1 "Serverless computing" (http://ow.ly/PyvY309tfrE ) JK--Modular event-driven stateless cloud functions w/out ovrhead o server/container/VM mgmt

 Mar 1 RT @kexpplaylist It's My Life by The Animals JK--1965. "Some day I'll treat you real fine" doesn't bode well for relationship. Why not now?

 Feb 28 Stressed out people tend to get easily pooped & pissed. Especially when theyre having a crappy day & some ass starts spewing verbal diarrhea

 Feb 28 New #IBMInterConnect jk blog: "5 reasons to attend InterConnect 2017" (http://ow.ly/oUYX309s0ee )

 Feb 28 New #IBM jk #KDNuggets column: "Cooperative Trust Among Neural Networks Drives Deeper Learning" (http://ow.ly/UeJj309rZmQ )

 Feb 28 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Alex Nieto by Chuck Prophet from Bobby Fuller Died 4 Yr Sins JK--2017. San Francisco-based artist does local namedrop

 Feb 28 "Detect Subtle Contxt-Dpndnt Model Inaccuracies in High-Dimensional Robot Domains" (http://ow.ly/bdtO309rInB ) JK--Robot-autosense no-go zones

 Feb 28 New #IBM jk #TechTarget #ITKnowledgeExchange column: "Don’t let agile methods undermine data science" (http://ow.ly/gsQ1309ryDm ) ¬¬

 Feb 28 Drafted latest jk #TechTarget column: "Don’t Let Agile Methods Undermine Data Science"

 Feb 28 "Do Robots Deserve Rights?" (http://ow.ly/kyxZ309r6o4 ) JK--No. Nonsentient nonorganic beings hav no moral standing. Theyre agents o we who do

 Feb 28 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Atlantic Cityby Bruce Springsteen from Nebraska JK--1982. Hard not to feel forlorn in that faded seaside resort town

 Feb 28 "The robot that takes yr job should pay taxes, sez BGates" (http://ow.ly/gHLx309r5t9 ) JK--Not so fast. "The robot" will be fog-distributed AI

 Feb 28 "Machine learning on mobile: on the device or in the cloud?" (http://ow.ly/kZ7q309r5cq ) JK--Key decision point for cognitive-app developers

 Feb 28 "China’s Artificial-Intelligence Boom" (http://ow.ly/SKzM309r4Oi ) JK--Trump hostility to immigrants will hamper US attempts to keep pace.

 Feb 28 "Who is leading in AI research among big players: IBM, Google, FB, Apple & MSFT?" (http://ow.ly/s7PI309r4i0 ) JK--Caveat: authored by Google-r

 Feb 28 "Artificial intelligence: Cooperation vs. aggression" (http://ow.ly/piWe309r38E ) JK--Seems to urge restraint in AI weaponization, but weakly

 Feb 28 "Unlike big data, IoT may live up to the hype" (http://ow.ly/sT7K309r25j ) JK--Dubious claim: "Big data's concentration on the coasts"

 Feb 28 "Donald Trump accuses Obama of orchestrating protest against him" (http://ow.ly/Nwi3309r1PP ) JK--What? Political dissent illegal now?

 Feb 28 "“Siri, Cortana, Alexa,
 Marcus. Do bots really need a gender?”" (http://ow.ly/BYge309r1x4 ) JK--We'll project gender onto them, regardless.

 Feb 28 "If U Are Serious About Achieving Success In Any Area of Your Life, Master Your Mindset" (http://ow.ly/QfIA309qZVA ) JK--"Mindset"? Too heavy

 Feb 28 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Evening Prayer by Jens Lekman from Life Will See You Now JK--2017. Cool/strange bouncy tuneful meditation on cancer

 Feb 28 "What Blockchain Can Do for IoT" (http://ow.ly/soef309qXHj ) JK--Thing2thing end2end any2any decentralized trusted timestamped transactions

 Feb 27 "Intuition & Deep Learning Generalization" (http://ow.ly/o2M5309pEua ) JK--Intuition is fast seamless streamed fusion of past/present/future

 Feb 27 "How Users Really Perceive Interfaces: Psychological & Biological Approach" (http://ow.ly/ZyRA309oGxo ) JK--Attention flow is precious

 Feb 27 "The Archetypes of UX Design" (http://ow.ly/AXa9309oGgg ) JK--User experience design roles increasingly central to app development process.

 Feb 27 "Neural Net Learns 2 Synthetically Age Faces & Make Them Look Younger" (http://ow.ly/kSlN309oFsy ) JK--Facial deep-structure there at birth

 Feb 27 "Latent space visualization" (http://ow.ly/bMPF309oEZf ) JK--Best illustration I've ever seen of how DL auto-encoders see deep image structure

 Feb 27 The trick of getting complexity under control is not always understanding, but always having a strategy for coming to an understanding.

 Feb 27 "Quantum Computers Finally Go Head-to-Head" (http://ow.ly/bgHZ309oDws ) JK--Same algos, different architectures. #IBM vs. U-

 Feb 27 "Neural Networks' Next Big Frontier? Outer Space" (http://ow.ly/8oeT309oCFP ) JK--Deep learning sharpens details in telescope-sourced images.

 Feb 27 "Now Anyone Can Deploy Google’s Troll-Fighting AI" (http://ow.ly/VfL9309oCfq ) JK-- ML auto-detects insults harassment & abusive speech online

 Feb 27 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Santa Fe by Beirut from The Rip Tide JK--2011. An old-world vibe with shufflebeat + great horn & keyboard flourishes

 Feb 27 "Robert Mercer: big data billionaire waging war on mainstream media" (http://ow.ly/BQTq309oxOs ) JK--"Big data"? Hardly. Long-ago NLP innov8r

 Feb 27 "Doctor's Book Presents Case Against 'Dairy Crack'" (http://ow.ly/LvUi309oxcs ) JK--Dumb thesis that cheese is addictive. It ain't dope.

 Feb 27 "4 reasons U should use Kubernetes" (http://ow.ly/Y09g309owmK ) JK--Container orchestration. See also: Apache Mesos, Docker Swarm, AWS EC2 ECS

 Feb 27 Caught "Manchester By the Sea" on DVD. Grim and depressing, but also uplifting to watch Casey Affleck's hairtrigger sadsack character man-up

 Feb 27 Truth be told, I half-wanted to see the producers of "La La Land"& "Moonlight" get into a knock-down drag-out fight for that Oscar.

 Feb 27 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Coconut by Harry Nilsson frm Nilsson Schmilsson JK--1971. Humbug! Neither lime nor coconut ever relieved my bellyache

 Feb 27 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Astral Weeks by Van Morrison JK--1968. Published lyric says "talking to Huddie Ledbetter." Sounds like "Hugo Abner"

 Feb 27 PR person claims to "work with quite a few under-30 world changers." Sorry, but if they had already changed the world, you'd've named them

 Feb 27 Let’s hope the academy rechecks past best-picture winners. I’m pretty sure “The Shawshank Redemption” took the trophy in 1994.

 Feb 26 I have long believed that confirmation bias is real. All the studies I’m seeing confirm it. Must be so.

 Feb 25 Completing my site survey of greater SF Bay area. Last task: Pacific Ocean. Survey confirms it’s still oceanic, pacific & generally blue.

 Feb 25 "Pregnancy wearables are a thing." Read about one that tells woman she's going into labor. Really? We need machines to know we're in pain?

 Feb 25 Another day, another insane twist to the presidential cycle. Another inevitable consequence of electing a madman.

 Feb 25 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp My Old Man by Mac De
 Marco from This Old Dog JK--2017. He's seeing more of his in himself. I've always seen mine in me

 Feb 25 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Solar Driftwood by Yello from Pocket Universe JK--1997. Opening vaguely reminds me of Donovan "Atlantis."

 Feb 25 "Do Cats Cause Schizophrenia? Believe the Science, Not th Hype" (http://ow.ly/UGBj309lqKA ) JK--Issue is yarnball some scientists keep batting

 Feb 25 "If AI Can Fix Peer Review in Science, AI Can Do Anything" (http://ow.ly/SKJ0309lqDY ) JK--That headline wouldn't pass peer review in logic.

 Feb 24 "Uber ugliness unmasks SV's bro culture" (http://ow.ly/r4QI309lnxx ) JK--"Male 'high performers' (aka 'brilliant jerks') above consequences"

 Feb 24 Passed thru Robin Williams Tunnel while driving
 Marin. Was hoping to meet Cheech or at least sample the goods in adjacent ChongCounty.

 Feb 24 jameskobielus Retweeted Jason Kobielus Dear @dvellante @stu @theCUBE @SiliconANGLE : If you're in need of a good-looking talented brilliant male Kobielus, I recommend my son here jameskobielus added, Jason Kobielus @jasonkobielus @ODPiOrg @dvellante @stu @theCUBE @SiliconANGLE Thanks for the publicity! I spent two months working on my @jameskobielus bodysuit

 Feb 24 " #IBM Next Steps With Machine Learning: Mainframe and Power" (http://ow.ly/wXBT309kDKh ) JK--Good one from Constellation's Doug Henschen.

 Feb 24 Dear San Franciscans who wear hoodies & scarves on street: Let’s get real. This is not true cold. For you, this must be a fashion statement

 Feb 23 Love walking in the cool sunshine of San Francisco. Considering how intense the workload is, I absolutely need it.

 Feb 23 Morning @ Land’s End. I step out o my hotel lobby 2 witness homeless person urinating in full view on Mission St. Stay classy San Francisco!

 Feb 23 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Beech Boys by His Name is Alive from Stars on E.S.P. JK--1996. Group hails from jerkwater burg: Livonia, Michigan

 Feb 23 "RedQueen: online algo for s
 Mart broadcasting in social nets" (http://ow.ly/Pxjc309haEG ) JK--IMHO, best time to 
tweet is when spirit moves U

 Feb 23 "List o human tasks AI has mastered" (http://ow.ly/vDbG309h9nr ) JK--"Write poems that get published"? So what! Master the art of going unread

 Feb 23 Conan has one of the few shows on basic cable that I always stop and watch, no matter what else is on. He's durably funny.

 Feb 23 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Only One by Sera Cahoone from From Where I Started JK--2017. Fresh gem from this sterling folk-country artist

 Feb 22 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Scoop Scoobie Doobie by Jessie Hill from VA - New Orleans: Home of the Blues JK--1960. Gumbo of great NOLA nonsense

 Feb 22 Last time I was in San Francisco (Sept 2015), it was in deep drought. Now there's flooding in San Jose and other NoCal communities. Whoa!

 Feb 22 "Finding Radiohead's most depressing song, with R" (http://ow.ly/EtE0309gSKN ) JK--That's pretty much all of them: extremely narrow variance.

 Feb 22 "Python vs R: 4 Implementations of Same Machine Learning Technique" (http://ow.ly/nwUc309gS1d ) JK--Data scientists are the new programmers

 Feb 22 "Could IBM's Watson Fix President Trump?" (http://ow.ly/1bfs309gRvS ) JK--Um, no. Artificial intelligence is no panacea for organic stupidity

 Feb 22 I never have earbuds in my ears when I’m walking in the residential zones of San Francisco. I just listen to the environment.

 Feb 22 I've switched my brain to airplane mode. Somehow that awful coffee hits the spot at 30,000 feet.

 Feb 22 What the...?! Someone's pitching me celebrity-endorsed glitzy Vegas schmaltz keepsakes. No thanks. I'm full up on Cher-aphernalia.

 Feb 22 Gogoinflight. "Redirecting you to an exclusive in-air experience." For sure. Those who refuse to pay skyhigh wi-fi charges are excluded.

 Feb 22 Stupid mental exercises I do while in transit. Guesstimating number of times I’ve visited California, work or personal. Around 50

 Feb 22 New #IBM jk #Dataversity column: "Will Data Scientists Automate Themselves Out of Jobs?" (http://ow.ly/4Dbx309fBj1 )

 Feb 22 "From Microservices to Distributed Sys" (http://ow.ly/RCpG309fzn5 ) JK--Reactive, resilient, elastic, message-driven, containerized, RESTful

 Feb 22 "Python vs PHP vs Ruby: A Detailed Comparison" (http://ow.ly/9qZk309fz5X ) JK--Why choose? Learning them all may help developer job prospects

 Feb 22 "7 sweet Python IDEs you might have missed" (http://ow.ly/kxn3309fvIi ) JK--Good detail on dev tools for very popular language

 Feb 22 "Recognizing Traffic Lights With Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/ald1309fuQ3 ) JK--Good breakout of a deceptively tough computer vision challenge

 Feb 22 "10 Vs of Big Data" (http://ow.ly/nW2e309ftds ) JK--Can't believe people are still V-ing this stuff for kicks. I can only recall 5 Vs +/-3

 Feb 22 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp The Last Thing On My Mind (Acoustic) by The Joy Formidable from Sleep Is Day EP JK--2016. Really gr8 power chording!

 Feb 22 Lots of people said they saw me in person or on livestream last week from #IBMML NYC. It was so well-attended, I may have missed a few o you

 Feb 22 I usually prefer to provision my own lumbar support. At least that way, I know I've got my own back, even if nothing else does. Peace o mind

 Feb 22 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Frontier Psychiatrist by The Avalanches frm Since I Left U JK--2000. Samples Wayne& Shuster

 Feb 22 New #IBM jk #InfoWorld column: "6 predictions for the future of deep learning" (http://ow.ly/cBfh309fd0p )

 Feb 21 A career is one job after another. But it’s also the narrative of what it all means and what you yourself are amounting to. Your impact.

 Feb 20 "Keep the faith: A vote for voting systems" (http://ow.ly/jfWL309bYjo ) JK--Eric Knorr this past fall cites my "predictive jitters" column

 Feb 20 "How Will Big Data Evolve in the Year Ahead?" (http://ow.ly/bLqH309bXYu ) JK--Quotes me in the same breath as a bunch of industry analysts

 Feb 20 "'AI brain scans' reveal what happens inside machine learning" (http://ow.ly/MI0r309bVWu ) JK--Cool graphs visualize computational densities

 Feb 20 "The Mathematics of Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/t2d5309bVA2 ) JK--Great albeit heavy-going overview with links to online education sources

 Feb 20 "How Gig Economy Startups Will Replace Jobs w/Robots" (http://ow.ly/QD85309bU6H ) JK--They'll name all the robots "Gig," just to mess with us

 Feb 20 "Attacking machine learning with adversarial examples" (http://ow.ly/TYZk309bTrm ) JK--Hugely important research focus for mitigating AI risks

 Feb 20 "Can Artificial Intelligence Predict Earthquakes?" (http://ow.ly/VJYc309bRI5 ) JK--ML algos trained on data from simulated in-lab earthquakes

 Feb 20 "Civil Society Shouldn’t Have to Solve Problem of Bad Hate Crime Data on Own" (http://ow.ly/UgqN309bRsn ) JK--Crowdsourced data on incidence

 Feb 20 "OpenFog Consortium Releases Ref Architecture 4 Fog Computing" (http://ow.ly/zbt4309bRgU ) JK--Sez fog more hierarchical than "edge computing"

 Feb 20 Is there an evil cabal of web designers who delight in popping up endless chains of distracting nonsense while you're trying to read?

 Feb 20 "Facebook plans to use AI to identify terrorist propaganda" (http://ow.ly/QryM309bOX0 ) JK--Wild goose chase. Will net ample false-positives

 Feb 20 "Getting Started with Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/KaMw309bOtA ) JK--Good crisp comparison of available dev tools. That 1st chart alone.

 Feb 20 New #IBMInterConnect jk Tumblr blog: "InterConnect will connect you with unstructured content governance" (http://ow.ly/4bHp309bnuP )

 Feb 20 Observing Presidents Day. Trying not to observe the one that's currently in office. Painful.

 Feb 19 Taxes. So-called because preparing them really taxes your patience.

 Feb 19 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp All Disco by Elbow from Little Fictions JK--2017. New./ Another superb one from these guys.

 Feb 19 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Magical Mystery Tour by Beatles from Magical Mystery Tour JK--1967. Love how this brassy number dissolves at the end

 Feb 19 Today in politics on Twtr: everybody “destroying” each other “with a single tweet.” But somehow everybody resurrects promptly & retaliates

 Feb 19 New German super
 Market chain coming to the area to challenge Aldi. Bracing for a price war in no-frills wienerschnitzel and lederhosen.

 Feb 19 Dear Free Wi-Fi Login Page Developers: Pls add 3rd option btwn “accept terms” & “decline.” I suggest “have your lawyer contact my lawyer”

 Feb 19 Caught “The Girl On The Train” on DVD. Didn’t realize Emily Blunt could play vulnerable so well. 4 stars!

 Feb 19 To everybody who thinks U should start discussion with DC-area resident by ranting about politics, I will grill U on yr area’s top industry

 Feb 18 A very warm
 February. I guess those polar ice caps really are melting. How long can you tread water?

 Feb 18 “Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system.” Why not a hand-cranked manual one? Authenticity, please!

 Feb 17 Hey Facebook, ask us before U create these stupid video albums celebr8g annivs o “friendships” with family. Mine with them long predate you

 Feb 17 " #IBM & Visa Turn Automobiles Appliances & All Other Connected Devices into Potential Points o Salew/Watson IoT" (http://ow.ly/B8GT3096ROq )

 Feb 17 Maturity means developing proverbial stiff upper lip. That's not willpower or even habit. It's scar tissue from having to bite it constantly

 Feb 17 Dear PR people: Don't bother me with "edtech" stories that ref Betsy DeVos, unless it's about homeschool training of machine-learning algos

 Feb 17 Drafted next #IBM jk #Dataversity column: "Will Data Scientists Automate Themselves Out of Jobs?"

 Feb 17 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Iron Man by Black Sabbath JK--1970. Fun fact: Ozzy Osbourne never once considered for Tony Stark role in "IronMan."

 Feb 17 "Elon Musk sez humans must become cyborgs 2 stay relevant" (http://ow.ly/4Ph63096llK ) JK--Yeah I like I worry whethr robots think me a lame-o

 Feb 17 "AI Deconstructs Phone Sales Pitches" (http://ow.ly/3wHy3096l6p ) JK--Please start by deconstructing pitchpeople's indecipherable accents.

 Feb 17 "Hadoop finds a happier home in the cloud" (http://ow.ly/bUZ23096kqL ) JK--Hey @merv: Is that happy pachyderm in the trough or on the plateau?

 Feb 17 "How data scientists...gener8 valuable processes" (http://ow.ly/l2JP3096jr6 ) JK--Biz proc optzn. My recent predict: http://ow.ly/yt0r3096jvI   

 Feb 17 "How Spark Illuminates Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/B3pt3096hVt ) JK--Unidentified "source" is little ol' me tap-tap-tapping on this keyboard

 Feb 17 "Role Of AI In Creating Successful Startups" (http://ow.ly/BF4A3096hFQ ) JK--As opposed to AI sexy-factor role in creating FUNDED startups.

 Feb 17 "Attribute-controlld face photo synthesis from simple line drawng" (http://ow.ly/vrUT3096har ) JK--Train on schoolkid sketches of mommy&daddy?

 Feb 17 "Understanding Agent Cooperation" (http://ow.ly/o2YJ3096gNr ) JK--Test every conceivable game-theory scenario in AI-driven multi-agent swarms

 Feb 17 "Abusing Generative Adversarial Nets to Make 8-bit Pixel Art" (http://ow.ly/fZVY3096fXj ) JK--Abusing? Back off Jack! GANs have feelings too

 Feb 17 "General AI Challenge" (http://ow.ly/M71y3096fFl ) JK--Warm-up round: Gradual Learning - Learning Like a Human. $50,000 in prizes.

 Feb 17 "The Future of AI" (http://ow.ly/p0U53096f0P ) JK--Hopefully, AI future wont involve scare tactics like stylized skull&crossbones on all-black

 Feb 17 "Most complex physics prob could B solved by brainy machines" (http://ow.ly/vPPi3096etK ) JK--Repurpose ML algos 2 learn matter-phase features

 Feb 17 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Pyramids by FrankOcean from Channel Orange JK--2012. Very nice warm supple human hiphop groove.

 Feb 17 "This computer programmer solved gerrymandering in his spare time" (http://ow.ly/YVIv3096bzl ) JK--Should also finger culprit legislatures

 Feb 17 "Code-Dependent: Pros and Cons of the Algorithm Age" (http://ow.ly/PeMQ3096bpK ) JK--Comprehensive, provocative, well-researched.

 Feb 17 "DeepMind's AI learnt 2 become 'highly aggressive' when feels like going to lose" (http://ow.ly/aj673096aJP ) JK--Note to NASA: HAL9000 brain?

 Feb 17 Machine learning beyond data scientists: the self-serve model emerges | http://ow.ly/EvwR30969ff /w @jameskobielus #ai #machinelearning

 Feb 17 "Fueling the Gold Rush: The Greatest Public Datasets for AI" (http://ow.ly/zvEO3096a7M ) JK--The more of these, the s
 Marter all AI becomes

 Feb 17 "2 Paths of NLP to AI" (http://ow.ly/SKe230969DN ) JK--Word vectors w/handcoded representations vs auto-learned reprs from real-wld experience

 Feb 17 "Deep network guided proof search" (http://ow.ly/RIis30968Vt ) JK--How AI helps confirm/fix the mathematical/logical foundations of AI algos.

 Feb 17 'How the 'Queen of Shitty Robots' creates machines that serve a greater purpose" (http://ow.ly/S0qn30963Zl ) JK--To goof off & make you laugh

 Feb 17 "Google releases TensorFlow 1.0 w/new machine learning tools" (http://ow.ly/YsP630962Uo ) JK--Well on its way to becoming defacto DL standard

 Feb 16 Stress. On bright side, you’re building character, lots & lots of character, obscene amounts of character. Enough goddamn character already!

 Feb 16 Neural network trained on rap lyrics (http://ow.ly/fe9J3093SNv ). Do we really need AI that brags in rhyme about its sexual exploits?

 Feb 16 "Building character AI through machine learning" (http://ow.ly/VoYb3093SzC ) JK--Would AI really have Fred Flintstone shout "yabba dabba doo"?

 Feb 16 "The AI scene in the valley: A trip report" (http://ow.ly/t4qi3093SrA ) JK--In other words, you'll trip over AI startups everywhere in Valley

 Feb 16 "Yahoo makes TensorFlow and Spark better together" (http://ow.ly/caad3093SgY ) JK--"TensorFlowOnSpark" is here:

 Feb 16 Hope #theCube releases b-roll of me singing Captain & Tennille. I'll do it to you one more time, once is never enough with a boy like me.

 Feb 15 Tired. Not sure that I can shout a coherent definition o Restricted Boltzmann Machines under these conditions. Lookee, here comes Boltzmann!

 Feb 15 Comes a point in every party where the noise, alcohol, & exhaustion levels make it too difficult to listen or talk. My fallback is smiling

 Feb 15 In New York midtown. No desire to go near TrumpTower, though I’m just a few blocks away. A stain on 5th Avenue.

 Feb 15 "IBM and TWC Unveil World’s First Mobile Weather Alerting Platform for Underserved Pops in Emerging
 Markets" (http://ow.ly/RfCn3092Guh )

 Feb 15 New #IBMML jk blog: "Machine learning enriches the private cloud" (http://ow.ly/1Sry3092xYL )

 Feb 15 James Kobielus, Sr Prog Dir of Community Engagement & Strategy for Data Science at IBM Analytics #IBMML #theCUBE:

 Feb 15 Facilitating democratization of data w/machine learning | #IBMML Yrs truly on #theCube from the Waldorf-Astoria:

 Feb 15 "Spark gets faster for streaming analytics" (http://ow.ly/EPsn3092nr0 ) JK--Cites my recent on #Spark #DeepLearning:

 Feb 15 When there's a bloodthirsty vampire headed your way and no way out, everybody wants to be a stakeholder.

 Feb 15 " #IBM Takes Machine Learning to Where Data Lives" (http://ow.ly/ULBp3092b42 ) JK-- Charles King @pund_it analysis of today's #IBMML announce

 Feb 15 " #IBM Brings Machine Learning to the Private Cloud" (http://ow.ly/BryN3091KeU ) JK--Watson's machine learning on z/OS mainframes

 Feb 14 #IBM ML Launch Event. Livestream tomorrow 2-530pm ET #IBMML: http://ow.ly/Mhsq3090Vlv . Cube: 9am-130pm: http://ow.ly/V1Qh3090VoS Me: 10am

 Feb 14 Manhattan. It never sleeps and it's always lit up. But that's only because it's got a Batteryshoved up its nether region.

 Feb 14 Enough with this "expand your vocabulary" nonsense. Your vocabulary fits your range o curiosity. Broaden yr interests & the words will come

 Feb 14 "
 Mark Cuban on Why You Need 2 Study AI or You’ll be a Dinosaur in 3 Years" (http://ow.ly/btD53090HIz ) JK--Really? Wow! Make me a pteradactyl!

 Feb 14 "Ford snaps up AI startup Argo" (http://ow.ly/2G9T3090GGW ) JK--Don't suppose they'll snap-up Alan Arkin character catchphrase from that movie

 Feb 14 Drafted next #IBM jk #InfoWorld column: "Deep Learning for Everybody (Eventually)"

 Feb 14 Manhattan’s gridlock is godsend for pedestrians. Lots of places to cut through between stymied drivers & fuming vehicles.

 Feb 13 New #IBMML podcast: "Machine learning in cognitive analytics" (http://ow.ly/QFDK308Y4K6 ) Dinesh Nirmal with James Kobielus

 Feb 13 New #IBMInterConnect jk Tumblr blog: "InterConnect will connect you with NoSQL Polyglot Persistence" (http://ow.ly/yxbb308XCF7 )

 Feb 13 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Train Song by Feist & Ben Gibbard from Dark Was The Night JK--2009. Vashti Bunyan cover from multi-artist benefit LP

 Feb 13 "Stars & journalists lose appetite 4 correspondents' dinner under Trump" (http://ow.ly/KD6e308X51r ) JK--Who'll they get to host? Carrot Top?

 Feb 13 "Emerging field of AIOps" (http://ow.ly/DQZi308X4yD ) JK--ML applied to IT operations analytics? How about DevOps applied to AI algo/app dev?

 Feb 13 "Spark Summit East 2017" (http://ow.ly/bGuC308X3VG ) JK--Takeaways from last week's blizzard-impacted industry shindig in Boston

 Feb 13 "Are Norberts & Norbertinas th Future o Human Race?" (http://ow.ly/tmRw308X3AR ) JK--Refs sci-fi o people hopelessly dependent on AI wearables

 Feb 13 "How Spark Illuminates Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/WBG5308X36w ) JK--IMHO, this was the "what's next" central to last week's #SparkSummit

 Feb 13 "What’s next for open-source Spark?" (http://ow.ly/S60g308X2zt ) JK--New hardware platforms, improved performance.

 Feb 13 "AI For Matching Images w/Spoken Word Gets Boost" (http://ow.ly/24No308X1EK ) JK--Auto-learn unwritten languages from speech/image correlation

 Feb 13 "Norwegian robot learns to self-evolve & 3D print itself in lab" (http://ow.ly/rWoJ308X0Z6 ) JK--Generative self-design is advancing rapidly

 Feb 13 "AI learns to solve quantum state of many particles at once" (http://ow.ly/QHvS308X05N ) JK--“We have a machine dreaming o Schrödinger’s cat.”

 Feb 13 "Generative Adversarial Nets in 50 lines o code (PyTorch)" (http://ow.ly/7E1j308WZNK ) JK--Algorithmically generate authentic-looking images

 Feb 13 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Shadowplay by Joy Division from Unknown Pleasures JK--1979. Intense grinding guitar attack. Hair-raising beauty.

 Feb 13 Scrum. Puzzling over contradictory senses. In football, it's massed head-on forward formation. In software: improvised sidestep scrambling

 Feb 13 New #IBMInterConnect jk Tumblr blog: "InterConnect: Connecting you with collaborative data science" (http://ow.ly/Bhmm308WWRJ )

 Feb 13 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp In a Big Country by Big Country JK--1983. Don't expect to grow flowers in desert? Why not? Oases are good metaphors

 Feb 12 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Warning Sign by Local Natives from Gorilla Manor JK--2009. Great Talking Heads cover. As good as the original.

 Feb 12 RT @kexpplaylist #kexp That Was Another Country by The Innocence Mission from Bright as Yellow JK--1995. Great mid-90s radio memory

Aweekstweets March 20 to April 23 2017: the weeks of off&onboarding


RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ernie K-Doe 'A Certain Girl" from Ernie K-Doe: Absolutely the Best JK--1961. Also love the Yardbirds' cover.
Have Dish Network now. It’s fine, but still have to surf past many channels of   home-shopping & “get sexy” pitches to find the good stuff.
Facebook has a plan to let us type with our brain? Knowing mine, I would only type A.
Catch me at #Microsoft Build in Seattle, the week of May 8. It promises to be a great event. #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon
New #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon jk column: "Get ready for application modernization, Docker style" (http://ow.ly/BCJU30b4qBg ) #DockerCon#AppDev

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp First Aid Kit "You Are the Problem Here" from U Are The Problem Here jK--2017. Gr8 hardrocker from Swedish sis act
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The War on Drugs "Thinking of a Place" from Record Store Day 2017 12" JK--2017. Beautiful new one. LP to follow?
. Apr 21More
"What I learned from 20,000 dog poops" (http://ow.ly/RhoB30b3NcF ) JK--I learned that logging this is just about the shittiest job imaginable
. Apr 21More
"Data Works, Hadoop 3.0 is round the corner...'" (http://ow.ly/CUBV30b3MEs ) JK--Enhancemts to YARN res mgt & container support, HDFS replic

.Apr 21More
New #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon jk blog: "Docker’s Application Services Ecosystem Is Still Underdeveloped" (http://ow.ly/P3gH30b3D64 )

. Apr 21More
"What can’t you put in a container? Analysts review Docker’s newest products" (http://ow.ly/H5Wv30b3hOH ) #DockerCon#theCUBE#SiliconANGLE

. Apr 21More
RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Iggy Pop "The Passenger" from Lust for Life JK--1977. Wanna wish a happy 70th birthday to James Osterberg Jr.
. Apr 20More
Tricorders. In the Star Trek future, everything’s recorded in triplicate. Remember that Roddenberry grew up in the age of the carbon copy.
. Apr 20More
Pondering the Alps. No one ever calls them The Alps Mountains. Do you refer to each peak individually as an Alp?

. Apr 20More
“This is a COMPLETELY full flight.” They must train gate agents 2 inflect the intensifier to put passengers in a claustrophobic state o mind
. Apr 20More
Sports bars. I’ve never actually seen anybody play sports there. What’s up with that?
.Apr 20More
#DockerCon 2017 day-2 wrap, me & Stuart Miniman on #theCUBE#SiliconANGLE
.Apr 19More
RT @kexpplaylist#kexp Rhiannon Giddens "The Angels Laid Him Away" from Freedom Highway JK--2017. This lady has one beautiful blues voice.
.Apr 19More
RT @kexpplaylist#kexp The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band "One More Thing" from Front Porch Sessions JK--2017. One more big damn cool thing
. Apr 19More
O'Reilly out at Fox? O'Really!

. Apr 19More
#Oracle drops its flagship database into the Docker Store http://bit.ly/2oVl3rJ  Being demonstrated right now in genl session #DockerCon

. Apr 19More
"It’s ‘developer day’ at #DockerCon with two open-source projects announced" (http://ow.ly/390930aZ6CG ) JK--Me & @stu yesterday
. Apr 19More
As container adoption grows, Linux community champions open source http://bit.ly/2oVngDr  Brian Gracely #RedHat#theCUBE#DockerCon
. Apr 19More
Avoiding the dreaded ‘learning cliff’ of container tech http://bit.ly/2oVyFD9  Michael Ducy #ChefSoftware#theCUBE#DockerCon
.Apr 19More
Could an unsung MSFT Azure feature make containers yesterday’s news?  http://bit.ly/2oVcgWy  John Gossman #Microsoft#theCUBE#DockerCon
. Apr 19More
Finding the path to expedited container app expansions, updates http://bit.ly/2oVkLkm  Dustin Kirkland #Canonical#theCUBE#DockerCon
. Apr 19More
Virtualizing container storage for persistence and data protection http://bit.ly/2oVbnNW  Chad Thibodeau #Veritas#theCUBE#DockerCon
. Apr 19More
Containers in dynamic interactions: The Linux comeback http://bit.ly/2oV8LiW   Scott McCarty #RedHat#theCUBE  #DockerCon
.Apr 19More
Flexibility, security drive container deploymnt in multiple environmts http://bit.ly/2oVd3qL  Giorgio Regni of Scality #theCUBE#DockerCon
.Apr 19More
Rewriting the bottom line: #Docker EE and the open-source profit question http://bit.ly/2oVnkmN  Jerry Chen, VC, on #theCUBE
. Apr 19More
'explodes' in the enterprise, expands containers into new applications http://bit.ly/2oVuc3l  Ben Golub on #theCUBE at #DockerCon
. Apr 19More
"Facebook Caffe2 FW brings AI to low-power mobiles" (http://ow.ly/9amB30aZ20S ) JK--Adreno GPU, Hexagon DSP, Qualcomm Snapdragon #SiliconANGLE
. Apr 19More
Mirantis combines OpenStack and Kubernetes in a single package with continuous update model http://bit.ly/2oVcCwv #SiliconANGLE
. Apr 19More
Golub: at least half of #Docker customers starting by "Dockerizing" traditional apps and/or infrastructure. #DockerCon

. Apr 19More
Catch day 2 of #theCube at #DockerCon starting 11am CST. #Docker CTO Solomon Hykes http://bit.ly/2oVce1c 

.Apr 19More
Day 2 general session at #DockerCon. #Docker CEO Ben Golub. Discussing their Moby logo's "checkered history."

. Apr 19More
"Docker at turning point in its evolution, say analysts" (http://ow.ly/7Txg30aYXXg ) JK--Miniman Troyer & me yesterday on #theCUBE#DockerCon
.Apr 19More
"The container consolidation begins" (http://ow.ly/8rp530aYL8O ) JK--Microsoft acquiring Deis, Oracle acquiring Wercker. M&A will accelerate
. Apr 19More
”San Francisco: Before & After 1906 Earthquake & Fire" (http://ow.ly/Z4eu30aYKC5 ) JK--Wow. Check out 1906 film from top o old Mint on Mission
.Apr 19More
"Alien Knowledge" (http://ow.ly/4c5L30aYK95 ) JK--The unsettling allure and risk of opaque machine-acquired learning.
. Apr 19More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Arcade Fire with Mavis Staples "I Give You Power" JK--2017. Seriously great new single. Any new LP in the works?
.Apr 19More
"Will cloud vendors dominate machine learning?" (http://ow.ly/5VcW30aYHEQ ) JK--IBM, Microsoft, Google, AWS, etc already do
.Apr 19More
"How Companies Are Already Using AI" (http://ow.ly/9Y3x30aYHe5 ) JK--Thinking of this as "futuristic" ignores how mainstream it's become.
.Apr 19More
"Mr. Robot" (http://ow.ly/ys0M30aYGVP ) JK--Profile of Facebook AI research chief Yann LeCun.
. Apr 19More
"The Unknowing of AI" (http://ow.ly/qBJA30aYGl2 ) JK--"We will adapt to a world of opaque AI," as we have to opaque human authorities.
.Apr 19More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Broadcast "America's Boy" from Tender Buttons JK--2005. Great song. But US soldiers include women too.

.Apr 19More
"The Reactor: A Sample-Efficient Actor-Critic Architecture" (http://ow.ly/sDCg30aYFwr ) JK--Sort of a ML-jacked-up video-game domination algo.

. Apr 19More
"A Neural Parametric Singing Synthesizer" (http://ow.ly/1pTD30aYEYK ) JK--Sort of a machine-learning souped-up auto-tune, it would appear.
.Apr 19More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Cleaners From Venus "Only a Shadow" from Midnight Cleaners JK--1982. Love this. Had never heard of them till now
.Apr 19More
"Multi-Agent Diverse GANs" (http://ow.ly/rdPd30aYE2A ) JK--Hmm. Seems to enable algorithmic identification of which algo generated which image
.Apr 19More
Facebook announces Caffe2, new version of its open-source DL framework: lightweight, modular, scalable: http://caffe2.ai
. Apr 19More
announcements yesterday: Docker (http://ow.ly/pqQu30aYCSk ), appLariat (http://ow.ly/H0Me30aYCXs ), Sysdig (http://ow.ly/RGIy30aYD27 )
. Apr 19More
Generative adversarial networks are huge in AI. How huge? Take a GANder at the diversity of recent GAN research:
. Apr 19More
"Open sourcing Sonnet: new library for constructing neural networks" (http://ow.ly/uz9Z30aYAZ8 ) JK--Modular TensorFlow DL algo development
.Apr 18More
Weird linguistic epiphany in 1st grade. I realized that "cannot" is an actual standard English word. it's not slang like "hafta" or "gonna."
. Apr 18More
Wish to thank th #DockerCon organizers for th evening's pulled pork tacos. They, plus my morning vitamins, are all I need to get by. I'm set
.Apr 18More
At UMich Ann Arbor, a prof described Normal IL s as a "featureless plain." Perfectly named. I've never forgotten.
.Apr 18More
Thank you Austin pedicab pedaler. You reminded me of a Jakarta becak driver. Except for the fact that you spoke my first language.
. Apr 18More
What’s weird about high-tech is how abstract many hot trends often are. Virtualization is a strange thing to toast while the band rocks on.

. Apr 18More
Austin in April has cool breezes. As  does home (DC). You briefly forget that brutal summer is a-comin’
.Apr 18More
Containerized orchestrated AI multicloud microservices are in my #Wikibon research plan. Huge trend. Must drill deep.
. Apr 18More
Tech segments in growth mode always have fun events. The more industry cycles you’ve experienced, the more you realize the fun will end.
.Apr 18More
Whenever I’m in Texas I can’t help but feel I’m smack dab in the middle of the featureless plain that is America. Likewise Ohio
. Apr 18More
Lots of excellent solution provider guests on #theCUBE today at #DockerCon . Orchestrated containers definitely the cloud app-dev infra.

.Apr 18More
Karaoke’d on Rainey Street Austin to Guns n Roses, Harvey Danger, & Ramones. Latter was duet with stranger lady. Exorcised my ya-yas!
. Apr 18More
"“Programming Considered as a Human Activity” (http://ow.ly/o5r930aXY2F ) JK--1965. Edsger W. Dijkstra's classic paper. Written on typewriter.
.Apr 18More
"Docker Advances Software Containeriz8n Movemt w/New Collab Projects" (http://ow.ly/yYp830aXUzF ) JK--LinuxKit (portabilty), Moby (customiz8n)
. Apr 18More
Dear Random Austin Busker: Slacking’s charm goes only so far. Get serious about learning chords and singing in key. No spare change. Sorry.
. Apr 18More
2017. Catch today's crowdchat here:
. Apr 18More
Moby enables high degree of container customization e.g. DockerCon

. Apr 18More
announces Moby Project: fw assemble specialzd container sys. Library of 80+ components. Package own cmpnts as containers #DockerCon

. Apr 18More
Interviews on #theCube#DockerCon today. #Docker CEO Ben Golub & EVP Marianna Tessel. Tune in here:  http://bit.ly/2pdEPzv 

. Apr 18More
founder and CTO Solomon Hykes keynotes at #DockerCon
. Apr 18More
Ben Golub  @Docker CEO announces continued robust growth #DockerCon

Apr 18More
Ben Golub, @Docker CEO, kicks off the fourth annual #DockerCon.
.Apr 18More
General session about to start at #DockerCon . Inflatable whale being lofted skyward.
. Apr 18More
Drinking Earl Grey this morning. In honor of the sky in Austin.#DockerCon
. Apr 18More
Austin. Here’s O.Henry’s house. Where he raised his daughters Baby Ruth & Zagnut.

. Apr 18More
"Serverless computing picks up new Docker option" (http://ow.ly/MfJd30aWH7E ) JK--Func: call function on containerized code in public registry
. Apr 18More
"New AI language hides TensorFlow complexity" (http://ow.ly/AsCC30aWGGt ) JK--Bonsai's Inkling. Program capabs, abstract the algorithmics
. Apr 18More
"Building an Artificial Brain" (http://ow.ly/Xclk30aWFBo ) JK--Under a glass dome? Wasn't this an episode of "The Outer Limits"?

.Apr 18More
"Google’s AI Turns Your Crappy Doodles Into Proper Pictures" (http://ow.ly/IbkM30aWEjo ) JK--Geez. No. Don't fuss over them. You're no Picasso
.Apr 18More
"Data in Politics Asset Not Threat2Democracy" (http://ow.ly/JPtx30aWDFA ) JK--Berners-Lee cautions against overzealous "fake news" supprssion
.Apr 18More
"Brain Simulations Will Take Over Govt...within 100 Years" (http://ow.ly/1C1r30aWDeF ) JK--None too soon. Need POTUS with brain semblance NOW!
.Apr 18More
'How to write with artificial intelligence" (http://ow.ly/hzgw30aWz8E ) JK--Automated deep-learning style transfer in generative literary app
. Apr 18More
"Can Self-Driving Cars Ever Really Be Safe?" (http://ow.ly/8ZS830aWyEk ) JK--While we're on th subject, can th rest o life ever really B safe?
.Apr 18More
"Serverless C# with Azure Functions" (http://ow.ly/MYel30aWxuF ) JK--Functions-as-a-svc. MSFT alternative to orchestrated containers-as-a-svc

. Apr 18More
"Microsoft acquires Deis to boost its Kubernetes chops" (http://ow.ly/386w30aWwP8 ) JK--Cloud-native containerzd-app orchestr8n, mgt, scaling
 Apr 18More
Today on #theCUBE from #DockerCon, guests from #Docker#RedHat#Canonical et al. Starting 10:30am central, tune into http://ow.ly/jRqY30aWwto 
. Apr 18More
Sat across table from tech reporters whose work I've been reading for years. Darryl Taft & Margie Semilof. How can we possibly be this old?
. Apr 17More
"“Composing Deep-Learning Microservices for the Hybrid IoT” (http://ow.ly/O1TL30aVVWc ) My Medium piece just now republished on IBM Inside ML
.Apr 17More
. Proud media sponsor of #DockerCon. Catch our livestream Tues-Wed from the event. Tune into http://www.siliconangle.tv/dockercon-2017/ 

. Apr 17More
Forgot to pack my Stetson, damn, but otherwise I’m ready and raring to go for Austin. Yee-haa! #DockerCon

. Apr 17More
Bumped into ex-Burton Group colleague Dan Blum at DCA. On my way to Austin for #DockerCon . Yep I’m an analyst again #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon
. Apr 16More
RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp King Perry "Pitching A Party" from Blues & Rhythm Series: Chrono King Perry '50-'54 JK--1954. Hard-up for lady love

. Apr 15More
Enjoyed the first installment of Martin Clunes’ Australia travelogue series. His approach mixes casual & serious with grace and humor.

. Apr 15More
The further the shape of your hair (on top and/or on face) deviates from the contours of your head, th creepier it seems. As a general rule.

.Apr 15More
Sign blindness. Nothing says managerial inattention more than never-removed notice about service disruption that “will” occur in the past.

. Apr 15More
Dear CBS This Morning: Don’t use Styx “Come Sail Away” as intro to bit about jewelry salvaged from the Titanic. Poor taste. Just sayin’
. Apr 15More
LinkedIn needs to allow job-changers to set up a "congrats" digest to process these form emails in bulk.

.Apr 14More
Wasn’t a bad week. Restarted the brain train locomotive on a different track.

. Apr 14More
Before long, basic cable’ll be nothing but infomercials aimed at gullible fools. The rest of us gullible fools’ll pay extra 4 actual content

.Apr 14More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Shins "Fantasy Island"  from Heartworms JK--2017. Cool. This one has a kind of "Pet Sounds" orchestration.
. Apr 14More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Father John Misty "Total Entertainment Forever" JK--2017. "Bedding Taylor Swift every night inside the Oculus Rift"

. Apr 14More
New #SiliconAngle#Wikibon jk blog: "Looking Ahead to DockerCon17" (http://ow.ly/INnB30aRHF7 )

.Apr 14More
"The bot invasion is on, powered by $24B in funding" (http://ow.ly/eiFe30aRr4P ) JK--Interesting breakout of the VC funding by bot segment

. Apr 14More
"Deep learning for satellite imagery via image segmentation" (http://ow.ly/6TSy30aRqLO ) JK--Everything is algorithmically visible from space
.Apr 14More
"The Polyglot's Dilemma" (http://ow.ly/e2XS30aRpvy ) JK--Being ultimate jack-of-all-programming languages may doom U to being master of nobody
.Apr 14More
"A Robot Took My Job – Was It a Robot or AI?" (http://ow.ly/L31l30aRoTu ) JK--Love the photo of robotically-applied lipstick.
. Apr 14More
New #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon jk blog: "Optimizing Your Application Architecture At The Federated Edge" (http://ow.ly/sVzH30aRfzJ )

.Apr 14More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Kurt Vile "That's Life, Tho (Almost Hate To Say)" from B'lieve I'm Goin Down JK--2015. His best flat gravelly drawl

. Apr 14More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Father John Misty "Pure Comedy" from Pure Comedy JK--2017. Love how he speak-sings this like a hip weary sermon

.Apr 14More
"Canada Moves Towards Legalizing Recreational Marijuana" (http://ow.ly/kb8v30aRb1j ) JK--Canada cannabis.
. Apr 13More
Catch me at DockerCon in Austin next week. I'll be co-hosting #SiliconANGLE#theCUBE with Stu Miniman. http://ow.ly/ZbDh30aQOhD 
.Apr 13More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Stone Roses "Fools Gold 4.15" from What the World Is Waiting For JK--1990. Great bouncy funk roll on this.
. Apr 13More
"If Data is the New Oil, Metadata is the New Gold" (http://ow.ly/jxVU30aPyXY ) JK--This metaphor mongering feels like an industry parlor game.
. Apr 13More
"The Case for the Data Management Maturity Model" (http://ow.ly/ti0330aPxgX ) JK--Such "standards" are usually ignored entirely by the market
.Apr 13More
"A Best-of-Breed Approach to Digital Transformation" (http://ow.ly/UWhS30aPx5T ) JK--"Simply defines" it with an overloaded sentence predicate
.Apr 13More
"Is NoOps the End of DevOps?" (http://ow.ly/s7BP30aPwBD ) JK--Lotsa interesting info in a presentation format so overcrowded your eyeballs pop
. Apr 13More
"Data science gets chic" (http://ow.ly/3RXB30aPwbw ) JK--Is that an up or downgrade from "sexy"?
.Apr 13More
"5 Data Tasks That Keep Data Engineers Awake at Night" (http://ow.ly/Ivfm30aPvX5 ) JK--I doubt it's the tasks. It's all th coffee they consume
.Apr 13More
"Best Practices for Applying Deep Learning to Novel Applications" (http://ow.ly/d4Xm30aPvDb ) JK--Great paper from US Naval Rsch Lab, WashDC
.Apr 13More
"Data Sciencing Motorcycles: Lean Assist" (http://ow.ly/L3Es30aPvdh ) JK--Cool deep-learning challenge. If comes to fruition, could save lives

.Apr 13More
"Open Sourcing TensorFlowOnSpark: Distributed Deep Learning on Big-Data Clusters" (http://ow.ly/bJOm30aPuAa ) JK--Fro Yahoo BigML team
.Apr 13More
"Machine Learning for Product Managers" (http://ow.ly/iSsU30aPuh8 ) JK--Middle of piece has a good plain-English overview of learning tasks
.Apr 13More
"BEGAN: State of the Art Generation o Faces w/GANs" (http://ow.ly/btmn30aPu4T ) JK--Interesting how many specialized algos they have on this.
.Apr 13More
Think I'll switch over to using United Airlines. But only if they promise to forcibly eject any other passenger who hogs our common armrest.
.Apr 13More
RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Jesus and Mary Chain "Get On Home" from Damage and Joy JK--2017. Great new one from the indie veterans.

.Apr 12More
"Managing data on the edge" (http://ow.ly/8VzF30aOjUh ) JK--Risk of storing historical/sys-of-record data on disposable edge devices.

. Apr 12More
”Didcot is 'most normal town in England', resrchrs claim" (http://ow.ly/yt1W30aOdDk ) JK--All they do all day is lie there & think of England
.Apr 12More
"Connecting data: Digital transform8n relies on more than just tech" (http://ow.ly/QQ6g30aOaCl )  JK--Also need $, leadershp etc #SiliconANGLE
. Apr 12More
"Fatdog64: More Bark Than Bite" (http://ow.ly/BB5W30aO9Te ) JK--Fatdog64? Puppy Linux? IMHO, cutesy-named OSs don't inspire much confidence.
.Apr 12More
"Beware impostors in open-source paradigm shift" (http://ow.ly/rCcH30aO8i2 ) JK--HTWX touts all-OSS 2 reduce cust switching cost #SiliconANGLE
. Apr 12More
"App container use surges, but lack of persistent storage irks more companies" (http://ow.ly/INlH30aO3y9 ) JK--Data-loss risks #SiliconANGLE
.Apr 12More
"Biggest cloud computing leaders are devouring the market" (http://ow.ly/Zllh30aO3gA ) JK--AWS, Microsoft, & IBM, in particular #SiliconANGLE
.Apr 12More
If you never delete anything ever, I'm surprised you have any IT budget left for anything other t... #betterbackup
.Apr 12More
"Business continuity" and "disaster recovery" have more urgency, in terms of use case justificati... #betterbackup
. Apr 12More
It's not either-or in their minds, is it? Both storage requirements are often mandates that can't... #betterbackup
.Apr 12More
Wikibon Angles #theCube. Me, David Floyer, & George Gilbert discuss "analytics on the IoT edge"http://ow.ly/OSoh30aNRZq #SiliconANGLE
.Apr 12More
Me & #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon colleague George Gilbert discussing app mainte vs. algo training on #theCUBE. part 2:
. Apr 12More
Me and #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon colleague George Gilbert discussing app maintenance vs. algo training on #theCUBE.
.Apr 12More
Praying: making amens to make amends with the almighty.
.Apr 12More
"It's time 2 dump Moore's Law 2 advance computing, researcher sez" (http://ow.ly/UUbS30aNt06 ) JK--Yes. Let's move to E. Henry Thripshaw's Law
.Apr 12More
"Oracle's Strategery" (http://ow.ly/XUnB30aNscZ ) JK--All things SaaS. BTW, luv those iconic lagoon-surrounding Redwood Shores glass HQ towers
.Apr 12More
"Erica: A human-like robot" (http://ow.ly/XeGv30aNrBY  ) JK--Resembles actress Ellie Kemper under sedation.
.Apr 12More
"The 13 Competing Tribes in AI" (http://ow.ly/iecw30aNrmD ) JK--Goes beyond the traditional 5. Hard to call these "tribes" or see "competing"
.Apr 12More
"NSynth: Neural Audio Synthesis" (http://ow.ly/2Boy30aNqHj ) JK--New ML-driven musical instrument. Auto-learns any arbitrary acoustic space.
.Apr 12More
"Solution to AI Taking Jobs Is Training Not Taxes" (http://ow.ly/ppWf30aNq81 ) JK--IBM Kenny says retraining'll address structural unemploymnt
.Apr 12More
"The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI" (http://ow.ly/PQTo30aNpCi ) JK--Here's my recent Datanami column on this topic:
. Apr 12More
"Tech Debt Balance Sheets" (http://ow.ly/aO8i30aNoPH ) JK--Another way to think of them is "maintenance-nightmare rat's nests."
.Apr 12More
"Brief History of Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/ryLZ30aNnBA ) JK--Well-told and rich with interesting details.
.Apr 12More
"How the Dodger baseball stadium shaped LA – and revealed its divisions" (http://ow.ly/8zUc30aNnbA ) JK--Here's photo o the razed neighborhood
.Apr 12More
"3 Secrets of Success that Influencers Don’t Tell You" (http://ow.ly/zBiW30aNm1g ) JK--Of course they DO tell you. They "publish" (#2). Duh!
.Apr 12More
"8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M." (http://ow.ly/i76s30aNlOt ) JK--Are these before or after your 1st bowel movement of the day?
.Apr 12More
"Ex-FB enginrs launch Honeycomb, new tool 4 debugging nightmares" (http://ow.ly/6r5R30aNle5 ) JK--While software eats world, bugs eat software
.Apr 11More
Andrew Zimmern’s culinary travelogue of Bali is making me drool. Would also have been delicious to hear him pronounce the dishes correctly.

.Apr 11More
New #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon jk blog: "Application Decay and the Burden of Data-Driven Algorithm Training" (http://ow.ly/YWVU30aM9eh )

.Apr 11More
Interviewed by @BertLatamore. Expecting a #SiliconANGLE story or two to come out of it soon.
.Apr 11More
"IBM Announces Methods...Build Bluemix Apps..Flexible...Microsvcs" (http://ow.ly/zJfs30aLsyP ) JK--MIx langs, frmwks, platfs in serverlss envs
.Apr 11More
"Microservices antipatterns & pitfalls" (http://ow.ly/qDbO30aLrc6 ) JK--Former = good idea that proves counterproductive. Latter = bad idea
.Apr 11More
"A look at deep learning for science" (http://ow.ly/6Ojz30aLqKk ) JK--As fundamental to the scientific discovery as telescopes & microscopes
.Apr 11More
”Please Don’t Hire Chief AI Officer" (http://ow.ly/vMuL30aLqim ) JK--Agreed. Need a "Chief Nouveau-Fad-CxO-Title Officer" Instead
.Apr 11More
"Google says YouTube ad problem ‘very very very small’ but getting better  fixing anyway" (http://ow.ly/uCIc30aLpON ) JK--Doth "very" too much
.Apr 11More
"Apple’s AI Director: Here’s How 2 Supercharge Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/KSQW30aLpqd ) JK--Focus on "memory nets"http://ow.ly/NQLT30aLpCz 
.Apr 11More
"Sup lrng gr8: it’s data collectn that’s brokn" (http://ow.ly/DDSg30aLoup ) JK--"Dont expct gr8 data if U bore th shit out o underpaid people"
.Apr 11More
"Predicting Properties o Molecules w/Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/jQGH30aLo7A ) JK--Advances in phys sciences depend on ML-driven comput8n
.Apr 11More
"Personalized Aesthetics: Recording the Visual Mind using Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/g1Ss30aLnE2 ) JK--Drill down to the beauty? Possibly
.Apr 11More
"Master Chinese Calligraphy w/Conditional Adversarial Nets" (http://ow.ly/boBM30aLmUd ) JK--Wow. Check out th dynamic cross-font interpolation
.Apr 11More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Funkadelic "Maggot Brain" frm Maggot Brain JK--1971. Guitarist Eddie Hazel improvised melody as if his mom had died
.Apr 11More
"DARPA semantic progr seeks 2 glean truth frm obfuscation" (http://ow.ly/piH230aLlMc ) JK--Continuous streaming-data narrative auto-gen & eval
.Apr 11More
"Microsvcs w/Kubernetes&Docker" (http://ow.ly/UKds30aLlgU ) JK--Have to blink hard not to confuse w/SOA/ESBs. Me 2006:
.Apr 11More
Weird to be listening to #kexp and hear sponsor message for a tech DevOps solution while I'm reading an article about the same. No escape
.Apr 11More
"DataOps: It’s a Secret" (http://ow.ly/hjGi30aLkmM ) JK--Not really. Good one, tho. DevOps for data aka "InsightOps" (http://ow.ly/9P1430aLkwk )
.Apr 11More
"Data readiness strategies of AI Start-ups" (http://ow.ly/Gaxw30aLk1q ) JK--Model zoos, synthetic data generation, & free training data
.Apr 11More
"Amazon’s robot war is spreading" (http://ow.ly/gstp30aLjsK ) JK--Sounds ominous, but article refers to physical warehousing and logistics.
.Apr 11More
"How Google wants to crowdsource ML with smartphones & federated learning" (http://ow.ly/9BWO30aLiBS ) JK--Edge-distrib summed backpropagation
.Apr 11More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Muddy Waters "Mannish Boy" JK--1955. Yeah. Only a man's man knows how to spell "man." 3 letters. Tell it! Spell it!
.Apr 11More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Billy & Wilco "California Stars" frm Mermaid Ave JK--1998. "They hang like grapes." I hear "grace." Works both ways
.Apr 11More
"How We Overengineered Drinking La Croix" (http://ow.ly/AG3B30aLaOO ) JK--Thoroughly gratuitous sparkling-water can-crush monitorng device/app
.Apr 10More
"Why venture capitalists are hitting the pause button on tech investment" (http://ow.ly/ckKg30aJkuc ) JK--Hope for new "unicorns" is fading
.Apr 10More
"The Race For AI: Google, Twitter, Intel, Apple In A Rush To Grab AI Startups" (http://ow.ly/8KoP30aJ7wc ) JK--Good timeline visualization
.Apr 10More
"Firing on All Cylinders: The 2017 Big Data Landscape" (http://ow.ly/YViZ30aJ7gn ) JK--The logo-developers seem to be working overtime.
.Apr 10More
"Meet One of the Most Brilliant Investors in Silicon Valley" (http://ow.ly/5cni30aJ6kN ) JK--Don't doubt that. But what's his net worth?
.Apr 10More
"Scrum Master Misunderstandings" (http://ow.ly/A7hT30aJ5cW ) JK--"Coffee clerk"? Are they also the scrum's Chief Cook & Bottle Washer?
.Apr 10More
"Which GPU(s) to Get for Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/390830aJ4vM ) JK--Good breakout of the commercial alternatives & how you deploy them
.Apr 10More
"Feder8d Learning: Collab ML w/out Centralized Training Data" (http://ow.ly/65iy30aJ44y ) JK--Essential for distrib rl-tm IoT/fog ML optimiz8n
.Apr 10More
"5 Growth Hacks to Scale Your DevOps Culture" (http://ow.ly/GDCW30aJ3xe ) JK--Enough of this "growth hacks" stuff. Just call them "guidelines"
.Apr 10More
"4 ML breakthrus from Google's TPU processor" (http://ow.ly/o0mM30aJ2gQ ) JK--But need genl ML/DL code-gen FW for TPUs, FPGAs, GPUs, CPUs, etc
.Apr 10More
"Hidden value in the ‘profitless prosperity’ of open source?" (http://ow.ly/A8V830aJ1sL ) JK--New engagemnt models w/dev ecosys? #SiliconANGLE
.Apr 10More
"The path of profitability: Connected data is where the value lies for Hortonworks" (http://ow.ly/VG5b30aJ0ab ) JK--Spoke with #SiliconANGLE
.Apr 10More
"Cloudera approaches IPO w/long-term vision, but can it justify its valuation?" (http://ow.ly/qZlX30aIZCk ) JK--Lacks enterprise app portfolio
.Apr 10More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Atlas Sound feat. Lætitia Sadier "Quick Canal" from Logos JK--2009. Few women use flat vocalization as well as she

.Apr 10More
"Python vs. R: battle for data scientist mind share" (http://ow.ly/x25O30aIYeT ) JK--Gen-purpose tool w/libraries v tool for big data analysis
.Apr 10More
"IBM adds cutting-edge GPUs to Bluemix on bare metal" (http://ow.ly/6Gd930aIXF2 ) JK--But still lacks flexble virtualized VM GPU cloud configs
.Apr 10More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Nick Drake "Three Hours" JK--1969. Pure brooding smoulder. Wow.
.Apr 10More
"30 Amazing Applications of Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/k3MI30aIVKS ) JK--Such as "computer hallucinations...and other wild things"
.Apr 10More
"New institute aims to make Toronto an ‘intellectual centre’ of AI capability" (http://ow.ly/EdX730aIUXY ) JK--Puts new "eh" in "AI," eh?
. Apr 10More
"Google's Tensor Processing Unit architecture" (http://ow.ly/yDK730aIUML ) JK--In-depth on new deep-learning-optimized hardware design spec.
.Apr 10More
"Maluuba Frames" (http://ow.ly/TlGK30aIUv6 ) JK--Approach uses human2human dialogues for modeling of AI data-driven chatbot conversations
.Apr 10More
"Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) Industry" (http://ow.ly/XKu830aITWK ) JK--MSFT, IBM, AWS, Google, BigML, HPE, FICO, PurePredictive etc
.Apr 10More
"Process Mining..." (http://ow.ly/o5CX30aITCN ) JK--New category? Hardly.  The term and capability have been around for years.
.Apr 10More
"Potential Disruptiveness o AMD’s Open Source Deep Learning Strategy" (http://ow.ly/IITJ30aIShV ) JK--Compiler auto-gens optimizd CPU&GPU code
.Apr 10More
"Unpaird Image2Image Translation using Adversarial Nets" (http://ow.ly/uSan30aIS2b ) JK--Translate old portrait paintings 2 photo equivalents?
.Apr 10More
"Teaching a car to drive itself" (http://ow.ly/1dfj30aIRET ) JK--With training data coming from a human-steered simulator.
.Apr 9More
Beaming from my smartphone to my new smart TV. Kick is songs I’ve never before experienced on the big screen with the powerful speakers.
.Apr 9More
There will be a point when we take back the White House. Waiting.
.Apr 9More
Reading another story about something “AI” does that says nothing about the tech. No clue whether reporter knows what they’re talking about

.Apr 9More
"Which GPU(s) to Get for Deep Learning" JK--New horserace in AI space. Also: GPU v TPU v CPU
.Apr 9More
Patrick Ewing. Hadn’t noticed him much since his playing days. As new Hoyas head coach, he’s aged into a formidable asset: full-court face

.Apr 9More
Decluttering ad. Any doodad you acquire for the purpose of decluttering your space will become a pillar of the next generation of clutter.

.Apr 9More
App/algo value decays in proportion to amount o technical debt incurred unless compelling use case sustains ongoing maintenance/training
.Apr 9More
Fragility of data science: complexity/opacity of data, feature sets, algorithms, & dev pipelines contributes  costly DevOps “technical debt”
.Apr 8More
Far too many startups now identify their space as "AI." Some are just repurposing the vowels from "big data."
.jameskobielus @jameskobielus Apr 8More
Seeing more tech startups identify their space as "marijuana." Some are confusing their 9x5 space with the one they inhabit after-hours.

.Apr 7More
What a messed-up day, travel-wise. I probably won’t see my luggage until Monday or Tuesday. All I want now is to see my bed. Almost there.

.Apr 7More
Today, a park in Palo Alto was the first place I've ever seen a "no-drone zone" sign. It won't be the last.

.Apr 7More
Today was the first time in the last several years of California trips when I experienced overcast drenching rain. The gloom cheered me up.

.Apr 7More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Camera Obscura "My Maudlin Career" from My Maudlin Career JK--2009. Rare Camera Obscura song to be played loud
.Apr 6More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Son Volt "Cherokee St." from Notes Of Blue JK--2017. Electric bluesy grind to this new one from the roots rockers

.Apr 6More
Public TV show where Bay Area foodies debate the local eateries worth dying for. No indication where any of this lands on their bucket
.Apr 6More
My default dining setting when on business travel is usually a good burger joint. My seating setting is the bar. My sipping setting is ale.

.Apr 6More
Good working sessions in Palo Alto with my new #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon colleagues. Recorded 3 #theCUBE spots with Messrs Gilbert & Floyer.
.Apr 6More
Media might as well run regular feature now called "POTUS Claims Without Evidence That He Knows What He's Talking About." Cut to the chase

.Apr 6More
"Why AI/bot tech demand inclusive teams to keep data unbiased" (http://ow.ly/PTK230aCOus ) JK--Train bots to popul8n cross-sXn #SiliconANGLE

.Apr 6More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Shins "A Taste Of Honey" from Resistance Radio: The Man In  The High Castle JK--2017. Blow my mind! Gr8 cover!

.Apr 6More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Shin Joong Hyun "Please Wait" from Beautiful Rivers and Mountains JK--1980. Lovely lilting pop from South Korea
.Apr 6More
RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Melody's Echo Chamber "Cross My Heart" from Bon Voyage JK--2017. Cool baroque pop w/soaring romantic atmospherics
.Apr 6More
"IBM Watson Takes On Autism" (http://ow.ly/aVmR30aC3yU ) J--Dynamically filters/fits/renders info to each individual's autistic receptivity
.Apr 6More
"How Uber Uses Psychological Tricks to Push Its Drivers’ Buttons" (http://ow.ly/oBEm30aC3pg ) JK--We were discussing this today. Gamification
.Apr 6More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Fleet Foxes "Third of May / Ōdaigahara" from Crack-Up JK--2017. Free-form new one grows on you on repeat listens.
.Apr 6More
"One Shot Learning and Siamese Networks in Keras" (http://ow.ly/O7mf30aC2Dm ) JK--How to train machine learning from a single labeled instance
.Apr 5More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Taj Mahal "Take a Giant Step" from Giant Step / De Ole Folks at Home jk--1971. Cool shambling do of Goffin/King
.Apr 5More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bob Dylan "Mozambique" from Desire JK--1976. Great one from this fine album that followed "Blood on the Tracks"

.Apr 5More
"Snowflake raises $100M funding to grow its cloud data warehouse" (http://ow.ly/Jtpa30aBLy5 ) JK--Quite a sum for non-AI startup #SiliconANGLE
.Apr 5More
"Google says its ultra-fast AI chips crush the competition" (http://ow.ly/9u4030aBKZq ) JK--Reports benchmarks to back up claim #SiliconANGLE
.Apr 5More
Funny that new colleague Peter Burris @plburris namedropped the Peter that got me started as an analyst 30 years ago, Peter G.W.Keen.
.Apr 5More
New #KDNuggets#SiliconANGLE#Wikibon jk column: "Putting Together A Full-Blooded AI Maturity Model" (http://ow.ly/AhuS30aBnN8 )
.Apr 5More
"New network demands products before platform" (http://ow.ly/HuQ930aB0Te ) JK--Otherwise, you have no revs, hence no business #SiliconANGLE
.Apr 4More
"Is the Exit Interview Valuable?" (http://ow.ly/OQuA30azKfp ) JK--My feeling is if they didn't listen while you worked there, they never will.
.Apr 4More
What is it about cross-country jetplane travel that causes fingernail growth to accelerate & smartphone batteries to discharge? Spooky!

.Apr 4More
"Oracle says no to buying Accenture: 'Weve never even considered it'" (http://ow.ly/fHZs30axY2D ) JK--Shy to restart consulting? #SiliconANGLE
.Apr 4More
"Gender equity at work takes nuts&bolts..sez PBWC board member" (http://ow.ly/b9eT30axXPl ) JK--Professional BusinessWomen of CA #SiliconANGLE
.Apr 4More
"Palo Alto startup Cloudera files 4 $200 million IPO" (http://ow.ly/ZrfH30axXrZ ) JK--Stop calling them a "startup." Substantial, established
.Apr 4More
Heading out to Palo Alto to meet my new #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon team. Strong chance you'll see me on http://SiliconANGLE.tv  by week's end.
.Apr 3More
"IBM Interconnect Highlight Summary" (http://ow.ly/4f1C30awtds ) JK--Good summary by @furrier#SiliconANGLE
.Apr 3More
"Why AI will rule all UIs" (http://ow.ly/6PPX30awsO4 ) JK--NLP, contextual chat, speech recognition, and visual pattern recognition.
.Apr 3More
"Transfer Learning - Machine Learning's Next Frontier" (http://ow.ly/g9Jx30awpLg ) JK--Also see my recent column: http://ow.ly/HF2B30awpZL 
.Apr 3More
"Shrewd AI Strategy behind Google's Kaggle Acquisition" (http://ow.ly/kBCV30awpo8 ) JK--A principal proving ground 4 next-gen data scientists
.Apr 3More
"Visualizing Sound Effects" (http://ow.ly/mss030awo3z ) JK--YouTube AI will transcribe sound FX into "whoosh!""kapow!""bang bang!" U name it
.Apr 3More
"Google Brain’s new....AI...Mixture of Experts Layer" (http://ow.ly/y8KJ30awmRm ) JK--Layers of competing neural nets embedded in a neural net
.Apr 3More
"Best AI and chatbot conferences in 2017" (http://ow.ly/NhxB30awjSV ) JK--Definitely going to check out some of these.
.Apr 3More
"5 video classific methods implemntd in Keras & TensorFlow" (http://ow.ly/MCH330aweTQ ) JK--The channel surfer inside next-gen streaming media
.Apr 3More
Finally found a taker for our massive 15-year-old cathode-ray tube TV. Some dudes with a pickup truck. A disposal site in the exurbs awaits

.Apr 3More
"Musk’s Neuralink wants to boost brain to keep up w/AI" (http://ow.ly/MIpp30awcVB ) JK--But will focus on alleviating neurological disorders

.Apr 3More
"Getting Started with Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/dB1i30awcBV ) JK--Github numbers show interest in Tensorflow far outpaced the rest of pack
.Apr 3More
"I reverse-engineered a $500M AI company in 1 week" (http://ow.ly/vby830awcjK ) JK--Took open data + open source software + open mind.
.Apr 3More
"Google Chases Gen'l Intelligence w/New AI That Has Memory" (http://ow.ly/F7XD30awaPQ ) JK--Prior learning remembered if helps learn new task
.Apr 3More
"MSFT: AI Not Yet Adaptable Enough 2 Help Biz" (http://ow.ly/FzK530aw9ee ) JK--"Small & highly paid cadre o craftsmen build bespoke solutions"
.Apr 3More
"Streamng Vid Analysis in Python" (http://ow.ly/U4Kw30aw84h ) JK--SVDS "trainspotting" proj featrd in my Nov '15 post:
.Apr 3More
"Deep Learning with Emojis (not Math)" (http://ow.ly/UNiI30aw6Th ) JK--That actually helps to visualize the flow of algorithmic execution.
.Apr 3More
"Speed up your site with a little machine learning" (http://ow.ly/IXvM30aw6wy ) JK--Good post converges data science, app dev & sysad concerns
.Apr 3More
"Unleashing power of chatbots for fashion e-commerce" (http://ow.ly/OQmL30aw4nn ) JK--Does this algorithm make my bot look bigger?
.Apr 3More
"The Battle for Top AI Talent Only Gets Tougher From Here" (http://ow.ly/uTEA30aw3Rd ) JK--And the compensation will skyrocket even steeper.
.Apr 3More
"New Machine Learning Cheat Sheet" (http://ow.ly/738r30aw3h6 ) JK--In emojis? Gimme a break! You should at least choose better symbolic ones.
.Apr 3More
"Is 'cognitive' the magic word to monetize enterprise big data?" (http://ow.ly/JOil30aw1Zr ) JK--IMHO, that word obscures value #SiliconANGLE
.Apr 3More
"Report: HPE ponders acquisition o backup leader Veeam Software" (http://ow.ly/LfUL30aw0VN ) JK--HPE busy w/acquisitions this yr #SiliconANGLE
.Apr 3More
RIP Yevgeny Yevtushenko. No idea if was any good but Soviet poet was memorably lampooned in "Doonesbury" in Jan 73:
.Apr 3More
"Terrible Way o Soc-Med Ntwkg" (http://ow.ly/iguw30avP36 ) JK--Asking favor o some1 U dont know doesnt work online any bettr than in real life.
.Apr 3More
"Software Dev's Guide to Work/Life Balance" (http://ow.ly/HVeQ30avKNb ) JK--Contends that it's "bull crap," tidy compartmentalization illusory.
.Apr 3More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Eleanor Friedberger "My Mistakes" from Last Summer JK--2011. Learning from... Useful to ponder as I start new job

.Apr 1More
Rewatching the end of “Fargo” on cable. “I love you Margie.”
.Mar 31More
This has been an exceptionally complex quarter for me personally. Like a movie with too many subplots, scenes, twists, & dramatis personae
.Mar 31More
"Can this streaming event-based engine surpass Spark's best?" (http://ow.ly/X44430arLvX ) JK--Obsolete Spark like Spk did Hdp? #SiliconANGLE
.Mar 31More
"Managing the runaway train of Internet of Things data" (http://ow.ly/Y63d30arIue ) JK--Who owns, handles, & controls it?  #SiliconANGLE
.Mar 31More
"Chief change agent: Emerging tech defines CDO role" (http://ow.ly/l0cM30arHSq ) JK--Resistance because info can change jobs #SiliconANGLE
.Mar 31More
"Privacy activist wants to unveil lawmakers' browser histories" (http://ow.ly/ZokX30arHa6 ) JK--Touché!!!
.Mar 31More
"CDO playbook: building bolder expectations 4 data-driven biz" (http://ow.ly/fmfc30arGBU ) JK--Multilayered app progrmmg & data #SiliconANGLE
.Mar 31More
Not sure what impressed me most about SoCal: watching them assemble the James Webb Space Telescope or seeing the Brady Bunch house. Hmmm
.Mar 30More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Neko Case "Star Witness" from Fox Confessor Brings the Flood JK--2006. For me, a spine-tingling poetic musical gem.
.Mar 30More
Was a fun week in & around Hollywood. I hope my grandson doesn't get seduced by all the glitter. I'm still blowing that stuff out my sinuses
.Mar 30More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sera Cahoone "Ladybug" from From Where I Started JK--2017. More new gold from this lady.
.Mar 30More
Back from California. Home in Virginia.

.Mar 28More
Stopped by the Brady Bunch house in North Hollywood. Fun fact: all the houses on the street equipped with 70s-vintage laugh-track machines.
.Mar 28More
"Elon Musk's Billion-Dollar Crusade to Stop the AI Apocalypse" (http://ow.ly/MrFA30akOya ) JK--Yep, throw money at the supposed problem.
.Mar 28More
Wow. Donald Trump has convinced me how much I love climate change. Need to sweat profusely and work that tan. Work it!
.Mar 27More
Drove by the La Brea Tar Pits today on Wilshire. Had to restrain myself from stripping down to my skivvies & jumping straight into the goo.
.Mar 27More
Actually saw the mostly dry reservoir that LA calls "Silver Lake." Its desiccated concavity suggests they've been strip-mining silver there
.Mar 27More
One nice thing about leaving IBM under these circumstances has been th massive outpouring of appreciation from followers on socials. Thanks!

.Mar 27More
Sure, I'm leaving IBM due to co-lo, but I'm not bitter in the least. Actually, they respected me more than any prior employer. Thank you IBM
.Mar 26More
"Overview of Python Deep Learning Frameworks" (http://ow.ly/45JO30agMF7 ) JK--Had to read into this to make sure "Lasagne" not practical joke

.Mar 26More
To save myself the trouble on LinkedIn, I’m going to issue  blanket congratulations to anybody who may change jobs in the indefinite future

.Mar 26More
Wife forgot to pack my razor on this trip. We're too cheap/lazy to buy one. Think I'll grow out my beard. New look for new job? It's graying
.Mar 25More
I’m happy to be pampered. But I draw the line at having to wear adult diapers.

.Mar 25More
Seriously, if I were to relocate to California, it would be to Corona del Mar, not San Francisco. No comparison.

. Mar 25More
Watching the BBC. It’s not from British Columbia. It’s from British Britishia.
.Mar 25More
Sitting in California sunshine watching a program about Norwegian gloom. Whatever mood moves.

.Mar 25More
My marketing years drawing to a close. Learned that no matter how compelling your value narrative, you can't compel customers to care.

.Mar 25More
Crack of dawn. Got Rice Krispies & Sanka. Correction: Trader Joe's Crisp Rice Cereal & Starbucks Decaf Italian Roast. Old branding dies hard
.Mar 24More
“Friends,” “Frasier,” & “Seinfeld” reruns are the comfort food in the basic cable buffet. Back when NBC had a great run of classic sitcoms.

.Mar 24More
Mirando “Tengo Talento, Mucho Talento.” Estoy aburrido, muy aburrido.
.Mar 23More
I remember being the parent of  newborn children. Only time you’ll ever take such a keen interest in another human being’s bowel movements

.Mar 22More
"Manafort had plan to benefit Putin government" (http://ow.ly/m1Tw30a9Qpb ) JK--Curious how Trump's going to tweet his way out of this one now
.Mar 22More
"Not Making Series A? It’s Not You — It’s th Funding Landscape" (http://ow.ly/4h3C30a9POu ) JK--Or perhaps it is U & yr desperate pitch to VCs
.Mar 22More
"Building Safe AI: A Tutorial for Encrypted Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/bY6530a9OSb ) JK--If "homomorphically," algorithm is not black box

.Mar 22More
"Transfer Learning - Machine Learning's Next Frontier" (http://ow.ly/zeVB30a9NY5 ) JK--See my recent column on this:
.Mar 22More
"So your company wants to do AI?" (http://ow.ly/pcpO30a9GtX ) JK--"Start with something you can visualize."
.Mar 22More
"GANs recover features in astrophysical images of galaxies beyond deconvolution limit" (http://ow.ly/zh5u30a9xCz ) JK--A new kind of telescope
.Mar 22More
"Deconvolution & Checkerboard Artifacts" (http://ow.ly/Czzw30a9qY5 ) JK--Or how to avoid inserting machn-lrng fingerprints in ML-gen'd images?
.Mar 22More
"Don't fear superintelligent AI" (http://ow.ly/kNFk30a9qhM ) JK--IBM boffin self-intros to TED audience as "quintessential nerd." Um, duh.
.Mar 22More
"DevOps Adoption Barriers Persist, Survey Finds" (http://ow.ly/Ds3x30a9pBt ) JK--Fragmented toolchain ecosystem: mix of open-source & packaged
.Mar 22More
"Track the 251 companies of the Connected Cars Landscape" (http://ow.ly/e26s30a9oqQ ) JK--Shazam!!!
.Mar 22More
"Can Sully Transform World o Self-Drivng Cars?" (http://ow.ly/FykP30a9o2R ) JK--More important: has Hollywood bought rights to this story too?
.Mar 22More
"Meet Artist Using Ritual Magic to Trap Self-Driving Cars" (http://ow.ly/nlSP30a9nAC ) JK--All the more reason why manual override essential

 Mar 22More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Mac DeMarco "My Old Man" from This Old Dog JK--2017. Comes a time when one stops referencing & just is th "Old Man”

.Mar 22More
”Experts find what may B earliest color film o WhiteHouse grounds" (http://ow.ly/llHk30a9j9o ) JK--Trees&grass were green back then. Who knew?
.Mar 22More
"IBM pledge: Not only does Notes/Domino live, there’s no end in sight" (http://ow.ly/uCJw30a9iqW ) JK--Fine but as a user I'm not big on Verse
.Mar 22More
"5 Signs Your Boss Might be a Psychopath" (http://ow.ly/vRsd30a9f68 ) JK--Bosses also need "5 Signs Your Employees are Armchair Psychiatrists"
.Mar 22More
LinkedIn statistics show that most people's jobs now involve responding to LinkedIn prompts to congratulate other people on their new jobs

.Mar 21More
Monopoly has always felt a little fishy. That "bank error in our favor" sure smells like phish. Put that card back in the pile. Walk away!
.Mar 21More
Gorsuch: “The guy who nominated me is an anti-democratic lunatic.” Wait...drop the quote marks. That’s just a loose paraphrase
.Mar 21More
I’ll be in Palo Alto the 1st week o April.  Happy to schmooze with AI, deep learning, & data science solution providers. Inquire within

.Mar 21More
"Strata+Hadoop World postmortem" (http://ow.ly/lXM030a7kSS ) JK--Here's IBM's rejoinder to Cloudera's Strata snark:
.Mar 21More
"Ideas on interpreting machine learning" (http://ow.ly/e1Tx30a7k5G ) JK--Cool and deep. See my recent Datanami column:
.Mar 21More
"On computational ethics" (http://ow.ly/OR2r30a7jlb ) JK--See my POV here: http://ow.ly/taSX30a7jA7 . And here:
.Mar 21More
"AI Hype Over? Startup Investors Announce Serious Plan for AI" (http://ow.ly/Js7F30a7iBX ) JK--Odd how VCs see no "hype" when their $ in game
.Mar 21More
"Apple's Swift cracks RedMonk's top 15 in record time" (http://ow.ly/Bfh330a7hB2 ) JK--Buoyed by rapid rise of mobile app dev.
.Mar 21More
"New Artificial Synapse Bridges the Gap to Brain-Like Computers" (http://ow.ly/JgmT30a7gZK ) JK--“Electrochemical neuromorphic organic device"
.Mar 21More
"The Emergence of Modular Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/H7NA30a7gwz ) JK--Wow. Great framework for taking this to AI "functions-as-a-service"
.Mar 21More
"Short Intro to Serverless Architecture" (http://ow.ly/46BM30a7g2D ) JK--Presents clearest scoping schematic of "aaS" spectrum I've ever seen
.Mar 21More
"Can enterprise-ready sw turn cloud game in IBM’s favor?" (http://ow.ly/FIrq30a7fbw ) JK--John&Dave discuss at #IBMInterConnect#SiliconANGLE
.Mar 21More
"IBM goes all-in on hybrid cloud services strategy" (http://ow.ly/r04B30a7eN5 ) JK--Schoettle & Kocoloski at #IBMInterConnect#SiliconANGLE
. Mar 21More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Goldfrapp "Anymore" from Silver Eye jK--2017. Great new one from the eminently danceable UK duo.

.Mar 21More
Learn how #AI is changing the #insurance industry in today's world w/ customer engagement. http://ibm.biz/Bds7ER http://bit.ly/2niv3uh 
.Mar 21More
How PlayFab will use IBM Watson to make better games - Video games can offer more data and metrics than pretty... http://dy.si/fxJLY 
.Mar 21More
RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp  Sonic Youth "Superstar" JK--1994. Quirky cover o th Leon Russell song alluded to Karen Carpenter's melancholy tone
. Mar 21More
Did preso on data warehousing in a sports arena backroom during my IBM years. Quicken Loans, Cleveland. Saw LeBron+Cavs afterward. Schweet!
.Mar 21More
Took two overseas business trips during the IBM years: Luxembourg and Costa Rica. I'd never been to either place before. Liked them both.
.Mar 21More
My vote for IBM Analytics portfolio team w/best content marketing? Cognos. For best technical blogging? Spark Technology Center. Great work!

.Mar 21More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Raveonettes "Ode to L.A." from Pretty in Black JK--2005. Very Spector-ish. Fun fact: covered by Ronnie Spector
. Mar 21More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Spencer Davis Group "I'm a Man" JK--1966, and you know if from "groovy" lyric: "All these groovy chicks we see"
.Mar 20More
I’m curious if Trump has ever considered blogging. Probably not. It would expose his inability to develop a coherent argument Tweets R cheap
.Mar 20More
Recalibrating my head for my next gig. A sort of return to where my head was before this gig. But I’m a 5-year older man. Evolved. Different
.Mar 20More
Yes, you're going to be seeing a lot more of my face on #theCube livestreams. I'll also be on everybody's CrowdChats. #SiliconAngle
.Mar 20More
Me and soon-to-be colleague John Furrier on #theCube not long after I joined IBM 5 years ago: http://ow.ly/C06J30a599Z #SiliconANGLE
.Mar 20More
Me and soon-to-be colleague Dave Vellante co-hosting this #theCube panel at an IBM event last year: http://ow.ly/UKGL30a58Sy   #SiliconANGLE
.Mar 20More
Yes, I'm going to be working closely in my next gig with a former and future colleague, Peter Burris. We both survived Forrester.
. Mar 20More
"Welcome to #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon Team, James Kobielus!" (http://ow.ly/xWuA30a55rO ) JK--Start Apr 3. Lead Analyst: DataSci, DeepLrng, AppDev

. Mar 20More
"Everybody is Sherlock Holmes in the era o Watson-powered team data science" (http://ow.ly/Kce930a51vK ) JK--Well-written post by #IBM Ben Tao
Mar 20More
RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Kinks "Dedicated Follower of Fashion" JK--1966. A song so good it survived expiration dates of fashions it refs

.Mar 20More
"Can you solve the chess problem which holds key to human consciousness?" (http://ow.ly/T3FJ30a4UI7 ) JK--Defeats AI? Solvable by human minds?
.Mar 20More
"YC AI" (http://ow.ly/JOtP30a4Szb ) JK--Famed Silicon Valley VC, Y Combinator, starts new program incubating AI-focused startups.

.Mar 20More
"Bringing the power of AI to real-world applications" (http://ow.ly/2glp30a4Npv ) #IBM Fred Reiss last week #SiliconANGLE#theCUBE
.Mar 20More
"With new products and partnerships, IBM doubles down on hybrid cloud strategy" (http://ow.ly/mhcH30a4MJI ) #SiliconANGLE
.Mar 20More
"DeepMind new algo adds 'memory' 2 AI" (http://ow.ly/TZgB30a4L4I ) JK--Learn multiple tasks in sequence but not as well as if it single-tasked
.Mar 20More
"US Military Wants Its Autonomous Machines to Explain Themselves" (http://ow.ly/CwLC30a4KN0 ) JK--On a need-to-know basis, I assume.
.Mar 20More
"Squeezing Deep Learning Into Mobile Phones" (http://ow.ly/yagS30a4DHs ) JK--Before long, every mobile app developer will need to master this
.Mar 20More
"Seattle2Portland in 15 minutes?" (http://ow.ly/G3JO30a4wVB ) JK--Hyperloop schmyperloop. Reminds why I dont use HOT lanes. Not worth th rush
.Mar 20More
"The 5 Things You Can’t Forget to Pack for IBM InterConnect" (http://ow.ly/WJh430a4vE6 ) JK--Gambling money? You nuts? Get fresh air instead.
.Mar 20More
"New IBM Cloud Integration Tech Blends Multi-Cloud Environments" (http://ow.ly/aZfF30a4uVd ) JK--Includes ML-driven multi-cloud recomm engine

.Mar 20More
"IBM Taps Watson to Help Manage & Protect Business Devices" (http://ow.ly/vGp030a4uIv ) JK--Machine learning scans devices for vulnerabilities

.Mar 20More
"IBM Launches ....Blockchain Services 4 Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 on IBM Cloud" (http://ow.ly/qu7g30a4ukL ) JK--Plus blockchain governance tools

.Mar 20More
"Spring Time With Arduino" (http://ow.ly/E71t30a4sdy ) JK--Interesting DIY IoT gardening application. Can you automate TLC? Will plants know?

Aweekstweets April 23 to May 28 2017: the weeks of wine and roses

19 hours ago RIP Gregg Allman. Leader of one of the greatest blues-rock jam bands of them all. Powerful full-throated singer.

 May 27 My mother didn’t let her babies grow up to be cowboys, nor did my wife. I assume my son’s wife will carry on the Kobielus family tradition

May 27 I still possess and regularly use personal items (t-shirts, caps,mugs, backpacks etc) with logos of my past 7 employers. Starting in 1990.

May 27 Wish vendors would refrain at their events from announcing that some new solution is “incredible.” Does giving credence make us credulous?

 May 27 “AI to turn design mockups into source code (https://tnw.to/2rFY71o ) JK--Before long, most first code-builds will be done this way.

 May 27 RIP Zbigniew Brzezinski. I pride myself on having met him casually on a DC street & refraining from referring to him familiarly as “Zbiggy” May 27 Archiving selected junk mail.

May donate it to the Smithsonian some day. My junk is especially historic. May 27 Trying to decide which phrase connotes greater urgency: “the time is now,” “the future is now,” or “there’s no time like now.”

 May 26 Glad that Memorial Day weekend is here. I feel like I’ve aged 5 years in 5 months

May 26 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway "You've Got A Friend" JK--1972. Good lite-soul romantic duet of Carole King classic

 May 26 "Google: The Full Stack AI Company" (http://ow.ly/iybO30c46jT ) JK--Good roundup of their investments & recent initiatives in this area.

 May 26 New #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon jk blog: "Keeping cloud-native DevOps from spinning out of control" (http://ow.ly/4Ryo30c41Dy )

 May 25 New #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon #AppDev jk blog: "Istio: An Open Microservice Mesh for the Cloud-Native Era" (http://ow.ly/RIQJ30c2LBb )

 May 25 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Bob Dylan "To Ramona" from Another Side of Bob Dylan JK--1964. LP kept me company during my Ann Arbor student days

 May 24 Trying to distinguish between vendors who are "best" vs. "best of breed." My sense is that the latter are breeding bouncing baby vendors.

 May 24 3rd Austin trip in 3 months. Probably the trippiest of them all.

 May 24 Browsing my email from the party. Everybody values my opinion, or so they say. But nobody quotes a monetary value. No sale. Buzz off!

 May 24 Downtown Austin’s party zones. Think gravel-strewn outdoor beerpits surrounded by high-rises under construction. Transitional neighborhoods?

 May 24 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp The National "The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness" JK--2017. New one. Solid. Nobody sounds quite like them.

 May 24 Going to Stubb's BBQ in Austin tonight for the #ChefConf event. I understand #KEXP DJ Darek Mazzone will be spinning the tunes. Starts 7:30

 May 24 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Fleet Foxes "Fools Errand" from Crack-Up JK--2017. New one. Another nice big-sky vibe these guys.

May 24 Multi-Cloud: Who Controls Your Data? Join #Wikibon Community for #DataControl CrowdChat tomorrow (Thurs) 9am PDT:

 May 24 Hey Microsoft, stop auto-placing emails in a "focused" folder. Every single message de-focuses me if it's not in a meaningfully-named folder

 May 24 "Introducing Istio: A robust service mesh for microservices" (http://ow.ly/Uzlg30c0MFO ) JK--v0.1. Sort of an open-source mcrsvcs ESB

 May 24 "IBM, Google Lyft give microsvcs ride on Istio Service Mesh" (http://ow.ly/7Wjk30c0LMK ) JK--Traffic mgt, policy enforce, telemtry data aggreg

May 24 Forrester's Lo Giudice & Value Stream Mgt's Robertson Discuss #DevOpsValueStreams Crowdchat 5-25 1pm PDT

 May 24 Join us on Crowdchat: Multi-Cloud Data Control. Tomorrow 9am PDT/12noon EDT: http://ow.ly/ewip30c0I9n  #datacontrol #wikibon

 May 24 John Gossman @gossman on #theCube here in Austin last month at #DockerCon http://bit.ly/2qPD6A7  Interviewed by me & @stu #chefconf

 May 24 Microsoft's lead Azure architect John Gossman @gossmanster at #ChefConf Discussing developer experience May 24 Chef’s compliance updates let developers move fast without breaking things http://bit.ly/2qkaefJ  #ChefConf

 May 24 Chef Pushes Cloud-Native, Container-First Environments with Updates http://bit.ly/2qk3C13  #ChefConf

 May 24 Chef tightens the links between Chef Automate and its open-source DevOps products http://bit.ly/2qjOwIY  #ChefConf

 May 24 Jacob: Intent-based programming works in distributed app environments because that's how people work: we communicate our intent #chefconf

 May 24 Jacob: can change distrib app implementation in Habitat, because it's the boundary, the behavior, the intent is what matters. #chefconf

 May 24 Getting ready for the Wednesday keynotes at #ChefConf. #KEXP DJ Darek Mazzone playing a fair amount of Seattle grunge. We're in Austin. Hmm

 May 24 "Containers vs. VMs (http://ow.ly/nyIp30c08QD ) JK--Container (single svc clustred/deployed at scale) vs. VM (full plat housing multiple svcs)

 May 24 "5 Steps to Determine Whether App Can Be Containerized" (http://ow.ly/gI9830c08wf ) JK--Good checklist to determine what won't make transition

 May 24 Join me this Friday 2m ET for Crowdchat: Building AI IoT Microservices http://bit.ly/2q3rmGv  #IoTAIMicroservices #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon

 May 24 "Build & train machine learning models on new Google Cloud TPUs" (http://ow.ly/AqQc30c06je ) JK--GGL ML supercomputers called “TPU pods.”

 May 23 "Open19 and the Dawn of Vapor Edge Computing" (http://ow.ly/C1r030bZrfE ) JK--Cellsites are an untapped resource in the edge-computing wars.

 May 23 "5 Types of Recommenders" (http://ow.ly/tpso30bZmXv ) JK--Myriad prescriptive algorithms, none of which, being normative, can be deemd " best"

 May 23 "Can AI Fix Fake Facts? Maybe Not" (http://ow.ly/Ekao30bZmPO ) JK--Algorithmic vetting must defer to human judgment, & we war over this crap

 May 23 "Human Pose Detection" (http://ow.ly/lQvi30bZmzU ) JK--Direct-from-video human-body-language detection.

 May 23 "263 Self-Driving Car Startups to Watch" (http://ow.ly/NyKz30bZmpO ) JK--You bet. I'll give each and every one of them my undivided attention

 May 23 "Microsoft Has a Plan to Add DNA Data Storage to Its Cloud" (http://ow.ly/svFN30bZjLj ) JK--Cool. MSFT briefed we analysts on it in Redmond

May 23 #ChefConf Demo of Habitat for bundling Dockerized app & deploy via Kubernetes to Google Cloud Platform

 May 23 #ChefConf Habitat Plans for #bigdata #spark etc continuous build deploy comply

 May 23 Per Habitat for app automation: "What is common language that we need to build together to transform the enterprise?" @adamhjk #chefconf

 May 23 #KEXP DJ reminds Chef CTO @adamhjk that #CloudComputing won the Preakness. #ChefConf

 May 23 "We have to get the guys who pulverize ore...to space" -@adamhjk #chefconf JK--For sure. They'll be foundational to space mining!

May 23 Adam Jacob #ChefConf Chef cofounder/CTO Wearing Soundgarden t-shirt May 23 Automation critical to success #chefconf

 May 23 @RobertEStroud #Forrester discusses #devops velocity at #chefconf

 May 23 Rob Stroud, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research discusses "DevOps: Continuous Automation: Foundation for Success" at #chefconf

May 23 Carmen Krueger, SVP & GM, Cloud Ops, SAP NS2 #chefconf

 May 23 #ChefConf Chef's open-source continuous-automation projects

 May 23 "Chef Extends Continuous Automation 2 NextGen Architctures" (http://ow.ly/93Ci30bYbGE ) JK--Product, partner, & community highlights #ChefConf

May 23 #KEXP DJ Darek Mazzone at #ChefConf 2017 Austin

 May 23 #ChefConf about to begin. I'm sitting up front in media/analyst row between @TheEbizWizard & @MaryJTurner. http://bit.ly/2qfUeeR 

 May 23 "Why You Shouldn’t Be Fooled by Your Own Expertise" (http://ow.ly/oMct30bY1aJ ) JK--Yes. Others are always smarter. Many others. Much smarter.

 May 22 Stopped into an Austin downtown spice emporium. who were playing Soundgarden “Jesus Christ Pose.” Bought no spice, but touted Dewey Beach DE

 May 22 71°F, calm, and no rain. Perfect for walking and snapping pre-summer photos in downtown Austin.

 May 22 The whispering of hybrid vehicles is an ominous 21st-century experience. Something so calm can be so deceptive. Give it clearance.

 May 22 When it’s really loud at the bar, there’s not much difference between Donald Trump and doin’ a dump. That reassures me.

 May 22 For me, a good night is when I find plenty of material to keep me giggling. Tonight is one such night.

 May 22 "The Surprising Repercussions of Making AI Assistants Sound Human" (http://ow.ly/nuWn30bX6g7 ) JK--How human is TOO human?

 May 22 "AI Playbook" (http://ow.ly/sK4u30bX6b9 ) JK--Andreessen Horowitz microsite provides "getting started" guidance for general audience.

 May 22 "Facebook Wants Merge AI Systems 4 Smarter Chatbot" (http://ow.ly/u0gl30bX5sn ) JK--ParlAI framework combines dialog systems w/human feedback

 May 22 "Isaac Asimov On AI: Last Interview" (http://ow.ly/RRSe30bX5fw ) JK--I'm curious whether AI can automate th growing & grooming of mutton chops  

May 22 "DeepDriving: Learning Affordance 4 Dirct Pereption in Autonmous Drvng" (http://ow.ly/mrPr30bX4Sx ) JK--So simple controllr can drive autnmsly

 May 22 "Making a Neural Synthesizer Instrument" (http://ow.ly/KVEM30bX4Dv ) JK--Using artificial neural nets to make music of mindblowing contours.  

May 22 "How Deep Learning Could Fix Trump and Healthcare" (http://ow.ly/U7Ts30bX3rD ) JK--That's preposterous. Insert your own "fix Trump" joke here

 May 22 Join me this Fri 2:pm ET for Crowdchat: Building AI IoT Microservices http://bit.ly/2q3rmGv  #IoTAIMicroservices #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon  

May 22 "How make internet faster? Let algorithms bicker over what we send" (http://ow.ly/33XX30bVK7y ) JK--Yes. Auto-encoders 4 agile image-compress  

May 22 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Broadcast "Pendulum" from Haha Sound JK--2003. Their electropop was a warm pleasure stream.

 May 22 "An AI invented a bunch of new paint colors that are hilariously wrong" (http://ow.ly/wi7A30bVIZS ) JK--Or right. No less opaque than "teal."

 May 22 "The 7 Myths of AI" (http://ow.ly/iRxY30bVHZ6 ) JK--Surprised it's taken so long for this cliched trope to migrate away from "big data"

 May 22 "How to Put AI to Work" (http://ow.ly/MwCO30bVHFb ) JK--Huh? Kevin Kelly was not the founder of Wired mag. Was Louis Rossetto & Jane Metcalfe

May 22 "3 Ages of AI – Figuring Out Where We Are" (http://ow.ly/fPbe30bVHqz ) JK--Hmm. Potential there. I align with 1) rules, 2) stats, & 3) graphs

 May 22 "There’s Nothing Like Huge Public Failure to Boost Interest in AI" (http://ow.ly/oKNi30bVHcb ) JK--But, as noted, successes far outweigh fails

 May 22 "The Data Science Behind AI" (http://ow.ly/83Up30bVH3F ) JK--An OK discussion, but the taxonomic breakdown doesn't feel definitive.

 May 22 New week. Raining in AUS, raining at DCA. Same temps at both locations. In transit within a well-watered steady-state machine.

 May 21 For the record, I & everybody I worked with performed very well virtually & remotely throughout my 5 years at IBM. We rocked the results!  

May 21 A #CloudComputing service that only runs for 1 min 55.98 secs then quits? That’s unacceptable. Smart $’s on #HighAvailability in th Belmont

 May 20 Catch me at #ChefConf this week in Austin. DevOps workflow, infra automation, continuous app delivery. http://ow.ly/2thD30bTZ6i  #Wikibon

 May 20 Catch #theCube at #SparkSummit West, San Francisco, June 5-7. I'm co-hosting. http://www.siliconangle.tv/spark-summit-west-2017/ … #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon

 May 20 "Neurala fights poaching in Africa with AI-powered drones" (http://ow.ly/i30k30bTYQ3 ) JK--Nocturnal remote sensing/pinpointing #SiliconANGLE

 May 20 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Cameo "Word Up!" from Word Up! JK--1986. Iconic catchphrase set to song. Gotta admire that!

 May 20 Electronics store sign: “we fix computers.” I suppose it would be in bad taste for a vet to post a sign saying “we fix cats.”

 May 20 Happy to see New Orleans remove the Robert E. Lee statues. He betrayed the USA and deserves to be dishonored everywhere in this country.

 May 19 A good week. We had great houseguests. I always try to be a good guest anywhere I go. No demands, few expectations. Smiles and casual talk.

 May 19 According to Donald Trump, anybody who speaks ill of Donald Trump is lying. Sounds plausible.

 May 19 "AI assistants will outnumber all people on Earth by 2021, report says" (http://ow.ly/8wyL30bS7H9 ) JK--Yikes! We're surrounded!

 May 19 "Intertwining AI With Blockchain" (http://ow.ly/W5A230bRLD2 ) JK--For secure, transparent review of data that is changed or moved over time

 May 19 "Real or Fake? AI Making It Very Hard to Know" (http://ow.ly/TSpI30bRKkV ) JK--Generative deep-learning can fake every virtual/material thing

 May 19 "TensorFlow Research Cloud" (http://ow.ly/N4fS30bRJFt ) JK--Google cluster of 1,000 Cloud TPUs free of charge 4 comput8nally-intensive projex

May 19 "Roboschool" (http://ow.ly/hzyx30bRIRW ) JK--Open-source software for controlling robots in simulation.

 May 18 I saw that. Very impressive that you can run SAP PaaS software in each of the 3 principal public c... #sapphirenow http://www.via-cc.at/35093 

 May 18 RT @KEXPNowPlaying #kexp Soundgarden "Girl U Want" JK--Great de-nerd-ified Devo cover.

 May 18 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Chris Cornell "You Know My Name" from Carry On JK--2007. He even did cool James Bond movie theme ("Casino Royale")

 May 18 Another day, another newspaper. Open it up. What fresh nightmare is he inflicting on our country now? So many. Where to start?

 May 18 "Analysts discuss SAP’s multi-cloud strategy" (http://ow.ly/8w4Z30bPGEv ) JK--Putting its PaaS software in AWS Azure GGL clouds #SiliconANGLE

 May 18 "Picasso: A free open-source visualizer for Convolutional Neural Networks" (http://ow.ly/gxEN30bPFbF ) JK--Helps you see cases where CNN can't

May 18 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Alice in Chains "Right Turn" from Sap JK--1995. Chris Cornell guested promiscuously, with excellent results.

 May 18 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Mad Season & Seattle Symphony "River of Deceit" from Sonic Evolution JK--2015. Gorgeous orchestral w/Chris Cornell

 May 18 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Soundgarden "Hands All Over" from Louder Than Love JK--1989. Cornell's voice soars over th band like another guitar

 May 18 "IBM Builds Its Most Powerful Universal Quantum Computing Processors" )http://ow.ly/iLTx30bPDzd ) JK--And performance metric: Quantum Volume

May 18 "Google bets on AI-first as computer vision, voice recog, machine learning improve" (http://ow.ly/vDKz30bPCWJ ) JK--AI infuses everything

 May 18 "IBM makes leap in quantum computing power" (http://ow.ly/Ta7k30bPC18 ) JK--And they now have a quantum-computing division called "IBM Q."

 May 18 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Screaming Trees "Alice Said" from Uncle Anesthesia JK--1991. Good fast one with Chris Cornell on background vocal  

May 18 "Google's new TPUs accel AI training" (http://ow.ly/T7gb30bPBc1 ) JK--Multi-TPU interconnect + concurrent model training/prior-model execution

 May 18 "HPE Unveils Huge Single-Memory Computer Prototype" (http://ow.ly/YEDq30bPAst ) JK--Architecture enables memory to scale to 4.096 yottabytes

 May 18 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Temple of the Dog "Hunger Strike" from Temple of the Dog JK--1991. Chris Cornell side project. Great one.

 May 18 RIP Chris Cornell. Soundgarden’s leader had a classic heavy rock male voice. A grunge Jim Morrison.

 May 17 What's bigger: giant, gigantic, or ginormous? On letter-count alone, I side with the latter. Thoughts?

 May 17 Trump has somebody named Putin to vouch for him. That's how we'll get to the bottom of this. An impartial third-party with no stake in this

 May 17 "This Giant Vending Machine Dispenses Supercars" (http://ow.ly/apnE30bNRn2 ) JK--Should I assume it takes Bitcoins? I'm fresh out of quarters

May 17 "How to get Google’s artificial intelligence on the Raspberry Pi" (http://ow.ly/7JUD30bNIJz ) JK--New Google "AIY Project."

 May 17 "8 CI/CD Tools to Help You Ship Early & Ship Often" (http://ow.ly/qTwy30bNHQu ) JK--Automated pipeline for continuous code quality/compliance

 May 17 "Digital Twin + Blockchain" (http://ow.ly/uBtf30bNHcv ) JK--SAP's strategy, including ML, similar to Microsoft's and IBM's in Industrial IoT

 May 17 "Reason U answer work email on weekend is actually 500 years old" (http://ow.ly/egMs30bNE46 ) JK--Really? Tell your boss he/she should retire

 May 17 "Reimagining Performance Recognition" (http://ow.ly/B2WN30bNDBH ) JK--Ugh! This is pure HR/management buzzword bingo. Double-ugh!!!

May 17 "4 Ways Agility Protects Status Quo (& 5 Reasons Anticipation is Better)" (http://ow.ly/vcAk30bNDm6 ) JK--Ah yes, fresh management platitudes!

 May 17 "Does corporate storytelling work? Some mega-brands say no" (http://ow.ly/cfBL30bND17 )

 JK--Customers know you're dishing out self-puffery

May 17 "A New Kind of Science" (http://ow.ly/MVT730bNCEU ) JK--Curious whether ex-physicist Stephen Wolfram considered changing surname to Tungsten

 May 17 Need to amp up urgency of my tech calls-to-action. Considering tacking "or ELSE!" onto them all, by default. Put AI into the IoT...or ELSE!

May 16 "This Artificial Intelligence Can Predict Whether U Will Have a Heart Attack" (http://ow.ly/VOPI30bMrlS ) JK--Hopefully, it didn't induce one  

May 16 "Artificial Intelligence Owes You an Explanation" (http://ow.ly/j7hx30bMr9M ) JK--OK. Let's broaden that burden to all apps, while we're at it

 May 16 Catch #IBMML livestream from IBM Machine Learning & Data, Munich, June 22. Vellante & I co-host #theCUBE Register: http://ow.ly/cUDl30bMfyH 

May 16 POTUS rud to be considering replacing HR McMaster w/ HR PufnStuf or HR Haldeman. Soon as his staff vets which is alive and nonfictional

May 16 Yeah I'm sure Trump thought long & hard before he declassified & disclosed that top-secret info to one of our major geopolitical adversaries

 May 16 Check out my #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon research agenda here: http://ow.ly/1Pj430bLwrA 

May 16 "MP3 audio quietly fades into history" (http://ow.ly/I1Gn30bLvlr ) JK--Sigh! How often will we need to re-acquire our entire music collection?

 May 16 "First heat wave of 2017 eyes Washington region Wed-Fri" (http://ow.ly/fwIG30bLv7s ) JK--"Heat wave 1.0"? Why don't you give it a name? Spike?

May 16 "Johnny Depp to take on role of John McAfee" (http://ow.ly/mkOt30bLuL9 ) JK--Something tells me this will not focus on his anti-malware chops

 May 15 "Why UX Design For Machine Learning Matters" (http://ow.ly/Uf4330bJM3r ) JK--Make this stuff relatable, less inscrutable, to you & me

 May 15 "Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem & Emergence o AI" (http://ow.ly/FWCv30bJKAr ) JK--Perhaps AI irreducibly incomplete in capturing intelligence  

May 15 "Watch out for serverless computing’s blind spot" (http://ow.ly/GLlC30bJJCJ ) JK--Might blind app devs to their resource-hogging tendencies.  

May 15 "Google-funded ‘super sensor’ project brings IoT powers 2 dumb appliances" (http://ow.ly/7XYc30bJIIB ) JK--Seems to also do super-surveillance

May 15 "Neurala claims major breakthru in DL" (http://ow.ly/dp2930bJDES ) JK--Edge-device incremental-obj learning w/o global/cloud relearn/roundtrip

 May 15 "Data Science &Deep Learning App Leaders Form GPU Open Analytics Initiative" (http://ow.ly/uOBt30bJCXE ) JK--Open framework for in-memory AI

 May 15 "How infusing analytics into journalism progs improving future wkfrce skills" (http://ow.ly/qLKb30bJxYx ) JK--Pyramid-inversion optimization?  

May 15 "After 61 Years, Detroit Gets A Streetcar Once " (http://ow.ly/a3k930bJvJa ) JK--Their monorail still not self-supporting. Whither this?  

May 14 Watching the1969 movie version of “Hello Dolly.” Didn’t realize 1890s New York City was that squeaky clean. No horseshit on the streets.  

May 14 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Sinéad O’Connor "The Emperor's New Clothes" from I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got JK--1990. Love her steely voice.

 May 14 "Tech majority disagrees with AI warnings from Hawkings, Musk and Gates" (http://ow.ly/q7te30bIhA1 ) JK--Thank you. Enough with the alarmism!  

May 14 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Ray Davies "Wings of Fantasy" from Americana JK--2017. Wow. Love this new one. It's THE Ray Davies, right?  

May 14 Dear Marketer Who Begins Spam With "I assume your company needs 3rd-party data to....": I assume your 3rd-party data told you I don't.  

May 14 Caught “Hidden Figures” on DVD. Enjoyed it. I could probably do those last-minute trajectory calculations rapidly on my iPhone

 May 14 POTUS says he ousted FBI chief cuz Comey was “showboat” & “grandstander.” Apparently, Trump recognized himself. Grounds for impeachment?

 May 14 When the day comes, and it will, that Trump leaves the White House, the entire nation will need to be treated for PTSD.  

May 13 Brick-and-mortar retail is suffering. And I think I know why. Those are not popular construction materials any for commercial uses.  

May 13 It was an enjoyable week. Business trip that had lots of work and also lots of fun, and good times with a friend or two in Seattle.

May 13 Quarterly regularly scheduled service day for both of our Hyundais. An excuse to loiter for a few hours in historic Fairfax.  

May 12 New #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon jk blog: "Grasping How Graph Fits Microsoft’s Intelligent Edge Strategy" (http://ow.ly/IC9Q30bEOVA ) #msbuild  

May 12 Seattle. It’s the Napa Valley of coffee. Except the crop is not locally grown. Though they are world class at fussing over it.

 May 11 Skybox at a football stadium? You people seriously overpaid. For that money you should have a dirigible moored over the 50 yard line.

 May 11 I walk alone wherever I happen to be. Gets me out of myself. Even when on those solitary strolls I'm in my head, it's somewhere else.

May 11 New #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon jk column: "At Build, Microsoft delivers AI to mainstream software developers" (http://ow.ly/yv7730bEqk2 ) #msbuild

 May 11 Me & @djkevincole at #kexp yesterday. He'd just gotten off his shift. Lot of fun just to chat off-mic. I was never on-mc

 May 11 It’s raining in Seattle. I’m walking up Pike to Capitol Hill. It’s obvious that I’m not from Seattle. I’m carrying an umbrella.  

May 11 " from Build: Microsoft unveils cross-device vision for Windows 10" (http://ow.ly/J9yp30bE6tq ) JK--Quotes me #MSBuild #SiliconANGLE  

May 11 Hello and welcome to this #Wikibon crowdchat on #AgileDataScience. #agiledatascience http://www.via-cc.at/74zmn 

 May 11 Microsoft announces SuSe Linux and Fedora Linux are coming to Windows Store. #msbuild  
May 11 Microsoft announces that SAP Digital Boardroom coming to Windows Store. #msbuild  

May 11 Microsoft announces that Apple iTunes is coming to Windows Store, including full support for iPhone. #msbuild

 May 11 New innovations at Microsoft Build 2017: Helping developers achieve http://bit.ly/2q6eL96  #msbuild  

May 11 "Project Rome SDK" pivotal to this cross-device, cross-app Microsoft Graph-powered vision on Windows 10. #msbuild  

May 11 Microsoft Cloud-Powered Clipboard works cross-device, cross-app, via APIs. Relies on Microsoft Graph. #msbuild  

May 11 Microsoft announcing "Cloud-Powered Ciipboard." Paste from one device to another. Works even better if you modify your apps. #msbuild  

May 11 Announcing "Windows Timeline: "the easiest way to get back to what you were working on." #msbuild

 May 11 Join me today at 2:30pm ET/11:30am PT for Crowdchat: Agile Data Science http://bit.ly/2p4jWHj  #agiledatascience #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon  

May 11 Microsoft announces new design system: "Fluent Design." #msbuild  

May 11 Myerson: Announcing Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. Windows Story Remix. Built on .Net, MS Graph. #MSBuild

 May 11 Tech vendors have piecharts to show how big a piece of the market they have. Have cakecharts showing their layered approach for holding it.  

May 11 Sitting in analyst/press section awaiting #MSBuild Day 2 keynote. I've decompressed my brain from yesterday's announcement-packed keynote

May 11 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Blondie "Long Time" from Pollinator JK--2017. Wow. Good. They're still around? Sounds like they've never quit

 May 11 "Sick of losing talent war, Detroit tries Silicon Valley makeover" (http://ow.ly/hNPs30bDekx ) JK--Urban lofts? Just move to the burbs  

May 11 "New sensors and advanced analytics are pushing drone usage past the modern adoption of recent years." Ain't that the truth!

 May 11 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Shocking Blue "Love Buzz" from At Home JK--1969. Same group did the original "Venus." Nirvana later covered this

May 11 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Ray Davies "Poetry" from Americana JK--2017. Good new one from Mr. Kinks.

 May 10 Good day. Got a little bit of everything done. Way better than a lot of nothing. 

May 10 Processing what I learned today at #MSBuild. Here at #KEXP, amid the music, community, and coffee residue. The analysis will percolate.

 May 10 "Microsoft announces new tools and services to help developers ...." ( http://ow.ly/41BA30bBU9l ) jK--Day one announcements at #MSBuild  

May 10 Microsoft Graph plus business data = #AI infused apps #msbuild  

May 10 Announcing partners Intel and HP building Cortana-enabled products #msbuild 

May 10 Microsoft Translator: Visit http://bit.ly/2pxnxt4  #msbuild May 10 Announcing Presentation Translator for PowerPoint #AI #msbuild  

May 10 Introducing Adaptive Cards. Build JSON once, deploy over Tams, Skype, and other channels
May 10 Introducing 3 additional channels in Bot Framework: Cortana, Skype, Bing. #MSBuild May 10 Develop, train, analyze, and deploy RESTful #AI microservices in cloud #MSBuild

May 10 Shum: Conversational #AI is most exciting thing about AI now. Cognitive Services + Bot Framework #MSBuild

May 10 Shum: announcing deeper customization across cognitive services to developers can readily built their own #AI services. #MSBuild

 May 10 Shum: announcing new cogniti e services APIs across vision, language, speech, search to knowledge #AI #MSBuild

 May 10 Shum: breakthroughs in speech recog. Achieved parity to human speech recog error rate #AI #msbuild  

May 10 Shum: breakthroughs in vision. RESNET. 152-layer deep learning nets. #msbuild  

May 10 Microsoft AI: Amplify human ingenuity. Big compute, powerful algorithms, massive data. Microsoft Cloud, AI innov, Microsoft Graph #msbuild

 May 10 Harry Shum, EVP AI: Infuse your intelligent cloud/edge apps with AI #MSBuild 

May 10 Microsoft launches a new service for training deep neural networks on Azure http://tcrn.ch/2px3Rp8  #msbuild

 May 10 Azure Stack enables Microsoft to put Azure in countries where it doesn't have a full Azure data center. #MSBuild

 May 10 Azure Stack for disconnected cloud apps. Shares app logic, even will disconnected. Customer example: Carnival Cruise Lines #msbuild

 May 10 New Visual Studio 2017 tooling announced today enables local development, debug, test, deploy of Azure Functions #msbuild

 May 10 Most Azure apps built atop Service Fabric as containerized microservices and all orch frameworks #msbuild

 May 10 Easily containerize/modernization dotNet apps in VS/Docker, run in Azure cloud, and CI/CD. Kubernetes soon #MSBuild

 May 10 Azure Cosmos DB is evolution of Azure Document DB. All Document DB users already auto-migrated to Cosmos DB. GA today. #MSBuild

 ay 10 Azure Cosmos DB: 5 well-defined consistency models: strong, bounded staleness, session, consistency prefix, eventual. #MSBuild May 10 Azure Cosmos DB: scale to any need with zero app downtime; single system image for globally distributed resources #MSBuild

 May 10 Azure Cosmos DB: pay for storage and usage; comprehensive SLAs, HA, single-digit perf latency at 99th percentile, #MSBuild

May 10 Azure Cosmos DB: choose from several APIs: APIs (Document DB API, MongoDB API, Gremlin API for Graph, Table API, etc.) #msbuild

 May 10 Azure Cosmos DB: can choose any data model (key-value, document, column family, graph) #MSBuild

 May 10 Azure Cosmos DB: "planet scale" globally disrib multi-model auto-indexed DB service with horizontal scale-out auto-replic #MSBuild

 May 10 Guthrie: Announcing new PostGresQL as a Service and MySQL as a Service offerings in #Azure. #MSBuild

 May 10 Announcing Azure Cloud Shell, Azure Mobile Portal, Visual Studio snapshot debugging for Azure, Visual Studio for Mac GA #MSBuild

May 10 Announcing Visual Studio for Mac. Mobiel + Web + Unity + Azure. .NET Core & http://bit.ly/2qTwFN2  Core Support #msbuild

May 10 Azure now supports both Bash Shell and CLI along with a new mobile app for iOS and Android. #msbuild

 May 10 Hanselman: Announcing Azure Bash shell inside Azure portal: persistent cloud drive, including new Azure CLI #MSBuild

 May 10 Nadella: Discussing the growing role of Microsoft Graph in their multi-device, AI, and serverless directions. #MSBuild

 May 10 #MSBuild. Stream service creates auto-transcript of meeting using Team and Cortana services leveraging Microsoft Graph in Office 365 apps

May 10 Demonstrating use of #Microsoft Bot Framework for creating cross-device intelligent meetings apps. #msbuild

 May 10 Laura Jones demonstrates creating an intelligent meeting cross-device app in Cortana #MSBuild  

May 10 Nadella: Need new programming abstractions to build intelligent meetings in Microsoft Graph, Office 365, Azure, & devices. #msbuild  

May 10 Nadella: Microsoft Graph is going to play a growing role in development of all cloud-first/edge-first apps #msbuild  

May 10 Nadella: AI for workplace safety. Create digital twins for predictive analysis to set policy for safe interactions among people #MSBuild  

May 10 #Microsoft #Azure #IoT Edge packages up cloud logic and distributes to edge devices as portable #Docker containers #MSBuild  

May 10 George: Announcing Azure IoT Edge. Cross-platform Windows & Linux. Enables cloud functionality to be distributed 2 IoT edge devices #MSBuild 0 replies6 retweets2 likes  

May 10 Sam George, Microsoft #IoT team, keynotes at #MSBuild . Discussing predictive machine maintenance in industrial apps of Azure cloud.  

May 10 Nadella: Model drift will be a big challenge in the future of distributed computing in intelligent cloud & intelligent edge #MSBuild

May 10 Nadella: Microservices and containers in "outer loop." Serverless will change how logic is built out and deployed in cloud #MSBuild

 May 10 Nadella: Need new set of abstractions for #AI that spans #IoT and #cloud #MSBuild   May 10 Nadella: Data has gravity. Computational power will move to it. #MSBuild

 May 10 Nadella: The user experience is getting distributed across devices. #MSBuild

May 10 I like the inline CCing of the keynote on main screen at #MSBuild. Every vendor conf should have that. #Inclusiveness for hearing impaired

May 10 #MSBuild 2017 has been sold-out for months. Glad I'm here. Microsoft is on a roll in #appdev #datascience #AI #serverless #IoT #cloud

 May 10 Looking forward to #MSBuild Keynote Day 1. If what we analysts have heard so far is any indication, Satya & team will have exciting news.  

May 10 #MSBuild. Press in Skagit room at Seattle's convention center. They pronounce it "Skaj-it." At first, I thought they were saying "gadget."

 May 10 "Mixed reality" seems to be a theme at #MSBuild. I'm cool with that. It's the prospect of "mixed-up reality" that has me a tad concerned.  

May 10 Breakfast in the press room at #MSBuild. Clouds return to the skies. It's Seattle's way of re-asserting its identity.  

May 10 "What Serverless and the Internet of Things Can Learn from Each Other" (http://ow.ly/JaL330bAtuR ) JK--Standard taxonomies: functions & things

  May 9 "AI systems might start replacing lawyers in just 5 years" (http://ow.ly/LFpm30bAsU9 ) JK--Quoth Shakespeare "First, automate all the lawyers" 

May 9 "Deep Learning for Recommendation-Systems" (http://ow.ly/JgZn30bAsgh ) JK--I plan a #Wikibon research note on this topic.

 May 9 "What fraud looks like in the age of AI" (http://ow.ly/tql530bAs7e ) JK--Getting freakishly easy to mimic your voice or forge your signature

May 9 Ran across analysts today who'd been colleagues in my Burton Grp, Current Analysis & Forrester Research years. Familiar faces, tight spaces  

May 9 Turns out me & analyst Joshua Greenbaum have Ann Arbor in common. If I had my druthers, I’d be working some menial Washtenaw County job

May 9 Analyst shindig in Redmond preceding Microsoft Build. Many familiar faces. Icebreaker likely to be “where R U now?” than “how are you?”

 May 9 Microsoft HQ campus in Redmond WA. I’ve always liked the suburbanity of this place.

 May 9 Join me Thurs May 11 2:30pm ET for Crowdchat: Agile Data Science http://bit.ly/2p4jWHj  #agiledatascience #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon

 May 9 "TensorFlow, an open source software library for deep learning" (http://ow.ly/9V1F30bzgE4 ) JK--I'll be doing a #Wikibon DL tool roundup in Q3

 May 9 "Navigating the Unsupervised Learning Landscape" (http://ow.ly/5nql30bzg1y ) JK--Auto-encoders algorithmically reduce images to core features

May 9 "An AI just defeated human fighter pilots in an air combat simulator" (http://ow.ly/mu7L30bzfn8 ) JK--Pin a medal on the bot?  

May 9 "The story of Homer: Voyage’s first self-driving taxi" (http://ow.ly/b98A30bzf5b ) JK--Retrofitted a Ford for autonomous operation.  

May 9 "Red Hat's OpenShift.io seeks to provide complete open source development platform" (http://ow.ly/qk0P30bzaRg ) JK--Dev preview. Cloud-native

 May 9 "How Microsoft Jumped on Apple’s Laptop Stumbles" (http://ow.ly/Ppwj30bz7hB ) JK---Love the photo of the anechoic (super-quiet) chamber.  

May 9 "Facebook's text understanding AI coming to phone near you" (http://ow.ly/t7WJ30bz74X ) JK--Compacted NLP for lo-memory/lo-power edge devices

  May 9 Staying up late to delve into the arcane secrets revealed in blog "EASY TIPS & GUIDELINES ON M@KING M@NEY BY WORKING ONLINE..." Wow!

 May 9 I must say I love Seattle Center. Cool rambling piece of densely built-up highly functional painstakingly civic downtown community playspace  

May 9 Enjoyed my visit to #KEXP Seattle Ctr today. Saw Stevie Zoom in DJ booth. He was also in the booth on my first visit (Denny/Dexter) in 2003.  

May 9 Left hip, right hip. Left buttock, right buttock. Where do you pocket the magnetic stuff to minimize risk to magnetism-intolerant stuff?  

May 8 I love Seattle’s Museum of Flight. And I’m from the other Washington where we have two Air & Space Museums. This beats them. Sort of.

 May 8 Had the most enjoyable ramble thru Belltown Seattle today with Bobby Hayes. The man and I are warped along the same contours.  

May 8 Saw “The Founder” on the flight out to Seattle. Excellent pic of Ray Kroc’s development of McDonald’s. Nick Offerman shines as Dick McDonald  

May 8 Starbucks free Wi-Fi signal seems to cover all of downtown Seattle. Rumor is that it also extends out to the edge of the continental shelf

May 8 Downtown Seattle. Loitering on the sidewalk, waiting for my good friend Bob E Hayes. He’s a native in these here parts.  

May 8 "Where Is the Edge?" (http://ow.ly/4VLL30bwFyB ) JK--IMHO, no sharp IoT "edge." Just potential of infinitely nested zones of data emit/consume

 May 8 "Zen & th Art o Software Maintennce" (http://ow.ly/Nhny30bwFbY ) JK--Avoid "gumption traps" (distractions/boredom). Maintain interest/patience  

May 8 "Brief History o CNNs in Image Segmentation" (http://ow.ly/Ai9030bwDyc ) JK--Algorithmically identifying object boundaries in complic8d scenes  

May 8 "Have We Forgotten about Geometry in Computer Vision?" (http://ow.ly/Gf5G30bwD8i ) JK--Rapidly identify structure, speed algorithmic learning  

May 8 "Meet People Who Train the Robots (to Do Their Own Jobs)" (http://ow.ly/hkzn30bwCQQ ) JK--E.g., automated chat service + recommendation engine  

May 8 "Silicon Valley hires most grads frm this college (& it’s NOT Ivy League)" (http://ow.ly/FH7U30bwBad ) JK--It's (duh) Berkeley (then Stanford)  

May 8 "Big tech mergers never work. Is Dell bucking odds with EMC? "(http://ow.ly/BlyI30bwAyo ) JK--No mass employee departures so far #SiliconANGLE  

May 7 Dear Social-Media Time Moochers: Little chance I'm going to grant your request, especially if you use phrase "please kindly do the needful."

May 7 Hard cider. I assume that means they want me to freeze it solid. Done that. Now how do I drink this? First, get me an ice pick.

May 7 Le Pen defeated. C’est si bon! Now all we need to do is reverse Brexit and impeach Trump, and then we’re set.

 May 7 Somatic anxiety floor. I regard it as the background radiation of being alive. Like the noise floor in radio-frequency engineering.

 May 6 Saw “La La Land” on DVD. Enjoyed it. Essentially, “The Artist” in color, with songs, cellphones, & Emma Stone’s red hair & lovely doe eyes.  

May 6 "How to Stay Sane if Trump is Driving You Insane: Advice From a Therapist" (http://ow.ly/WEDC30buEwf ) JK--Acceptance, detachment, engagement.

 May 6 "Is BI market finally maturing?" (http://ow.ly/m7fd30buDfJ ) JK--"Finally maturing"? BI market almost 30 years old. It's graying noticeably.

 May 6 major motion pictures based on comic books. I assume they’ll remake “Archie’s Pals & Gals” as steamy sex romp. Dilton Doiley comes out

 May 6 One of my wife’s inspired malapropisms is calling a “charley horse” a “Charlie Brown.” Good grief! May 6 RT @KEXPNowPlaying #kexp Arto Lindsay “Seu Pai” from Cuidado Madame JK--2017. Nice. As chill as his DNA recordings weren’t.

 May 6 Parade magazine wittily characterizes Jimmy Buffett as the “pied piper of beach bums.” Warren Buffett is the pied piper of investment bums.

 May 6 “Pumpernickel” is one of my favorite German words, followed closely by “pfeffernusse” & “wienerschnitzel.” I think there’s a theme here.

 May 6 One A Day Vitamins? Curious how often I’m supposed to take these.

 May 5 It’s no secret that I don’t appreciate being crowded. I have psychic scar tissue on my elbows from all the jabs I’ve fantasized dishing out

 May 5 ABBA and a-ha. 80s Scandinavian pop of functional fit. Take a chance on me. Take on me. May 5 Just as constant as Moore’s Law is how the underlying rhythm of my work day seems to shift markedly every 18 months or so. Just can’t settle

 May 5 Every time I hear Free’s “All Right Now” I’m in 7th grade music class amazed that we’re singing along to Paul Wojciechowski’s vinyl of it

 May 5 I’ll be leading a #Wikibon crowdchat roughly every two weeks from now on. Each one’s chatter will feed some research note I’m working on.

 May 5 My wife primarily watches movies on TV. I primarily watch music. But we both glance at what the other’s into. If only to make wisecracks.

 May 5 We get most of our wines at Trader Joe. Sample bar person always asks if I want my usual. My usual is every sample from left to right.

 May 5 Switched over to Dish Network. Occasional signal loss during storms from rain attenuation. But the signal returns moist & glistening. Ahhh!

 May 5 Preparing for another Seattle trip. I have never brought an umbrella there. I just assume I’ll banish the gloom.

 May 5 This week on “Rick Steves’ Europe,” Rick Steves encourages Europe’s nations to break up so he can have of them to feature on his show.

 May 5 "AI Is Still in Its Formative Years" (http://ow.ly/mKHv30btngB ) JK--Good discuss of economic use-cases for various AI hardware accelerators

 May 5 Join me Thurs May 11 2:30pm ET for Crowdchat: Agile Data Science http://bit.ly/2p4jWHj  #agiledatascience #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon

 May 5 "Ensuring smarter-than-human intelligence has a positive outcome" (http://ow.ly/ZRbl30bsyKP ) JK--Love the "Sorcerer's Apprentice" example

 May 5 "Warren Buffett Makes IBM Splash Ahead o Woodstock 4 Capitalists" (http://ow.ly/Z9Qs30bswMf ) JK--I doubt any of 'em are boogying in the buff

 May 5 "Melinda Gates and Fei-Fei Li Want to Liberate AI from “Guys With Hoodies”" (http://ow.ly/eTGP30bswhr ) JK--AKA the "AI-luminati."

 May 4 My next #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon research note will be on "Agile Development in Team Data Science." Would love to hear your thoughts.

 May 4 Bought/downloaded New Pornographers' new "Whiteout Conditions" LP. I've loved their stuff for some time, but this one's especially strong.

 May 4 "AI Could Prevent Next Video Game Animation Disaster" (http://ow.ly/SeqU30brfOa ) JK--Make human-character movement less artificial-looking

 May 4 "Updating Google Maps with Deep Learning and Street View" (http://ow.ly/nKLK30brf3I ) JK--Algorithmically reading street signs in SV images

 May 4 "Mapillary opens up 25k street-level images to train automotive AI systems" (http://ow.ly/Tf3U30breUD ) JK--World's an open street map.

 May 4 New Kobielus #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon research note: "The Container Ecosystem Accelerates Up Its Maturity Curve" (http://ow.ly/nxBV30br4Oz )

 May 4 "Tweeting AI: Perceptions of AI-Tweeters (AIT) vs Expert AI-Tweeters (EAIT)" (http://ow.ly/rQof30bqNH2 ) JK--OMG. Thoroughly useless research

 May 4 "Machine Learning Audits in the 'Big Data Age'" (http://ow.ly/gZ8J30bqN1u ) JK--Are some algorithms just fundamentally inscrutable?

 May 4 Scanning the wires. Several tech vendors have launched revolutions that will change everything. None, however, have changed the face of hype

 May 4 Great in-depth briefing by Yaron Haviv of #Iguazio on their continuous analytics cloud/IoT platform. Truly impressive engineering.

 May 4 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Simon & Garfunkel "America" JK--1968. Took 4 days to hitchhike from Saginaw. Stopped in Frankenmuth. Pigged out!

 May 4 Andrew Jackson had misgivings about the Civil War? I also heard rumors that FDR agonized posthumously about our involvement in Vietnam.  

May 4 "AI analyst hailed as second fastest growing job role" (http://ow.ly/rDXt30bqywk ) JK--Surpassed only by AI alarmists. Boom time for them  

May 4 "Trump Forms American Tech Council to 'Transform' Government IT" (http://ow.ly/Nmai30bqxOo ) JK--Let's start by blocking his Twitter access  

May 4 Fair number of "BI" solution providers repositioning selves as "AI." Easy transition. Just shift the first letter up one position. Voila!

 May 4 "How a big idea changed the culture of the world’s largest networking company" (http://ow.ly/bvuL30bqwZg ) JK--"Apps are data" #SiliconANGLE  

May 4 "He called himself an ‘assassin’ & persuaded ex-spies he was one o them. Was it a con?" (http://ow.ly/qffc30bqwcS ) JK--Typical DC-area conman

 May 4 "Future o Labor is Working w/People U Trust" (http://ow.ly/cCkj30bqvk8 ) JK--Good luck. Cant know someone's trustworthy till U've workd w/them

 May 4 "What makes a CEO ‘exceptional’?" (http://ow.ly/2sPE30bqv0k ) JK--Perhaps humility? Too many CEOs think they're exceptional human specimens

May 4 "Do you need a chief AI officer?" (http://ow.ly/kUCD30bqu40 ) JK--Oh, gag with a spoon! Don't proliferate chiefs beyond necessity

 May 4 "8 Essential Qualities Necessary To B Great in Relationshps" (http://ow.ly/Wt9F30bqtkM ) JK--No. It's not about you. Just find somebody 2 love

 May 4 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp The New Pornographers "Play Money" from Whiteout Conditions JK--2017. Great. Always love when Neko's lead vocal

May 4 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp The B-52's "Private Idaho" from Wild Planet JK--1980. Great song. Not-so-great Van Sant film ("My Own Private..")

 May 3 Blowing me away how many people loved the thought leadership I published during my IBM years. It’s often the first thing people say to me.  

May 3 Good briefing from #Attunity on their offerings/directions in data integration/prep. Last time we spoke was during my prior analyst gig

 May 3 RT @KEXPNowPlaying #kexp Portugal, The Man "Feel It Still" from Feel It Still JK--2017. Sounds like a really cool James Bond theme song.

 May 3 Mary J. Blige "Survivor" (http://ow.ly/6kBK30boy2f ) JK--2017. Gr8 one. Samples "Nostalgia" from early 80s UK band Weekend's "La Variete" LP.

 May 3 "Red Hat beefs up its OpenShift containerizn plat" (http://ow.ly/YCsc30bou3Y ) JK--Config AWS svcs w/in same i/f as create/deploy cntrzd apps

 May 3 "List o AI tools U can use today  4 personal use" (http://ow.ly/DGAx30botju ) JK--Geek that I am, I wish they'd indicated how this stuff works

 May 3 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Miles Davis "So What" from Kind of Blue JK--1959. Elegantly cool. You listen for silence as much as sound.

 May 3 "Same Stats, Different Graphs" (http://ow.ly/9ohM30bormh ) JK--Different data sets have same summary stats, but visualize very differently  

May 3 "DevOps Not Working? Here's Why" (http://ow.ly/WBgS30boqFP ) JK--"Dev"& "Ops" may B disjoint phases, not collab partners, in release pipeline

 May 3 "Agility Is Everywhere" (http://ow.ly/Zd1q30boq3M ) JK--It's cutting to the chase & eliminating anything that stands in way of desired outcome

May 3 "How I Met Agile" (http://ow.ly/tmGM30bopsS ) JK--Deadlines, checklists, improvisation, ad-hoc adjustments, momentum, & good-enough acceptance

May 3 "Machine learning on mobile: on device or in cloud?" (http://ow.ly/K4mu30bonXN ) JK--Nice discussion of options for ML training & execution

 May 3 "Machine Learning is Fun: How to do Speech Recog w/Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/BEcI30bonwU ) JK--Clear & well-written. Doesn't dumb it down

 May 3 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp David Bowie "Heroes/Helden" JK--1977. In '87, David used song to help topple Berlin Wall:

May 3 "Founder of LinkedIn Says Too Many of Us Are Using the Site All Wrong" (http://ow.ly/UkBg30boll1 ) JK--Duh. Maybe you've designed it all wrong

May 3 "Silicon Valley's' Kumail Nanjiani on Never Playing It Safe" (http://ow.ly/DNok30bol73 ) JK--Also discusses how lame "YouTube stars" tend2be

 May 3 "Minimum viable [whatever]" is a meme with awesome legs not only in high tech but in geek-ish culture generally.

May 3 "DevOps Terms Security Pros Need to Know" (http://ow.ly/Y17f30bokl7 ) JK--"Minimum Viable Product" was the title of HBO "Silicon Valley" S1E1.

 May 3 New Allen #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon Premium research note: "Storage Key Issues for 2017" (http://ow.ly/go6H30bojBI )

 May 2 Fascinating briefing from #IBM #OpenWhisk team on their serverless computing environment, APIs, and roadmap. Doing serverless cognitive apps 

 May 2 Replying to @jameskobielus From a DevOps standpoint, I think a key app-maintenance issue in development, iteration, and depl... #devnetcreate

May 2 Another question: Does Cisco include data scientists (statistical modelers, data engineers, etc.)... #devnetcreate http://www.via-cc.at/04xu4   

May 2 My question: Can Cisco please break out the dimensions of "apps meet infrastructure"? Is this goi... #devnetcreate http://www.via-cc.at/14xtx 

May 2 Join me John Furrier et al today 11am ET #CrowdChat #DevNetCreate: #Cloud & #DevOps http://ow.ly/O4Ex30bmhtH   

May 2 "This Futuristic Tech Will B Future o Computing" (http://ow.ly/yAoq30bmeWo ) JK--VR headsets will B tomorrow's LOL-worthy cellular brickphones

 May 2 "Modern History of Object Recognition — Infographic" (http://ow.ly/uwwm30bmewp ) JK--I'm sure Waldo's hiding in that insanely text-dense pic

 May 2 "Serverless will drive out OpenStack private clouds" (http://ow.ly/w65830bmdXj ) JK--Linthicum says on-demand ML will also favor public clouds

May 2 "Can AI satisfy spoiled buyers used to the ‘Amazon effect’?" (http://ow.ly/r9uZ30bmdle ) JK--Oracle CX evangelist says yes. #SiliconANGLE  

May 2 "Cloud PaaS trends to watch in a serverless world" (http://ow.ly/kKKY30bmcT7 ) JK--Key trend alluded: "Could Serverless be the next Docker?" 

May 2 "Consumers Have Big Hopes 4 AI" (http://ow.ly/iXJU30bmbZt ) JK--Offers 3 "A" adjectives for AI. I got 'em beat with 8:

 May 2 New Kobielus #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon Premium research note: "Adding Data Science To Application Development" (http://ow.ly/wq3x30bmbf4 )

 May 2 New Raden #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon Premium rsch note: "Key Issues for Generating Business Value from AI 2017-2018" (http://ow.ly/42mn30bmaT6 )  

May 2 "Code Rot - It's a Thing" (http://ow.ly/dFOB30bmaun ) JK--Good piece. See my recent #Wikibon blog on "app decay" (http://ow.ly/agur30bmaCj )

May 2 "Oracle Adds Adaptive Intelligent Apps & Chatbots to CX Cloud" (http://ow.ly/xZ8W30bmadk ) JK--Cognitive chatbot dev in my #Wikibon rsch plan 

May 2 "Cloudera's new data science tool aims to boost big data & ML for businesses" (http://ow.ly/WxSA30bma2B ) JK--Integrates with BigDL for AI

 May 2 "Amazon Strategy Teardown: Building New Biz Pillars In AI, Next-Gen Logistics & Ent Cloud Apps" (http://ow.ly/kTeO30bm9AX ) JK--Sharp analysis

May 2 "Get functional! 5 open source frameworks for serverless computing" (http://ow.ly/n5YI30bm8U8 ) JK--Key topic in my #Wikibon research plan.

 May 2 "Why IT's narrow view o serverless computing is holding it back" (http://ow.ly/pMCU30bm8Bh ) JK--Antecedent? Holding back IT or svrless cmptg?  

May 2 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp The Mekons "Oblivion" from The Edge of the World JK--1986. Protean collective started in Leeds UK, now in Chicago.

 May 2 "Google's real Kubernetes magic all about community not code" (http://ow.ly/6wwF30bm7Ns ) JK--Community ~5x larger than Mesos, nearest rival  

May 2 "GGL search changes tackle fake news & hate speech" (http://ow.ly/kX0O30bm7aN ) JK--New relevnce metrics & guidance 4 manual labeling laborers

 May 2 "Random-Walk Bayesian Deep Nets: Dealing w/Non-Stationary Data" (http://ow.ly/dFOI30bm6Za ) JK--Dense data science punctuated by "holy shit!"

 May 2 "It's ML, not magic" (http://ow.ly/W4vr30bm6es ) JK--Skip two-thirds of the way through article for good checklist of reality-check questions

 May 2 "Are Silicon Valley Nerds the New Hollywood Superstars?" (http://ow.ly/nkun30bm588 ) JK--No. Just too-rich dudes w/trophy wives/girlfrnds

 May 2 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Carole King "It’s Too Late" from Tapestry JK--1971. Inextricably woven into my mellower memory of the early 1970s.

 May 1 Live on #KEXP right now, Robyn Hitchcock briefly jumped into the most spot-on George Harrison vocal impersonation I've ever heard.  

May 1 "Learning at Scale & The End of “If -Then” Logic" (http://ow.ly/FplM30bkilo ) JK--Reinforcement learning tells neural net it's getting warmer  

May 1 Join me @furrier et al tomorrow, Tues 5-2 11am ET #CrowdChat #DevNetCreate: #Cloud & #DevOps

 May 1 Building out my #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon #AppDev #DataScience #DeepLearning research agenda for Q2-Q3. Key themes: #AI #DevOps #microservices

May 1 "Cortica, Numenta Hold Top [Number of] Patents In AI" (http://ow.ly/MnUn30bk7JP ) JK--Most AI startups hold no patents. Leverage open source.  

May 1 "Selling Mark Zuckerberg" (http://ow.ly/Y7Id30bk0A5 ) JK--My sense is he doesn't want to be associated in popular mind w/fake-news propagation

 May 1 Cloudera's IPO. Substantial company, but still running losses. No clear path to profitability. Bloom's off the Hadoop rose. What's next?

May 1 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp John Cale "All My Friends" JK--2007. Excellent LCD Soundsystem cover by co-founder of Velvet Underground.

 May 1 Mayday. Best first day of the month since Januaryday a few months ago, but doesn't hold a candle to Juneday or Julyday.

Apr 30 I see that Zuckerberg plans to break bread with ordinary people in all 50 states. Is he also going to kiss babies & march in July 4 parades?

 Apr 30 "Writing Travel Blogs with Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/c9i630bjc6w ) JK--Huh? Why not just stay home & book your bot round-trip airfare?  

Apr 30 "DeepLoco: Dynamic Locomotion Skills...Hierarch Reinfrcmt Learnng" (http://ow.ly/xaVm30bjbK6 ) JK--With a name like that, it should silly-walk

 Apr 30 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp My Bloody Valentine "Soon" from Loveless JK--1991. Noise + melody + unorthodox guitar & production techniques.

 Apr 30 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Tamaryn "Prizma" from Tender New Signs JK--2012. Trippy head-rush electronica.

 Apr 30 "50 Important Things You Need to Know About Data Science" (http://ow.ly/PdyS30bj9Dn ) JK--50 people quoted. I'm number 22.

 Apr 30 In 10 yrs, today's stories dissecting "fake news" issue'll be indistinguishable from "fake news" itself. Overblown, blowing smoke up its own

 Apr 30 Mass media. If they’re not reporting on some fresh tragedy, they’re reminding us of the anniversary of some past tragedy. Enough, already!

 Apr 29 Catching up on basic cable programming. Torn btwn “I Hate My Aching Feet!” & “Cremation or Burial.” Demographically, it all skews comatose.

Apr 29 Awoke in Bumpass, Virginia. Ironically, I have a bump on my ass. #oversharing  

Apr 28 Hanging at our friends’ lake house. Drinking ginger tea and lying on the sofa barely focusing while I type this tweet with my right thumb

 Apr 28 Had a fascinating briefing from startup #QuantaVerse, which provides an AI/ML/behavioral graph analysis for anti-money laundering.  

Apr 28 "Oracle plans ‘startup org’ focused on cloud, AI, and VR" (http://ow.ly/7vTL30bgKJT ) JK--"Startup"? Re Oracle in AI, it's "catch-up" 

Apr 28 "Rohan #2: Artificial intelligence, ∂Progress/∂Time" (http://ow.ly/ZliY30bg55L ) JK--Whew! Deep & dense. You don't mess with the Rohan!  

Apr 28 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp James McAlister, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly & Sufjan Stevens "Mercury" from Planetarium JK--2017. Quiet meditation

 Apr 28 "Building a Better AI Brain with Object Storage" (http://ow.ly/Ohqf30bg3KD ) JK--Highlights necessity of storing/using quality training data

Apr 28 Enough with the "gamechangers," already. They all fancy themselves future masters of the same old game, "Monopoly."

 Apr 28 "As containers mature, new startups fill out ecosystem" (http://ow.ly/T8Yd30bg2Ap ) JK--Funding 4 vdrs addressing persistent container issues

 Apr 28 "R & Python drive SQL Server 2017 into machine learning" (http://ow.ly/JbGZ30bg1Qt ) JK--Important release for democratization o enterprise AI

Apr 28 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Bon Iver "33 “GOD”" from 22, A Million JK--2016. Entire LP is electronc equivalnt o deconstructed postmodern poetry

 Apr 28 "Everything that’s wrong w/FaceApp, latest creepy photo app 4 yr face" (http://ow.ly/Q9kr30bg0cW ) JK--Racist filter equates pale w/beautiful  

Apr 28 "5 open source cos to watch in 2017" (http://ow.ly/2Xxz30bfZDY ) JK--All data/analytics focued: Confluent, Redis, Logz.io, ScyllaDB, Zepl

Apr 28 "9 Ways Anxiety Can Be Your Greatest Source of Power" (http://ow.ly/kfjO30bfXqi ) JK--Great. Then I can take my career off the grid.  

Apr 27 Chicago song where the horns blow fanfare while Peter Cetera waxes nostalgic about Howdy Doody. Should’ve called the song what it is: Doody

 Apr 27 Re-feeling my way back to the way I used Twitter when I was last an analyst. Tweet-love goes to every interesting non-NDA vendor briefing.

 Apr 27 Enjoyed #RancherLabs meetup discussion of "volumes as a microservices" in containerized environment.  

Apr 27 Interesting discussion with #Polyverse on to-the-edge cybersecurity in Dockerized environments thru dynamics changes to app attack surfaces  

Apr 27 Good briefing from #Microsoft on unified DevOps in hybrid public/private clouds. Can't wait for further drilldowns in May at Pulse, Seattle

Apr 27 "Deep Learning Meets Recommendation Systems" (http://ow.ly/gReC30beE6u ) JK--The deep algos that know you're deeply in love w/shallow schlock

 Apr 27 "Enterprise AI Landscape - Infographic" (http://ow.ly/JVYa30beDRh ) JK--Nope. Conspicuously missing IBM, Microsoft, and Google, for starters

Apr 27 "The AI Cargo Cult: Myth of a Superhuman AI" (http://ow.ly/xjFf30bedp3 ) JK--Kevin Kelly cites five "heresies" to push back against fear/hype  

Apr 27 "Alternatives to a Degree to Prove Yourself in Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/Xhuf30becl9 ) JK--Yes, blogging advertises U know your stuff. Duh!  

Apr 27 "Style transfer for your voice" (http://ow.ly/1SYn30bebwy ) JK--Yeah, make mine Gaye (Marvin, that is).

Apr 27 "A Brief History of CNNs in Image Segmentation" (http://ow.ly/6HMK30bebfK ) JK--Foundation tech of all deep learning applied to visual media.

 Apr 27 "Deep Learning for Photo Editing" (http://ow.ly/FXc630beaTX ) JK--Essentially, "photoshopping" of unprecedented versatility & precision.

 Apr 27 "Keeping Your Job in the Age of Automation" (http://ow.ly/yA6b30be9pm ) JK--Oh geez. First on his list is "repairing robots." Depressing.

Apr 27 "Using Long Short-Term Memory Networks and TensorFlow for Image Captioning" (http://ow.ly/k3gA30be93s ) JK--Auto-gen essential image metadata

 Apr 27 "Understanding AI Svcs From Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Salesforce" (http://ow.ly/KjON30be8Jo ) JK--Good overview for general biz-tech audience  

Apr 27 Another morning, another "Hey James could you [give me free consulting in a highly detailed email response]" email. Yes I live to monetize U

 Apr 27 "Is cheap cloud the lifeline for Hollywood’s sinking profit margins?" (http://ow.ly/e6H530bdWeA ) JK-- #SiliconANGLE #theCUBE at NAB conf  

Apr 27 Everyday my email brims w/exclusive invites 2 participate in important surveys th findings from which will not benefit me in th least. Cool!

Apr 27 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Th Magnetic Fields "’69: Judy Garland" from 50 Song Memoir JK--2017. Stephin Merritt was 4 years old then. I was 10

 Apr 27 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Mac DeMarco "On the Level" from This Old Dog JK---2017. Totally chill & cool. Mellowing me out quite nicely.

Apr 27 http://SiliconANGLE.com  is an awesome business-technology news source. Subscribe here: http://ow.ly/Tf9K30bdS5x  #SiliconANGLE

 Apr 27 "Mastodon Bones Could Rewrite North American History" (http://ow.ly/GKyD30bdR4o ) JK--Blunt writing instrument. I prefer goose-feather quills

Apr 27 "Exclusive: United CEO Blames Dragging Fiasco on 'System Failure'" (http://ow.ly/UuAI30bdQVD ) JK--Yeah, that's right. No humans at fault here  

Apr 27 Khan Academy invites me to tour the world's major religions. No thanks. I'd prefer to tour the world's major secularisms. money in it.

 Apr 27 United Airlines pledges not to sic the cops on seated passengers who got screwed by United's overbooking practices. Sportin' of them!

 Apr 27 Pondering how I too can avoid the abyss. Perhaps by not pondering the abyss. Yeah, that's the ticket!

 Apr 27 RIP Jonathan Demme. Wasn't until he'd passed away that I realized the same director gave us "Silence of the Lambs"& "Stop Making Sense." A+  

Apr 26 I’m pumped. Weather was good, which meant turnout at the fitness club was light, which meant that I had my pick of the machines & weights

 Apr 26 Unsure whether to Facebook-unfriend grown man whose only “friends” R vain sexy selfie-snapping young women. Dude’s our only “mutual friend”

 Apr 26 Good day. I now have my first 2 #Wikibon research notes in the pipeline. Will publish soon. #AppDev #AI #Docker #DataScience  

Apr 26 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Aimee Mann "Patient Zero" from Mental Illness JK--2017. She sings with deep empathy. Every syllable feels real.

Apr 26 "Steve Ballmer's stealth project" (http://ow.ly/R7uM30bctZn ) JK--Not any. USAFacts: data-driven nonpartisan view of state of union.  

Apr 26 "How IBM can avoid the abyss" (http://ow.ly/OwNk30bcs6p ) JK--"Too many aging employees"? Who? Useless coots like ex-IBMer almost-60 me? BS!

 Apr 26 New #SiliconANGLE #Wikibon jk intvu "Wikibon's newest analyst sees self-prog machines ushering in 3rd age o cmptg" (http://ow.ly/r4AG30bcokx )

 Apr 26 "The new moats: Why systems o intelligence are next defensible biz model" (http://ow.ly/s3th30bbQGK ) J.Chen, Greylock Prtnrs #SiliconANGLE

 Apr 26 "How Linkerd service mesh can help biz avoid catastrophic app failure" (http://ow.ly/YSlq30bbPFW ) JK--Sort of a robust opn-src microsvcs ESB

 Apr 26 "The GAN Zoo" (http://ow.ly/cd0O30bbOKE ) JK--Quite an algorithmic menagerie in there. Take the tour. Careful: they bite!

 Apr 26 "By Djingo, there's a new virtual assistant" (http://ow.ly/o7TT30bbOfs ) JK--Damn. That wuz gonna be my porn name.

Apr 26 "4 Ways Big Data & ML R Helping Conservation" (http://ow.ly/aH4V30bbNV6 ) JK--Produce living 3-D replica of Earth? In case original destroyed?

 Apr 26 "Data Scientists Worry About Human Bias in AI-Based Warfare" (http://ow.ly/5gHL30bbNhv ) JK--Really? On top of human bias to wage war, period?

 Apr 26 "Plan to Replace Turing Test w/‘Turing Olympics’" (http://ow.ly/uzKB30bbKKo ) JK--Series of challenges testing diff types of intel. Decathlon?

 Apr 26 "Amazon blazes trail 2 next frontier in AI: cloud" (http://ow.ly/vAvB30bbJHq ) JK--And edge: Greengrass http://ow.ly/oN7p30bbJXa  #SiliconANGLE

 Apr 26 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Kevin Morby "I Only Have Eyes for You" from Resistance Radio: Man in th High Castle JK--2017. Sung with flat affect

 Apr 26 "Upside Briefing: SAS" (http://ow.ly/FiVD30bbHrG ) JK--Says Dr. Goodnight & co getting

 Apr 26 "Amazon Lex, managed AI svcs behind Alexa, now open to all AWS customers" (http://ow.ly/adCw30bbH8S ) JK--Integ w/their own serverless backend  

Apr 26 "Microsoft tools coalesce for serverless computing" (http://ow.ly/P3aQ30bbH05 ) JK--Hope they'll discuss roadmap at MSFT Build Seattle in May  

pr 26 "IBM Brings Anaconda Open Data Science Platform to IBM Cognitive Systems" (http://ow.ly/leYA30bbGKZ ) JK--AI/DL appliance on Power8?

 Apr 26 "In coded warning scientists say Brexit may end U.K.’s lead in AI" (http://ow.ly/gxSy30bbFAv ) JK--"In coded warning"? Need AI to decode it?

Apr 26 Thank you total stranger on socials who seems to imagine I'm going to spend a nano-second helping you with your career strategy. Gladly!

 Apr 26 "With Secret Airship, Sergey Brin Also Wants to Fly" (http://ow.ly/4R7s30bbFbp ) JK--Curious if he also has a fortress o solitude way up north

 Apr 26 "Reading Whitman" (http://ow.ly/GFmf30bbDUa ) JK--"Leaves of Grass" as haiku? "I sing of myself/endlessly and dare I say/narcissistically."

Apr 26 "The Age of Notifications & Attention-Deficits" (http://ow.ly/fLbd30bbDGm ) JK--Glad I've set my Medium alerts to notify me of stuff like this

 Apr 26 RIP Robert Pirsig. His “Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” captured the romance of analysis for its own sake.

 Apr 25 Geoffrey Rush as Albert Einstein? No. Albert Brooks should play the part. That's his actual name. And he's a brilliant Jew in his own right.

 Apr 25 "App Economy Report: 'Big Data Will Lead the Way'" (http://ow.ly/8nUO30baXdh ) JK--I'm sorry, what is this? Moses parting the Red Sea?

 Apr 25 New #theCUBE Evolving Role o Data Professional http://bit.ly/2qbjLGi  @jameskobielus discusses #DataScientists #CDO #2MA w @dvellante@stu  

Apr 25 Recorded an in-studio #theCUBE with Dave & Stu at #SiliconANGLE East in Marlborough. Also, ordered out for pizza. But not live in-studio.  

Apr 25 Video playback from recent #DockerCon. Day 1: http://ow.ly/vq5W30b9lPp  Day 2: 

Apr 25 "IBM launches new Watson services 4 customer & video data" (http://ow.ly/eSQw30b9lx1 ) JK--Curious whether their own marketing people will use

Apr 25 "Design In An Age o Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/P9v830b9kft ) JK--Crafting reviewing & selecting from among AI-generated iterations

 Apr 25 "Now Complete: The World's First 3-D-Printed Room" (http://ow.ly/dTI130b8QYK ) JK--11-ton installation? Yeah, that's totally practical.

  Apr 25 "Baidu Will Release a Free Operating System for Self-Driving Cars" (http://ow.ly/Yj4s30b8Qmv ) JK--Free? Why not just go & open-source it?

 Apr 25 "Deep Learning for Program Synthesis" (http://ow.ly/Q3sR30b8Q5L ) JK--Microsoft R&D project to generate computer programs based on user intent  

Apr 25 "DARPA opens “Colosseum” to develop radical wireless apps" (http://ow.ly/64WN30b8PD0 ) JK--Use machine-learning 2 boost RF spectrum efficiency

Apr 25 "Facebook's strategy for augmented reality starts with phones" (http://ow.ly/kN0E30b8Osv ) JK--Virtual annotations over physical environment

Apr 24 "Amber Heard & Elon Musk make their romance official in Australia" (http://ow.ly/Mhh630b8NKY ) JK--They stand accused o smuggling in their luv

 Apr 24 RT @kexpnowplaying #kexp Bomba Estéreo "Soy yo" from Amanecer Remixed JK--2015. ¿Canción de continuación para "Eres tu"?

 Apr 24 "Meat is available in U.P." (http://ow.ly/f00A30b74d8 ) JK--So what? Michigan's Upper Peninsula is carnivorous? Oh. Uttar Pradesh. Never mind

Aweekstweets May 30 to June 16 2017: the weeks of Spring winding down


"Gunman’s Violent SpreeShakes a Liberal Enclave" (http://ow.ly/MvpD30cFjIf ) JK--What's this "liberal enclave" crap? It's not Takoma ParkMD

"In VA enclave shattered by baseball shooting, making beauty out o pain" (http://ow.ly/k8zS30cFjEg ) JK--Del Ray's a pleasant old neighborhood

"Amazon has patent 2 keep U from comparison shopping while you’re in its stores" (http://ow.ly/2Pr430cFjv1 ) JK--Price of "free" in-store WiFi

To monopolize DC-area supermkt biz, Bezos needs to vanquish Trader Joe, Wegman's, Safeway, Giant, Shoppers, Harris-Teeter, Aldi, & Food Lion

I just sent a three-character tweet. In my defense, it was an emoticon. Actually, that's not a defense so much as admission of my own idiocy

Good week. Tech industry news is as swamped now by "AI"-everything as it was by "big data"-everything earlier in this decade. Surf the times

Moving between clouds will be as easy as moving between on-prem platforms. The target cloud/pla... #nextgencloudsphttp://www.via-cc.at/552fb 

Yes, first-to-market have the advantage in adoption and retention, but they tend to suffer cust... #nextgencloudsp

Machine learning #nextgencloudsp

How big is too big for IaaS? 18-36 months of IaaS and then what: you've learned how to do it yo... #nextgencloudsphttp://www.via-cc.at/552cv 

What does "cloud repatriation" mean? Separate clouds behind national firewalls? #nextgencloudsp

Transform business. Join us 6-27 12pm EDT. Crowdchat: Storage at Intelligent Edge. http://www.via-cc.at/1524l #clearskyedge

Automate DevOps in data science pipeline. Join #Wikibon Crowdchat: #DataScienceDevOpsMon 6-19, 1-2pm ET http://www.via-cc.at/151ue 

  Jun 15

Exposed brick and structural elements. The essence of architectural authenticity. That, plus fossilized remains of indigenous cockroaches.

  Jun 15

Old Town Alexandria retirement planning seminar at a nice restaurant. Everybody’s savvy. Folks  us come for the salmon.

  Jun 15

  Jun 15

#IBMFast Track Your Data 2017: Thurs June 22 (Munich, Germany) http://siliconangle.tv/ibm-fast-track-your-data-2017/ …Catch @dvellante and me cohosting @theCUBE

  Jun 15

Landlines are wonderful. I've received several calls today on mine from "Loan Application Dept,""ComputerSupportCenter," and such.

  Jun 15

"Deal or no deal? Training AI bots to negotiate" (http://ow.ly/Va5b30cCQEz ) JK--I'd call 'em "dickerbots," but that might be misinterpreted.

  Jun 15

"AI writing script for short film" (http://ow.ly/W6XH30cCPUv ) JK--Cool cinematic experiment: known actors enacting dialogue programmed by AI

  Jun 15

"AI at Long Last?" (http://ow.ly/puIb30cCP7j ) JK--At long last algorithmic love? http://ow.ly/maNJ30cCP9X 

  Jun 15

"Surprising # of US adults think chocolate milk comes from brown cows" (http://ow.ly/BBR630cCOFG ) JK--Heehee. Tell 'em burgers R cow patties

  Jun 15

"Special counsel investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice" (http://ow.ly/9Whi30cCOlN ) JK--Watch POTUS decapitate this one too

  Jun 15

DevOps adds value to ML. Join #Wikibon Crowdchat: #DataScienceDevOpson Mon 6-19, 1-2pm ET http://www.via-cc.at/151ue 

  Jun 15

"Value of ML" (http://ow.ly/6rZ130cCDTg ) JK--Incorrectly attributes "neural net" work to Alan Turing. Anachronistically credits him w/"AI."

  Jun 15

"Why Fifty Is The New Age for Launching a Startup" (http://ow.ly/nGSV30cCDaO ) JK--If you want to risk your retirement savings, go right ahead

  Jun 15

"Learning from Human Preferences" (http://ow.ly/rScA30cCBOo ) JK--Human-in-loop reinforcemt learning. Love the "backflip" GIF. GIMME DAT DING!

  Jun 15

"Object detection with neural networks" (http://ow.ly/218l30cCBlm ) JK--Can U train it to detect when robo-lawyer about to scream "I OBJECT!"

  Jun 15

"Deep Learning Papers Reading Roadmap" (http://ow.ly/ndM830cCB1X ) JK--I remember when LeVar Burton did this on "Reading Rainbow."

  Jun 15

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpAlgiers"The Underside of Power" JK--2017. Righteous! Sounds  classic 4 Tops/Temptations/Rare Earth/Edwin Starr

  Jun 15

New jk #TechTarget#Wikibon#SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Training the next generation of AI-driven chatbots" (http://ow.ly/9sej30cCqKt )

  Jun 15

Drafted next jk #TechTarget column: "Training the Next Generation of AI-Driven Chatbots"

  Jun 15

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Harry Nilsson "Jump Into the Fire" frm Nilsson Schmilsson JK--1971. Did so to retrieve flaming lime-infused coconut

  Jun 15

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Duran Duran "A View to a Kill" JK--1985. Popstars know theyve truly made it when they're invited to do a Bond theme

   Jun 15

"Build your own ML-powered robot arm using TensorFlow & GGL Cloud" (http://ow.ly/lKEz30cC6zs ) JK--Cool. But switch off "Dr Strangelove" mode

  Jun 15

"Open collaboration key for data science to mature into a technology" (http://ow.ly/yjaJ30cC3rA ) JK--Essentially, DevOps #SiliconANGLE

  Jun 15

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Cocteau Twins "Musette and Drums" from Head Over Heels JK--1983. This one feels  they're performing live.

  Jun 15

Dear MSFT Outlook: Use machine learning to create an "unfocused" folder for messages from people who have a hard time getting to the point.

  Jun 14

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#KEXP Cooley - Munson “Sightly Sue” from In Debt JK--1972. Wow. Blissed-out Hawaiian-hippie vibe. Brian Wilson-ish.

  Jun 14

Friend said she liked my last name. She doesn’t have to endure people constantly misspelling & mispronouncing it.

  Jun 14

Doing Munichnext wk. Cohosting #theCUBEat #IBM event. Last time was Catalyst Europe during Oktoberfest 2002. I’m 1/4 Bavarian. Mom (Hoff)

  Jun 14

Settling in for a steamy summer. Got my dehumidifier. Getting sweaty up the road in DC. Wish our politics had a destupidifier.

  Jun 14

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Kenny Rogers & The First Edition “Tulsa Turnaround” from Country Funk Vol II JK--1971. Wish he hadn’t folded ‘em

  Jun 14

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Denny Lile “If You Stay on Solid Ground” from Hear the Bang: The Life and Music of Denny Lile JK--1973. Rockin’!

  Jun 14

Flag Day. No one ever goes out of their way to fly the flag on June 14. Perhaps because it's sandwiched between Memorial & Independence Days

  Jun 14

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Dan Auerbach "Show Me" from Waiting on a Song JK--2017. Pretty melodic one from the Black Keys guitarist's solo

  Jun 14

"AI meets music: how new tech changing how people play instruments" (http://ow.ly/Yccm30cAR10 ) JK--AI is the instrument, the tutor, the band

  Jun 14

"Mycroft AI: Open Source Voice Assistant" (http://ow.ly/jRui30cAQDu ) JK--They also have a "reference device": http://ow.ly/Dj0t30cAQRn 

  Jun 14

"Neural Translation of Musical Style" (http://ow.ly/TQ1J30cAPRA ) JK--Neural nets were NOT introduced in 1943. Only some math foundations were

  Jun 14

"David Bonderman Resigns From Uber Board After Sexist Remark" (http://ow.ly/BfJq30cAPjf ) JK--Clearly, their board's top-heavy with douchebags

  Jun 14

Join #WikibonMon 6-19, 1-2pm ET, Crowdchat: #DevOps in The #DataSciencePipeline #datasciencedevopshttp://www.via-cc.at/151ue 

  Jun 14

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Broken Social Scene "Hug of Thunder" from Hug of Thunder JK--2017. New one. Excellent. Feist on lead vocal.

  Jun 13

KDnuggets @kdnuggets
7 Ways to get high-quality labeled #Training Data for #MachineLearning at Low Cost @jameskobielus http://buff.ly/2spsZ72 

  Jun 13

New jk #KDNuggets#Wikibon#SiliconANGLEcolumn: "7 Ways to Get High-Quality Labeled Training Data at Low Cost" (http://ow.ly/sw1S30cz5Re )

  Jun 13

"IBM, Hortonworks Expand Prtnrshp" (http://ow.ly/EhyD30cyNsh ) JK--IBM migrating BigInsights users to HDP. Partners combining HDP, DSX, BigSQL

  Jun 13

Please join me Mon 6-19, 1-2pm ET, Crowdchat: #DevOps in The #DataSciencePipeline #datasciencedevops#Wikibonhttp://www.via-cc.at/151ue 

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Feist "The Wind" from Pleasure JK--2017. New. Great. Goose-pimple great.

  Jun 13

"How AI Can Keep Accelerating After Moore’s Law" (http://ow.ly/op7030cyjM5 ) JK--Paradoxically: creating ML chips that don’t add accurately

  Jun 13

"What is ML debt?" (http://ow.ly/krwH30cygSr ) JK--Risks/costs of using convoluted old code, using irrelevant data, relying on opaque algos

  Jun 13

"Harnessing Power of AI to Diagnose Diseases" (http://ow.ly/FX3a30cygu4 ) JK--Kavya Kopparapu. TJ HS Science/Tech. Just a few miles from me

  Jun 13

"Using TensorFlow to classify hotdogs!" (http://ow.ly/sNtv30cyfAp ) JK--I've already begun to deploy "Not Hot Dog" as catchphrase for lame AI

  Jun 13

"Artificial intelligence on Hadoop: Does it make sense?" (http://ow.ly/bKp630cyejK ) JK--Training DL/ML from Hdp-based data lakes? Definitely!

  Jun 13

"Serverless computing: Don’t make wrong choices" (http://ow.ly/GQsk30cydM9 ) JK--Linthicum sez don't contort yourself refactoring legacy apps

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Mountain Goats "We Do It Different on the West Coast" from Goths JK--2017. Darnielle does great tongue-in-cheek

  Jun 13

"Getting Hyped for Deep Learning Configs" (http://ow.ly/U37u30cybEO ) JK--Hyperparameter config services from IBM & SigOpt are DL accelerators

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Chuck Berry "Big Boys" from Compilation Chuck Berry JK--2017. His posthumous parting gift for us fans. Very Berry!

  Jun 13

"Kaggle Past Solutions" (http://ow.ly/u9cf30cyaWo ) JK--The best data-science minds are not all working on getting us to click on ads.

  Jun 13

"The Machine Intelligence Behind Gboard" (http://ow.ly/L2Fg30cyaKY ) JK--Please recognize I habitually make the same fat-finger typing errors

  Jun 13

"2 Big Reasons Why Google's AI Chips Will Have Tough Time Competing w/Nvidia" (http://ow.ly/sWLa30cyavP ) JK--TensorFlow-only. Not chipmaker

  Jun 13

" Core ML" (http://ow.ly/dt4r30cy9BP ) JK--New foundational ML framework used across Apple products, including Siri, Camera, and QuickType

  Jun 13

"Responding to a Passive Aggressive Coworker" (http://ow.ly/a60W30cy9nA ) JK--Great working definition: "sugar-coated hostility."

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Syl Johnson "Different Strokes" from Dresses Too Short/Is It Cuz I'm Black JK--1968. Not Gary Coleman TV-show theme

  Jun 13

"Hortonworks DataFlow 3.0 Simplifies Dev of Streaming Analytics Applications" (http://ow.ly/MtZP30cy8Oe ) JK--Code-free multi-stream app dev

  Jun 13

"Google releases open-source platform Spinnaker 1.0" (http://ow.ly/l17730cy8im ) JK--DevOps tool for multi-cloud continuous code/app delivery

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Nice As Fuck "Runaway" from Nice as Fuck JK--2016. Cool Jenny Lewis beat combo.

  Jun 13

"CrowdFlower raises $20M to accel adoption of AI within enterprise" (http://ow.ly/rGQh30cy81T ) JK--Crowdsourced "human in loop" algo training

  Jun 13

"Fact Check: Trump Says He Passed  Bills Than Most Presidents" (http://ow.ly/K3LI30cy7Es ) JK--He's mostly signed mundane administrivia.

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bootsy’s Rubber Band "I’d Rather Be With You" from Stretchin’ Out in Bootsy’s Rubber Band JK--1976. Prince-

  Jun 13

"Map Of Emerging Tech" (http://ow.ly/HIwE30cy6CJ ) JK--Clearly shows what's afflicted with analyst overcoverage. Find cool niches. Go deep.

  Jun 13

"The 21 Secret Parks of San Francisco" (http://ow.ly/rlgD30cy6iU ) JK--Interesting. How many of these have permanent homeless encampments?

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Weezer "Buddy Holly" JK--1994. Except for spex, Rivers Cuomo doesn't look just  Buddy. Holly was better looking

  Jun 13

"My Inbox Is Getting Weird" (http://ow.ly/eomP30cy5oP ) JK--Mine's plagued by presumptuous strangers "still waiting for your response."

  Jun 13

"Katy Perry Removes All Doubt About Chatbots Going Mainstream" (http://ow.ly/QHro30cy54W ) JK--Thanks. We were waiting for her validation.

  Jun 12

New jk #Datanami#Wikibon column: "Automating Development and Optimization of Machine Learning Models" (http://ow.ly/8DF530cwFMX )

  Jun 12

"Robot Uses Evil Alter Ego to Learn Reliable Grasping" (http://ow.ly/yx8j30cwcu0 ) JK--Adversarial grasping with self-supervised AI learning

  Jun 12

I assume DoD's US Cyber Command steps grunts through a grueling obstacle course of pop-ups, hack attacks, & gratuitous follow-me requests

  Jun 12

"If Yr Company Isn’t Good at Analytics, It’s Not Ready for AI" (http://ow.ly/lw6s30cw9PE ) JK--NIce to see Captain Obvious' POV on the matter

  Jun 12

"Eight Tips to Become Scrum Master Your Team Needs" (http://ow.ly/9gfL30cw90R ) JK--I suggest #9: instruct team to address you as "Master"

  Jun 12

Theresa may or may not be doing what she's doing now this time next week.
  Jun 12

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Radiohead "Pyramid Song" from Amnesiac/Kid A JK-2001. Yorke should wear dreadlocks, cuz he's got a lock on dread.

  Jun 12

"The Hidden ROI of Thought Leadership" (http://ow.ly/LKDV30cw6FR ) JK--I doubt their respondents interpreted "thought leadership" consistently

  Jun 12

"Trump: A True Story" (http://ow.ly/Qo4X30cw3HU ) JK--Here's what happened when he was summoned to defend his lies "under oath."

  Jun 12

"Trump's lawyer in Russia probe has clients w/Kremlin ties" (http://ow.ly/J29l30cw3hN ) JK--Administration is trainwreck of comic proportions

  Jun 12

"There's AI Revolution Underway & It's Happening In Canada" (http://ow.ly/f8H430cw2Re ) JK--OK, they're doing stuff but headline is pure hype

  Jun 12

"Trump's state visit to Britain put on hold" (http://ow.ly/hDpZ30cw2gb ) JK--His tender ego requires crowds of fawning brain-dead Brits

  Jun 12

"Why All Poems Are Political" (http://ow.ly/B7UX30cw1Qe ) JK--Roses R red./Violets R blue./Your thesis is bullshit./You know that, don't you?

  Jun 12

"Do ! What Amazon Teaches Us About AI and the “Jobless Future”" (http://ow.ly/wq8h30cw1jy ) JK--Tim O'Reilly forecasts robust job creation

  Jun 12

Tired of hearing nonsense about AI producing a "jobless future." Exactly who will have the purchasing power to drive this economy? Bots?

  Jun 12

"2013 Letter From Uber's Kalanick Lays Out Sex Rules 4 Employees at Company Party" (http://ow.ly/3HZ330cw0n4 ) JK--Nauseating fratboy culture

  Jun 12

"Sand Hill Rd Joins Private Capital Flooding Marijuana Startups" (http://ow.ly/UJFe30cvZVi ) JK--Don't sample the inventory while investing

  Jun 12

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Pretenders "The Wait" from Pretenders JK--1980. Chrissie & crew at their punkiest.

  Jun 12

"Do You Have 'Self-Taught' Imposter Syndrome" (http://ow.ly/I4Ru30cvYcw ) JK--In tech, you quickly realize that degrees count for little.

  Jun 11

Wife and I will vacation in Ireland later this year. CountyClare. Have always wanted to experience Eire. Because it’s there.

  Jun 11

Exactly how bold, risky, principled, public, & gutsy would Comey’s testimony have needed to be not to fit Trump’s criterion for “cowardly”?

  Jun 11

RT @david_j_roth: When you’re thinking, really thinking, about what it would be  if Beavis & Butthead were rich.

  Jun 11

  Jun 11

It’s best to observe the crazy world alone in quiet contemplation. That very world makes that very possibility far less likely.

  Jun 10

RIP Adam West. His campy Batman remains my favorite. Hollywood screwed up the character by making him dark. West played him with light irony

  Jun 10

WSJ describes AI as “a type of machine learning.” Actually, it’s the other way around. ML is AI driven from data. Some AI is rule-driven.

  Jun 9

Lordy, I hope Trump is impeached!

  Jun 9

Trump regards "foreign policy" as his major accomplishment? Based on what? Having taken one overseas trip & not yet started a war? Bravo!

  Jun 8

The "Unclaimed Money Dept." people have notified me of funds in my name. I'll file my claim as soon as you deposit them in my bank account

  Jun 8

Good day of conversations in and around Silicon Valley. Absolutely loved NVIDIA's demo of their GPU, AI, and autonomous vehicle techs.

  Jun 8

"Intel/DARPA look to AI/ML to boost graph analytics in big data" (http://ow.ly/bRM730cqyWO ) JK--Important: distrib graph is intelligent edge

  Jun 8

POTUS to then-FBI director: ""I need loyalty, I expect loyalty." Perfectly illustrates dictatorial "rule of man" disrespect for rule of law

  Jun 8

San Franciscois amazing. You can go anywhere in a cable car. I think I’ll take one to the airport. Fast, modern, efficient!

  Jun 7

Auuugggh!!!..the electrical dust is starting to rust my trapezoid thermometer taste. I knew that would happen.

#ApacheSparkcomes from @AMPLab which stands for "Algorithms, Machines and People Lab" via @edd#SparkSummit– at Moscone West

"Easier, faster: The next steps for deep learning" (http://ow.ly/680y30cooIb ) JK--Cites me, discusses Databricks DL Pipelines #sparksummit

  Jun 7

"Fastest Deep Neural Network Execution Framework on Web Browser" (http://ow.ly/ZbuB30comGf ) JK--Remember AJAX? This sounds  AI-JAX.

  Jun 7

"Chatbots vs. Mailing Lists" (http://ow.ly/7wcc30com7X ) JK--Makes case for former in CRM. I predict glut of crapbots will sour users on chat

  Jun 7

"How 2 Prevent AI Apocalypse" (http://ow.ly/wRG730coiTu ) JK--"Understand exactly how these algos work"? Predict every execution path? Ha!

  Jun 7

"App uses AI to turn design mockups into source code" (http://ow.ly/prSX30cohOt ) JK--AI-driven code-gen: future of RAD or future fad?

  Jun 7

"Strange Loop in Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/9y9J30cogr0 ) JK--Modeling AI as cyclic hierarchical self-referential computational graphs

  Jun 7

"What Self-Driving Cars See" (http://ow.ly/M8M130cofSX ) JK--Streams of lidar data, plus AI. Love the lidar view of SF Embarcadero.

  Jun 7

"Experts Predict When AI Will Exceed Human Performance" (http://ow.ly/p5Qt30cof7y ) JK--"Writing highschool essays"? Bots rock at cheating!

  Jun 7

Dear Conan: I'm a fan but U need to stop interjecting "yeah" when you've finished the joke setup. Robotically telegraphing the punch? Don't!

  Jun 7

New #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon jk column: "At #SparkSummit, Databricks Pushes Apache Spark Where It Needs to Go" (http://ow.ly/3ema30cnMK6 )

  Jun 6

"What’s the big deal with event-by-event streaming in Spark’s 2.2 release?" (http://ow.ly/FusR30cni8s ) #SiilconANGLE#Wikibon#SparkSummit

  Jun 6

More tech-event freebie vendor t-shirts. At home, I sort my shirt piles now into logo'd vs otherwise. Former beginning to tower over latter.

  Jun 6

New #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon jk blog: "Automated Machine Learning Is Key to AI Developer Productivity" (http://ow.ly/YhBF30cn1m2 ) #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

The #SparkSummitkeynote discussions of advances in automated machine/deep learning were music to my ears. Huge #Wikibonresearch focus

  Jun 6

“No worries.” That well-wish’s meaning depends on whether you inflect it with a “shrimp on the barbie” or “hakuna matata” lilt in your voice

  Jun 6

"Exploring #ApacheSparkchallenges & opportunities at #SparkSummit2017" (http://ow.ly/TIcM30cmRfv ) JK--My #Wikibon commentary #SiliconANGLE

Tensorflow support in #bigdl#intel#SparkSummit

#Inteldiscussing #BigDLroadmap for DL dev integrated with #ApacheSpark#SparkSummit

I  the fact that #Databricks has greatly shifted toward DL integrated w/ #ApacheSparkExactly where developers are headed #SparkSummit

Snorkel: A System for Fast Training Data Creation http://ow.ly/Kraf30cmPn8 #SparkSummit

Re: Automated feature engineering & training data acquisition/labeling: key to data science productivity #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Automated acquisition and labeling of training data #SparkSummit

Automated feature engineering #SparkSummit

"Deep learning without deep pockets" -@timjhunter#SparkSummit

  Jun 6

#Sparkjust demoed sub-millisecond stream processing latency #jawdrop#SparkSummit

Christoper Ré's keynote, Snorkel: Dark Data and Machine Learning, is next. Watch live: http://ssum.it/2qTNDb5 #SparkSummit#ML

  Jun 6

Databricks introducing continuous streaming computation in Spark wthout microbatching. #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

"Databricks Accelerates Apache Spark’s Structured Streaming and Launches Production Platform" (http://ow.ly/NbOI30cmM22 ) #SparkSummit

Hope Databricks will follow up quickly w/API access to other DL tools--especially Caffe2, Theano, and MXNet. #SparkSummit#Wikibon

Key innovation is Databricks' DL Pipeline ability to expose DL functions thru SQL to make avail to broader app-dev. #SparkSummit#Wikibon

  Jun 6

Important Databricks' announce: DL Pipeline API for access to TensorFlow DL libraries within Spark's MLLib Pipelines. #SparkSummit#Wikibon

Deep learning image analysis inside #ApacheSpark MLLib Pipeline #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Zaharia: Deep Learning Pipelines: builds on existing engines (TensorFlow, Keras, BigDL) #SparkSummit

Zaharia: Deep Learning Pipelines: auto scale-out on Spark, expose models in batch/streaming apps & Spark SQL #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Zaharia: Deep Learning Pipelines: common use case in few lines of code #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Zaharia: open-sourcing new high-level API for deep learning that integrates with Apache Spark ML Pipelines #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

"Watch #SparkSummit 2017 here for live coverage: Tackling big data intelligently" (http://ow.ly/CTaS30cmIUX ) JK--My commentary in late May

Zaharia: coming in Spark 2.2: data warehousing: cost-based SQL optimizer #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Zaharia: coming in Spark 2.2: structured streaming: marked production-readay; Python usabiity: pip install pyspark #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Zaharia: coming in Spark 2.2: data warehousing: cost-based SQL optimizer

  Jun 6

"Databricks updates DL, streaming capabilities" (http://bit.ly/2qYkteQ ) JK--My commentary #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon#SparkSummit

  Jun 6

"Databricks updates Apache Spark’s deep learning, streaming capabilities" (http://ow.ly/laG830cmHzf ) JK--My commentary #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon

  Jun 6

"Databricks Simplifies and Scales Deep Learning with New Apache Spark Library" (http://ow.ly/7DjN30cmGXt ) #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

"Databricks Unveils Serverless Platform for Apache Spark" (http://ow.ly/3AhN30cmGQp ) #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Catch #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon#theCUBE live from #SparkSummitstarting 9:45am PDT. Access the livestream here: http://ow.ly/M58h30cmGEa 

  Jun 6

This will be my third #SparkSummit West, I’ve done it least two out east. This is my first of either as an analyst.

In the San FranciscoBayarea, one soon adjusts to microclimates of the mind and milieu.

Ah yes, the unmistakable eau d’San Francisco sewage! Or is it eau DER?

  Jun 6

Few things calm me  a leisurely walk to Ferry Bldg in morning in San Francisco. Not sure it would have the same effect if I lived here.

  Jun 6

Typical morning’s walk along Mission Street in downtown San Francisco. All the homeless sort of look  Charles Manson. Except the ladies

Nice enough morning in downtown San Francisco. Overcast, but not enough to make me downcast.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp M.I.A. "Jimmy" from Kala JK--2007. Chorus of this always make me want to look over my shoulder. "Whaddya want?"

  Jun 6

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Three Dog Night "Easy to Be Hard" from Suitable for Framing JK--1969. These guys had great gospel-inflected vocals

  Jun 6

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Feist "A Man Is Not His Song" Pleasure JK--2017. A really desolate sound for her. A stark epic scope to this.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Willie Nelson "Your Memory Has a Mind of Its Own" from God’s Problem Child JK--2017. New/great. His 61st studio LP

  Jun 6

Drafted next KDNuggets column: "Acquiring High-Quality Labeled Training Data at Low Cost"

  Jun 6

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp David Crosby "Laughing" from If I Could Only Remember My Name JK--1971. Drop-dead gorgeous!  CSNY's best.

Some cycling instructor is using Ringo Starr’s “Back Off Boogaloo” as motivational music. Oddly works.

  Jun 4

Reading about how f’d up the Washington Metro system. As an occasional rider, I have no major complaints. Trains come regularly. Clean, safe

  Jun 4

Reading about how seriously screwed Sears is. Used to be a powerhouse. The A&P of department stores. A&P who? That’s the point.

  Jun 3

Kristen Nicole will publish my #SparkSummitexpectations this week. Stay tuned to http://SiliconANGLE.com . Maturing but being eclipsed by AI

  Jun 3

Nice being an industry analyst again. My dominant professional persona these past 20 years. Always chewing on biz-tech news of some sort.

  Jun 3

Went to a vegetarian restaurant today. Not bad. Didn’t realize there are that many ways to make soybeans resemble other foodstuffs.

  Jun 3

Early June. Something in me still wants to refer to this as Spring. Summer doesn’t technically begin for a few weeks. Technicalities matter!

  Jun 3

“My tweets are my own.” Actually they’re a world resource. I bequeath them to all humanity for the benefit of future generations.

  Jun 3

Heading to SF this week for #SparkSummit. Me & #Wikiboncolleagues are going to meet w/plenty of vendors. Deep research into what’s going on

  Jun 2

Join me Tues June 20 1pm EDT on live Crowdchat: Fast Track Your Data http://www.via-cc.at/050bc #IBMML#Wikibon#SiliconANGLE

  Jun 2

"Creating A Sustainable Competitive Edge With Digital Twins" (http://ow.ly/hLJL30cgeWA ) JK--Good #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon note by @ggilbert41

  Jun 2

"Nvidia’s Huang Sees AI ‘Cambrian Explosion’" (http://ow.ly/KIFd30cg2rx ) JK--In other words, sudden massive burst of AI-enabled innovations.

  Jun 2

"EU rejects Trump's offer to renegotiate Paris deal" (http://ow.ly/TD7O30cg2aI ) JK--Thank you. The fate of the planet is not negotiable.

  Jun 1

Bought & downloaded Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood's 1968 "Nancy & Lee" LP. Odd songs & odd pairing of voices. Somehow it works beautifully

  Jun 1

iTunes shows "new from your artists." Well, I don't manage any of them, but I'd be more than happy if they'd pay me a commission anyway.

  Jun 1

"70-Year-Old Woman Discovers World's First Orange Alligator" (http://ow.ly/JKzZ30cfcvh ) JK--Wow! She can still see reptile colors at her age!

  Jun 1

Beatles said "money can't buy U love," but, on Sgt Pepper LP, "fun is th one thing that money can't buy." Whither th scriptural discrepancy?

  Jun 1

Listening “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” just as I’ve done these past 50 years: digitally. I’ve worn out the grooves in my MP3s.
0 replies0 s1

  Jun 1

Thanks Donald! The Earth just isn’t warm enough. You’ve done your part to make it more hellish. May you burn there.

  Jun 1

"Spark gets automation: Analyzing code, tuning clusters in production" (http://ow.ly/UhVC30ceEmh ) JK--Befits dat-sci growing DevOps orient8n

  Jun 1

"3 Flavors of Predictive Analytics Automation" (http://ow.ly/LA6V30ceE4p ) JK--Automating model build, deploy, & decay/obsolescence detection

  Jun 1

"New MapR Quick Start Solution Accelerates Deep Learning App Deployments" (http://ow.ly/ds3g30ceCcH ) JK--Sounds promising. DevOps for AI.

  Jun 1

"Why Do People Dis Scrum" (http://ow.ly/BbSL30ceAPR ) JK--Perhaps the word itself. Suggests "scum""scram""crumb." On the upside: "rum"!

  Jun 1

"Apple Is Working on a Dedicated Chip to Power AI on Devices" (http://ow.ly/aAqu30ceAfU ) JK--Sounds  they're pretty Siri-us about this

  Jun 1

"The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache SystemML as Top-Level Project" (http://ow.ly/vlmO30cezYf ) JK--Just in time for #SparkSummit

  Jun 1

"A gentle introduction to deep learning with TensorFlow" (http://ow.ly/Zys430cezF4 ) JK--Please also produce intros for the genteel & gentile

  Jun 1

"Chatbots Are the New Trend. Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing" (http://ow.ly/GP7u30cezr9 ) JK--UX speed, simplicity, proactivity.

  Jun 1

"Overview of Multi-Task Learning in Deep Neural Nets" (http://ow.ly/aNv330cez3B ) JK--Learning auxiliary tasks deepens learning of core task

  Jun 1

"How to train a neural network to code by itself ?" (http://ow.ly/tBpc30ceyFm ) JK--Not "automated ML." It's "ML-automated code-gen"

  Jun 1

I always felt The Band missed their most obvious endorsement opportunities: smoking El Producto and driving Le Car.

  Jun 1

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Equals "Ain’t Got Nothing to Give You" JK--1970. North London group included Eddy Grant ("Electric Avenue")

  Jun 1

Sounds  Kathy Griffin is moving down to the E-list.

  Jun 1

Drafted next jk #Datanami column: "Automating Development and Optimization of Machine Learning Models"

  Jun 1

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sex Pistols "Anarchy in the UK" from NMTB JK--1977. IMHO, he was a less convincing "anti-Christ" than Ozzy Osbourne

  Jun 1

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Beatles "When I’m SixtyFour" from Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band JK--This day in 1967, when I was 8.

  Jun 1

"Will Future Autonomous Cars Fly  Birds or Tunnel  Moles?" (http://ow.ly/A1Gl30cdJOo ) JK--Or will they pounce on you  a cheetah?

  Jun 1

"OOPS Concepts You Need To Know" (http://ow.ly/Fx2F30cdIUf ) JK--OOPS being eclipsed by trend to functional programming. OOPSy-daisy!

  Jun 1

"God 'Homo Deus' Could Replace Humans as Tech Evolves" (http://ow.ly/pkM730cdI2g ) JK--So what. Per Holy Bible, all humans are god.

  Jun 1

Got interesting glimpse o Domino Data Lab (http://ow.ly/yTUn30cdHcj ). DevOps environment for data science teams working cloud-native projects

  May 31

Not sure which liberal to support in the Virginia democratic gubernatorial primary: the one with the Southern accent or the one without.

  May 31

New #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon Premium jk research note: "Building AI Microservices for Cloud-Native Deployments" (http://ow.ly/SvrU30ccYuN )

  May 31

"To err is algorithm: Algorithmic fallibility & economic organisation" (http://ow.ly/nGRM30ccz7x ) JK--Good discussion o accountability issues

  May 31

"Progressive Neural Networks" (http://ow.ly/JvNt30ccyJ9 ) JK--Learning complex task sequences w/transfer learning w/o catastrophic forgetting

  May 31

"OpenAI Baselines: DQN" (http://ow.ly/lVCC30ccytH ) JK--Open-sourcing high-performance reinforcement-learning algorithms

  May 31

"Data in, intelligence out: Machine learning pipelines demystified" (http://ow.ly/vwBA30ccyih ) JK--Cites #Wikibon@ggilbert41

  May 31

"AI, So Mom Can Understand" (http://ow.ly/b65930ccxIv ) JK--Hmm. Everybody who talks down to their mom should raise their grubby little hands

  May 31

"Will AI Fantasies Live Up to the Hype?" (http://ow.ly/AZ5M30ccxyc ) JK--Possibly. I fantasize about hype all the time. I'm twisted, that way

  May 31

"Do You Really Need Immutable Data?"(http://ow.ly/Lv5u30ccxd9 ) JK--Depends. Where did Maslow place it in his pyramid?

  May 31

"The End of Human Doctors – The Bleeding Edge of Medical AI Research" (http://ow.ly/UVOk30ccwY3 ) JK--Disturbingly tone-deaf headline.

  May 31

"Caption this, with TensorFlow" (http://ow.ly/lb5630ccwLg ) JK--Haha, the results look  entries in the New Yorker cartoon caption contest

  May 31

IMHO, the top DevOps challenges for AI microservices are 1) "source control" repository (fo... #iotaimicroserviceshttp://www.via-cc.at/4516c 

  May 31

Google has a "federated training" service in alpha that addresses this to some degree. See ... #iotaimicroserviceshttp://www.via-cc.at/45169 

  May 31

Yes. There may be plenty of anomalous "edge cases" for AI-driven apps that the "provisioned... #iotaimicroserviceshttp://www.via-cc.at/75168 

  May 31

Augmented intelligence: AI augments humans’ organic powers of cognition, reasoning, natural... #iotaimicroserviceshttp://www.via-cc.at/2515h 

  May 31

New #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon jk research note: "Agile Development in Team Data Science" (http://ow.ly/4gRR30cc8lH )

  May 30

Enjoyed raw peanuts at home. Found self singing “Found A Peanut” to tune of “Darling Clementine.” Got stuck on verse after “cracked it open”

  May 30

Listening to #KEXP Wo'Pop with Darek Mazzone. Him & me last week in Austinat #ChefConfafterparty.

  May 30

Russians have "derogatory" information on Trump? That's not a state secret. His idiocy is common knowledge. Leak something we don't know.

  May 30

Sad to watch LInkedIn Big Data discussion groups get taken over by zombies. Now "trending": "TOP TEEN INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND BEST ANSWERS"

  May 30

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Pavement "Stereo" from Brighten th Corners JK--1997. Classic indie nerdcore. Sounds  improvised on-mic slacking

  May 30

"Watch #SparkSummit 2017 here for live coverage" (http://ow.ly/bwWy30c9GzD ) JK--Quotes me. I'll be there on #theCUBE#SiliconANGLE#Wikibon

  May 30

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Black Rebel Motorcycle Club "Weapon of Choice" from Baby 81 JK--2007. Band named after Brando gang in "Wild One"

  May 30

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp PJ Harvey "Good Fortune" from Stories From the City, Stories From the Sea JK--2000. Sung in a charging cadence

  May 30

Social media as a useful business-networking tool? I suggest that it be rebranded for what it often is: LSaaS (lip service as a service).

  May 30

Pls join me tomorrow Wed 5-31, 12noon ET, Crowdchat: Building AI IoT Microservices #IoTAIMicroservices#Wikibon

  May 30

Oh, it's a 4-day workweek. Funny how those always follow a 3-day weekend. Must revisit my mathematical calcul8ns so I'm not blindsided again

  May 30

"Using Machine Learning to Explore Neural Network Architecture" (http://ow.ly/qRF330c9rDZ ) JK--Google discusses its AutoML tech.

  May 30

"Teaching Robots Right from Wrong" (http://ow.ly/NUFV30c9r1L ) JK--Awesome. We humans have obviously got the distinction down pat.

  May 30

"Linguistics Breakthru Heralds Machine Translation 4 1000s o Rare Languages" (http://ow.ly/vUJu30c9qjD ) JK--Most lack large training datasets

  May 30

"Blockchains are the new Linux, not the new Internet" (http://ow.ly/2zgw30c9q5V ) JK--That's debatable, but at least they're not the new Dylan

  May 30

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Belle & Sebastian "Expectations" from Tigermilk JK--1999. Should cover "Mrs Brown You've Got a Lovely Daughter"

  May 30

"Convers8nal UI Principles:   Complete Proc o Design Web Chatbot" (http://ow.ly/rgCw30c9p8a ) JK--Most important: cute cartoon face + nickname

  May 30

"Curiosity May Be Vital for Truly Smart AI" (http://ow.ly/BTNd30c9okZ ) JK--IMHO, it's all in the Bayesian "explore v. exploit" logic.

  May 30

"Minimalistic Learning Path to Become a Data Scientist" (http://ow.ly/Jbyz30c9nGM ) JK--Whatever minimal skills get you a paying gig.

  May 30

"ApAweekstweets May 30 to June 16 2017: the weeks of Spring winding down

"Gunman’s Violent SpreeShakes a Liberal Enclave" (http://ow.ly/MvpD30cFjIf ) JK--What's this "liberal enclave" crap? It's not Takoma ParkMD

"In VA enclave shattered by baseball shooting, making beauty out o pain" (http://ow.ly/k8zS30cFjEg ) JK--Del Ray's a pleasant old neighborhood

"Amazon has patent 2 keep U from comparison shopping while you’re in its stores" (http://ow.ly/2Pr430cFjv1 ) JK--Price of "free" in-store WiFi

To monopolize DC-area supermkt biz, Bezos needs to vanquish Trader Joe, Wegman's, Safeway, Giant, Shoppers, Harris-Teeter, Aldi, & Food Lion

I just sent a three-character tweet. In my defense, it was an emoticon. Actually, that's not a defense so much as admission of my own idiocy

Good week. Tech industry news is as swamped now by "AI"-everything as it was by "big data"-everything earlier in this decade. Surf the times

Moving between clouds will be as easy as moving between on-prem platforms. The target cloud/pla... #nextgencloudsphttp://www.via-cc.at/552fb 

Yes, first-to-market have the advantage in adoption and retention, but they tend to suffer cust... #nextgencloudsp

Machine learning #nextgencloudsp

How big is too big for IaaS? 18-36 months of IaaS and then what: you've learned how to do it yo... #nextgencloudsphttp://www.via-cc.at/552cv 

What does "cloud repatriation" mean? Separate clouds behind national firewalls? #nextgencloudsp

Transform business. Join us 6-27 12pm EDT. Crowdchat: Storage at Intelligent Edge. http://www.via-cc.at/1524l #clearskyedge

Automate DevOps in data science pipeline. Join #Wikibon Crowdchat: #DataScienceDevOpsMon 6-19, 1-2pm ET http://www.via-cc.at/151ue 

  Jun 15

Exposed brick and structural elements. The essence of architectural authenticity. That, plus fossilized remains of indigenous cockroaches.

  Jun 15

Old Town Alexandria retirement planning seminar at a nice restaurant. Everybody’s savvy. Folks  us come for the salmon.

  Jun 15

  Jun 15

#IBMFast Track Your Data 2017: Thurs June 22 (Munich, Germany) http://siliconangle.tv/ibm-fast-track-your-data-2017/ …Catch @dvellante and me cohosting @theCUBE

  Jun 15

Landlines are wonderful. I've received several calls today on mine from "Loan Application Dept,""ComputerSupportCenter," and such.

  Jun 15

"Deal or no deal? Training AI bots to negotiate" (http://ow.ly/Va5b30cCQEz ) JK--I'd call 'em "dickerbots," but that might be misinterpreted.

  Jun 15

"AI writing script for short film" (http://ow.ly/W6XH30cCPUv ) JK--Cool cinematic experiment: known actors enacting dialogue programmed by AI

  Jun 15

"AI at Long Last?" (http://ow.ly/puIb30cCP7j ) JK--At long last algorithmic love? http://ow.ly/maNJ30cCP9X 

  Jun 15

"Surprising # of US adults think chocolate milk comes from brown cows" (http://ow.ly/BBR630cCOFG ) JK--Heehee. Tell 'em burgers R cow patties

  Jun 15

"Special counsel investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice" (http://ow.ly/9Whi30cCOlN ) JK--Watch POTUS decapitate this one too

  Jun 15

DevOps adds value to ML. Join #Wikibon Crowdchat: #DataScienceDevOpson Mon 6-19, 1-2pm ET http://www.via-cc.at/151ue 

  Jun 15

"Value of ML" (http://ow.ly/6rZ130cCDTg ) JK--Incorrectly attributes "neural net" work to Alan Turing. Anachronistically credits him w/"AI."

  Jun 15

"Why Fifty Is The New Age for Launching a Startup" (http://ow.ly/nGSV30cCDaO ) JK--If you want to risk your retirement savings, go right ahead

  Jun 15

"Learning from Human Preferences" (http://ow.ly/rScA30cCBOo ) JK--Human-in-loop reinforcemt learning. Love the "backflip" GIF. GIMME DAT DING!

  Jun 15

"Object detection with neural networks" (http://ow.ly/218l30cCBlm ) JK--Can U train it to detect when robo-lawyer about to scream "I OBJECT!"

  Jun 15

"Deep Learning Papers Reading Roadmap" (http://ow.ly/ndM830cCB1X ) JK--I remember when LeVar Burton did this on "Reading Rainbow."

  Jun 15

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpAlgiers"The Underside of Power" JK--2017. Righteous! Sounds  classic 4 Tops/Temptations/Rare Earth/Edwin Starr

  Jun 15

New jk #TechTarget#Wikibon#SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Training the next generation of AI-driven chatbots" (http://ow.ly/9sej30cCqKt )

  Jun 15

Drafted next jk #TechTarget column: "Training the Next Generation of AI-Driven Chatbots"

  Jun 15

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Harry Nilsson "Jump Into the Fire" frm Nilsson Schmilsson JK--1971. Did so to retrieve flaming lime-infused coconut

  Jun 15

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Duran Duran "A View to a Kill" JK--1985. Popstars know theyve truly made it when they're invited to do a Bond theme

   Jun 15

"Build your own ML-powered robot arm using TensorFlow & GGL Cloud" (http://ow.ly/lKEz30cC6zs ) JK--Cool. But switch off "Dr Strangelove" mode

  Jun 15

"Open collaboration key for data science to mature into a technology" (http://ow.ly/yjaJ30cC3rA ) JK--Essentially, DevOps #SiliconANGLE

  Jun 15

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Cocteau Twins "Musette and Drums" from Head Over Heels JK--1983. This one feels  they're performing live.

  Jun 15

Dear MSFT Outlook: Use machine learning to create an "unfocused" folder for messages from people who have a hard time getting to the point.

  Jun 14

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#KEXP Cooley - Munson “Sightly Sue” from In Debt JK--1972. Wow. Blissed-out Hawaiian-hippie vibe. Brian Wilson-ish.

  Jun 14

Friend said she liked my last name. She doesn’t have to endure people constantly misspelling & mispronouncing it.

  Jun 14

Doing Munichnext wk. Cohosting #theCUBEat #IBM event. Last time was Catalyst Europe during Oktoberfest 2002. I’m 1/4 Bavarian. Mom (Hoff)

  Jun 14

Settling in for a steamy summer. Got my dehumidifier. Getting sweaty up the road in DC. Wish our politics had a destupidifier.

  Jun 14

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Kenny Rogers & The First Edition “Tulsa Turnaround” from Country Funk Vol II JK--1971. Wish he hadn’t folded ‘em

  Jun 14

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Denny Lile “If You Stay on Solid Ground” from Hear the Bang: The Life and Music of Denny Lile JK--1973. Rockin’!

  Jun 14

Flag Day. No one ever goes out of their way to fly the flag on June 14. Perhaps because it's sandwiched between Memorial & Independence Days

  Jun 14

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Dan Auerbach "Show Me" from Waiting on a Song JK--2017. Pretty melodic one from the Black Keys guitarist's solo

  Jun 14

"AI meets music: how new tech changing how people play instruments" (http://ow.ly/Yccm30cAR10 ) JK--AI is the instrument, the tutor, the band

  Jun 14

"Mycroft AI: Open Source Voice Assistant" (http://ow.ly/jRui30cAQDu ) JK--They also have a "reference device": http://ow.ly/Dj0t30cAQRn 

  Jun 14

"Neural Translation of Musical Style" (http://ow.ly/TQ1J30cAPRA ) JK--Neural nets were NOT introduced in 1943. Only some math foundations were

  Jun 14

"David Bonderman Resigns From Uber Board After Sexist Remark" (http://ow.ly/BfJq30cAPjf ) JK--Clearly, their board's top-heavy with douchebags

  Jun 14

Join #WikibonMon 6-19, 1-2pm ET, Crowdchat: #DevOps in The #DataSciencePipeline #datasciencedevopshttp://www.via-cc.at/151ue 

  Jun 14

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Broken Social Scene "Hug of Thunder" from Hug of Thunder JK--2017. New one. Excellent. Feist on lead vocal.

  Jun 13

KDnuggets @kdnuggets
7 Ways to get high-quality labeled #Training Data for #MachineLearning at Low Cost @jameskobielus http://buff.ly/2spsZ72 

  Jun 13

New jk #KDNuggets#Wikibon#SiliconANGLEcolumn: "7 Ways to Get High-Quality Labeled Training Data at Low Cost" (http://ow.ly/sw1S30cz5Re )

  Jun 13

"IBM, Hortonworks Expand Prtnrshp" (http://ow.ly/EhyD30cyNsh ) JK--IBM migrating BigInsights users to HDP. Partners combining HDP, DSX, BigSQL

  Jun 13

Please join me Mon 6-19, 1-2pm ET, Crowdchat: #DevOps in The #DataSciencePipeline #datasciencedevops#Wikibonhttp://www.via-cc.at/151ue 

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Feist "The Wind" from Pleasure JK--2017. New. Great. Goose-pimple great.

  Jun 13

"How AI Can Keep Accelerating After Moore’s Law" (http://ow.ly/op7030cyjM5 ) JK--Paradoxically: creating ML chips that don’t add accurately

  Jun 13

"What is ML debt?" (http://ow.ly/krwH30cygSr ) JK--Risks/costs of using convoluted old code, using irrelevant data, relying on opaque algos

  Jun 13

"Harnessing Power of AI to Diagnose Diseases" (http://ow.ly/FX3a30cygu4 ) JK--Kavya Kopparapu. TJ HS Science/Tech. Just a few miles from me

  Jun 13

"Using TensorFlow to classify hotdogs!" (http://ow.ly/sNtv30cyfAp ) JK--I've already begun to deploy "Not Hot Dog" as catchphrase for lame AI

  Jun 13

"Artificial intelligence on Hadoop: Does it make sense?" (http://ow.ly/bKp630cyejK ) JK--Training DL/ML from Hdp-based data lakes? Definitely!

  Jun 13

"Serverless computing: Don’t make wrong choices" (http://ow.ly/GQsk30cydM9 ) JK--Linthicum sez don't contort yourself refactoring legacy apps

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Mountain Goats "We Do It Different on the West Coast" from Goths JK--2017. Darnielle does great tongue-in-cheek

  Jun 13

"Getting Hyped for Deep Learning Configs" (http://ow.ly/U37u30cybEO ) JK--Hyperparameter config services from IBM & SigOpt are DL accelerators

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Chuck Berry "Big Boys" from Compilation Chuck Berry JK--2017. His posthumous parting gift for us fans. Very Berry!

  Jun 13

"Kaggle Past Solutions" (http://ow.ly/u9cf30cyaWo ) JK--The best data-science minds are not all working on getting us to click on ads.

  Jun 13

"The Machine Intelligence Behind Gboard" (http://ow.ly/L2Fg30cyaKY ) JK--Please recognize I habitually make the same fat-finger typing errors

  Jun 13

"2 Big Reasons Why Google's AI Chips Will Have Tough Time Competing w/Nvidia" (http://ow.ly/sWLa30cyavP ) JK--TensorFlow-only. Not chipmaker

  Jun 13

" Core ML" (http://ow.ly/dt4r30cy9BP ) JK--New foundational ML framework used across Apple products, including Siri, Camera, and QuickType

  Jun 13

"Responding to a Passive Aggressive Coworker" (http://ow.ly/a60W30cy9nA ) JK--Great working definition: "sugar-coated hostility."

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Syl Johnson "Different Strokes" from Dresses Too Short/Is It Cuz I'm Black JK--1968. Not Gary Coleman TV-show theme

  Jun 13

"Hortonworks DataFlow 3.0 Simplifies Dev of Streaming Analytics Applications" (http://ow.ly/MtZP30cy8Oe ) JK--Code-free multi-stream app dev

  Jun 13

"Google releases open-source platform Spinnaker 1.0" (http://ow.ly/l17730cy8im ) JK--DevOps tool for multi-cloud continuous code/app delivery

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Nice As Fuck "Runaway" from Nice as Fuck JK--2016. Cool Jenny Lewis beat combo.

  Jun 13

"CrowdFlower raises $20M to accel adoption of AI within enterprise" (http://ow.ly/rGQh30cy81T ) JK--Crowdsourced "human in loop" algo training

  Jun 13

"Fact Check: Trump Says He Passed  Bills Than Most Presidents" (http://ow.ly/K3LI30cy7Es ) JK--He's mostly signed mundane administrivia.

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bootsy’s Rubber Band "I’d Rather Be With You" from Stretchin’ Out in Bootsy’s Rubber Band JK--1976. Prince-

  Jun 13

"Map Of Emerging Tech" (http://ow.ly/HIwE30cy6CJ ) JK--Clearly shows what's afflicted with analyst overcoverage. Find cool niches. Go deep.

  Jun 13

"The 21 Secret Parks of San Francisco" (http://ow.ly/rlgD30cy6iU ) JK--Interesting. How many of these have permanent homeless encampments?

  Jun 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Weezer "Buddy Holly" JK--1994. Except for spex, Rivers Cuomo doesn't look just  Buddy. Holly was better looking

  Jun 13

"My Inbox Is Getting Weird" (http://ow.ly/eomP30cy5oP ) JK--Mine's plagued by presumptuous strangers "still waiting for your response."

  Jun 13

"Katy Perry Removes All Doubt About Chatbots Going Mainstream" (http://ow.ly/QHro30cy54W ) JK--Thanks. We were waiting for her validation.

  Jun 12

New jk #Datanami#Wikibon column: "Automating Development and Optimization of Machine Learning Models" (http://ow.ly/8DF530cwFMX )

  Jun 12

"Robot Uses Evil Alter Ego to Learn Reliable Grasping" (http://ow.ly/yx8j30cwcu0 ) JK--Adversarial grasping with self-supervised AI learning

  Jun 12

I assume DoD's US Cyber Command steps grunts through a grueling obstacle course of pop-ups, hack attacks, & gratuitous follow-me requests

  Jun 12

"If Yr Company Isn’t Good at Analytics, It’s Not Ready for AI" (http://ow.ly/lw6s30cw9PE ) JK--NIce to see Captain Obvious' POV on the matter

  Jun 12

"Eight Tips to Become Scrum Master Your Team Needs" (http://ow.ly/9gfL30cw90R ) JK--I suggest #9: instruct team to address you as "Master"

  Jun 12

Theresa may or may not be doing what she's doing now this time next week.
  Jun 12

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Radiohead "Pyramid Song" from Amnesiac/Kid A JK-2001. Yorke should wear dreadlocks, cuz he's got a lock on dread.

  Jun 12

"The Hidden ROI of Thought Leadership" (http://ow.ly/LKDV30cw6FR ) JK--I doubt their respondents interpreted "thought leadership" consistently

  Jun 12

"Trump: A True Story" (http://ow.ly/Qo4X30cw3HU ) JK--Here's what happened when he was summoned to defend his lies "under oath."

  Jun 12

"Trump's lawyer in Russia probe has clients w/Kremlin ties" (http://ow.ly/J29l30cw3hN ) JK--Administration is trainwreck of comic proportions

  Jun 12

"There's AI Revolution Underway & It's Happening In Canada" (http://ow.ly/f8H430cw2Re ) JK--OK, they're doing stuff but headline is pure hype

  Jun 12

"Trump's state visit to Britain put on hold" (http://ow.ly/hDpZ30cw2gb ) JK--His tender ego requires crowds of fawning brain-dead Brits

  Jun 12

"Why All Poems Are Political" (http://ow.ly/B7UX30cw1Qe ) JK--Roses R red./Violets R blue./Your thesis is bullshit./You know that, don't you?

  Jun 12

"Do ! What Amazon Teaches Us About AI and the “Jobless Future”" (http://ow.ly/wq8h30cw1jy ) JK--Tim O'Reilly forecasts robust job creation

  Jun 12

Tired of hearing nonsense about AI producing a "jobless future." Exactly who will have the purchasing power to drive this economy? Bots?

  Jun 12

"2013 Letter From Uber's Kalanick Lays Out Sex Rules 4 Employees at Company Party" (http://ow.ly/3HZ330cw0n4 ) JK--Nauseating fratboy culture

  Jun 12

"Sand Hill Rd Joins Private Capital Flooding Marijuana Startups" (http://ow.ly/UJFe30cvZVi ) JK--Don't sample the inventory while investing

  Jun 12

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Pretenders "The Wait" from Pretenders JK--1980. Chrissie & crew at their punkiest.

  Jun 12

"Do You Have 'Self-Taught' Imposter Syndrome" (http://ow.ly/I4Ru30cvYcw ) JK--In tech, you quickly realize that degrees count for little.

  Jun 11

Wife and I will vacation in Ireland later this year. CountyClare. Have always wanted to experience Eire. Because it’s there.

  Jun 11

Exactly how bold, risky, principled, public, & gutsy would Comey’s testimony have needed to be not to fit Trump’s criterion for “cowardly”?

  Jun 11

RT @david_j_roth: When you’re thinking, really thinking, about what it would be  if Beavis & Butthead were rich.

  Jun 11

  Jun 11

It’s best to observe the crazy world alone in quiet contemplation. That very world makes that very possibility far less likely.

  Jun 10

RIP Adam West. His campy Batman remains my favorite. Hollywood screwed up the character by making him dark. West played him with light irony

  Jun 10

WSJ describes AI as “a type of machine learning.” Actually, it’s the other way around. ML is AI driven from data. Some AI is rule-driven.

  Jun 9

Lordy, I hope Trump is impeached!

  Jun 9

Trump regards "foreign policy" as his major accomplishment? Based on what? Having taken one overseas trip & not yet started a war? Bravo!

  Jun 8

The "Unclaimed Money Dept." people have notified me of funds in my name. I'll file my claim as soon as you deposit them in my bank account

  Jun 8

Good day of conversations in and around Silicon Valley. Absolutely loved NVIDIA's demo of their GPU, AI, and autonomous vehicle techs.

  Jun 8

"Intel/DARPA look to AI/ML to boost graph analytics in big data" (http://ow.ly/bRM730cqyWO ) JK--Important: distrib graph is intelligent edge

  Jun 8

POTUS to then-FBI director: ""I need loyalty, I expect loyalty." Perfectly illustrates dictatorial "rule of man" disrespect for rule of law

  Jun 8

San Franciscois amazing. You can go anywhere in a cable car. I think I’ll take one to the airport. Fast, modern, efficient!

  Jun 7

Auuugggh!!!..the electrical dust is starting to rust my trapezoid thermometer taste. I knew that would happen.

#ApacheSparkcomes from @AMPLab which stands for "Algorithms, Machines and People Lab" via @edd#SparkSummit– at Moscone West

"Easier, faster: The next steps for deep learning" (http://ow.ly/680y30cooIb ) JK--Cites me, discusses Databricks DL Pipelines #sparksummit

  Jun 7

"Fastest Deep Neural Network Execution Framework on Web Browser" (http://ow.ly/ZbuB30comGf ) JK--Remember AJAX? This sounds  AI-JAX.

  Jun 7

"Chatbots vs. Mailing Lists" (http://ow.ly/7wcc30com7X ) JK--Makes case for former in CRM. I predict glut of crapbots will sour users on chat

  Jun 7

"How 2 Prevent AI Apocalypse" (http://ow.ly/wRG730coiTu ) JK--"Understand exactly how these algos work"? Predict every execution path? Ha!

  Jun 7

"App uses AI to turn design mockups into source code" (http://ow.ly/prSX30cohOt ) JK--AI-driven code-gen: future of RAD or future fad?

  Jun 7

"Strange Loop in Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/9y9J30cogr0 ) JK--Modeling AI as cyclic hierarchical self-referential computational graphs

  Jun 7

"What Self-Driving Cars See" (http://ow.ly/M8M130cofSX ) JK--Streams of lidar data, plus AI. Love the lidar view of SF Embarcadero.

  Jun 7

"Experts Predict When AI Will Exceed Human Performance" (http://ow.ly/p5Qt30cof7y ) JK--"Writing highschool essays"? Bots rock at cheating!

  Jun 7

Dear Conan: I'm a fan but U need to stop interjecting "yeah" when you've finished the joke setup. Robotically telegraphing the punch? Don't!

  Jun 7

New #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon jk column: "At #SparkSummit, Databricks Pushes Apache Spark Where It Needs to Go" (http://ow.ly/3ema30cnMK6 )

  Jun 6

"What’s the big deal with event-by-event streaming in Spark’s 2.2 release?" (http://ow.ly/FusR30cni8s ) #SiilconANGLE#Wikibon#SparkSummit

  Jun 6

More tech-event freebie vendor t-shirts. At home, I sort my shirt piles now into logo'd vs otherwise. Former beginning to tower over latter.

  Jun 6

New #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon jk blog: "Automated Machine Learning Is Key to AI Developer Productivity" (http://ow.ly/YhBF30cn1m2 ) #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

The #SparkSummitkeynote discussions of advances in automated machine/deep learning were music to my ears. Huge #Wikibonresearch focus

  Jun 6

“No worries.” That well-wish’s meaning depends on whether you inflect it with a “shrimp on the barbie” or “hakuna matata” lilt in your voice

  Jun 6

"Exploring #ApacheSparkchallenges & opportunities at #SparkSummit2017" (http://ow.ly/TIcM30cmRfv ) JK--My #Wikibon commentary #SiliconANGLE

Tensorflow support in #bigdl#intel#SparkSummit

#Inteldiscussing #BigDLroadmap for DL dev integrated with #ApacheSpark#SparkSummit

I  the fact that #Databricks has greatly shifted toward DL integrated w/ #ApacheSparkExactly where developers are headed #SparkSummit

Snorkel: A System for Fast Training Data Creation http://ow.ly/Kraf30cmPn8 #SparkSummit

Re: Automated feature engineering & training data acquisition/labeling: key to data science productivity #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Automated acquisition and labeling of training data #SparkSummit

Automated feature engineering #SparkSummit

"Deep learning without deep pockets" -@timjhunter#SparkSummit

  Jun 6

#Sparkjust demoed sub-millisecond stream processing latency #jawdrop#SparkSummit

Christoper Ré's keynote, Snorkel: Dark Data and Machine Learning, is next. Watch live: http://ssum.it/2qTNDb5 #SparkSummit#ML

  Jun 6

Databricks introducing continuous streaming computation in Spark wthout microbatching. #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

"Databricks Accelerates Apache Spark’s Structured Streaming and Launches Production Platform" (http://ow.ly/NbOI30cmM22 ) #SparkSummit

Hope Databricks will follow up quickly w/API access to other DL tools--especially Caffe2, Theano, and MXNet. #SparkSummit#Wikibon

Key innovation is Databricks' DL Pipeline ability to expose DL functions thru SQL to make avail to broader app-dev. #SparkSummit#Wikibon

  Jun 6

Important Databricks' announce: DL Pipeline API for access to TensorFlow DL libraries within Spark's MLLib Pipelines. #SparkSummit#Wikibon

Deep learning image analysis inside #ApacheSpark MLLib Pipeline #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Zaharia: Deep Learning Pipelines: builds on existing engines (TensorFlow, Keras, BigDL) #SparkSummit

Zaharia: Deep Learning Pipelines: auto scale-out on Spark, expose models in batch/streaming apps & Spark SQL #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Zaharia: Deep Learning Pipelines: common use case in few lines of code #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Zaharia: open-sourcing new high-level API for deep learning that integrates with Apache Spark ML Pipelines #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

"Watch #SparkSummit 2017 here for live coverage: Tackling big data intelligently" (http://ow.ly/CTaS30cmIUX ) JK--My commentary in late May

Zaharia: coming in Spark 2.2: data warehousing: cost-based SQL optimizer #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Zaharia: coming in Spark 2.2: structured streaming: marked production-readay; Python usabiity: pip install pyspark #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Zaharia: coming in Spark 2.2: data warehousing: cost-based SQL optimizer

  Jun 6

"Databricks updates DL, streaming capabilities" (http://bit.ly/2qYkteQ ) JK--My commentary #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon#SparkSummit

  Jun 6

"Databricks updates Apache Spark’s deep learning, streaming capabilities" (http://ow.ly/laG830cmHzf ) JK--My commentary #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon

  Jun 6

"Databricks Simplifies and Scales Deep Learning with New Apache Spark Library" (http://ow.ly/7DjN30cmGXt ) #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

"Databricks Unveils Serverless Platform for Apache Spark" (http://ow.ly/3AhN30cmGQp ) #SparkSummit

  Jun 6

Catch #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon#theCUBE live from #SparkSummitstarting 9:45am PDT. Access the livestream here: http://ow.ly/M58h30cmGEa 

  Jun 6

This will be my third #SparkSummit West, I’ve done it least two out east. This is my first of either as an analyst.

In the San FranciscoBayarea, one soon adjusts to microclimates of the mind and milieu.

Ah yes, the unmistakable eau d’San Francisco sewage! Or is it eau DER?

  Jun 6

Few things calm me  a leisurely walk to Ferry Bldg in morning in San Francisco. Not sure it would have the same effect if I lived here.

  Jun 6

Typical morning’s walk along Mission Street in downtown San Francisco. All the homeless sort of look  Charles Manson. Except the ladies

Nice enough morning in downtown San Francisco. Overcast, but not enough to make me downcast.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp M.I.A. "Jimmy" from Kala JK--2007. Chorus of this always make me want to look over my shoulder. "Whaddya want?"

  Jun 6

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Three Dog Night "Easy to Be Hard" from Suitable for Framing JK--1969. These guys had great gospel-inflected vocals

  Jun 6

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Feist "A Man Is Not His Song" Pleasure JK--2017. A really desolate sound for her. A stark epic scope to this.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Willie Nelson "Your Memory Has a Mind of Its Own" from God’s Problem Child JK--2017. New/great. His 61st studio LP

  Jun 6

Drafted next KDNuggets column: "Acquiring High-Quality Labeled Training Data at Low Cost"

  Jun 6

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp David Crosby "Laughing" from If I Could Only Remember My Name JK--1971. Drop-dead gorgeous!  CSNY's best.

Some cycling instructor is using Ringo Starr’s “Back Off Boogaloo” as motivational music. Oddly works.

  Jun 4

Reading about how f’d up the Washington Metro system. As an occasional rider, I have no major complaints. Trains come regularly. Clean, safe

  Jun 4

Reading about how seriously screwed Sears is. Used to be a powerhouse. The A&P of department stores. A&P who? That’s the point.

  Jun 3

Kristen Nicole will publish my #SparkSummitexpectations this week. Stay tuned to http://SiliconANGLE.com . Maturing but being eclipsed by AI

  Jun 3

Nice being an industry analyst again. My dominant professional persona these past 20 years. Always chewing on biz-tech news of some sort.

  Jun 3

Went to a vegetarian restaurant today. Not bad. Didn’t realize there are that many ways to make soybeans resemble other foodstuffs.

  Jun 3

Early June. Something in me still wants to refer to this as Spring. Summer doesn’t technically begin for a few weeks. Technicalities matter!

  Jun 3

“My tweets are my own.” Actually they’re a world resource. I bequeath them to all humanity for the benefit of future generations.

  Jun 3

Heading to SF this week for #SparkSummit. Me & #Wikiboncolleagues are going to meet w/plenty of vendors. Deep research into what’s going on

  Jun 2

Join me Tues June 20 1pm EDT on live Crowdchat: Fast Track Your Data http://www.via-cc.at/050bc #IBMML#Wikibon#SiliconANGLE

  Jun 2

"Creating A Sustainable Competitive Edge With Digital Twins" (http://ow.ly/hLJL30cgeWA ) JK--Good #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon note by @ggilbert41

  Jun 2

"Nvidia’s Huang Sees AI ‘Cambrian Explosion’" (http://ow.ly/KIFd30cg2rx ) JK--In other words, sudden massive burst of AI-enabled innovations.

  Jun 2

"EU rejects Trump's offer to renegotiate Paris deal" (http://ow.ly/TD7O30cg2aI ) JK--Thank you. The fate of the planet is not negotiable.

  Jun 1

Bought & downloaded Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood's 1968 "Nancy & Lee" LP. Odd songs & odd pairing of voices. Somehow it works beautifully

  Jun 1

iTunes shows "new from your artists." Well, I don't manage any of them, but I'd be more than happy if they'd pay me a commission anyway.

  Jun 1

"70-Year-Old Woman Discovers World's First Orange Alligator" (http://ow.ly/JKzZ30cfcvh ) JK--Wow! She can still see reptile colors at her age!

  Jun 1

Beatles said "money can't buy U love," but, on Sgt Pepper LP, "fun is th one thing that money can't buy." Whither th scriptural discrepancy?

  Jun 1

Listening “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” just as I’ve done these past 50 years: digitally. I’ve worn out the grooves in my MP3s.
0 replies0 s1

  Jun 1

Thanks Donald! The Earth just isn’t warm enough. You’ve done your part to make it more hellish. May you burn there.

  Jun 1

"Spark gets automation: Analyzing code, tuning clusters in production" (http://ow.ly/UhVC30ceEmh ) JK--Befits dat-sci growing DevOps orient8n

  Jun 1

"3 Flavors of Predictive Analytics Automation" (http://ow.ly/LA6V30ceE4p ) JK--Automating model build, deploy, & decay/obsolescence detection

  Jun 1

"New MapR Quick Start Solution Accelerates Deep Learning App Deployments" (http://ow.ly/ds3g30ceCcH ) JK--Sounds promising. DevOps for AI.

  Jun 1

"Why Do People Dis Scrum" (http://ow.ly/BbSL30ceAPR ) JK--Perhaps the word itself. Suggests "scum""scram""crumb." On the upside: "rum"!

  Jun 1

"Apple Is Working on a Dedicated Chip to Power AI on Devices" (http://ow.ly/aAqu30ceAfU ) JK--Sounds  they're pretty Siri-us about this

  Jun 1

"The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache SystemML as Top-Level Project" (http://ow.ly/vlmO30cezYf ) JK--Just in time for #SparkSummit

  Jun 1

"A gentle introduction to deep learning with TensorFlow" (http://ow.ly/Zys430cezF4 ) JK--Please also produce intros for the genteel & gentile

  Jun 1

"Chatbots Are the New Trend. Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing" (http://ow.ly/GP7u30cezr9 ) JK--UX speed, simplicity, proactivity.

  Jun 1

"Overview of Multi-Task Learning in Deep Neural Nets" (http://ow.ly/aNv330cez3B ) JK--Learning auxiliary tasks deepens learning of core task

  Jun 1

"How to train a neural network to code by itself ?" (http://ow.ly/tBpc30ceyFm ) JK--Not "automated ML." It's "ML-automated code-gen"

  Jun 1

I always felt The Band missed their most obvious endorsement opportunities: smoking El Producto and driving Le Car.

  Jun 1

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Equals "Ain’t Got Nothing to Give You" JK--1970. North London group included Eddy Grant ("Electric Avenue")

  Jun 1

Sounds  Kathy Griffin is moving down to the E-list.

  Jun 1

Drafted next jk #Datanami column: "Automating Development and Optimization of Machine Learning Models"

  Jun 1

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sex Pistols "Anarchy in the UK" from NMTB JK--1977. IMHO, he was a less convincing "anti-Christ" than Ozzy Osbourne

  Jun 1

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Beatles "When I’m SixtyFour" from Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band JK--This day in 1967, when I was 8.

  Jun 1

"Will Future Autonomous Cars Fly  Birds or Tunnel  Moles?" (http://ow.ly/A1Gl30cdJOo ) JK--Or will they pounce on you  a cheetah?

  Jun 1

"OOPS Concepts You Need To Know" (http://ow.ly/Fx2F30cdIUf ) JK--OOPS being eclipsed by trend to functional programming. OOPSy-daisy!

  Jun 1

"God 'Homo Deus' Could Replace Humans as Tech Evolves" (http://ow.ly/pkM730cdI2g ) JK--So what. Per Holy Bible, all humans are god.

  Jun 1

Got interesting glimpse o Domino Data Lab (http://ow.ly/yTUn30cdHcj ). DevOps environment for data science teams working cloud-native projects

  May 31

Not sure which liberal to support in the Virginia democratic gubernatorial primary: the one with the Southern accent or the one without.

  May 31

New #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon Premium jk research note: "Building AI Microservices for Cloud-Native Deployments" (http://ow.ly/SvrU30ccYuN )

  May 31

"To err is algorithm: Algorithmic fallibility & economic organisation" (http://ow.ly/nGRM30ccz7x ) JK--Good discussion o accountability issues

  May 31

"Progressive Neural Networks" (http://ow.ly/JvNt30ccyJ9 ) JK--Learning complex task sequences w/transfer learning w/o catastrophic forgetting

  May 31

"OpenAI Baselines: DQN" (http://ow.ly/lVCC30ccytH ) JK--Open-sourcing high-performance reinforcement-learning algorithms

  May 31

"Data in, intelligence out: Machine learning pipelines demystified" (http://ow.ly/vwBA30ccyih ) JK--Cites #Wikibon@ggilbert41

  May 31

"AI, So Mom Can Understand" (http://ow.ly/b65930ccxIv ) JK--Hmm. Everybody who talks down to their mom should raise their grubby little hands

  May 31

"Will AI Fantasies Live Up to the Hype?" (http://ow.ly/AZ5M30ccxyc ) JK--Possibly. I fantasize about hype all the time. I'm twisted, that way

  May 31

"Do You Really Need Immutable Data?"(http://ow.ly/Lv5u30ccxd9 ) JK--Depends. Where did Maslow place it in his pyramid?

  May 31

"The End of Human Doctors – The Bleeding Edge of Medical AI Research" (http://ow.ly/UVOk30ccwY3 ) JK--Disturbingly tone-deaf headline.

  May 31

"Caption this, with TensorFlow" (http://ow.ly/lb5630ccwLg ) JK--Haha, the results look  entries in the New Yorker cartoon caption contest

  May 31

IMHO, the top DevOps challenges for AI microservices are 1) "source control" repository (fo... #iotaimicroserviceshttp://www.via-cc.at/4516c 

  May 31

Google has a "federated training" service in alpha that addresses this to some degree. See ... #iotaimicroserviceshttp://www.via-cc.at/45169 

  May 31

Yes. There may be plenty of anomalous "edge cases" for AI-driven apps that the "provisioned... #iotaimicroserviceshttp://www.via-cc.at/75168 

  May 31

Augmented intelligence: AI augments humans’ organic powers of cognition, reasoning, natural... #iotaimicroserviceshttp://www.via-cc.at/2515h 

  May 31

New #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon jk research note: "Agile Development in Team Data Science" (http://ow.ly/4gRR30cc8lH )

  May 30

Enjoyed raw peanuts at home. Found self singing “Found A Peanut” to tune of “Darling Clementine.” Got stuck on verse after “cracked it open”

  May 30

Listening to #KEXP Wo'Pop with Darek Mazzone. Him & me last week in Austinat #ChefConfafterparty.

  May 30

Russians have "derogatory" information on Trump? That's not a state secret. His idiocy is common knowledge. Leak something we don't know.

  May 30

Sad to watch LInkedIn Big Data discussion groups get taken over by zombies. Now "trending": "TOP TEEN INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND BEST ANSWERS"

  May 30

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Pavement "Stereo" from Brighten th Corners JK--1997. Classic indie nerdcore. Sounds  improvised on-mic slacking

  May 30

"Watch #SparkSummit 2017 here for live coverage" (http://ow.ly/bwWy30c9GzD ) JK--Quotes me. I'll be there on #theCUBE#SiliconANGLE#Wikibon

  May 30

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Black Rebel Motorcycle Club "Weapon of Choice" from Baby 81 JK--2007. Band named after Brando gang in "Wild One"

  May 30

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp PJ Harvey "Good Fortune" from Stories From the City, Stories From the Sea JK--2000. Sung in a charging cadence

  May 30

Social media as a useful business-networking tool? I suggest that it be rebranded for what it often is: LSaaS (lip service as a service).

  May 30

Pls join me tomorrow Wed 5-31, 12noon ET, Crowdchat: Building AI IoT Microservices #IoTAIMicroservices#Wikibon

  May 30

Oh, it's a 4-day workweek. Funny how those always follow a 3-day weekend. Must revisit my mathematical calcul8ns so I'm not blindsided again

  May 30

"Using Machine Learning to Explore Neural Network Architecture" (http://ow.ly/qRF330c9rDZ ) JK--Google discusses its AutoML tech.

  May 30

"Teaching Robots Right from Wrong" (http://ow.ly/NUFV30c9r1L ) JK--Awesome. We humans have obviously got the distinction down pat.

  May 30

"Linguistics Breakthru Heralds Machine Translation 4 1000s o Rare Languages" (http://ow.ly/vUJu30c9qjD ) JK--Most lack large training datasets

  May 30

"Blockchains are the new Linux, not the new Internet" (http://ow.ly/2zgw30c9q5V ) JK--That's debatable, but at least they're not the new Dylan

  May 30

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Belle & Sebastian "Expectations" from Tigermilk JK--1999. Should cover "Mrs Brown You've Got a Lovely Daughter"

  May 30

"Convers8nal UI Principles:   Complete Proc o Design Web Chatbot" (http://ow.ly/rgCw30c9p8a ) JK--Most important: cute cartoon face + nickname

  May 30

"Curiosity May Be Vital for Truly Smart AI" (http://ow.ly/BTNd30c9okZ ) JK--IMHO, it's all in the Bayesian "explore v. exploit" logic.

  May 30

"Minimalistic Learning Path to Become a Data Scientist" (http://ow.ly/Jbyz30c9nGM ) JK--Whatever minimal skills get you a paying gig.

  May 30

"Applying deep learning to real-world problems" (http://ow.ly/yEUv30c9nkh ) JK--"Rather expensive to get well-labeled training data."

  May 30

"AI Is So Hot, Even Freelancers Are in Demand" (http://ow.ly/Uqhj30c9mTT ) JK--Hard to hire these skills off street, except in Silicon Valley

  May 30

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Middle Brother "Portland" from Middle Brother JK--2011. Solid Americana beat. Sounds a bit like Blitzen Trapper.

  May 30

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Allman Brothers Band "Ain’t Wasting Time No " frm Eat a Peach JK--1972. Definitely a '70s road-music memory

  May 30

"How AWS Cloud is demolishing the cult of youth" (http://ow.ly/oT4z30c9m6f ) JK--Hardly. They're hiring from the available labor pool.

  May 30

"Google Announces at Google I/O That Will Apply AI to All Products" (http://ow.ly/jeNs30c9lhM ) JK--Automated dev of machine-learning algos

  May 30

"Microsoft's P language aimed at where cloud, AI & IoT meet" (http://ow.ly/NeUH30c9l06 ) JK--Events/asynchrony. Addresses elusive "heisenbugs"plying deep learning to real-world problems" (http://ow.ly/yEUv30c9nkh ) JK--"Rather expensive to get well-labeled training data."

  May 30

"AI Is So Hot, Even Freelancers Are in Demand" (http://ow.ly/Uqhj30c9mTT ) JK--Hard to hire these skills off street, except in Silicon Valley

  May 30

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Middle Brother "Portland" from Middle Brother JK--2011. Solid Americana beat. Sounds a bit like Blitzen Trapper.

  May 30

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Allman Brothers Band "Ain’t Wasting Time No " frm Eat a Peach JK--1972. Definitely a '70s road-music memory

  May 30

"How AWS Cloud is demolishing the cult of youth" (http://ow.ly/oT4z30c9m6f ) JK--Hardly. They're hiring from the available labor pool.

  May 30

"Google Announces at Google I/O That Will Apply AI to All Products" (http://ow.ly/jeNs30c9lhM ) JK--Automated dev of machine-learning algos

  May 30

"Microsoft's P language aimed at where cloud, AI & IoT meet" (http://ow.ly/NeUH30c9l06 ) JK--Events/asynchrony. Addresses elusive "heisenbugs"

Aweekstweets June 17 to July 9 2017: the weeks of doggedly doing the dog


RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Slim Gaillard "Baked Beans And A Bottle Of Beer" JK--1958. Cuba-born Detroit-based singer/actor on LansingMI label

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Larry Williams "Bad Boy" from Greatest Hits JK--1959. Original of this. Beatles did awesome cover w/Lennon lead vox

Doing New Yorkthis week. Infor has event at JavitsCenter. I’m curious how they’re using AI in their enterprise solutions. Who’ll be there?

This morning in the news: Trump is toxic internationally and domestically. In depressing sports news, Nationals lose 13-0 to Braves.

In graduate journalism school, I worried about what, if anything, I’d specialize in. I needn’t have worried.

Actually, I think it’s semi-unreal that I’ve been publishing original commentary on the latest business tech topics every month for 30 years

Read Bayesian distinction between a child’s vs. an adult’s neural wiring: the former “explores” the world, the latter “exploits”

Watching “Gold.” Matthew McConaughey plays some stereotypical yahoo American mining capitalist seeking his fortune in Suharto’s Indonesia.

Relationship banking. ATM back-ended by quiet atrium. Teller-free, sales-oriented. Free Keurig cup while you sit contemplating liquidity.

Pondering Clash of Civilizations, Robot Overlords, Singularity, & other dumb themes in culture now. Funny when concatenated & capitalized

Virginiais for lovers” is not a bad license-plate slogan. “Virginia is for losers” didn’t test as well.

Northern Virginia has largest collection of data centers in the nation, concentrated in Tysons, Reston, Sterling, & Ashburn. Inconspicuous.

Tiny houses. I don’t get the appeal. Unless I want to live in oversized doghouse or glorified dollhouse w/ fullsize replicas of Barbie & Ken

Cirque Du Soleil buys Blue Man Group. What’s next? Contemplating a leveraged buyout of Carrot Top, Criss Angel, and Wayne Newton?

Drinking good German import beer. In the 24 hours or so that I was in Germanyrecently, I drank mostly so-so American import coffee.

Good enough week. Drafted my next #Wikibon research note: on development & governance o complex biz logic that drives recommendation engines

Reading tech article where author changes nationality mid-article. "Personalization"& "color" suddenly become "personalisation"& "colour."

"Anatomy of a chatbot — how much does it cost to build one?" (http://ow.ly/MxF730drbgI ) JK--Excellent dissection of budgetary factors.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jimi Hendrix Experience "May This Be Love" from R U Experienced? JK--1967. Get contact high from listening to this

"AI’s big leap 2 tiny devices opens world o possibilities" (http://ow.ly/RCwv30dr90F ) JK--See my recent #Wikibon note

"Data-Mining 100 Million Instagram Photos Reveals Global Clothing Patterns" (http://ow.ly/Ym1X30dr8cF ) JK--Designers can track their impact

"...Restricted Boltzmann Machines...." (http://ow.ly/MtKy30dr3W8 ) JK--IMHO, "Boltzmann" is the perfect name for a machine. A klutzy android.

Dined at Red Lobster tonight. Wife had gift cards that needed to be used. Food was OK. But service was its usual slow. Even on a quiet night

"Mathematicians who want to save democracy" (http://ow.ly/ET6d30doDVD ) JK--Algos identify non-compact (ie, gerrymandered) electoral districts

"6 ways hybrid graphs deepen customer understanding" (http://ow.ly/ralA30doAna ) JK--Insights fast (columnar db) & flexible (graph db)

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Public Service Broadcasting "You & Me" from Every Valley JK--2017. Duet in Cymraeg & Saeson--aka Welsh & English

"Silicon Valley gets world’s 1st tech embassy as Denmark names envoy" (http://ow.ly/FqLk30dowzD ) JK--More like consulate w/commercial attache

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Fazerdaze "Jennifer" from Morningside JK--2017. Dreamy bedroom pop from New Zealand. Nice acoustic spacing in mix

For me, early July is a bit like late December. I declutter my workspace. Need to see my way clear thru the next 6 months.

Lying here counting my blessings, not messing with my blessings, & not obsessing over the blessings or possibility of my messing with them

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ian Dury & The Blockheads "Reasons to Be Cheerful" from Do It Yourself JK--1979. Dury blended rock, disco, & wit

"Modeling Uncertainty with a Form of Machine Learning: Bayesian Networks" (http://ow.ly/o7Bh30dmDEu ) JK--Great #Wikibon note from @NeilRaden

Tidied up my physical notes from my first 3 months with #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon. I'd lost track of all the vendors who briefed me. A lot.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Fleet Foxes "Third of May / Ōdaigahara" from Crack-Up JK--2017. Music for a misty morning watching the sun rise.

"The science behind efficient learning" (http://ow.ly/a4HQ30dlKny ) JK--Don't cram. Spread out yr study evenly over time. Habituate curiosity

"Why robot takeover of economy is proceeding slowly" (http://ow.ly/UJtg30dlJvj ) JK--Robots move processes, but need people to improve them

"Automating automation: framework 4 developing/marketing deep learning models" (http://ow.ly/305Y30dlITx ) JK--Suggests need for AI-app store

"The rise of intelligent agents" (http://ow.ly/QBiQ30dlIDH ) JK--Please avoid putting warring brand-lackey agents on every mobile. Please

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Beatles "Rocky Raccoon" JK--1968. I like Paul's lame attempt at American accent. Many Englishmen went Wild West

"Azure Data Lake Store" (http://ow.ly/Ws8h30dlI1t ) JK--"Marries Cosmos semantics with HDFS, supporting both Cosmos and Hadoop workloads"

"The Growing Role o Machine Learning in Monitoring" (http://ow.ly/dUz830dlGXL ) JK--Next generation of automated anomaly detection in IT infra

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Au Revoir Simone "Sad Song" from The Bird of Music JK--2007. Love the warm electronic bed of keyboard & synth.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Beach Fossils "Be Nothing" from Somersault JK--2017. Nice transitions from languid to hyper-accelerated & back.

"Deep learning on Apache Spark/Hadoop w/Deeplearning4j" (http://ow.ly/x3Nd30dlFCq ) JK--Soaking up your unused CPU capacity to do AI.

"Predictions made by Ray Kurzweil" (http://ow.ly/TgKS30dlEG3 ) JK--Not too shabby, but Nostradamus was the first to predict virtual sex.

"IoT edge shifts data gravity in enterprise" (http://ow.ly/w0Ln30dlE2y ) JK--Closer to the action. See my recent note:

You know you've been in IT too long when the words "seamless,""heterogeneous,"& "ubiquitous" begin to creep into your normal conversation.

Watching “A Capitol Fourth.” That Sugar Ray singer is still trading on th fact that he sang for Sugar Ray. This is his post-Sugar Ray career

Good. Of late we’ve had a respite from panhandler infestations at our local strip shopping centers. Hard to feel sorry for these creeps.

Who you’ve chosen to follow on Facebook says a lot about you as a person. Who you’ve chosen to unfollow says more. Says something private

Independence Day. Celebrating an independent frame of mind.

Not a 3-day weekend holiday. Body woke me up at the usual too-early time. May nap today, or attempt slumber at a too-early time later.

"Highlights from the O'Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference in New York 2017" (http://ow.ly/TiUK30di91X ) JK--Good overview. Must explore

"The Myth of the Commodity Coder" (http://ow.ly/wxKw30di8IZ ) JK--Good one. They're not interchangeable. Some are way more skilled than others

I'm not comfortable calling some dev tools "low code" or "no code." Their core job is to help you visually generate great gobs of the stuff

"Artificially intellignt painters invent new styles o art" (http://ow.ly/AUWo30dhdVP ) JK--I disagree. Only "new style" if other artists adopt

"Spark creator...democratize AI w/DAWN proj" (http://ow.ly/fOib30dhcu2 ) JK--AI dev autom8n http://ow.ly/c1EE30dhcVB http://ow.ly/Svy130dhcKj 

"Releasing Dexterity Network 2.0 Dataset for Deep Grasping" (http://ow.ly/AncY30dhawn ) JK--Cool UC-Berkeleyresearch on agile robo-grappling

"AI Progress Measuremt" (http://ow.ly/hN3P30dh9QT ) JK--New Electronic Frontier Foundation initiative: tracking frontier of AI societal impact

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Feist "Pleasure" from Pleasure JK--2017. Really great discordant guitar. It's as if Leslie's channeling PJ Harvey

"What are Digital Twins?" (http://ow.ly/whEK30dh7th ) JK--IMHO, "ground truth" of ML you train to drive the twin's physical edge-instantiation

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Lee Hazlewood "If It's Monday Morning" from The LHI Years: Singles, Nudes, & Backsides (1968-71) JK--Great LP title

"...Ensemble Models..." (http://ow.ly/z88U30dh62v ) JK--How to interpret very accurate but often-opaque results from these multi-algo models?

"Women Influencers In Data" (http://ow.ly/7O8G30dh51H ) JK--Don't arbitrarily segment by gender. Many of these people are influencers FULLSTOP

"Hype Cycle History on ..." (http://ow.ly/aha330dh4s6 ) JK--Any validation of this with time-series NLP analysis of industry hype-sentiment?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Iron and Wine "Call It Dreaming" JK--2017. Great new one from Sam Beam. His stuff is calm, soothing, re-assuring.

"Diffblue...bring(s) AI to software dev" (http://ow.ly/GZ5630dh2B4 ) JK--AI-augmented programming tool, per my recent:

"I ask 100 questions to four digital assistants. All of them fail at least half" (http://ow.ly/a24930dh1Vb ) JK--Let's train them to flunk all

"Machines Get Even Closer to Human Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/s1om30dh1kT ) JK--Or reptilian, for that matter. Better spatial reasoning.

"Winning Strats 4 Applied AI Companies" (http://ow.ly/smIf30dh0Fs ) JK--"3rd wave" misleadingly implies prior startups didnt care about apps

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Rolling Stones "Under My Thumb" from Aftermath JK--1966. Jagger's marital history shows th success of that strategy

"The Only Time You Are Actually Growing is When You’re Uncomfortable" (http://ow.ly/ASFT30dgYcz ) JK--OK, so why am I not 50 feet tall by now?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Mississippi Fred McDowell "You Gotta Move" JK--1964. Incredibly similar to Robert Johnson's "Come On In My Kitchen"

"New study sheds light on gender bias in VC" (http://ow.ly/ppln30dgWHS ) JK--But men w/daughters hire significntly more women than men without

"Meet newest recruits of Dubai’s police force: Robo-cars with facial-recog" (http://ow.ly/okLB30dgWa2 ) JK--Ominous tool of surveillance state

"NJ State Beaches Closed to Everyone but Gov. Chris Christie, Family" (http://ow.ly/8k4830dgUQ0 ) JK--Perhaps he shut it down for this reason

"Why Is It So Hard to Study Marijuana?" (http://ow.ly/mhCJ30dgUAC ) JK--Researchers dip into the stash? Regardless, 2nd-hand smoke sickens.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp AIR "All I Need" from Moon Safari JK--1998. This song is so gorgeous it briefly transports you out of your body.

Using my spare time to master every feature of every app on every technological doodad I use. Next task: brag how totally with-it I truly am

Catching up on back issues of The New Yorker. Just in time. My reserves of urbane sophistication have been running dangerously low.

Barnes & Noble. Glancing at those Mitch Albom books. In-your-face manipulative “inspiration.” Tries way too hard to hit strike zone.

It has a certain je ne sais quoi. That's the rarest thing of all. Most je ne sais quoi is highly uncertain. I don't know what to say.

Got a good carwashing inside & out today. Parked it in the driveway with windows open. Didn't realize an intense downpour would push through

Bought/downloaded Feist's latest LP "Pleasure." Cool spare bluesy departure for her. Feels like Leslie does Cat Power does Hope Sandoval

"AI Trying To Design Inspirational Posters Goes Horribly & Hilariously Wrong" (http://ow.ly/uyFh30deShT ) JK--Beats autocorrect-screwup humor

Spam from 16-year-old foreign "tears of an orphan" asking assistance in investing his inheritance. We orphans gotta stick together. You bet!

Back when they called them “venereal” diseases, I knew they were actually terrestrial in origin. Not mercurial, martial, or jovial either.

Idle musings approaching July 4. If USA ever admits another state, what’s the most elegant arrangement of 51 white stars on a blue field?

Legal recreational pot in Vegas? I’d wager good money that this is the Mob’s opportunity to return to familiar territory.

Hot & soupy today. Talking ‘bout the heat put plants in the bed but must bust anyway orders from the DA look out kid it’s something you did.

Happy sesquicentennial to our friends north of the border. Stay classy, Canada!

Published 3 research pieces today. I’ve done that before. One of these days I’ll shoot for 4.

WSJ sez Londonreal-estate developers targeting young professionals, stylish millennials, & hipsters. What! No mods, swingers or jetsetters?

Well, I guess he’s redefined “presidential” to mean always behaving like a complete and utter jackass. #sad

New jk #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon Premium note: "Industry Initiatives Pushing AI-Infused Software to Federated Edge" (http://ow.ly/MsqB30dbzfk )

"Why hardware is eating software" (http://ow.ly/3jnB30dbaj4 ) JK--Not really. SW eating HW & data eating SW. "Eat" = "source of control logic"

"AI could add 10% to U.K. GDP, PwC says" (http://ow.ly/LRkN30db4QF ) JK--How much GDP growth if you filter out the AI-hype cottage industry?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Smashing Pumpkins "Drown" from (Sntrk) Singles JK--1992. Great FM rock radio memory from the early 90s.

Pretty much everybody's life is a potential rat’s nest of asynchronous craziness just waiting to happen. Especially these days.

New jk #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon#InfoWorld column: "How to write event-driven IoT microservices that don’t break" (http://ow.ly/bOhD30daVHg )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp St. Vincent "New York" JK--2017. Great new one from her. Beautiful & sensitive. Very naughty word upfront in chorus

New jk #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon Premium note: "AI-Infused Software Is Eating the IoT Edge" (http://ow.ly/tN7T30daSgg )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Flaming Lips "Do You Realize??" from Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots JK--2002. Singing this to Yoshimi or a robot?

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Tyler Childers “Whitehouse Road” from Purgatory JK--2017. Love this country-rocker. Full of swagger.

“Microsoft squeezed AI onto a Raspberry Pi” (http://mashable.com/2017/06/29/microsoft-puts-ai-on-a-raspberry-pi/#41NkKqYYIaOd …) JK--Race to commoditize AI nano-cheapo.

Professional coders do write once, run anywhere. Amateurs are write once, run away.

We're in a new era where it's assumed that the POTUS is, among other things, the Douchebag-in-Chief (eg., the Mika Brzezinski insult).

Dear LinkedIn: Quit testing my patience with the constant stream of "Congrats! You got 50 views on your post" messages.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Grizzly Bear "Mourning Sound" from Painted Ruins JK--2017. Second one I've heard from this new LP. Both great.

"Time machine’ reconstructing ancient Venice’s social networks" (http://ow.ly/prxa30d7gM2 ) JK--Wow. ML will unlock a vast amount of history.

"What can deep learning learn from linear regression?" (http://ow.ly/8X6I30d7fBG ) JK--WARNING: HEAVY MATH! But shows how tricky this stuff is

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Kevin Morby "City Music" from City Music JK--2017. Enjoying everything I'm hearing from this artist. Cool monotone

Another morning, another vendor press release saying they're "changing the game." The only game that doesn't change is this dumb cliche.

"Pondering the Graph that Binds SharePoint and Office 365" (http://ow.ly/oB7d30d7cVU ) JK--Plus AI. See my POV here:

"IBM & Lightbend Build Integrated Platform for Cognitive Development" (http://ow.ly/bbUi30d7c5H ) JK--New tools for Java & Scala programmers

"IBM Launches New Tech Stack to Simplify Dev of Microservices" (http://ow.ly/ezjt30d7bCH ) JK--Works with Istio mesh:

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Princess Nokia "G.O.A.T." JK--2017. Fairly raw and explicit rap. But this lady exudes sexy menace. Creepy/cool.

"Everything U Need 2 Know About Chatbots" (http://ow.ly/oYzG30d3l6e ) JK--How do U know what i need 2 know? Are your & my chatbots in cahoots?

"Unigrid: An Emerging True Private Cloud Architecture" (http://ow.ly/DEqS30d2CJa ) JK--Good one from @plburris#Wikibon#SiliconANGLE

New jk #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon blog: "Pushing Storage to the Intelligent Edge—Recap of #ClearSkyEdgeCrowdchat" (http://ow.ly/Vl1230d2xhn )

"Bonsai intros Gears, a new feature that lets users run their own AI models" (http://ow.ly/DKjq30d0NLF ) JK--Inkling: DSL for ML auto-gen

"Personal right or socialst agenda? Experts get candid in sizzling GDPR debate" (http://ow.ly/ePGH30d0NbS ) JK--Ronald v Lillian #SiliconANGLE

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Jacques Dutronc "Et moi, et moi, et moi" from Et moi et moi et moi JK--1966. Gallic garage rock.

"Machine Learning & the Language of the Brain" (http://ow.ly/1p4f30d0LW1 ) JK--Language neural encodings evident from ML trained on fMRI scans

"Should Develprs B Generalists or Specialists?" (http://ow.ly/8IKW30d0KZY ) JK--Generally they should B specialists. Especially th generalists

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Rilo Kiley "Silver Lining" from Under the Blacklight JK--2007. Gorgeous melody delivers stingingly acidic lyric

Drafted latest jk #InfoWorld#SiliconANGLE#Wikibon column: "Keeping Bugs At Bay On the Internet of Things"

My first boss’ 1st name was Lee. My wife’s maiden name was Lee. Our daughter’s middle name is Lee. 2 of these facts have a causal connection

CBO sez Senate healthcare insurance plan would boost number of uninsured by 22 million. Curious whether GOP would subsidize their funerals.

Interesting day. Went to the gym late to work my core. Need the strength.

New jk #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon Premium research note: "Wrapping DevOps Around the Data Science Pipeline" (http://ow.ly/xume30cXk2y )

"Coopetition heats up: IBM-Hortonworks partnership tackles ML/DG (http://ow.ly/hyPe30cX6L1 ) JK--My interview with Rob Thomas #SiliconANGLE

"Breaking down silos & trusting data: Can Watson deliver the goods?" (http://ow.ly/IRSw30cX5OW ) JK--My interview w/ #IBM MGoyal #SiliconANGLE

"Global survey: Most people expect humans will grow to trust, even love, AI" (http://ow.ly/CbMa30cX4ru ) JK--Study sponsored by AI chipmaker.

"IBM telling Congress not to fear rise of an AI ‘overlord’" (http://ow.ly/h60r30cX2ao ) JK--Amen. My POV on this:

Check out ClearSky Data's webinar series on "Get Out of the Box." Register here: ... #clearskyedgehttp://www.via-cc.at/253ma 

Please join us at the top of the hour. Crowdchat: Storage at Intelligent Edge. http://www.via-cc.at/1524l #clearskyedge

"Customer Service Bots Getting Better at Detecting Your Agitation" (http://ow.ly/8d9N30cVDCX ) JK--Can they sense that you're sick of bots?

"Inside Microsoft's AI comeback" (http://ow.ly/G8B530cVDkg ) JK--Good Wired mag profile. They're on a roll with great AI-first cloud roadmap

"Deal or No Deal? E2E Learning 4 Negotiation Dialogues" (http://ow.ly/8nlO30cVD3h ) JK--Facebook teaching chatbots to negotiate w/each other

"When AI Can Transcribe Everything" (http://ow.ly/l36x30cVCQD ) JK--As a prof market researcher, I need this now. Note-taking acceleration

"Weaponizing Medical Devices" (http://ow.ly/OhA230cVC7q ) JK--This is unsettling. Don't want anyone hacking your pacemaker remotely.

"How Can We Optimize AI for Greatest Good, Instead of Profit?" (http://ow.ly/kkGN30cVBDS ) JK--Cool. How about for the economy at large?

"How HBO’s Silicon Valleybuilt “Not Hotdog” w/mobile TensorFlow, Keras & React Native" (http://ow.ly/ztcc30cVzdn ) JK--Screenwriters know AI

Transform business. Join us today 12pm EDT. Crowdchat: Storage at Intelligent Edge. http://www.via-cc.at/1524l #clearskyedge

"IBM stews in startup envy as announcements underwhelm analysts" (http://ow.ly/hELk30cVvam ) JK--My wrapup from Munichlast week #SiliconANGLE

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Grizzly Bear "Four Cypresses" from Painted Ruins JK--2017. OMG. Love the lush layered drama of this one.

New jk #Dataversity#Wikibon#SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Machine Learning Will Do Auto-Programming’s Heavy Lifting" (http://ow.ly/aLSF30cTYYG )

Yes, of course, I awake every morning with a burning desire to get my head inside a vise-grip of maddening complex technical subject matter.

"Training AI to Understand Humans w/YouTube" (http://ow.ly/yQEr30cTltM ) JK--DB with > 300K high-quality clips to train AI to ID human tasks

"IOTA's Tangle: The Distributed Ledger Built for IoT" (http://ow.ly/J0G930cSFNs ) JK--Graphs are the shape of distributed data in the new era

"3-Way Race to the Future of AI: Quantum vs. Neuromorphic vs. High Performance Computing" (http://ow.ly/pnTQ30cSFF5 ) JK--Vorhies' rollup

Quantum computing won't be mature till we harness Higgs bosons, black holes, parallel universes, & whatever's through Alice's Looking Glass

"8 Ways AI Makes Virtual & Augmented Reality Even More Real" (http://ow.ly/ppn130cSFjz ) JK--Rendering the immersive world more uncannily

"MultiModel: Multi-Task ML Across Domains" (http://ow.ly/ZeLE30cSF3A ) JK--Vision, speech, other modalities share common internal reprsntation

"How Will AI/Machine Learning Replace Human Interactions?" (http://ow.ly/NOiB30cSDCo ) JK--We'll all gesticulate robotically & say "beep boop"

"Coopetition heats up: IBM-Hortonwks prtnrship tackles ML/DG" (http://ow.ly/KzsL30cSs48 ) JK--Our Rob Thomas interview in Munich#SiliconANGLE

"AI could lead to 4-hour workdays & World War III, sez Alibaba's Jack Ma" (http://ow.ly/Iuwj30cSrKo ) JK--Will we get the day off if war hits?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Lord Echo feat Mara TK "The Sweetest Meditation" from Harmonies JK--2017. Nice. Sounds like Style Council/Talk Talk

"DevOps in BI and Analytics" (http://ow.ly/cexD30cSptE ) JK--Good one. Stay tuned for my #Wikibon report on DevOps in Data Science. This week

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Joe Tex "I Wanna Be Free" from Outta Sight JK--1963. Bold declaration in '63 for black R&B artist. He delivers it!

People wouldn’t proliferate gratuitous bucket lists if they were required to make the last item something that literally made you kick it.

CBS Sunday Morning profile of Dick Gregory. He’s 84. I’ve met him. Exactly where you’d expect: political rally in WashDC. September 1981.

Won the meta-lottery. Held a winning $1 ticket. Retail clerk mistakenly paid out $10. I didn’t have the heart to correct him.

When somebody says something is "trendy," my usual sense is that the only trend in its favor is that  people are calling it "trendy."

Avoided going to McDonald's near my hotel north of Munich. I have also avoided patronizing Der Wienerschnitzel every time I'm in LA.

Another interestng thing about Dublin airport was Millennial gate agent w/classically beautiful Irish accent. His colleagues grumbled theirs

Most interesting thing about connecting thru Dublin airport was being processed thru this massive “US preclearance center.” B’gosh&B’gorrah!

First decent night’s sleep for the better part of a week. Overnight storm washed away the humidity. I’m stupid from the sheer relief.

I want to recognize my Washington Post carrier for remarkable aim. She always manages to throw it into the only wet spot on my driveway.

10th anniversary of iPhone. 10 years ago I was on regular podcast series of analysts commenting on SOA. Somehow, iPhone crept into that too

In the past 48 hours, I’ve crossed the Atlantic, cohosted a mobile streaming tech interview panel in Germany, & returned. Ach du lieber!

New jk #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon blog: "Further Evidence of IBM’s Strategic Retrenchment in Enterprise Analytics" (http://ow.ly/rhVd30cPZdJ )

In transit in Dublin. Had to restrain self from speaking to immigration agent in mock Irish accent. “I have come to kiss the Blarney Stone”

UNIFIED GOVERNANCE ANNOUNCEMENTS TODAY: IBM Unified Governance solutions (GBS, Security, Watson & Analyt... #ibmml

DATA SCIENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING ANNOUNCEMENTS TODAY: DSX Enterprise expands to LondonDataCenter, New... #ibmmlhttp://www.via-cc.at/153a0 

HYBRID DATA MANAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS TODAY: DB2: JSON, Developer C, Download-and-Go, DB2 Event Store Tec... #ibmmlhttp://www.via-cc.at/0539z 

Rob Thomas: Hadoop is the next largest corpus of data to the mainframe. IBM has brought machine learning... #ibmml

That first car driven in Detroit was in 1896. Driven by Charles Brady King. Driven down Woodward Avenue,... #ibmml

Hilary Mason says "data science is science: it requires an experimental process." Crowdchatters: How sho... #ibmmlhttp://www.via-cc.at/95398 

Hilary Mason says data science is a "human innovation enabled by technology." Crowdchatters: What is the... #ibmmlhttp://www.via-cc.at/95392 

Hilary Mason says data science is "counting things cleverly." Crowdchatters: Do you agree with this stat... #ibmmlhttp://www.via-cc.at/8538w 

We're tuning into the main tent presentations at #IBMML. Join us as we discuss the machine learning, dat... #ibmmlhttp://www.via-cc.at/7538d 

We're doing live crowdchat & livestream from #IBMMLMunich. Tune in and chat with us here now:

"Trends Shaping Machine Learning in 2017" (http://ow.ly/MFXH30cNaKA ) JK--Ronald van Loon will be on #theCUBE at #IBMML this morning in Munich

Maybe I'm twisted, but, as a tech analyst, I usually prefer to read the original research rather than a marketing person's take on it.

"Accelerating Deep Learning Research w/Tensor2Tensor Library" (http://ow.ly/iEoI30cN8PV ) JK--Wow. Modular DL training accelerator library

"How to tell if AI or machine learning is real" (http://ow.ly/AyPF30cN8Gq ) JK--Article takes a way-too-cynical tone. Hype not same as fraud

When I land in Munich, must remember not to treat every stranger to my "Hans & Franz, we're going to pump U up" shtick. Not everyone gets it

Listening to classic Moody Blues. I think all rock bands should tour the dive bars of the world with a full symphony orchestra in tow.

I'm in airplane mood. By which I mean, gee whiz, if we could all just live above the clouds, all life's problems would vanish. Ahhh!

"Viewing the Greatest Images in the Universe" (http://ow.ly/zAic30cN7lp ) JK--NASA's searchable image database. I searched on "Hubble." Wow!

Happiness is having the whole row to your self and three electrical outlets to charge your merry way across the Atlantic. That + German beer

If fatigue were an operatic scale, I could sing an aria right about now.

“Duty-free.” I want a life that’s duty-free and frivolity-full. Where do I enlist?

To LinkedIn Group posts such as "I want to be a data scientist. Please guide me" my response is "I want to be a billionaire. Please pay me"

"How Richard Branson Built His $5 Billion Fortune" (http://ow.ly/d7tt30cMLve ) JK--That's definitely on my bucket list.

Did my yoga this morning with Indra. Somehow magically teleported my physical self back to Springfield. What's up with that?

I know it's the same lady who recorded the voice-over announcements at both IAD and DCA. Why is her IAD voice less Goody2Shoes than her DCA?

Drafted next jk #Dataversity#SiliconANGLE#Wikibon column: "Machine Learning Will Do Auto-Programming’s Heavy Lifting"

Saw old colleague in passing at IAD today. He used to be a techie, but is now a minister. I'm still a techie, but used to be an evangelist

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Hope Sandoval "Let Me Get There" from Until the Hunter JK--2016. Great. Kurt Vile guests. His & her languid voices

"What the Rise of Sentient Robots Will Mean for Human Beings" (http://ow.ly/IC7a30cK1Lo ) JK--Probably jack your electricity bill up sky-high.

"Human-Centered Growth in Age o Transformative Tech" (http://ow.ly/AuPw30cK19Q ) JK--Headline a classic example of vacuous technocratic jargon

"How to Hack Your Brain for Insane Productivity, According to Science" (http://ow.ly/7DMP30cK0I5 ) JK--Umm, no. How about going for coffee?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Neil Young "Angry World" from Le Noise JK--2010. LP title a pun on producer's name (French-Canadian Daniel Lanois)

Roughly the same temperature in Munichas WashingtonDC today. Wife said "it's summer there too." I said "no..that starts tomorrow."

"Our Solar System Doesn't Have a Center" (http://ow.ly/oANw30cJYw6 ) JK--But it has a focus (the sun) & every elliptical path in it has 2 foci

"Digital transformation." One of those phrases like "self-actualization" that never quite resolves into any concretely meaningful.

Welcome to this #Wikibon Crowdchat: DevOps in Data Science. This is the topic of a forthcomi... #datasciencedevopshttp://www.via-cc.at/452r5 

"Guide to working in AI policy and strategy" (http://ow.ly/RF8i30cI2ip ) JK--Liability, privacy, security, weaponization, etc.

Eliminate silos to DevOps in data science. Join Crowdchat: #DataScienceDevOpstoday 1-2pm ET http://www.via-cc.at/151ue 

"As AI explodes, investors pour big $ into startups" (http://ow.ly/o6av30cHY8O ) JK--Mounting mania, vdr pile-on, talent dearth #SiliconANGLE

Briefed by Kyndi. Interesting AI startup with symbolic/graph/ontology/NLP approach. Accelerating analyst research productivity.

~20 years ago, when I first became an industry analyst, vendor roadshows to brief us were common. Now, they're quite unusual. Have one soon

"How to tell if AI or machine learning is real" (http://ow.ly/FA2c30cHGq2 ) JK--Article makes pointless "smart" vs "savvy" app distinction.

"Apple’s Core ML: The pros and cons" (http://ow.ly/5dzS30cHGdC ) JK--Cons: no provisions for model retraining or federated learning.

"Facebook secret weapon 4 fighting terrorists: Human experts & AI working together" (http://ow.ly/k0vl30cHFMZ ) JK--Not so secret if headline

"Can AI really create 800,000+ jobs by 2021? This report says yes" (http://ow.ly/jLIF30cHFwO ) JK--Sponsored by vendor with vested interest

"Why AI Different from Previous Tech Waves" (http://ow.ly/X2Xo30cHEMk ) JK--Interesting but underestimates the learning-curve barrier to entry

Might I suggest that VR hasn't taken off in mass adoption because the headsets look stupid? Like ancient brickphones strapped to your skull

My son called & I beat him to the punch with "Happy Father's Day!" His 1st on the old-man end of the equation. Now I need Grandfather's Day

“How the month you were born affects your personality” (http://ti.me/2sV5obe ) JK--Makes U feel entitled to gifts in that month every year

A lot of people preface a statement with “literally,” thinking it strengthens it, when it actually weakens. Literally, many people do this!

I’m going to suggest that organized baseball do away with statistics and just play for the love of the sport--and the love of money."Can AI really create 800,000+ jobs by 2021? This report says yes" (http://ow.ly/jLIF30cHFwO ) JK--Sponsored by vendor with vested interest

"Why AI Different from Previous Tech Waves" (http://ow.ly/X2Xo30cHEMk ) JK--Interesting but underestimates the learning-curve barrier to entry

Might I suggest that VR hasn't taken off in mass adoption because the headsets look stupid? Like ancient brickphones strapped to your skull

My son called & I beat him to the punch with "Happy Father's Day!" His 1st on the old-man end of the equation. Now I need Grandfather's Day

“How the month you were born affects your personality” (http://ti.me/2sV5obe ) JK--Makes U feel entitled to gifts in that month every year

A lot of people preface a statement with “literally,” thinking it strengthens it, when it actually weakens. Literally, many people do this!

I’m going to suggest that organized baseball do away with statistics and just play for the love of the sport--and the love of money.

Aweekstweets July 9 to August 27 2017: the weeks spent in sarcastic gradient descent


WashingtonPost Guide to the Lively Arts. Capitol Steps doing “Orange Is The New Barack.” What year is this? I want the old Barack back!

78°F, 48% humidity, calm, clear, and the air smells like autumn. Perfect!

I sat out last season’s SNL. Why? I don’t like being reminded of Trump.

"MIT 3D Printer Turns Anyone Into a Roboticist" (http://ow.ly/ejSD30eG7VV ) JK--Cyborg origami transformers? Yes!

"18 Elon Musk quotes that'll make you believe in the future" (http://ow.ly/vxIx30eG3d5 ) JK--He confirmed that time moves forward! Genius!

Grow #ML#AI#datacapital. Join #Oracle Crowdchat: Deepening Data Capital, 9-13 10am PDT http://bit.ly/2w3RKHH #oraclebdcm

  Aug 25

Extract value from infrastructure data. Join #ExtraHop CrowdChat Sept 7 10am PDT http://bit.ly/2ibVOzF #DataFriction

Cross-post of my latest KDNuggets column: "Wrapping Our Primate Brains Around AI’s Next Grand Challenge"

  Aug 24

New jk #KDNuggets column: "Wrapping Our Primate Brains Around AI’s Next Grand Challenge" (http://ow.ly/F8al30eEBnj )

  Aug 24

Need lip-reading AI bots to detect when Trump is telling the truth & knows what he's talking about. Happens so seldom. Would be newsworthy

  Aug 24

"How I Used DL To Train A Chatbot To Talk Me" (http://ow.ly/yWeN30eE19F ) JK--Don't train them to talk about chatbots. Too self-involved

  Aug 24

"Microsoft Brainwave AI on FPGAs" (http://ow.ly/Pu2330eE0pq ) JK--FW-neutral feder8d DL compile/runtime. See my recent

  Aug 24

"How to Hack a Robot" (http://ow.ly/9qMT30eDZCQ ) JK--Introduces interesting coinage: "cobots" (collaborative robots).

  Aug 24

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Mars "Helen Forsdale" from Complete Studio Recrdngs NYC 77-78 JK--1978. Also on classic Eno-produced "No New York"

  Aug 24

"Pentagon Struggling to Take Advantage of AI" (http://ow.ly/4VnK30eDYO3 ) JK--Start by losing the dumb "buy AI like lettuce at Safeway" wish

  Aug 24

"I was worried about AI—until it saved my life" (http://ow.ly/YfFi30eDYdl ) JK--So, now it can do no wrong--is that what you're saying?

  Aug 24

"Musk, tech leaders urge UN to ban AI-powered lethal autonomous weapons" (http://ow.ly/pfzO30eDXS4 ) JK--But not nuclear weapons? Or cyberwar?

  Aug 24

Need reverse-Pinocchio chatbots that display lengthening avatar nose every time you lie to them. Trump's would reach to the Moon.

  Aug 24

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp D. Tiffany "How RU Plush" from Blue Dream JK--2017. Excuse me. The lady's trying to dance. She's good.

  Aug 24

"Create Neural Net in JavaScript in 30 lines o code" (http://ow.ly/vqYx30eDX9Q ) JK--Build/train using Synaptic.js for DL in Node.js & browser

  Aug 24

"Alphabet’s hate-fighting AI doesn't understand hate yet" (http://ow.ly/sVQ630eDWsa ) JK--Needs some serious verbal abuse to teach it a lesson

  Aug 24

"Beyond HAL: How AI changing space systems" (http://ow.ly/Xx7630eDVXf ) JK--Post-"2001" homicidal computers pre-equipped w/AI-driven karaoke

  Aug 24

"LinkedIn loses legal right to protect user data from AI scraping" (http://ow.ly/NgIa30eDVJY ) JK--Case concerns scraping of AI training data

  Aug 24

"MIT’s AI streaming SW aims 2 stop video stutters" (http://ow.ly/l5Is30eDVsl ) JK--Learns 2 optimize via reward sys for smoother playback

  Aug 24

"‘AI learns from pro gamers — then crushes them" (http://ow.ly/Hetd30eDVil ) JK--But the bot also accelerated mastery thru "self-play."

  Aug 24

"Supercharging your image: ML for photography applications" (http://ow.ly/kfL530eDV4K ) JK--Cool infographic timeline of Google image search

  Aug 24

"Fatal Flaw of AI Implementation" (http://ow.ly/9r3g30eDUOt ) JK--How is it "fatal" when users fail to heed statistical confidence intervals?

  Aug 24

Interesting when someone announces the launch of "the world's leading such-and-such product." Apparently, it vaulted to the lead on Day One

  Aug 23

Watching Carol Burnett rerun. Curious whether the producers ever required her to take on Earlobe Dislocation Insurance.

Investigating the proper use of a bidet. Also, looking into the proper unspooling of toilet paper. Clockwise or counter? Hygiene is tricky.

  Aug 23

Weather app sez when there’s moderate rain in th vicinity. Please tell me when gray skies are going to clear up so I can put on a happy face

  Aug 23

I don't know what the big deal is about "self-driving cars." I've had a self-driving car from the start. I've always driven myself in my car

  Aug 23

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Filthy Friends "Editions of You" from Any Kind Of Crowd JK--2017. That's the crazy electric voice of Corin Tucker

  Aug 23

Drafted next #Datanami column: "Giving Machine Learning Freer Rein to Design Next-Generation Communications Protocols"

  Aug 22

Rumor is there's an Eclipse Deniers faction of the Alt-Right. They're pissed that the Moon challenged the supremacy of the Sun's white light

  Aug 22

I'm a klutz with an unfamiliar coffee maker. I don't care if I roast the beans properly. I just don't need my fingers roasted in the process

  Aug 22

Boost #ML#AI#bigdata value. Join #Oracle Crowdchat: Deepening Data Capital, 9-13 10am PDT http://bit.ly/2w3RKHH #oraclebdcm

  Aug 22

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Tortoise 'The Suspension Bridge at IguazúFalls" from TNT JK--1998. Lite instrumental. C'est très Van Dyke Parks

  Aug 22

"GGL devs ML algo that can easily remove watermarks from images" (http://ow.ly/zP6U30eAzEK ) JK--And approach for making them harder to remove

  Aug 21

Google describes Red Lobster as “New England themed seafood restaurant.” How so? I’ve never once heard them trash-talk the Yankees.

  Aug 21

“Olive Garden.” Actually, that’s the one thing in the garden I always leave on my plate. They should call themselves “CroutonGarden.”

  Aug 21

The hot humid afternoon here in Virginia’s Tidewater region has noticeably cooled in advance of eclipse max. 8 mins from now. 85%

  Aug 21

"10 Hours of Paint Drying" (http://ow.ly/b2yS30ezfQb ) JK--This won't blind you, but you may succumb from the fumes. Wear protection!

  Aug 21

"Why chatbots are somewhere between overhyped and overblown" (http://ow.ly/2Ij430ezcBg ) JK--Those the X & Y axes? What's on the Z? Oversexed?

  Aug 21

"SMASH: 1-Shot Model Architecture Search thru HyperNets" (http://ow.ly/zZR130ezbIq ) JK--U-Edinburgh proj 2 radically acceler8 DL optimization

"Eliminating the Human" (http://ow.ly/Cr4K30ezb6z ) JK--David Byrne asks "Is it possible that less human interaction might save us?"

  Aug 21

DAY GIVES WAYTO SPACE//When you block the sun/you smear the universe’s/color all over. --James Kobielus

  Aug 21

"Introducing AWS Glue: A[n]...ETL Service" (http://ow.ly/TriK30eza1w ) JK--Managed serverless ETL for Spark cloud service.

  Aug 21

"art-DCGAN" (http://ow.ly/gWTf30ez7Q3 ) 0JK--Cool open-source tool for training GANs to generate visual artistry.

  Aug 21

"TVM: IR Stack for Deploying Deep Learning Workloads to Hardwares" (http://ow.ly/B1G330ez7vh ) JK--Cool initiative for any DL to run on any HW

  Aug 21

New jk #Dataversitycolumn: "Putting 'AI-First' Into Its Proper Context" (http://ow.ly/vF2z30ez6jT )

  Aug 21

"Cooperatively Learning Human Values" (http://ow.ly/fbJO30ez3EI ) JK--Research where AI iteratively learns (uncertain) human reward function.

  Aug 21

"It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s MSFT using AI to teach machine to stay aloft " (http://ow.ly/r2cH30ez1Xh ) JK--Dynamic avionic shape-warping?

  Aug 21

"DARPA tunes machine learning to radio signals" (http://ow.ly/dLV830ez1pQ ) JK--ML for public RF frequency-utilization monitoring/enforcement

  Aug 21

"5 Q’s for Daryn Nakhuda, Co-Founder of Mighty AI" (http://ow.ly/r63830ez15I ) JK--Startup in ML training-data crowdsourcing-as-a-service

  Aug 21

"How Governments Are Preparing for Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/jBCV30ez0RJ ) JK--Specifically, US, Canada, UK, China, Japan

  Aug 21

"Deep Learning is not th AI future" (http://ow.ly/gA8S30eyVtI ) JK--Author means "the WHOLE future" but offers no vision for what that will be

  Aug 21

"AWS Lambda vs. Azure Functions vs. Google Functions" (http://ow.ly/r5qF30eyTfa ) JK--AWS has added stateful hooks into their serverless cloud

  Aug 21

"MSFT Next Serverlss Computing Bid: Azure Event Grid" (http://ow.ly/YMnC30eyPZy ) JK--Eventing 4 compute (Functions) & orchestr8n (Logic Apps)

  Aug 21

"Visual Data and the ‘Killer App’ for AI" (http://ow.ly/Sb5u30eyP1K ) JK--Bulk photo auto-tagging, perhaps. Tag for search faces, objects, etc

  Aug 21

"Serverless Architecture Could Cure DevOps Pain" (http://ow.ly/1YSS30eyOEL ) JK--Not really. Most apps are stateful. Serverless for stateless

  Aug 21

"Synopsys&Morpho Accel Deep Learning Proc for Embedded Vision Apps" (http://ow.ly/QwVl30eyNVD ) JK--DL-driven photo auto-tagging is the future

  Aug 21

"Data Science and DevOps Convergence" (http://ow.ly/w5tI30eyMTp ) JK--Good discussion of opn-src Data Version Control: http://ow.ly/Uks730eyMXQ 

  Aug 21

"More on Fully Automated Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/eQfj30eyK2d ) JK--Vorhies researches more commercial tools.

  Aug 21

During a solar eclipse, the dark side of the moon is actually the bright side of the moon.

  Aug 20

Hanging in Williamsburg. Not all that interested in the colonial stuff or Jamestown. I’d like to see Powhatan history. Pocahontas stuff.

  Aug 20

RIP Jerry Lewis. Iconic funnyman and telethon pioneer. Often looked uncomfortable, nasty, vindictive.

  Aug 20

RIP Dick Gregory. He’s on the shortlist of people I want to meet (again) in Heaven. Brief impromptu chat at a protest rally in DC in 1981.

  Aug 19

WSJ advises against Lee statue removals. Sez should keep history on display. By that logic, should put statues of Benedict Arnold everywhere

  Aug 18

Friends inform me that hotel room minibars at MGMNationalHarbor are booby traps. Sensors detect if you use fridge, and charge outrageously

  Aug 18

Just a matter of time before Trump pardons Joe Arpaio and nominates him to be the new Director of Strategy or Ambassador to Mexico.

  Aug 18

That Steve Bannon guy really did his strategy job well. If his strategy was to inflict total chaos on the country/world & let Trump run amok
  Aug 18

"Encartopedia" (http://ow.ly/NWsz30evRZe ) JK--Advanced for 1154? How could a Sicily-based cartographer get the Italian peninsula so wrong?

  Aug 18

"13 frameworks for mastering machine learning" (http://ow.ly/4WYu30evLoV ) JK--Some (eg Apache Singa) I wasn't aware of.

  Aug 18

"We Need Nxt-Gen Algorithms To Harness The Power Of Today's AI Chips" (http://ow.ly/lmXP30evKdG ) JK--Perform many tasks on-chip on same data

  Aug 18

"Cheat Sheets for AI, Neural Nets, Machine Learning, Deep Learning ..." (http://ow.ly/RQFM30evJBI ) JK--Nah-ah! No cheating! Memorize it all!

  Aug 18

To everybody a few months ago who said we should "give Trump a chance"--WTF!!--his chance to trash our system of government? Satisfied now?

  Aug 18

"Silicon Valleyescalates war on white supremacy despite free speech concerns" (http://ow.ly/sDzG30evmaK ) JK--Violence-inciting hate speech

  Aug 18

Bought/downloaded new Grizzly Bear LP "Painted Ruins." Released today. Been awaiting this one eagerly for many weeks. Listening now.

  Aug 18

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jane Weaver "Loops in the Secret Society" from Modern Kosmology JK--2017. Another cool new one from this UKartist

  Aug 18

"August 21, 2017 — Great American Eclipse (Total Solar Eclipse)" (http://ow.ly/T4UO30evkaW ) JK--Great resource to find your exact time/%

  Aug 18

Got solicitation from a self-styled "micro-consulting company." What is that? Drive-by consulting? Do fries come with that shakedown?

  Aug 17

Managed not to lose my marbles today. Which is a good thing. Except for the fact I'm not particularly good at marbles. Saving up for nothing

  Aug 17

New jk #TechTarget column: "The deepening decoupling of the deep learning ecosystem" (http://ow.ly/arfy30eub3l )

  Aug 17

Drafted next #KDNuggets column: "Wrapping Our Primate Brains Around AI’s Next Grand Challenge"

  Aug 17

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Iggy Pop "New Values" from New Values JK--1979. Easily one o my favorite punk songs of late 70s. Dopamine-addictive

  Aug 17

"Why organizations need data ethics strategy" (http://ow.ly/TCNB30etDTM ) JK--OK but strains credulity to claim it'll give "competitive edge."

  Aug 17

"Paul Allen’s AI institute..."(http://ow.ly/2k3F30etDkt ) JK--"Allen Institute for AI."Why no "Artificial Institute for Alien Intelligence"?

  Aug 17

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Mazzy Star "Ghost Highway" from She Hangs Brightly JK--1990. Great loud/hard rock from band known for the opposite

  Aug 17

"Teaching AI Sys to Behave Selves" (http://ow.ly/9reI30etCKS ) JK--Human curation guides algo discrim, per my recent

  Aug 17

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Paul Simon "Can't Run But" from The Rhythm of the Saints JK--1990. Tingly skitterbeat. Feels like a naughty dream

  Aug 17

"AI artist conjures up convincing fake worlds from memories" (http://ow.ly/GyTk30etClo ) JK--Generative geog sprung faux & whole from a dream?

  Aug 17

"Meet th Company That’s Using Face Recognition to Reshape China’s Tech Scene" (http://ow.ly/zfYw30etCcZ ) JK--Will prosthetic noses fool this?

  Aug 17

"Google protest Saturday just the start as far right targets Bay Area" (http://ow.ly/9cY930etBwP ) JK--Free bodycams for identifying Nazis?

  Aug 17

Wishing a happy 72nd independence day to all our family and friends in Indonesia. Great country, great people!

  Aug 17

This Monday's USA-wide total solar eclipse has been eclipsed by an eclipse o USdemocracy. Let's pray the larger darkness is blessedly brief

  Aug 16

No one ever had good definition o New Wave. Then physicists got involved & started confusing it with New Particle. The Knack swung both ways

  Aug 15

"Where Is My Male Sex Robot?" (http://ow.ly/i7h430eqhXv ) JK--Stuck in neutral. His chatbot can't stop chattering about his prowess w/ladybots

  Aug 15

#AWSannounces winners of its Chatbot Challenge (http://ow.ly/OXdS30eqgEh ) JK--Nearly 200 submissions. All use Lex DL & Lambda serverless

  Aug 15

"DeepMind and Blizzard open StarCraft II as an AI research environment" (http://ow.ly/56qR30eq2nd ) JK--To enrich multi-layered gameplay

  Aug 15

"How AI became Instagram weapon of choice in war on cyberbullying" (http://ow.ly/gWi630eq1ju ) JK--Text analytics to block harassing comments

  Aug 15

"Twitter campaign outing people who marched with white nationalists in Charlottesville" (http://ow.ly/KlAO30eq18p ) JK--Hold them accountable

  Aug 15

"Researchers Find a Malicious Way to Meddle with Autonomous Cars" (http://ow.ly/2oR430eq0li ) JK--Only if cars lack cached street database

  Aug 15

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sheer Mag "Meet Me in the Street" from Need to Feel Your Love JK--2017. Good Joan Jett-fueled rocker-girl vibe.

  Aug 14

Watching “Diana: In Her Own Words” on National Geographic channel. Latest in their series of expeditions into deepest darkest Britain.

  Aug 14

On Aug 21, people in the path of totality are cautioned to use protective specs while watching Johnny Cash do “Ring of Fire” on YouTube.

  Aug 14

"Deep Teaching" (http://ow.ly/virl30eoZ6U ) JK--Abstraction layer to automate outcome-driven composition of optimal deep-learning models.

  Aug 14

"How AI Is Creating Building Blocks to Reshape Music and Art" (http://ow.ly/4Mnw30eoYtd ) JK--Everything is going generative.

  Aug 14

"Tech’s Damaging Myth of the Loner Genius Nerd " (http://ow.ly/NUt930eoXeN ) JK--More often than not, those types are team morale-killers

  Aug 14

New jk #Datanami column: "Training Your AI With As Little Manually Labeled Data As Possible" (http://ow.ly/97d930eoQTq )

  Aug 14

"ML could B key 2 producing stronger less corrosiv metals" (http://ow.ly/zsmN30eodLk ) JK--Predict which atom grain-boundary configs do th job

  Aug 14

"DeepMind AI teaches self about world by watching videos" (http://ow.ly/Ertv30eodg0 ) JK--Plus listening to & correlating w/associated audio

  Aug 14

"Mattis: SiliconValley cyber unit...AI/autonomous machines...will grow under Trump" (http://ow.ly/mDQK30eobRn ) JK--Staffed 100% domestic? Ha!

  Aug 14

"Google Vizier: A Service for Black-Box Optimization" (http://ow.ly/pCd430eobjE ) JK--Enterprise-wide ML/DL hyperparameter optimization.

  Aug 14

"DoD Secy James Mattis Envies Silicon Valley's AI Ascent" (http://ow.ly/7cCJ30eob3e ) JK--Ideological polarization o Valley denizens will grow

  Aug 14

"Project Maven 2 Deploy [AI] to War Zone by Year’s End" (http://ow.ly/6Umb30eoaPa ) JK--DL/ML computer vision for autonomous SIGINT under fire

  Aug 14

"Learning to Infer Graphics Programs from Hand-Drawn Images" (http://ow.ly/JBQM30eoat2 ) JK--Cool CNN-driven auto-programming implementation

  Aug 14

"How Disney is using AI to figure out exactly how much you enjoy its films" (http://ow.ly/kvwQ30eo9lG ) JK--Would AI have offed Bambi's mom?

  Aug 14

"AI will lead to the human soul, not destroy it" (http://ow.ly/ZRGq30eo95s ) JK--But reading religion into this risks destroying your sanity

  Aug 14

"How AI could create a world of haves & have-nots" (http://ow.ly/R0HA30eo89w ) JK--BS. Don't misconstrue structural shifts as class conflict

  Aug 14

"Opioid." Took me a while to figure out this wasn't a bunch of Ron Howard wannabes.

  Aug 14

"Learning From the Feynman Technique" (http://ow.ly/iaJV30eo52T ) JK--Break complex unknowns down to simplest terms & then build back up

  Aug 14

"Why Successful People Spend 10 Hours/Week On “Compound Time”" (http://ow.ly/Hfv930eo4xo ) JK--All of which superficially resemble goofing off

  Aug 14

"5 Morning Success Hacks From Millionaires" (http://ow.ly/My8e30eo3Te ) JK-- #6: Stuff  $ in your pillow & go back 2 sleep--you're loaded!

  Aug 13

Read Springsteen’s memoir “Born To Run.” So good I wanted to stand on my seat, flick my Bic & scream for an encore (which of course he’d do)

  Aug 13

Did a bit of touristing w/friends in DC today. Did not see even a hint of touristy kitsch referencing th current White House occupant. Good!

  Aug 12

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” FDR failed to mention th Great Depression & World War II. But that would have been a downer

  Aug 12

Wegman’s comfy lounging room. TV plays HGTV on mute. Closed caption sez “[whimsical-suspenseful tune plays].” Wish I could hear that

  Aug 12

That so-called “OCD test” making the rounds on Facebook. Tests whether people will compulsively obsess over vacuous Facebook crap.

  Aug 11

"Are You Ready for the Next Total Solar Eclipse?" (http://ow.ly/znpp30elrVV ) JK--Sadly, no. I'm addicted to staring directly into the sun

  Aug 11

"Crowdsourcing may have just helped close "analogy gap" 4 computers" (http://ow.ly/1CEM30elrvh ) JK--Semantic graphs contextualize AI patterns

  Aug 11

"Elon Musk and Amber Heard overcome distance to be together in Australia" (http://ow.ly/lj4u30elq6R ) JK--Did they bring their dogs?

  Aug 11

"The Carly Simon problem" (http://ow.ly/AeJb30eldX6 ) JK--Digital? That's the way I always heard it should be.

  Aug 11

When I hear "the bottom line" invoked over and over, I tend to wonder if we're dealing with a bottomless line. A deep moneypit or honeypot?
0 replies0 s4 likes

  Aug 11

"Ever wonder “what th fuck am I doing with my life?”" (http://ow.ly/ZGA230ekUyO ) JK--No, I don't wonder what the f you're doing with yr life

  Aug 11

New jk #InfoWorld column: "How to prevent the hacked AI apocalypse" (http://ow.ly/8L1K30ekU1H )

  Aug 11

"The truth behind Facebook AI inventing a new language" (http://ow.ly/veFX30ekT6C ) JK--Agents fabricate dialects to advance positive outcomes

  Aug 11

"10 Advanced Deep Learning Architectures Data Scientists Should Know!" (http://ow.ly/E6hV30ekR4j ) JK--Patterns for configuring neural nets

  Aug 11

"Graph Convolutional Networks" (http://ow.ly/CL2s30ekQJh ) JK--Incredibly arcane mathematics. But incredibly important research 4 AI over IoT

  Aug 11

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp David Rawlings "Cumberland Gap" from Poor David's Almanack JK--2017. Nice one of this folk traditional. Diff lyrics

  Aug 10

Trump says threatening a nuclear attack on Pyongyang wasn't "tough enough." Is he plotting an armageddon-grade response to Kim Jong-un?

  Aug 10

Drafted next #InfoWorld column: "Building Adversarial Defenses into the AI Development Pipeline"

  Aug 10

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Aretha Franklin"Respect" JK--1967. Fun fact: Otis wrote this out of disrespect for people who misspelled the word

  Aug 10

"This is what will keep us human in the age of AI" (http://ow.ly/WNOW30ej8T5 ) JK--My plan is to avoid being reincarnated as another species

  Aug 10

"Robotic Process Automation" (http://ow.ly/q6rE30ej8i3 ) JK--Conversational, contextual, in-app digital accelerator/assistant/recommenders

  Aug 10

"You Are Being Exploited By The Opaque, Algorithm-Driven Economy" (http://ow.ly/l15o30ej85u ) JK--Oh, really? Compared to what analog utopia?

  Aug 10

"Evolution of ML" (http://ow.ly/aJHn30ej7uj ) JK--Interesting call-out to FB's internal AI-devel pipeline backbone:

  Aug 10

"BuzzFeed News Trained A Computer To Search For Hidden Spy Planes" (http://ow.ly/QFXm30ej6to ) JK--I'm sure USgovt/adversaries reading this

  Aug 10

"The Rise of AI Is Forcing Google & Microsoft to Become Chipmakers" (http://ow.ly/qNMv30ej6he ) JK--Encroaching on turf of Intel, Nvidia, etc.

  Aug 10

"Chinese chatbots apparently re-educated after political faux pas" (http://ow.ly/n3Yc30ej62l ) JK--New tool 4 mass indoctrin8n or subterfuge?

  Aug 10

"Facebook finishes its move to neural machine translation" (http://ow.ly/H7vW30ej5KM ) JK--ML-driven neural more accurate than phrase-based

  Aug 10

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Clientele "Lunar Days" from Music For The Age Of Miracles JK--2017. Thoroughly immersive autumnal vibe.

  Aug 10

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Vashti Bunyan "Rose Hip November" frm Just Anthr Diamond Day JK--1970. Quiet/devastating. Actual 1st name: Jennifer

  Aug 10

"'AI the new electricity'& millions of people should learn it, expert sez" (http://ow.ly/wUU130ej4ms ) JK--Become AI electricians? AI yi yi!

  Aug 10

Quantum computing's future. Radically uncertain. At any time, you can measure its PR spin with precision, but not its monetization momentum

  Aug 10

"2 Giants of AI Team Up 2 Head Off Robot Apocalypse" (http://ow.ly/4g9Y30ej2Rw ) JK--Not so fast. We'll need them 2 head off Zombie Apocalypse
1 1 0 likes

  Aug 10

"AI." By the time you break paradigm down to something concrete about which to speak with precision, your audience's attention has wandered

  Aug 9

Wife had can of some traditional dark German beer. I had some untraditional bitter domestic with Jesus in its name. I’m a better man for it

  Aug 9

Did our yoga in the morning. I’m still working on my knees and ankles. Not terribly flexible. Hard to loosen tendons taut as steel cable.

  Aug 9

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Interpol "Evil" from Antics JK--2004. Love how this quickly modulates from sweetly barbed to full-pumping rocknroll

  Aug 9

"Google releases TensorFlow Serving library" (http://ow.ly/KePo30ehDGD ) JK--AI industry maturation milestone: OSS4 productionizing DL models
0 replies1 6 likes

  Aug 9

"Google & MIT’s new ML algorithms retouch your photos before you take them" (http://ow.ly/emFP30ehBFs ) JK--Gak! Need ML-tamper evidence
  Aug 9

"Should Artificial Intelligence Be Regulated?" (http://ow.ly/iPmG30ehAQN ) JK--No way. Innovation killer. Voluntary codes of conduct better

  Aug 9

"Netflix Changed Rating System 4 AI" (http://ow.ly/bXex30ehA7R ) JK--ML collab filtrng recom engine more accurate w/thumbs-up-down than 5-star

  Aug 9

"Why I Never Meet Someone for Coffee" (http://ow.ly/EKhs30ehvrl ) JK--Why some people never truly get the concept of a coffee break.

  Aug 9

"Great Digital Companies Build Great Recommendation Engines" (http://ow.ly/kfCe30ehgDR  ) JK--For sure. They accelerate targeted transactions

  Aug 9

"AWS Market Share Is Triple Azure's" (http://ow.ly/ZJL830ehg7q ) JK--Impressive but cloud space not yet hugely consolidated. Top 4 have 56%

  Aug 8

RIP Glen Campbell. Excellent singer & guitarist. Could joke, act, and host variety shows with good-natured ease. Devilishly handsome to boot

  Aug 8

"Million-dollar babies" (http://ow.ly/RCff30efAXk ) JK--You wonder who's left doing AI research in academia.

  Aug 8

"IoT-device swarm intelligence: Think about security before it's too late" (http://ow.ly/JO0B30efyOh ) JK--Think swarm vs. counterswarm

  Aug 8

"Terrified of AI? Don't, It May Be Th Key to Tomorrow's Survival" (http://ow.ly/Jfti30efyrP ) JK--Enough of the armchair apocalyptics, already

  Aug 8

"Who's Right About AI? Musk's Dire Warnings Meet Zuckerberg's Cheerful Optimism" (http://ow.ly/9OFC30efy5r ) JK--Need billionaire to referee?

  Aug 8

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Broken Social Scene "Hug of Thunder" from Hug of Thunder JK--2017. Love that insistent bass. Love Feist's voice

  Aug 8

"Quantum leap: Obstacles remain, but revolution in computing is almost here" (http://ow.ly/n02y30efxuO ) JK--$5B market by 2020? #SiliconANGLE

  Aug 8

"IBM says...breakthru...improve DL speed" (http://ow.ly/XrvG30efvQF ) JK--SW library/algo for cross-GPU cluster accel on PowerAI #SiliconANGLE

Taking very interesting briefing from #Kogentix: DevOps for data science with transfer learning & ensemble modeling built into the pipeline

  Aug 7

"Dozen Times AI Startled World" (http://ow.ly/X10t30edYug ) JK--Or GANs did their jobs so well U simply didn't notice/care no humans involved

  Aug 7

"You can be an AI designer" (http://ow.ly/XVEP30edYay ) JK--How can you design "artificial superintelligence" if you're not a super-designer?

  Aug 7

"Evolutionary computation: the next major transition of AI?" (http://ow.ly/WOAZ30edX4p ) JK--Algo inheritance, random variation, & selection

  Aug 7

"Robots created a language. No need to panic" (http://ow.ly/1aYZ30edWpe ) JK--Worse stuff could happen--eg Trump has his finger on the button

  Aug 7

"To Build a Smarter Chatbot, First Teach It a Second Language" (http://ow.ly/2XPk30edVLt ) JK--Tunes it to sublingual conceptual/contextuals.

  Aug 7

"Are we entering a post-app world?" (http://ow.ly/fPnU30edVt4 ) JK--Are bots kicking app butts? Not so fast. "Not all apps are botifiable."

  Aug 7

"Algo Trained on Emoji Knows U’re Being Sarcastic on Twitter" (http://ow.ly/WsxR30edU2C ) JK-And that U consider "Emoji Movie" Oscar contender

  Aug 7

"Technical Debt in Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/1RxN30edTnw ) JK--Model-correction hotfixes add up, causing ML to drift away from accuracy

  Aug 7

"The 409 AI startups of Europe" (http://ow.ly/7OTY30edSG7 ) JK--London far outweighs continent-based cities in AI-startup density.

  Aug 7

"Neuroreality: New Reality is Coming & It’s a Brain Computer Interface" (http://ow.ly/QKNM30edS05 ) JK--I need it to bend spoons, Geller style

  Aug 7

"Exponential AI Can Immortalize Human by Digitizing Conscious" (http://ow.ly/M8fN30edRza ) JK--OMG! I'm shorting all my cryogenics stocks now!

  Aug 7

"Big Data as a Service: What Can it Do for Your Enterprise?"(http://ow.ly/O9YZ30edQO7 ) JK--BDaaS? Lets you matter-of-factly say "badass"

  Aug 7

"AI & Big Data R Changing Our Attention Spans" (http://ow.ly/PwVM30edP6G ) JK--Nice one about neural nets &...oh god, what's Trump up to now?

  Aug 7

"Cars Suck Up Data About U. Where Does It All Go?" (http://ow.ly/TrYV30edOcL ) JK--To that Big Black Box in the Sky. Please: no more questions

  Aug 7

"Microsoft, Please Cut th Digital Transformation Hype!" (http://ow.ly/HVgQ30edEhI ) JK--Thank U Mary Jo Foley 4 calling out this useless term

  Aug 7

"Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?" (http://ow.ly/djTd30edDIF ) JK--Yep. iPhone has us starving hysterical naked looking 4 an angry fix

  Aug 7

"Flashcards to Learn 168 Cognitive Biases" (http://ow.ly/xjNW30edDgt ) JK-But won't that bias you toward these biases? Name for THAT bias?

  Aug 7

"I'll never compare my life to yours. That’s why I’m happy" (http://ow.ly/yh3n30edCUA ) JK--That's why I'm happier than you'll ever be--loser!

  Aug 7

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jimmy Cliff "The Harder They Come" JK--1972. Yesterday was the 55th anniversary of Jamaica's independence from UK

  Aug 7

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Aretha Franklin "Rock Steady" JK--1971. Good, but didn't call it exactly what it is. Funk, not Jamaican rocksteady.

  Aug 6

Springsteen is one of those people raised Catholic who makes a big deal about its superstructure of superstition. That never impressed me.

  Aug 6

Facebook says you can shut down with a single tweet everybody & everything you disagree with forevermore. It’s all in the wrist action.

  Aug 6

Reading Springsteen’s well-written self-mythologizing autobiography. Also checking out his childhood haunts on Google Maps to de-mythologize

  Aug 6

Plan to mow lawn as soon as I’m 100% sure I won’t wake th neighbors. But don’t know if they’re asleep. Think I’ll ring their doorbells & ask

  Aug 6

“CBS Sunday Mrng” looks at possibility of robots throwing everyone out of jobs. Apparently, future economy will thrive on mass unemployment.

  Aug 6

Another article about Millennials fleeing “deepest darkest suburbia” for th city. Gimme a break. It’s cleaner, brighter, safer, spacier here

  Aug 5

Trump’s paranoid. Not only is he investigatng every possible leak, he even told his staff they need his OK whenever they want to take a leak

  Aug 5

I like the classical radio station but switch it off when they put on opera. If I wanted bombastic oversinging, I’d put it on classic rock.

  Aug 5

Nice Saturday. So here I am minding my own business & all these businesses are minding their own business too. All is well in the world.

  Aug 5

Beautiful architectural discussion of how event-driven stateful & stateless semantics interweave in recomm engines.

  Aug 4

"Building Music Recommender w/DL" (http://ow.ly/qc5t30ealzQ ) JK--Avoid training on data labelled by Beavis/Butt-Head. Binary "sucks v. rocks"

  Aug 4

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Willie Nelson "Somebody Pick Up My Pieces" from Teatro JK--1998. Gorgeous duet w/ the unmistakeable Emmylou Harris.

  Aug 4

"Inside Salesforce’s Quest To Bring AI To Everyone" (http://ow.ly/oVn130eakdr ) JK--In-app CRM recommendation engine (what do I do next?)

  Aug 4

"DataLake" (http://ow.ly/6cfc30eajqo ) JK--Says "concept has been around for some time now." Not really. Been the buzz for 2-3 years, max.

  Aug 4

"Top 5 SmartCity Predictions: AI and the Birth of Self-Aware Cities" (http://ow.ly/LAug30eaiWt ) JK--This is way too pollyanna utopian.

  Aug 4

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Brian Eno "Baby's on Fire" from Here Come the Warm Jets JK--1973. Love Eno's punky vocal & th wild instrumental jam

  Aug 4

"Bill To Secure IoT" (http://ow.ly/AAND30ead1q ) JK--What? Blanket ban on devices possessing "known security vulnerabilities"? Even low-risk?

  Aug 4

"British Pubs Ban Swearing, Are Accused of Having %$&# for Brains" (http://ow.ly/JBo130ea8LR ) JK--Never mind the bollocks, here's your beer.

  Aug 3

"Why one of these 5 UScities could be the next Silicon Valley" (http://ow.ly/1QP830e8M94 ) JK--Seattle #1? Duh! Detroit #3? Wow!

  Aug 3

"Ions Power Machine-Human I/F Demo" (http://ow.ly/dz9D30e8L7k ) JK--Pls assure us "Matrix" bots won't use this to harvest human bioelectricity

  Aug 3

"Few Jobs Safe From Robotics, AI Advances" (http://ow.ly/TenW30e8KkW ) JK--Until the fabled Luddbot comes & puts things back as they were

  Aug 3

"Ranking the Top Chatbot Apps" (http://ow.ly/aByY30e8K52 ) JK--Holy crap! There are "100,000 monthly active bots on Facebook Messenger alone"

  Aug 3

"Machine learning comes to your browser via JavaScript" (http://ow.ly/QNua30e8Jsq ) JK--Runs TensorFlow in browser with GPU acceleration

  Aug 3

"How I Used DL to Train Chatbot to Talk Me" (http://ow.ly/OU8w30e8In9 ) JK--"Cornell Movie Dialog Corpus"? Sure, if U want a Stallone-bot

  Aug 3

"Use Machine Learning to Find Waldo" (http://ow.ly/2SiB30e8ykp ) JK--Why don't you find Carmen Sandiego & Amelia Earhart while you're at it?

  Aug 3

"No, FB Did Not Panic & Shut Down an AI That Was Getting Dangerously Smart" (http://ow.ly/oWGZ30e8xje ) JK--Negotiation-bots lost transparency

  Aug 3

"Future will B voice-operated but digital assistnts need 2 learn apps" (http://ow.ly/3ey330e8wHp ) JK--Apps need 2 B subservient 2 user intent

  Aug 3

Keep a lookout for two upcoming #Wikibon reports from me: one on the art of developing chatbots, the other on the art of optimizing them.

  Aug 3

"Facebook acquires Ozlo to build up AI for Messenger" (http://ow.ly/2miq30e8wsG ) JK--Knowledge graph for conversational contextualization

  Aug 3

"True random numbers R here: what that means 4 data ctrs" (http://ow.ly/aEna30e8wdk ) JK--Numerological disorder puts security house in order

  Aug 3

"Rethinking JavaScript: Death of For Loop" (http://ow.ly/H9Bl30e8vJJ ) JK--Practically invites hellish debugging. Risks funky state-mutations

  Aug 3

"Progressive Web Apps" (http://ow.ly/wAIS30e8v54 ) JK--"Load instantly & never show the downasaur, even in uncertain network conditions." LOL!

  Aug 3

Pacific Northwest baking in string of unusual 100-degree days. Curious if Seattlites have considered switching to iced coffee at this point

  Aug 3

"Experts believ AI will B weaponized in next year" (http://ow.ly/lfMB30e8tdv ) JK--"In the next year"? AI-driven military drones already exist

  Aug 3

"NASA Has a New Job to Protect Earth From Aliens" (http://ow.ly/c1vP30e8sRa ) JK--Please also protect White House from demonic possession.

  Aug 3

"AI vs AI: New algo automatically bypasses your best cybersecurity defenses" (http://ow.ly/KRvk30e8szw ) JK--GANs as insider-perpetrated hack?

  Aug 3

"Frustrated senators seek path forward 4 new FBI HQ" (http://ow.ly/pkna30e8sme ) JK--Can't help thinking this was Trump vengeance against FBI

  Aug 3

Advising the government to regulate AI is futile. Unless U tell THIS government innovation is a form of immigration. Then they'll crack down

  Aug 3

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Mosca "Peyote Stitch" from Don't Take This the Wrong Way JK--2017. Trippy electronica beat w/drop-in sound effects

  Aug 3

So little time, so many choices. Shall I read "14 Timeless Reference Books"? As indicated, that'll take no time at all. Timely suggestion!

  Aug 2

Watching “Wild Ireland” on PBS. Will vacation there in wild November. The wild wild west coast.

  Aug 2

#Wikiboncolleague @NeilRaden& I are speaking to #TechTargetreporter @PariseauTT on #AI& #DevOps

  Aug 2

"How 2 erase yourself from internet" (http://ow.ly/AQHG30e6uY4 ) JK--Would work, except other people/orgs hold emails etc from or mentioning U

  Aug 2

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp SassyBlack "Games" from New Black Swing JK--2017. Nice beat under this cool lounge soul.

  Aug 2

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Thunderpussy "Velvet Noose" from Velvet Noose/ No Heaven JK--2017. All ladies. Guitar crazy! Sleater-Kinney-ish

  Aug 1

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Grateful Dead "Friend of the Devil" from American Beauty JK--1970. Confesses to bigamy? Wives in Chino & Cherokee

  Aug 1

"AI analytics expected to rise" (http://ow.ly/fZGk30e4CzT ) JK--AI metaphors are also expected to rise. "The new black"? "The new bacon"? Geez

  Aug 1

"Get Ready for Augmented Analytics" (http://ow.ly/Fapa30e4BVf ) JK--Nothing new in this facile attempt to rename "advanced analytics"

  Aug 1

"All your streaming data are belong to Kafka" (http://ow.ly/UDfe30e4BuG ) JK--Big data metamorphosis from lakes to streams?

  Aug 1

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Drums "Blood Under My Belt" from Abysmal Thoughts JK--2017. That's one seriously great propulsive beat.

  Jul 31

"The Overthinker’s Guide to Taking Action" (http://ow.ly/Mhu330e2qsF ) JK--My advice is to think long & hard before doing anything whatsoever

  Jul 31

The weekend could not have been nicer. Good friends stayed over. The weather was ideal. I even managed to nap a few times. Ahhhh.

  Jul 30

Saw “20th Century Women.” Excellent evocation of the weird state of USculture in 1979. Annette Bening & Greta Gerwig especially good.

  Jul 29

I want to check out film “Detroit” about the 1967 riots. WashPost says one actor hasn’t “mastered Detroit’s distinctive accent.” But I have

  Jul 29

OMG! Scaradouchebag’s even in the sportspages, praising late pedophile-protector Paterno for “honor, dignity, respect.” This has to stop!

  Jul 28

Pretty good week. Published a few things I’m proud of, and drafted a few more . At the end of any week, that’s all I really care about.

  Jul 28

Aging has given me emotional shock absorbers. I’ve lived through shit without letting it soil my soul. Or so I tell myself.

  Jul 28

Waiter breaks a dish. We’re in an Indian restaurant. My Chinese wife says that’s good luck. I tell her your superstition doesn’t cross over

  Jul 28

"Recommendation System Algorithms" (http://ow.ly/9r8h30dZJXf ) JK--Deeper into app logic than I chose to explore in my latest #Wikibon notes

  Jul 28

"Kalashnikov to Demonstrate AI-Controlled Combat Robots" (http://ow.ly/984b30dZJNf ) JK--You know we're also doing this in spades.

  Jul 28

"Learning to Cooperate, Compete, & Communicate" (http://ow.ly/8ngd30dZIES ) JK--Agent-based AI coop. See my piece: http://ow.ly/7PDp30dZILQ 

  Jul 28

"AI: Will It Kill Your Job or Let U Live The Dream?" (http://ow.ly/1Ali30dZI69 ) jK--Or let you live the dream of killing other people's jobs?

  Jul 28

A lot of rain predicted over the next several days. Thinking of getting a big fast 3-D printer to build an ark in a holy hurry.

  Jul 28

New jk #WikibonPremium research note: "Maintaining the Business Logic That Drives Recommendation Engines" (http://ow.ly/18T330dZngj )

  Jul 28

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp U2 "Bullet the Blue Sky (live)" from Rattle & Hum JK--1988. Coincidence: out my window this morning, it's America!

  Jul 28

New jk #InfoWorld column: "Data is eating the software that is eating the world" (http://ow.ly/JccZ30dZ4T0 )

  Jul 28

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Daniel Johnston "Don't Let th Sun Go Down on Yr Grievances" frm Yip/Jump Music JK--1988. Pronounces it "grieviance"

  Jul 28

After Scaramucci’s Mafia-grade homicidal rant, we now have greater insight into why Spicer resigned. #theyoumoreknow

  Jul 27

RIP June Foray. Woman of a thousand cartoon voices. Rocket J. Squirrel, among them. Hokey smokes, Bullwinkle!

  Jul 27

Drafted new jk #Dataversitycolumn: "Putting 'AI-First' Into Its Proper Context"

  Jul 27

"Purpose-trained AI flunky does dirty work in diverse industries" (http://ow.ly/Xq3530dXR1t ) JK--AI 4 people w/no coding skills #SiliconANGLE

  Jul 27

Curious how many people went blind from trying to view solar eclipses with the naked eye before the age of being warned not to do that.

  Jul 27

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Avalanches "Frankie Sinatra" from Wildflower JK--2016. It's true: he didn't have the voice to sing calypso.

  Jul 27

"Microsoft Adds AI to HoloLens Silicon" (http://ow.ly/yWYe30dXiWv ) JK--Local instantaneous deep learning 4 real-time mixed-reality processing

  Jul 27

"Why Kubernetes...bigger threat to Amazon than containers" (http://ow.ly/RMWm30dXiuy ) JK--Cross-cloud competitive leveler re wkld execution?

  Jul 27

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Joni Mitchell "Hejira" from Hejira JK--1976. Gorgeous floating jazzy meditation.

  Jul 27

"Google launches studio to help AI startups scale" (http://ow.ly/1oz330dXgLh ) JK--Free mentoring, services, toolkit, datasets.. #SiliconANGLE

  Jul 27

Library of Congress' John Margolies Roadside America Photograph Archive (http://ow.ly/3QNg30dXecB ). JK--He focused on the outsized outlandish

  Jul 27

"ApplePark would have made Le Corbusier happy [not] in a good way" (http://ow.ly/iYiu30dXdMZ ) JK--Boyd calls it "shiny, high-tech brutalism"

  Jul 27

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Wolf Parade "Valley Boy" from Cry Cry Cry JK--2017. Full-tilt awesome one from new LP to be released in October.

  Jul 26

"Technical Debt in Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/LLHY30dW3tH ) JK--Avoiding stupid design decisions that'll kick your maintenance butt later

  Jul 26

New jk #WikibonPremium research note: "Developing the Business Logic That Drives Recommendation Engines" (http://ow.ly/X7Ek30dVYKJ )

  Jul 26

Forecaster says rain is "possible." Just once, I'd like to hear them say rain is impossible, implausible, impractical, and/or inconceivable

  Jul 26

"How 2 Improve Yr Skills by Follwng Isaac Newton's Strategies" (http://ow.ly/xhDY30dVQc7 ) JK--I'm going to have people drop apples on my head

  Jul 26

"Could Apache Spark become a universal computation engine?" (http://ow.ly/DwNo30dVP0a ) JK--Bloomberg technologist i/vu #theCUBE#SiliconANGLE

  Jul 26

"The Secret Sauce of Incredible Productivity" (http://ow.ly/wzI330dVNFG ) JK--Just lay off the sauce you've stashed in your lower desk drawer

  Jul 26

"Warning for the post-augmented age" (http://ow.ly/m64O30dVN9L ) JK--So soon? Will we need to discard all our augmented reality paraphernalia?

  Jul 26

"How Too Much Coffee Ruined My Health & Nearly Destroyed My Business" (http://ow.ly/LUIz30dVMmk ) JK--Maybe decaf will redeem your wicked soul

  Jul 26

New jk #TechTarget column: "Digital twins will revolutionize the Internet of Things" (http://ow.ly/cLon30dVJiu )

  Jul 26

Drafted next #TechTarget column: "Digital Twins Will Revolutionize the Internet of Things"

  Jul 26

"The Human Army Using Phones to Teach AI to Drive" (http://ow.ly/ZyWH30dVlat ) JK--Crowdsourced photo/labels to identify potential hazards

  Jul 26

"Machine Learning to Predict Childhood PTSD" (http://ow.ly/CFmq30dVkEz ) JK--Search 4 markers in genes, neurochemistry, parental profiles, etc

  Jul 26

"Google’s AI Fight Club Will Train Sys 2 Defend Against Future Cyberattacks" (http://ow.ly/aheJ30dVkh0 ) JK--Rule #1 is U don't talk about it

  Jul 26

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Smashing Pumpkins "1979" JK--1995. '79 was year o Chicago's Disco Demolition Night, the nadir of '70s rock culture

  Jul 26

"AI's Secret Weapon: The Data Corpus" (http://ow.ly/iPtF30dViBW ) JK--Huh? Nothing terribly secret about them. Petabytes tend to loom large.

  Jul 26

"Data Scientists Automated .... by 2025 - Update!" (http://ow.ly/ITk830dVisA ) JK--Vorhies does interesting automation-tool market update

  Jul 26

I assume that Trump talked up the need to be loyal & obedient to him, and gave short shrift to the other 10 qualities in the Boy Scout Law.

  Jul 26

Trump’s obsession with “plugging leaks” is what you’d expect from a paranoiac. The more  he freaks out about it, th more frequent they become

  Jul 25

PBS program shows scientists attempting to jerk off an endangered Chinese tortoise. Softshell hardcore? I’m appalled!

  Jul 25

“Viewer discretion advised.” True confession: there have been occasions when I’ve failed to use discretion, and I’m a sadder viewer for it.

  Jul 25

"You Can Reprogram Yourself to Be a Positive Person & U Should" (http://ow.ly/DZ9k30dTOWJ ) JK--Geez, no. You're not an app. Just be authentic

  Jul 24

TECH//Know this. Nobody/and nothing stays. Money is/spent. Moments are logged.

  Jul 24

Drafted next #Infoworld jk column: "Data Is Eating the Software That’s Eating the World"

  Jul 24

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Spoon "I Ain't the One" frm Hot Thoughts JK--2017. Fast becoming my favorite Spoon LP. Havent heard a weak song yet

  Jul 24

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Damien Jurado "Silver Timothy" from Brothers & Sisters of the Eternal Son JK--2014. Makes his ungainly voice glow

  Jul 24

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp David Bowie "The Jean Genie" from Aladdin Sane JK--1973. Must've been a bluegrass fan. Talkin' about (Bill) Monroe

  Jul 24

"Firefox can open over 1,500 tabs in 15 seconds" (http://ow.ly/XIyJ30dRLGy ) JK--Browser from hell, or another sign of the robot apocalypse?

  Jul 24

"Emerging Science of Computational Psychiatry" (http://ow.ly/2ODu30dRKs5 ) JK--ML to illuminate mental-health disorder borderlines.

  Jul 24

"Houdini: Fooling Deep Structured Prediction Models" (http://ow.ly/eTQJ30dRJAf ) JK--Automate adversarial example creation. GAN Kryptonite?

  Jul 24

"Neural Accelerator Battle Begins" (http://ow.ly/Want30dRIAC ) JK--AI on a (USB) stick. Best thing since soap on a rope? Discuss.

  Jul 24

"DARPA Calls 4 Post-Moore Ideas" (http://ow.ly/kbZq30dRI8g ) JK--Time to declare post-Moore-tem on the miniaturization-stoked law of scaling?

  Jul 24

"Data Structures Related to ML Algorithms" (http://ow.ly/DIwY30dREBb ) JK--Arrays, lists, trees, heaps, stacks, queues, sets, etc.

  Jul 24

"Learning to Learn" (http://ow.ly/DiTz30dREft ) JK--Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning: initial representation fine-tunable from few examples

  Jul 24

"Stanford's Flexible Robot Grows a Vine" (http://ow.ly/X8IZ30dRDe9 ) JK--Smart camera head. Compressed air/liquid grows tube inside-out

  Jul 24

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Velvet Underground "Pale Blue Eyes" JK--1968. When Lou mellowed the VU sound, got unnervingly beautiful.

  Jul 24

"How I used ML as inspiration 4 physical paintings" (http://ow.ly/62yq30dRBMo ) JK--Fanciful brush-renders o ML graffiti2photo style-transfers

  Jul 24

"End o app stores (as we know them)" (http://ow.ly/fkvb30dRAv2 ) JK--No need to install apps when on-demand contextual recommenders everywhere

  Jul 24

"Facets: Open Source Visualization Tool for Machine Learning Training Data" (http://ow.ly/BcZo30dRyPN ) JK--Key to tweaking your ML algorithms

  Jul 24

"Google's updated feed taps machine learning to show new topics before U search 4 them" (http://ow.ly/GKSF30dRyw2 ) JK--Predictive recommender

  Jul 23

They’ve turned on HBO for free on our system. Watching “Game of Thrones.” Not getting into it. Nerdcore medieval phantasmagoria.

  Jul 23

"Here’s every total solar eclipse happening in your lifetime. Is this year your best chance?" (http://ow.ly/FPAW30dQIO0 ) JK--Very cool!

  Jul 23

Aug 21 will be first total solar eclipse that crosses entire US since country founded. I'm interpreting this as God cross with us re Trump

  Jul 22

Ate at the Asian bistro tonight. Not terribly authentic. The appetizer was iceberg lettuce with thousand island dressing.

  Jul 22

Fortune cookie. Chinese delicacy. In Hunan province, they eat the paper.

  Jul 22

Another self-driving car startup? Anyone working on a self-driving startup that uses AI to navig8 funding rounds & burn cash at hi velocity?

  Jul 22

Trump starts with same 4 letters as Truman. Low-bar criterion for presidential?

  Jul 22

Trump seems to think high TV ratings are a mark of quality. If so, he should appoint the cast of “The Big Bang Theory” to his administration

  Jul 21

Days like this make me thankful for air conditioning. And hair conditioning. My stringy mane is simply unmanageable in hot weather.

  Jul 21

"McKinsey's State Of Machine Learning And AI, 2017" (http://ow.ly/NCVi30dOr9n ) JK--Interesting quantitative market-sizing estimates.

  Jul 21

"The future of deep learning" (http://ow.ly/W4mA30dOjxe ) JK--Development automated through reusable components & transfer learning

  Jul 21

"Revisiting Unreasonable Effectiveness o Data" (http://ow.ly/HU6L30dOiWJ ) JK--Supervised learning effectiveness linear to training-data scale

  Jul 21

The more things stay, the more they change the same.

  Jul 21

Drafted next #Datanami column: "Training Your AI With As Little Labeled Data As Humanly Possible"

  Jul 20

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Roger Miller "Dang Me" JK--1964. This was the radio-friendly version. In '64, DJs wouldn't play original: "Darn Me"

  Jul 20

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Spoon "Do I Have to Talk You Into It" from Hot Thoughts JK--2017. Gr8 new one from the veteran Austin indie rockers

  Jul 20

"Dbl-edged sword o AI" (http://ow.ly/ClQe30dMDLi ) JK--Interesting role breakdown: trainers, explainers & sustainers (http://ow.ly/vCKs30dMDY4 )

  Jul 20

"You don’t have to fit someone else’s story" (http://ow.ly/h8ow30dMwmS ) JK--Exactly. Don't let other people tell you what your life means.

  Jul 20

"The Futurist’s Dilemma" (http://ow.ly/2R0E30dMvPR ) JK--Futurists can't really predict what's coming, but can help us brace for likely shocks

  Jul 20

"House Dems say Potomacshould stay open near Trump golf course" (http://ow.ly/3Cw430dMh0S ) JK--Don't shut down our river to indulge him!

  Jul 20

"House bill would exempt selfdriving cars frm existing auto safety stds" (http://ow.ly/C3xK30dMgwi ) JK--No! Dont risk lives testing new tech!

  Jul 20

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp This Heat "Health and Efficiency" JK--1980. English industrial postpunk band. Grindingly relentless 3-piece assault

  Jul 20

"NIST Backs Quantum-level Temperature Measuremt" (http://ow.ly/wGl730dMfrK ) JK--Far more accurate. Freezing point of water imprecise baseline

  Jul 20

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Miaow "When It All Comes Down" JK--1987. Power-pop with a slight yodel-y chorus midway through.

  Jul 20

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Empress Of "Go to Hell" from Go to Hell JK--2017. Sweetly acidic.

  Jul 20

Expected high today: upper 90s. Expected humidity: upper 80s. Chance of rain: 0. Feel my innards becoming a glistening stewed tomato.

  Jul 19

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Buggles "Video Killed the Radio Star" JK--1979. CGI, motion capture, & deep learning are killing the video star.

  Jul 19

"Musk's Freakout Over Killer Robots Distracts Frm Real AI Problems" (http://ow.ly/NY3o30dKwNt ) JK--I assume he'll flee them in his rocketship

  Jul 19

"Amazon Alexa is so smart it's stupid" (http://ow.ly/DrFu30dKtB4 ) JK--It's voice apps--aka "skills"--are kluge to use. Most R soon forgotten

  Jul 19

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bill Withers "Use Me" from Lean On Me: The Best of Bill Withers JK--1972. Great use of pauses in the melodic line.

  Jul 19

"Models hinting at serious, triple-digit heat wave late this wk in Washington" (http://ow.ly/dAt530dKr1u ) JK--DC will actually feel swamplike

  Jul 19

"A security robot fell into a water fountain at a D.C. office building" (http://ow.ly/Ll5430dKqTl ) JK--It was a hot day. He needed a dip.

  Jul 19

"Google Glass rises again — at work" (http://ow.ly/gnqC30dKqD1 ) JK--Anywhere heads-up displays are a safety must and/or productivity booster

  Jul 19

"GGL pushing hard 2 bring quantum computing 2 mainstream" (http://ow.ly/oUfd30dKps4 ) JK--Last time qubits trended was when Noah built the ark

  Jul 18

Free dinner to hear retirement-community marketing pitch. Not to our taste. Too golf-y/boat-y. And, quite frankly, the steak was undercooked

  Jul 18

Counter-intuitive? #datascience& #machinelearning#ML without math? What do you think?  @kkmaurya@afigueiredo@mrfuryo

  Jul 18

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Cactus Blossoms "Mississippi" from Twin Peaks Soundtrck JK--2017. Wonderful. Sounds like lost Everly Bros track

  Jul 18

"Free AI Chatbot Goes 2 Bat 4 Beleaguered Consumers" (http://ow.ly/Ajbd30dIzTc ) JK--Virtual personal ombudsperson on civic & consumer matters

  Jul 18

"New Google Project Sets Out 2 Solve Artificial Stupidity" (http://ow.ly/aj1c30dIzr9 ) JK--Make chatbot-smarts limitations transparent to user

  Jul 18

"Neuroevolution: A different kind of deep learning" (http://ow.ly/s2qj30dIzdl ) JK--Evolutionary algo decides which neurons connect to which

  Jul 18

"DeepMind Has Taught AI to Do Something Quite Remarkable" (http://ow.ly/vNtb30dIy2b ) JK--Locomotion like "Looney Tunes" cartoon characters

  Jul 18

"General Electric Builds an AI Workforce" (http://ow.ly/dSZs30dIxLj ) JK--Use sensor-fed “digital twin” AI models of all machines they manage

  Jul 18

"Which Is Best, Waterfall or Agile?" (http://ow.ly/GRGj30dIxfk ) JK--Why choose? Do an agile bellyflop over the waterfall into the data lake.

  Jul 18

"Understanding the limits of deep learning" (http://ow.ly/peGc30dIwRx ) JK--Not suited to abstracting & generalizing from one-off simple rules

  Jul 18

Need to do algorithmic urine test on every phenom that's been referred to metaphorically as being "on steroids." Performance-enhancing hype?

  Jul 18

"People fall off a 'humor cliff' when they start working" (http://ow.ly/zw5H30dIvwn ) JK--That's for sure. Don't overdose on grim seriousness.

  Jul 18

"Elon Musk to governors: AI software could replace you, too" (http://ow.ly/SzzR30dIv1J ) JK--Anybody else think this is slightly unhinged?

  Jul 18

"Google San Jose: Can th search giant prevent traffic, housing woes?" (http://ow.ly/hZEG30dIuC5 ) JK--Should build huge dorm to house them all

  Jul 18

"In era o relentless data breaches, IBM focuses ... on ‘pervasive’ encryption" (http://ow.ly/CSVE30dIuc8 ) JK--Quotes me #SiliconANGLE

  Jul 17

My wife fights lions in her sleep. I fight technical issues. None of them nightmare-grade.

  Jul 17

"How St. Augustine Invented Sex" (http://ow.ly/VvpX30dHst1 ) JK--Wow! Says he also overheard people singing with their butts. Fake news?

  Jul 17

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp St. Vincent "New York" from New York JK--2017. Dear Radio-Edit People: What's the word she sings after "mother"?

  Jul 17

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Lou Reed "Vicious" from Transformer JK--1972. "You must think I'm some kind of gay blade."

  Jul 17

"What You See When You Close Your Eyes: Brion Gysin at the NewMuseum" (http://ow.ly/YIGI30dH1D6 ) JK--This artist was totally cool. Cut-ups.

  Jul 17

Now that software becoming deeply probabilistic, only a matter of time before it executes on processors that screw up every nth calculation

  Jul 17

"Tech Requirements for DL/ML" (http://ow.ly/Vjzi30dGVn6 ) JK--Highlights importance o scalable memory capacity/bandwidth 4 calcul8ng gradients

  Jul 17

"What AI Researcher Fears about AI" (http://ow.ly/zOea30dGUO7 ) JK--Fails to mention soul-gnawing Fear of Missing Multi-Billion $ Opportunity

  Jul 17

"Musk told governors need to regulate AI before it’s too late" (http://ow.ly/u5mS30dGTQe ) JK--Yep. Imminent threat of marauding killer robot

  Jul 17

"Building a Chatbot: Analysis and Limitations of Modern Platforms" (http://ow.ly/FNRf30dGRFf ) JK--Good taxonomy & comparative assessments.

  Jul 17

"MIT researchers can now track AI’s decisions back to single neurons" (http://ow.ly/mOSU30dGQ6n ) JK--Think of it as algorithmic fMRI

  Jul 17

"3 rules on how to use VR data analytics 4 your product" (http://ow.ly/Gx0F30dGPs6 ) JK--Great guidance, when mass usage begins to materlalize

  Jul 17

"Compuware Ties COBOL Unit Testing Tool to DevOps Platforms" (http://ow.ly/JLbV30dGOMY ) JK--"Mainframe renaissance" is a bit too hopeful

  Jul 17

A pleasant palindrome day to one and all: 7-17-17.

  Jul 17

"The 'Sunday Scaries' Are Real: This is Why" (http://ow.ly/9ENF30dGDPt ) JK--Yeah, it's scary to have income & useful stuff to occupy you M-F

  Jul 17

"What it was like making Kool-Aid Man commercials in the 1980s-90s" (http://ow.ly/UrHA30dGDov ) JK--After Jonestown, he was ostracized

  Jul 17

RIP Charles Bachman. Invented the database management system. So foundational to all that came later that we can scarcely imagine otherwise

  Jul 17

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Billie Holiday "Fine and Mellow" from Legacy 1933-1958 JK--1939. Died on this day in 1959, age 44. She wrote this

  Jul 17

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Gil Scott-Heron "Lady Day & John Coltrane" from Black & Proud: Soul of Black Panther Era Vol 2 JK--1971. Tres cool!

  Jul 16

Watching “The History of Comedy” on CNN. My wife of a different race & I are debating topic of racial humor. We’ve been frank from the start

  Jul 16

The 13th Doctor Who will be a woman. I’m in my 54th year of never having watched any of them.

  Jul 16

Thank U Time-Life Music for assuring us that th Cold War McCarthyism era was a “simpler, more innocent time.” People were so nice back then!

  Jul 16

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Odetta "It's A Mighty World" JK--1964. That amazing brassy righteous voice!

  Jul 16

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Inez & Charlie Foxx "I Fancy You" JK--1964. Good one from duo best known for original "Mockingbird."

  Jul 16

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bo Diddley "Soul Food" JK--1965. Great one. Backed by The Cookies ("Don't Say Nothing Bad About My Baby")

  Jul 16

“Mayo Clinic Guide To Healthy Living.” They advocate spreading mayo on every meal. No surprise there.

  Jul 16

Trump’s getting creative. One of his new lawyers is Ty Cobb. Reincarnated jackass baseball Hall of Famer visibly sharpening his legal spikes

  Jul 15

The online Spanish-English dictionary translates "ay carramba" as "oh no." OK. From now on, I'll negate all Spanish verbs with "carramba"

  Jul 15

Drinking pale ale. I prefer it to near beer. But I prefer fine wine or risky whisky.

  Jul 15

"People Accidentally Agree to Clean Toilets for Free Wi-Fi" (http://ow.ly/yMqG30dF6OU ) JK--Just to show how few people read before clicking.

  Jul 15

Picked up brother & his wife from airport. They had a fine time in Sonoma. Must remember to help Donna consume th fine wine I helpd carry in

  Jul 15

Jimmy Carter spending his ex-presidency working with Habitat for Humanity. Trump working hard making planet uninhabitable for all humanity
  Jul 14

118 over 62. Told the nurse I hope that means I’ll live to 118 and have $62 billion to my name by that time.

  Jul 14

While software is eating the edge, probabilities soften the software. Statistics are the new logic, machine learning the new programming.

  Jul 14

It's gotten to the point where I do, say, and publish so much stuff, and have over so long a period, I have to self-Google to locate it.

  Jul 14

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Johnny Cash "A Boy Named Sue" JK--1969. Back before people were allowed to change their names or use nicknames

  Jul 14

"PAIR: the People + AI Research Initiative" (http://ow.ly/p8KN30dDbKP ) JK--Google project on human factor in engagement with AI.

  Jul 14

"Who Needs Hard Drives? Scientists Store Film Clip in DNA" (http://ow.ly/WGp530dDaPl ) JK--Catch the Muybridge allusion in their demo.

  Jul 14

"Microsoft intros Azure Stack" (http://ow.ly/NWoC30dDaso ) JK--Important platform for hybrid-cloud appdev. See upcoming #Wikibon research note

  Jul 14

"Best Tool 2 Use 4 JS Apps: Angular JS, React JS, Node JS" (http://ow.ly/VXze30dDacS ) JK--Framework prolif shows how pervasive JavaScript is

  Jul 14

"AI Is the Future of the Internet...." (http://ow.ly/QOb130dD9Xs ) JK--Actually, article shows how pervasive it is in real apps in here & now

  Jul 14

"Me, Myself & Digital Twins" (http://ow.ly/IpFY30dD9ac ) JK--Yep. It's "ground truth" data anchoring ML on any physical person place or thing

  Jul 14

"'Trump criticised 4 'creepy' comment 2 Brigitte Macron" (http://ow.ly/k9mu30dD8zH ) JK--Then the jerk repeated it loudly twice to her husband

  Jul 14

"IBM, Automation Anywhere partner on SW bot solution 2 replace manual tasks" (http://ow.ly/nCiV30dD7L6 ) JK--Relieve knowledge worker tedium

  Jul 14

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Halo Benders "Virginia Reel Around the Fountain" JK--1998. The Smiths have song with same name minus "Virginia"

  Jul 14

"Why SV magnate funding new wave of political candidates" (http://ow.ly/rxWV30dD70y ) JK--Y Combinator's Altman: “tech, fairness, liberty”

  Jul 14

"7 keys to structuring yr Node.js app" (http://ow.ly/6LRG30dD5Oi ) JK--Hot web dev language. I'm doing Node.js Interactive, Vancouver, Oct 3-6

  Jul 14

"Apache Spark 2.2 gets streaming, R language boosts" (http://ow.ly/wgLf30dD5oa ) JK--More of a true streaming backbone. Larger developer reach

  Jul 14

"Kubernetes's days may be numbered...." (http://ow.ly/LkdD30dD57z ) JK--Good idea. Today is Kubernetes 7.14.2017, tomorrow 7.15.2017, & so on

  Jul 14

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Black Moth Super Rainbow "Born On A Day The Sun Didn't Rise" from Eating Us JK--2009. Deeply extruded electronica

  Jul 14

"How To Stop an Imminent Reboot" (http://ow.ly/X8I930dD4Fe ) JK--Sounds like the perfect title for a Hollywoodcliffhanger.

  Jul 14

Difference between hype and saturation coverage: the former overstates the importance of a topic, the latter overassumes your interest.

  Jul 13

Local anchor just referred to this region as “the DMV.” Huh? We don’t live in Department of Motor Vehicles. Oh. District MarylandVirginia

  Jul 13

FBI doomed to inhabit a crumbling brutalist fortress in perpetuity? It seems fitting that top cops work in something resembling a cellblock

  Jul 13

Definitely one of those dog days. One of those when they’re slack-jawed, panting, & let their long lazy red tongues hang out of their mouths

  Jul 13

"9 cutting-edge programming languages worth learning now" (http://ow.ly/sGWJ30dBpE8 ) JK--Good rollup. We're seeing strong uptake on all these

  Jul 13

"Electric Glove Transl8s Sign Language Into Txts In Rl-Time 2 Help Deaf People Communic8" (http://ow.ly/4VEZ30dBVQ2 ) JK--With the rest of us

  Jul 13

Maybe I'm oldschool, but I generally require that people respond to the actual substance of my question in the spirit in which it was asked

  Jul 13

Nice to see POTUS showing his son some support on all this. Donald Jr. is indeed a high-quality idiot. He'll be a high-quality inmate.

  Jul 13

"Infor’s AI efforts sincere, but not killing enterprise complexity yet...." (http://ow.ly/CRLB30dBs32 ) #Inforum2017#SiliconANGLE#Wikibon

  Jul 13

"The Strange Loop in Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/VtN130dBqfL ) JK--Explains Generative Adversarial Networks in a Hofstadter frame.

  Jul 13

"“DeepState” (http://ow.ly/Fupb30dBqZk ) JK--That phrase is evil Trumpism designed to stigmatize constitutional government & rule of law.

  Jul 13

"In a few years, no investors going 2 B looking 4 AI startups" (http://ow.ly/FR3D30dBmVR ) JK--It's becoming table stakes, not differentiator

  Jul 13

"Michigan’s NewMotorCity: Ann Arbor as Driverless-Car Hub" (http://ow.ly/CZLb30dBlu1 ) JK--Exciting times in & around my alma mater.

  Jul 13

"Avoiding AI/Chatbot Failures" (http://ow.ly/nQzN30dBkRM ) JK--I suggest using Sarcastic Gradient Descent to help bots spot snark in the wild

  Jul 13

"EU Developing Robot Badgers 4 Underground Excavation" (http://ow.ly/QRwO30dBkiY ) JK--Will also 3D-print walls to stabilize tunnels it bores

  Jul 13

"Adversarial Attacks & Defenses" (http://ow.ly/z7lv30dBjE3 ) JK--Kaggle competition: how 2 fool ML/DL algos & defend against ML/DL tricksters

  Jul 13

"Neural SLAM" (http://ow.ly/ZPSZ30dBiYh ) JK--Simultaneous Localization &Mapping. Agents dynamically learn infer global map from sensor data

  Jul 13

"2 Giants o AI Team 2 Head Off Robot Apocalypse" (http://ow.ly/GpU830dBiig ) JK--No. Piece simply about human-guided training o robot RL algos

  Jul 13

"How to Create a Smart Chatbot" (http://ow.ly/mp6j30dBh2a ) JK--Presents a useful "conversational framework" for developers.

  Jul 13

"Semantic Segmentation w/Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/OqUI30dBg1e ) JK--Seriously arcane algorithms that treat every last pixel as an object

  Jul 13

This morning in high-tech news: Everybody's disrupting everybody, but somehow many of them are still making lots of money.

  Jul 12

Alec Guinness. Alec Baldwin. One of them's American, right? One's still alive, I'm sure. One also does comedy. Help me out here.

  Jul 12

#Inforpresident Duncan Angove keynotes final day of #Inforum2017. Catch him later live on #theCUBE: http://bit.ly/2t0fICH 

  Jul 12

As a courtesy to other attendees, we request that U silence, power off, disassemble, pulverize & purée all electronic devices at this time.

  Jul 12

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Beastie Boys "An Open Letter To NYC" from To The 5 Boroughs JK--2004. JimmyK thanks DJ Abbie for playing my request

  Jul 12

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Cat Power "New York, New York" from Jukebox JK--2008. Better than Frank Sinatra's. See also her "Manhattan"

  Jul 12

"Why ML Doesnt Work Well for Some Problems?" (http://ow.ly/A0qM30dzczD ) JK--Cool discussion. "Strong emergent" phenoms may not be predictable

  Jul 12

"Understanding Changing Position Roles in Data Science" (http://ow.ly/zi2x30dzclq ) JK--Disagree. Feels like evolving a more perfect unicorn

  Jul 12

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The War on Drugs "Holding On" from A Deeper Understanding JK--2017. Another great one from the Philly-based group.

  Jul 12

Let's keep score: we now have proof Russia sought to interfere & had direct access to highest levels of very-eager Trump family & campaign.

  Jul 12

Rumor in Manhattan is that Trump has greenlighted his next real-estate project on the west side & will call it “Moscow on the Hudson.”

  Jul 12

What smoking gun are we still waiting for in case of Trump Jr & Russians? An email where he exclaims gleefully “oh goody I’ll tell daddy!”?

  Jul 11

"[ERP] SaaS vendors... [infuse] AI [into suites]....,[says Kobielus]" (http://ow.ly/IizZ30dyBsR ) #theCUBE#Wikibon#SiliconANGLE#Inforum2017

  Jul 11

"Analysts assess strategic detail around Infor’s Coleman & Birst" (http://ow.ly/NDVh30dyBmt ) #theCUBE#Inforum2017#Wikibon#SiliconANGLE

  Jul 11

New jk #Wikibon#SiliconANGLEblog: "Infor Launches AI-First Cloud ERP Strategy" (http://bit.ly/2ugbyqr ) #Inforum2017

  Jul 11

"Will AI Replace ERP?" (http://ow.ly/MUGw30dytWC ) JK--Tom Siebel and I share a perspective on this. See my latest blog.

  Jul 11

New jk #Wikibon#SiliconANGLEblog: "Infor Launches AI-First Cloud ERP Strategy" (http://ow.ly/jyTg30dytON )

  Jul 11

Angove: #Infornot building horizontal machine-learning platform. Coleman is verticalized AI/ML for industry-focused value #inforum2017

  Jul 11

Angove: Coleman leverates open-source AI framework. #inforum2017

  Jul 11

Angove: Coleman is conversational, augments your work, automates you to free up valuable time, assists in making best decision. #inforum2017

  Jul 11

Angove: Coleman is industry-focus Cloud Suite AI to maximize human potential. #Inforum2017

NASA's Katherine Coleman Johnson. I knew it wasn't Joe Coleman, though his 23 victories for the '73 Tigers was not too shabby. #inforum2017

  Jul 11

My POV: #Infor, with its new AI + BI strategy, seems to be playing competitive catchup to ERP rivals SAP, Microsoft, & Oracle. #inforum2017

  Jul 11

My POV: #inforum2017 is #Infor coming-out for true end-to-end enterprise embedded-analytics strategy: AI+BI. Coleman + Birst.

  Jul 11

Brad Peters: #BirstBI provides end-to-end analytic decision-suppt dashboards within #Infor CloudSuite apps, or as stand-alone. #inforum2017

  Jul 11

Phillips: Networked CloudSuites deliver metadata-driven ERP/process insights in context anywhere in the suite. #inforum2017

  Jul 11

My POV: #Inforshould spell out timeline for making Coleman AI digital assistant/recommender functionalty GA across whole suite #inforum2017

  Jul 11

"Infor & LinkedIn Partner 2 Boost Sales Productvty" (http://ow.ly/2hCI30dxnXn ) JK--integr8s Infor CRM w/LinkedIn Sales Navigator #inforum2017

  Jul 11

"Infor Amplifies Cust Svc by Delivering Access 2 Rich Personalized...Information" (http://ow.ly/3yco30dxnDW ) JK--Infor Concierge #inforum2017

  Jul 11

"Infor Expands ERP into the Extended Supply Chain" (http://ow.ly/7B2230dxniU ) JK--Networked CloudSuites w/GT Nexus core functs #Inforum2017
  Jul 11

"Infor Announces Coleman AI Platform" (http://ow.ly/NEuH30dxmRd ) JK--Conversational digital assistant in its CloudSuite ERP apps #inforum2017

  Jul 11

Charles Phillips & other Infor execs live on #theCube from #Inforum2017today/tomorrow. Register here: http://bit.ly/2t0fICH 

  Jul 11

Phillips presenting the details of microvertical industry architecture. Hugely text-dense eyechart. Packed with features. #Inforum2017

  Jul 11

Phillips: Manufacturing CloudSuites. Core features: multi-company, multi-site, single logistics #Inforum2017

  Jul 11

Philips: When we do customizations, it's not really customizing. It's per-customer "mashups."#Inforum2017

  Jul 11

Philiips: CloudSuite: common analytics, UI, fed security, cross-suite search, 5000+ APIs to access objects/svcs from other apps #Inforum2017

  Jul 11

Philips: Main product line is CloudSuite. My industry products incorporated with core ERP engine. #Inforum2017

  Jul 11

Phiillips: adding analytics and AI. Acquired Birst. Introducing new AI product. #Inforum2017

  Jul 11

Phillps: Choosing AWS for cloud partner has been "great decision for us."#Inforum2017

  Jul 11

Phillips: AI, analytics (Birst BI) network (commerce/IoT), cloud (Industry CloudSuites), industry ("last-mile features") #Inforum2017

  Jul 11

Infor CEO Charles Phillips kicks off Day 1 keynote of #Inforum2017. Highlights many new products, integrations, features, users.

  Jul 11

Waiting for keynote to begin at #Inforum2017. They've made considerable progress in evolving ERP portfolio. Recent Birst acq adds analytics

  Jul 11

Interesting that New York City gives nation its first president since Teddy Roosevelt & it's someone who embodies the worst NYC stereotypes

  Jul 11

Dave & I went Italian last night. Octopus isn't my thing. Spaghetti is. I don't mind floppy food as long as it's pasta-based, tentacle-free

  Jul 11

Doing #Inforum2017 in NYC. Met CEO Charles Phillips yesterday. We hadn't met during his Oracle years. Interesting pre-brief. Keynote at 9am

  Jul 11

Moving at a Manhattanpace. Grabbed quick breakfast, did quick walk to Times Square, then quickly realized I've been there done that.

  Jul 10

New York, New York, it’s my kind of town, the Bowery’s up and my battery’s down. Where’s that charger?

  Jul 10

"Low-Code/No-Code Far More  Disruptive than U Think" (http://ow.ly/iKuU30dw9Zb ) JK--Do traditional coders feel more threatened than empowered?

  Jul 10

Down in the Meatpacking District. Preparing to pack down one of Bubby’s burgers. Well done. With fries. Chase it with cool clear water.

  Jul 10

Not to worry. Jayden K. Smith is no friend o mine. She’s disappointed me & dishonored th memory o her late anchorman grandpa Howard K. Smith

  Jul 10

"NASA Wants Tricorder for Mars" (http://ow.ly/HBiW30duY9I ) JK--Needs to have a built-in tribble detector. Otherwise, it's useless.

  Jul 10

"Expert Panel Debunks AI Hype" (http://ow.ly/bJzC30duXEo ) JK--I'd like to convene a panel of experts to assess the quality of the hype itself

  Jul 10

Heading to Lagyooahdeeah. Doing a few days in Noo Yawk. I plan to adjust my accent accordingly. Appease the locals, if nothing else.

  Jul 9

I am going to immediately unfriend everybody on Facebook who doesn’t “like” everything I post! I mean it! Consider this an ultimatum!

  Jul 9

Watching NatGeo doc on Yellowstone. Narrator milks all scenes for max dramatic impact. Every dumb wolf symbolizes brutal nature come calling

  Jul 9

I’d like an analytic that analyzes all my analytics, tells me whether I’ve overanalyzed it all, & indicates whether I myself need analysis

Aweekstweets August 27 to October 22 2017: the weeks awaiting green to turn

Sampled the dark pale ale at Trader Joe today. Isn’t that a contradiction in terms? Or like mixing an acid and a base?

Day of lopping limbs--unsightly, inconvenient, and/or inanimate--off the arboreal riot that is the Kobielus yard. Night of satisfied fatigue

  Oct 21

Musk gets conditional approval to bore hyperloop tunnel along Balt-Wash Pkwy. Because need  speed on least congested highway in the area

The problem with seizing the moment is that there’s a moment after that, and so on. Trying to seize all those moments would induce seizure.
0 replies1 retweet1 like

  Oct 20

Today’s yoga instructor took pains to correct my poses. What he should have done was correct his confusing instructions that put me there.
0 replies0 retweets0 likes

Organizer of nxt week’s Pentaho World panel asked for something interesting to say about me. I’m boring. All I could think of is my grandson

As schoolchildren start to acquire data science skills, will their use of supervised learning require adult supervision?

I have to admire the sly marketing tactic that sends you a "special invitation" to, essentially, spend  of your money with the merchant.

jameskobielus Retweeted John Richards
Unlike whoever wrote that page linked to from playlist, I think the "preciousness" of original is what makes it (Brit art-school) special.
jameskobielus added,
John Richards @loserboy
Replying to @jameskobielus @KEXPNowPlaying
I'm fascinated with people's reactions to covers.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Pavement "The Killing Moon" from BBC Evening Session JK--1997. Good. But Echo & The Bunnymen's original is better

  Oct 20

Boost productivity. Join Crowdchat: Automating Data Analytics to the Max, Nov 1, 2pm ET, http://bit.ly/2hKbpTw #BigDataAutomation

  Oct 20

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Barr Brothers "It Came To Me" from Queens of the Breakers JK--2017. Great rock song. Hope this hits big.

  Oct 20

"MongoDB's IPO makes it one of New York's most valuable tech firms" (http://ow.ly/m3nq30g0Tqe ) JK--Quotes my commentary to the reporter

I’m old school. I like to read hardcover library books w/pockets containing cards scribbled w/names o locals who previously checked them out

My hunch is that Bezos is going to go rogue and put his 2nd HQ smack-dab in the middle of the Amazon rain forest. His master plan all along

"The Case for Continuous Deep Learning at The Edge" (http://ow.ly/zsxf30fZP91 ) JK--Cites self-driving vehicles as premier use case.

  Oct 19

"You Could Become an AI Master Before You Know It. Here’s How" (http://ow.ly/jLCa30fZOG7 ) JK--Media coverage of automated ML is growing.

  Oct 19

"The Machine Intelligence Continuum" (http://ow.ly/vo8a30fZNTs ) JK--Act, learn, predict, create, relate, master, evolve.

  Oct 19

"GGL 2 give $1B to nonprofits, help Americans get jobs in nu economy" (http://ow.ly/QTUQ30fZNvB ) JK--Fund soup kitchens if Plan A falls thru?

  Oct 19

"Alexa can now recognize voices & give personalized responses" (http://ow.ly/aqyD30fZNmM ) JK--Yeah, & Alexa's sick of your incessant whining

"At GitHub, JavaScript rules in usage, TensorFlow leads in forks" (http://ow.ly/OBZM30fZMMt ) JK--24,000 forks for TF SW. 8,300 for TF models

"Nvidia Delivers Collaboration, 'Star Trek' Style" (http://ow.ly/lpRA30fZMmH ) JK--Holodeck virtual reality. Direct from the head of Zeus.

  Oct 19

When people ask if AI is going to automate them out of jobs, I say don't worry. It'll also automate our robot overlords out of their jobs.

  Oct 19

"Is th Data-Driven Network Next?" (http://ow.ly/JJQw30fZLWe ) JK--ML-driven protocol optimization? Here's me recently:

  Oct 19

"Visualizing Dynamic Bitcoin Transaction Patterns" (http://ow.ly/K8Dd30fZLpI ) JK--Kids: Visualize how Mom&Dad frittering away yr inheritance!

  Oct 19

Briefed by #Acquia. Now have a customer journey mapping solution to add value to experience personalization & content mgt (Drupal) offerings

  Oct 19

Interviewed by Matthew Flamm of Crain's New York Business for my thoughts on the #MongoDBIPO.

  Oct 19

Drive results. Join Crowdchat: Automating Data Analytics to the Max, Nov 1, 2pm ET, http://bit.ly/2hKbpTw #BigDataAutomation

  Oct 19

"Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’" (http://ow.ly/FZC830fZn25 ) JK--Master of tact. Callously shrugs off a family's grief

  Oct 19

"Pentagon study declares American empire is ‘collapsing’" (http://ow.ly/dhKc30fZmzX ) JK--Really? I don't trust soldiers who speak this way

  Oct 19

"History of the Ampersand" (http://ow.ly/JR2b30fZl80 ) JK--The symbol (stylized Latin 'et') & word (slurred English/Latin 'and per se and')

“Intel unveils new family of AI chips” (https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/circuitbreaker/2017/10/17/16488414/intel-ai-chips-nervana-neural-network-processor-nnp …) JK--For cloud-based DL training, not edge-based inferencing

  Oct 18

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Bringing Analytics to the Edge: A Cube Discussion with Hitachi Vantara’s Chuck Yarbrough" (http://ow.ly/7ShR30fXTfd )

  Oct 17

Dave Vellante & I recorded a Cube today about AI. But preceded by our mutual geek about Rob Reiner’s cumulative awesomeness. Meathead rules!

  Oct 17

In Boston. Will present to clients tomorrow on AI For ITOM. Then I’ll flip the deck and speak on MOTI roF IA. Know it backward and forward.

  Oct 17

Boston PD “Hackney Carriage Unit” sign reminds me to remove personal items from taxi. Yes, I’ll remove my top hat & collection of quill pens

  Oct 17

"Grafeas, new open-source API for the software supply chain, released" (http://ow.ly/zEQv30fVTaB ) JK--Google et al. Tidies distributed DevOps

  Oct 17

"Learning Diverse Skills via Maximum Entropy Deep Reinforcemt Learning" (http://ow.ly/kSqq30fVSFY ) JK--I'm a sucker for cute robotics visuals

  Oct 17

"DeepMind launches new research team to investig8 AI ethics" (http://ow.ly/kqSx30fVSsU ) JK--Industry tactic to ward off specter of regulation

"Tensorflow sucks" (http://ow.ly/prLx30fVS5G ) JK--Debatable, but blog lays out interesting wishlist for deep-learning frameworks generally

  Oct 17

"Algorithms Hav Already Gone Rogue" (http://ow.ly/evau30fVRz6 ) JK--O'Reilly speciously disparages financial algos. Shareholdr value not rogue

"Google’s AI can create better ML code than rsrchers who made it" (http://ow.ly/lkFG30fVR3g ) JK--"Latest blow to human superiority"? Nonsense

  Oct 17

Saw clickbait on "8 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Work Reputation." I assume they'll follow up with "9 Ways Everybody's Trying to Destroy You"

  Oct 17

"A very special 70s nightmare starring Vincent Price, HR Pufnstuf & Brady Bunch" (http://ow.ly/TIwy30fVPDv ) JK--Disaster rivals 3 Mile Island

  Oct 17

"Facebook debuts new video datasets for training neural networks" (http://ow.ly/zxyP30fVPia ) JK--Scenes, objects, actions, general motions

  Oct 17

Considering a meetup called "Deep Learning from Scratch." You have to scratch pretty deeply to learn this stuff. Careful: might draw blood.

  Oct 17

It's official. Every place in the United States is now bidding for Amazon's 2nd HQ.

  Oct 16

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sugar "Helpless" from Copper Blue JK--1992. Bob Mould's group was, for me, a defining rock sound of the early '90s.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Billy Bragg "Saffiyah Smiles" from Bridges Not Walls JK--2017. Lazy loping sounds a bit like NSinatra "Sugar Town"

  Oct 16

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Perfume Genius "Wreath" from No Shape JK--2017. Excellent new one from Seattle-based singer-songwriter Mike Hadreas

  Oct 16

"Introducing NNVM Compiler: New Open E2E Compiler for AI Framewks" (http://ow.ly/GXTB30fUaDx ) JK--Hastening the convergence of AI frameworks

  Oct 16

"When AI learns to sumo wrestle, it starts to act like a human" (http://ow.ly/ia4O30fUafW ) JK--Generative adversarial reinforcement learning

  Oct 16

"Now There’s IQ Test for Siri & Friends" (http://ow.ly/8dat30fU9UD ) JK--Quoth Wile E Coyote: none would pass entrance exams for kindergarten

  Oct 16

"AI blockchain" (http://ow.ly/66T630fU98B ) JK--Sort of a distributed open AI microservices marketplace w/automated crypto-micropayments

  Oct 16

"Beyond Hadoop" (http://ow.ly/LU4530fU8vt ) JK--Data at the edge pulls computation to the edge, away from those centralized clusters.

  Oct 16

Morning's headlines: AI will throw everybody out of work, including everybody who writes these headlines, which seems to be everybody.

  Oct 16

"What’s a great TV show with a terrible theme song?" (http://ow.ly/dYk530fU6q8 ) JK--I always liked "Happy Days" but cringed at its theme song

"Tribbles’ Creator Eyes Our Disruptive Future" (http://ow.ly/y90U30fU4UJ ) JK--Aye, Captain, trials & tribble-ations with IoT & black swans!

  Oct 16

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Tallest Man on Earth "The Dreamer" from Sometimes the Blues Is Just a Passing Bird JK--2010. Great wistfulness

  Oct 16

"Hallelujah! The Songs We Should Retire" (http://ow.ly/8mQV30fU4ae ) JK--Yes on all counts, but what's with the Hawaiian sumo wrestler?

  Oct 15

Some see me as cerebral. I consider myself  of a physical being. My masseuse said I obviously work out. That felt good. Validation.

  Oct 15

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Hot Chip "Huarache Lights" from Why Make Sense? JK--2015. This UK group always makes warm vibrant electro-pop.

  Oct 15

Connecting last Friday in Chicago, I looked out the plane window & wondered: "Mid-October? Midwest? No colored foliage? What gives?"

  Oct 13

Sleepless and restless, contemplating serverless. Anything but listless.

  Oct 13

Home of the late Charles M. Schulz burns in Santa Rosa. Lots of precious “Peanuts” memorabilia destroyed. AUUUGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Oct 13

My SJ/SF::WashDC/Balto analogy. Large cities about the same distances apart. One was planned (mission or capital), other was major seaport.

  Oct 13

My throat was real raw today. The air quality in the Bay Area is very bad. The brown pall of the wildfire hangs over everything.

  Oct 13

Words I hear all the time in hi-tech but never in real life: "extensible""scalable""heterogeneous""performant." Just for starters.

  Oct 12

"BMC...AIOps Platform w/Expanded ML Capabilities for Multi-Cloud Mgt" (http://ow.ly/noyO30fQkRq ) JK--Reveals repetition ripe for automation

  Oct 12

"Will AI Take Our Jobs or Enhance Them?" (http://ow.ly/3wfY30fQjH5 ) JK--Or will AI take this job & shove it? AIn't workin' here no !

  Oct 12

"Your Data Is Biased, Here's Why" (http://ow.ly/yu4c30fQjtP ) JK--Experts agree: it's because you are a very bad person. Shame on you!

  Oct 12

"First Autonomous Flight for Drone w/Event Camera" (http://ow.ly/mXFB30fQjnA ) JK--Detects motion to help a fast-moving UAV avoid collisions.

"NASA to demo flying drones in controlled airspace alongside commercial aircraft" (http://ow.ly/Xcni30fQjhR ) JK--Gotta happen at some point.

  Oct 12

"Unlikely allies Amazon & Microsoft unveil Gluon to ease ML projex" (http://ow.ly/5j4030fQbgJ ) JK--Milestone in adaptive/programmable ML dev

  Oct 12

"MIT Camera Could Let Self-Driving Cars See Around Corners" (http://ow.ly/RsTg30fPniT ) JK--Processes penumbras of not-yet-seen moving objects

"Quantum Inside: Intel Manufactures Exotic New Chip" (http://ow.ly/2d5y30fPmRv ) JK--Needs Xtreme cold? Why not do quantum calc in deep space?

  Oct 12

"Rise in AI could be Apocalyptic 4 Consulting" (http://ow.ly/nGGT30fPmfo ) JK--Oh, really? Bet your biz on personal digital assistant advice?

  Oct 12

"Data Humanism, the Revolution will be Visualized" (http://ow.ly/posv30fPm8A ) JK--Alludes to the fact that many infographics are crap.

  Oct 12

"Android Devs May Follow Apple's Face ID Lead" (http://ow.ly/aZRJ30fPlT7 ) JK--This will definitely hasten the demise of passwords.

  Oct 11

In Silicon Valley, people generally don’t walk. Which means I have the sidewalks all to myself. Which I prefer.

  Oct 11

That woodsmoke smell permeates air today in Santa Clara. Very much smells like the air in Jakarta. Lady in front knew what I meant & agreed

  Oct 11

"Can an AI caddie improve your golf game?" (http://ow.ly/APB530fNNhk ) JK--Does it embed a chatbot to address the ball, Ed Norton-style?

  Oct 11

"NVIDIA promises fully autonomous taxis by 2018: possible?" (http://ow.ly/K77X30fNMC8 ) JK--They only promise to ship GPUs for that by then

  Oct 11

If Hollywood makes a film about Harvey Weinstein, I'm not sure who'd be best to cast in the lead: Seth Rogen, Jeff Garlin, or John C. Reilly

  Oct 11

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Blow "Get Up" from Brand New Abyss JK--2017. Good one. Sounds like Suzanne Vega under an assumed name.

  Oct 11

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ride "Cali" from Weather Diaries JK--2017. This is a great song for zipping down a California highway 80+ mph

  Oct 11

Dined on Thai tonight here on Trimble Road in San Jose. Thai is my usual Asian comfort food. My Chinese-Indonesian wife feels the same.

  Oct 11

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Monsoon "Ever So Lonely" from Third Eye JK--1983. Indian-British world-pop group. Bewitching sound.

  Oct 10

From a marketing standpoint, I'd say the Weinstein Co "prestige movie" branding has been shot all to hell. Wouldn't you agree?

  Oct 10

"AIM Was a Pioneer in Collaboration" (http://ow.ly/IVJZ30fMhfA ) JK--Yes, but it was also a vehicle for people to waste your time in real-time

  Oct 10

"ContinuousAI" (http://ow.ly/795N30fLni6 ) JK--Research into continuously agile transfer learning that adapts AI to new experiences/challenges

  Oct 10

"WaveNet launches in the Google Assistant" (http://ow.ly/zV9830fLn5D ) JK--Generative text-to-speech DL of astonishing naturalness.

  Oct 10

"Google AI Residency Program" (http://ow.ly/dU8q30fLmVb ) JK--Research position. I bet the waiting list will stretch down the California coast

  Oct 10

"Teachable Machine Explore Deep Learning in Browser" (http://ow.ly/hDWM30fLmK7 ) JK--Cool/simple/educational/interactive demo of how DL works.

  Oct 9

California redwood smell. Stones me to my soul. Stones me just like jelly roll. Hey Van Morrison: what do they put in Belfast jelly rolls?

  Oct 9

Futuristic predictions of sci-fi authors. Hypothesis: their accuracy inversely proportionate to a writer’s propensity for bug-eyed monsters

  Oct 9

Terrible fires raging in wine country. I’m not imagining that we smell the smoke down here in Palo Alto. Colleagues confirm.

  Oct 9

  Oct 9

"New Project Aims to Create Blockchain-Based AI Marketplace" (http://ow.ly/4XRt30fKbiJ ) JK--Not yet fully baked. Robotics. "SingularityNET. "

  Oct 9

"8 Most Powerful Supercomputers in th World" (http://ow.ly/aYUk30fK9Na ) JK--I'm sure they all scream. They also sport rad souped-up exteriors

  Oct 9

"How to Build/Deploy Scalable ML in Production w/Apache Kafka" (http://ow.ly/5h8P30fK9rR ) JK--Positions Kafka as feature-extraction pipeline

  Oct 9

"4 ways AI could make airports  tolerable" (http://ow.ly/BpeS30fK8zt ) JK--Article feels like rehashd "4 ways Big Data could" golden oldie

  Oct 9

Weinstein Co fires sleazebag co-founder after NYTimes expose. I'm sure those simple naive Hollywood folk were utterly blindsided & unaware.

  Oct 9

"Constant Monitoring + AI = Rx for Personal Health" (http://ow.ly/WZLY30fK5fg ) JK--Actually, sounds like freakily unhealthy self-involvement

  Oct 9

I tune out "behind the music" popstar profiles when the voice-over starts into "cocaine & alcohol abuse were rampant" post-success meltdown

  Oct 9

"FlytBase Releases AI Platform for Drones" (http://ow.ly/RYAY30fK4A9 ) JK--My hunch is that AI dev framewk/platforms for drones will prolifer8

  Oct 9

"VS Code Tools for AI Further Microsoft's Deep Learning Efforts" (http://ow.ly/9Izy30fK3Y0 ) JK--This brings AI into reach of  programmers

  Oct 9

Watching Time-Life pitch 4 Jackie Gleason Show collection. Not sure what makes me feel older: remembering it or being reassured it’s on DVD

  Oct 8

I’d walk out of a football game because it disrespects the fact that it causes brain damage, whether or not a player kneels beforehand.

  Oct 8

"Google launches Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL: AI first phones" (http://ow.ly/8jpU30fJfpy ) JK--Three-way DL-embed mobile rivalry: GGL, Amazon, Apple,

  Oct 8

"New Google Pixel earbuds offer real-time translation of 40 languages" (http://ow.ly/D63L30fJflc ) JK--Great idea for putting DL on wearable

  Oct 8

I assume the TED people will start a parallel BAXTER track where speakers can demonstrate the depths of their vacuous talking-head pomposity

  Oct 8

"From Gloom To Glam: The Evolution Of Facebook Messenger Chatbots" (http://ow.ly/JM3M30fJf8x ) JK--Toward lifestyle recommender bots.

  Oct 8

"Neural Net Generates Fake Startups. Hilarity Ensues" (http://ow.ly/yUqL30fJeUM ) JK--Don't laugh. Whole cultures may adopt this to name kids.

  Oct 8

Catch #Wikibonanalyst yours truly on the #PentahoWorldmainstage expert panel, Orlando, Oct 25-27. Register here: http://ow.ly/YWnA30fJeBe 

  Oct 8

Connecting smack-dab in middle of flyover country. What? People don't fly over points on the east & west coasts? Are th oceans no-fly zones?

  Oct 8

Trump cabinet member sitting behind me in economy. Labor. Acosta. Good boy.

  Oct 8

"Why Intel built a neuromorphic chip" (http://ow.ly/ZHSy30fIY0C ) JK--Spiking NNs.  efficient for supervised, unsprvsd, & reinforcemt lrng

  Oct 8

Thinking of writing  about identity management in the Internet of Things. Because I want to use the acronym "IDIOT" with a straight face

  Oct 8

On my way to San Jose for a week of meetings in and around Silicon Valley, where the streets are indeed paved with that element. Unalloyed!

  Oct 8

Spate of media saying smartphones are making us dumb. Literati agree only that reading hardcopy novels is the hallmark of superior intellect

  Oct 7

I definitely don't miss AOL Instant Messenger or instant messaging in general. I grew to loathe those stupid popups. Put it on email instead

  Oct 7

Cleaned out my home equipment cabinet. Can’t believe we’ve holding onto this many defective mice.

  Oct 7

Special #Wikibon Teleconference: True Private Cloud: Foundation for Enterprise Hybrid Cloud: Thurs Oct 12, 2pm EDT

  Oct 6

When th page-refresh stalls, I can see the DL-generated metadata on my FB photos. Most frequent tags are “man looks serious”& “takes selfie”

  Oct 6

Vancouver appears to be pretty well-off. I spotted far  luxury hotels than Tim Hortons.

  Oct 6

"AOL Instant Messenger Dies in December" (http://ow.ly/YkWu30fHdPR ) JK--That's still a thing? By "that," I mean AOL, AIM, & instant messaging

  Oct 6

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Simon & Garfunkel "America" JK--1968. In '01, I boarded Greyhounds in Pittsburgh to/from Detroit (not Saginaw).

  Oct 6

Secy of State not in strong bargaining position vis-à-vis foreign leaders when openly refers to his POTUS as “moron” (true as that may be)

  Oct 5

"Strata NYC Focuses on Promise & Potential Pitfalls of AI & ML" (http://ow.ly/O6PU30fF9zc ) JK--Cites/links to #theCUBE#BigDataNYC

  Oct 5

"Will ML save enterprise server business?" (http://ow.ly/Lz8A30fF7aZ ) JK--Doubtful. All this ML/DL/AI horsepower following svrs into cloud

  Oct 5

"R.I.P. Tom Petty" (http://ow.ly/7ghh30fF6Hn ) JK--Check out #KEXPeulogy blog with video links. Well done. Remember him by his songs.

  Oct 5

"Guiding Principles to Maximize Chatbot Retention" (http://ow.ly/78O430fF6vN ) JK--Identify basic "unit of conversation" per engagement

  Oct 5

"Larry Ellison has Amazon in sights" (http://ow.ly/JRf030fF5jt ) JK--OMG/over-the-top: “It’s our computers vs their computers in cyberwarfare"

  Oct 5

"Billionaire tech investor: There will be a Mark Zuckerberg & Bill Gates of AI" (http://ow.ly/G4sV30fF4tp ) JK--Perhaps it'll be Mark or Bill

  Oct 5

"Deep Diving the Data Lake : Automatically Determining What’s In There" (http://ow.ly/GbkV30fF3Pe ) JK--Vorhies'"Gold Zone" is data warehouse

  Oct 5

"News-reading AI could scan for police shootings nationwide" (http://ow.ly/HeyG30fF2WU ) JK--Needs to flag jurisdictions where under-reported

  Oct 5

"Google reveals Android Robocop AI to spot and destroy malware" (http://ow.ly/OsKK30fF2BN ) JK--Sounds like this AI will be new malware target

  Oct 5

"Using Wearables to Assess Emotional Reactions thru Biometrics" (http://ow.ly/90JH30fF2cF ) JK--Can they sense your discomfort wearing them?

  Oct 5

"UN Opens New Office 2 Monitor AI Dev & Predict Possible Threats" (http://ow.ly/DCke30fF1XR ) JK--And then do what? Send in peacekeeping bots?

  Oct 5

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Damien Jurado "Queen Anne" from Visions of Us on the Land JK--2016. Another gorgeous folkish one from Damien.

  Oct 4

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sir Douglas Quintet "Mendocino" JK--1969. This Tex-Mex gem was one of my favorite radio songs as a kid back then

  Oct 4

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Box Tops "The Letter" JK--1967. #1 on pop charts that year. Dueled with Doors'"Light My Fire." I remember!

  Oct 4

AI. An even  abstract mania than Big Data, which I kinda miss. At least it had hard crunchy consonants.

  Oct 4

At #NodeInteractivethis week. Keynote on importance of inclusivity in open-source governance. In the era of Trump, no one should doubt this

  Oct 4

"Booth crawl" late this afternoon on the expo floor. Damn. I forgot my kneepads. Hopefully, the happy hour won't reduce us all to crawling.

  Oct 4

Two cups of coffee in the room at the start of a busy day. Makes the sun rise just a bit faster.

  Oct 4

"Cramming AI models into IoT for big data at the edge: analyst predictions" (http://ow.ly/gmUO30fDp6j ) JK--Our #BigDataNYC panel last week.

  Oct 4

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Nilufer Yanya "Baby Luv" JK--2017. Very cool vocal. Sound like she's echoing off herself.

  Oct 4

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Tom Petty "Runnin’ Down a Dream" JK--1989. My favorite of his vocals, and the guitar interplay is wicked!

  Oct 3

First time in Vancouver on business. Been here twice on vacation. Totally cool city. I am chillin’.

  Oct 2

Trump just seems to go out of his way to say or do the most offensive thing. Dedicating a golf trophy to hurricane victims? Ace hole!

  Oct 2

I think I’ll skip seeing “It” till I catch its prequel, “Sh.”

  Oct 2

"GPUs vs. TPUs — Can NVIDIA Hold On To Its Lead?" (http://ow.ly/TdXX30fzAmS ) JK--Good overview of DL chipset market. Super vibrant!

  Oct 2

"Theano is dead, long live Theano" (http://ow.ly/zVha30fzA0D ) JK--Shakeout in open-source DL toolkits will accelerate.

  Oct 2

"IBM Uses Deep Learning to Train Raspberry Pi" (http://ow.ly/A1qq30fzywB ) JK--HPC AI supercomputing at edge on open-source hardware?

  Oct 2

"Rational Agents for AI" (http://ow.ly/tiyf30fzxUW ) JK--IoT edges. I think of them as sensate intelligent entities: sense, infer, learn, act

  Oct 2

Shock and sadness at the mass shooting in Vegas. Having stayed at Mandalay Bay many times, all I can say is that but for the grace of God...

  Oct 2

"Why DIY Kubernetes projects could be a really bad idea for your business" (http://ow.ly/zfzH30fzrQO ) JK--"Undifferentiated heavy lifting"

  Oct 2

"Amazon expands its Alexa everywhere strategy" (http://ow.ly/XIZW30fzrnM ) JK--New Echo models. Centerpiece is a smarthome integration hub.

  Oct 2

"AI in Healthcare Mkt Expected to Reach $22.8M by 2023, Globally" (http://ow.ly/FFpR30fzr7s ) JK--About 50% CAGR. Hardware/robotics revs drive

  Oct 2

"Designing with AI" (http://ow.ly/nzBe30fzqXv ) JK--Powering a social recommendation engine organically inside the Facebook experience.

  Oct 2

"Scaling AI + IoT Hardware: A Growth Hack" (http://ow.ly/fQZP30fzqJA ) JK--For factories full of AI-powered "MakerBots."

  Oct 2

"AI Playbook" (http://ow.ly/LXfO30fzqgl ) JK--Useful reference assembled by venture capitalists Andreessen Horowitz.

  Oct 2

"DL Reveals New Insights About People" (http://ow.ly/uPpI30fzo0A ) JK--Personality feature extraction? Prove it's not Myers-Briggs useless

  Oct 2

"Chinese state media criticizes AI-driven news distrib" (http://ow.ly/2VKx30fzmyw ) JK--PRC prefers state-sanctioned news bubble.

  Oct 2

"Facebook's New 'AI Camera' Team Wants to Add Layer to the World" (http://ow.ly/9z4c30fzm8e ) JK--Coming ubiquity of generative AI photo apps

  Oct 1

Enjoyed “The Hero” on DVD. Sam Elliott delivers a beautiful performance as a dying movie star. Laura Prepon & Nick Offerman also shine.

  Oct 1

Billie Jean King vs Bobby Riggs. 44 years later, I care even less.

  Sep 30

Hugh Hefner's passing reminds me to thank whatever man on Fitzgerald St left out his copies of "Playboy" in the trash during my jr-hi years

  Sep 30

Went to Trader Joe today. Was hoping to trade a cache of beaver pelts for some wampum. But Trapper Joe was out kayaking up Gitchee Gumee way

  Sep 30

Strata NYC is always a hoot. Approaching Javits Ctr, you pass Central Park livery stable on W. 37th. Ahhh, the aroma of Manhattan horseshit!

  Sep 30

It’s not that my head is necessarily any calmer on pleasant days. It’s just that it doesn’t have to fight my environs to stay that way.

  Sep 30

“I don’t like the optics of that.” How do you feel about the acoustics, electromagnetics, and quantum mechanics of it?

  Sep 29

Had a substitute yoga teacher today who just didn’t know when to shut up. Not a second went by without her voice sucking the room’s oxygen.

  Sep 29

A lot of travel and a lot of challenging work coming in October. Think I’m going to enjoy it. The work is its own reward.

  Sep 29

"Former Google engineer developing AI god" (http://ow.ly/PGSu30fwNso ) JK--I suggest NOT calling it AIamwhatam" or "yAIwAI." Sensitivities.

  Sep 29

"Jeff Dean’s Talk on Large-Scale Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/A6kJ30fwMzL ) JK--RL for learning optimal DL-training cross-node workload alloc

  Sep 29

"Intel’s New Self-Learning Chip Promises to Accelerate AI" (http://ow.ly/azHO30fwJ2O ) JK--"Combines training and inference on a single chip"

  Sep 29

"How to Regulate Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/FiAX30fwIfe ) JK--Oren Etzioni lays out core principles: laws, disclosure, approvals

  Sep 29

"AI, trust, and the art of conversation" (http://ow.ly/FSkk30fwH8v ) JK--The quality of a chatbot's voice influences whether you trust it.

  Sep 29

"Predicting the future of coffee in NYC" (http://ow.ly/5QUZ30fwyfF ) JK--I'm gonna have to cut back: those visuals are giving me the jitters

"Microsoft is using Excel as gateway drug to AI" (http://ow.ly/z4Jb30fwxB4 ) JK--Hey man, I got totally wasted on that high-potency worksheet!

  Sep 29

"AI can make our societies  equal. Here’s how" (http://ow.ly/S0Z930fwxjF ) JK--Article naively assumes data biases easy to spot/squelch

  Sep 29

"Hello New World of “Artificial Intelligence”" (http://ow.ly/GjVA30fwwP5 ) JK--"Hello""new world""of""unnecessary""quote""marks."

  Sep 29

"Machine Learning, Graphs, & the Fake News Epidemic" (http://ow.ly/71QD30fwwie ) JK--Why not use ML/graphs to show how fake the "epidemic" is?

  Sep 29

"Chihuahua Or Muffin? Searching For Best Computer Vision API" (http://ow.ly/D7R830fwvZq ) JK--Before that, find me th best blueberry chihuahua

  Sep 29

"How Behavioral Analytcs Changing Cities" (http://ow.ly/8cSW30fwuVm ) JK--Curious about analytics o biker-bar behavior in Detroit's Brightmoor

  Sep 29

I'd want a wordprocessing program that turns every noun-phrase into an acronym. Who wouldn't want a WpP that turns every NP into an acronym?

  Sep 29

"Open-source community pushing big data into AI realm" (http://ow.ly/ZZoC30fw5nk ) JK--Me & @furrier yesterday on #theCUBE at #BigDataNYC

  Sep 28

Nice to be home. Cooler.

  Sep 28

"NVIDIA TensorRT 3 Dramatically Accelerates AI Inference for Hyperscale Data Centers" (http://ow.ly/C7A630fux9u ) JK--Smokin' AI edge software

  Sep 28

"World's Largest Server Companies Announce NVIDIA Volta Systems Supercharged for AI" (http://ow.ly/PIHD30fuwYq ) JK--Whomping GPU horsepower!

  Sep 28

"With DataPlane, Hortonworks aims 2 help companies drowning in data lakes" (http://ow.ly/N5Xi30fuvGY ) JK--Semantic fabric 4 data-soaked world

  Sep 28

"Microsoft launches new machine learning tools" (http://ow.ly/jUJ930fuvew ) JK--Wow! Desktop/Excel workbench, DevOps, model management.

  Sep 28

"H2O.ai & NVIDIA Bring....AI w/Automated Machine Learning & Feature Engineering" (http://ow.ly/5jQA30fuuLC ) JK--Automation w/interpretability

  Sep 28

"You've already read all your free articles for the month." NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!

  Sep 27

RIP Hugh Hefner. Legendary publisher was instrumental in post-WW2 liberalization of Americans' attitudes around sexuality as lifestyle.

  Sep 27

Bronski Beat "Smalltown Boy" (http://ow.ly/fbJr30ftP84 ) JK--Atrium DJ at Javits Ctr played a similar beat. So I requested this. And he played

  Sep 27

Me & @furrierthis morning at #BigDataNYC:

  Sep 27

Good to have Judith Hurwitz on our influencer panel tonight at #BigDataNYC. Good to have a common life milestone--1st grandchild--to indulge

  Sep 27

This year’s #stratadata. Seeing expected reinventions around AI, hybrid data, & cloud. Not sure if these are innovations, strictly speaking

  Sep 27

Atrium conversations are very different from hallway conversations. The former are very distracted & vague. The latter: clipped and linear.

  Sep 27

Soon up, showtime on #theCUBE at #BigDataNYC. Not as electrifying as Showtime at the Apollo but we're working on it. http://ow.ly/XZ2Q30fsIx1 

  Sep 27

"PassGAN: Password Cracking Using ML" (http://ow.ly/NUTT30fs5L9 ) JK--AI infers vulnerabilities frm patterns of aggreg-user password stupidity

  Sep 27

"Auto code reuse: System automatically modifies code 4 transfer to other programs" (http://ow.ly/oSFQ30fs5AY ) JK--AI fits code to new context

  Sep 27

"Putin: Leader in AI will rule world" (http://ow.ly/3TR130fs5m9 ) JK--Fat chance, Vladdy-boy. The global AI research community is wide-open.

  Sep 27

"China’s Plan to ‘Lead’ in AI..." (http://ow.ly/1oV030fs5gB ) JK--Big plans, but have had scant impact on global AI community so far

  Sep 26

"Microsoft AI and Research grows to 8k people in massive bet on AI" (http://ow.ly/wNSY30fs54e ) JK--Points to Bing as training-data resource

  Sep 26

"The rise of robots in the German labour market" (http://ow.ly/kU2X30fs4YM ) JK--Queue up that Kraftwerk song.

  Sep 26

"Suspense Analog - Data Object" (http://ow.ly/oXIX30fs4JM ) JK--What? Huh!? This blog is a thoroughly mystifying & incongruous meditation.

  Sep 26

Every time someone claims "exponential" growth, I want them to rephrase it "logarithmic," specify base & exponent, & then simply shut up.

  Sep 26

#BigDataNYC2017 Day One Wrap. Me, @furrier, and @plburris this afternoon:

  Sep 26

#BigDataNYC2017 Day One Kickoff . Me & @furrierthis morning:

  Sep 26

"How Microsoft Graph Provides an 'Internet of Your Things'" (http://ow.ly/q61v30fs3JW ) JK--Graphs are the edges that will connect all edges.

  Sep 26

I caught another episode of Ken Burns' documentary on the Vietnam War. Though I was a kid, I definitely remember how nasty the country got.

  Sep 26

Donald Trump, as a businessperson, has been thru Chapter 11 six times. He's trying to make the United States of America his 7th bankruptcy

  Sep 26

  Sep 26

Always find myself slightly gagging on tech industry term "coopetition." Makes me want to toss "coomperation" into the mix for good measure

  Sep 25

I think every big city should hire couples to engage in public displays of affection on strategic street corners just to lighten the mood.

  Sep 25

Over drinks I was sharing with John Furrier the craziness I experienced in New York City as a tourist during the Summer of Sam 40 years ago.

  Sep 25

New York is still summer warm but I wish it were fall cool. I also wish the country were still Obama cool not Trump nuts.

  Sep 25

Pandhandler pathetically begs for a penny to buy a hamburger and a Coke. I personally am not going to subsidize poor dietary habits.

  Sep 25

Every other corner in Manhattan is a Starbucks. What was on these corners before Starbucks? Did these corners even exist back then? Heavy..

  Sep 25

Saw my #IBMfriend Nancy Berlin at http://ow.ly/k02O30fq9OO . A familiar physical smiling face, lots of abstracted new eigenfaces.

  Sep 25

New jk #WikibonPremium research note: "Adopting Serverless Computing for Cloud-Native Applications" (http://ow.ly/75Ox30fpZ3w )

  Sep 25

New #jk#Wikibon Premium research note: "Using Functional Programming to Build Serverless Cloud Applications" (http://ow.ly/C71h30fpYgq )

  Sep 25

Gate agent sez “don’t take it personally” if your bag is too big to fit in the overhead. Why would we take it personally? It’s not our ass.

  Sep 25

"A New Beginning To Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/rClr30foWpz ) JK--Perceptron, Cresceptron? Where's WAllen's Orgasmatron from "Sleeper"?

  Sep 25

"Dotard? How about crapulous, gormless or snoutband? Our guide to underused insults" (http://ow.ly/VXgZ30foTXN ) JK--None have Korean cognates

  Sep 25

"Silicon Valley investor to offer free money to 3K random people" (http://ow.ly/7GT930foTpH ) JK--Altman birthname: John Beresford Tipton III

  Sep 25

"Deep learning must happen at the edge, too" (http://ow.ly/otu030foSyE ) JK--Rollup of me et al on latest #Wikibon weekly from @plburris

  Sep 25

Heading to #StrataData NYC this week. Also hosting #theCubeTues-Thurs. Plus #BigDataNYCpreso & panel on Wed. Come: http://ow.ly/8iuR30foSvh 

  Sep 25

Blockchain depends on public key infrastructure. Immutable data records ride on immutable identity records. Distributed secure hyperledger.

  Sep 25

Kushner used his personal email account for official sensitive White House business. Only one solution: lock him up!

  Sep 24

Fun Neil Young memoir trivia: “working man” Bruce Berry was bro of Jan & Dean’s Jan Berry & their dad managed Howard Hughes’ Spruce Goose.

  Sep 24

Neil Young memoir on his fruitless search for 77 Sunset Strip when arriving in LA in ‘66. Google Maps sez it’s overpass over Hollywood Fwy

  Sep 24

Watched "The Big Sick" on DVD. Nanjiani's cross-culturl luv/coma story based on own life. Holly Hunter & Ray Romano esp. good as her parents

  Sep 24

Airline pitch to upgrade & enjoy "first class luxury." I've been up there, and there's nothing especially luxurious about alcohol & legroom

  Sep 24

Grabbing some fast food. Our chance to slow down.

  Sep 24

I don’t understand what national flags and anthems have to do with sporting events in the first place.

  Sep 23

Why does religious rock always sound like th most tedious ‘80s album-oriented stuff? It would be better if they ripped off, say, the Ramones

  Sep 23

I can’t help overhearing every sales, recruiting, motivational, and religious pitch in the adjacent booth at Panera. It’s Suasion Central.

  Sep 23

The next 8 weeks have me doing New York City, Vancouver, Silicon Valley, Boston, Orlando, & Ireland. Thankfully, not all in the same trip

  Sep 23

Today in Trader Joe samples: everything’s coming up pumpkin for you and me!

  Sep 23

Looking fwd to #Wikibon BigData NYC streaming panel on Wed. P Burris, N Raden, & I 2 B joined by J Hurwitz, J Caserta, J Shin, S McReynolds

  Sep 22

My odd day: woke 5am, worked, fasted, bloodtest, workout, coffee, work, mushroom lunch, work, yoga, work, dinner, tea, beer, popcorn, rest

  Sep 22

"Deep Learning 'Many Body' Problem" (http://ow.ly/DuaN30fmiar ) JK--Physics analogy: many-agent problem (in various sundry collabs/compets)

  Sep 22

"Chatbot Best Practices..." (http://ow.ly/ryhr30fmhBy ) JK--Interesting "3rd gen" discuss: adaptive unsupervised learning from unlabeled data.

  Sep 22

"Chatbots...: Often overused ineffective annoying" (http://ow.ly/dfAr30fmhbJ ) JK--Tough to get right. See my Wikibon:

  Sep 22

"DL Could Finally Make Robots Useful" (http://ow.ly/EP4i30fmgAW ) JK--Oh c'mon. Wasn't warning Will Robinson about aliens approaching useful?

  Sep 22

"5 Movies U Never Realized Were About BI" (http://ow.ly/PQoq30fmg3F ) JK--That's too narrow. But all are about power of data-driven analytics

  Sep 22

"AI’s Ethical Dilemma: Unexpectedly Urgent Problem" (http://ow.ly/559u30fmfgp ) JK--Not long ago, was discussed as "big data" ethical dilemma

  Sep 22

  Sep 22

  Sep 21

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp VU "Rock and Roll" JK--1970. Sorry, Jenny babe, but when I was 5 years old, Beatles started happening on the radio

  Sep 21

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bill Murray "Dalai Lama" JK--"Caddyshack" out-take.

  Sep 21

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Leonard Cohen "So Long, Marianne" JK--I too used to think I was some kind of Gypsy boy. But DNA analysis said no

  Sep 21

"Washington Post’s robot reporter has published 850 articles in the past year" (http://ow.ly/AtPo30fk9ES ) JK--AI-driven pyramid inversion?

  Sep 21

"Hackers Have Already Started to Weaponize AI" (http://ow.ly/dhRK30fk9kk ) JK--Whatcha wanna bet Kim Jong Eun paying attention?

"6 machine learning projects to automate machine learning" (http://ow.ly/BH8E30fk6TW ) JK--Good rollup by the always great Serdar Yegulalp

"IBM's Watson Data Platform aims to become data science OS" (http://ow.ly/p4aT30fk5AE ) JK--It's  of a DevOps platform for team data-sci

  Sep 21

"Musician Taryn Southern composing new LP entirely w/AI" (http://ow.ly/IYIN30fk4Zb ) JK--Musical ideation augmented by

  Sep 21

"Learning to Model Other Minds" (http://ow.ly/s4Yo30fk4iT ) JK--OpenAI project enables RL agents adjust responses to others' inferred learning

  Sep 21

"AI Population Dynamics w/Million-Agent Reinfrcmt Learning" (http://ow.ly/AwMT30fk45f ) JK--Group-grope in future when everything's autonomous

  Sep 21

"Autonomous Quadrotor Landing using Deep Reinfrcemt Learning" (http://ow.ly/b2Vv30fk3QU ) JK--Nailing th landing not for th fainthearted drone

  Sep 21

DRONE//What's automated/and autonomous is a/wee bit ominous.

"AI's Fair Use Crisis" (http://ow.ly/oLgE30fk2R7 ) JK--Supervisd learning frm copyrightd materials sans compensation: constitutionally kosher?

  Sep 21

"Intro'ing Pytorch for fast.ai" (http://ow.ly/aet530fk2xt ) JK--AI prog framework "adopted by many...researchers that [authors] most respect"

  Sep 21

"Autonomous Robots Plant, Tend, and Harvest Entire Crop of Barley" (http://ow.ly/DPyI30fk24W ) JK--Accelerating depopulation of hinterlands

  Sep 21

"Israeli startup building thermal cameras 4 selfdriving cars" (http://ow.ly/dHaV30fk1TP ) JK--Heat signatures diff objects from images thereof

  Sep 21

"AI learns 2 recreate Super Mario Bros by watch someone else play it" (http://ow.ly/RzIq30fk1ze ) JK--Infers rules from pixel frame sequences

  Sep 21

"Containers cool now, but VMs may B eternal" (http://ow.ly/2gnG30fk15u ) JK--Onerous cntnr config/mgt v. "resource-hogging but easy-to-use VM"

  Sep 21

"Cloud TPUs" (http://ow.ly/T1gk30fk0Km ) JK--GGL cloud enables mix/match its AI chipset (TPUs) with AI CPUs (from Intel) & GPUs (from NVIDIA)

  Sep 21

"AWS Launches Quick Start 4 Building Data Lakes in Its Cloud" (http://ow.ly/sQQR30fk0io ) JK--About time. Many AWS users built theirs bespoke

  Sep 21

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Television "Prove It" from Marquee Moon JK--1977. Verlaine sings like he's Tom Petty's beatnik New Jersey cousin.

  Sep 21

"NVIDIA morphs from graphics and gaming to AI and deep learning" (http://ow.ly/YRkw30fjZro ) JK--AI chipset wars: NVIDIA v AMD v Intel v etc

  Sep 21

Lame clickbait: "Remember Barbi Benton? What She Looks Like Today Is Unreal." Almost nobody remembers her. How unreal is the aging process?

  Sep 21

"Microsoft & Facebook create open ecosys 4 AI model interoperability" (http://ow.ly/SY6y30fjZ5l ) JK--Another harbinger of AI tool convergence

  Sep 21

"Bring ML 2 iOS apps using MXNet & Core ML" (http://ow.ly/Mhkt30fjYTy ) JK--Google TensorFlow success spurring Amazon & Apple AI rapprochement

  Sep 20

I have different orientations for work and life. I work vertically. I live for the horizontal.

  Sep 20

"Stop Giving a F*ck & Start Living Yr Best Life Today" (http://ow.ly/PFL530fiFG5 ) JK--How's this mutually exclusive? Have a great f-ing life!

  Sep 20

"Immuta Personalizes Data Access 2 Accel Creation/Deploy/Control of ML/AI" (http://ow.ly/fX0Z30firad ) JK--Autom8d diff privacy 4 data science

  Sep 20

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Dandy Warhols "Be-in" from The Dandy Warhols Come Down JK--1997. One of my favorite trance songs of all time.

  Sep 20

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bonny Doon "Lost My Way" from Bonny Doon JK--2017. Detroit group. Sounds a bit like Modern Lovers & Parquet Courts

  Sep 20

I hope Francis Ford Coppola eventually makes his long-awaited sequel: a lighthearted romp thru the Cambodian countryside: "Apocalypse Wow!"

Join me & #Wikibon for the Annual Presentation & Party at Big Data NYC Week. Wed Sept 27, 5-8pm ET. Register:

  Sep 20

"Stay Hungry. It’s The Ultimate Advantage" (http://ow.ly/oImq30fidWd ) JK--Having no settled groove keeps you young....and perpetually on edge

  Sep 20

My shibboleth for a salesperson who doesnt listen is if they ask my wife how her name is pronounced and she says, they promptly mispronounce

  Sep 20

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Merchandise "Anxiety's Door" from Totale Nite JK--2013. This one has a cool nervous charge running through it.

  Sep 20

So-called financial planner published article calling Social Security "socialism"& said it is going broke. I call BS & BS on both claims.

  Sep 20

Did free "financial planning dinner" out last night. Thinly veiled annuities pitch. Scare tactics to disparage other investments. Meal so-so

  Sep 19

"Your post was shared successfully on LinkedIn." Thanks for overnotifying me of stuff I should be taking for granted, LinkedIn.

  Sep 19

"Chatbot Mkt Size to Reach $1.25B by 2025 | CAGR: 24.3%" (http://ow.ly/wWJC30fgrpA ) JK--Not clear how you can size a market this diffuse.

“Dilbert” is less funny since Scott Adams started the pointy-haired boss wise-cracking. That implies intelligence and that we empathize. No!

  Sep 18

Great. It's important not to overstate the "big" part of the equation. An automation architect... #controlmbigdatahttp://www.via-cc.at/4596i 
0 replies0 retweets0 likes

  Sep 18

Another approach, when trying to sell the notion of automating data-driven business processes,... #controlmbigdatahttp://www.via-cc.at/85962 

  Sep 18

Automation can be a hardsell if you position is as potentially eliminating positions. It's bes... #controlmbigdatahttp://www.via-cc.at/0595z 

  Sep 18

Hi. Welcome to the CrowdChat. #controlmbigdatahttp://www.via-cc.at/6595x 

  Sep 18

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Neil Young "Captain Kennedy" from Hitchhiker JK--2017. Cool solo acoustic country/folk tune recorded in 1976.

"Biased Algorithms Are Everywhere, and No One Seems to Care" (http://ow.ly/gdaJ30fexnK ) JK--Bias is bad. Arrogant defense of opacity is worse

  Sep 18

You barely need to read to spot bad writing. One giveaway is if writer produces paragraphs and sentences of uniform lengths. Visual tedium.

  Sep 18

"Deep Learning Techniques for Music Generation - A Survey" (http://ow.ly/HNip30fevRl ) JK--Not clear how garage bands can pick this up.

  Sep 18

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Ramones "Rockaway Beach" from Rocket to Russia JK--1977. It's in Queens. No need to hitch a ride. Subway goes there

  Sep 18

"Neural Nets Prove 2 B Key Technique in Analyzing Gravitational Lenses" (http://ow.ly/9Bjb30feugF ) JK--Statistical patterns unveil the cosmic

  Sep 18

Hope to see you next week at Big Data NYC (http://ow.ly/gQwA30fetWh ). I'll be there. #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon#theCUBE

  Sep 18

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp 9ice "Economy" JK--2017. Nigeria. Huge real name: Alexander Abolore Adegbola Adigun Alapomeji Ajifolajifaola.

  Sep 18

"Integrating CNNs into enterprise applications" (http://ow.ly/zRut30fet6K ) JK--Shows bewildering range of deep-learning algorithmic options

  Sep 18

"Put simply,..." Wordprocessors should do a simplicity check on what follows: simple sentence, <10 abstractions="" acronyms="" no="" o:p="" words="">10>

  Sep 18

"Today, I’m excited to announce that..." When a vendor says this from a mainstage, I can't help wondering if theyre excited or just relieved

  Sep 18

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Rostam "Sumer" from Half-Light JK--2017. Cool orchestral-feeling piece from former Vampire Weekend member.

  Sep 17

"I Tried Shoplifting in Store w/out Cashiers & Here Wot Happnd" (http://ow.ly/nWCV30fdQ37 ) JK--Missed bskt items but caught up-shirt Red Bull

"Despite AI Hype, True General Intelligence Still Out o Reach" (http://ow.ly/Mxzl30fdPWy ) JK--We'll keep upping the challenge to keep it thus

  Sep 17

"Using AI to identify protestors hiding behind hats or scarves is entirely possible" (http://ow.ly/N7GL30fdPOT ) JK--Possible but not well

  Sep 17

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Tom Waits "Starving in the Belly of a Whale" from Blood Money JK--2002. I get hoarse just listening to this one.

  Sep 17

Reading up on Bitcoin. Also reading up on gold bullion, paper money, and dumpster diving. Just to hedge my bets.

  Sep 16

Nice Saturday of just catching our breath. No need to force a point to it. Relaxation settles itself.

  Sep 15

RIP Harry Dean Stanton. “The life of a Repo Man is always intense.”

  Sep 15

Catching up on pile of unread newspapers after a business trip. Oh, there were hurricanes. Who knew?

  Sep 15

"AI learns to re-create Super Mario Bros. by watching someone else play it" (http://ow.ly/xuPC30fbSUk ) JK--Reverse-engineer from pixel-level

  Sep 15

"This Is Why All Companies Need An AI Strategy Today" (http://ow.ly/QDbP30fbSsu ) JK--Good substance-packed set of visuals in this.

  Sep 15

"Tattoo Particles Circulate through the Body, May Impact Health" (http://ow.ly/rlF530fbemi ) JK--They look and are toxic.

  Sep 15

"Free Will & Willpower Becoming Thing Of The Past. Here’s What U Can Do About It" (http://ow.ly/pf9s30fbdiN ) JK--Follow the program..or else!

  Sep 15

Internet is the virtual land of opportunity. Somewhere at all hours of the day and night it's not too late to lock in that great low rate!

  Sep 14

Sure is good to be back in Romulus with all the Romulans. I do feel like a traitor, though. I grew up just north of here in Klingonia.

  Sep 14

U know U're terminally professional when, at th afterparty, all U can think of is that stupid typo U'd better correct before U utterly faint

  Sep 14

I have never been able to hit the high note of that guy from a-ha. One of my frustrated ambitions in life. Just have to resign myself.

  Sep 13

When I was kid, my dad wondered how I could focus on homework & ace it all while watching TV. I remain that same strange kid. Tension relief

  Sep 13

My obvious pattern is tweeting about what I’m listening to while writing tech blogs. Counter-intuitively, it’s how I focus.

  Sep 13

I’m fine with pulled pork sliders. But they suggest Pol Pot and all those painful associations and, quite frankly, I don’t wish to go there.

  Sep 13

Enough with the finger food, already! I want toe food. Something I can easily dropkick into my waiting mouth.

  Sep 13

“No way Jose” is embedded in “Do you know the way to San Jose?” I think that’s significant. Was Hal David leaving hints? Fed up with Burt?

  Sep 13

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Atlassian Delivers  Deeply Collaborative DevOps Portfolio" (http://ow.ly/DHm330f8F9F )

  Sep 13

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Tristen "Glass Jar" from Sneaker Waves JK--2017. Wow. This is startlingly gorgeous. A Jenny Lewis associate.

  Sep 13

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Oh Sees "Jettisoned" from Orc JK--2017. Righteously great rock and roll.

  Sep 13

Just completd gr8 #OracleBDCM CrowdChat on Deepening Data Capital Thru Cloud-Based ML/AI. Check out transcript here:

  Sep 13

Replying to @jameskobielus

  Sep 13

  Sep 13

"NoSQL standouts: The best key-value databases" (http://ow.ly/zJ0M30f7EBj ) JK--Good analysis by Serdar Yegulalp.

"How We Work With Algorithms" (http://ow.ly/D6lF30f7DGs ) JK--Down with opacity, up with explicability..and UP WITH PEOPLE!, while we're at it

"Intro to Blockchains & What It Means to Big Data" (http://ow.ly/a3qi30f7COH ) JK--Hope dont mean all U big data am belong to Satoshi Nakamoto

  Sep 13

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Echo & The Bunnymen "The Cutter" from Songs to Learn & Sing JK--1985. A song to sing without a clue what it means

  Sep 13

"Apple’s Bet On AR & Future o UI Design" (http://ow.ly/HJMR30f7B1n ) JK--Pls build AR displaying handsfree handwave zone under restroom faucet

"Together, let’s boycott th NFL" (http://ow.ly/rkuR30f7Ajo ) JK--Good luck with that. Might as well boycott tailgate parties & crisp fall days

  Sep 13

"If time is fuzzy, idea of causality may be in trouble" (http://ow.ly/8s3F30f7zV9 ) JK--Hence, laws of science don't apply where pot is legal

  Sep 13

"Psych Principles Every UI/UX Designer Needs To Know" (http://ow.ly/s8Ci30f7zrn ) JK--Freud showed that U secretly wanna sleep with yr browser

  Sep 13

"Facial recognition is here. iPhone X just the beginning" (http://ow.ly/62wg30f7z77 ) JK--Even a face that can stop a clock can start a phone

  Sep 13

"How to Trick Your Brain to Love Criticism" (http://ow.ly/I6Md30f7yOh ) JK--Tip: stand quietly with an ever-tightening grin & clenching fist

  Sep 13

"What the Hell is 'Data-Driven Decision-Making'?" (http://ow.ly/L31530f7ymJ ) JK--You might decide anyway, but would prefer anchor in reality.

  Sep 13

I'd like to see self-promotional map of America. Show only places promoting selves as "historic." Overlay commentary that rips those claims

  Sep 13

"Alteryx Promote delivers AI/ML model deployment, management, & integration" (http://ow.ly/f3nW30f745O ) JK--New Data-Sci DevOps platform?

  Sep 13

"When Will GPUs Go Mainstream in th Enterprise?" (http://ow.ly/ZQKN30f742A ) JK--Depends. Where will they fall on the price-performance scale?

  Sep 13

"“Social Enhancemt & Impairmt o Performance In Th Cockroach” (http://ow.ly/2oHX30f73Uc ) JK--1969. UMich Inst 4 Social Research. This a joke?

  Sep 13

I had to be gauche tonight, pointing out that obsessive concern with where U attended college is not "Eastern" trait. It's just New England

  Sep 12

Congratulating Cleveland on their 20th straight victory. Hope you and my beloved Washington Nationals make it to the Series. Hope we crush U

A good beer after a hard day’s briefings will make me forget I’ve had a heavy bag on my right shoulder for the better part of the last hour

  Sep 12

Good day of presentations, demonstrations, & discussions at the Atlassian analyst event here in San Jose. Dev-y, Ops-y, & DevOps-y. Schweet!

“Great Groveling, Guys: Counting All the Ways Analysts Fawn Over Management” (https://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2017/03/10/great-groveling-guys-counting-all-the-ways-analysts-fawn-over-management/ …) JK--Touché

  Sep 12

iPhone X: No home button, OLED screen, wireless charging http://cnet.co/2wV2BUs via @CNET

  Sep 12

Sure, Eric. Tell me the specific day, time, topic and I'll be there.

  Sep 12

"Alexa, Meet Marvel" (http://ow.ly/IFw830f610P ) JK--Terminally geek. Develop chatbot skills that interact with comic books database.

  Sep 12

"ARIGAN: Synthetic Arabidopsis Plants using Generative Adversarial Network" (http://ow.ly/8Edc30f5kQr ) JK--I'll translate: AI spawns life!

  Sep 12

"Compressing deep neural nets" (http://ow.ly/eA3U30f5kat ) JK--Very important for AI at the edge.

  Sep 12

"Facebook & MSFT introduce new open ecosystem for interchangeable AI frameworks" (http://ow.ly/nZ7P30f5k2K ) JK--DL interchange representation

"Why SuperIntelligent AI Will Kick Ass" (http://ow.ly/ONDw30f5jEI ) JK--Not yet. The robotic ass-kicker still falls flat on its own ass trying

  Sep 12

"New leap for artificial intelligence: computer chips that can smell" (http://ow.ly/cnwj30f5ju0 ) JK--Combine organic neurons with neural nets

  Sep 12

Nice chat with the airport shuttle bus driver today. We discussed Dave Chappelle & Leon Spinks.  or less at random. Kept it real.

  Sep 12

"How Netflix's top-secret recommendation sys works" (http://ow.ly/kP3n30f5iMa ) JK--What about its double-secret-probation recommend8n system?

  Sep 12

"Meet Michelangelo: Uber’s Machine Learning Platform" (http://ow.ly/QCeE30f5ir2 ) JK--Works "seamlessly"? Was its ML trained on marketing BS?

  Sep 12

"10 Things Everyone Should Know About Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/Uqn530f5ic4 ) JK--"Everyone"? Perhaps we should teach it to preschoolers

  Sep 12

"About Natural and Artificial Environments" (http://ow.ly/c1tV30f5hpO ) JK--A beautiful cosmic meditation. I think of it as a virtual circle

  Sep 12

"Lessons Learned From Building a Hello World Neural Network" (http://ow.ly/toSV30f5h5u ) JK--Is there a minimal viable neural net?

  Sep 12

"Ethicist explains 4 chief concerns about AI" (http://ow.ly/MXZ630f5gLO ) JK--Whose morality? How can they discuss? Context? Accountability?

  Sep 12

Back in San Jose. Just occurred to me that 20 years ago this month was my 1st time here. My 1st public speaking engagement. Went OK.

  Sep 11

“Pre-boarding”? How’s that different from simply “boarding”? Either way, you board the plane

  Sep 11

"How SV is erasing your individuality" (http://ow.ly/nhLV30f3Qz9 ) JK--Dumb demonizing POV. Expressing individuality is heart o social economy

  Sep 11

"Dear Amazon, We Picked Your New HQ for You" (http://ow.ly/ypEj30f3QfY ) JK--Denver? Nonsense! NoVa has urban close-in space (eg Springfield)

  Sep 11

"Why Dogs Are Good for Our Health (and Help Us Cope With Life)" (http://ow.ly/223030f3Q2j ) JK--Being covered in canine saliva is healthy? Yuk

  Sep 11

"It’s a Good Thing Some People Don’t Like You" (http://ow.ly/Ow2w30f3PVT ) JK--Trying to impress is guaranteed to depress you. Find your match

  Sep 11

"Silicon Valley’s Politics: Liberal, With One Big Exception" (http://ow.ly/7iv630f3PIc ) JK--Makes  sense to say they're libertarian.

  Sep 11

I'm all-digital. I'm also all-paper. Get your head around that duality. Digital exists to target printed pulp into my info-mad existence.

  Sep 11

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp LCD Soundsystem "I Used To" from Call The Police/American Dream JK--2017. Great new one from James Murphy & band

  Sep 10

Staying calm in a crazy world is just a matter of not taking the bait. People & circumstances are always dangling the bait. Avoid it.

  Sep 10

Nice weekend of relaxing around the house, reading up on how the world is going to hell in a handbag. At least the couch is comfy.

  Sep 10

WashPost describes yellow lady’s slipper orchids as NYC Central Park’s “special fauna.” For sure! Urban plant life enters the animal kingdom

  Sep 10

From space, hurricanes resemble watery circular saws.

  Sep 10

Stuck tune: Steely Dan “Josie.” Not sure if they wore hats at Hooters or she affixed hats to hers. Any other interpretations?

  Sep 10

I’ve declined a LinkedIn message request from someone who wants “to synergy” with me. I can pardon the word but not if used as an infinitive

  Sep 9

According to Hollywood, most important business decisions are made by people sitting in boardrooms on upper floors of downtown skyscrapers

  Sep 9

Upstairs at Starbucks on Main Street in Old Town Fairfax. Looks like a George Mason University study hall. Grimly caffeinated young adults.

  Sep 9

Apparently, my butt is chattier than me. It keeps dialing people. Can’t help itself.

  Sep 9

Swinging by LA Fitness outlet on Beauregard. Another Civil War general name I’d like to see expunged from Virginia’s map. But I wont push it

“Lengthy” is longer than “long.” Would “strengthy” be stronger than “strong”? Or stronger than dirt?

  Sep 9

Thoughts & prayers are with our Florida friends, both those evacuating to points north and those hunkering down. This looks fierce.

  Sep 8

Always bothers me when people address their father as “father” & mother as “mother.” It’s one step removed from “sperm donor” & “egg bearer”

  Sep 8

I’ll be in San Jose next week, at the Atlassian event at the convention center. Look me up there.

  Sep 8

New jk #Wikibonblog: "CrowdChat Recap: Modern Infrastructure Mgmt: Accelerating Productivity Thru ML" (http://ow.ly/cVP430f14Hg )

  Sep 8

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Webinar Preview: Top Trends for Moving Your Data to the Data Warehouse in the Cloud" (http://ow.ly/mNac30f0OPc )

  Sep 7

The  prepared I am for a situation, the  license I give myself to be spontaneous in the moment. Call it quirk, it's really hard work

  Sep 7

Has machine learning made it easier to unlock insights from your infrastructure data? A1: Much ha... #datafrictionhttp://www.via-cc.at/357qa 

How much confidence do users have in the veracity of the infrastructure data? A1: Very little con... #datafrictionhttp://www.via-cc.at/557pz 

  Sep 7

How easy is it for users to find the infrastructure data & associated analytics they need? A1: Ve... #datafriction

  Sep 7

How extensively does decision making, powered by insights from infrastructure data, permeate your... #datafriction

  Sep 7

Is your IT organization a facilitator or obstacle to gaining value from your infrastructure data?... #datafriction

  Sep 7

Is your infrastructure data becoming  of a strategic asset or overhead burden? (one response ... #datafriction

  Sep 7

Is it getting harder or easier to extract value from your infrastructure data? (one response only... #datafrictionhttp://www.via-cc.at/757lq 

How rapidly is your enterprise infrastructure management data growing in volume? (one response on... #datafriction

  Sep 7

In 3 minutes, join #Wikibon#ExtraHop CrowdChat on "Modern Infrastructure Mgt Through ML."#DataFriction

  Sep 7

At the top of hour, join #Wikibon#ExtraHop CrowdChat on "Modern Infrastructure Mgt Through ML."#DataFrictionhttp://bit.ly/2ibVOzF 

  Sep 7

I usually write detailed post-it to-dos to myself on work items. I assume that th me that'll need 2 heed 'em will be functionally brain-dead

  Sep 7

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Rain Parade "I Look Around" from Emergency Third Rail Power Trip JK--1983. Neo-psychedelia. I met them in Madison

  Sep 6

New jk #Datanami column: "Giving Machine Learning Freer Rein to Design Next-Generation Communications Protocols" (http://ow.ly/2vuP30eXP0B )

  Sep 6

How rapidly is your enterprise infrastructure management data growing in volume? (one response only)... #justatesthttp://www.via-cc.at/657k0 

"Majority of firms now reply on 'citizen' application developers" (http://ow.ly/JP1Z30eWWHl ) JK--Patronizing term for coders outside IT dept

  Sep 5

Donald Trump has a feeling in his heart for the people he's deporting. I have a feeling in my heart that we need to deport him.

Improve veracity of infrastructure data. Join #ExtraHop CrowdChat Sept 7 10am

  Sep 5

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Count Five "Psychotic Reaction" JK--1966. Dare I say his psychotic reaction contributd to him not getting her love?

  Sep 5

"Wikibon Weekly Rsch Meeting Notes: Serverless Computing" (http://ow.ly/ni0T30eVqWh ) JK--Dave's write-up of my talk from the week before last

  Sep 5

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas "Escapar" from Telephone / Telefono JK--2017. Cool canción.

  Sep 4

They should have called it "server-oblivious" computing," not "serverless." Sick of gratuitous commentary on the paradigm's mis-naming

  Sep 4

"Y Combinator takes machine intelligence startups to school and learns a thing or two' (http://ow.ly/1nVm30eUmow ) JK--How to vet AI startups

  Sep 4

"How do you read math-heavy machine learning papers?" (http://ow.ly/O84q30eUlXm ) JK--Good advice.Multi-pass read of intro, results, & outline

  Sep 4

"The current state of applied data science" (http://ow.ly/MqB530eUlSd ) JK--Ben Lorica gives good guidance on model training.

  Sep 4

"Are U Really Ready for Intelligent Automation?" (http://ow.ly/Izdn30eUlEf ) JK--Not really. Thought I'd cut my teeth on th stupid variety 1st

  Sep 4

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Parquet Courts "Stoned And Starving" from Light Up Gold JK--2013. Great. Sounds like lost Velvet Underground track

"3 projex lighting fire under ML" (http://ow.ly/XbYv30eUljP ) JK--Upstart Java-centric Smile boosts speed/ease of model training/deployment

  Sep 4

"Artificial Intelligence Is Stuck. Here’s How to Move It Forward" (http://ow.ly/Kg3230eUkmu ) JK--Fuse apriori & learned knowledge

  Sep 4

Been a quiet Labor Day weekend with everybody out of town. What towns you all been into? Not that I’m into wanting to know what you’re into

  Sep 4

Wife getting me another pair of athletic shoes. I was just about to show my age and call them sneakers. At least I didn’t call them gumshoes

  Sep 4

Downed the complimentary triple espresso at the auto dealer. Now I can express three times as much in 140 characters.

  Sep 4

Another morning, another round of hiding/deleting stuff other people put on my Facebook timeline. It’s only for stuff I choose to put there.

  Sep 3

Saw "The Last Word" on DVD. It was OK, but Shirley MacLaine, at age 83, is still bewitching. No mean feat.

  Sep 3

RIP Walter Becker. Though Donald Fagen was the front, face, & voice of Steely Dan, Becker always made his presence felt in their grooves.

  Sep 3

RIP Shelley Berman. WashPost obit headline (”acted alongside Larry David”) feels random. Also did topical improv alongside Nichols & May.

  Sep 3

This morning, I’ve tried Starbucks’ free Wi-Fi & McDonald’s free Wi-Fi. Honestly, I can’t tell the difference! #tastetest

  Sep 3

Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate’s TV ads say he “started 3 small businesses.” Doesn’t say whether any of them innovated or still exists

  Sep 3

The sound of one hand clapping is applause waiting for a reason.

  Sep 2

Weird weather throughout the United States. Weird cold here on the East Coast. Weird heat on the West Coast. Weirdly wet on the South Coast.

  Sep 2

Caught episode of "Doc Martin" (series 6) I hadn't seen. His mother returns to make amends. Starting Paul Theroux's "Mother Land." Gripping

  Sep 2

My productivity zoomed the 1st time I used a computer. Ditto for binder clips and post-it notes. Whatever helps me imprint & process paper

  Sep 2

"Worked his fingers to the bone." Never actually seen anyone in that condition. Does the entire work-callused epidermis spontaneously molt?

  Sep 2

Against advice, I still lay hardcover books face-down to keep my place. It's backbreaking labor of a sort the author probably never pursued.

  Sep 2

Silicon Valley funded think tanks. They need to keep policymakers focused on economic drivers of innovation. Current POTUS is clueless there

  Sep 2

This morning on social media: every artist everybody really REALLY gets into is a genius. All others are seriously overrated or pure crap.

  Sep 1

Glad PBS is doing an “American Masters” on filmmaker Richard Linklater. Amazing ability to blend the accessible and experimental.

  Sep 1

September 1 and it's the first day since Spring that I've felt it's chilly enough to justify wearing a jacket going out. Symmetry reigns.

  Sep 1

"How to make the most of Mechanical Turk" (http://ow.ly/zvSf30eQrdV ) JK--Any-micro-task digital online crowdsourcing. Gig economy future?

  Sep 1

"Serverless may kill Google Cloud Platform" (http://ow.ly/rjtW30eQqCA ) JK--Disagree. Function-as-a-svc doesn't address all app patterns

  Sep 1

"Oracle steps up IoT game, adds AI, digital twin, enterprise data integr8n" (http://ow.ly/gMY430eQhqq ) JK--Industrial supply-chain analytics

  Sep 1

"DIY vacuum actuators make robots that squirm&squish" (http://ow.ly/Y3Bl30eQhdb ) JK--Sounds like cool toy: robot Slinky or smart Silly Putty

  Sep 1

Labor Day almost here. A long weekend's journey into fall.

  Sep 1

"The Smartphone’s Future: It’s All About the Camera" (http://ow.ly/nonf30eQeSx ) JK--Everything's going AI-augmented visual reality

  Sep 1

Every morning should start with a deep breath, and deep thanks for still being able to draw deep breaths.

  Sep 1

Smartwatches vs. smartphones. What's got the greater geek street cred? A Dick Tracy 2-way radio wannabe or a Cap'n Kirk tricorder pretender?

  Sep 1

"Stop Trying to Make Smartwatches Happen" (http://ow.ly/flA630eQaES ) JK--Dvorak pooh-poohs them as emblems of Dick Tracy envy. Dick who?

  Sep 1

"Microsoft and Amazon agree to enable Cortana, Alexa communication" (http://ow.ly/bZJw30eQ81Z ) JK--Hedging their bets in chatbot wars.

  Aug 31

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Defining an Architecture for Automating Data-Driven Business Processes" (http://ow.ly/rbZs30eP6zV )

  Aug 31

There's spontaneity..& there's advancing 1 calculated step at a time thru infinitely branching probabilistic opportunity graph. Not the same

  Aug 31

"Contouring learning rate to optimize neural nets" (http://ow.ly/p7rq30eOlIX ) JK-Train too fast? May miss global optimum. Too slow? Useless

  Aug 31

"How 2 Intentionally Trick Neural Nets" (http://ow.ly/MnXx30eOkT7 ) JK--Use weights to minutely push input image into spurious classification

  Aug 31

"Deep Learning for Siri’s Voice" (http://ow.ly/Hr0l30eOkvf ) JK--Apple unveils the machinery behind making it converse  naturally.

  Aug 31

"Intelligent assistants or chatbots?" (http://ow.ly/dtcZ30eOk6y ) JK--Draws convers8nal UI distinction: task accelerators vs. topic schmoozers

  Aug 31

"Explainable AI" (http://ow.ly/oJM930eOiI1 ) JK--DoD project to use human-in-loop to generate self-explaining ML algorithmic accountability.

  Aug 31

"Post-Quantum Mechanics of Conscious AI" (http://ow.ly/EMtL30eOhI9 ) JK--Physicist Jack Sarfatti: "We live in a conscious hologram universe"

  Aug 31

Another day, another vendr announces "industry's 1st [capability that's been on the market for years] solution." Sigh. Cherish your illusion

  Aug 31

"Coffee lowers yr risk o death, whatever that means" (http://ow.ly/3Y8n30eOg2D ) JK--If it's immortality, please dose me a bottomless espresso

  Aug 31

Saw "Elmer Gantry" (1960) on DVD I checked out of the public library. Burt Lancaster in full grinning athletic alpha-male mode. 4 stars

  Aug 30

"Neural Nets for Generating Music" (http://ow.ly/SH9A30eNgTO ) JK--Recursively, can it generate music designed to get on listeners' nerves?

  Aug 30

"Background removal with deep learning" (http://ow.ly/IqQ130eNgHg ) JK--Greenscreening. Not background removal for witness protection purposes

  Aug 30

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Deepening Data Capital Through Cloud-Based Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/HTNv30eNaVY )

  Aug 30

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Modern Infrastructure Management: Accelerating Productivity Through Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/2Feu30eMWpi )

  Aug 30

"Top Stories: Workforce Analytics, AI, RPAs, and Future Organisations" (http://mailchi.mp/79fa3d779f3f/top-stories-workforce-analytics-ai-rpas-and-future-organisations …) JK--Cites one of my recent.

  Aug 30

Leverage infrastructure data as strategic asset. Join #ExtraHop CrowdChat Sept 7 10am PDT http://bit.ly/2ibVOzF #DataFriction

Power #ML#AI in #bigdata#cloud. Join #Oracle Crowdchat: Deepening Data Capital, 9-13 10am PDT http://bit.ly/2w3RKHH #oraclebdcm

  Aug 29

"Microsoft Project Brainwave Might B Better Than Google's Cloud TPU" (http://ow.ly/xyuQ30eLxyk ) JK--FPGA-based  flexible than ASIC-based

  Aug 29

"Can AI write real Haiku?" (http://ow.ly/qYm230eKZBl ) JK--Don't overthink it./Feed bits forward here, prop weights/back. Repeat. Refine!

  Aug 29

Today my self-care motto is to "achieve optimal value." Tomorrow, it will be to "achieve optimal motto."

  Aug 29

New jk #WikibonPremium research note: "Tuning Chatbots for Maximum Impact" (http://ow.ly/ffIs30eKWVr )

  Aug 29

New jk #WikibonPremium research note: "Getting Started with Chatbot Development" (http://ow.ly/guEY30eKWQg )

  Aug 29

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Thin Lizzy "Jailbreak" JK--1976. This great rocker from my high school years gets me bopping along on air guitar.

  Aug 29

"Drones to figure heavily in Harvey response for insurers" (http://ow.ly/5P0G30eKJjG ) JK--Aerial damage assessment for claims adjustment.

  Aug 29

"Software Eats World.." (http://ow.ly/5bWz30eKIQD ) JK--"Relative val o digital assets eventually...surpasses that o physical"? Sez what data?

  Aug 29

Congress should divert Trump’s Mexican wall funds to something Texans actually need: a wall protecting them from hurricane-stoked flooding

  Aug 29

Has anybody noticed that Scott Adams has made Dilbert’s boss  sensible recently? Comic exhaustion?

  Aug 29

Reading Washington Post’s pan of the VMAs. Trying to recall the last time I saw a music video on a TV channel. Why am I reading this?

  Aug 28

"Serverless computing: It’s all about functional stateless microservices" (http://ow.ly/kvQY30eIYy7 ) w @dvellante#Wikibon#SiliconANGLE

  Aug 28

"I have a quick question." That doesn't necessarily imply I'll be able to dish out a quick response. The quickest response is no response.

  Aug 28

The 2017-2018 school year has commenced in Fairfax County. All the bright young faces lined up at bus stops. Sadly, kids, summer's history.

  Aug 25

I've been following @scott_dietzen of Pure for 8 years- Look what he said in 2013 https://video.cube365.net/c/903329 #storage#dellemc#flash#allflash

  Aug 23

Why real-time data in-motion #bigdata analytics apps are table stakes for fraud prevention. #DataTorrentinterview.

  Aug 28

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Fairport Convention "Million Dollar Bash" JK--1969. Great version of Dylan song released later on "Basement Tapes"

  Aug 27

Finished Trevor Noah’s excellent memoir “Born A Crime.” Very vivid discussion of the horrors that apartheid inflicted on South Africa.

  Aug 27

Trump traveling to Texas in next few days. Competitive instincts in overdrive, having heard there's a disaster rivaling his administration

Aweekstweets October 22 to December 20 2017: the weeks of waning and waiting for the wassailing


"How to Start Learning About Quantum Computing" (http://ow.ly/qync30hls3w ) JK--When the higher powers tell us to start boning up on qubits, it's time to build an ark.

"Why old-school PostgreSQL is so hip again" (http://ow.ly/NFbR30hlrLn ) JK--OMG, don't tell me it moved to Portlandand is drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon.

"Facebook AI will alert users when untagged photos of them are uploaded" (http://ow.ly/o6Z730hlrqt ) JK--Story positions this in a negative (risk mitigation) context, but I see it as a positive: helping track down every photo of myself in order to compile a more complete scrapbook

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp LCD Soundsystem "I Used To" from Call The Police/American Dream JK--2017. Album was strong return to form for James Murphy and buds.

#Wikibon2018 Community Predictions (http://ow.ly/ZLGo30hlpGl ) JK--Video recorded last Friday. Mine are 1) Autonomous Edge Drives Bespoke AI, 2) Automation Impacts Development, Too, 3) Serverless, Developer

"MIT's automated machine learning works 100x faster than human data scientists" (http://ow.ly/9TeV30hlpcb ) JK--Benchmark it against triple-espresso-caffeinated data scientists and report back to us.

"Practical applications of reinforcement learning in industry" (http://ow.ly/r5Gd30hk4vf ) JK--Lorica provides comprehensive overview that goes well beyond robotics. 

"Fully Automated Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/eJuc30hk4da ) JK--Vorhies mentions DataRobot (http://www.DataRobot.com ), MLJAR (http://www.mljar.com ), PurePredictive (http://www.PurePredictive.com ), and Xpanse Analytics (http://www.xpanseanalytics.com ).

"Time to Rethink Computer Vision" (http://ow.ly/xpbP30hk2sy ) JK--Goodbye to steady sequences of pixel-packed frames. Hello change-thresholded pixel-level spiking-pulse streams.

"When AI Supplies the Sound in Video Clips, Humans Can’t Tell the Difference" (http://ow.ly/GZB130hk1tX ) JK--Generative audio. Any digital or physical item can, potentially be milled to exacting verisimilitude through generative AI algorithms.

"Neural Networks Are Learning What to Remember and What to Forget" (http://ow.ly/kMUG30hk1cg ) JK--Generalizable AI demands the ability to dynamically suppress learnings that are irrelevant and acquire/activate skills that address the challenge at hand.

"A New Sensor Gives Driverless Cars a Human- View of the World" (http://ow.ly/nNxX30hk0CB ) JK--Dynamically shifts the vehicle's sensors' attention to pick up details most relevant to navigating the surroundings and adapting to the ever-changing situational context.

Google's Jeff Dean presents their detailed research in next-gen computing hardware architectures optimized for AI (http://ow.ly/JmU330hk0dK ) Less precision needed in the underlying calculations, but far more parallelism, needed to accomplish amazing results.

"High-Resolution Image Synthesis and Semantic Manipulation with Conditional GANs" (http://ow.ly/Uij230hjZol ) JK--Brilliant technique. Use metadata to generate a photorealistic image. Allow humans to iteratively refine the image via interactive labeling.

"What goes around comes around"? Clockwise? Counter? Does it reverse direction when going switches to coming? How does it go or come around in the southern hemisphere? Have physicists ever tested this principle?

"The 20 worst films of 2017" (http://ow.ly/fo0730hjXvX ) JK--I saw 4 of these. Redeeming aspects of each: "The Only Living Boy in New York" (Jeff Bridges), "Kidnap" (cliched deranged redneck kidnappers), "The Book of Henry" (I have a crush on Naomi Watts), "The Last Face" (nothing)

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The National "Guilty Party" from Sleep Well Beast JK--2017. These guys are classics of moody broody indie. Two sets of instrumentalist brothers & a lead singer who is the American equivalent of Bryan Ferry.

"You Are Not the Market — A Lesson in Prediction Posts" (http://ow.ly/GInv30hjVK9 ) JK--Tell your audience what they might not have worked out for themselves. Give enough specifics so that they can push back a year from now, showing you how wrong you were.

"Trump judicial nominee who struggled to answer legal questions drops out" (http://ow.ly/cMRH30hjUSp ) JK--Oh, give him a break. He's halfway through "Federal Circuit Court Judging for Dummies."

This week's top reads in tech. I have my pick of stories with vague headlines that string together acronyms of varying lengths with articles, conjunctions, prepositions, and the occasional adjective inflected in the cliched superlative case.

"6 areas where artificial neural networks outperform humans" (http://ow.ly/Wqe230hjU2D ) JK--That's it. Our goose is cooked (sigh...).

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp DJDS & Empress Of "Love" from Love JK--2017. Good Lana Del Rey cover. A warm soft passionate vibe.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp CCFX "Venetian Screens" from CCFX EP JK--2017. Nice trance number.

"Artificial intelligence cracks 'unbreakable' Enigma code in just 13 minutes" (http://ow.ly/MHKj30hjSO8 ) JK--Article doesn't say, but it appears the AI trained a word-to-vector algorithm on a German-language-text training-data corpus.

Dear Facebook: I appreciate those inline tell-the-world self-revelation challenges. “What is the one word that describes you?” Easy. It’s “me.” Hope I’m not revealing too much.

When I’ve written something long and technical, I’m often so drained I don’t know how to close it. Thinking of adopting a boilerplate sign-off, such as “arrivederci,” “excelsior,” or “as God is my witness.”

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Kikagaku Moyo 幾何学模様"Old Snow, White Sun" from House in the Tall Grass jK--2016. Cool psych-ambient stuff.

New jk #TechTarget column: "AI development toolkits will shift toward solution orientation in 2018" (http://ow.ly/awym30hiUxd )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Black Keys "Lies" from Attack & Release JK--2008. DJ played the wrong song, but at least she responded to my request and noted musical accomplishments of the late Ralph Carney, who played contra bass clarinet on the listed track. Thanks Morgan!

"Can Robots Learn to Improvise?" (http://ow.ly/Zrie30hih1M ) JK--WSJ does a reasonably good job explaining reinforcement learning, and its limitations, as well as transfer learning (though it doesn't name that) and its limitations.

RIP Ralph Carney. Instrumentalist extraordinaire. Played with Tom Waits et al. I first became aware of him during his Tin Huey stint. Also: uncle of Black Keys’ Patrick.

American liberalism survived the McCarthy era. We'll survive this.

“Beetle Bailey” was funnier when Sarge would routinely beat Beetle into a toothless mangled pulp. Actually, that’s the only thing in the strip that has ever made me genuinely laugh.

Was a good year. My years. Always something novel. It was the year Declan entered our family. Someone new. Recently turned the page to chapter 60 in the novel of me.

Saw “Life Is Beautiful” (1997) on Amazon Prime. Pretentious, emotionally manipulative, and strained. I kept wanting to slap Roberto Benigni silly.

Got very little snow. But all these fitness club wimps used it as an excuse not to show up. Even the instructor. You should all be required to do an hour of bootcamp to atone.

"Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30 (NIPS 2017) pre-proceedings" (http://ow.ly/ZyYC30hfl7S ) JK--A staggering amount of fresh research in AI.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Thundercat feat. Michael McDonald & Kenny Loggins "Show You the Way" from Drunk JK--2017. Good one. Should have included Rupert Holmes or Leo Sayer for a 70s soft-rock trifecta.

"World’s First AI & Blockchain-Based Dating & Relationship Project – Viola.AI, Sets to Disrupt the Love Industry" (http://ow.ly/emZ230hfglj ) JK--If you have to run your heart through this technological wringer to find the right person, I feel for you.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Charlotte Gainsbourg "Deadly Valentine" from Rest JK--2017. Nice new one from the French musician, actress, and daughter of the legendary Serge.

"First Digital Pill Approved to Worries About Biomedical ‘Big Brother’" (http://ow.ly/bdTy30hfePP ) JK--"Medication embedded with a sensor that can tell doctors whether, and when, patients take their medicine." Internet of Things in a consumable form.

"Cryptocurrencies Aren't 'Crypto'" (http://ow.ly/EM7O30hfeAD ) JK--Get used to it. Just as "cyberspace" isn't "cyber," in the Greek-root sense of "steered" or "governed." It's just the opposite, actually.

I have recently acquired an Amazon Fire tablet, but have surprisingly have very little desire to ask Alexa anything. I have no interest in chatting with bots.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Tom Petty "Swingin'" from Echo JK--1999. Great one. Love the voice, guitar, harmonica, drum, keyboard weave on this.

"Embodied Learning is Essential to Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/bEso30hdSFF ) JK--Right. Organic learning involves sensorimotor engagement with challenges in the environment. 

"DeepMind Has Simple Tests That Might Prevent Elon Musk’s AI Apocalypse" (http://ow.ly/OaUG30hdSsx ) JK--Or seriously crimp the potential of this technology to serve humanity. Your choice.

Happy Hanukkah to all my Jewish friends.

Always make mental notes about which of my professional peers I haven’t seen on socials or industry news/events or the blogosphere recently. Wonder whether and when they might resurface.

Bought a new refrigerator today. Got the most basic model imaginable from the lowest common denominator retailer. A Kenmorefrom Sears. Why? Cold is cold.

"With a tail as big as a kite"? Since when did that become the yardstick of celestial grandeur? Are we now to measure interstellar distances in kite-years?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Lizzo "Truth Hurts" from Truth Hurts JK--2017. Good hiphop. A catchy cadence on this one.

Alabamaelects the Democrat. Americais spared a Trumpie pedophile sleazeball in the Senate.

New jk #TechTarget column: “Robot-Driven Programming Is the Leading Edge of Development’s New Era” (http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/IT-watch-blog/robot-driven-programming-leading-edge-developments-new-era/ …)

Caught “Kidnap” on DVD. Filmmakers should have severely edited down this HalleBerrythriller and cut to the chase: how will mother & son recover from the PTSD of this sickeningly exaggerated Hollywoodhyper-violence?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Shearwater "Radio Silence" from Jet Plane and Oxbow JK--2016. One of those great indie group who have, oddly, not become huge.

Drafted latest #TechTarget column: "Robot-Driven Programming Is the Leading Edge of Development’s New Era"

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Frank Sinatra "It Was a Very Good Year" JK--1966. Old Blue Eyes wasn't old when he recorded this. 51. Don't hang it up prematurely, dude. He stuck it out for another 32 croon-worthy years.

"Neuromation: A Company’s Deep Dive Into the Deep Learning of AI Data" (http://ow.ly/gLeW30haQxM ) JK--Startup automating the creation of synthetic AI training data. I predict this market segment will be huge.

"The Most Exciting Artificial Intelligence Applications in Media" (http://ow.ly/oeye30haQ5l ) JK--The one about "celebrity imitation" sounds like a lawsuit magnet just waiting to happen.

"Microsoft releases quantum computing development kit preview" (http://ow.ly/YzDF30haPCN ) JK--Including a quantum computing language: Q#

"AI in storytelling: Machines as cocreators" (http://ow.ly/XvAl30haPjA ) JK--I'm not sure it's such an advance if we build algorithms to churn out endless formulaic twists on cliched story arcs. Humans do that painfully well.

"Commercial drones are here: The future of unmanned aerial systems" (http://ow.ly/suhK30haM3B ) JK--I assume there'll be a remake of Hitchcock's "The Birds" with drones in our future.

"Machine Learning – Can We Please Just Agree What This Means" (http://ow.ly/Wk1Q30haLNz ) JK--But, of course, the confusion means that I usually have the opportunity to show off my fancypants definitions.

"Data is the fuel for AI, so let’s ensure we get the ethics right" (http://ow.ly/CXKC30h98HN ) JK--Yes, let's solve insoluble issues of morality like it's all some kind of freakin' quadratic equation.

New jk #WikibonPremium research note: "Wikibon’s 2018 Developer Tooling, Services, and Practices Predictions" (http://ow.ly/hjzl30h97dg )

"GoGo's In-Flight WiFi Goes in Fits and Starts" (http://ow.ly/A1pN30h92pO ) JK--That's my experience too. And the price occasionally zooms higher than the plane I'm on.

"How in-memory computing drives digital transformation with HTAP" (http://ow.ly/Vg6l30h922M ) JK--OK. It's a dull topic. Sexing it up doesn't add anything. But nice try.

“O bring us some figgy pudding”? “Figgy”? Ersatz figs? Didn’t the British have an ample supply of real figs? Wasn’t that the spoils of empire?

Public TV fundraising pitch: “Isn’t it exciting to see the Carpenters sing their famous songs in other countries?” Yes, indeed. My life changed forever when Richard and Karen got their passports.

Season’s first snow in Northern Virginia. My first activation of the electric blanket to toast my tootsies while I sip tea and eat mooncakes.

Watched "Dead Poets Society" on Netflix. Never seen it before. Enjoyed it. But it plays more like 1889 than 1989. Don't recall American society being quite this uptight that year.

"5 Predictions About the Future of Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/f6T130h69BG ) JK--#3: "Collaborative learning is about utilizing different computational entities so that they collaborate in order to produce better learning results than they would have achieved on their own."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Kurt Vile "Wakin on a Pretty Day" from Wakin on a Pretty Daze JK--2013. His vocals always sound slightly stoned. Especially on this long meditative psych-rocker.

"Distributed TensorFlow: A Gentle Introduction" (http://ow.ly/syWJ30h68yF ) JK--The distributed decoupling of AI proceeds apace. See my recent article on this topic:

"Population based training of neural networks" (http://bit.ly/2A817o0 ) JK--Frontier topic in distrib-AI app performance: collective exploration, exchange, & exploitation of optimal hyperparameters to help all AI modules hit dynamic trade-off spot of learning speed v. accuracy

"A Year in Computer Vision" (http://ow.ly/lWU730h67Fn ) JK--Comprehensive compendium of fundamental research in this field that was published in 2017.

"The impossibility of intelligence explosion" (http://ow.ly/7mIa30h66WE ) JK--Provocative premise: "Intelligence is fundamentally linked to specific sensorimotor modalities." See my related thoughts here:

"Why Cyber Security...." (http://ow.ly/TVI930h65Uq ) JK--Article starts on wrong foot with "Most top managers are older people. Being older, many operated during a large part of business career in non-computer world." Gimme a break. I'm almost 60 & have used computers from Day One

"How artificial intelligence will self-manage the data center" (http://ow.ly/EPdK30h65nv ) JK--Machine learning on system event data drives continuous anomaly detection, root cause diagnostics, predictive analysis, inline recommendation engine, and automated remediation.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Black Angels "Young Men Dead" from Passover JK--2006. Great burn, great lyric:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Olden Yolk "Takes One to Know One" from Takes One to Know One JK--2017. Great. Has a powerful neo-psychedelica burn to it.

"Google has released an AI tool that makes sense of your genome" (http://ow.ly/zrY130h63kD ) JK--Great. Now the AI should hire itself out as a family counselor to help you make sense of your relatives.

"EnterpriseAI: Learning from the evolution of Robotic Process Automaton" (http://ow.ly/beeJ30h5ZAh ) JK--Good one on an emerging technology that blurs the line between programming, business process orchestration, and screenscraping.

Wife’s watching one of those dumb Indian films where impossibly gorgeous people canoodle chastely on the beach and speak their lines like they’re being fed to them in real time through an earpiece.

Factory-popped flavored bagged popcorn satisfies the palate. But I miss the romance of the stovetop Jiffy Pop silvery bubble. Forget those dumb microwave packs. They were as hip as 8-track tapes.

Trying to avoid the exquisite uselessness of making predictions such as "In 2018, we’ll see users become data-driven as they integrate analytics into their decision-making processes." That's not a prediction. That's something you scratched on a chalkboard in lieu of a prediction.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp tUnE-yArDs "Look at Your Hands" from I Can Feel You Creep Into My Private Life JK--2018. Breathtaking new one from this NYC/Connecticut native.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Thao & The Get Down Stay Down "Meticulous Bird" from A Man Alive JK--2016. Great one from this artist who hails from FairfaxCountyVA.

"The Developer's Bright Hybrid Cloud-Native, Polyglot, Poly-architecture Future"? No thanks. I won't attend your tech seminar unless that bright future is roly-poly and rubs upon my belly like guava jelly.

"Will humans even write code in 2040 and what would that mean for extreme heterogeneity in computing?" (http://ow.ly/7sdC30h4LxO ) JK--Great paper on auto-programming from Oak Ridge National Laboratories.

"The convergence of AI and Blockchain: what’s the deal?" (http://ow.ly/ZpmG30h4LnH ) JK--Great overview of the market and vendors at the intersection of these two technologies.

"MIT Creates a Living Ink Made of Bacteria" (http://ow.ly/tEEb30h4KK6 ) JK--Injecting a fresh coat of creepy into the already disgusting world of tattoos.

"Sell! Sell! Sell! This AI tries to predict when the bitcoin bubble will pop" (http://ow.ly/fJgv30h4K3W ) JK--Would it commit hara-kiri if it could predict when the AI bubble will pop?

"Tree of Life Explorer" (http://ow.ly/ORBw30h4Ica ) JK--Totally cool, addictive, interactive, and educational resource about evolution and our connections to all other life forms, past and present.

"Using Artificial Intelligence to Augment Human Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/Yhpa30h4GRt ) JK--Interesting discussion of how generative models can discern revelatory representational patterns that we wouldn't otherwise see in our data.

I don’t see robotic process automation as akin to business process mgt. By driving app orchestration from the UI artifacts, RPA is an automated code-gen technology.

In the next few days, look for my #Wikibon Premium research note on 2018 predictions. Covers functional programming, auto-programming, open AI dev frameworks, data science DevOps, & AI edge-app training. Will speak to this on Dec 14 webcast:

Yes, deskbound pretty lady who comes in between each song I play on YouTube while writing about machine learning, I have indeed thought about exploring machine learning. Thanks for algorithmically discovering the obvious.

Relentless robotics under its own adaptive AI Eveready Bunny smarts. I'll call this auton&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&on&onomous computing.

Join me and my colleagues on #Wikibon's 2018 Community Predictions. Thurs Dec 14 at 1pm EST. Open/free for anyone. Register here:

Proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on AI: Shannon, McCarthy, Minsky, Rochester(http://ow.ly/IZne30h2W1d ) JK--June 17 to Aug 16, 1955. Seminal paper. Also during these months, Sun Records released 10 seminal tracks that Elvis recorded in their Memphis studio.

The worst dreams are where someone offhandedly mentions some tech such as Python or PostgreSQL. Seriously, don't cheapen my sleep with programming code or open-source database platforms. Just don't.

Glad I attended AWS #reInvent last week. Glad I wrote a comprehensive trip report analyzing the myriad of announcements. Solution providers as comprehensive as them demand a week of immersive in-my-face attention. Collecting so I can later recollect.

"Don't stop thinking about tomorrow. It's soon be here." Sounds like a perfect recipe for insomnia. Sleep, fer cryin' out loud!

RIP Johnny Hallyday. “The French Elvis.” I always thought the actual Elvis looked French.

Another morning, another bunch of tech whitepapers pitched at me via email. I can’t recall the last time I’ve downloaded, much less read, any of those. The mistake of doing so long ago doomed me to receiving these emails.

"Big Data: Main Developments in 2017 and Key Trends in 2018" (http://ow.ly/FHOU30h2acO ) JK--Predictions by me and others #kdnuggets#wikibon

My workspace is now a 4-screen connected environment: laptop, tablet, smartphone, and MP3 player.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Tubeway Army "Are 'Friends' Electric?" from Replicas JK--1979. Gary Numan and crew brilliantly slather on the big whompin' synthesizer grooves.

Hey, tech sites that auto-play, in the browser, somebody talking: Shut up, I'm trying to listen to music while I read your damn article.

"Training AI models is getting faster and taking less data, thanks to NVIDIA researchers" (http://ow.ly/oP8030h1uEr ) JK--Use GANs to generalize seasonal and other transformations of specific images, eliminating need to capture those related images.

"Deeper deep learning shifts AI from sci-fi to software" (http://ow.ly/LKDD30h1rxv ) JK--My recent conversation with @dvellanteon #theCUBE#SiliconANGLE#Wikibon

They finally demolished the Silverdome. Growing up in the Detroit area, it was the only reason to visit Pontiac. I saw The Who there in high school.

"An Old Technique Could Put Artificial Intelligence In Your Hearing Aid" (http://ow.ly/3IiF30h0x6Y ) JK--Analog chips. Use less power, having fewer circuits than digital processors.

"Stanford-led artificial intelligence index tracks emerging field" (http://ow.ly/ztmk30h0rJC ) JK--Interesting effort to standardize measurement of AI's societal impact, innovation pace, & maturity.

"Deep Learning and Google Street View Can Predict Neighborhood Politics from Parked Cars" (http://ow.ly/6Ndf30h0qBO ) JK--OK, but you can accelerate that by focusing only on bumper stickers.

"Google’s Artificial Intelligence Built an AI That Outperforms Any Made by Humans" (http://ow.ly/j7ps30h0qs3 ) JK--Uses reinforcement learning to .turn that trick.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Curtis Harding "Till The End" from Face Your Fear JK--2017. Great one from this Atlanta-based soul artist.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Moby Grape "Come in the Morning" from Crosstalk: The Best of Moby Grape JK--1967. Originally on the "middle finger" LP (one of my desert island discs).

Things that make me feel old: watching the Carol Burnett 50th anniversary show. Things that make me feel young: the reruns still make me laugh.

In my career, I’ve seen several celebrities keynote intelligently on tech. Most insightful were Schwarzenegger, Spacey, & Franken. All subsequently got themselves into sex scandals. Hmmm...

“Caution! The moving walkway is ending.” That doesn’t bother me. But what would is the possibility that the moving walkway may be endless. That would be a sure sign of the end of times.

Locking up Michael Flynn will be sweet justice. Can’t say he hasn’t been asking for it.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "Amazon sets the public cloud pace at AWS #reInvent 2017: a #Wikibon deep dive" (http://ow.ly/AJLB30gXmM6 )

"The Looming War of Good AI vs. Bad AI" (http://ow.ly/O8SM30gXf9R ) JK--Highlights threat from "morphic malware" that uses AI to hone its attack strategies dynamically.

Please stop mixing the metaphors of "data is the new oil" and "data lake." Makes me think there's been a spill and that the water is polluted. O, those poor goo-soaked birdies! Where's the EPA when we need it?

New jk #Wikibon#reInvent blog: "Wikibon Trip Report: At re:Invent 2017, AWS Sets the Pace in the Public Cloud" (http://ow.ly/FGGC30gXbuc )

Michael Flynn is just the latest example of how Trump systematically destroys everyone who once declared loyalty to him. Dominant pattern of Trump’s career. #predictable

AWS #reInventwas chock full of important announcements. My #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon trip report recap will be published within the coming hour. I covered it all.

RIP Jim Nabors. He modulated in character between beautiful baritone singing voice and uber-hayseed downhome Marine without compromsing his dignity. You can't help thinking the adept duality stemmed from self-closeting skills he mastered early on in life.

Watch live from AWS re:Invent 2017. Check #reInvent live today and tomorrow on #SiliconANGLE#theCUBE:

AWS' Matt Wood presented their pioneering open AI framework strategy tonight at #reinvent. Here's my new #WikibonPremium note, published yesterday, that presents the layering of that strategy and puts it broader industry context:

The great Mexican rock band Kinky led off for Peter DeSantis tonight at #reInvent. Here's the number, "Más," that they closed their set with.

AWS has had its priorities straight from the get-go. Its first region was Northern Virginia, then Dublin. #reInvent Wahoowah! Slainte!

Heavy hangs the head of the industry analyst under deep NDA.

Abstract technological concepts make the most sense when they’re hammered into your skull by electronic dance music.

"Makeblock Kickstarts Smart Robot Codey Rocky for Beginner Coding and AI Learning" (http://ow.ly/MjXl30gRVg7 ) JK--Clunky headline masks what's cool about this: it's essentially the next-gen Erector Set: empowers 1st graders on up to build and program robots.

"Big Challenge in Deep Learning: Training Data" (http://ow.ly/cUih30gRUzY ) JK--Yep. Check out my recent #Wikibon Premium report on this topic:

"Snoopers beware: Google's AI can now spot shoulder-surfers peeking at your screen" (http://ow.ly/j96q30gRTZF ) JK--Cool. Would be good if it could auto-trigger masking of sensitive info being displayed on your screen during the unwanted gaze.

Tech analyst summits. A social continuity thread in my crazy career. Socialize yet again with people in my line of work. We’re watching each other age.

"Why Decentralized Artificial Intelligence Will Reinvent The Industry As We Know It" (http://ow.ly/sBE930gR72w ) JK--Incisive discussion of the shift to device-centric edge AI.

"Data Science Trends in 2018" (http://ow.ly/34Es30gR6PY ) JK--Good rollup and look-ahead, coming at it from several angles.

"For Large Scale Image Classification and Object Detection: AutoML" (http://ow.ly/rsEw30gR6Ch ) JK--Cool discussion of pushing this tech to automate DL modeling/training against larger, more complex datasets

"AWS Announces Family of Five AWS Media Services for Complete Video Workflows" (http://ow.ly/kL7i30gR2td ) JK--WS Elemental Media Services enable video providers to process live and on-demand video content in the cloud

"AWS Announces Amazon Sumerian" (http://ow.ly/ZpcT30gR2pt ) JK--New service (in preview) enables any developer to quickly and easily build virtual reality, augmented reality, and 3D applications for popular hardware platforms.

"Training on the device" (http://ow.ly/EkZ830gQVvZ ) JK--Interesting list of ML-driven apps that already do training on iOS devices

"AWS ramps up in AI with new consultancy services and Rekognition features" (http://ow.ly/R80B30gQVaY ) JK--Lab to help customers build AI-powered cloud services.

Automotive News: "Former GM product development czar: Autonomous cars mean the death of auto companies, dealerships, and so on" (http://ow.ly/DXxd30gQUfM ) JK--Don't tell us that new-car smell also kaput. What will we do without it?

"Amazon joins Microsoft and Facebook in trying to blunt TensorFlow's ecosystem lead" (http://ow.ly/BZp730gQTuP ) JK--Joins Microsoft and Facebook on Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) format. See my post today:

"AI Talent: Siri Misses the Boat as Alexa Sails" (http://ow.ly/bVM130gQTlN ) JK--And Amazon is the top employer of AI talent.

When somebody asks me to specify my "geography," I want to say "broad alluvial plain with scattered igneous outcroppings." Or something to that effect.

New jk #WikibonPremium research note: "Assessing Deep-Learning Development Frameworks" (http://ow.ly/EJCl30gQwaq )

New jk #WikibonPremium Research note: "Clarifying Enterprise Deep Learning Development Priorities" (http://ow.ly/SdUy30gQw6f )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Robert Plant "The May Queen" from Carry Fire JK--2017. Very good. What if Donovan had fronted Led Zeppelin?

Cyber Monday. Does that mean the day exists only as a software construct? If there's an infinite loop in the code, does it become Cyber Groundhog Day?

Heading to #reInvent. As is my wont, re-reading my readfile on the vendor sponsor en route. Holy moley! Amazon Web Services has certainly been busy in 2017. Yes, I compile files on all vendors major and minor. As is my wont.

Connecting through Detroit. Surrounded by University of Michigan students returning to school. M Go Blue!

Heading to Vegas for #reInvent. Delta bag-drop agent asked what's the deal with all these people heading to Vegas. I can't speak for them, but I'm going to work. Full schedule at Amazon Web Services' big event. Analyst summit Mon-Tues.

Wife & I rewatched "The Founder" on Netflix. One of the best movies I've ever seen about American business. Michael Keaton infuses a bit of "Beetlejuice" impertinence into Ray Kroc's sales pitches.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Blondie "Heart of Glass" from Parallel Lines JK--1978. They played CBGBs, but weren't a punk group. But it was kind of punk of them to say "pain in the ass" in a disco song.

As the new year approaches, we should all resolve to have actual lives, so we'll have something interesting to brag about on social media.

Fun fact: the University of Michigan fight song was originally an homage to star QB Victor S. Valliant.

Ad placement on YouTube. My only wish is that they place the “skip ad” button so that it fully blocks the ad in question.

I find myself less inclined to read tweets that stray beyond the prior 140-character limit. Brevity wins attention.

Catch me this week in Las Vegas at AWS re:Invent. #theCUBE will have 2 livestreaming studios at the event.

Sitting here as always, pondering what actually matters. What actually matters.

Stupid commercial about the joy of sharing Thanksgiving dinner with members of your family with whom you share DNA.Then why not stuff the turkey with your blessed genome?

Flo Rida. Oh, that’s what he looks like. I thought he was that guy from Flo & Eddie.

Some random marching band from some random place in Americaplays some random popsong from the past 50 years. That’s entertainment!

Rap interludes are often the self-indulgent weak link in otherwise OK popsongs. They play the same role that the extended drum solo did in “Inna Gadda Da Vida.”

Curious how Hollywoodwill address the sexual harassment scandals in the upcoming Oscar ceremony. I suggest an “in memoriam” reel paying respects to still-living actresses whose careers these jerks killed.

“These vagabond shoes are longing to stray.” Why does that line suggest a smelly hobo galumphing around in Bozo-grade clodhoppers? Not even remotely Sinatra.

Thanksgiving 2017. Hard to feel thankful for any of the crap our country has had to endure this past year. I’ll be thankful when he and his people are gone.

The Christmas Charlie Brown is the only one of the seasonals worth rewatching. All the others were made in the month of Meh.

Robot apocalypse. Zombie apocalypse. Our best hope now is to trick the robots and zombies into a game of no-harm-to-humans mutually assured destruction. Who's working on that?

"Software 2.0: No human involved in writing a code" (http://ow.ly/psAU30gL551 ) JK--Code generation by machine learning models.

"GANs for Simulation, Representation and Inference" (http://ow.ly/W6hA30gL4hE ) JK--Very comprehensive discussion, & linkapalooza, to one of the most innovative AI focus areas. Generative adversarial networks are souped-up creative tools of the new era.

"Artificial intelligence aids materials fabrication" (http://ow.ly/agDE30gKP9D ) JK--Not inconceivable that AI could help us discover the hidden molecular grammars of biochemistry, metallurgy, etc.

"If an AI Guard Dog Misidentifies and Attacks the Postman, Who is Responsible?" (http://ow.ly/DXbv30gKNR1 ) JK--In general, cartoonists are responsible if they don't seize this as a fresh 21st century take on a tired old slapstick trope.

"Estimating an Optimal Learning Rate For a Deep Neural Network" (http://ow.ly/ussF30gKNAN ) JK--Too slow: the algorithm's insights may miss the window of utility. Too fast: the algorithm may miss the mark of accuracy.

"How Cargo Cult Bayesians encourage Deep Learning Alchemy" (http://ow.ly/3CkN30gKMpp ) JK--Don't laugh. "Wilson" evolved into a world-class data scientist.

"Uber AI Labs Open Sources Pyro, a Deep Probabilistic Programming Language" (http://ow.ly/2p9830gKLbv ) JK--I expect to see more such languages emerge from everywhere for programming AI.

"The Next Space Race Is Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/Cdcc30gKKu1 ) JK--Article makes mistaken assumption that this is a nationalist field of battle. It's a thoroughly interconnected international scientific research focus.

"Kotlin frameworks: A survey of JVM development tools" (http://ow.ly/sRM230gKJDI ) JK--Marketplace momentum behind one of the hottest new programming languages.

"Predictions 2018: Automation will alter the global workforce" (http://ow.ly/Bmgm30gKImj ) JK--"Robotic process automation" has nothing to do with "robots." It's software-based UI-driven scraped/scripted administrative-task automation.

"Machine Learning and Machine Justification" (http://ow.ly/kjzU30gKHbq ) JK--Restates Picasso's stupid quote about computers supposedly only being able to give you answers. That's like saying paintings only give you illustrations. Computers are awesome exploratory tools.

"Do AI Applications Need a Persona?"(http://ow.ly/1kgG30gKC3P ) JK--Depends. Is it AI chatbot? Sure. Is it back-end impersonal AI-boosted capability? Maybe not.

"Announcing TensorFlow Lite" (http://ow.ly/RBCa30gKyHd ) JK--Of course, it had been pre-announced a while back. DL for embedded, mobile, and IoT endpoints.

"Feature Visualization: How neural networks build up their understanding of images" (http://ow.ly/ElVl30gKyqR ) JK--Really great tutorial on the topic.

"Deep Learning is Eating Software" (http://ow.ly/OMIU30gKwGt ) JK--Sure. But I said it first: here (http://ow.ly/HlJx30gKwXF ) and here (http://ow.ly/4hNp30gKx70 )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Seamus Fogarty "CarlowTown" from The Curious Hand JK--2017. Sounds like Celtic/Indian fusion. Town/county is southwest of Dublin.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Baio "Sensitive Guy" from Man of the World JK--2017. Cool one. Sounds like a lost '80s rock hit.

"When your kid tries to say ‘Alexa’ before ‘Mama’" (http://ow.ly/9hCY30gKgLC ) JK--Big deal. I remember my elder child saying "french fries" before "mommy" or "daddy."

RIP David Cassidy. He had the looks and the girls’ hearts. And he could sing. But, honestly, Bonaduce was funnier.

"The Seven Deadly Sins of Predicting the Future of AI" (http://ow.ly/VpGa30gHNzI ) JK--IMHO, you lose credibility if your AI prophecy focuses on some dumb utopic/dystopic "Singularity."

"The titans of AI are getting their work double-checked by students" (http://ow.ly/cKbq30gHMUd ) JK--I wouldn't be shocked if the students' double-checking wasn't itself being double-checked by AI.

"The Race for AI Company Acquisitions: Why It's Happening, and Its Lessons for You" (http://ow.ly/7zNv30gHMKO ) JK--Good list of juicy AI acquisition candidates.

"Why AI Is Still Waiting for Its Ethics Transplant" (http://ow.ly/oUjO30gHMC0 ) JK--Yeah, and it'll get that when the human race decides to converge peacefully on the fabled One True Religion.

"The rev-up: Imagining a 2x self-driving world" (http://ow.ly/Nmsp30gHMbt ) JK--How will passengerless autonomous vehicles be designed to prevent the 21st century equivalent of hobo joyriders riding the rails?

"Counterfeiters are using AI and machine learning to make better fakes" (http://ow.ly/pQKb30gHLYF ) JK--And good luck regulating generative adversarial networks. Cat's out of the bag.

"What is the TensorFlow machine intelligence platform?" (http://ow.ly/EZdc30gHLF4 ) JK--Best discussion I've seen of TF in the context of its toolchain. 

"Why Automation Won't Displace Human Intelligence in Analytics" (http://ow.ly/Aafh30gHLos ) JK--And, while we're on the topic, John Henry was a steel-drivin' man.

"Could the Blockchain Disrupt YouTube?" (http://ow.ly/NKcD30gHKGu ) JK--Or, more generally, could a distributed immutable content platform dissolve a content delivery point's chokepoint over access to mass audiences?

"GPU-accelerated analytics databases" (http://ow.ly/YmxH30gHKjl ) JK--Core data platforms in the convergence of AI and BI.

"Nvidia Containerizes GPU-Accelerated Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/9PNV30gHK7H ) JK--I predict their GPU cloud will be their core DL offering before long.

"Juggernaut: Neural Networks in a web browser" (http://ow.ly/fsRz30gHJJy ) JK--Browser-based build/train/execute will be key to the democratization of this technology.

"A.I. Researchers Leave Elon Musk Lab to Begin Robotics Start-Up" (http://ow.ly/nGFo30gHJfs  ) JK--Not an "Elon Musk Lab." OpenAI is open research institute he co-founded with YCombinator founder Sam Altman.

"IBM Watson needs a makeover, and other predictions in cloud, AI and IoT for 2018" (http://ow.ly/YowJ30gH9jo ) JK--Me & other #Wikibon#SiliconANGLEanalysts

Not detecting all that much fake news. What I'm seeing is the usual onslaught of fake relevance--aka spin--designed to twist real news to someone's hidden agenda.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Curtis Harding "Go As You Are" from Face Your Fear JK--2017. Cool moody R&B from Atlanta. A tad Marvin "What's Going On?" ish.

"If Data is as Valuable as Gold, It’s Time to Polish Your Data Architecture" (http://ow.ly/lSEk30gGZWU ) JK--Love the weasel-word "if" in there. Even if you priced data by weight, it's not currently worth $1,297.10/ounce on the spot market.

In discussions with friends over music & entertainment, I mistakenly called Jack White Jack Black. As a duo, wouldn't that be a charged musical polarity?

First work morning after returning from vacation. First task is always trying to decide where to start. Restart

Another sense of Irelandis that absolutely everybody has some personal connection to America. Many have visited recently.

My sense of Ireland,having been there, is that it’s Europe’s land’s end. Irish music is European culture singing into the Atlantic abyss.

Every single person we interacted with in Ireland was friendly and pleasant. Every single stranger we've interacted with in NYC so far has been rude. Geez.

Thank you Microsoft for detecting unusual sign-in activity on my account all over Ireland. My personal leprechaun advisers love the attention.

ShannonAirport. Departure area. Duty-free store. Loading up on Lucky Charms & Irish Spring to take back to America. The former is magically delicious & my lady likes the latter too!

Ireland’s beauty is in the interplay between its luminescent green landscape and moody sky. It’s an intricate fabric of ancient & modern

At the pub the Irish musicians asked where we all came from. “America? Australia? Germany?” I said “All of that. I carry many passports”

B&Bs galore everywhere in Ireland. Near every bed & breakfast is a pub where you can indulge in booze & barfing.

Sitting in Ireland, watching smug British celeb chef Guy Ramsay in Harpers FerryWVhumiliate some nice lady chef. Go home, jerk!

Rewatched “Philomena” on DVD. I doubt that the Irish tourism board promotes this. But, hey, we’re tourists, we’re here!

Dining in Feakle tonight. I assume it’ll all be locally grown Feakle matter.

Want to thank Mark the Dublincabbie for his great comeback yesterday. Me: “It’s my 1st time in a Dublin cab.” Him: “Really? It’s mine too!”

Tomorrow we’ll visit BlarneyCastle: ancestral home of Blarney & Friends, the mythical big green Irish dinosaurs.

Watching PM May speaking live at House of Commons. She actually knows what she’s talking about, unlike our head of government.

Very hard to do Ireland and not slip into a faux Irish accent. The music in it.

Good birthday dinner. Three Asian ladies fussed over what to feed me. The net result had to be good. It was.

Irish backcountry is rich w/beautiful valleys. Drumandoora in CountyClare caught my eye. Gorgeous like Maureen O’Hara in “The Quiet Man.”

Ireland’s ubiquitous stone fences. I assume the rocks weren’t piled there by machine. Throws my back out just to look at them.

The girls are torn between 2 Irish supermarkets: Aldi and Lidl. Curious what those Gaelic words mean.

We could not help noticing the churches in the Irish villages we passed thru this morning. Sunday. And the prominent Virgin Mary shrines.

Feel I’m getting used to Irish backcountry motoring: few shoulders, no straightaways, rugged rock walls that allow little margin of error.

Told the dude who waited on us at McNamara's (Scariff, CountyClare) that I'm no Trump fan. "Well," sez he,"I feckin loav his hair."

Couldn't sleep on the translatlantic flight. Tried to watch Aer Lingus' showing of "Goldfinger." Poorly directed. Snoozed.

A very pleasant discussion of ownerships and easements in Queens amid whiskeys and wines. Who’s right? Will worry about that another day

Casually discussing with friends how we want Obama to be president for life.

New Yorkis a big city. But when you break it down to its neighborhoods and communities, it becomes relatable. It becomes tangible.

Hanging with friends in Sunnyside, Queens. Keeping on the sunny side of New York. Or, at least, away from shadier elements of the naked city

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Joan Shelley "The Push and Pull" JK--2017. Wow. So pretty.

“AI’s role in future of DevOps provokes IT industry agita” (http://searchitoperations.techtarget.com/news/450429776/AIs-role-in-future-of-DevOps-provokes-IT-industry-agita …) JK--Cites me. What’s “agita”?

I definitely need a vacation. I was almost about to block/zap a "Ted Nugent" tweet when I blinked and realized it's simply "Tech Nugget."

"Your post was shared successfully on LinkedIn." Thx. Please also notify me when every other low-level feature of your service doesnt fail.

"New Collab Platf to Spur Open Srce AI Dev" (http://ow.ly/Xn7k30grjCe ) JK--Acumos Proj: "framework for wrapping AI models into microservices"

"Data LakeManifesto: 10 Best Practices" (http://ow.ly/lsfH30grjan ) JK--One could map @prussom best practices to a big-data maturity model

"Juggernaut: Neural Networks in a web browser" (http://ow.ly/GD7J30grixb ) JK--In-browser training only? No back-end? What's the catch?

"You’ll Never Be Alone Again With This One Weird Chatbot Trick" (http://ow.ly/NYjA30grh6i ) JK--A digital-twin AI chatbot avatar that U train

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp PINS "Serve the Rich" JK--2017. Love this new political-message single from this Manchester band.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Alex Chilton "Jumpin' Jack Flash" from Free Again: The “1970” Sessions JK--1970. Seriously great Stones cover!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpSt. Vincent"Hang on Me" from Masseduction JK--2017. Nice new one from Annie Clark. Kind of a foreboding tone.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jagwar Ma "Batter Up" from Every Now & Then JK--2016. Good one from the Australian indie group.

"Famous Futurist Explains Why We Shouldn't Fear AI" (http://ow.ly/FwVV30gr9BB ) JK--Huh? Kurzweil's "difficult episodes" sounds ominous enough

Northam wins Virginiagubernatorial race. First time I’m aware of somebody from our rural nib of the Delmarva Peninsula having done so.

My wife and I both voted for the Democratic candidates on the statewide ballot today in Virginia.

Thank you cold-call marketer for informing me right off the bat that this call is being recorded. Please include my hangup on your next LP.

"Oracle's digital twin simplifies design process for complex IoT sys" (http://ow.ly/4vQJ30gpOIw ) JK--Digital twin is edge-node training data

"Edge Computing: New Frontier of the Web" (http://ow.ly/AmvF30gpNYN ) JK--3-tier framework consistent with #Wikibon

"IIoT Analytics Framework Best Practices" (http://ow.ly/DcaW30gpNzB ) JK--Great ref doc from Industrial Internet Forum http://ow.ly/gckx30gpNE4 

"Google Brain chief: Deep learning takes at least 100,000 examples" (http://ow.ly/1iTB30gpM8q ) JK--Didn't specify that as a strict threshold

"Why AI Should Be  Canadian" (http://ow.ly/XCou30gpJXo ) JK--Cuz ethical AI chatbots continually insert contextually appropriate "sorry"

"H2O.ai automates machine learning" (http://ow.ly/aE9230gpHaG ) JK--Good list of commercial & open-source tools that do/attempt this.

"Building A.I. That Can Build A.I." (http://ow.ly/r9Ar30go47X ) JK--New York Times on automated machine learning.

"Uber AI Labs Open Sources Pyro, a Deep Probabilistic Programming Language" (http://ow.ly/Rw1H30go2dd ) JK--Unifies DL w/Bayesian modeling.

"AutoML for large scale image classific & object detection" (http://ow.ly/y9rU30go1Nk ) JK--Google has open-sourced this in TensorFlow repos

"State of Data Science & ML" (http://ow.ly/Z1Qw30go15V ) JK--Data-scis use logistic regress, decis trees, random forests more than neural nets

Reviewing the latest crops of incremental product updates & new products. I call the former versional and the latter virginal.

"Why CIOs need a Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer" (http://ow.ly/6rIO30gnMvR ) JK--OMG. Need a Chief Chief Chief to manage all the chiefs

"Why universities losing their best AI scientists" (http://ow.ly/8aJ430gnM8d ) JK--May resort to granting tenure during freshman orientation

"Architectures Battle for Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/8nj230gnLEI ) JK--Excellent overview by Linley Gwennap of the DL chipset wars.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Feist "Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye" JK--2017. Hey, that's a great a Leonard Cohen cover! Brand new.

"Cisco & Google partner on open hybrid cloud sol'n" (http://ow.ly/Zo8H30gnJn6 ) JK--Leverages Istio microservice mesh:

"Improbable Origins of PowerPoint" (http://ow.ly/x7o530gnHy8 ) JK--Not improbable. One of Forethought's products took off. MSFT came a-callin'

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Angel Olsen "Special" from Phases JK--2017. Good new guitar fuzzy one from her. Due out this Friday.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Juana Molina "Cosoco" from Halo JK--2017. Wow. That is so great. The Monday morning pick-me-up that I need.

Wife & I are not crazy about any of the yoga teachers at our fitness club. Regardless, I'm beyond having to follow an instructor. I know me

"When robots dream: AI sys may learn better/fastr if can ‘sleep’" (http://ow.ly/5szL30gmWBz ) JK--Unstr autonomous offline reinforcmt learning

Smart money has the Academy airbrushing Spacey out of the 2014 Oscar selfie.

“Fantasy football.” The real fantasy is believing that the weekly clash of brawn is not literally bashing in their own brains.

Trump has the persistently lowest ratings in presidential polling history. Wonder if he’d care to comment on what a pathetic loser he is.

Watched some formulaic Hollywoodthriller with erotic subtext. Not even any good formulaic sex scenes. All improbable uncomfortable awkward

I’m voting for Ralph Northam for Virginia governor on Tuesday. Keep sanity in the statehouse in Richmond.

Thank you ex-Twitter employee. But why didn’t you have “realDonaldTrump” confess to something truly impeachable before deep-sixing him?

Wikibon Action Item: Adding AI to AppDev

Reading the free-WiFi agreement fine print. Making sure there’s no stipulation on color of digital M&M images I’m allowed to download.

Wrote really great detailed #Wikibon research note in one sustained sit. 10 hours. Been doing the research for months. Deep learning tools

Burning the candle at both ends today. Makes me more enlightened. Even as it puts me at greater risk of issuing caustic commentary.

Russians are also behind all those instances on Facebook of people posting mundane text in unnecessarily huge fonts on graphic backgrounds

Thank you TV ads for making me aware of every disease that could afflict people my age & all th pharmaceuticals I should ask my doctor about

Interesting that Las Vegas has casinos called Venetian, Palazzo, and Bellagio. I think there should be a Sicilian. To honor local heritage.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Pixx "I Bow Down" from The Age of Anxiety JK--2017. This is good. Has a rocking urgency that grips you

"How AI will impact your routine as a designer" (http://ow.ly/dodT30giYl6 ) JK--Touches on the coming generative revolution.

"I just coded my first AI algorithm, and oh boy, it felt good" (http://ow.ly/uUMU30giXX3 ) JK--Was it better than sex? Or for cybersex?

"What Will Our Lives Be  as Cyborgs?" (http://ow.ly/nuxD30giXwR ) JK--We'll all mistakenly trace our ancestry to Bjorn Borg.

"Google’s AI Wizard Unveils A New Twist On Neural Networks" (http://ow.ly/fw4f30giWRY ) JK--Crude virtual neurons w/inbuilt sense of geometry

Another tech manifesto. Geez. Please don't issue manifestos unless you wax your mustache tips, smoke unfiltered Gauloises, & drink absinthe.

"AI professor explains: concerns about granting citizenship to robot Sophia" (http://ow.ly/inW930giVw3 ) JK--Is it murder if you disable her?

"The New Religions Obsessed with A.I." (http://ow.ly/a59u30giVdn ) JK--Really? Which school? Do their AI deities need to be trained with data?

"Neural Nets Give Low-End Phone Pics DSLR Look" (http://ow.ly/tZA830giUpU ) JK--GANs auto-improve your grainy, poorly lit photos. GIMME DAT!

"Bringing Continuous Delivery to the Database" (http://ow.ly/XEq930giTPw ) JK--Article contains most elegant DevOps schematic I've ever seen.

"Meetings :  Culture o Excess Hurts Our Productivity/Morale" (http://ow.ly/Jhq630giST0 ) JK--Meetings often called cuz no one responds 2 email

"Big data privacy is a bigger issue than you think" (http://ow.ly/MvrS30gh4xe ) JK--You know what I'm thinking? Bigger privacy issue, indeed!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Betty Davis "It's My Life" from Th Columbia Years JK--1968. Radio-friendly. In '70s, she, like Pryor, got real raw!

"Microsoft is working on AI chips across its different devices" (http://ow.ly/TIpS30ggWlT ) JK--It's joining an increasingly competitive space

"The State of Data Science & Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/SAYy30ggVPT ) JK--Average data scientist is my elder child's age.

"Automated Machine Learning Drives Intelligent Biz" (http://ow.ly/CqMW30ggVxE ) JK--Nice IoT edge ML layering discussion by @idigdataaka Jen

#KEXPDJ Morgan Chosnyk did an excellent interview with Beck recently. A very thoughtful man. Read/listen here:

Not clear what value "subject matter" provides as qualifier of "expert." If U state the subject matter (e.g., IoT), delete "subject matter"

Another morning, another feed of "research" sponsored & published by vendors with stakes in us believing the findings. It may be so. Sure.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Lydia Lunch "Spooky" from Queen of Siam JK--1980. DJ Abbie says this was "one of her hits." What hits?

"Rylo is 360-degree video camera that magically follows the action" (http://ow.ly/3ypH30ggU5l ) JK--Shake-free pan post-hoc between any points

It’s true. George Papadopoulos’ primary job for Trump was to fetch coffee from the Kremlin Starbucks.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Murder City Devils "Boom Swagger Boom" JK--1997. Pawned souls to Satan to secure great band name & song title

"Nvidia's AI Creates Artificial Human Faces from Celebrity Photos" (http://ow.ly/2Mrl30gfVeC ) JK--A Beverly Hills plastic surgeon-bot?

New jk #WikibonPremium Research note: "Bringing Model Training Fully into Machine Learning DevOps" (http://ow.ly/VKA230gfSGi )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Dead Man's Bones "My Body's a Zombie for You" JK--2009. Ryan Gosling & Silverlake Conservatory Children's Choir

New jk #WikibonPremium Research Note: "Evaluating Serverless Frameworks for the True Private Cloud" (http://ow.ly/WpEQ30gfAU3 )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Eric Weissberg "Dueling Banjos" JK--1972. Fun fact: Lin Manuel Miranda restaging Hamilton-Burr duel with banjos

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bauhaus "Bela Lugosi’s Dead" JK--1982. Fun fact: same applies to many actors who've played Frankenstein's Monster.

Open-source pre-trained deep learning models with demos and code. Go to http://ow.ly/qfG630gfr9w 

"AI Model Fundamentally Cracks CAPTCHAs, Scientists Say" (http://ow.ly/Xeus30gfqCI ) JK--Every new CAPTCHA is mincemeat for new AI approaches

"China’s AI Awakening 中国人工智能的崛起" (http://ow.ly/ZhZd30gfpLg ) JK--"Copy it"? Not so fast. Let's see if any AI they produce is worth copying.
Translate from Chinese

"TensorFlow or Keras? Which one should I learn?" (http://ow.ly/LCRx30gfp6G ) JK--It's not either/or. Keras API (easy programming) runs on TF.

Today's 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's putative posting of his 95 Theses on Wittenbergchurch door. Microscopic font. Semi-illegible.

"The Evolution of Sensors: Canaries to Drones" (http://ow.ly/C7X530gfoaX ) JK--Excellent taxonomy of sensor technologies.

"Disrupting Tech Monopolies & AI Tycoons " (http://ow.ly/jx0V30gfnSP ) JK--Touts blockchain disruptive potential. Competing blockchains?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile "On Script" from Lotta Sea Lice JK--2017. Best Courtney/Kurt duo since Love/Cobain.

HIPAA's getting long in the tooth. I propose extension, HIPAA-POTAMUS (Protection Of The Absolutely Most Useful Stuff), to keep it relevant.

"10 Top Recomms for AI in 2017" (http://ow.ly/5fHw30gfmPf ) JK--AI Now annual rpt: http://ow.ly/Smau30gfmTi . Remove public-sectr blackbox algos

"Coach" (http://ow.ly/uGoo30gfmwq ) JK--Intel Nervana's DL devel framework for robotics, self-driving cars, games, etc. Reinforcement learning

"How much Google spending on cutting edge AI research" (http://ow.ly/vP3C30gfm9K ) JK--Alphabet's "other bets" burning cash at staggering pace

"Data, AI blur the enterprise-consumer tech line" (http://ow.ly/1vrO30gflPT ) JK--Perhaps BYOB is now "bring your own bot"

"Timely release of Pentaho 8.0 positions Hitachi for the edge" (http://ow.ly/N76S30gflj6 ) JK--My #theCUBE day-2 wrap comments from #PWorld17

"Saudi Arabia, which denies women equal rights, makes a robot a citizen" (http://ow.ly/Nbjw30gfkMD ) JK--Saudis inspired by "Stepford Wives"

Actual banner ad "Bill Gate says 'Smart Pill' is KEY to his success." Photo is Bill Gates. Someone tell Gate that Gates is hogging his glory

"At unusual startup acceler8r, being gay a prerequisite" (http://ow.ly/pa7j30gfjDK ) JK--Um, OK. But is there anti-gay funding discrim in SV?

"Embracing the Diffusion of AI Research in Yerevan, Armenia" (http://ow.ly/iCvC30gfj0j ) JK--Research focus of smart people everywhere.

Halloween. If I knew which kid would be last at our door, I'd dump entire remaining candy stash in their bag. I don't trust myself with it.

Glanced at Trump’s Twitter feed for the first time today. Not terribly presidential. But he’d be a highly qualified Secretary of Defensive

New jk #WikibonPremium Note: "Building Applications for Hybrid Clouds" (http://ow.ly/5PUQ30geiva )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sharon Jones and the DapKings "These Tears" from Soul of a Woman JK--2017. Omigod. So nice!

"Will Our Robots Harm Us?" (http://ow.ly/CJ7430ge1sZ ) JK--Not if we get to the EmeraldCity so the Wizard can give them their heart.

"The Art of Storytelling in Data Science" (http://ow.ly/jmp630ge11Y ) JK--Goodnight Moon. Goodnight regression model jumping over the Moon.

Power cloud. Join Crowdchat: Automating Data Analytics to the Max, Nov 1, 2pm ET, http://bit.ly/2hKbpTw #BigDataAutomation

This morning's incoming product pitches. Sorting them into folders for "groundbreaking,""game-changing,""disruptive," and "revolutionary"

"Waymo to test self-driving cars in Michigan winter conditions" (http://ow.ly/Y4lO30gdEkx ) JK--Go test autonomous tobogganing on Hines Drive

"Will Hitachigrow its ecosystem to include AI developer tools and robotics?" (http://ow.ly/I2i330gdyHp ) JK--My #theCUBE#PWorld17 discussion

Hitachi Vantara #PWorld 2017 Day Two Wrap Up on #theCUBEwith me and Dave Vellante:

Saw "The Last Face" on DVD. Sean Penn-directed preachy humanitarianism. Redeemed by Charlize Theron & Javier Bardem's fine performances.

Reading Pepys’ diary. Apparently, English upper class of 1660 gorged themselves daily on fatty meat & strong liquor. Took wicked laxatives

We’re always being warned against complacency. But I long for the day when I can be complacent as all hell about every last damn thing.

Reading selections from the diary of Samuel Pepys. Founder of Pep Boys, inventor of Pepsi, and original voice of Pepé Le Pew.

Did mainstage panel, a solo preso, & livestream co-hosting this past week. Panel was my fave & lots of people complimented. Week’s highlight

Fun fact: Chubby Checker derived his stage name from Fats Domino. Blimpy Backgammon didn’t test well with the focus groups

Thank you WSJ for informing us that George Clooney takes cash on motorcycle trips. Does he also take the Oscar he won for “Syriana”?

They’ve renamed Jeb Stuart HS th cheeseball “Justice HS.” Why not pull out th stops & call it “TruthJustice & ThAmericanWayHigh School”?

Preparing to leave Orlando. Listening to Tony Orlando & Dawn. Great songs. Would have been better if they'd knocked 3 times on the cowbell.

"JFK Assassination Records - 2017 Additional Documents Release" (http://ow.ly/WUa130gbgbg ) JK--National Archives official site.

Accelerate management. Join Crowdchat: Automating Data Analytics to the Max, Nov 1, 2pm ET, http://bit.ly/2hKbpTw #BigDataAutomation

#PWorld17Day 1 #theCUBE intro (http://ow.ly/Gref30ga7aj ) and wrap (http://ow.ly/T4pD30ga7b6 ) with me, Dave, and Rebecca.

New jk #InfoWorld column: "Even data scientists are facing AI takeover" (http://ow.ly/USyn30g9nsF )

Donna Prlich of Hitachi Vantara takes the stage in #PWorld17 keynote. Presents Pentaho roadmap.

Here's an excellent recent blog by Hitachi Vantara's Donna Prlich on "Power of 3"http://bit.ly/2yMViPr #PWorld17

Catch Donna Prlich, Mark Hall, Allaa HIlal, and me this morning, 10:15-10:40am EDT at #PWorld17"Power of 3": http://bit.ly/2yNx8Vb 

Follow #PWorld17 keynote livestream on http://bit.ly/2yNx8Vb 

At #PWorld17, waiting for Day 1 mainstage general session to begin. I'll be on "Panel of 3" starting 10:15am EDT.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Delta 5 "Try " from Try / Colour JK--1980. Rough Trade artist's second 7" single release. Nice barebones melody

Looking forward to #PentahoWorld 2017 here at Rosen's Shingle Creek Hotel in Orlando. There's an actual creek, I found. No shingles, though

Improve efficiency. Join Crowdchat: Automating Data Analytics to the Max, Nov 1, 2pm ET, http://bit.ly/2hKbpTw #BigDataAutomation

New jk #Wikibon#SiliconANGLEarticle: "As deep learning frameworks converge, automation possibilities unfold" (http://ow.ly/eVxV30g80gl )

RIP Antoine “Fats” Domino. Classic NOLA barrelhouse boogie R&B man. Of rock’s early piano stars, only Jerry Lee & Little Richard remain.

Freaky low humidity in Orlando: 31% and 71°F. Am I in Las Vegasright now? What’s with all the lakes and green grass?

"A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity" (http://ow.ly/PhPK30g7igk ) JK--1943 research paper. DL theoretical foundation

I’m kind of a wine connoisseur. I only drink whatever vintage is currently uncorked.

Packing for business trip. Calculate number o dress shirts by considering likelihood o self-staining drink spillage and/or sauce spattering

"Design for Augmented Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/LJcC30g6owj ) JK--HInt: sneak a peek at what the brainiac one desk over is scribbling.

"Want to know how Deep Learning works? Quick guide for everyone" (http://ow.ly/T1bq30g6oof ) JK--It's very deep, profound, & life-affirming!

"Predicting the Popularity of TED Talks" (http://ow.ly/bMwh30g6obb ) JK--Positive, motivating, human relationships. Gasp! Just feature Oprah.

Some friends I haven't heard from in years. But I do appreciate when hackbots send me "1 Th0ught You m|ght L!ke th!s" links on their behalf.

Entering credit card information into a browser. For some reason, I always glance down at my name. Just to make sure I'm still me, I guess.

"A Berkeley View of Systems Challenges for AI" (http://bit.ly/2gAdNMo ) JK--Very good overview of AI research ongoing at UC-Berkeley.

"How Adversarial Attacks Work" (http://ow.ly/ktxM30g5LIM ) JK--Shows how easy DL is to hack.

"New Optimizations Improve Deep Learning Frmwks For CPUs" (http://ow.ly/dJxq30g5Ley ) JK--Good list of Intel-engineered optzns by DL framework

"Pornhub using machine learning to automatically tag its 5 million vids" (http://ow.ly/78EL30g5L1P ) JK--I chuckled at "starting with facial"

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Dr. John "Little Liza Jane" from Dr. Johns Gumbo JK--1972. Glanced at the calendar to make sure it's not Mardi Gras

"Future of programming? Answer lies in functional languages" (http://ow.ly/Ljli30g5JYz ) JK--Not so fast! Still need to track state somewhere

"Tech Giants Are Paying Huge Salaries for Scarce A.I. Talent" (http://ow.ly/oXak30g5J3a ) JK--$300K-500K salaries, plus shares/options.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Innocence Mission "That Was Another Country" from Glow JK--1995. Love the desolate melancholy of this.

"After the end of the startup era" (http://ow.ly/ZiM430g5IxO ) JK--Nah. This stuff goes in cycles. Same was said after the Dotcom Bubble crash

Need a slideshow blocker in our browsers. Should warn that the "20 interesting things about Jeff Bezos" link is 20 stupid slides in sequence

New jk #TechTarget column: "The tension between data science professionalism and automation" (http://ow.ly/vKJq30g5HzF )

Reading Susan Cheever’s bio “My Name is Bill” about the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Substance abuse can be a stubborn self-destroyer.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Widowspeak "Dog" from Expect the Best JK--2017. Very nice moody stuff. A bit Mazzy Star, a smidge Catherine Wheel.

If you're in Orlandolater this week at #PentahoWorld, catch me on #theCUBE, on mainstage "Power of 3" panel, and on breakout preso on AI

New jk #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon VoC: "Modern infrastructure mgt: accelerating productivity through machine learning" (http://ow.ly/CkxF30g4cEh )

Accelerate workloads. Join Crowdchat: Automating Data Analytics to the Max, Nov 1, 2 pm ET, http://bit.ly/2hKbpTw #BigDataAutomation

"Ranking Popular Deep Learning Libraries for Data Science" (http://ow.ly/lkCC30g49xM ) JK--Quantitative data on DL framework popularity

"Blockchains for Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/aTyP30g494y ) JK--From decentralized model exchanges to model audit trails.

"Announcing PlaidML: Open Source Deep Learning for Every Platform" (http://ow.ly/Nras30g48oM ) JK--Yet another milestone in open DL frameworks

"How “Big Data” Went Bust" (http://ow.ly/eQH930g47Gw ) JK--The phenomenon became commonplace. Term was massively overused. Buzzword fatigue

"This Garment Pattern Could Power Biosensor Nets" (http://ow.ly/KRwA30g47mU ) JK--Only a short step from ubiquitously AI-infused smart fabrics

"Reinforcement Learning for th Enterprise" (http://ow.ly/yCjZ30g46Mk ) JK--Discusses immature state of commercial RL frameworks for developers

"Alphabet training law enforcemt on how to handle self-driving car crashes" (http://ow.ly/3Psg30g4699 ) JK--Communicate passenger condition?

"How Analytics Has Changed in Last 10 Yrs" (http://ow.ly/TUSu30g44ND ) JK--Coincides w/when I began to cover: slf-svc, big, unstruct, AI, IoT

"AI solves moral decision making using human input" (http://ow.ly/yHWD30g435i ) JK--Nothing "solves" moral decision making. Simply trades-off

"DARPA’s new infrared smart sensor operates w/near-zero power consump" (http://ow.ly/JNgA30g42M9 ) JK--Activated by IR profile of event sensed

"AlphaGo Zero: Learning from scratch" (http://ow.ly/e8BV30g41Z7 ) JK--AI mastered Go only by playing against itself. No human-master training

"Zenith Trans-Oceanic: Best Radio Ever?" (http://ow.ly/tnkP30g3ZcE ) JK--Shortwave was Internet of the pre-Internet. Tune into distant signals

Nicolas Cage. Always looks like he’s just reading lines. When he’s on screen, he looks like a film crew member wandering into the frame

Bought/downloaded The War on Drugs' latest LP, "A Deeper Understanding." Sweeping epic rock that never feels ponderous or pretentious.

Kobielus thought leadership posts in 2017

CIO playbook for 2018: Leading analysts break down the trends

Wikibon’s 2018 Artificial Intelligence Chipset Predictions

Wikibon’s 2018 Artificial Intelligence Predictions

Generative AI: The new power tool for creative pros

Wikibon’s 2018 Data Predictions

Wikibon 2018 Community Predictions

AI development toolkits will shift toward solution orientation in 2018

Robot-driven programming is the leading edge of development’s new era

Wikibon’s 2018 Developer Tooling, Services, and Practices Predictions

Big Data: Main Developments in 2017 and Key Trends in 2018

Deeper deep learning shifts AI from sci-fi to software

Amazon sets the public cloud pace at AWS re:Invent 2017: a Wikibon deep dive

Wikibon Trip Report: At re:Invent 2017, AWS Sets the Pace in the Public Cloud

Clarifying Enterprise Deep Learning Development Priorities

Assessing Deep-Learning Development Frameworks

Bringing Model Training Fully into Machine Learning DevOps

Evaluating Serverless Frameworks for the True Private Cloud

Building Applications for Hybrid Clouds

Trip report: At Pentaho World 2017, Hitachi Vantara refocuses data portfolio on edge analytics

Even data scientists are facing AI takeover

As deep learning frameworks converge, automation possibilities unfold

The tension between data science professionalism and automation

Modern infrastructure management: accelerating productivity through machine learning

Bringing Analytics to the Edge: A Cube Discussion with Hitachi Vantara’s Chuck Yarbrough

Adopting Serverless Computing for Cloud-Native Applications

Using Functional Programming to Build Serverless Cloud Applications

Atlassian Delivers More Deeply Collaborative DevOps Portfolio

Webinar Preview: Top Trends for Moving Your Data to the Data Warehouse in the Cloud

Giving Machine Learning Freer Rein to Design Next-Generation Communications Protocols

Wikibon Weekly Research Meeting Notes: Serverless Computing

Defining an Architecture for Automating Data-Driven Business Processes

Deepening Data Capital Through Cloud-Based Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Modern Infrastructure Management: Accelerating Productivity Through Machine Learning

Tuning Chatbots for Maximum Impact

Getting Started with Chatbot Development

Wrapping Our Primate Brains Around AI’s Next Grand Challenge

Putting “AI-First” Into Its Proper Context

Training Your AI With As Little Manually Labeled Data As Possible

How to prevent the hacked AI apocalypse

Maintaining the Business Logic That Drives Recommendation Engines

Data is eating the software that is eating the world

Developing the Business Logic That Drives Recommendation Engines

Digital twins will revolutionize the Internet of Things

Infor Launches AI-First Cloud ERP Strategy

Industry Initiatives Pushing AI-Infused Software to the Federated Edge
How to write event-driven IoT microservices that don’t break

AI-Infused Software Is Eating the IoT Edge

Pushing Storage to the Intelligent Edge—Recap of #ClearSkyEdge Crowdchat

Wrapping DevOps Around the Data Science Pipeline

Machine Learning Will Do Auto-Programming’s Heavy Lifting

Further Evidence of IBM’s Strategic Retrenchment in Enterprise Analytics

7 Ways to Get High-Quality Labeled Training Data at Low Cost

Automating Development and Optimization of Machine Learning Models

At Spark Summit, Databricks Pushes Apache Spark Where It Needs to Go

Automated Machine Learning Is the Key to AI Developer Productivity

Building AI Microservices for Cloud-Native Deployments

Agile Development in Team Data Science

Keeping cloud-native DevOps from spinning out of control

Istio: An Open Microservice Mesh for the Cloud-Native Era

Grasping How Graph Fits Microsoft’s Intelligent Edge Strategy

At Build, Microsoft delivers AI to mainstream software developers
The Container Ecosystem Accelerates Up Its Maturity Curve

Adding Data Science To Application Development

Self-programming machines will usher in the third age of computing

Get ready for application modernization, Docker style

Docker’s Application Services Ecosystem Is Still Underdeveloped

Looking Ahead to DockerCon17

Optimizing Your Application Architecture At The Federated Edge

Wikibon Angles April 6 2017:

Application Decay and the Burden of Data-Driven Algorithm Training

Putting Together A Full-Blooded AI Maturity Model

Scrutinizing the Inscrutability of Deep Learning

Homebrewed Deep Learning and Do-It-Yourself Robotics

Composing Deep-Learning Microservices for the Hybrid Internet of Things

Fundamentals for sure-fire cloud data warehouse optimization: An interview with James Kobielus

5 reasons to attend InterConnect 2017

Cooperative Trust Among Neural Networks Drives Deeper Learning

Don’t let Agile methods undermine data science

Will Data Scientists Automate Themselves Out of Jobs?

6 predictions for the future of deep learning

InterConnect will connect you with unstructured content governance

James Kobielus, IBM - IBM Machine Learning Launch - #IBMML - #theCUBE

Machine learning beyond data scientists: the self-serve model emerges | #IBMML

Machine learning enriches the private cloud

InterConnect will connect you with NoSQL Polyglot Persistence

InterConnect: Connecting you with collaborative data science, data engineering, and data app development

How Spark Illuminates Deep Learning

Machine learning in the evolution of data science

Machine learning in the private cloud

Going beyond collaboration to achieve data-driven success

Machine Learning and Statistical Algorithms: Training With Everything We’ve Got

Neuromorphic chipsets are shifting deep learning into overdrive

'Transfer learning' jump-starts new AI projects


Aweekstweets December 20 2017 to February 5 2018: the weeks of transitioning from embers to arys


"Inside Amazon's Artificial Intelligence Flywheel" (http://ow.ly/CsCN30icRo8 ) JK--They,  like Microsoft, have a commercialization focus for their AI initiatives, whereas Google and Facebook put a bit  emphasis on basic R&D (albeit with downstream monetization never out of mind)

"Artificial Intelligence-Based Calculator App" (http://ow.ly/LAZR30icR7i ) JK--Handwriting recognition? I don't get it. How hard is it to click and keystroke your numbers and operators into an app?

"Slack is not for me" (http://ow.ly/mcBD30icQJO ) JK--I haven't used it in almost a year, since I changed jobs. I don't miss it. Even when I was required to use it, it was a tool too many for me. It added clutter to my already cluttered work life.

"Senator warns YouTube algorithm may be open to manipulation by 'bad actors'" (http://ow.ly/I7NG30icQpT ) JK--Reminds me why I primarily listen to music and watch old TV shows on YouTube. I don't need politics there too to further foul my cheery outlook.

"Autonomous Vehicles, Autonomous Bugs" (http://ow.ly/YOx530icQ4n ) JK--Bugs? What a quaint notion! The probabilistic nature of the AI that powers AVs and the environments in which they operate introduces unpredictability even into the best engineered of them.

Saw "The Beguiled" on DVD. You know a movie is just a waste of 90 minutes when (spoiler alert) the protagonist dies and, as the credit roll, you say to yourself, "yep, he's dead, alright, the moral of the story is that people die."

"Competing in a world of digital ecosystems" (http://ow.ly/ddX930icO6d ) JK--McKinsey has very interesting diagram showing interlocking clusters of startups & investments in the evolving automotive digital ecosystem. This is not the Detroitof my youth

"What Changes When AI Is So Accessible That Everyone Can Use It?" (http://ow.ly/wlNk30icNP7 ) JK--Discusses visual, self-service app dev driven by automated machine learning. Increasingly, it won't be regarded as "AI" but just as intelligent apps that anybody can slap together.

"Tech and the future of transportation: From here to there" (http://ow.ly/PG4Y30icMHs ) JK--Article's interesting for the comprehensive set of analyst research presented in several useful timelines.

"Spectacular dinosaur stomping grounds discovered just outside D.C." (http://ow.ly/r31V30icMgF ) JK--NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in GreenbeltMD. Story practically screams for the scene in "2001: A Space Odyssey" where the ape-hurled bone transforms into spaceship.

"Janesville — A Story About the Rest of America" (http://ow.ly/wXvL30icL0q ) JK--I briefly lived near Janesville34 years ago. Place was already in a deep funk. But Chicago is just 90 miles down the Interstate. My feeling then was that the laid-off had no excuse for not moving.

"Preventing passengers in autonomous cars from feeling queasy" (http://ow.ly/Wht830icKtd ) JK--This is going to be a huge issue. Queasiness comes from a feeling of loss of control. In a human-driven car, at least the passengers can comment to the driver on his/her driving. 

“Austin City Limits” has LCD Soundsystem. Sure beats that dumb halftime show. 

Suffered yet another group fitness instructor who shouts while wearing a microphone connected to an amplifier. Yeah, our eardrums can really benefit from a good beating.

My theory is that all human language began as slang. Before then, labored grunting was the proper form of oral communication.

Super Bowl Sunday. Going to eat my weight in samples at Wegman’s.

Acceptance. It’s life’s greatest performance-enhancing shrug.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Dennis Brown "Wolf & Leopards" from Wolf & Leopards JK--1977. Classic reggae singer died at age 42 but recorded an astonishing 75 albums. Would have turned 61 two days ago. Born the same day as my older brother.

GOP wants us to believe the FBI is left-leaning. That’s the first time in the history of the universe any law-enforcement agency has been accused of that bias.

"MIT launches MIT IQ, aims to spur human, artificial intelligence breakthroughs, bolster collaboration" (http://ow.ly/thyW30ia7IR ) JK--Multidisciplinary research effort focused on core tech as well as societal impacts. Seeks funding. Trying to engage industry sponsors.

"Lawrence Lessig Is Fired Up About Campaign Corruption, Dangers of AI" (http://ow.ly/YMop30ia7mW ) JK--It would be good if he anchored his discussion in actual understanding of the technology. Refers vaguely to "an AI,""these AIs,""your AI," etc as if these were malevolent gnomes

  Feb 2

"Can A Machine Be Racist?" (http://ow.ly/K27D30ia6fd ) JK--Sure. You can program any nastiness into a machine. It can also make unfair distinctions that weren't explicitly intended, just  human beings. But it can also be redeemed thru reprogramming. Or discarded entirely.

"Deep Misconceptions About Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/dEl030ia5ET ) JK--"Be The Master of Your Data"& "Spend Time With Domain Experts". Forgot to add "Wager How Long You, Kramer, and George Can Remain Masters of Your Data Domains."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Leonard Cohen "Famous Blue Raincoat" from Songs of Love and Hate JK--1971. "Jane came by with a lock of your hair"? Weird. When Jane goes goth, will she come by with a quart of your blood?

"How to do a machine learning platform comparison" (http://ow.ly/H1LL30ia4IV ) JK--I'd net it out to "DevOps for data science" functionality. See my recent #Wikibon study:

New jk #InformationWeekcolumn: "Making AI Safe for Civilized Society" (http://ow.ly/gauy30ia3Kf )

"I’m a meteorologist and a parent. ‘Dusting delays’ and ‘coating closures’ are stressing me out." (http://ow.ly/kTsY30ia39S ) JK--I'll bet "frosting Fridays" are totally freaking him out.

Groundhog Day. Isn't that the animal we get ground pork from?

"The Race For AR Glasses Starts Now" (http://ow.ly/c7sY30ia27p ) JK--Dynamically superimposes degrees of analyst influence or irrelevance on AR professionals' field of vision.

"Why 2018 Will Be The Year Of The Blockchain" (http://ow.ly/2aUZ30ia1Ch ) JK--Weakens that argument by comparing it to the dotcom bubble of 20 years ago. But it's a valid comparison.

  Feb 2

I'd foresee a tech-hype year-oriented zodiac similar to the Chinese model. In the future, people will have their fortunes told depending whether they were born in say, the Year Of The Electric Car, the Year of Netbook Computing, Year of the Blockchain, etc. That will say so much.

"In vino veritas"? Maybe, maybe not. In that same vein, I suppose cokeheads could make their slogan "speaking truth to powder." Yeah, that makes sense.

Thank you iPhone for informing me there’s moderate rain in my vicinity. Please also inform me when there’s moderate sun so I can adjust my tanning schedule.

My InformationWeek column will post tomorrow.  today’s TechTarget piece, it’s also about AI safety. But I wrote the InfoWk piece first and it’s my framing perspective on the topic as a whole. Society’s evolving guardrails around this stuff.

Got up at a ridiculously early hour this morning. 4am. Wrote the bulk of that TechTarget column before breakfast. Finished it after yoga. They published it before my coffee got cold. Thank you. Never any point in delaying my stuff. I hone myself to a fine degree.

New jk #TechTarget column: "Instilling AI safety into robotics through reinforcement learning" (http://ow.ly/DI4q30i8SuY )

"Apache Beam lowers barriers to entry for big data processing technologies" (http://ow.ly/kkhu30i8dax ) JK--Single-API programmatic access to all the popular streaming data platforms.

"When Algorithms Are Running the Asylum" (http://ow.ly/kXCy30i8cL8 ) JK--Computational psychiatry: machine learning for recognizing root causes among the myriad of factors that may explain our patterns of thought, feeling, behavior, etc.


"5 Lessons Algorithms Must Learn From Journalism" (http://ow.ly/8wx230i8cAU ) JK--1) truth and accuracy, 2) independence, 3) fairness & impartiality, 4) humanity, 5) accountability.

"As AI Makes  Decisions, the Nature of Leadership Will Change" (http://ow.ly/77fv30i8cqK ) JK--Emphasis on "curiosity, extraversion, and emotional stability," rather than cognitive smarts.

"India& Japancombine defense forces in AI, robotics to curb Chinese ambitions" (http://ow.ly/oJmo30i8ciW ) JK--Hmmm. Cite "rule of law"& "freedom of navigation."

Decided to watch NBC Evening News. Was just about to listen to their report on “the opioid crisis.” But then Lester Holt intro’d it with the too-clever phrase “one nation, overdosed.” I reached for the remote.

Another day in the analytics industry vendor-positioning mill. If I choose to hit the bottle after these grueling research calls, I can justify it by stating that I was data-driven to drink.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The National "Bloodbuzz Ohio" from High Violet JK--2010. Owing money to money? Rust Belt usury? This is not a standard practice in Ohio. In Toledo, maybe, but not the state as a whole. OK, Youngstowntoo, but that's the extent of it.

"Announcing the AI Fund: Building transformative AI companies" (http://ow.ly/QDD830i7aEw ) JK--Another Silicon Valley VC funding this stuff. Initiative of former Baidu AI guru Andrew Ng.

"Artificial Intelligence May Have Cracked Freaky 600-Year-Old Voynich Manuscript" (http://ow.ly/rbTM30i7a7o ) JK--It may be a ciphering of Hebrew. Appears that script was created with alphagrams, which are words in which text has been replaced by an alphabetically ordered anagram.

"Job One for Quantum Computers: Boost Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/1GBj30i79Q1 ) JK--Of course. “Manipulation of large matrices and large vectors are exponentially faster on a quantum computer," says an MIT physicist and quantum pioneer.

"Can Open Data Feed the World?"(http://ow.ly/ir8j30i79mL ) JK--Depends. How much of that data is unadulterated crap? It's rich in nitrogen, good for the soil, I hear.

"4 AI startups that analyze customer reviews" (http://ow.ly/1BkY30i790b ) JK--I'd  a tool that analyzes customer reviews of AI-infused products, and displays all the expletives in their full emotional context, perhaps a wordcloud that signals choicest epithets with thunderbolts

"Facebook Isn't Playing Along With Silicon Valley's Humble New Look" (http://ow.ly/foqd30i73PO ) JK--It's emphasizing innovation & risk-taking in a political environment where chastened Web companies retreat behind apologies and fingerpointing.

"Military robots are getting smaller and  capable" (http://ow.ly/cj1M30i5YwC ) JK--Swarming drones will be as revolutionary to warfare as, long ago, longbows, stirrups, body armor, gunpowder, tanks, mines, submarines, missiles, and airplanes were.

"DLPaper2Code: Auto-generation of Code from Deep Learning Research Papers" (http://ow.ly/hvrY30i5XL4 ) JK--Totally cool IBM AI-driven auto-programming R&D initiative coming out of India.

"Microsoft’s prototype Ink to Code app transforms sketches into working code" (http://ow.ly/LVit30i5XDz ) JK--AI-driven auto-programming. Could not be hotter.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Decemberists "Severed" from I’ll Be Your Girl JK--2018. Good new one from these folks. Always enjoy Colin Meloy's sheet-metal voice.

What I  most about reading from paper is that it's usually flat on the surface in front of and below me, not up high  a computer screen. Less strain. Also, un a flat-on-surface tablet, paper doesn't suddenly do a screensaver die on me while I'm perusing. It holds ink

Drafted next #InformationWeekcolumn: "Making AI Safe for Civilized Society." Restarting my monthly column for that publication after a 3-year gap. They're under new management. As am I.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bat For Lashes & Beck "Let's Get Lost" JK--2010. Cool collaboration by these two artists.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Tallest Man on Earth "Love Is All" from The Wild Hunt JK--2010. This folkie, Saras Per Kristian Matsson, is one of my favorite Swedish exports.

"5 Things You Didn't Know About Ikea's Billionaire Founder" (http://ow.ly/NDNT30i5lFK ) JK--One of those clickbait Web slideshows. The first "thing you didn't know" was that "he had a customer point of view." I stopped clicking there. If the first click is PR drivel, stop clicking

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Lupe Fiasco "Kick, Push" from Food & Liquor JK--2006. At first listen, I thought they were singing "Kate Bush, Kate Bush." Yeah, I'd sing about her too.

Clevelandbaseball team drops the cartoon Native American face from their logo. Perhaps they can also change their club’s name in order to stop appropriating the identity of Native Americans.

"Organic Food Isn’t Better For Your Health" (http://ow.ly/KhYl30i3Psw ) JK--But it isn't worse either. Non-GMOs aren't better/worse for your health, nor are most religious culinary "cleanliness" practices. Gustatory pickiness is a fairly widespread tendency of our species.

"Chinawants to make the chips that will add AI to any gadget" (http://ow.ly/PnFt30i3Pbf ) JK--Yeah, they and everybody else are.

"Good luck getting out of a ticket with Ford’s A.I.-enabled police car" (http://ow.ly/ByJS30i3OQD ) JK--Holy crap: "AI could help an autonomous police car learn the best places to hide so speeding motorists don’t see it...or go on the prowl on its own."

"Optimization over Explanation" (http://ow.ly/ylQV30i3OrM ) JK--Provocative idea: "AI systems ought to be required to declare what they are optimized for." Containerized AI services should enforce those intentional boundaries in production execution environments

"James Kobielus outlines the AI path for big data analytics" (http://ow.ly/Xk6S30i3NaM ) JK--Inaugural edition of #TechTarget Talking Data podcast for 2018. No, I don't  to tweet my name in a headline. But there you have it. Interviewed a few weeks back by Jack Vaughan.

"Different continents, different data science" (http://ow.ly/9ERV30i3Mwi ) JK--Way too reductive a POV. Croll's anecdotal argument falls flat. I'd dare say data scientists everywhere fuss over veracity, storage, analysis, and unintended consequences.

  Jan 29

"Psychlab: A Psychology Laboratory for Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents" (http://ow.ly/zRjY30i3Mb5 ) JK--Enables implementations of classical laboratory psychological experiments so that they work with both human and artificial agents

"Facebook releases the Detectron, its object detection research platform" (http://ow.ly/ShC730i3LY4 ) JK--Important open-source initiative for segmenting entities in video/image recognition apps.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp MGMT "Hand It Over" from Hand It Over JK--2018. A bit of chill soul from these guys. Different sound for them.

"Deep Interactive Evolution" (http://ow.ly/3m9j30i3LjF ) JK--Very cool human-in-loop GAN that allows people to evolve images strongly resembling specific target images, with tight feedback loop between AI system & person in which directed randomization generates creative novelty

"Union heavyweight wants to ban UPS from using drones or driverless vehicles" (http://ow.ly/PMuC30i3L83 ) JK--This will not end well. That's all I'm saying.

"Gartner's 19 leading in-memory databases for big data analytics" (http://ow.ly/3JH630i3KLN ) JK--Nothing wrong with the products, but it strains credulity to characterize all 19 as "leading." Leading? Really? Even those with market shares in the single digits?

"Three Ways to Think About Streaming" (http://ow.ly/zMrp30i3Kj9 ) JK--Handy engineering paradigms to keep in mind: continuous flow vs. series of tiny tables vs. static object that keeps extending.

"Here acquires Micello to add indoor mapping as part of its IoT business unit" (http://ow.ly/pnHq30i3IHI ) JK--10 million years ago, I was a product manager at a wireless test/measurement firm trying to make a go of indoor mapping for cellular data buildouts. Way premature.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ty Segall "Despoiler of Cadaver" from Freedom's Goblin JK--2018. Forthcoming release from this amazingly prolific and incessantly inventive artist. He's 30, has released an album a year for the past decade, and it feels  he's just getting started.

"Octavia Spencer Deserves Far  Than What She’s Gotten in Hollywood" (http://ow.ly/gCfR30i3HHo ) JK--Yeah. She should be receiving the Oscar for every role she takes. And it's high time we give her the Irving Thalberg award. Being in constant demand as an actress isn't enough.

"Why You Should Wake up At 4 am And Beat The Zombies" (http://ow.ly/dpmx30i3HsX ) JK--Sorry. Get real. Ain't gonna work. Everybody knows they're nocturnal.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Somos anormales (we are abnormal) by Residente from Residente JK--2017. Just won the Grammy for the Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album. By the way, the video for this is definitely not for the faint of heart.

"Artificial intelligence will create  jobs than it eliminates" (http://ow.ly/mgMf30i3GlN ) JK--Which specific jobs will boom? Not enough to assert that AI will "create millions  positions of highly skilled, management and even low-level and low-skilled variety jobs"

" organizations putting AI, blockchain and virtual reality to use" (http://ow.ly/EEQy30i3G1L ) JK--In the same apps? I doubt it and article doesn't make that claim. Would be less misleading if the headline simply stated that  companies are evaluating & piloting these techs

Nice to see that the obnoxiously strident, inflexible bodyworks instructor that neither I or my wife can stand has left of her own free will. Would have been better if club mgt had listened to numerous complaints and canned her long ago.

  Jan 28

Ton of people out at the stores today on this rainy Sunday. My sense is that people need to get out of the house. No point staying inside getting amped up with  Trump-era anxiety. It’s all too much!

Our fitness clubs are near a major Army base. It’s not uncommon to hear that our bootcamp instructors have been “redeployed.”

Weekend. Regular opportunity to revisit my knotty thoughts, quarantine the naughtier, and dispose of those that matter nought.

RIP Mort Walker. Though I found his comic strips nothing special, I can’t help admiring his astonishing productivity over such a long period and singleminded devotion to promoting the art of cartooning.

Watching the thoroughly incongruous Darren Aronofsky psychological thriller “Mother!” I’m tweeting while it plays to divert attention from this mother****ing piece of bull****. I’d incinerate the DVD if it were mine.

Rewatching a “Doc Martin” episode while waiting for the wife so we can watch a DVD. The character is so obnoxiously in control. So why doesn’t he carry a barf bag in case his hemophobia flares?

I’ve decided to geotag my Facebook posts as coming from Machu Picchu. No special reason, other than to cultivate an image as a man of the world.

Reba McEntire named as KFC’s first female pitchcolonel. Bravo. Please have her sing downhome chicken jingles.

Cities offering Amazon massive subsidies for its second HQ. This company needs subsidies  Donald Trump needs  ego.

“EM Drive, the Impossible Rocket Engine, May Be Closer to Reality” (http://bigthink.com/paul-ratner/em-drive-the-impossible-rocket-engine-may-be-closer-to-reality …) JK--Never count game-changing chickens when someone hypes a “peer-reviewed soon-to-be-published paper...from a research group [that] has generated much cautious excitement”

Paradoxically, “liking” everything I do in Facebook is an unfriend-worthy offense. Friends don’t inflict relentless fawning on each other.

I go along with our yoga teacher’s namastes and oms but draw the line at shanti shanti. For the same reason I don’t memorize the Sanskrit names of all the moves. My body feels  natural flexing in English.

I’m not going to let Trump ruin my day.......D’oh!

"DroNet: Learning to Fly by Driving" (http://ow.ly/JMYq30i15Qo ) JK--Makes sense. Drones will need to guide themselves down public rights-of-way, so why not train them with ground-level driving data, supplemented by over-road obstacle data (eg. power lines, traffic signals)?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Simon & Garfunkel "El Cóndor Pasa" from Bridge Over Troubled Water JK--1970. Here's the original by Peru's Daniel Alomía Robles, from a a musical play of the same name that debuted in 1913 at the Teatro Mazzi in Lima:

Stop calling it "breaking news." It's just "news." If it's no longer "breaking," it's no longer new, hence no longer news. It's history. 

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp John Hartford“Jack’s in the Sack” from Looks at Life JK--1967. Not quite as serious as “Gentle On My Mind”

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Roger Miller “Do-Wacka-Do” from The Return of Roger Miller JK--1965. Glad that Roger put that nonsense title at the heart of the lyric. It means any crazy thing you want.

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Data Portfolio Management Puts Catalogs at the Forefront of Enterprise Curation" (http://ow.ly/rUfT30i0k16 )

New jk #InfoWorld column: "What is deep reinforcement learning? The next step in AI and deep learning" (http://ow.ly/8PIE30hZXDo ) JK--Same article I tweeted out earlier, but editor corrected the title and a subhead at my request.

"How AI and IoT will influence data management in 2018" (http://ow.ly/SPIX30hZXln ) JK--Podcast of Jack Vaughan's interview with me in http://searchdatamanagement.com .

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Fall "Pacifying Joint" from Fall Heads Roll JK--2005. Smith really never tried to "sing" in any conventional sense. Or even "rap." Essentially, he voiced his songs with a impatient "let's keep this beat moving" push that brooked no opposition.

"Is “Murder by Machine Learning” the New “Death by PowerPoint”?' (http://ow.ly/RbIP30hZHqw ) JK--Worse. No one will ever weave PowerPoint into the very fabric of their lives. ML models "[ly] to inspire false and/or misplaced confidence in their findings." 

"Chinawants to make the chips that will add AI to any gadget" (http://ow.ly/ufgd30hZHal ) JK--Curious if they think the world will trust their chips not to spy. We've already seen the chilling effect that the NSA specter has spawned around US-exported crypto.

"Checking Out Amazon Go, The First No-Checkout Convenience Store" (http://ow.ly/A6R730hZGNI ) JK--WiFi, smartphone apps, ceiling cameras, shelf sensors, computer vision, machine learning algorithms.

"Low-hanging fruit." I think the phrase undermines itself. I think of the low-hanging fruits as the ones that are most bumped, bruised, squashed, and trampled underfoot. No way I'm going to consume that crap!

"Machine learning tools for fairness, at scale" (http://ow.ly/uhJ530hZFd3 ) JK-Unworkably vague. Even if we peg "fair" to outcomes that would be universally acceptable under Rawls'"veil of ignorance," you'd need to model subjunctive analytics in ML before you could build useful ML

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Mark E. Smith & Ed Blaney "Real Good Time Together" from Smith & Blaney JK--2008. This VU/Lou Reed cover tests how long you can stand Smith's flat, unmodulated, obnoxious bark of an English voice.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Laraaji "Cosmic Joe" from Vision Songs Vol. 1 JK--2001. Born Edward Larry Gordon. Multi-instrumentalist "discovered" by Brian Eno in 1979 busking in Washington Sq Park NYC. Ambient, drone, mystical, new age, etc. Also a comedian:

New jk #InfoWorld column: "What is deep reinforcement learning? The next step in AI and deep learning" (http://ow.ly/tK5S30hZChY )

RIP Mark E. Smith. To say The Fall was unclassifiable and a postpunk acquired taste is an understatement. He pursued that same unnerving musical repetition relentlessly for 40+ years. Totally wired!

New jk #WikibonPremium research note: "Automated Machine Learning: Assessing Available Solutions" (http://ow.ly/aCum30hYMe3 )

New jk #WikibonPremium research note: "Automated Machine Learning: Accelerating Development and Deployment of Statistical Models" (http://ow.ly/jRJm30hYM84 )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Posse "Dream Sequence" from Horse Blanket JK--2017. Reminds me vaguely of "Chinese Radiation" from Pere Ubu's "The Modern Dance" LP (1978).

"Is Creativity Finally Dead?" (http://ow.ly/Hv5830hYFc5 ) . JK--Oh, thank heavens! I thought we'd never make the world safe for plodding mediocrity.

"If You Can’t Handle Numbers, How Are You Ever Going To Handle AI?" (http://ow.ly/AbAg30hYF43 ) JK--While we're on the subject, you can't handle the truth either. You make me sick!

Drafted latest #InfoWorld column: "Deep Reinforcement Learning Drives AI Convergence."

Nice retirement planning promotional seminar at a restaurant in Old Town Alexandria. Free dinner and drinks. I had the chicken and my wife the salmon. We were too busy enjoying our meal to bother with the financial crap. 

"Deep learning trends from ACL 2017" (http://ow.ly/PORg30hXvmF ) JK--Building interpretability and attention mechanisms into AI models. Shining some light into the algorithmic blackboxes.

"GDPR and the Right to Be Forgotten" (http://ow.ly/1iGe30hXu0D ) JK--But is there a reciprocal right to be forgiven for forgetting someone's right to be forgotten? And do you forfeit all the ill-gotten booty that may accrue if you've falsely forgotten to forget someone?

Congratulations James! We're giving you a deep discount on a product you never requested, don't require, and would  to never hear of again. Please let us know what we can do to expunge our company's existence from your consciousness now and ever.

"This Army of AI Robots Will Feed the World" (http://ow.ly/udr030hWMRL ) JK--Precision culling of underperforming seedlings. Precision fertilization of superperformers.

"AI learns how to fool speech-to-text. That’s bad news for voice assistants" (http://ow.ly/NmzR30hWMFP ) JK--Renders the algorithm deaf to what you actually say, invisibly inserts what the attacker wants it to hear.

To whoever auto-generates those YouTube obituary clipshows upon some celeb's demise, please stop. Those robotic text-to-speech voice-overs are so lame, they make the departed seem even  dead. RIP Bradford Dillman:

"TensorFlow review: The best deep learning library gets better" (http://ow.ly/9pkQ30hVkqX ) JK--New v1.5. Detailed technical article also discusses recent advances in rival DL frameworks such as MXNet, CNTK, and Caffe2. 

"NASA Just Proved It Can Navigate Space Using Pulsars. Where To Now?" (http://ow.ly/QNPB30hVjL5 ) JK--Might I suggest to infinity and beyond?

"How Fast Is AI Progressing? Stanford’s New Report Card for Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/mrQ030hVjiw ) JK--Metric is better at gauging volume of AI activity than progress toward artificial general intelligence. 

"Synthetic data could ease the burden of training data for AI models" (http://ow.ly/2rsC30hVhZE ) JK--It'll do  than that. Synthetic data will help data-science pipsqueaks compete with the Googles of the world (who've already got tons of from-the-source training data)

"DeepBrain Chain....AI Computing Platform Driven by Blockchain" (http://ow.ly/633G30hVh3u ) (http://bit.ly/2G7TVMo ) JK--Interesting concept. On-demand distributed resource-brokering AI cloud wherein computation servers are compensated thru a cryptocurrency called DeepBrain Coin

"Cloud AutoML: How Google aims to simplify the grunt work behind AI and machine learning models" (http://ow.ly/aeYY30hVgAC ) JK--An "alpha effort" that'll probably gain significant traction. See my automated ML #Wikibonreports coming out this week.

"Slack Hopes Its AI Will Keep You from Hating Slack" (http://ow.ly/Jw6B30hVgj9 ) JK--I used Slack in my previous gig. It's OK. What I hate is not any one tool but the sheer tool glut that one must navigate to do simple things in today's jampacked office productivity vortex.

"How Amazon And Google’s AI Assistant War Made CES Relevant Again" (http://ow.ly/Vyvw30hVg6K ) JK--Voice command UIs the thread that binds the unruly gadgetplex into a unified field of personal agents?

"How to use mindfulness to manage your money better" (http://ow.ly/9Zej30hVcFK ) JK--Just breathe deeply and be kind to yourself when your creditors repossess everything that isn't nailed down, including your meditation mat.

In the past week, I've had discussions about blockchain with my wife, brother, and financial adviser. I initiated none of these discussions. What's next? Do I brace myself for blockchain inquiries at the supermarket checkout lane?

Bought/downloaded Tune-Yards' latest LP: "I can feel you creep into my private life." I've been consistently blown away by everything that Merrill Garbus and crew have produced. Disruptively brilliant. 

Humblebrag. I don’t trust this word.  often than not, it flags the insecurities of the person using it  than the supposed boastfulness of the person being indicated.

Hell no! Don’t reopen the government if it means closing Americato immigrants!

Always good to keep a stash of fresh candles and matches near the wine. Mild inebriation goes well with weak illumination. Especially at home. Togetherness.

Hallelujah, it’s weekend again. Time for my weekend stuff. The usual mundanity till Monday’s insanity marks its end once again, my friend.

Still haven’t found that damn glove. But no worries. High temperature tomorrow predicted to be around 60. All hail global warming!

"Big Bets on A.I. Open a New Frontier for Chip Start-Ups, Too" (http://ow.ly/28yb30hT88C ) JK--NY Times coverage of this superhot space.

"Zero to Hero: Guide to Object Detection using Deep Learning: Faster R-CNN,YOLO,SSD" (http://ow.ly/Q5D130hT7kk ) JK--The utterly important, cutting edge, and arcane art & science of statistically distinguishing objects in visual field in real-time under high-stakes scenarios.

"The Google Brain Team — Looking Back on 2017" (http://ow.ly/7gRq30hT7ag ) JK--They are investing deeply into a phenomenal range of disruptive AI technologies.

"The Starbucks Logo Has A Secret You’ve Never Noticed" (http://ow.ly/8Cdi30hT6cc ) JK--Just a little bit of asymmetry transformed the logo face from merely a beautiful lady to a LILF.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Clash "Straight to Hell" from Combat Rock JK--1999. I've never understood why Strummer would have Vietnamese children speaking fractured Japanese: "When it's Christmas out in Ho Chi Minh City Kiddie say papa papa papa papa pappa-san, take me home."

I notice that IBM had its first revenue-growth quarter in almost 6 years. Seems  they've stanched the red-ink flow from legacy businesses. But they definitely have their work cut out for them competing in cloud, AI, & other growth businesses. Aggressive, innovative rivals.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Young Fathers "In My View" from Cocoa Sugar JK--2018. Good one. That "you'll be dancing on my grave" line is a great hook.

Lost my left winter glove at the club last night. Checked the lost & found then and now. Not there. But I cannot believe that other members “lost” several heavy stuffed bags of exercise gear in that same 24-hour period. What’s in them? Your brains?

"Low-Cost AI Chipsets Will Take the Mobility Market by Storm in 2018" (http://ow.ly/SWfH30hRqnZ ) JK--Sez I: "AI chipset market will reach a tipping point in 2022, the price will drop below $25 per chip and the open-source ecosys for real-time Linux on DL SOC emerges."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Stooges "Down on the Street" from Fun House JK--1970. It's been nearly a half-century, but this still smokes with menace. Yow!

"Square off: Machine learning libraries" (http://ow.ly/Apvd30hRoLe ) JK--Very useful framework for comparing them: 1) programming paradigms, 2) ML algorithms, 3) hardware and performance, 4) interpretability, 5) automation.

"Business must tone down its lust for big data" (http://ow.ly/L6sJ30hRn1q ) JK--Or at least get a room, you two! Or take a cold shower, how 'bout that?

"Amazon announces 20 HQ2 finalists" (http://ow.ly/DqEX30hRmBP ) JK--Three of which constitute most of the DC metro area: "Montgomery County, MD; ....Northern Virginia, VA; ...WashingtonD.C.."

"Using game theory to protect networks, infrastructure" (http://ow.ly/rqOJ30hRmfC ) JK---They mean game-theoretic tools and practices. Though the article doesn't give many details, I have a hunch they're using multi-agent AI with cooperative reinforcement learning to drive this.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Luxembourg Signal "Antarctica" from Blue Field JK--2017. Nice bit of rushing electronic warmth.

"How blockchain makes self-sovereign identities possible" (http://ow.ly/yDGl30hRcNR ) JK--Philip Windley on federated identity and distributed systems of trust. Me on the same topic, ages ago:

"CES 2018: IBM Shows Off The World's Largest Quantum Computer" (http://ow.ly/AkHT30hRbMI ) JK--50-qubit. Not yet been released for use by commercial partners. Needs environment colder than deep space to actually operate.

"CES 2018: Intel's 49-Qubit Chip Shoots for Quantum Supremacy" (http://ow.ly/ndGU30hRbsM ) JK--But not commercially practical without 1) surface code error correction, 2) algo mapping to quantum hardware, & 3) electronics that control individual qubits and read out quantum results.

Quantum computing will collapse the value of all cryptocurrencies to zero. If everybody can instantaneously do the calculations that "mine" new bitcoins etc, you have massive oversupply of the currency. And its value will disappear. The big bang will trigger the big crunch.  

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Roxy Music "All I Want Is You" from Country Life JK--1974. "L'amour toujours l'amour" indeed!

I told the manager of LA Fitness he better get somebody to fix the audio gear in the class room. Or fix the instructors, none of whom know how to set it up without producing ear-stabbing bursts of feedback. Leave it off altogether!

Drinking day-old champagne. Can’t complain.

I'm going to ask my physician to give me a clean bill of health until I'm 70, at the very least. I need an iron-clad guarantee that I'll be "fit for duty" until I'm ready to hang it up and call it a career. Not a prediction--a GUARANTEE!

"Expert Interview (Part 2): James Kobielus on Reasons for Data Scientist Insomnia including Neural Network Development Challenges" (http://ow.ly/sgbw30hPIHx ) JK--Conclusion of my interview with Syncsort's Susan Jennings.

"Doctor says president will remain 'fit for duty' for years"? That little "for years" twist is what marks this as obvious BS. As if anybody, much less a physician, can make those kinds of predictions with confidence.

Spam invites me to “find unclaimed money.” I know it’s as easy as walking the streets saying “here money money money, here money money money, be a good boy, come to papa.” 

"Fair and Balanced? Thoughts on Bias in Probabilistic Modeling" (http://ow.ly/1mku30hOSCC ) JK--What, if anything, is a fair way to classify multidimensional human beings? What credence do we give their self-labels? When may we impose categories on them they would never own up to?

"Do algorithms reveal sexual orientation or just expose our stereotypes?" (http://ow.ly/Kvh530hORto ) JK--My sense is that ML algorithms are just as confused on topic of sexual orientations as people themselves are. Let's put all algorithms into a default "Q" category under LGBTQ.

"Gamers vs. Miners in Cryptocurrency Conflict" (http://ow.ly/6Wth30hOPPf ) JK--My concern is that the world's gamers will squander the world's bitcoin supply on *#@!^! Donkey Kong!

"How artificial intelligence is creating new ways of storytelling" (http://ow.ly/qMgS30hOPl3 ) JK--Article discusses use cases of AI-driven natural language generation, to various degrees of sophistication.

"CES 2018: What the Gadget Fest Looks  in ‘the Year of A.I.’" (http://ow.ly/s1X330hOGSG ) JK--The best photo from CES 2018 is the one I'm sharing out with this post: gadgets and sunshine as the light sources during blackouts.

"From deep learning down" (http://ow.ly/n9hV30hOBNF ) JK--The human urge to calculate  arcane quantities stretches back to civilization's dawn. It's a core signal that a civilization is in fact advancing.

"Deep Learning Hardware Limbo" (http://ow.ly/yXlj30hOxhM ) JK--Tim Dettmers dissects the AI chipset wars at an in-depth technical level.

"Are Chief AI Officers Really Necessary?" (http://ow.ly/AhjV30hOw0F ) JK--There's a way to find out. Use AI-driven NLP and video/face recognition to determine incidence of people rolling their eyes when such a position is proposed. The eye-rolls have it (not!). 

"Turning Design Mockups Into Code With Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/btjT30hOiUI ) JK--Cool example of AI-driven auto-programming.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sinéad O’Connor "I Am Stretched on Your Grave" from I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got jK--1990. Her own psychological turmoils,  the late O'Riordan's, undoubtedly fuel the deep discontent that makes her music so distinctive.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Belly "Full Moon, Empty Heart" from Star JK--1993. These rockers from Boston (2 women, 2 men) always struck me as slightly Irish sounding.

RIP Dolores O'Riordan. The 1990s were very much a decade in which unmistakeably Irish women's voices (her, Sinead, Enya, the Corrs) brought a lovely Celtic lilt into the pop music mix.

"Poor, sweet, good-hearted Jeopardy! contest confuses Jack White for Eminem" (http://ow.ly/te3v30hO4FD ) JK--That was excusable. But in the same category, none of the 3 contestants could identify a photo of Robert Redford. My wife and I were dumbstruck. You gotta be kidding! 

"Expert Interview (Part 1): Wikibon’s James Kobielus Discusses the Explosive Impact of Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/atkC30hO480 ) JK--Syncsort's Susan Jennings' interview with me.

"The War on Driving to Come" (http://ow.ly/o4Dx30hO3xG ) JK--Wildly sensationalistic rightwing screed. Nobody's envisioning "banning" manual driving. It will eventually wither as autonomous tech improves. But that doesn't mean "Big Brother" will necessarily steer us all.

  Jan 16

When someone touts the advantages of this or that cryptocurrency, or the lot of them as a mania, I can't help thinking of the old adage about not taking any wooden nickels. When every coin is minted from an unfamiliar substrate, an extra level of caution needs to kick in.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sun Kil Moon "Carry Me Ohio" from Ghosts of the Great Highway JK--2003. Mark Kozelek's voice strikes me as perfect for a lonesome cartoon wolf baying at the moon.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexpFrankOcean"Lost" from Channel Orange JK--2012. Already feels  a golden oldie. But it was just 6 years ago.

"How to Cope with Stress in Tech" (http://ow.ly/auD130hO1lV ) JK--Stress is embedded in the extreme complexity, competitiveness, and volatility of this business. It is an immersive condition. Everyone must find their own core of emotional stability to withstand it.

Thinking of doing an ongoing "how AI could revolutionize...." column. The fun thing is: you can stick any noun in place of the ellipsis and credibly BS your way through it. Better than Mad Libs!

New jk #Dataversitycolumn: "Low-Cost AI Chipsets Will Take the Mobility Market by Storm in 2018" (http://ow.ly/5loh30hNZaE )

"Machine learning models require DevOps-style workflows" (http://ow.ly/XQ4v30hNXTi ) JK--Transcript of Jack Vaughan's interview with me.

"Serverless, containers shape future of cloud computing" (http://ow.ly/5Ylv30hNXzj ) JK--Includes my prediction "Functional programming comes to cloud, slow to reach private infrastructure"

New jk #KDNuggets column: "Local AI Inferencing Will Become Standard In Edge Applications In 2018" (http://ow.ly/jFiV30hNXhR )

Dear Total Stranger Who Emailed Me Out Of The Blue: Thank you for thanking me in advance for my help. That gave me the opportunity to delete your message in advance. Preferable to helping you. Much obliged!

Caught “Our Souls At Night,” a Netflix original movie with Jane Fonda & Robert Redford. Quiet, lovely film. At 80, she’s 5 years older than her father was in “On Golden Pond,” but seems much younger.

Watching documentary about the Everly Brothers. Good, but it seems to imply that they invented close harmony singing in pop music. Umm...doo-wop?

It’s important to donate to public TV. Without your pledge, public TV pledge drives will go off the air forever. We cannot allow that to happen!

Spot-on ESPN analysis: “When this team gets the football in their hands, they try to score!”

Caught “The Mountain Between Us” on DVD. I’m sure that Kate Winslet and Idris Elba asked their respective agents to find a survival-pic project with a gratuitous sex scene and an extraordinarily sappy ending. Subzero stars!

My grownup son meets Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit and waxes nostalgic. Accompanying my then-underage son to see Papa Roach et al live at the 930 Club around the turn of the millennium was when I crossed the threshold to old age. Too damn loud! 

Caught first episode of David Letterman’s new Netflix talk show last night. Guest was Barack Obama, with an insert of Letterman’s visit to Selma with John Lewis. Excellent. I actually prefer the serious but still funny Dave. He doesn’t interrupt unnecessarily any. 

The temperature overnight will drop from the 60s to the 20s. My brain is freezing over thinking of it. Worse than an ice cream headache.

I'd be careful investing in cryptocurrency. Jor-El's mad experiments with kryptoncurrency caused his planet to explode. Glad he was able to bamboozle enough hard currency from foolish investors to fund baby Kal-El's rocket-borne escape. Where would we be without that child?

"20 years on, open source hasn’t changed the world as promised" (http://ow.ly/KNVH30hJZ9E ) JK--Contradicts own thesis: "companies use  open source code over past 20 years...has changed narrative of how innovation happens in software...most innovative software is open source"

Trump will turn America into a "shithole country" unless we stop him.

"Wabi-Sabi: Beyond Minimalism, and into a Unique Mode of Mindful Simplicity" (http://ow.ly/YTkc30hJNjt ) JK-- than the "worn-in" aesthetic. It's the workaround and "whatever" philosophy. Perfection can be found in the acceptance of good-enough incompletion.

"Why Do We Even Wear Pants?" (http://ow.ly/MRPv30hJMi9 ) JK--So our nether regions will remain safely stowed if we ever need to mount a proud steed and gallop off to conquer barbarians.

"In 2018 - AI will start to bring jobs back from offshore destinations to the West" (http://ow.ly/UtJf30hJLXD ) JK--"Back from offshore"? Where have they been? On a barge anchored off the continental shelf?

Burt’s Bees. I always wondered if their hive was in his beard. And if training them to produce lip balm instead of honey is what caused colony collapse.

Gotta admire the marketing chutzpah of a movie studio boasting that critics rave about their latest product being "one of the best films of the year" when the year is only 11 days old.

"Did you forget your car keys? No problem, use your face." (http://ow.ly/YRyY30hImN4 ) JK--Picking locks with your snaggle tooth? That's quite a parlor trick!

"An institute studying ‘existential risk’ has made a Civilization mod about superintelligent AI" (http://ow.ly/pFYO30hIm9X ) JK--The risks of existing, of never having existed, of once having existed. Here's Emily Dickinson's take on how dreary it all is:

"CES 2018: Artificial Intelligence at Home and Behind the Wheel" (http://ow.ly/mJmL30hIlpm ) JK--AI-driven smart appliances, cars, and other gadgets. Speech-recognition voice-control digital assistants slathered over, under, and into every(Internet of)thing(s).

"Google and Others Are Building AI Systems That Doubt Themselves" (http://ow.ly/ADzU30hIk9v ) JK--Neurotic algorithms? No. Probabilistically programmed AI-driven systems that gauge their level of certainty & factor that into sensitive/impactful decisioning scenarios.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sufjan Stevens "Fourth of July (900X remix)" from The Greatest Gift Mixtape — Outtakes, Remixes, & Demos from Carrie & Lowell JK--2017. Occasionally, Sufjan's morose side gets the better of him. But I  this anyway. 

"Artificial intelligence as auto companies’ new engine of value" (http://ow.ly/MtCL30hIjII ) JK--Greatest innovation since built-in cup holders.

  Jan 11

Dear Social Media: Don't remind me of people's birthdays unless they've specifically invited me to their birthday parties and are paying my travel expenses. If they do, I'll bring cake.

"The artificial intelligence computing stack" (http://ow.ly/jGsX30hIipT ) JK--Presents nested list of what's eating what.

"Nvidia launches Xavier, an effort to meld autonomous driving and AI" (http://ow.ly/EBO030hIhXA ) JK--Xavier system-on-chip. >9B transistors, custom 8-core CPU, 512-core Volta GPU, 8K HDR vid proc, DL & computr-vision accelrtrs, 30T ops/sec on 30W power.

"Interpretable Machine Learning: A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable" (http://ow.ly/jn4f30hIhFO ) JK--Excellent cookbook for the working data scientist.

"DIY GPU server: Build your own PC for deep learning" (http://ow.ly/wofL30hIh4A ) JK--This will be become standard practice for homebrewed AI robotics.

"Hadoop 3 confronts the realities of storage growth" (http://ow.ly/gRmc30hIgR6 ) JK--Ovum's ferocious Baer goes deep into the plumbing of federated Hadoop clusters on Kubernetes orchestration fabrics.

"December 2017 Tracker – Where’s Hadoop?" (http://ow.ly/rE8j30hIgEa ) JK--Gartner's venerable @merv rounds up this rapidly consolidating niche of the big data ecosystem.

"AI System Sorts News Articles By Whether or Not They Contain Actual Information" (http://ow.ly/N4tN30hIgod ) JK--Wonderful. I want one of those to net-out the emptiness inside tech press releases. Many can be reduced 20x to the essential news. Eliminate boilerplate marketing BS

"Battle of the Deep Learning frameworks — Part I: 2017, even  frameworks and interfaces" (http://ow.ly/MMpd30hIfLs ) JK--Here are the 2 #Wikibonresearch notes I published last month on the topic: http://ow.ly/oEPo30hIfOp 

"AI in 2018 for developers" (http://ow.ly/OtsQ30hIfyx ) JI--"AutoML replacing pipelines"? Actually, Google's is just a project. There's growing range of commercial and open-source ML-automation tools. I've authored 2 #Wikibonresearch notes on the topic. To be published very soon

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Kyle Craft "The Rager" from Full Circle Nightmare JK--2018. This Portland artist's best yet. Great vocal, lyric, melody, & arrangement. Can't wait to hear the rest of the LP. Out next month on Sub Pop.

"8 ways artificial intelligence is going to change the way you live, work and play in 2018" (http://ow.ly/wazF30hIeO8 ) JK--"Facial recognition will be the new credit card." Dunno. If your beautiful face is easy on the eyes, will you get easier credit?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Gentleman Losers "The Good Bird Singin' In The Twilight Tree" from Permanently Midnight JK--2017. Finnish group. Nice stately dirge-/dirge-lite ambient quality to this. A bit  Sigur Ros.

I would  to see people go back to stating that a given press story is "inaccurate" or "false" rather than "fake news." Only use the latter if the intent was to deceive and misrepresent. In that case, call it a "lie."

I overhear ESPN and the announcer saying “Coach Poop literally said he plans to build the greatest football team of all time.” Really? Literally? Verbatim? Direct quote? Have you reviewed the transcript? Would you testify to that under oath? 

  Jan 9

I lie here every evening, drained, with my earbuds plugged in and the music streaming into me thru my iPhone. I might as well make it an intravenous drip.

RIP John Young. The only astronaut who made the space program his entire career all the way up to retirement in old age. Gemini (orbit), Apollo (moon), Space Shuttle (pilot), management, whistleblower. I salute your service to growing humanity’s presence in the cosmos.

Interviewed by Beth Pariseau of TechTarget re operationalization of the AI app management pipeline.

Interviewed by Jack Vaughan of http://SearchDataManagment.com re AI, ML, big data, microservices, etc. My usual shtick.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ray Charles "You Are My Sunshine" from Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music Volume Two JK--1962. Amazingly awesome blend of R&B, big band, and country/western.

“Share this if you agree with what I’m posting” is the Facebook equivalent of “honk if you love Jesus.”

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Phoebe Bridgers "Motion Sickness" from Stranger in the Alps JK--2017. Sounds  a young Sheryl Crow or Aimee Mann.

One sure sign of a bubble is when one's tech-averse spouse mentions that a friend's investing in something called "bitcoin"& that we should consider. You cannot imagine how quickly I shot down that idea. I sort of want to have retirement savings to draw on for years to come.

"How Actual Smart People Talk About Themselves" (http://ow.ly/G1L530hE1TX ) JK--Awareness of how others perceive them, attention to the limits of their own cognitive machinery, and voracious curiosity into what they don't yet know.

"Steve Bannon: Donald Trump Jr was not 'treasonous'– I meant Paul Manafort" (http://ow.ly/aJIt30hE0Kb ) JK--Easy mistake to make. Both are disgusting douchebags, just  you. You're forgiven (not).

Wonder if we can rely on Alexa to open the pod bay doors should that fateful day arrive.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp James Blake "Vincent" JK--2017. Lovely quiet rendition of the Don McLean classic on the piano.

"'Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics' Offers Practical Advice For Stressed-Out Cynics" (http://ow.ly/RkK730hDZft ) JK--Here's Dan Harris' on-air panic attack (http://ow.ly/i89H30hDZF5 ). Viewers probably didn't realize it. He bailed before it could snowball into something career-ending.

"I Know Where You've Been: Digital Spying And Divorce In The Smartphone Age" (http://ow.ly/B48U30hDZ0r ) JK--I'd say if the relationship has gotten to this point, it's pretty much over. Digital evidence is beside the point. Call your lawyers and settle your accounts.

Thinking of producing month-by-month tech predictions throughout the year. Along the lines of "if such-and-such doesn't happen by the end of February, we're all screwed and all bets are off." Gotta sharpen my game.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp David Bowie "Quicksand" from Hunky Dory JK--1971. Today would have been his 71st.

"Google and Intel Beware: China Is Gunning for Dominance in AI Chips" (http://bit.ly/2FgmczQ ) JK--Good discussion of China-based AI chip startups Horizon Robotics and Cambricon Technologies, as well as San Diego's Kneron.

What’s sobering is digging just a few years back in my oeuvre and finding how dated some then-hot tech manias have become. “Quantified self,” anyone? I try to dissect stuff while it’s hot, but balance it with boring perennials.

Facebook algorithmically sends me statistical insights on the artist fanpage I maintain. I get all the insight I need from knowing others respond  I do to those same artists. I try to refrain from analyzing some of my passions.

We tend to leave subtitles on English-language movies. They help my non-native-speaking spouse follow the colloquialisms. They help me chuckle at unnecessary captions such as “[lighthearted instrumental music].”

I’m not sure what’s  treacherous: driving through snow-slick shopping-center parking lots or navigating on foot between grime-covered cars for days after.

Thinking back to when I was young and foolish. I wouldn’t want to relive my 40s.

Caught the tail end of “2001: A Space Odyssey” on TCM last night. Considering the year, I’m surprised no one suspected that Al Qaeda put HAL9000 up to it.

It’s good to have support as the senior years approach. Financial, medical, social, emotional, lumbar. In roughly that order.

Since the Feds are denying state-legal pot purveyors access to the banking system, it’s only a matter of time before those companies start to rely on cryptocurrencies for their funding. ICCO: Initial Cannabis Coin Offering

Always enjoy WETA’s “British television at its best.” Tonight: “The Queen’s Garden.” Button-cute Lucy Worsley gives ample commentary. British speech impediments at their best!

Right now it’s 16°F and 35% humidity outside. Everything’s being freeze-dried to the max.

Today is 2 weeks till the first anniversary of Trump’s inauguration, aka America Held Hostage, Day 351.

One thing that most fitness clubs get wrong is acoustical facility engineering. They’re chaotically noisy indoor environments. Clearing the mind of stray sound boosts focus, stamina, & endurance.

Trump refers to himself as a “genius.” Someone check and see whether he’s watching that Bugs Bunny short where Wile E Coyote refers to himself that way. If so, please turn off White House access to Cartoon Network.

Saw “Detroit” on DVD. Excellent, harrowing telling of the ‘67 riots, the Algiers Motel Incident, and aftermath. I have no doubt that racist white cops ran amok and made the situation worse in my mother’s hometown that summer.

Trump's closest associates are on record referring to him as an "idiot,""moron,""dope,""imbecile," and the . It's nice to see that the President of the United Statesfeels relaxed enough to just be himself among those he trusts the most. 

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Doors "People Are Strange" from Strange Days JK--1967. Actually, it would seem that people in fact DO tend to remember your name when you're strange. To clue others to the need to avoid you, if nothing else.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Sunflower Bean "I Was a Fool" from I Was a Fool JK--2017. They do wistful well. Nice female/male back-and-forth duet on this. Sounds a bit  90s group The Sundays ("Here's Where the Story Ends").

"Intel Says Security Bug Not Specific to its Processors" (http://ow.ly/Jmj230hBbr2 ) JK--I don't imagine the chipmakers will issue a joint press release announcing that all of their customers are royally screwed. It could happen, but don't hold your breath.

I have never heard anyone use the phrase “use case” outside of a high-tech context. Just once I’d  to hear, say, “one of the principal use cases for athletic shoes is basketball.”

"Intel Downplays 'Inaccurate' Chip Security Flaw Report" (http://ow.ly/Jz4T30hAkW9 ) JK--Vendor claims the vulnerabilities also in many non-Intel chips and that fixing them won't be major performance hit for users.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Herbie Hancock "Rockit" from Future Shock JK--1983. Thanks @thetroynelson for reminding me of this awesome early-MTV video. Those robots rock(it)!

"CES 2018 will be the shape of things to come" (http://ow.ly/7v5T30hzTti ) JK--The annual post-NYD gadgetfest at the cavernous Las VegasConvention Center. At the very least, it'll be the shape of personal-tech hype to come (for this year).

"Chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov on what happens when machines 'reach the level that is impossible for humans to compete'" (http://ow.ly/xkMN30hzSMl ) JK--Perhaps humans will compete amongst ourselves to invent new games where humans have the advantage.

"The Biggest Tech Fails of 2017" (http://ow.ly/m7rl30hzSBy ) JK--I'm not sure how Mark Zuckerberg suing a bunch of Hawaiians over a real-estate dispute qualifies as a "tech fail." Perhaps because they failed to become tech billionaires.

"Building AI systems that work is still hard" (http://ow.ly/H5MY30hzSgQ ) JK--"Black swan scenario. Someone in a garage discovers next gen o algorithms away from the mainstream. If this lone rider can use it for themselves we might see the first self-made trillionaire." Lex Luthor?

"How NASA's Search for ET Relies on Advanced AI" (http://ow.ly/bqO830hzRXk ) JK--What if aliens have  advanced AI than us? I'm afraid they'll abduct our brightest data scientists into their mothership & enslave them to train their Earth-conquest algorithms.

"Why do developers find it hard to learn machine learning?" (http://ow.ly/vNK930hzRPG ) JK--Fear of math. The slow slog thru data. Confusing plethora of development frameworks. Etc etc.

"A cyclist is using a Google Assistant-controlled electric bike wheel to ride cross country to CES" (http://ow.ly/4tSz30hzRIk ) JK--Interesting. It should be integrated into next-gen cycling headsets.

“Humorist Art Buchwald’s archives are headed for the Library of Congress.” LoC hiring archaeologist to dig in search of something genuinely funny. Mark Russell said to be bidding on the contract, but his qualifications are disputed.

Trump says Bannon “lost his mind” after leaving his administration. Actually, that was a prerequisite for joining this administration in the first place.

Sen. Hatch retiring. Mitt Romney to the rescue? OMG, saints preserve us!

"Predictions for Online Video Marketing in 2018: The Experts Speak" (http://ow.ly/3dYK30hzcuA ) JK--This is bang-on correct on every level. "AI leads the way."

"The rise of Blockchain-as-a-Service" (http://ow.ly/s5Eg30hzciu ) JK--This is the actual federated general-purpose trust/transaction infrastructure that ubiquitous server-side PKI has made possible. This stuff takes a while to seep thru the Internet's capillaries.

"Microservices and the invasion of the identity entities" (http://ow.ly/i8gn30hzbye ) JK--All of which creates the need for a pervasive microservices trust infrastucture with multifactor authentication, role-based permissions, etc.

New jk #Datanami column: "Developers Will Adopt Sophisticated AI Model Training Tools in 2018" (http://ow.ly/IKpG30hyGHh )

Global warming is undeniable. Latest sign: I just came across an online registration form that asked if I wanted to specify an Antarctic time zone. Yes. I live and work in the outer fringes of what remains of the Ross Ice Shelf.

Cryptocurrency speculators. Remind me a bit of professional colleagues I've known who've boasted of their prowess on craps in Las Vegas casinos. I've never come across anybody who built a sustainable fortune from pure games of luck.

Trump’s “bigger button” remark is the final straw. We need to impeach this motherfucker now.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Cat Power "Nude as the News" from What Would the Community Think JK--1996. "Jackson"& "Jesse"? The transposed name of the civil right leader or the given names of Patti & Fred Smith's children? None of the above?

"“Oh My God, This Is So F---Ed Up”: Inside Silicon Valley’s Secretive, Orgiastic Dark Side" (http://ow.ly/jl9K30hxrqV ) JK--Rumor is that the too-rich boys assume the position around the embalmed sarcophagus of Hugh Hefner.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Nina Simone "Sinnerman" (Felix Da Houscat's Heavenly House Mix) - (V/A) Verve Remixed 2 JK--1965 (original), 2003 (remix).

In the rock-paper-scissors of proverbs, "curiosity killed the cat" is the rock and "nothing ventured, nothing gained" is its paper. Not clear if "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scissors the paper, papers the rock, or both. Am I just too curious? Need a handy Schrodinger.

"AI and Deep Learning in 2017 – A Year in Review" (http://ow.ly/2STW30hx84N ) JK--Holy Jehosophat! I didn't realize there were THIS MANY open-source reinforcement-learning frameworks!

"10 Alarming Predictions for Deep Learning in 2018" (http://ow.ly/znEi30hx6Y5 ) JK--Alarming? Hardly. These are quite brilliant. Especially "Explainability is Unachievable. We will just have to Fake It."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Animals "House of the Rising Sun" JK-1964. Cover of a folk song whose precise origin is unknown. Thought to have been composed in the prehistoric era when you relied on tailors to sew your new blue jeans. Store-bought Levis hadn't been invented.

"Ray RLLib" (http://ow.ly/WYzi30hx3tj ) JK--Out of UC-Berkeley. A new composable and scalable framework and library for reinforcement learning. Developers include a Spark principal. Could be pivotal to mass-market robotics and other RL-trained AI. 

"The ParallelEye Dataset: Constructing Large-Scale Artificial Scenes for Traffic Vision Research" (http://ow.ly/aQi330hx32O ) JK--Very cool research project out of China to build detailed synthetic visual training data for optimizing autonomous-vehicle AI.

"4 surprise cloud computing trends for 2018" (http://ow.ly/StCx30hx2CJ ) JK--Linthicum predicts that Microsoft or Oracle will acquire http://Salesforce.com , and that Alibaba grows its USmarket share.

"AI safety going mainstream at NIPS 2017" (http://ow.ly/mcYt30hx1EJ ) JK--Somehow, I doubt that we can entirely engineer algorithmic cluelessness, klutziness, insensitivity, mischief, and coldheartedness out of the picture.

"Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): Engine and Applications" (http://ow.ly/igLX30hx1bg ) JK--Very interesting presentation of examples "how generative adversarial nets are used to make our life better."

"Few-Shot Distribution Learning For Music Generation" (http://ow.ly/J3ED30hx0HH ) JK--Generative AI proj for "generating music data, such as lyrics or MIDI sequence." AI ON "assembling teams of volunteer researchers around world to work on problems curated by leaders of the field"

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jim James "I Just Wasn't Made for These Times" from Tribute to 2 JK--2017. Mr. My Morning Jacket covers Brian Wilson's crisis-of-self-confidence gem. Slows it down, multitracks it with lots of spare little splashes of instrumentation. Very "Pet Sounds"

2018. Hmmm. 1958 was 60 years ago. 2058 is 40 years in the future. Think I'll put myself into suspended Rip Van Winkle mode. Wake me when it's 2118.

"5 Big Banks Currently Testing Ripple's Blockchain Technology" (http://ow.ly/mZEU30hwYVm ) JK--Sends ripples of nervousness up my backbone. I suggest they pool all cryptocurrencies into a derivative mega-cryptocurrency. Call it "bonfire of the liquidities."

"Looking Back at 2017: Natural Disasters in Indonesia" (http://ow.ly/fggI30hwX7q ) JK--Being a vast, populous, dynamic archipelago nation straddling the Ring of Fire pretty much makes it a perennial bullseye of many natural calamities.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Serge Gainsbourg "Cargo culte" from Histoire de Melody Nelson JK--1971. Concept LP. Sleazy plot: "middle-aged Gainsbourg unintentionally collid[es] Rolls Royce Silver Ghost into teenage girl Melody Nelson's bicycle & subsequent seduction & romance ensues"

"How to Get Smarter Every Single Day" (http://ow.ly/yTwY30hwWjB ) JK--Reading, focusing, and reflecting? How about actually doing something with your supposed smarts, apart from kissing yourself in the mirror?

Nothing  a winter's brief evening nap under an electric blanket. Well, there is something  it. An actual night's sleep under a cozy comforter or three. But let's take this in increments, shall we?

It’s cold but, contrary to forecasters, not “brutally” cold. It would only be brutally cold if I were doing latrine duty at a gulag. Then the cold would be the least of it.

Accompanying wife on her shopping trip to Victoria’s Secret. Always a gantlet of places not to let the eyes linger too long. Keep shifting.

I don’t watch the morning local news any. I live in the Washington suburbs and don’t consider “someone was murdered in the District last night” news I can use. 

Just did a quick mental reckoning: I have published at least one piece I’ve authored in each of the past 43 years, stretching back to a crappy poem I placed in the literary arts journal in 12th grade. Have 3 tech columns queued up for next week. 

Glad that 2017 is behind us. We welcomed Declan. I survived the IBM co-location and moved to the next chapter of my career. Learned to tune out the nonsense in the world while staying tuned to the sense. Happy New Year everybody!

Good workout: someone left a fresh copy of “Smithsonian” magazine on an elliptical. Retrospective on 1968. Great article by Mike Love with current photos of the now-decrepit ashram at Rishikesh.

Reading “Mr. Playboy,” Steven Watts’ balanced, thorough 2008 bio of Hugh Hefner. Fairly complex, substantial, influential cultural pioneer of the 20th century. Very liberal.

Just as no two snowflakes are identical, neither are any two snowstorms. No two weather events produce the exact same number of snowflakes. #theyouknow

Feeling proud of myself for having cleared barely an inch of soft, dry, powdery snow from my driveway this morning. Lying comfortably on the sofa, thinking back on my accomplishment.

"Photo Editing with Generative Adversarial Networks" (http://ow.ly/rNHd30huq6t ) JK--"Visualizing the latent space" is mind-blowing! 

Revisiting my vendor SWOT analysis framework. "Weaknesses" seems  critical than constructive a term. Perhaps "needs improvement." Nah. People might derive the wrong message from a SNOT analysis.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Patti Smith Group "Frederick" from Wave JK--1996. Very nice one about her husband.

RIP Rose Marie. She had been the last surviving singing star from before WW2. As “Baby Rose Marie,” she sang for President Calvin Coolidge. Actress and game show celebrity.

"Robots Behaving Badly" (http://ow.ly/dPnH30htnGn ) JK--Klutzes, laughingstocks, or devils in metallic disguise? You decide.

"Semantic Web and Semantic Technology Trends in 2018" (http://ow.ly/w88u30htlZc  ) JK--AI Knowledge Graphs: allows machines to understand meaning of information in the complete context of their relationships. See my thoughts on graph technology potential:

"The jobs artificial intelligence will most ly replace" (http://ow.ly/k5Tp30htlCE ) JK--Don't worry. It's not yours. I checked.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ten Fé "Single, No Return" from Single, No Return JK--2017. Good one. Sounds a bit  Beta Band, a bit  Lord Huron, a bit  Shearwater.

"2018 will be the year of the chatbot" (http://ow.ly/wSxQ30hsTQ8 ) JK--NEXT year? What was THIS year? Chat liver?

"Researchers Show How AI Can Fake Way Thru Conversations Just  Humans" (http://ow.ly/V2mD30hsTwO ) JK--My way of faking it is to ask probing questions till I have enough of a clue what's going on that I'm not faking it any. BTW, "nasi goreng" is Indonesian for "fried rice"

"The Best Toys That Teach Kids How to Code" (http://ow.ly/3B9530hsT5u ) JK--Sounds  perfect mass-market IoT doodad: "Most coding toys work by using a companion app to teach children how to combine commands to make the toys generate sounds, lights and movement."

"What can machine learning do? Workforce implications" (http://ow.ly/J7tL30hsSYJ ) JK--Good analytical dissection of types of tasks suitable for ML-driven automation.

"Google’s voice-generating AI is now indistinguishable from humans" JK--Generative text-to-speech AI. Hear for yourself. Play the clips on this page (http://ow.ly/An7A30hsSmz ), and then on this (http://ow.ly/VYwZ30hsSyr )

"How a Machine That Can Make Anything Would Change Everything" (http://ow.ly/AJ0O30hsSdG ) JK--Actually, nanofabricators + quantum computing + artificial intelligence (generalized/generative) would change everything.

"Why DARPA and NASA are building robot spacecraft designed to act  service stations on orbit" (http://ow.ly/Cq2R30hsRmt ) JK--Will they even keep his and hers restroom keys on a hook behind the cash register?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp LCD Soundsystem "Call the Police" from Call The Police/American Dream JK--2017. Excellent high-energy rocker.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Canned Heat "Going Up the Country" JK--1968. Here's how the song's first take in the recording studio actually sounded: http://ow.ly/QwXl30hsfXD . They had an amazing producer. He fixed it on the soundboard. And the rest is history.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Cock & Swan "You Are My Dream" from Dream Alone JK--2017. Quiet and lovely. It suspends time while you're listening.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Love Joys "Sweet Feelings" from Reggae Vibes JK--2002. Bewitching!

"The greatest thing since sliced bread." That phrase is obviously obsolete. After all, food technology has come a long way in our lifetimes. I suggest we exclaim "the greatest thing since Dippin' Dots."

"Welcoming the Era of Deep Neuroevolution" (http://ow.ly/Uk6030hrhDF ) JK--Cool research from Uber into using evolutionary algorithms in tandem with reinforcement learning to train neural nets.

"Applying machine learning science to Facebook products" (http://ow.ly/ZYqS30hrh38 ) JK--Zuck's minions consume their AI framework dogfood --Caffe2--with a fair bit of PyTorch to balance their development diet.

"AI Formats May Ease Neural Jitters" (http://ow.ly/92w330hrgnk ) JK--Chipmaker's NNEF authoring-to-inferencing interchange format competes with Web companies' ONNX. The AI industry should converge these specs on a common standard.

Just saw somebody end a tech blog with "have a really great day!" I'm thinking of appropriating Bob & Ray's sign-off "write if you get work."

"CIO playbook for 2018: Leading analysts break down the trends" (http://ow.ly/JYCz30hrfqA ) JK--Puts my predictions under "Cloud-centric business models upend people and processes"

New blogpost: "Kobielus thought leadership posts in 2017" (http://ow.ly/JSSh30hre8a )

New jk #WikibonPremium Note: "Wikibon’s 2018 Artificial Intelligence Chipset Predictions" (http://ow.ly/aeNF30hqYRt )

New jk #WikibonPremium Note: "Wikibon’s 2018 Artificial Intelligence Predictions" (http://ow.ly/1R5630hqYjd )

Day after Christmas. I guess you can still say 'tis the season. Soon though, when 'tisn't the season any longer, we'll need to switch to 'twas the season. But you can never say 'twasn't the season. Just as Rick & Ilsa will always have Paris, we'll always have the season that was.

Survived today’s apocalyptic war on Christmas. Santa Claus got us in a half-nelson.

Christmas morning. Several cable channels feature nothing but a log burning in a fireplace. Please also have channels showing nothing but a snowstorm or nothing but a fat man struggling to squeeze down a chimney.

Fake news. A good working definition is “whatever this White House wants us to believe is real news.” He won’t be president forever.

Satisfied our Christmas obligation at my brother’s  liberal-leaning parish in Arlington. “Immigrants and refugees welcome.”

Overheard the most perfect NFL Network announcer inanity: “At the end of the day, he’s just a man.”

The Miss America email scandal. I recommend that they rebrand the whole enterprise as Misogyny America.

That 80s popstar-gang Xmas song. The chorus should be “don’t we know they’re not all Christians there?”
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Sitting in a booth at Johnny Rockets, flipping thru the jukebox choices. Ahhh....the pre-hippie 20th century!

“BOGO.” Duh. If you’re buying one, you’re only getting one. Why call this out? Let me know when it’s buy one get another one free. BOGAOF.

To be honest, I can’t believe I’m still producing at this intensity at this age.

Holiday weekend is underway. TV news is full of “incredible stories you will not want to miss.” Alright! Lay it on me! Deck my halls!

Teams work best when everyone collaborates using an improv-grade "yes...and" approach. They work worse when some take a "yes...but" approach, stalling momentum toward a common goal. I'd characterize those individuals as "but-heads."

"The Battle of AI Processors Begins in 2018" (http://ow.ly/dKpc30hoxSb ) JK--I'll be publishing a #Wikibonresearch note on this topic in the next week or so.

"The State of Data Science & Machine Learning" (http://ow.ly/wKyE30hoxsp ) JK--Google/Kaggle survey. Data scientists aren't paid as well as you'd think. And, dismayingly, women data scientists on average earn less than men.

"Deep Learning Achievements Over the Past Year" (http://ow.ly/2Wep30hovAM ) JK--Automated lip-sync seems  a modest achievement, but I'd  to see it embedded in every video stream and player. It's annoying when there's even a slight out-of-sync.

"New Server Hardware Boosts Data-Crunching for AI, Cloud" (http://ow.ly/LZbf30houVp ) JK--Good piece from several months ago on the AI chipset wars.

"AI is  than automation on steroids, it amplifies human innovation" (http://ow.ly/I3ji30houtP ) JK--McKendrick on bringing "script-writing, role-playing and personality design" into conversational UIs. See my #Wikibon note on art of chatbot development:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Harvey Danger "Sometimes You Have to Work on Christmas (Sometimes)" JK--2004. Great Christmas song. One of my faves from this century. Realism, not romanticism. Puts the season's melancholy in a frame of material necessity.

"Artificial intelligence may not need networks at all" (http://ow.ly/1ws830hosRr ) JK--AI for autonomous, disconnected, edge operation. Mentions adaptive model training in "virtual" environment to get by on less bandwidth, memory, & compute. But doesn't mention accuracy trade-offs

"Smart Interviews: AI-Powered Recruitment" (http://ow.ly/HJii30horED ) JK--Create a robot to conduct interviews for you? My fear is that they'll be biased toward others of their kind. Slippery slope to the robot apocalypse.

"MediaTek Claims First Health Biosensor for Smartphones" (http://ow.ly/Np2E30hopfp ) JK--From the fingertips

Saw “Tulip Fever” on DVD. Enjoyed it. Well-made historical drama. Reliables (Christoph Waltz, Judi Dench) deliver the acting goods.

Just saw the word "desilofication" with reference to unifying data from disparate, fragmented sources. I really dis this word. I start to gag midway through this monstrosity. Just say "unification" or "integration" please.

Pretty much at the stroke of solstice the left lens popped out of my glasses. Screw unfortunately impossible to locate. Fortunately, it's a lovely (now-winter) day and my optician is walking distance. Got me a few spare backup screws just in case. Good omen? Bad? Discuss amongst. 

"Google AutoML Claims Machine Vision Advance" (http://ow.ly/5Q2h30hncGD ) JK--Quotes me.

"ML Toolkit Aims to Ease Data Scientists’ Pain" (http://ow.ly/PX2h30hncU8 ) JK--Quotes me.

New jk #InfoWorld column: "Generative AI: The new power tool for creative pros" (http://ow.ly/6bU030hnc3m )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Beth Orton "Moon" from Kidsticks JK--2016. I always love the huskiness in her hushes.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Posse "Keep Me Awake" from Horse Blanket JK--2017. Cool number that strides a middle-state consciousness stuck between asleep and alert.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Taylar Elizza Beth "Storm" from Fresh Cut Flowers EP JK--2017. Wow. This Seattle-based artist takes hiphop in a quietly seductive direction.  

"Artificial Intelligence Is Killing The Uncanny Valley And Our Grasp On Reality" (http://ow.ly/Ora430hn3W1 ) JK--Dirty (generative AI fakery) deeds done dirt cheap.

"This year the world woke up to the society-shifting power of AI" (http://ow.ly/S9a230hn3Db ) JK--Good list of research efforts launched this year exploring AI's impact on society, culture, ethics, etc.

"The next step in information governance - Crowdsourcing" (http://ow.ly/xNcn30hn2Tm ) JK--This one has me scratching my head. How does auto-prompting knowledge workers to tag content constitute "governance"? This is curation, not defining/enforcing data-mgt policies & procedures.

"Data Monetization? Cue the Chief Data Monetization Officer" (http://ow.ly/TDkK30hn1PH ) JK--Um, ok. Has the Chief Financial Officer been overthrown in a coup d'ata?

"Good News! You Are a Bitcoin Millionaire. Bad News! You Forgot Your Password' (http://ow.ly/pUuS30hn0pC ) JK--I assume they call it "cryptocurrency" because of the deep dark inaccessible crypt into which you've stupidly sunk your life savings.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Pleather "Prius" from Tether EP JK--2017. Cool. Sounds  if Liz Phair had fronted the Vaselines back in the day.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "Wikibon’s 2018 data analytics predictions: It’s all about AI" (http://ow.ly/zcBN30hmYD7 

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Os Mutantes "A Minha Menina" from Everything is Possible! The Best of Os Mutantes JK--1968. I don't speak Portuguese, but it sounds  they're singing about salmonella.

Aweekstweets February 5 to March 26 2018: the weeks we celebrated Declan’s first


Warming trend expected this week. That's good. I need to exorcise this cold from my poor battered bones. Bring it on!

Read every piece of paper on my coffee table and every digital bit on the Internet. Hitting the hay.

Got my weekly fill of "The Joel McHale Show Starring Joel McHale" on Netflix. I still don't know what that host's name is, but he reminds me a lot of that guy who did "The Soup."

Every time my wife hears Fred Armisen’s voice she asks if that’s Woody Allen. Every single time. She’s not dumb. And we’ve watched many Woody Allen films. What the?

Trump legal team in Russia probe loses two potential new members due to unidentified "conflict." Rumor is they're concerned that representing his side of the story would put them in conflict with the truth.

Fixed a minor technical problem. Got a haircut. Consumed something my wife called superfood. Read some archaeology. Shopped. Worked out. Learned about Mr. Rogers. Found some relatively cheap gas. Watched the latest “Murder on the Orient Express.” Napped. Not a bad Saturday.

RIP Charles Lazarus. Though Toys R Us is defunct, obits revealed delicious trivia: chain was founded in Washington DC’s Adams Morgan neighborhood at location that is now this

"IBM claims its ML library is 46x faster than TensorFlow" (http://ow.ly/5bl430j8nFs ) JK--That's cool. But regardless whether these claims hold water, they're beside th point if developers can use any AI-modeling front-end/library & auto-compile down to the best-performing back-end

Please note that I posted substantial #Wikibon blogs each day this week. That was by design. I’m restarting the daily tech thought leadership posting cadence I sustained over almost 5 years at IBM (which I left almost exactly a year ago). Because I can.

"12 Startups Utilizing Blockchain in New Ways" (http://ow.ly/Wl4p30j7t6T ) JK--Decentralized recordkeeping, app dev, energy mgmt, supply chn mgt, disease-prev R&D, fixed-income settlement, social video exch, influencer engagemt, stock photo exch, educ mktplace, betting, micro-job

New jk #Wikibonblog: "AI Democratization: IBM, Deep Cognition, and Cloudera" (http://ow.ly/uCoE30j7okF )

"AI Will Take Over Blockchain In 2018" (http://ow.ly/gJlb30j7h7L ) JK--1) data (Ocean Protocol: decentralized exchange for AI training data), 2) algorithms (SingularityNET wraps AI algos to intercomm), 3) computing resources (Cortex bridge to Golem global compute-power mktplce)

"Blockchain Potential to Transform Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/76jP30j7gMg ) JK--Essentially, makes a case for a distributed hyperledger's alignment with distributed decoupling of AI apps in edge environments.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jorja Smith "Let Me Down (Shy FX Remix)" JK--2018. I  this. Sounds a bit  Sia from her Zero 7 days doing a reggae number.

"What Comes After Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/ZEPS30j7gp6 ) JK--Vorhies on new approaches under development in the research community that address known limitations of DL's core algorithms (CNNs, RNNs, LSTMs).

"The Secret Sharer: Measuring Unintended Neural Network Memorization & Extracting Secrets" (http://ow.ly/yfTj30j6rl2 ) JK--When you train an AI model on a data set with secrets in it, it's hard to disentangle those secrets from the resultant statistical model.

"China’s Surveillance State: AI Startups, Tech Giants Are At The Center Of The Government’s Plans" (http://ow.ly/GK9L30j6r1m ) JK--This level of intrusive surveillance suggests a society doing battle  with its own people than with other nations.

"Use your brain; AI won't soon replace it" (http://ow.ly/qifD30j6q78 ) JK--This notion of "preserv[ing] the brains of terminally ill people in order to turn them into computer simulations" strikes me as terminally macabre.

New jk #Wikibon blog: "HPE Doubles Down on AI" (http://ow.ly/E60z30j65wF )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Beck "Defriended" JK--2013. He mixes his voice into a layered field of sound. Sounds a bit Cocteau Twins or Panda Bear.

People who agonize over deactivating their Facebook account. Have you considered simply not checking or posting to it? I can't remember the last time I checked my Pinterest.

Virginia has a Mechanicsville and a Farmville. I recommend that we rename some arbitrary spot up here in the northern part of the state Programmerville.

"MusicVAE: Creating a palette for musical scores with machine learning" (http://ow.ly/9QVl30j55Tg ) JK--"Musical sequences are fundamentally high dimensional....Latent space models are capable of learning the fundamental characteristics of a [musical score] training dataset."
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New jk #TechTarget column: "AI is shaking the application market to its core" (http://ow.ly/PYFm30j512J )

New jk #Wikibonblog: "IBM Rolls Out Sophisticated Cloud AI Offerings at Think 2018" (http://ow.ly/LsOd30j503K )

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Aztec Camera "We Could Send Letters" from High Land, Hard Rain JK--1983. Great jangle-pop from this Scots band. I first heard a version of this on NME/Rough Trade's 1981 cassette compilation C81 (which I still have):

A bit under the weather. Can’t sleep. Biding time checking the stories on Facebook. Something about the universe potentially ending in a vacuum collapse of Higgs boson energy. Ummm, ok. At least it’s preferable to all this Trump news.

Weather app says “Heavy Snow detected within 10 miles of (null) (null).” Wow! That’s a white-out of existential proportions!

"IBM's cloud strategy revolves around multi-cloud support, grabbing new workloads" (http://ow.ly/tHfW30j3L1F ) JK--Rometty's Think keynote will cover a wide range of cloud provisioning, containerization, management, migration, integration, protection, & security offerings.

"Can Social Robots Boost Employee Engagement?" (http://ow.ly/zpYK30j3IoR ) JK--Seems  we're asking too much of robots now. I'll bet they're nostalgic for the good old days when all they were expected to do was alert Will Robinson to the danger of aliens approaching

Usual scam robo-call coming in on my landline. Me picking up....I say hello...a few seconds silence.....far-end voice: "hello...hello." Me: "Nobody here named "Hello." Me hanging up.

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Google and the Maturation of AI Best Practices" (http://ow.ly/YV0B30j3pCP )

"How machine learning can make prettier PC games that adapt to your play preferences" (http://ow.ly/qwH430j3cWg ) JK--Dynamically adjust every nuanced aspect of the game to keep each user idiosyncratically challenged and entertained.

"Making music using new sounds generated with ML" (http://ow.ly/omjJ30j3bWB ) JK--Discusses Google's "Magenta" research project: uses ML "to...learn the characteristics of sounds...[and then] synthesize...an entirely new sound using the acoustic qualities of the original sounds."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Radiohead "Everything in Its Right Place" from Kid A JK--2000. First song off this classic LP. Just a few seconds into this, notice the electronic blip that quietly speaks the name of the album. Then it's gone. I always listen for that.

"How AI Impacts Memory Systems" (http://ow.ly/O0dk30j3aVy ) JK--Clear illustration of how different AI hardware architectures' memory bandwidth and processing power constraints limit ops per second vs. ops per datum--and how AI apps may fail to exploit full performance potential

"IBM Helps Accelerate AI with Fast New Data Platform, Elite Team" (http://ow.ly/KBc330j3aag ) JK--Repackaging of existing AI/ML solutions for containerized private-cloud deploy. "No-charge consultancy" helping customers on their AI/ML/data science journeys.

"IBM Launches Watson Data Kits to Help Accelerate Enterprise AI Adoption" (http://ow.ly/nquk30j39Vc ) JK--Pre-packaged data for training the ML inside industry-specific intelligent apps, such as chatbots. Available in Q2.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Liz Phair "Supernova" from Whip-Smart JK--1994. Even with the radio edit, it's pretty clear what feat the male subject of this song is ostensibly able to perform " a volcano."

"AI Has A Hallucination Problem That's Proving Tough To Fix" (http://ow.ly/fLVJ30j383w ) JK--Computer vision needs failsafe beyond pixel-level ML to make it less vulnerable to these adversarial attacks. Perhaps image-level topological data analysis: http://ow.ly/Lbsc30j38Sj 
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RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Greta Van Fleet "Highway Tune" from From the Fires JK--2017. Good one. These guys sound  ZZTop masquerading as a Led Zeppelin cover band. From the Bavarian-inflected chicken-dinner capital of the Lower Peninsula: Frankenmuth MI. Ummm.....Zehnder's!

Spring's almost here. We may or may not be about to get our most substantial snowstorm of the winter in the DC area. I may or may not be coming down with my most substantial coughing fit. At least I don't have to leave my home to get my work done.

"Silicon Valley companies are undermining the impact of AI" (http://ow.ly/dpdn30j34uU ) JK--"Strategy aimed first at getting the talent in-house, then figuring out what to do with them....depriving competitors of the AI talent that could make them competitive."

"The Building Blocks of Interpretability" (http://ow.ly/184330j3481 ) JK--Humanity is trying to engineer degree of visibility into algorithmic thought processes that we don't expect from organic thinking. Who tries to attribute a thought to some specific neural activation pattern?

"Black Panther Face Scorecard: Wakandans Under the Coded Gaze of AI" (http://ow.ly/dqIl30j33Bv ) JK--Face-recognition algorithm coded these specific black male faces  accurately than these specific female faces? Well, gee duh. Every single one of the men has facial hair.

Any NDA that a White House employee may sign is null and void. They work for the American people. Only classified and otherwise confidential material may not be disclosed. POTUS’ crimes are not state secrets.

New jk #Wikibonblog: "The Importance of Microsoft’s Deep Learning 'Rosetta Stone'" (http://ow.ly/c4vR30j2hyk )

"Robotic process automation software unites vendors, partners" (http://ow.ly/5IGs30j1Kbn ) JK--RPA is hottest sector of the augmented programming market. See my recent #Wikibon report:

"The Race For AI: Google, Intel, Apple In A Rush To Grab Artificial Intelligence Startups" (http://ow.ly/ZKeq30j1JMd ) JK--I'd  to suggest that the "acute shortage of AI talent" has led to many "AI startups" fetching unrealistically elevated acquisition prices. Bully for them!

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Eleanor Friedberger "In Between Stars" from Rebound JK--2018. Good new one from her. There's always an undertone of fierce determination in everything she records.

"Comparing Deep Learning Frameworks: A Rosetta Stone Approach" (http://ow.ly/T5uB30j1Ieq ) JK--I love it. Microsoft has published guidance that enables data scientists to easily leverage their expertise from one DL framework to another. Underlying frameworks becoming less relevant

"Why Node.js Is the Coolest Kid on the Backend Development Block!" (http://ow.ly/SWf630j1HTz ) JK--Yeah, it's important, but not particularly cool. There's nothing wrong with being Nerd.js, but misconstruing your hipness factor tends to call attention to one's cluelessness. 

"Why Do We Need Streaming ETL?" (http://ow.ly/4pDS30j1Hgs ) JK--My sense is that ETL will evolve architecturally toward massively distributed cloud environments built on Kafka (streaming/batch) + serverless (stateless event-driven processing) + blockchain (persistence).

"Conquering The World – Chatbots Gone Wild (Infographic)" (http://ow.ly/OGmv30j1GBQ ) JK--Example of infographics gone wild. Whatever happened to summarizing a complex topic in a single simple image that doesn't require endless scrolling?

"I'm not 54. I'm 22 with 32 years experience" (http://ow.ly/blSp30j1Fq4 ) JK--I hear ya. For the record, I'm not 59. I'm 100 with 41 years of growing up ahead of me.

"An Error-Ridden Job Application Steve Jobs Handwrote in 1973 Sold for 6 Figures at Auction" (http://ow.ly/HY0730j1EQO ) JK--Are they also auctioning off his childhood paperclips and ballpoint pens? I'll bid on those!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Hollie Cook "Stay Alive" from Vessel of Love JK--2018. Wow. This is a really beautiful reggae song.

"Elon Musk details plans for high-speed urban hyperloop for pedestrians" (http://ow.ly/fCFa30j1DH8 ) JK--This is starting to freak me out now. Suggests that we'll be asked to endure insane g-force rocket-sled acceleration/decelerations over short distances.

"The FTC is cracking down on ‘deceptive cryptocurrency schemes’" (http://ow.ly/ROEw30j1CF9 ) JK--The underlying investment is so off-the-charts risky, we don't need fraudsters melting it all down into a deadzone of financial wrack and ruin.

"AI could reinforce gender inequality" (http://ow.ly/liZX30j1BCu ) JK--Maybe, maybe not. I love how "AI" can be conveniently dropped into any argument as some force that could produce whatever potential outcome, positive or negative, you want to focus on.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The B‐52s "Dance This Mess Around" from The B‐52’s JK--1979. I remember when this came out in the thick of the disco era. This song brought a mocking-but-embracing piece of that scene into the punk clubs. Guys and gals in leather jackets danced to it.

"Why America Slept" (http://ow.ly/QvHM30j1Acg ) JK--Tim O'Reilly grounds grandiose blockchain-as-salvation argument in a pretentious geopolitical analogy that invokes the ghosts of Winston Churchill and Neville Chamberlain.

"This will be the 'break-out' year for artificial intelligence" (http://ow.ly/2Irx30j1zId ) JK--Break out of what, exactly? Intensifying adoption, innovation, and commercialization have been happening for years.

"Hearts Get 'Younger,' Even At Middle Age, With Exercise" (http://ow.ly/bl4a30j1z7b ) JK--"Exactly which aspects of an exercise routine make the biggest difference"? It would be useful to see research in this area. I sense it's light cardio + restorative meditation.

Some otherwise educated woman who once worked at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration told me she didn’t trust cloud computing because “they’re watching us.” I’m never sure whether to respond to this populist paranoia with reason or ridicule.

Saw “Lady Bird” on DVD. Good, but I was puzzled by the underdeveloped characters (priest, adopted brother, adopted sister, slightly disturbed second boyfriend).

Nice to see  companies are ending discounts for NRA members. Responsible businesses don’t subsidize arms merchants, their customers, or their apologists.

I mentioned that I’m in tech. One of my wife’s former colleagues asked what she should do with an ancient printer. I suggested throwing it in the trash. I don’t have magical powers of resurrecting obsolete tech.

Stress. It’s never clear what blend of distracting, engaging, and/or relaxing the mind will clear it. Or whether the mind is the wrong focus altogether.

Unhinged angry woman at the fitness club shouting unbroken string of obscene threats at no one in particular. Thank heaven for mall security. Nothing  a little PTSD to top off our St Paddy’s morning.

These fools who use their smartphones in the hot tub. I’m waiting for the day it slips from their sweaty hands.

Bit of unexpected flurries this morning. Our March into the month has been occasioned by multiple bursts of inconvenient flakery.

"The 10 Commandments of AI & its Potential for Malicious Use" (http://ow.ly/74fs30iZGm2 ) JK--Rolling my eyes at dictate that "AI should be used ...to enhance and augment, rather than replace human labor." That same logic would roll back all labor-saving technology to the Stone Age

"The Young and Brash of Tech Grow a Bit Older, and Wiser" (http://ow.ly/XEXJ30iZDu8 ) JK--Don't count on it.  of them model themselves on Steve Jobs than Bill Gates.

VISIBILITY Adhere to the grain of fact. A true analyst simply reports it. Fabricates nothing from whole cloth. Embroiders not a single false thread. Simply sees how far the woof stretches and stitches the warp tight and tucked. --James Kobielus

AN ANALYST’S LISTS Big bold and sweeping statements about the weather sustain our careers. Overstuffed inbox ponderings on the latest shrink-wrapped abstractions. Disembodied voices powerpointing plans for soft world domination. --James Kobielus

PUREST POWER All our generation ever aspired to purest power when you keep pouring without friction or drag merest steam into the next sleek slumber machine. --James Kobielus

It would have been interesting if Wallace Stevens had written poetry about insurance or William Carlos Williams about medicine. Why these professional subject matters are missing from their published work is puzzling. Did they find no versifying fodder in them?

"Liquid Democracy: How Blockchain Can Improve the Democratic Process and Enable a Liquid Democracy" (http://ow.ly/mwKy30iZbtp ) JK--The most liquid thing about this technology is how everybody is pouring their fondest utopian dreams into it. Setting us all up for disappointment?

"How Decentralized AI Will Change Everything" (http://ow.ly/Tb8h30iZalC ) JK--Check out my discussion of the deep decoupling of the AI ecosystem in this #Wikibon report:

"Can Automation Accelerate ML Programs?" (http://ow.ly/GLJG30iZ9EX ) JK--Headline question has it wrong. Per article, means "accelerate development/training/deployment of ML programs." Per my recent #Wikibon reports, answer is yes: http://ow.ly/7Oj530iZ9NP 

"The GANfather: The man who’s given machines the gift of imagination" (http://ow.ly/1Hz830iZ8ws ) JK--Generative adversarial networks are a cornerstone of the new economic era. They deploy machine learning as a creative design/engineering/fabrication tool with limitless potential.

"Innateness, AlphaZero, & AI" (http://ow.ly/18NW30iZ7PN ) JK--Interesting dissection of what it might mean for a cognitive machine to operate "tabula rasa." But oddly omits "motivation" (e.g., survival) from the variables. That's an innate reward function, not an innate algorithm

"Tesla’s Make-Or-Break Moment Is Fast Approaching" (http://ow.ly/LZHk30iZ6rp ) JK--I'm curious whether this will be the DeLorean for our times.

PEAT Free from the chilling of a continent, Ireland feels warmer than home. The wild Atlantic soaks in craggy ferment its mat of glowing green. In coffee so steep it could pull the wanderer far out past peat’s edge. --James Kobielus

St. Patrick's Day tomorrow. When I visited Ireland last fall, the last thing I wanted to do was stay indoors & get stewed. The country is so green and beautiful, it seems a shame that their patron saint isn't associated in the popular mind with environmentalism.

Tesla continues to burn cash  there’s no tomorrow while Musk launches the inventory on rocketships. The only black ink they're ly to see anytime soon is the inky void of outer space.

"AI Predicts Coding Mistakes Before Developers Make Them" (http://ow.ly/nOuS30iYgdh ) JK--If we could reincarnate Philip K Dick, he might write about an evil AI bot that identifies (and blocks) coding "mistakes" which, if allowed to be committed, might extinguish the bot altogether

"When an AI finally kills someone, who will be responsible?" (http://ow.ly/x87C30iYeCQ ) JK--Answer depends on whether you define "responsible" in a criminal, social, economic, or spiritual context. Who pays with their liberty, good name, financial assets, and/or soul?

"6 ways AI transforms how we develop software" (http://ow.ly/ljAi30iYdAF ) JK--Rapid prototyping, intelligent programming assistants, automatic analytics & error handling, automatic code refactoring, precise estimates, strategic decision making.

"Google Is Helping the Pentagon Build AI for Drones" (http://ow.ly/G2yt30iYazW ) JK--Not surprising. I would be surprised if AWS, Microsoft, IBM, and other AI powerhouses haven't been approached about working with DoD on this.

"Google researchers tackle prefetching with neural networks" (http://ow.ly/iBBX30iY9GV ) JK--Essentially, they're exploring use of neural nets to learn memory access patterns in order to drive  adaptive memory prefetching strategies in real-time cloud-computing scenarios.

"'Memtransistor' Forms Foundational Circuit Element to Neuromorphic Computing" (http://ow.ly/UZY030iXWM4 ) JK--Persistent memory storage and information processing on a single chip.

"Can artificial intelligence beat musicians at their craft?" (http://ow.ly/Pw9330iXSpP ) JK--That's a dumb way to phrase it. It's not a competition. Every new musical instrument or production technique enriches the craft.

"Microsoft Announces 'Windows ML' Platform for AI-Assisted Windows 10 Apps" (http://ow.ly/BXZT30iXRXV ) JK--Embed pre-trained AI models in Windows 10 apps for fast/local image/video analysis without need for device roundtripping to AI services in the cloud.

"Donald Trump admits making up 'facts' in trade meeting with Justin Trudeau" (http://ow.ly/Xj1b30iXHPN ) JK--Smart bluffing tactic: invent "facts" about a country that can be quickly and decisively refuted by that country's leader.

"Martin Shkreli jailed: 'Pharma Bro' sentenced to seven years for fraud" (http://ow.ly/hftt30iXHAP ) JK--I hope they lock him in a cell where he's surrounded by endlessly looping videos of his obnoxious face.

"Google open sources machine learning tech it used to find new planets" (http://ow.ly/iiYn30iXFGY ) JK--High-powered statistical analysis is a key for resolving exoplanets from the immense noise field of cosmic signals.

"Google expands work in quantum computing with 72-qubit Bristlecone processor" (http://ow.ly/XFkQ30iXFj7 ) JK--Quantum's error rates need to diminish before the tech can be scaled effectively. This processor will support research into  powerful quantum-error-correction schemes.

"Trump Just Released His School Safety Plan And It Involves Arming Teachers" (http://ow.ly/ngCD30iXDZS ) JK--Yeah, that makes lots of sense. There's nothing  staring down the business end of a snubnosed revolver to make students shut up and do their assigned reading.

"North Korea Is Willing To Abandon Its Nuclear Weapons And Hold Talks With The US" (http://ow.ly/Q6xL30iXCS2 ) JK--So, if I have this straight, the country that invented brainwashing wants us to believe them on this mega-whopper.

"Big data transformed the world. Now it’s getting down to business" (http://ow.ly/Cgsg30iXzEW ) JK--Cites recent #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon big data analytics market study that I co-authored.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Big Star "In the Street" from #1 Record / Radio City JK--1972. Better known as "The That 70s Show Theme."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp U.S. Girls "Rosebud" from In A Poem Unlimited JK--2018. Nice. Sounds  Altered Images in their prime.

iHeartRadio files for bankruptcy. If stupid company names were a financial liability, they would have gone broke years ago.

#Cloud-based #ArtificialIntelligence(AI) refers to intelligent applications that are built, trained, deployed, and used in cloud-computing environments, including the #InternetOfThings(IoT). --James Kobielus @Wikibonhttp://www.odbms.org/2018/03/on-cloud-based-ai-qa-with-james-kobielus/ …

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Woods "Blood Dries Darker" from At Echo Lake JK--2010. Love the high-pitched oddness of the vocal on this neo-psychedelic number.

People who don’t want be photographed. If you want to be omitted from the historical record, no problem.

Can’t wait to breathe recirculated airplane air and leave LA smog behind me. My throat feels  rush hour on I-405.

Spent a week getting  familiar with my family. Now preparing to return to the familiarity of my routine.

RIP Stephen Hawking. Far outlived the life expectancy of ALS sufferers. You don’t have to know anything about theoretical physics or downplay his human failings to admire his sheer grit.

Nice day of seeing how LA gets even  intensely gridlocked in a light rain. Wonder what would happen if they ever had to endure a wintry mix. Utter paralysis?

Trump replaces secretary of state with spymaster. Clearly, other countries will be delighted to engage in diplomacy with someone who most recently managed espionage campaigns to weasel out their state secrets.

Selectively connecting to some Facebook friends from my Instagram. Prioritizing those who went out of their way to say hello in person. I’m oldschool.

Happiness is having your backlog of columns published while you’re enjoying a wee bit of time off not thinking about that stuff.

Have spent quality time with my 1-year-old Californian grandson this week. Have enjoyed his expressions, especially his puzzlement at this strange old wiseguy from the East.

I have enlisted Genius Bar tech support only at Apple Stores in San Francisco, Las Vegas, Palo Alto, and, now, Manhattan Beach. However, I live near Washington DC. For some reason, my Apple products mess with me when they know there’s a west coast trip on the horizon.

My sister-in-law Diane recommends we visit some Frank Lloyd Wright house in Hollywood. I say we have one back home in Fairfax County. Hybla Valley near Mt Vernon. Egidia & I visited the original Taliesin in Spring Green WI while dating. We’re all set on FLW.

Lounging at Starbucks on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica. Sipping mocha on the sidewalk, listening to the busker. Hoping the rain stays stopped. Now he’s into “Despacito.”

Good day today. Had a great 1st-birthday party for my grandson Declan. It actually rained (and is still raining) here in Los Angeles. I'm drowsy from the sheer experience of it all. Declan is sleeping  the baby he still is.

New jk http://ODBMS.org  interview: “On Cloud-based AI. Q&A with James Kobielus” (http://www.odbms.org/2018/03/on-cloud-based-ai-qa-with-james-kobielus/ …)

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Devo "Uncontrollable Urge" from Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo! JK--1978. Awesome first track off their sensational debut LP. This rocker utterly jumped off the vinyl and knocked you Devo-silly.

"Keras implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks" (http://ow.ly/lWjE30iMzsD ) JK--Those GAN-generated digit GIFs are semi-mesmerizing. Sort of  fidget spinners.

"Do neural nets dream of electric sheep?" (http://ow.ly/lXYZ30iMz0b ) JK--Dream?  of a hallucination. Highlights the need for continual human curation and model tweaking to deliver higher accuracy in algorithmic inference. You place blind faith in this stuff at your peril.

"How to build a deep learning model in 15 minutes" (http://ow.ly/xRmW30iMx31 ) JK--Has link to a DL/ML automation framework called "Lore":

"AI Just Learned How To Boost The Brain's Memory" (http://ow.ly/bZA230iMwCX ) JK--Hmm. Not a huge effect. How about using machine learning to drive targeted delivery of electrode pulses to brains of people suffering from epilepsy? A cerebral pacemaker of sorts? Anybody doing that?

"Natural language generation software making inroads in enterprises" (http://ow.ly/RQSL30iMwsB ) JK--Promising, but it won't gain real traction in corporate culture till they perfect the art of clichéd language generation.

"IBM Watson CTO: range of conversational techs can coexist" (http://ow.ly/ziq930iMvZK ) JK--Interesting, but not buying distinction btwn "conversational agents,""digital assistants,""chatbots." It's six of one, half dozen of the next, 50% the square root of a gross of the other

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Nirvana "Rape Me" from In Utero JK--1993. My hair stood on end when I saw Kurt Cobain shouting out this song on Saturday Night Live. He's screaming what?

"Why A.I. Researchers at Google Got Desks Next to the Boss" (http://ow.ly/kxPi30iMvuC ) JK--As long as AI is perceived as the most disruptive new twist in applications, you'll see this trend deepen in lots of companies. It will wane when AI's hipness quotient regresses to the mean.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Wussy "Gloria" from What Heaven Is  JK--2018. Good new one from the Cincinnati-based indie veterans. Does not remind me of the Laura Branigan, Them/Van/Patti, or Christmas songs of the same name.

"How to choose a low code platform: 3 tips" (http://ow.ly/xLCH30iMurn ) JK--Here, free of charge in one of my latest #Wikibon research studies, is  comprehensive guidance on this topic:

"Why almost no one is making a living on YouTube" (http://ow.ly/ZT2G30iMuee ) JK--Just as almost no one is making a living from their blog alone.

Academy Award ratings are way down. Suggestion: hand them their stupid trophies in the first 10 minutes and then show them doing lines & hitting on each other at the afterparty into the wee hours. 

"Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence to Pursue Common Sense for AI" (http://ow.ly/xBTi30iLHQx ) JK--Microsoft co-founder funding AI projects in machine reading and reasoning, natural language and understanding, and computer vision.

"Ingredients for Robotics Research" (http://ow.ly/TeSb30iLHDk ) http://JK--OpenAI.com releasing eight simulated robotics environments. All are for integration into your specific robotics initiaitive and reward-function training thru reinforcement learning.

New jk #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon column: "The cloud could finally lift the fortunes of big data analytics" (http://ow.ly/jw2D30iLHah )

That do-not-call registry has been working  a charm. It's freed up my landline for  calls from one of my very bestest friends in the whole wide world, and he calls all the time: Name Unavailable.

Interviewed by Nicole Laskowski of SearchCIO about machine learning in the enterprise.

"How Robots and Seniors Can Live Side by Side" (http://ow.ly/1U0130iLsvh ) JK--From a purely utilitarian level, intelligent robotic furniture/appliances could make life easier by adjusting/reconfiguring themselves to mitigate your disability.

"Machine Theory of Mind" (http://ow.ly/6p8n30iLrDN ) JK--In an AI context, this concept ("humans' ability to represent the mental states of others, including their desires, beliefs, and intentions") is akin to "720-degree customer view" as I discussed here: http://ow.ly/YBUe30iLrKR 

"Artificial intelligence faces reproducibility crisis" (http://ow.ly/mQn730iLpMY ) JK--Without reproducibility, AI's data scientists will have a hard time proving that they're not engaging in the statistical equivalent of smoke & mirrors.

"OpenAI Releases Algorithm That Helps Robots Learn from Hindsight" (http://ow.ly/ryVP30iL6cU ) JK--Retrospective improvisation. Owns your mistakes. Recognizes that some failures R in fact successes on some serendipitous path to some alternate goal that may not yet be entirely clear

"Flying brain is heading to the ISS to help out astronauts" (http://ow.ly/bi3330iL5Rj ) JK--Humanoid AI-driven robot to provide on-board digital assistance and supervision over the crew's technical/engineering tasks in earth orbit. Powered by IBM Watson.

"The GDPR: An AI Killer?" (http://ow.ly/k35g30iL53S ) JK--Article has premise that's flat-out wrong: "A machine...cannot learn bias from interactions as humans do." It most certainly can: an algorithm profiling behavioral data can "learn" prejudicial behavior as the norm.

The Oscars had already been going on for 3 hours and they still hadn't gotten to Best Actress/Best Actor. I said the heck with it and went to bed. None of this is worth losing sleep over.

Seems  every random spammer needs my feedback. Well, I can’t turn a cold shoulder to a fellow human being in need.

Seriously, doesn’t Kobe Bryant have enough honors by now?

Whoa! They just said Sufjan Stevens is performing on the Oscars. Love him. Can’t wait.

Please wake me when they get to Best Picture. I hope “Titanic” wins. That was my favorite this year. Let’s nominate it every year.

SPROUT When weather changes Near spring your barometer Registers it first. You sense the heft of Every embryonic grain Of efflorescence. And the pressure of Sunshine drumming the green back Into its cocoon. --James Kobielus

There’s something to be said about absorbing the world’s news on a quiet morning over a steaming beverage.

Saw “Brad’s Status” on DVD. Really good. Ben Stiller is better at pathos than comedy, and he’s not bad at the latter.

Bought/downloaded Sera Cahoone's 2017 LP "From Where I Started." One of those artists I love that I'd inexplicably never added to my music collection. Situation remedied. She's well into a career producing consistently gorgeous melancholy of the country/indie/lo-fi variety.

The only Oscar Best Picture winners of the past 60 years that I’ve never seen are “Braveheart,” “Chariots of Fire,” “The Sting” “Oliver!,” “A Man For All Seasons,” and “Lawrence of Arabia.” Plus “Gigi.” And of course “Gigli.”

Decided to cut the exercise short this morning and do a little McDonald’s. Just to keep it interesting.

Today on the IT social media scene, the buzz remains the same: all big data is oil, all AI is evil, and all the kids are above average.

Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I do! March 3, 2008. I had recently joined Forrester. They recommended it. I went much further with it than most analysts. Key tactic in my personal-brand differentiation. #MyTwitterAnniversary

Did a good #Wikibon team recording today. Brainstormed programming model for future end-to-end streaming grids in edge clouds. Declarative, late binding, Bayesian exploration with on-demand exploitation of lowest latency resource orchestration

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Joy Division "Love Will Tear Us Apart" from Substance JK--1979. "Again"? Absolutely demands a prequel so we can learn how love tore them apart before.

I always enjoy when writers preface a statement with "simply put." No better way to call attention to your assertion's simplicity than by making it syntactically  complex.

"This AI checks NDAs for free & offers a grim glimpse of future" (http://ow.ly/w43c30iIkOl ) JK--As a longtime industry analyst, I see way too many overbroad nondisclosure agreements. They should have specific embargo dates and be scoped only to what's not already public knowledge

"Gainers and Losers in Gartner 2018 Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms" (http://ow.ly/gWjR30iIk4R ) JK--It's not clear how valid this vendor scoping is without public-cloud providers AWS and Google, who both have AI vision and are executing well on it

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Gwenno "Hi a Skoellyas Liv a Dhagrow" from Le Kov JK--2018. Good one. This song and album are entirely in Cornish, the Celtic language native to Cornwall in southwestern England.

Just saw a headline claiming that some new tech whatsis that I've never heard of has "gone viral." My sense is that publishing such headlines is the core of somebody's attempts to make it go viral. I've already forgotten what its name is. Attitudinal jaundice is my antiviral.

Saw "Mudbound" on Netflix. Enjoyed Mary J. Blige's Oscar-nominated performance. I also d the performances by the actors who played her character's husband and son: Rob Morgan and Jason Mitchell.

"The 10 Best Coding Challenge Websites for 2018" (http://ow.ly/gOYc30iH5a1 ) JK--Actually, these would excellent sources of training (code) data to power the coming generations of AI-driven augmented-programming tools, per my recent #Wikibon research note:

"AI experts list the real dangers of artificial intelligence" (http://ow.ly/GZWT30iH4yi ) JK--Thanks for compiling all these into a nifty little nightmare compendium. Let's invent an AI-powered implantable device that gnaws our innards out obsessing over this stuff.

"Why Elon Musk Is Stepping Down from AI Safety Group He Co-Founded" (http://ow.ly/BjtN30iH3Zk ) JK--OK. Now he sees an opportunity to make money from AI over at Tesla. Hence, the technology's threat level has apparently been downgraded. That's reassuring.

"Making AI software smarter by adding human feedback" (http://ow.ly/DRuH30iH2kA ) JK--My hunch is that chatbots, embedded in AI-driven apps, will become a core source of continuous feeds of interactively human-generated data for retraining those same apps in real-time

"API management platform trends to watch in 2018" (http://ow.ly/6Q8u30iH0s5 ) JK--There are  APIs buzzing around your app hive than bees in an apiary.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Johnny Cash/June Carter "Jackson JK--1967. Trivia about this: 1) Kingston Trio recorded it first in 1963, 2) about no specific Jackson city, 3) lyricist said it was inspired by Albee's "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?", 4) co-written by Jerry Leiber

"Un-gentrifying Portland: scheme helps displaced residents come home" (http://ow.ly/DFzR30iGVux ) JK--Careful here. What if "eminent domain"-driven displacements paid fair market value (then) of your property? Why should taxpayers subsidize your move back to that neighborhood?

"California Studies Viability of a Public Bank for Marijuana Businesses" (http://ow.ly/X4Ys30iGUUc ) JK--Given the leftward swing in the Golden State's Democratic establishment, this sort of initiative, even if it goes nowhere, is a harbinger of the ly post-Trump-era backlash

Holding all this BDA market trends stuff in active cache in one's head is painful. That's why I carefully work my thoughts into tidy materializations. Once the write-ups have crystallized, I can put them within conceptual arm's reach 4 as-needed retrieval. Best 2 publish & B done

#Wikibonlatest Big Data Analyst market trends/forecast (authored by myself, with G. Gilbert & R. Finos) found that several trends are driving the BDA industry’s competitive landscape. Here are predictions of key BDA industry milestones 2020 thru 2030.

New jk #WikibonPremium research note: “Wikibon’s 2018 Big Data Analytics Trend and Forecast” (https://wikibon.com/wikibons-2018-big-data-analytics-trends-forecast/ …)

A beautiful doe-eyed woman challenger won in a runaway on Jeopardy tonight. I just sat there admiring her intellect for the entire half-hour.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Wye Oak "The Louder I Call, The Faster It Runs" from "The Louder I Call, The Faster It Runs" JK--2018. Excellent new one from the Balti duo.

Wikibon's 6th Annual Big Data Forecast Unveiling & Breakfast. Thurs Mar 8-9am PST. Forager Tasting Room & Eatery, 420 S 1st Street, San Jose. Register: http://ow.ly/r9jP30iFze6 #Wikibon#TheCUBE#SiliconANGLE

"Clueless actress Stacey Dash rebounds from her lost Fox News gig by running for Congress" (http://ow.ly/r8Lb30iExOK ) JK--I  the fact that they're using "clueless" as a standard descriptor of her in every mention. 

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "'Augmented programming' will make developers  productive" (http://ow.ly/KycK30iEoq4 )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Lush "Lit Up" from Split JK--1994. That's one awesome piece of warm processed streaming electro-pop.

"Berkeley Lab ‘Minimalist Machine Learning’ Algorithms Analyze Images From Very Little Data" (http://ow.ly/NfT630iEk7C ) JK--The algorithmic singularity we're approaching is intuition: the ability to achieve amazingly accurate inferences from very little or no data at all.

"Help Build a Database of Ancient Graffiti from Pompeii and Herculaneum" (http://ow.ly/yA0J30iEjZ8 ) JK--My guess is that it's all just dirty jokes.

"Quantum machine learning may come knocking on analytics' door" (http://ow.ly/BmKZ30iEjzx ) JK--Not sure about that. The best case scenario involves chilling our hardware down to absolute zero. Sounds suspiciously  a hell-freezing-over scenario.

"To Give A.I. the Gift of Gab, Silicon Valley Needs to Offend You" (http://ow.ly/NZyg30iEiWH ) JK--OK. They should start by programming their chatbots to speak  the most toxic super-rich Silicon Valley douchebags.

"‘The AI body snatchers have already taken over’" (http://ow.ly/VCmg30iEhEB ) JK--That's premature. Monetizing bulk organ-harvesting requires a significant capital investment and isn't proven to scale. Give us time. 

"7 Ideas for AI Silicon from ISSCC" (http://ow.ly/9i3z30iEhtE ) JK--Huge amounts of low-cost fast memory bandwidth needed to drive embedded neural nets in edge-computing devices.

"Production Recommendation Systems with Cloudera" (http://ow.ly/bg1c30iEgEj ) JK--I  how Cloudera has shifted towards being a data science pipeline solution provider. I don't peg them as Hadoopies any, though they're still much that in spades.

"New algorithm can create movies from just a few snippets of text" (http://ow.ly/4NBm30iEfNE ) JK--Cinematically, this sounds very Andy Warhol meets Sol LeWitt. Sketch out the barest of scripts & storyboards. Algorithmic assistants do the bulk of the creative work. Voila!

"Can Artificial Intelligence Be The Ultimate Influencer?" (http://ow.ly/Rm5k30iEfax ) JK--Don't get your hopes/fears up on this one. AI hasn't changed the fundamental vagueness underlying multichannel conversational targeting. You can't algorithmically program people to respond.

"Augmenting employee performance" (http://ow.ly/ErYp30iEej3 ) JK--"Technology-augmented employee" sounds  the most terminal nerd who ever walked the earth. Better to call yourself "Auggie Doggy." At least old-time cartoon nerds will have your back.

"AI's Malicious Potential Front and Center in New Report" (http://ow.ly/aLbY30iEdT8 ) JK--I can imagine a Hollywood villain laughing maniacally, eyes bugging out, while declaring their "algorithms will be really good at manipulating people." I just can. Jim Carrey would be perfect

"Will There Be Another AI Winter?" (http://ow.ly/EUdM30iEdmT ) JK--It's always been a stupid concept. Assumes that some abstract paradigm has some sort of manifest destiny that must overcome small-minded fools to ascend to its rightful place at evolution's apex. 

"Why Self-Taught Artificial Intelligence Has Trouble With the Real World" (http://ow.ly/AFwy30iEbmi ) JK--The real world's the craziest game of all, and we're all being gamed and gaming each other to the nth.

"Humans may not always grasp why AIs act. Don’t panic" (http://ow.ly/85BN30iEaOn ) JK--I don't always understand why computer responds as it does. That doesn't necessarily mean it's sharpening its knives in my direction.

"OpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, and hands estimation" (http://ow.ly/wDJX30iDVhE ) JK--Click to it for a cool GIF.

"Could Self-Driving Trucks Be Good for Truckers?" (http://ow.ly/I6QG30iDUGt ) JK--They could become the skippers of the lonesome highway, handling myriad other logistical chores (and occasionally taking the wheel) involved in moving cargo inter- and intra-city.

"China and the US are bracing for an AI showdown—in the cloud" (http://ow.ly/wAXa30iDU8F ) JK--I'll believe this only when Xi Jinping directs the entire hydroelectric output of the Three Gorges dam to cloud data centers dedicated to running AI experiments.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Boards of Canada "Dayvan Cowboy" from The Campfire Headphase JK--2005. Trippy song always switches me into the daydream headphase.

"MongoDB Drops ACID" (http://ow.ly/bQEE30iDTqK ) JK--Haha. #Wikibonforthcoming big-data market study shows convergence between analytic and app databases, with ACID transaction support (atomic consistent independent durable) a new coin of the realm.

"Java in 2018: The Year of Eclipse, Containers and Serverlessness" (http://ow.ly/C03B30iDSVv ) JK--See my #Wikibon research note on serverless codebases for private clouds. Most run Docker containers & work with any language those containers support.

"Enterprise Java’s new name: Jakarta EE" (http://ow.ly/pY5E30iDOOD ) JK--Really? Renaming it after the Indonesian capital doesn't bode well for its ability to scale without grinding to a gridlock halt. How well does it manage garbage collection? Aduh!

Today was a bit challenging. Dealt with the exquisitely tangled heaviness of all things professional personal and philosophical that constitute James Kobielus. Who, what, when, where, how, why, and whither art thou, Maestro Giacomo? Another day, another dollop.

Caught “Same Kind of Different As Me.” Cliched story doesn’t dim beautiful character studies by Djimon Hounsou, Greg Kinnear, and Renee Zellweger.

Caught “Wonder” on DVD. Inspiring story of boy with congenital facial deformity who braves the loneliness of fitting in with his peer group. Love how the filmmaker also puts you into the emotional lives of each family member, friend, and even the bully.

I respect the fact that one of Russia’s greatest chess grandmasters is also one of their greatest political dissidents. Garry Kasparov. America’s greatest grandmaster was certified nutjob Bobby Fischer. Sad.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Erykah Badu "Hello" from But You Caint Use My Phone JK--2015. Nice slowed-down version of Todd Rundgren's "Hello It's Me." He released his original the year after she was born.

"Trump’s proposal to arm teachers panned by experts as a ‘colossally stupid idea’" (http://ow.ly/s0bd30iCdjz ) JK--"It's a crazy proposal. So what should we do about reducing airline hijacking? Give all the passengers guns as they walk on?"

"America's bump stock capital: can this tiny Texas town survive Trump's ban?" (http://ow.ly/7Hn130iCcDd ) JK--It's morbidly fitting that the company has a "factory in fields next to a graveyard about a mile away."

"The Founder of Panera Bread: 'I Wish I'd Fired  People'" (http://ow.ly/sWyv30iCcfa ) JK--And he wished he'd've spent  time with his "team as family" doing it.

In less than a year at #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon I’ve turned myself into a pretty good app-dev analyst. We’re putting my latest research note, on “augmented programming,” front of the paywall so the industry can see my bonafides:

Mastered the latest corkscrew. It’s not falling apart in my hands  the previous two. I guess I want that wine too badly. Don’t know my own power. Patience, patience.

Bootcamp instructor Dominique urged us to “enjoy the weather,” which happens to be overcast and rainy though not bone-chilling. She said it with her sunny smile. We love Dominique.

You know you’re getting old when you have several previous decades cached in memory and you’re constantly pushing a mental “back” button to review them  your brain’s a browser.

My Facebook is full of people’s politics. My Twitter is full of people’s tech obsessions. My LinkedIn is full of people’s career milestones. I doubt Russian influence in the latter two socials.

I take issue with this notion that working out produces a “natural high.” That’s never been my experience. What it actually does is cushion you against natural lows.

Listening to Johnny Cash “Folsom Prison Blues.” I suspect they put him there for geographic illiteracy. A California state prison holds someone convicted of murder in Reno NV and abuts a train line headed due south to San Antonio TX.

Reading Mueller litany of Manafort/Gates money laundering & tax/bank fraud in svc of vanity/greed & dictators (Ukrainian, Russian, American)

All I could think of this week was our upcoming vacation to LA to help our grandson celebrate his first birthday. A year ago I was switching jobs & we were looking forward to his birth.

"How artificial intelligence will transform how we gesture" (http://ow.ly/Khko30iyfqE ) JK--We will be able to create idiosyncratic lexicons of sensor-detected AI-recognized gestures that indicate our personal intentions & drive results through all of our edge devices.

"Missing data hinder replication of artificial intelligence studies" (http://ow.ly/AhlX30iyf7F ) JK--Serious issue may mask how fragile many AI-derived findings truly are.

"Neurala claims 'lifelong deep neural nets' don't forget" (http://ow.ly/Edae30iyeEe ) JK--Geared for edge devices that can hold and adapt previously gained statistical knowledge on the fly & tweak it on the fly to unique, local, changing circumstances.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sophia Kennedy "Apple in the Basket" from Being Special JK--2018. Cool/odd. Sounds a bit  DeVotchKa doing Devo, or vice versa.

"Cleveland-Chicago Hyperloop Line Gets Feasibility Study" (http://ow.ly/Bdn630iybZZ ) JK--Oh thank heaven! Anything that can zip us through Toledo and Gary faster is worth the expense!

Caught “The Florida Project” on DVD. A stunning, gripping, sad, and hyperreal work of cinematic brilliance.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ty Segall "She" from Freedom’s Goblin JK--2018. I think Ty Segall is a musical force of nature. This new one is a full-tilt brilliant jam.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Big Mama Thornton "Wade in the Water" from Ball n' Chain JK--1968. Smokin' full-throated blues-rock.

"Machine Learning: Validation Techniques" (http://ow.ly/seMQ30iwS2R ) JK--This is the trenches of training ML models: statistical techniques for vetting/improving model validity when the training samples may not be 100% representative of source data population distribution.

"Roundup Of Machine Learning Forecasts And Market Estimates, 2018" (http://ow.ly/kmID30iwRbe ) JK--Nice rollup of analyst numbers. George Gilbert, Peter Burris, Ralph Finos, and yours truly are preparing #Wikibonforecasts for this market. Stay tuned for those in March.

"No Choice Between Humans & Machines" (http://ow.ly/afSQ30iwQko ) JK--"If U can do it with a template today, a machine will do it without U tomorrow. Focus on work that has no repetition, that has no template, that has little to no predictability, that has never been done before."

"The art and (data) science of leveraging economic bubbles" (http://ow.ly/7N0Q30iwPN0 ) JK--Whatever. How about the art of staying calm, doing nothing, trusting in the fundamentals of your investments, and not overthinking this stuff? Many of us survived the nastiness 10 years ago. 

"Bill Gates to guest star on The Big Bang Theory next month" (http://ow.ly/kGRR30iwPkO ) JK--Won't be his first sitcom appearance. Here's him providing first-line tech support for Windows XP on "Frasier" in 2001 (http://ow.ly/aUZ630iwPpm )

"Homo erectus may have been a sailor – and able to speak" (http://ow.ly/Fpz930iwNaV ) JK--It's not hard to imagine they developed sailing skills on the large rivers and big lakes of Africa, and then used those same skills/crafts to venture across the adjacent oceans.

"Drawing an elephant with four complex parameters" (http://ow.ly/7v7t30iwMJK ) JK--What

It was a lovely summer day here in the Mid-Atlantic. Not sure if it’s premature to slather on the sunblock.

"Rise of the 'Hivenet': Botnets That Think for Themselves" (http://ow.ly/6eSd30ivocT ) JK--Agile cooperative AI for cyber crime/warfare: "intelligent botnet clusters swarm compromised devices to identify and assault different attack vectors all at once."

"Deep Generative Models" (http://ow.ly/gptz30ivnPq ) JK--You don't need  authentic training data when you can simply synthesize good-enough albeit-ersatz new data from the same probabilistic distribution as a prior from-the-source training dataset

"Which Programming Language Is Best for Big Data?" (http://ow.ly/SzAU30ivnuj ) JK--I don't think there's any hard-and-fast answer you can give for such a broad range of use cases and programming challenges.

"How Blockchain Will Bring Back Data Ownership to Consumers" (http://ow.ly/Pi8y30ivnkc ) JK--I doubt it. Companies will continue to give you goodies if you give them yours. Many consumers will enthusiastically take those offers.

"AI’s Limits Send Scientists Back to the Brain" (http://ow.ly/6Pqh30ivmPb ) JK--Specifically, back to "spiky" event-driven neural firing patterns as inspiration for brain-emulating hardware designs.

"Deep Reinforcement Learning Doesn't Work Yet" (http://ow.ly/uFZ630ivmxa ) JK--Or, as the article states, it may work, but there are other  efficient, effective, stable, and reproducible ways to address the same algorithmic use cases.

"Cloud TPU machine learning accelerators now available in beta" (http://ow.ly/6AK230ivmjr ) JK--Google rolls this out tentatively for high-performance AI model training in its public cloud.

"Machine learning mega-benchmark: GPU providers" (http://ow.ly/nAF730ivm8o ) JK--Cloud IaaS performance benchmark numbers. A few of these providers were unfamiliar to me. Worth exploring.

"Tech’s Ethical ‘Dark Side" (http://ow.ly/RiHn30ivlfr ) JK--Cornell prof nails it: “If data science ethics training focuses entirely on the individual responsibility of the data scientist, it risks overlooking the role of the broader enterprise.”

"Philosophers are building ethical algorithms to help control self-driving cars" (http://ow.ly/WN9r30ivl3I ) JK--Honestly, I don't know if I want to give that control over to an "ethical theory."

When you come right down to it, at the end of the day the bottom line is net positive.

Getting through a day of news now involves sensing when you're tensing up with anger and taking active measures to not let your muscles get that way. Never a good thing.

Dear Facebook: Please rejigger your newsfeed algorithm so we can reduce the salience of friends who now have nothing to share but politics. Doesn’t matter if we agree with their leanings. Lighten up 4 cryin out loud!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Attarazat Addahabia "(Unknown)" from Habibi Funk 007 JK--"(Unknown))? My rear end! That's Beethoven. Specifically, "Für Elise."

Caught “Roman J. Israel, Esq” on DVD. Terrific film. One of Denzel Washington’s best performances. Colin Farrell also excellent in this.

Biathlon. The riflery component makes me awfully nervous this close to the DMZ.

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Wikibon Trip Report: The Unisys Brand Gains New Life in a Cloud-Everything World" (http://ow.ly/DrI230iszTJ )

Celebrating Chinese New Year by eating filet mignon and drinking merlot. I’m sure some Chinese somewhere are doing the same. Gung hey fat choy!

Unisys is a different creature now. They’re primarily vertical, focused on providing templated but bespoke industry solutions. Cybersecurity and advanced analytics runs thru most of it.

"Why I left my Executive role in Artificial Intelligence at IBM" (http://ow.ly/RMLQ30iqP8b ) JK--The always fascinating Cortnie Abercrombie. My former colleague has started a nonprofit focused on mitigating AI's downsides. She calls it http://AITruth.org . Worth checking out.

Covering a Unisys event in Orlando. Oddly enough, this is the first time in my 30+ year IT career that I’ve attended an event sponsored by the company that traces its parentage partly to Bill Kobielus’ longtime employer: Sperry UNIVAC. Long overdue. Glad they’re still with it.

Spent the flight doing my research on Web application development frameworks. Sure beat navigating the clunky in-flight entertainment app. You take your kicks where you can get them.

Orlando limo driver. Rants about how his life is so full of stress. But his ranting about that shooting down south here in Florida gave me  stress than I actually needed on my ride in from the airport.

Earl Grey. It’s the best palate cleanser among teas. Always makes me feel all fresh and new inside. Calms me right down from that coffee buzz.

Same dumb cliched marketing call to action. Been seeing the phrase forever. Geez, once and for all, the future was now. Let’s move past it.

"How to Turn Your Employees Into Powerful Influencers" (http://ow.ly/fA1X30ioshq ) JK--I'll cut to the chase on this. This was the core of my "evangelization" for IBM back in the day. You need outwardly engaged subject-matter experts who consistently publish interesting stuff.

New jk #WikibonPremium research note: "Augmented Programming Brings Machine Learning Into The Development Toolchain" (http://ow.ly/Sl1v30ionLE ) #lowcode#roboticprocessautomation#machinelearning#AI#artificialintelligence

"As China Marches Forward on A.I., the White House Is Silent" (http://ow.ly/nIDK30innDu ) JK--Oh, I'm sure they're preparing a really spot-on strategy for dealing with the challenge. Just as soon as Trump tweets all he's learned about it from Fox News.

"China’s Fourth Industrial Revolution: Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/Wdmq30inmR4 ) JK--Suppressed tone of alarm in this piece. It suggests that if Firesign Theatre were around today they'd have Porgie and Mudhead attending " Data Science High." Shoes for industry!

"Deploy IoT Lambda functions on Greengrass-connected hardware" (http://ow.ly/zm1u30inkJn ) JK--Important topic for developers building stateless, event-driven apps for deployment throughout a serverless fabric all the way out to the edge.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Juliana Hatfield Three "My Sister" from My Sister JK--1993. This sounds very true to life. If you have siblings, these kinds of torn rivalries often exert a powerful hold on your psychology throughout your life.

"Facebook’s body-swapping AI has Hollywood written all over it" (http://ow.ly/VBUo30ilAzU ) JK--For aging Hollywood actors/actresses, it has career-extension and stunt-faking written all over it. "Wow! I didn't know Bruce Willis could run that fast at his age!"

"Why blockchains are future of cloud storage" (http://ow.ly/2cnf30ilA0a ) JK--Low cost, redundancy, privacy. Hosts sell surplus storage capacity. Files encrypted, broken into fragments, uploaded, & intelligently distributed across many nodes around world. Payments via blockchain

"10 key principles for data-driven storytelling" (http://ow.ly/KGQw30ilzdn ) JK--Most of these are obvious. This is essential: "Don't link to blog/press releases, link to the actual study." Let the reader drill to the source so they don't have to buy your story on faith.

"Blockwatch: What Is a Decentralized Exchange?" (http://ow.ly/t46g30ilyAE ) JK--Offers buy-sell listings for various cryptocurrencies, indicates reasonableness of asking prices, & issues ‘IOU’ token between tokens' underlying blockchains to facilitate cross-currency transactions.

"The Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson got an ‘F’ on a high school music paper. At 75, he just got it changed to an ‘A’" (http://ow.ly/tfmU30ilwQd ) JK--Um, OK. Changed by a different teacher? And what's with the "Dr. Landesfeind" stuff? Is this the ghost of "Dr." Eugene Landy pranking him?

"Life’s stresses often sink me. Here’s how I decided to change that" (http://ow.ly/nR4030ilwuw ) JK--Teach yourself to feel gratitude for the most mundane things in your life. Break down every moment into gratitudes that are within your reach. Hold onto those in your heart. Repeat

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Carole King "Corazon" from Fantasy JK--1973. One of several excellent songs she put on the pop charts in the years after "Tapestry." In retrospect, this sounds  she was channeling Santana.

"Facial Recognition Is Accurate, if You’re a White Guy" (http://ow.ly/Lmr230ilvkO ) JK--There will almost certainly be laws and regulations to ensure that the face-recognition AI model dev/training pipeline weeds out inconsistencies and biases across demographic categories.

"How Long Until We’re All Amish?" (http://ow.ly/DK6e30iluI3 ) JK--Really? I'm dusting off my old butter churn and dulling down my wardrobe just to be ready for this Singularity.

"Physics for the deep learning computer vision expert" (http://ow.ly/WZZt30ilu5T ) JK--That transverse magnetization discussion makes me tingle all over inside.

"The Four Scientific Meanings Of ‘Nothing’" (http://ow.ly/9uW130iltIL ) JK--The fifth is your future if you don't move your rear end from its lowest energy state and try to find a job with your theoretical physics degree.

Caught "Get Out" on DVD. Jordan Peele's film is sharply written, engagingly directed, well acted, and a total hoot from beginning to end. 4 stars!

"An AI That Reads Privacy Policies So That You Don't Have To" (http://ow.ly/VnpS30ilsmh ) JK--Please also make one that deletes them from my inbox so I don't have to.

Everybody have fun tonight! Everybody Pyeongchang tonight!

Brought out our old boom box. We are systematically relistening to Chinese and Indonesian pop music cassettes that my wife collected before and not long after we met. Much 70s/80s romantic balladry. Pleasant.

Wife and I having fun singing some children’s song that was on a tape we played for our kids when they were little. We both remembered its inane lyric & lame melody. Won’t say what it was.

Olympics bring out an idiotic degree of nationalist sentiment. Suddenly, my foreign-born spouse who’s been a naturalized US citizen for 30+ years, starts giving me this “your country just wants to hog the medals” jazz.

Curling once again at the Winter Olympics. I hope they put shuffleboard in the summer games to be perfectly evenhanded.

These are historic times. We’re living thru the worst presidency in US history. It really is not going to get any better until he’s gone.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Dandy Warhols "Cool as Kim Deal" from The Dandy Warhols Come Down JK--1997. Rare instance of male rock artists toasting a female performer without bringing some sexual subtext into it.

"How artificial intelligence is unleashing a new type of cybercrime" (http://ow.ly/ekTt30iiP4b ) JK--Algorithmic impersonation. Intelligent vulnerability discovery & exploitation. Adaptive money laundering strategies. Hacking into the physical ATM to dispense paper currency.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Daughter "Youth" from If You Leave JK--2013. Nice moody-lite groove. I forgot to mention them as another artist that Nilufer Yanya reminds me of.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Nilufer Yanya "Thanks 4 Nothing" from Thanks 4 Nothing JK--2018. Very nice. Sounds  a cross between Sade and Beth Orton. Definitely a mocha-sipping groove.
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"Axiomatic Attribution for Deep Networks" (http://ow.ly/wlkZ30iiNJL ) JK--These researchers propose a generalizable approach for attributing the predictions made by a deep learning model to the specific data features input into the model.

I hope Musk loaded a few of his flamethrowers into that rocket. They’ll be as useful as that Tesla in the trackless void of outer space.

Another Olympics is upon us. Already enjoying it. But I wish there were some way to zip thru the athletes’ inspiring stories and cut to the action.

"John Perry Barlow, Internet Pioneer, 1947-2018" (http://ow.ly/6jVi30ii3wE ) JK--EFF's remembrance.

My feeling is that mgmt has essentially given up when they resort to slogan "work smarter, not harder." Might as well spell it "work smarder, not harter" to see if anyone's paying attention.  M*A*S*H episode where Hawkeye walks outside naked on a bet: 

"Is “Murder by Machine Learning” the New “Death by PowerPoint”?" (http://ow.ly/v0LI30ihsZj ) JK--Michael Schrage strains to draw analogy between boring presentations & biased statistical models. I'm not buying it. The former tries people's patience. The latter skews their decisions

"As AI Meets the Reputation Economy, We’re All Being Silently Judged" (http://ow.ly/wOCT30ihskE ) JK--Sad. I long for the good old days when everyone was always telling you to your face exactly what they thought of you just before they clubbed you over the head.

The Grateful Dead "Cassidy" (http://ow.ly/FPw330ihrdc ) JK--Good one. Lyric by John Perry Barlow.

"DeepFakes explained" (http://ow.ly/dT6g30ihqkt ) JK--Using deep learning to create highly realistic but fake videos in which a known person's face is superimposed on someone else's body.

"OpenAI Requests for Rsch 2.0" (http://ow.ly/gTBy30ihpyI ) JK--Slitherin'; Parameter Avgng in Distrib RL; Xfer Lrng Btwn Diff Games via Generative Models; Transformers w/Linear Attention; Learned Data Augmentation; Regularzn in RL; Automtd Solutions of Olympiad Inequality Problems

"Drowning in Data, Cities Turn to 'Citizen Scientists'" (http://ow.ly/TZMo30ihoPY ) JK--Careful there: how do you know these self-appointed analysts aren't skewing their "findings" to some policy agenda they're pushing?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros "Redemption Song" from Streetcore JK--2003. He left us with a memorable Marley cover.

"Applying machine learning to the universe's mysteries" (http://ow.ly/BzIF30iho21 ) JK--I predict future religions will battle over whether God set up the cosmic model to learn via supervised methods or otherwise. Do "we got to fulfill the book"?

"AWS appeals to the masses w/low-code development project" (http://ow.ly/J1oA30ihnKt ) JK--I seriously doubt that their target market is "the masses." Opening narrows to "tech-savvy business users." That sounds right. BTW, my #Wikibon report on "low-code" tools will publish soon

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Broadcast "The Book Lovers" from Work and Non Work JK--1997. Cinematic and soaring.

"John Perry Barlow, 'visionary' internet pioneer, dies aged 70" (http://ow.ly/ijPJ30ihmH2 ) JK--RIP. His contribution to the libertarian ideological mainstream of Silicon Valley culture was substantial. He was the purest politician that the high-tech world has produced so far.

"Take a Look Inside Amazon's New Rainforest Office Space" (http://ow.ly/Eri830ig6an ) JK--My first thought is that the place must be crawling with bugs.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Pixies "Monkey Gone to Heaven" from Doolittle JK--1989. "If the devil is six, then God is seven." Brilliantly compressed piece of poetry. The "666" and "[lucky] 7" suggest themselves, as does quasi-homophone "if the devil is sick, then God is heaven."

"The New Modality: Emoji Challenges in Prediction, Anticipation, and Retrieval" (http://ow.ly/Bzgm30ienPP ) JK--Treating emojis as a new ideogramic form of language with a loose correlation, perhaps counterpoint, to adjacent text and images.

"Deep Learning Approach for Very Similar Objects Recognition Application on Chihuahua & Muffin Problem" (http://ow.ly/1DrS30ienj7 ) JK--Semi-ironic AI research out of Ulaanbaatar. Not hard to tell them apart. Muffins don't shiver uncontrollably in Mongolian winters.

"Announcing TensorFlow 1.5" (http://ow.ly/P2t830iemuv ) JK--Google blog: "With Eager Execution for TensorFlow enabled, you can execute TensorFlow operations immediately as they are called from Python. This makes it easier to get started with TensorFlow."

"Machine Learning Conferences in 2018" (http://ow.ly/GWWX30iembY ) JK--I'd think twice about doing the Cape Town event in November. The city is due to run out of water by May.

"tempoGAN: A Temporally Coherent, Volumetric GAN for Super-resolution Fluid Flow" (http://ow.ly/e1i630ielSa ) JK--This algorithm can generate super-realistic simulations for the physical sciences and computer-generated imagery in the arts.

"U.S. and Chinese Companies Race to Dominate AI" (http://ow.ly/jcVF30ieli4 ) JK--Somehow I doubt that any nation can dominate AI techs. And just because China has  people, scale doesn't make their behavioral training data much  useful than anybody else's.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bon Iver "re: stacks" from For Emma, Forever Ago JK--2008. This is the song I too would write if stuck in a cabin in the Wisconsin north woods in mid-winter.

RIP John Mahoney. This actor played so well off Kelsey Grammer and David Hyde Pierce, I really believed he was their dad.

My beef with high-tech culture is this kneejerk impulse to always get/build/depend on a tool to boost your productivity. How about starting with personal discipline, an organized mind, and a steadfast habit of following through on your commitments?

Aweekstweets March 26 to May 7 2018: the weeks I’ve filed for future reference


RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Wye Oak "It Was Not Natural" from The Louder I Call, The Faster It Runs JK--2018. Another great one from their latest.

"Artificial general intelligence literature review" (http://ow.ly/y3Y230jRP51 ) JK--Cool compendium from Australian researchers. Best to start at the figure (transcluded in this tweet).

"Everyone Into the AI Pool" (http://ow.ly/vfNt30jROrJ ) JK--Not sure you should give blanket advice to make conversational UI always "speak plain English." It should engage the target user in the appropriate linguistic community, lexicon, and application domain.

When somebody advises to speak or write in "plain English," I'll try to drop some oldschool Anglo-Saxon into the conversation. Can't get much plainer than Beowulf: "Hwæt. Gardena in geardagum, þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon, hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon."
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"Why serverless computing is one of the biggest threats to containers" (http://ow.ly/TRKZ30jRNvm ) JK--Misleading headline. Not arguing that one microservices approach is a security threat to another, just that one is obsoleting the other. Who exactly is "threatened" by this trend?

"Personal Touch Coming To Inflight Experience Through Big Data" (http://ow.ly/M16o30jRN0r ) JK--Bah humbug. Not a high priority for passengers. Tell the airlines to hand out disposable earbuds that aren't pure crap. Also, give us better pretzels!

"Using Deep Learning to Understand Your Source Code" (http://ow.ly/Ci1Q30jRM3k ) JK--Points to interesting Microsoft research (http://ow.ly/eY8T30jRM5r ) on natural-language-understanding graphs to represent syntactic/semantic source-code structure & flag anomalous program logic

"GDPR Requirements Prompt New Approach to Protecting Data in Motion" (http://ow.ly/g6RS30jRLHH ) JK--Detecting when on-the-fly correlation of newly acquired in-motion data with at-rest data may inadvertently give you personally identifiable customer info needing privacy protection.

"No Computing Device Too Small For Cryptojacking" (http://ow.ly/5Ss630jRLnc ) JK--"Several crypto mining malware samples that Trend Micro observed appear dedicated to exploring whether any connected device, however underpowered, can still be exploited for [cryptocurrency mining]"

"The Threat of AI Weapons" (http://ow.ly/7Y6c30jRKII ) JK--Accurate. But it's a bit historically oversimplistic to call invention of gunpowder the1st military tech revolution. Swords were revolutionary, especially when wielded by cavalry stabilized on charging steeds by stirrups

"South Korea: World's first giant manned robot takes its first steps" (http://ow.ly/J7mB30jRKpW ) JK--The world’s first giant, manned robot “Method-2” took some of its first steps in the Gunpo studio of Hankook Mirae Technology company near Seoul, Thursday.

"Could space aliens on hefty super-Earths be trapped by their own gravity?" (http://ow.ly/KxLr30jRK54 ) JK--That doesn't explain why they're not radiating signals into the vastness of space. Also, calling them "space aliens" is so 1950s. By the same token, we're space aliens.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Brian Eno "Burning Airlines Give You So Much " from Taking Tiger Mountain (by Strategy) JK--1974. Eno's musical resemblance to Syd Barrett jumps out at you on this one. "Sweet Regina's gone to China."

New jk #Datanami column: "Ensuring Iron-Clad Algorithmic Accountability in the GDPR Era" (http://ow.ly/SSyE30jRJCl )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bob Dylan "Hurricane" from Desire JK--1976. Rubin "Hurricane" Carter was a middleweight boxer who was wrongfully convicted of murder and later released following a petition of habeas corpus after spending almost 20 years in prison.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Stevie Wonder "Higher Ground" from Funkafied Rainbow JK--1974. Live at the Rainbow Theatre, London.

"Rulers of the World: Read Karl Marx!" (http://ow.ly/S0Cr30jRHZA ) JK--Article makes strained argument about "gig economy" spawning a barely solvent "precariat": "reserve force of atomised labourers who wait to be summoned, via electronic foremen, to [be exploited by fatcats]."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp La Luz "Cicada" from Floating Features JK--2018. Comes out this week. Great new one from them. Very expansive Morricone feel to this one.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp A.A.L. "Know You" from 2012–2017 JK--2018. Good electronic funk with oldschool-feeling processed beats.

Twitter just started sending notifications for stuff that doesn’t matter. Such as that so-and-so has just tweeted for the first time in a long time. And that so-and-so is now following somebody else who has lots of followers. Who cares? Deep-six these algorithms now!

They’re installing Tesla charging stations in the valet parking area of Springfield Mall. There is no Tesla dealer at the mall. And I’ve yet to spot a Tesla on the roads of Northern Virginia. Stupid move?

Washington Post expose on R. Kelly. Can’t say I’m familiar with his music. So I listened to his big hits on YouTube. Kind of slow boring R&B, actually. I don’t get into it.

New jk #InformationWeekcolumn: "Giving the IoT the Power to Pay Attention on Our Behalf" (http://ow.ly/Tiug30jQZ08 )

Got a deep tissue massage today. Nothing clears the mind better. Not nature. Not meditation.

Trump’s personal physician admits that his then-patient dictated the preposterous 2015 letter about “healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” A quack who quacks  that shows his true feathers.

Nobel committee skipping the award of a Literature prize this year. I’d also prefer that they skip the Peace prize rather than risk the insanity of Trump getting it. And Obama should give back his undeserved prize. He waged 2 wars that still smoulder.

Wife and I have switched from wine season to beer season, in terms of our preferred evening-lounging libations. Summer always suggests a mash of malt, barley, hops, and yeast to me. Winter is fermented grapes all the way.

Enjoyed recording today’s #Wikibon Action Item with fellow veteran analysts Peter Burris and Neil Raden. Got a chance to whack the blockchain mania down to size. It’s the new “Hadoop,” a nouveau hip data platform that is slowly revealing its limitations.

Loved what little I caught of today’s #KEXP YouTube livestream in-studio with the great Damien Jurado. The artist revealed himself as a vulnerable human being. And the new songs he previewed were achingly beautiful.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “How now, smart browser? AI takes up residence on the web browser” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/04/now-smart-browser-ai-takes-residence-web-browser/ …)

"The Blockchain Will Tear Through The Ad Market  A Tornado" (http://ow.ly/vOSN30jPIb5 ) JK--Or tear through seed capital  a hellish vortex. Article counts 19 startups using blockchain for ad-market opportunities.

"Swift for TensorFlow Now Open Source on GitHub" (http://ow.ly/Muh730jPHbE ) JK--Should accelerate AI development for embedded in mobile, edge, and other client devices running all things Apple (iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, etc.)

"The US lags behind 8 other countries in AI and automation readiness" (http://ow.ly/o00b30jPGxi ) JK--Bah. It's somebody's headline-grab repackaging of the usual "US isn't tip-top in the world at investing in STEM education." Telling us "Putin said it best..." doesn't inspire.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Wye Oak "The Instrument" from The Louder I Call, The Faster It Runs JK--2018. Another great new one from the Balti duo.

"Tesla shares fall after Elon Musk’s testy conference call" (http://ow.ly/XbsB30jPDU7 ) JK--In Musk's defense, evil AI bots had taken over those reporters' brains and forced them to ask inconvenient questions. It's not as if he hadn't warned us.

"This Is How to Get Started With AI When the Only Thing You Know Is the Acronym" (http://ow.ly/7LB030jPDHs ) JK--What's lesson #2? Bullshitting your way convincingly to a high-paying well-respected job as the world's foremost AI authority?

"Team of Top Scientists Prepare to Invade Antarctica’s Scariest Glacier" (http://ow.ly/dWbf30jPDsS ) JK--Hint: it's the one the monster emerged from in the 1982 remake of "The Thing." They've enlisted an aging Kurt Russell to go right back in there and finish the job.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Future Islands "Calliope" from Calliope JK--2018. Good new one. Singer Samuel Herring has an unplaceable singing-accent. Wikipedia says Greenville NC by way of Baltimore. Huh? Just  you'd never guess Natalie Merchant is from upstate New York.

Spam scam best recited aloud in fake African accent: "I am personal secretary to Dr. Chombo, former Minister of Finance & Economic Development of Zimbabwe. On 14 Nov 2017, after military took control of our country, my boss was arrested. I hereby humbly ask your assistance ...."

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Serverless computing takes a big step into the multicloud world” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/03/serverless-computing-takes-big-step-multicloud-world/ …)

“Scouts BSA”? It’s good that they took the gender out of their name, but do they really need to rebrand as Bullshit Artists?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Medicine "Time Baby 3" from Sounds of Medicine: Stripped and Reformed Sounds JK--1994. LA-based group. Coolest pairing ever of Elizabeth Fraser with another woman's voice. Beth Thompson. Bewitchingly atmospheric weave here.

"Redscan warns of GDPR phishing scams" (http://ow.ly/bffP30jOzmB ) JK--"Cyber criminals seek to capitalise on the fact businesses are actively re-consenting their contact databases ahead of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation compliance deadline of 25 May"

"Raspberry Pi meets AI: The projects that put machine learning on the $35 board" (http://ow.ly/CHz830jOyDc ) JK--Just the sort of low-end DIY phenomenon that will incubate the next AI revolution among the smartest kids working from their garages, bedrooms, etc.

"Blockchain and Robots Not Yet VC Blockbusters" (http://ow.ly/FyZK30jOybC ) JK--Perhaps that's because VCs are being circumvented by ICOs in funding blockchain startups. As regards robotics, it's still an industrial play without the mass-market potential that makes VCs drool.

"Digital Currency and Blockchain: How are Financial Institutions Responding?" (http://ow.ly/R89L30jOxFt ) JK--Interesting: "Initial Coin Offerings, the token-based funding mechanism for most blockchain startups, have raised  money than venture capital in Q1 of this year..."

"European Commission To Fight Fake News With Power Of Blockchain" (http://ow.ly/pyBH30jOvLq ) JK--Blockchain + AI + trusted digital IDs to ensure news/source integrity, validity, reliability, & traceability, and flag fakes.

"AI Is Cracking Open the Vatican's Secret Archives" (http://ow.ly/pDsC30jOvl5 ) JK--Need to build/train very sophisticated AI-drive OCR to decipher monk-inscribed medieval scripts such as the one whose image I've transcluded in this tweet.

"The Rise Of The Omnibots" (http://ow.ly/ahdD30jOuHg ) JK--Geez. I don't want brands to become "beings." Next thing you know, they're pushing their beingness into stupid robots that follow you around and badger you into buying  of their branded crap.

"For  Than Just Friends? Facebook Will Soon Offer a Dating Service" (http://ow.ly/ufIp30jOusj ) JK--Quoth Zuck: "This is for building real long-term relationships, not just hookups." Rings hollow from a guy whose service started as hormone-driven hookup-accelerator FaceMash

"Self-driving cars’ shortcomings revealed in DMV reports" (http://ow.ly/cnuc30jOtQg ) JK--Thank you, California. All these incident reports need to be in the public record and continuously updated. Compelling need for us all to be kept informed on the tech's operational immaturity.

"Publishers Protest Google's 'Troubling' GDPR Policy" (http://ow.ly/sZnm30jOtyi ) JK--Troubling? Google has its back against the wall. It's no surprise that it's using its digital-ad-serving leverage to extract data-subject-consent compliance from publishers. Deadline approaching.

"How Accountable Should Algorithms Be?" (http://ow.ly/ed4630jOt74 ) JK--Not sure how feasible it is to implement referenced paper's recommendation that "use of unaudited 'black box' systems...be banned in public agencies." See my Datanami column from 2017:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Beck "Pay No Mind (Snoozer)" from Mellow Gold JK--1994. Beck slips into and out of musical styles  the utmost chameleon. This early one feels  Country Beck settin' a spell down on the ranch lazily strumming his geetar.

"A Data Protection Officer's Guide to GDPR 'Privacy by Design'" (http://ow.ly/RT3i30jOszt ) JK--It's too early to judge what's overkill on this new compliance mandate. But this is starting to feel  an intricately woven red tape of bureaucratic strangulation for global business.

"Enterprises Begin To Toy With Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/Arrk30jOrVH ) JK--Good McKendrick summary of O'Reilly study on DL adoption and challenges facing implementers.

"ZimGo Polling Is...Emotion AI Election Analytics and Forecasting Service for US Campaigns" (http://ow.ly/r6IH30jOrE4 ) JK--Great. What American democracy needs is a dashboard of just how cynical and angry we are at it all.

Amazon's ubiquity in news stories has produced a glut of "Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post" mentions in that paper. Wife asks why they're constantly repeating that. I agree it gets annoying. My proposal: insert Jeff's picture into every story with caption: "what don't I own?"

“Giuliani: Trump repaid Cohen for hush money.” Thanks. With you on his defense, the government will need one less prosecuting attorney.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “AI is driving the evolution of hyperconverged cloud infrastructure” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/02/ai-driving-evolution-hyperconverged-cloud-infrastructure/ …)

RT @KEXPNowPlayingKEXP Bob Dylan “Visions of Johanna” from The Bootleg Series, Vol. 4: Live 1966: The “Royal Albert Hall” Concert JK--Geez, how could the jelly-faced women not find their knees? Perhaps they needed to wipe the jelly off their faces and just look.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Link Wray “Rumble” JK--1958. Wray improvised this landmark power chord in a live show one night in Fredericksburg VA. Said the kids kept coming back asking for him to replay “that weird song.”

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Janelle Monáe “I Got The Juice from Dirty Computer JK--2018. Great new one from the singer-actor.

New jk #TechTarget column: "Human jobs will remain in AI’s loop" (http://ow.ly/QLxW30jNQWd 

"Your Fear Of Looking Stupid Is Making You Look Stupid" (http://ow.ly/X4wW30jNzQz ) JK--Accept the fact that you're just plain stupid. OK? Deal with it!

"Laughing all the way to the bank"? If it's online banking, can we assume that you stop laughing the moment you enter your password, or are you still breaking out in hysterics when it asks you to enter the secret code they sent via text message? When will the hilarity cease?

Local news tonight spent way too long playing yet another idiotic and offensive rant by Kanye West. Please stop giving him a platform. He needs to simply shut his trap.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Graphing the sensitive boundary between personally identifiable information and publicly inferable insights" (http://ow.ly/en5D30jMG3T )

"Inventing The Next Computer" (http://ow.ly/w2Hv30jLXSP ) JK--This discusses R&D into new embedded UI techs: touchscreen walls, water-based interfaces, augmented fidget spinners, etc.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Okkervil River "Famous Tracheotomies" from In the Rainbow Rain JK--2018. Wow. Subject matter I've never heard in song before. Also, a great song with lots of cool celebrity namedropping.

"Europe divided over robot ‘personhood’" (http://ow.ly/yI6030jLWWw ) JK--Argggh! Are we going to have to protect their privacy too under GDPR?

"How AI Anxiety Is Creating  Jobs For Humans" (http://ow.ly/Dody30jLVKR ) JK--Governance: "For every tech job developing AI, corporations will require at least 2 ancillary jobs to flag errors & bad decisions made by machines, manage AI performance in light of societal impacts."

"Blockchain Governance Issues" (http://ow.ly/5RCf30jLVzF ) JK--Highlights serious issues with the technology that prevent it from becoming a trusted, security transactional database. 

"Europe wants a robot army to challenge the U.S. and China on AI" (http://ow.ly/hjSa30jLVeQ ) JK--Misleading headline implies military deployment. Replace "army" with "industry" and it's a  accurate characterization of what the article discusses.

"After Facebook's Data 'Blow-Up' Are DAOs Leveraging Blockchain's Future?" (http://ow.ly/nuxc30jLUNQ ) JK--"DAO" stands for "decentralized autonomous organization," which apparently means "run according to the rules established through blockchain smart contracts."

"Little Caesars just patented a pizza-making robot" (http://ow.ly/wYTI30jLU2A ) JK--Please don't roll them out big time till you've trained them to flip the dough upward while taking your order in a faux Sicilian accent.

"GDPR rules can spur broader steps to protect sensitive data" (http://ow.ly/DkZO30jLThb ) JK--Asserts that "sexual orientation" is "covered under GDPR" privacy protections. But only if that's an attribute recorded in actual PII records. You can still infer it from other data.

"IoT, edge computing spawn new data security issues" (http://ow.ly/8d1D30jLSW1 ) JK--Here's something I authored 3 years ago on this topic that holds up well:

Mayday. Let's see: maidens with garlands dancing around a ribbon-draped pole, proles marching in class solidarity, sinking ships putting out international distress signals. Yeah. I see a common theme here. Nothing.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Aretha Franklin "Chain Of Fools" from Lady Soul JK--1967. Per Wikipedia: this song "is musically noteworthy in that it's composed completely in a minor mode (Aeolian), and is one of the few hit songs based on just one (minor) chord." And it smokes!

31 straight work days so far writing those meaty #SiliconANGLEdaily posts. I don’t choose a topic till a few hours into each day. Something always comes. I consider it a column. I ride the industry news cycle. I cross-ref my/our research  crazy. Rob Hof edits me.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Confidence Man “Don’t You Know I’m in a Band” from Confident Music For Confident People JK-2018. Wild! Sounds  Beck producing Ween.

Wife’s watching episode 38 of some Mexican telenovela where everybody is uniformly gorgeous. Hope these particular people are in that caravan heading north.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “AI’s automation flywheel spins greater human productivity” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/04/30/ais-automation-flywheel-spins-greater-human-productivity/ …)

"Amazon is reportedly building a home robot. An expert explains how close we are to ‘The Jetsons.’" (http://ow.ly/t7fi30jKuCj ) JK--Already there, if by "there" you're referring to the hair-trigger "Mr. Spacely" in Washington who's constantly yelling "you're fired."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Unknown Mortal Orchestra "Ministry of Alienation" from Sex & Food JK--2018. Very good. Sounds a bit  the best Steely Dan.

New jk #InfoWorld column: "GDPR may well kill enterprise blockchain databases" (http://ow.ly/cjlZ30jKpZw )

Saw “Call Me By Your Name” on DVD. What they used to call an “art house film.” A beautiful slow-build that is designed to make the viewer uneasy. Presents bisexuality matter-of-factly.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Mike Ireland and Holler “House Of Secrets” from Learning How to Live JK--1998. Very cool downhome Appalachian feel with splashes of countrypolitan.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Kings of Convenience “Misread” from Riot on an Empty Street JK--2004. Very elegant shuffle to this arrangement. Hushed romanticism. A mid-tempo close-dancing gem.

The best parts of working out are the between-times when your being sinks into a lower-energy resting state. And your breathing deepens into a  expansive cleansing calm.

The controversy over “The Simpsons” Apu character. I should note that they also play other broad ethnic stereotypes for ironic good humor. Hotheaded Scotsman Groundskeeper Willie, most notably. Also, Krusty’s a Jewish comedian.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Moondoggies “Underground (A Love Sleeps Deep)” JK--2018. This Seattle group always struck me as sounding a bit country-rock. But this long song is a bit trance-psychedelic. Nice.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Unknown Mortal Orchestra - “Hunnybee” from Sex & Food JK--2018. Good new one. Their stuff always gives me a warm buzz.

For  the trillionth time, my wife points to the British actor and exclaims “that’s the gay guy Harry from ‘Mamma Mia.’” It escapes me why she can’t remember his name is Colin Firth. And he’s reputed to be straight.

Today on LinkedIn overnotifications: me being gang-work-anniversary-congrats’d by absolute strangers and being nagged to blast out work-anniversary-congrats’s to a different gang of strangers. Show each other we’re all thinking of each other

Chances that Kim Jong Eun is negotiating sincerely are negligible. This overture is  a good fake than good faith. It’s to gull the fool in Washington who desperately needs a foreign policy accomplishment to beat his chest about.

“Will GDPR Make Machine Learning Illegal?” (https://www.kdnuggets.com/2018/03/gdpr-machine-learning-illegal.html …) JK--Of course not. Just applies to one category of ML-processed data. And simply requires data subject consent to ML-driven uses, and well as opportunity to have those uses explained.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “App development transformed: Exploring the impact of blockchain on augmented programming” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/04/27/app-development-transformed-exploring-impact-blockchain-augmented-programming/ …)

Prince Louis. OK.  French than I expected from the Duke and Duchess. I was assuming they'd name him something  traditionally Anglo-Saxon, such as Egbert, Hrothgar, or Beowulf.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Bringing probabilistic programming into AI development” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/04/26/bringing-probabilistic-programming-ai-development/ …)

"Jeopardy!" had a question last night that hinged on contestants knowing what Markov chains are. None of them knew that it's a core concept in probability. Occasionally, a professional data scientist competes there. That wasn't the case last night. One of them would've aced that.

Just heard tech startup refer to itself as "stealth,""early stage,"& "leading" in its segment. I'm sorry: which is it? If we could all do that, I'd be a promising, young, unknown, highly-esteemed, & influential late-blooming industry veteran with a long list of accomplishments

"Jack Ma says nations need tech to sidestep U.S. chip grip" (http://ow.ly/LvZj30jGXbE ) jK--"Chip grip"? Somehow, I doubt that US chipmakers, and even the idiot at the top of this US administration, are going to refuse to sell our most advanced chips to China etc. 

"Big Data, Make Room for Precision Data" (http://ow.ly/4WKq30jGWzQ ) JK--What's with the capitalization and unnecessary new phrase? You're just referring to small, accurate data sets for specific analytical challenges. Not sure why you throw AI/ML into this spreadsheet-oid context

"Analytics Translator vs. Citizen Data Scientist: What is the Difference?" (http://ow.ly/YiMj30jGWcD ) JK--Oh, gimme a break! What's next? Geek whisperers?

Just heard a disturbing fact. Apparently, the term "shoegaze" was coined by a music journalist to refer to musicians pre-occupied with their wah-wah pedals, not brooding on existential dread. Including Steve Miller in the category kind of defeats the purpose.

"The sadism of white men: why America must atone for its lynchings" (http://ow.ly/TgH130jGQYW ) JK--It's high time that American gave remembrance to these genocide victims on the native soil where their blood was shed. Extraordinarily powerful memorial for tragic history.

"Government promises £300m extra funding as part of £1bn AI sector deal" (http://ow.ly/BMpG30jGQus ) JK--Heavy UK emphasis on training in the private sector.

"Google claims it is GDPR ready" (http://ow.ly/Bxma30jGPWp ) JK--Not sure whether I'm ready to believe that. They should state their expected revenue and cost hits due to less precise customer targeting and  rigorous compliance to address GDPR ongoing (http://ow.ly/aHsy30jGQm2 )

"AWS IoT Analytics helps users quickly grok device and sensor data in the cloud" (http://ow.ly/3UIs30jGONX ) JK--Fascinated by Vuzix M300 augmented reality smart glasses: collect and transmit sensor data (industrial, medical, retail) for further analysis: http://ow.ly/80HH30jGOTT 

"From USENET to Facebook: The second time as farce" (http://ow.ly/6gZ530jGO02 ) JK--Good piece on need for automated moderation with damped-down engagement metrics. Constrain the voices that try to censor others through an algorithmic onslaught of sheer social noise.

"When algorithms surprise us" (http://ow.ly/r28x30jGNQ8 ) JK--The fine line between "d'oh!" and "eureka!" When spurious statistical results reveal serendipitous discoveries.

"Fighting Fake News and Forging Real Diplomacy" (http://ow.ly/YkUt30jGMYb ) JK--Good discussion of people's current gullibility to dangerous fads (anti-vaxxers, "raw water" guzzlers, etc.) and egregious bullshit. I fully expect the next big thing to be cordless bungee jumping.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ian Dury & The Blockheads "Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick" from JK--1978. "Je t'adore, ich liebe dich....Das ist gut! C'est fantastique!....It's nice to be a lunatic."

"What Is 3D Touch Technology and how Will It Be Integrated Into Future Apps?" (http://ow.ly/IBXp30jGMqB ) JK--Device interfaces that are sensitive to the pressure of your touch. "Soft touch" peeks into objects. "Hard touch" pops them open and activates them.

"Stealing Machine Learning Models via Prediction APIs" (http://ow.ly/X0CD30jGLir ) JK--Fascinating paper on "model extraction attacks": adversary with blackbox query access, but lacking prior knowledge of ML model parameters or training data, infers model with high fidelity

"Lessons from My First Two Years of AI Research" (http://ow.ly/MtTJ30jGKQh ) JK--Excellent advice on "drinking from research community firehose." Also, "write!" Personally, I default to writing about what I'm reading. Forcing myself helps me think. Hence, my tweeting/blogging style

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "The militarization of AI is coming. Can tech companies (and the rest of us) live with it?" (http://ow.ly/BpGi30jGGhv )

If there’s anything that makes me sicker than Trump, it’s photos of Trump and Macron kissing, holding hands, and making googoo eyes. They should get a room.

RIP Bob Dorough. Three is indeed a magic number. The heart, the brain, and the body. Faith, hope, and charity.

"Synthetic Data: how your AI startup can compete with the tech titans" (http://ow.ly/csdz30jG21f ) JK--Yup. See what I said here last summer in InfoWorld:

"Magic and AI are mixing to create tricks you won't believe" (http://ow.ly/lZXK30jG1PW ) JK--“What people don’t realise is any sufficiently deceptive magic is indistinguishable from technology." Bingo! This guy obviously has a future in high-tech marketing.

"Amazon Has a Top-Secret Plan to Build Home Robots" (http://ow.ly/Ceo430jG0cw ) JK--Not a top secret any, unless there's a top-secret plan inside the plan (e.g., home sexbots) that they're not revealing, though I doubt it (for the first release, at least).

"Scientists plan huge European AI hub to compete with US" (http://ow.ly/Xuyt30jFZTD ) JK--This sounds   a desperate move to stem brain drain than any desire to advance AI R&D. Prove me wrong.

"Berlin protesters have message for Amazon CEO Bezos" (http://ow.ly/xqVj30jFXAd ) JK--Of course I looked it up. The protest was almost exactly where I took this selfie a week previous.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Networked digital twins are coming to industrial blockchains" (http://ow.ly/ch8E30jEYCc )

From one of my followers on LinkedIn, now I know that "祝您入职纪念日快!" is Mandarin Chinese for "Congrats on your work anniversary!" The anniversary was almost a month ago, but I know that bits take a long time to circumnavigate the globe. So I'll cut you some slack.

Register here and now for the upcoming @Syncsort#webcast! with me discussing how to make the most of your #LegacyData while protecting customer privacy and ensuring #RegulatoryCompliance: http://ow.ly/1jW730jESMZ 

"Expect cloud providers to bypass GDPR where they can, just  Facebook did" (http://ow.ly/nKSM30jElqL ) JK--Transferred all non-European users from Facebook/Ireland to Facebook/US. So Facebook can data-mine all but EU citizens without GDPR around its neck.

"Workplace 'mindfulness' as coping mechanism for AI disruption" (http://ow.ly/oQzJ30jEl5Z ) JK--Teaching ourselves not to mind that AI may soon deprive us of a workplace and a paycheck.

"Pentagon developing artificial intelligence center" (http://ow.ly/fHH430jEkEJ ) JK--"Developing"? I'm surprised they didn't already have one, considering how extensively they're putting AI into everything they do to wage war, preserve peace, and/or manage uneasy truce.

New jk #WikibonPremium research note (with Gilbert, Finos, & Burris): "Wikibon’s 2018 Big Data and Analytics Vendor Profiles" (http://ow.ly/dXcU30jEjBC )

Enough with the online retailing, already! Let's go back to old-school brick-and-mortar retailing. I mean it. Avoid other construction materials. Train a new generation of bricklayers to slather on the gray goo with a new sense of mercantile purpose.

"8base targets blockchain for no-code app dev" (http://ow.ly/WOtH30jEiAq ) JK--Developer social-reputation registry? Gimme a break. @PundITInc nails it on the head: "Some companies are turning [blockchain] into 2018 equivalent of 'internet pixie dust' so common during dot-com boom"

"#IBMcontinues to fine-tune DSX in concert with #Hortonworks" (http://ow.ly/9CLu30jEi8x ) JK--My interview with Piotr Mierzejewski at #DWS18 Berlin. #theCUBE#SiliconANGLE

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "What will it take to bring blockchain to the masses?" (http://ow.ly/JBH430jEgTe )

New jk #Dataversitycolumn: "AI Infuses the Next Generation of Web Application Development" (http://ow.ly/SttP30jDxgo )

"Hortonworks enlists Apache Atlas to follow the trail of data breadcrumbs for GDPR" (http://ow.ly/s89A30jDx7b ) JK--My interview with #HortonworksCTO Scott Gnau last week at #DWS18Berlin #theCUBE#SiliconANGLE

"AI-enhanced instrumentation: fusion of DL & medical sensors" (http://ow.ly/srpk30jDdF1 ) JK--Discusses Nvidia's Project Clara: "cloud-based 'medical imaging supercomputer'...to develop enhancement algos for any medical instrument including CT, MRI, sonogram or conventional X-ray"

"EU Member States sign up to cooperate on AI" (http://ow.ly/YMIF30jDcqt ) JK--"Cooperation will focus on reinforcing European AI research centres, creating synergies in R&D&I funding schemes across Europe, & exchanging views on the impact of AI on society and the economy"

"Hortonworks’ Data Steward Studio release is both timely and reassuring" (http://ow.ly/EiDn30jDbZ5 ) JK--My day-2 keynote analysis on #theCUBEat #DWS18 Berlin. I'm reassured that my tie was on straight and balding pate was cowlick-free.

Check out the two days of #theCUBE video interviews I did last week at #DataWorks Summit Berlin: http://ow.ly/Dwta30jDbvj  . Excellent discussions with #Hortonworks#IBM#Accenture et al. #DWS18

"The Simulation Hypothesis — Why Quantum Physics, AI, and Eastern Mystics Agree We Are In A Video Game" (http://ow.ly/D2EB30jD9EG ) JK--Sounds  the sort of late-night dorm-room sci-fi mind-blowing rambles you get out of your system in order to look for a real job.

"What’s New in Deep Learning Research: Jennifer Aniston and the Process of Understanding Learning by Deleting Neurons" (http://ow.ly/YJwd30jD9cL ) JK--This is the only neuron the tabloid editors possess. Stop splashing her on your front pages & deleting mass neurons in the process!

"Imagine This! Scripts to Compositions to Videos" (http://ow.ly/E9I130jD8gr ) JK--Wow! Generative AI to build movies from textual storyboards. Results could be awesome or insanely ridiculous. Regardless, popcorn-munching shenanigans ly to ensue.

"AI in the UK" (http://ow.ly/xDfC30jD7cB ) JK--UK House of Lords study by Baroness Bakewell, Lord Clement-Jones, Lord Giddens, Baroness Grender Lord Holmes of Richmond, Lord Levene of Portsoken, Lord Bishop of Oxford, Viscount Ridley, Lord St John of Bletso, & Kiwi popstar Lorde.

"Transfer Learning –Deep Learning for Everyone" (http://ow.ly/CxiE30jD6H6 ) JK--Cool thing here is Vorhies lists pre-trained models to use as the basis for transferring their learning to, hence accelerating modeling/training of, your next AI/DL model.

"Jordan Peele use AI to make Barack Obama deliver a PSA about fake news" (http://ow.ly/nEfV30jD61s ) JK--"For instance, they could have me say things ....President Trump is a total and complete dipshit. You see, I would never say these things."

"With this browser, ads can’t steal your attention — they have to pay you for it" (http://ow.ly/NcQp30jD5nN ) JK--"'Decentralized, transparent digital ad exchange based on blockchain.” Early development stages. May go nowhere. Too much digital-ad incumbency money stacked against it

"The Top-10 French Artificial Intelligence Startups" (http://ow.ly/koZC30jD4en ) JK--Top 10 "most funded." Doesn't indicate whether any of them are ly to amount to a hill of brie. None of them rings a bell, actually, and I've been covering this space for years.

"Privacy, Ethics & Regulation in Our New World of Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/A9kd30jD3Mu ) JK--I'm disturbed by the question: "How do we distribute the wealth created by machines?" Who is this "we"& why is it not assumed that market forces can/will distribute it?

"ARM Under Attack in AI" (http://ow.ly/9h5j30jD3cM ) JK--Nearly a dozen processor cores for accelerating ML jobs on clients are racing for spots in systems-on-a-chip, with some already designed into smartphones. See my recent #SiliconANGLEcolumn:

"Introducing TensorFlow Probability" (http://ow.ly/mtaW30jD1Y4 ) JK--Edward2: A probabilistic programming language for specifying flexible probabilistic models as programs. If you need to quantify the uncertainty in your predictions, as opposed to predicting a single value.

"Nvidia Moves Into Top 10 in Chip Sales" (http://ow.ly/myxj30jD1K4 ) JK--It's one of 2 fab-less suppliers in the top 10. The other is Qualcomm (#6).

"IBM lures developers with AI and machine learning projects" (http://ow.ly/IUdw30jD1gJ  ) JK--What once was "Spark Technology Center" is now "Center for Open-Source Data & AI Technologies." Developers can customize AI in IBM's new Watson Studio AI application development platform.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Grace Jones "My Jamaican Guy (12" version)" JK--1982. Statuesque Jamaican-American dancefloor diva turns 70 next month.

"Study Finds Petabytes of Sensitive Data Open to the Internet" (http://ow.ly/tV5B30jD0dn ) JK--I'm wary of studies sponsored by a vendor that blames a problem generally on "third-party contractors."

"How open source databases are sucking revenue out of legacy vendors' pockets" (http://ow.ly/uBfy30jCYZK ) JK--But slowly. As @merv says: ""The greatest force in legacy databases is inertia." The reporter adds: "That inertia will keep Larry Ellison in yachts for many years to come"

Saw “All The Money In The World” on DVD. Great performances by Michelle Williams and Christopher Plummer. They took liberties with the facts. The ear-cutting scene made me feel  puking.

Coincidence. Stranger next to me on connecting flight from London was an American who 1) knows several people I worked with at Forrester, 2) graduated the same highschool as my kids (he's a bit older), and 3) grew up around the corner from us. Listens to KEXP. Works at SAP.

Now that I've been to Berlin, I can tell people where Checkpoint Charlie is. It's next to McDonald's. Where's the Brandenburg Gate? Next to Starbucks. Hitler's bunker? Is it near Cracker Barrel?

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: Attackers can fool AI programs. Here’s how developers can fight back" (http://ow.ly/P1ZO30jCj8e )

Nice to sleep in my own bed again. Berlin was fine, but I’m no big fan of German food. It’s best to stick to their beer, which always hits the spot.

I’ll bet I lost weight on this business trip. I ate and drank, but mostly I worked and walked. On Tuesday, I covered much of central Berlin on foot, from Neukolln all the way to the Reichstag and back. Weather was favorable.

Awaiting completion of Metro Silver Line extension to Dulles. They’re building the station. Why does it have to be so far from the iconic terminal? Would the ghost of Eero Saarinen be offended if it moseyed a bit closer?

Berlin taxi took me past the abandoned Tempelhof on the way to Tegel. That single superwide arc of a terminal is spectacularly monolithic. The place was West Berlin’s superbusy lifeline for the duration of the airlift.

In transit at Heathrow. A much better airport than the first time I came through here in 1987. Perhaps too efficient. Processed so fast to my departure gate there’s no time to loiter.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti "Only in My Dreams" from Mature Themes JK--2012. Love this. Makes me happy. Bouncy and peppy as all get-out.

"Facebook is forming a team to design its own chips" (http://ow.ly/bNm930jAu0j ) JK--Actually, its own systems-on-a-chip for AI on edge devices (mobile, IoT, etc.). See my recent #SiliconANGLEarticle on SOCs:

"How GDPR Forces Marketers to Rethink Data & Security" (http://ow.ly/OrHz30jAsKR ) JK--"Securing data may include what the GDPR refers to this as pseudonymization [eg, hashing and encryption], where the data is processed so that it cannot be attributed to a specific person."

"AI Comes to Edge Computing" (http://ow.ly/NgUE30jAspL ) JK--Doing  of the inferencing autonomously at mobile, IoT, and other edge devices, and keeping locally sensed/generated data on the device (not in cloud), will safeguard privacy.

"Making AI Interpretable with Generative Adversarial Networks" (http://ow.ly/ORo830jAs9u ) JK--Essentially, discriminators that detect the most explicably low-dimensional (but still high-performing) of alternative generatively-concocted models in a given feature space.

"Ex-Google CEO Schmidt's warfare warning: We need AI ground rules for Pentagon work" (http://ow.ly/MFBq30jArZg ) JK--Pointless. Any AI that might be developed for defensive purposes would only provide tactical cover and tech enablers for the inevitable AI apps on the offense.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Big-data stewardship takes the main stage at DataWorks Summit in Berlin" (http://ow.ly/sWmQ30jArdg )

Live demo of the new Data Steward Studio on the main stage! #DWS18

Day 2 keynote of #DWS18 Berlin is about to start. Later this morning, i'll be interviewing

"21 hot programming trends—and 21 going cold" (http://ow.ly/O6yR30jz9lu ) JK--Really good list and discussion. Spot-on!

"6 Tricky Obstacles Security Teams Face in GDPR Compliance" (http://ow.ly/wFro30jz8YG ) JK--That "privacy by design/default" requirement for app dev is a tough one to break down to verifiable/provable concretes.

"The Cold Start Problem with AI" (http://ow.ly/TXok30jz8Rj ) JK--It's about getting started modeling a problem when you don't have good data.

"4 Data Lake Solution Patterns for Big Data Use Cases" (http://ow.ly/vepU30jz8K6 ) JK--Maybe I'm an incurable geek, but I love the crisp analysis behind these patterns & the information-packed but nevertheless elegant diagrams. A keeper.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Nine Inch Nails "The Lovers" from Add Violence JK--2017. Haven't heard them in a while. Great one.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Florence + the Machine "Sky Full of Song" from Sky Full of Song JK--2018. Love it. She holds that powerful voice in check. Quiet, mid-tempo, thrilling slice of soul.

"Arrogance Peaks in Silicon Valley" (http://ow.ly/8CEw30jz7Yb ) JK--"I won’t name names or give examples because I’m not an asshole." Then what's the point of blogging about this at all? Please give us hot steamy attitudinal turds extruded directly from the Valley's nether regions

"nGraph: A New Open Source Compiler for Deep Learning Systems" (http://ow.ly/XjQL30jz7Fd ) JK--What's new is that Intel has indeed open-sourced it. Check out my #SiliconANGLE discussion of nGraph and other neural-net compilers from the week before last:

"CIOs won't own enterprise machine learning -- they'll enable it" (http://ow.ly/RpU830jz5Kf ) JK--Nicole Laskowski extensively interviewed/quotes me in this.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Why  tech companies should put AI visionaries in the executive suite" (http://ow.ly/5bKz30jz5II )

"IBM launches open-source library for securing AI systems" (http://ow.ly/g4uQ30jyT6h ) JK--Adversarial Robustness Toolbox. Records threat data to assist developers in creating, benchmarking, and deploying practical defenses on deep learning algorithms.

Did you ever get to the end of an intense workday and been shocked how many apps, docs, & tabs you've opened and forgot to close? This has been one of those days.

Separately interviewed Messrs. Morrissey and Marr today on camera. Forgot to cross-check their stories of why the Smiths disbanded. Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before.

Had fascinating conversations on #theCUBE today so far with Hortonworks' Scott Gnau and Abhas Ricky, Munich Re's Andreas Kohlmaier, & big data uber-influencer Bernard Marr. I've cited prolific author Marr in my work numerous times over the past several years. #DWS18

Catch my tweets the next two days from DataWorks Summit 2018 in Berlin. #DSW18. I host #theCUBEinterviews here. We will be speaking with execs from #Hortonworks, #IBM, #MunichRe, and others from the expo floor.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "New solutions help enterprise data managers cope with GDPR’s heavy hand" (http://ow.ly/qKm930jxR4C )

"Hortonworks Data Steward Studio Allows Enterprises to Find, Identify, Secure, Connect Data Across Cloud & On-Prem Data Lakes" (http://ow.ly/hXqG30jxJh7 ) JK--As-a-svc/tech preview, GA slated Q2. Also updating Data Lifecycle Mgr to encapsulate/copy data btwn private & public clouds

As someone who lives in th state that got Europe addicted to tobacco, I must say that Germans are serious smokers. I've not been a single place in Berlin in the past 24 hrs where there werent folks outside puffing their brains out. In America, U just dont see it that much any

I generally agree to websites' request to use cookies. But I wish they'd specify what type of cookie. And I'd  them to send me a cookie every time I consent. Preferably, peanut butter with those impressed fork criss-crosses to strongly authenticate that the webmaster baked it

Hip Berliner expatriates have ned my hometown to theirs. I think they're crazy. The principal wall cleaving the Detroit area is the psychological one separating the majority-black city from the majority-white suburbs. And that hasn't come down.

Nice chat with Quocirca's Bernt Ostergaard. He recognized me sitting in the Estrel Convention Center in Berlin. We worked together at Current Analysis and then at Forrester. Exceptionally nice guy, very talented analyst, based in Copenhagen. He's writing fiction too (in Danish).

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Leonard Cohen "Suzanne" from Songs of Leonard Cohen JK--1967. I don't recall a "lonely wooden tower" in the New Testament. Did Leonard have some private stash of biblical apocrypha? I wouldn't put it past him. He had friends upstairs.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "AI powers the catalogs of next-generation big data" (http://ow.ly/IgLr30jwpgT )

Read the Aer Lingus inflight magazine. Profiles of hip Irish 30-somethings who've moved to southern California and are making a go of it there. Somehow, they imagine that consistently sunny skies will brighten their career outlooks. Lotsa luck. It's no paradise.

"Elephant in the room: Hortonworks CEO thinks Hadoop software will keep driving big data" (http://ow.ly/FkzG30jwleE ) JK--I'll be interviewing #Hortonworks execs on #theCUBE this week at #DataWorksBerlin.

"The Top 10 Things We’re Doing...To Comply With The GDPR" (http://ow.ly/SL3P30jwkJi ) JK--Europeans lowering the regulatory boom on May 25. Applies to any business in other country that wishes to do business here. Right to privacy.

Fell right to sleep in my hotel room in Berlin after the long flight. Caught a bit of the city in the rain through jetlagged eyes. Checked out my worksite at the Estrel. Ate some heavily breaded pork pancake or something. Drank a wheat beer. Falling back to sleep as I type this.

Catch me this week at #DataWorks Summit Berlin. I'll be hosting #theCUBEand have interviews planned with big data analytics vendors, enterprise customers, etc.

Caught “Phantom Thread” on DVD. Daniel Day-Lewis is the most inward actor. Here he plays an exceptionally tightly wound neurotic dressmaker with his usual burning intensity. Please don’t retire.

Raked several bags of fall leaves. My yard’s bushes love to hold fast to them all winter and disgorge them in spring when the weather warms.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “New AI systems on a chip will spark an explosion of even smarter devices” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/04/13/new-ai-systems-chip-will-spark-explosion-even-smarter-devices/ …)

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Joni Mitchell "Court and Spark" from Court and Spark JK--1974. Her 6th studio LP. Immediate commercial & critical success. Remains her most successful album. I remember it all over the radio that year, though you had to buy it (I did) to hear title track 

"What’s hot in AI: Deep reinforcement learning" (http://ow.ly/vu8d30jtub1 ) JK--Good overview of frameworks and libraries in this emerging area. For  detail on this topic, check out my recent article:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Grandaddy "A Lost Machine" from Last Place JK--2017. Nice one by these indie veterans from last year. They do forlorn without sounding morose. A bit  Flaming Lips but slightly less quirky.

"Airbus Unveils New Drone to Inspect Airplanes" (http://ow.ly/V79b30jtpwM ) JK--Cool. They should also invent a tiny one for in-cabin duty to inspect seatback pockets for nasty gunk the cleaning crew overlooked.

I provide all the tech support in my home. But I have to call in professional help when our family parallel TCP/IP socket server is on the fritz. Fortunately, there's a fix-it shop in the neighborhood that can deal with multithreading & multiprocessing in C. That always stumps me

The precious word du jour is "curated." When somebody says they're giving you a "curated" list of whatever, I'd  to ask what's the alternative: some random sequence of items that bear no relationship to each other? The alphabet, for example, is a curated list of letters.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “From Amazon to Umbo, big computer vision advances are coming to the edge” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/04/12/amazon-umbo-big-computer-vision-advances-coming-edge/ …

"AI will solve Facebook’s most vexing problems, Mark Zuckerberg says. Just don’t ask when or how" (http://ow.ly/b3bK30jstRF ) JK--Reminds me. You can't spell "Hail Mary pass" without "AI."

"Bank of America, Harvard form group to promote responsible AI" (http://ow.ly/7ghc30jssXU ) JK--That bank exec must have grown up in a different part of Michigan than me. We were never taught to "hit the deer." But we were taught to take another hit of that beer.

"Caffe2 Merges With PyTorch" (http://ow.ly/sf8K30jsswo ) JK--This is no surprise. PyTorch is  of a developer favorite than Caffe2. Facebook's move addresses that reality.

"Automated Deep Learning – So Simple Anyone Can Do It" (http://ow.ly/RnAT30jssiO ) JK--Mentions a startup I'd never heard of before: http://OneClick.AI 

"Graph databases and machine learning will revolutionize MDM strategies" (http://ow.ly/ZCmR30jsrIl ) JK--Interesting, but would be  convincing if Zornes explained what's been holding the MDM vendors back from integrating graph tech heretofore

"On Machine Learning and Programming Languages" (http://ow.ly/Yl1U30jsrd0 ) JK--"Expect to see new or existing languages customized for the kind of numerical, differentiable, parallelizable, and probabilistic computations needed in ML."

"‘The Business of War’: Google Employees Protest Work for the Pentagon" (http://ow.ly/dgtl30jsqCK ) JK--Is Google the new Dow Chemical? Is AI the new Napalm? Here's the Vietnam War protest I'm referencing:

"Deep Learning’s Uncertainty Principle" (http://ow.ly/z00Q30jsquM ) JK--"Networks with greater generalization are less interpretable. Networks that are interpretable don’t generalize well." 

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Death Cab for Cutie "Transatlanticism" from Transatlanticism JK--2003. A fairly stately moodiness here. When Ben repeats that "I need you so much closer," you feel him and/or the object of his longing making that wish come true. Across the oceanic gap.

"Industry 4.0" (http://ow.ly/kA2f30jsfYz ) JK--I'm starting to hear this term . Not sure how useful it is. Seems to trace a sketchy history from William Blake's dark satanic mills to Elon Musk's dark satanic bots.

"New research shows successful founders are far older than the Valley stereotype" (http://ow.ly/N4hE30jsfjC ) JK--I've noticed that. For example, I googled Cloudera founder Mike Olson's age during our discussions. He's just a few years younger than me. I'm not young.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp CCFX "The One to Wait" from CCFX EP JK--2017. Isn't that the coolest vibe running through this?

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Depeche Mode "The Things You Said" from Music for the Masses JK--1987. It took me about a decade after their debut to recognize that Depeche Mode was a classic 80s band. By which point they'd become a classic 90s band.

DC's Sinclair-owned TV station broadcast some obnoxiously defensive & garish multi-colored flashing don't-believe-what-they-say-about-us bit last night. Only things missing were all caps, exclamation points, misspellings, & gratuitous Hillary-bashing to make it even  Trumpian

"Are artists or scientists better at future predictions?" (http://ow.ly/65Nh30jscuc ) JK--Artists may have much larger, longer-lasting audiences for their speculations than most scientists. Hence, you're  ly to be aware of an HGWells, ACClarke, or AHuxley's speculations

Nice to reconnect with all the data industry analysts in Santa Monica. All the usual suspects, as suspicious as ever. Cloudera arranged it well, with lots of opportunities to chat with their executive team. They've added some great new talent recently to drive DW & data science

My favorite biz spam is of the "we would  to partner with your company to seek beneficial opportunities to our mutual advantage" variety. Absolutely no indication of what they do, awareness of what we do, or what partnering opportunities might make sense. All options are open

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Via Sovrin, IBM supports user-centric global identity on blockchain” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/04/11/ibms-support-user-centric-global-identity-blockchain/ …)

I’m surprised that Zuckerberg doesn’t have a business suit with a hoodie.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Can graph databases fulfill the hype? No one will know until AWS’ Neptune arrives at year-end" (http://ow.ly/XHeE30jpYjl )

"18 Ways to Calm Down When You're Stressed" (http://ow.ly/Zo0030jpGkx ) JK--All the usual/obvious tips (eg "take a deep breath"), but misses what I find most effective: break down your anxiety to something concrete you can take immediate action to incrementally alleviate.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Amen Dunes "Miki Dora" from Freedom JK--2018. Great one. Love that stalking cadence. Reminds me of the Cave Singers. Apparently, this NYC-based group has had several previous LPs, though they're new to me.

The new me is an old man. The old me was a young man. Same man, never knowing whether he's behaving his age or aging his behavior.

New jk #Datanami column: "Blockchain Starting To Feel Its Way into the Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem" (http://ow.ly/jwme30joWs1 )

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn "How Hortonworks is weathering the big-data market’s shift away from Hadoop" (http://ow.ly/w46c30joQsQ )

"MobileNetV2: The Next Generation of On-Device Computer Vision Networks" (http://ow.ly/AOzq30jolcn ) JK--Google releases faster,  accurate embeddable mobile AI for visual recognition, classification, object detection, semantic segmentation

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Gwenno "Hi a Skoellyas Liv a Dhagrow" from Le Kov JK--2017. Cardiff-based singer-songwriter Gwenno Saunders. Her father is Cornish, mother Welsh. The song title is Cornish and translates to "She Shed A Flood Of Tears."

"Learning to navigate in cities without a map" (http://ow.ly/psZ230jojQZ ) JK--Reinforcement learning. Interactive navigation environment that uses 1st-person-POV photographs from Google Street View. Visually driven AI agent rewarded when reaches target destination

"DAWNBench" (http://ow.ly/nxab30jojlJ ) JK--Stanford releases benchmark suite for E2E training/inference, including common-DL-workload ref set 4 quantifying training time/cost, inference latency/cost across different optzn strategies, model architectures, SW frameworks, clouds, HW

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Lucy Dacus "Night Shift" from Historian JK--2018. Song quietly slips a fairly disturbing image into your head at the start.

"Retro Contest" (http://ow.ly/x1yr30jogAy ) JK--OpenAI's transfer-learning contest that measures a reinforcement learning algorithm’s ability to generalize from previous experience. So the next gaming app you develop can inherit and build on some savvy trained into previous games.

"Product–services bundles boost AI" (http://ow.ly/s0bS30joghw ) JK--Equivalent to the "appliances" wave that rolled through the data management market 10 years or so ago. This current wave is primarily focused on intelligent storage infrastructure driving AI/DL/ML DevOps pipeline.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Benny Soebardja "Candle Light" from The Lizard Years JK--Early 1970s psychedelic rock from Indonesia. Artist hails from Tasikmalaya, West Java. His work has been re-released on Seattle's Light In The Attic records. Musiknya bagus!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Carl Perkins "Boppin' the Blues" from Best of the Sun Sessions JK--1956. Sun Records release co-written with Curley Griffin. Flipside "All Mama's Children" co-written with hotshot young labelmate named Johnny Cash.

"Elon Musk’s nightmarish warning: AI could become ‘an immortal dictator from which we would never escape’" (http://ow.ly/tFLG30jnSXY ) JK--What is this guy's issue?

Rewatched "Notting Hill" on the flight coming over. I'd forgotten how expertly it played the pathos. Almost  a rich beautiful chord. I replayed Julia Roberts' reading of "I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her" over and over. Nailed it perfectly.

Saw "I, Tonya" on DVD. Wife & I agreed that it made us pity her. Margot Robbie should have gotten the Oscar for this, not Alison Janney.

"Google Assistant now understands Indonesian" (http://ow.ly/HHzZ30jnSCz ) JK--Terima kasih!
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Sharing stories with other analysts at the hospitality event at the #Clouderaconference. Others have grandchildren the same age as mine. And photos to show. Damn, we’re old.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ten Fé "Single, No Return" from Single, No Return JK--2017. One of my very favorite songs from last year. This one carries you  a fast train bound for glory.

Thank you Amex Global Business Travel for informing me that my flight 6 weeks from now will be leaving 3 minutes earlier than originally scheduled. That was a close call!

Heading out to LA for the #Cloudera analyst event. Here's my perspective on them from this past week: http://ow.ly/1zlH30jndQ6 #SiliconANGLE

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: " With recent announcements, Nvidia and Adobe put AI in the hands of creative professionals" (http://ow.ly/1Tom30jmlbd )

Mueller...Mueller....Mueller. I keep hearing Ben Stein's voice in this constant repetition of that name in the news. Only a matter of time before he's the only Republican left who Trump hasn't already appointed and fired. It's always everybody's day off in this administration.

"'Killer robots': AI experts call for boycott over lab at South Korea university" (http://ow.ly/P43v30jlOq4 ) JK--Mirrors the furor among Google employees over their R&D collaboration with US DoD on autonomous weapons:

"Artificial intelligence – the application of Turing coin in life" (http://ow.ly/sqo330jlNuV ) JK--Poorly worded. Near as I can tell, this is a cryptocurrency useful only to buy & sell "smart contract" access to AI training data (and enforce policies on its use) in a blockchain.

"Next Generation Automated ML" (http://ow.ly/J8ee30jlMOX ) JK--Vorhies on European startup http://Tazi.ai : one-click automated concurrent algorithm/model evaluation, champion-model promotion, hyperparameter tuning in streaming/continuous-learning architecture

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jay Rock, Kendrick Lamar, Future, James Blake "King's Dead" from Black Panther: The Album (music from and inspired by) JK--2018. Great one. Sounds  a pickup game of fast tag-team hiphop.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Autonomous digital twins at the network’s edge: thoughts about http://SWIM.AI ’s announcement” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/04/05/autonomous-digital-twins-networks-edge-thoughts-swim-ais-announcement/ …)

What the world needs are smart digital assistants that function  the smartest analog assistants: listening to your words, understanding what they mean, grasping your full intent, and then promptly informing you that you're totally full of s**t.

What cracks me up is all the articles updating we white people on how Neanderthal we truly are. My dumb caveman brain figured that out long ago. We have backward DNA. Unga bunga, me see "DNA" backwards in "NeANDerthal." Me not dumb!

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "The AI compilation wars: Intel, Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, IBM and others arm for deep learning acceleration" (http://ow.ly/AuOm30jl1kz )

"UX design for AI products" (http://ow.ly/mMeB30jkysr ) JK--Article provides good guidance for chatbot UX, but proceeds from false premise. Not all "AI products" involve conversational UI.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Mary Margaret O'Hara "Body's in Trouble" from Miss America JK--1988. Toronto-based singer-songwriter. Younger sister of actress/SCTV alum Catherine O'Hara. Suggests a bit Rickie Lee Jones, a bit Patti Smith. 

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jessica Risker "I See You Among the Stars" from I See You Among the Stars JK--2018. OMG! That is enchantingly fairy-tale pretty!

"Noodle on this: Machine learning that can identify ramen by shop" (http://ow.ly/VKoF30jkxnv ) JK--Sounds frivolous, but I'll bet this approach can be adapted to trace the source of food-borne illnesses/poisoning.
0 replies1 0 s

"The 5 Pillars of Fluid ML" (http://ow.ly/diQ130jkwCr ) JK--Excellent discussion by IBM's Dinesh Nirmal. "Being fluid means accepting from the outset that your models will fall out of synch....set accuracy thresholds and automatic alerts to let you know your models need attention."

"Emotion AI: Why your refrigerator could soon understand your moods" (http://ow.ly/76yi30jkwne ) JK--Does the m*****f****r know I'm pissed off at it for failing to keep my lettuce crisp?

"What worries me about AI" (http://ow.ly/N5w530jkw4U ) JK--Speaking of "worries": "Disclaimer: These R my own personal views. I do not speak 4 my employer. If U quote this article, please have the honesty to present these ideas as what they are: personal, speculative opinions,...."

Public whitepaper, Alexander Kott, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD: "Challenges and Characteristics of Intelligent Autonomy for Internet of Battle Things in Highly Adversarial Environments" (http://ow.ly/IWnh30jkvOp )

"Military documents reveal how the US Army plans to deploy AI in future wars" (http://ow.ly/7T2030jkvzA ) JK--Unattended sensors, fire-and-forget guided missiles, unmanned aerial systems, armed robots of every type, intelligence, & form of locomotion, manipulation, & coordination

"NASA embraces AI in hunt for evidence of distant habitable planets" (http://ow.ly/EvLJ30jkuPj ) JK--Until such time as they get that long-delayed space telescope out there, and even then, AI is our best deep-space probe. Webb still grounded in Redondo Beach

"Principles of computation in neural networks, real and artificial" (http://ow.ly/dVe130jktRd ) JK--Very thought-provoking and meta. The Tristan chord & Arcimboldo image. Did he intend the self-referential poetry of "the brain should not be thought without its natural constraints"?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp David Byrne "Dog's Mind" from American Utopia JK--2018. Another nice new one from this guy who's never stopped making sense.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Yellow Magic Orchestra "Simoon" from Yellow Magic Orchestra JK--1978. Tokyo-based group. Deliciously intricate and buoyant electronica. Makes me want to dance in the pale moonlight.

"The Evolving Kin-Directed AI Nation" (http://ow.ly/Fldn30jksPW ) JK--Title makes no sense & article doesn't help. Here's a mystifying excerpt: "It is an era of AI nation that carry on a cooperative behaviour and inhibit dispersal of resources in an Internet of Things environment" 

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Cloudera has trouble shifting toward a total focus on the cloud era” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/04/04/cloudera-trouble-shifting-toward-total-focus-cloud-era/ …)

Catch me at #DataWorks Summit 2018 the week after next in Berlin. I’ll be hosting #theCUBE, interviewing big-data analytics industry execs. #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Roy Orbison "I Drove All Night" from The Essential Roy Orbison JK--1987. Released posthumously in 1992. Good one. His classic yearning voice always catches your attention.

"Genesis of AI: The First Hype Cycle" (http://ow.ly/mapl30jj7ti ) JK--Substance & the hype are older than me. BTW, don't John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, & Alan Turing look shockingly young in these photos? Easy to forget that geniuses often make their core discoveries in their 20s

"Blockchain use cases where IoT and distributed ledger technology meet" (http://ow.ly/QvVQ30jj78a ) JK--Interesting study co-authored by Jeremiah Owyang and Jessica Groopman:

"Blockchain will make AI smarter by feeding it better data" (http://ow.ly/vSVr30jj6w5 ) JK--Article makes shaky assumptions about tech's future adoption, about privacy on blockchain data, & re whether withholding data would result in "better" data for "smarter" AI predictive apps

I don't suppose the Almighty will condition my entry into paradise on my knowledge of the particulars of the React 16.3 JavaScript UI library. But boning up just in case. You never know.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Simon & Garfunkel "Save the Life of My Child" from Bookends JK--1968. Fun trivia: one of the first commercially released songs ever recorded using Moog synthesizer. S&G took classes from Moog. Brought “enormous contraption” into studio & used it as bass.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sera Cahoone "Couch Song" from The Flora Strings Sessions JK--2018. Re-recording re-release of one of her early gems.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Simon & Garfunkel "America" from Bookends JK--1968. Song sparked nationwide mania for NJ-based Mrs. Wagner's Pies, who went belly-up the following year. Mrs. W then began to wander aimlessly, looking for America. Last spotted near the Delaware Water Gap

"Kubernetes gains momentum in big data implementation process" (http://ow.ly/VESA30jhW30 ) JK--Exceptionally important platform for the increasingly decoupled, distributed, and orchestrated fabric of AI in the cloud.

"Machine learning projects" (http://ow.ly/uB3S30jhVRC ) JK--Cool educational tool from Great Britain for teaching schoolchildren how to do simple/useful things with the technology.

"What Will Our Society Look  When Artificial Intelligence Is Everywhere?" (http://ow.ly/MJqD30jhVjx ) JK--Smithsonian mag article projects future off-grid religious backlash communities "where people live in a time before AI." The Amish of AI?

You've reached your article limit for the month. NO SOUP FOR YOU!

"How the AI cloud could produce the richest companies ever" (http://ow.ly/xJCY30jhUMx ) JK--Depends on how you define "rich." They could compete in a race to the bottom: tooth-and-nail revenue growth, but suffer razor-thin margins in every AI-infused commoditized product niche.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Jim James "Lucky Man" from Tribute to 2 JK--2017. Excellent cover of the Emerson, Lake, & Palmer prog-rock classic.

"Algorithms Can’t Tell When They’re Broken–And Neither Can We" (http://ow.ly/eTlN30jhTSi ) JK--Blackboxes are mysterious to themselves. Hence, need for strong "AI safety" guardrails along lines of what I discussed here:

"Putting Blockchain Models to Work within the Enterprise" (http://ow.ly/M8gU30jhT9N ) JK--Per MapR's JScott: Bitcoin’s proof of work "would be massive waste of energy to apply to internal Blockchains.” Should write units of work "using whatever approach works best" for enterprise

"Hiding Images using AI — Deep Steganography" (http://ow.ly/Njcv30jhSfr ) JK--Cuts both ways. You can smuggle secret images within images. But you can also hide a watermark certifying cover-image provenance, & use that as a secure digital signature to flag steganographic tampering

"GDPR & AI" (http://ow.ly/ECBC30jhRMf ) JK--Will boost "algorithm transparency" in every organization's practices: "providing meaningful information about logic involved...explaining significance/consequences of choice/strategies/algo...right to human intervention if requested"

"GDPR and the Paradox of Interpretability" (http://ow.ly/v51S30jhRat ) JK--Guaranteed "right to explanation" favors less accurate algorithms over the  explicable. Society suffers from greater risk of false positives/negatives in every area of algorithm-driven decision making

I publish so much stuff, that half the time when I'm looking for a good source for my next, I have half a mind to quote one of my own and state "as veteran analyst James Kobielus said...."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp David Byrne "Gasoline and Dirty Sheets" from American Utopia JK--2018. Nice new one from the guy I can't help but always think of as Mr. Talking Heads Man.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Girl Ray "The Way We Came Back" from The Way We Came Back JK--2018. Nice sleepy feel to this. Feels  rolling out of bed after a good night's sleep.

"Silicon Valley Rivals Take Shots at Facebook" (http://ow.ly/3vto30jhPlc ) JK--Right now, in the late 2010s, it's pretty much everybody's social-media experience.

"The Golden Age of America Online" (http://ow.ly/zKrB30jhP0q ) JK--For a few years in the early '90s, it was pretty everybody's online experience.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “With new Google investments, TensorFlow is now AI’s leading development framework” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/04/02/new-google-investments-tensorflow-now-ais-leading-development-framework/ …)

"AI-powered ambient computing is just getting started" (http://ow.ly/iQ9330jgI9a ) JK--In other words, sensor-infused dynamically contextual intelligence is embedded in everyday objects and automates amazing experiences 24x7.

"The ethics of AI in the shadow of GDPR" (http://ow.ly/Awro30jgHPB ) JK--Privacy is far  than an issue of storing/deleting data. It's also an issue of what intelligent statistical inferences you can make from even the scantiest personal data.

"Blockchain is on a collision course with EU privacy law" (http://ow.ly/2fQQ30jgHIi ) JK--An unchangeable distributed data record pretty much nullifies "right to be forgotten."

"Here's What the Media Should Really be Focusing on With Blockchain Technology" (http://ow.ly/jmG730jgHz4 ) JK--Yeah, mesh networks have survivability advantages, but they're also malware magnets par excellence.

Drafted next #Datanami column: "Blockchain Starting To Feel Its Way into the Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem"

"Emmanuel Macron Q&A: France's President Discusses Artificial Intelligence Strategy" (http://ow.ly/CTNk30jgx1j ) JK--"I want AI to be totally federalized." WTF? Is this a code word for the French tendency to nationalize key sectors & thereby strangle innovation?

"National Geographic’s Photography Erased People. It’s Too Late For An Apology" (http://ow.ly/uoZ030jgwKg ) JK--It's not just people of color in other countries. NatGeo's back issues always showed a too-white countenance throughout the USA, including the deep South.

"What is GitHub?  than Git version control in the cloud" (http://ow.ly/vdf530jgw69 ) JK--"Something  a social networking site for programmers." BTW, has nothing to do with "gits" in the British sense. Also, no truth to rumor that Pope may rebrand the church as "GuiltHub."

"Give up coffee? Fuhgeddaboudit, say New Yorkers after California ruling" (http://ow.ly/fo3G30jgvPR ) JK--Deprive them of their caffeine, a fair number of people will take up smoking.

"Investing In Marijuana Businesses: Are Hedge Funds Coming To The Cannabis Industry?" (http://ow.ly/jxZZ30jgvBz ) JK--Probably not. The plant grows best in open fields, not in the hedges.

"AngularJS, Basic to Expert: Day Two" (http://ow.ly/4Ri730jgvgy ) JK--What about Day Three? Do we graduate to World's Foremost Authority?

Tech articles that their publishers, syndicators, and others republish for weeks or months into the future on various channels under various headlines. I need a "you've already read that, putz!" browser add-on for those.

Caught “To Kill A Mockingbird” on Netflix. Great, of course. Somehow, I’d managed to go my entire life without seeing the movie or reading the book. 

April Fools Day. Enough with the bit about it being Easter. I wasn’t born yesterday.

Easter brunch at brother’s. We talked of many things, including the usual topic of who most resembles which grandfather. We reached brotherly consensus on that issue long ago.

Easter morning at the fitness club. The guy on the treadmill seems to always be here. He probably thinks the same about the guy tweeting from the elliptical.

“‘Citizen AI’: Teaching artificial intelligence to act responsibly” (https://venturebeat.com/2018/03/31/citizen-ai-teaching-artificial-intelligence-to-act-responsibly/ …) JK--Article mostly just restates the thesis implicit in the title without providing much concrete guidance.

A supposedly new body organ has been discovered. Something called the “interstitium.” I’d  to suggest that it’s not really an organ unless you can do an -ectomy on it.

Walking one of the older neighborhoods near our house. This place dates back to the 1930s or so. I notice that many of the older homes are being ripped out and replaced by minimansions. The gentrification of Kathmoor.

Nice to get out. March was intense. Glad I got those taxes behind us. It’s blue sky. Still a bit chilly, but it’s OK. Easter eve.

“Roseanne” is back. That’s great. I can carry forward my streak of not watching or caring about her or her show into the 21st century. 

Good Friday. We had salmon today. I’ve been having salmon for Good Friday since I was little. The difference is that now I genuinely  salmon. It’s no obligation.

“’2001: A Space Odyssey’ Returning To Theaters w/Unrestored 50th Anniv Cut” (http://ow.ly/3tP330jeM24 ) JK--Twice the length, half the dialogue, and much slower than the original. Also, will restore Kubrick's "West Side Story" style musical subplot involving the apes' girlfriends

"Tesla Looked  the Future. Now Some Ask if It Has One" (http://ow.ly/DjJG30jeKHV ) JK--Will the one going to deep space be regarded some day as a fossil from a long-extinct species that barely emerged from the egg? 

New #jk#InformationWeekcolumn: "Neuroevolution Will Push AI Development to the Next Level" (http://ow.ly/oITw30jeHG0 

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Pure Storage, NVIDIA, and the AI Market’s Shift Toward Workload-Optimized Hardware Platforms" (http://ow.ly/3Tp030jeFfP )

Thanks to everybody in my field who says they read my published output so they can keep up. Believe it or not, I write so I can keep up. None of this comes easy to me. I read all of your stuff too.

Brushing up on old proverbs, such as “mind thine own beeswax” and “to thine own beeswax be true.” Those remain relevant in these troubled times.

Had a good briefing with computer vision startup Umbo today. We went out for Thai and they showed me their camera and discussed with AWS partnership. Hope to hear  soon.

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Oracle Brings Artificial Intelligence Into Their Data Management Toolchain" (http://ow.ly/m7uf30je2yI )

My favorite spam headline of the morning is "USD donated to you." Yes, indeed, I'm setting myself up as a charitable foundation. I'm doing good deeds constantly. I'm walking little old ladies across streets and so on and so forth. Fund me please!

"How to Tell When a Product Is Truly Powered By AI" (http://ow.ly/FJQX30jdFI8 ) JK--Haha. Considering that no two AI professionals can seem to agree on a definition of "AI," that's a bit rich. Let's simply flag when a product is truly powered by GMO-powered AI.

"Is it Time to Panic about American Ignorance of Deep Learning?" (http://ow.ly/zpKW30jdFtv ) JK--Yes, it's time to panic. It's time to gouge our eyes out because the average American doesn't know their variational encoder from a hole in the ground.

"DeepMind boffins brain-damage AI to find out what makes it tick" (http://ow.ly/wm2b30jdFcr ) JK--Not exactly. Test which artificial neural network connections have the biggest contribution to results. Simplify the nets. Test again. Simplify. Repeat. Make them  efficient.

"The next generation of Initial Coin Offerings will actually have to follow the rules" (http://ow.ly/ymTf30jdESb ) JK--Yes. In the future, duped investors must be able to tokenize their misery & sell that in virtual exchanges.

"Walmart has patented autonomous robot bees" (http://ow.ly/TMoL30jdEws ) JK--A bit of a mystery. Not being groomed as greeters, I suppose.

"NVIDIA Transforms the Workstation for the Age of Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/LxPt30jdC6a ) JK--Workstation for high-performance generative AI apps for creative professionals.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Grizzly Bear "Cheerleader" from Veckatimest JK--2009. This one starts with a gallumphing beat. Listen how the band lightens and levitates it from one verse to the next. Listen for when the background choir enters it. Awesome musicianship.

New jk #InfoWorld column: "How AI can help solve the ‘fake news’ problem" (http://ow.ly/8EgW30jcQwZ )

New jk #Wikibonblog: "AI’s Absorption into the Mainstream Web App-Dev Ecosystem: How AT&T, Tech Mahindra, IBM, and Others are Pushing the Bar" (http://ow.ly/3YgY30jcCYI )

"Linux Foundation pushes open-source AI forward with the Deep Learning Foundation" (http://ow.ly/476O30jcjnj ) JK--Includes launch of Acumos AI Project: "platform and open-source framework to make it easy to build, share, and deploy AI apps."

"Algorithmic Impact Assessments: Toward Accountable Automation in Public Agencies" (http://ow.ly/F4of30jchcu ) JK--Wow. Another layer of red tape in government processes. Just what we need to gum up the civic governance works even . Oh, goodie!

"Why humans learn faster than AI—for now" (http://ow.ly/hosF30jch1q ) JK--In AI parlance, it's called "transfer learning." Yeah, AI researchers are working on that too.

"'Death to JavaScript!' Blazor, for .NET Web Apps Using WebAssembly, Goes Alpha" (http://ow.ly/wJk130jceJJ ) JK--It's not clear how adding yet another layer of complexity is supposed to reduce the insane complexity of the JavaScript ecosystem.

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Where to Next for Kinetica, MapD, Sqream, and other GPU Database Vendors?" (http://ow.ly/AZ7s30jbvJW )

"GPU databases are coming of age" (http://ow.ly/GhPr30jbct6 ) JK--Article puts SQream, Blazegraph, BlazingDB, Brytlyt, Kinetica, MapD, and PG-Strom in this category. Arrays of GPU-server slaves with CPU-based master node delegating parallelized subqueries to each.

"IBM fiddles with Apple on new AI services" (http://ow.ly/37Ci30jbbH3 ) JK--You have to read deep into the piece to realize it's not just a dumb choice of verb, but obliquely puns some open-sourced IBM code called "Fabric for Deep Learning" (FfDL):

"New bill would prepare US for artificial intelligence threat" (http://ow.ly/R1tV30jbb3N ) JK--Too much bureaucracy. Just recommend that Trump tweet a particularly nasty nickname for AI and the threat will go away.

"Emerging Problems In AI, and Blockchain As a Solution" (http://ow.ly/AXiH30jbadd ) JK--What value does this immutable "botchain" audit trail provide if AI-based systems are already keeping secure, detailed activity logs? Many already do. Solution looking for a problem.

"Learning AI if You Suck at Math" (http://ow.ly/30G730jb9WZ ) JK--Very empowering discussion. Reminds me of my favorite self-help book: "Lose 200 Pounds on a Jelly Doughnut Diet."

"Chinese AI isn't beating the U.S. yet — and may never catch up" (http://ow.ly/vPAZ30jb7V9 ) JK--WTF? Stated reason doesn't make sense: some vagueness about US/Canada "starting over" on AI research and China not being able to, hence the former being leaders and the latter followers

"Human Data: What it is and why it is important?" (http://ow.ly/9c8Q30jb7dc ) JK--Be that as it may, I'm not buying into the "dehumanizer" stigma they're trying to attach to data brokers.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bjork "Human Behavior" from Debut JK--1993. I love how it feels  her athletic voice is bouncing on the trampoline of those drums.

"Artificial Personhood is the Root Cause Why A.I. is Dangerous to Society" (http://ow.ly/3URj30jb6sb ) JK--Amazingly stilted & pretentious. Sample: "I have now come to the realization that human compatible AI is a problem that is inextricably intertwined with human civilization"

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Cryptocurrencies and Nvidia’s Hopes for a Robust GPU Market" (http://ow.ly/IYdA30jajmI )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp"Split Enz" from True Colours JK--1980. I think this song is a masterpiece build-up and release of nervous tension.

"Commoditisation of AI, digital forgery and the end of trust: how we can fix it" (http://ow.ly/fGY130j9Jpy ) JK--The tacked-on "how we can fix it" seems slightly ridiculous coming after the overbroad/vague scoping of the 3 issues that it seems to be referencing.

"Deepfakes" (http://ow.ly/6KNQ30j9J6F ) JK--Site seems dedicated to exaggerating and inflaming popular hysteria about AI-faked revenge-porn.

"How artificial intelligence is driving digital transformation" (http://ow.ly/vUxr30j9IM7 ) JK--"Missing middle": "humans work with smart machines to exploit what each party does best."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The National "Lemonworld" from High Violet JK--2010. I love the weird repetitive flatness of Berninger's "da da da da" hook on this.

"The US military wants AI to dream up weird new helicopters" (http://ow.ly/4kto30j9I0S ) JK--Not really. As the article states, AI-driven programs generate alternatives to existing designs.

Aweekstweets May 7 to July 19 2018: the weeks I let slip away


"The Rise In Computing Power: Why Ubiquitous AI Is Now A Reality" (http://ow.ly/jyrY30l1wom ) JK--"Today, you can just say, 'Alexa, play The Beatles' and within a few seconds, there comes 'Here Comes the Sun' from your speakers." Yes, but does Alexa blame Yoko for breaking them up?

"Smart office uses biosensors & ML to optimize individual work environmts" (http://ow.ly/XcFW30l1vRX ) JK--We'll use ambient AI to fuss over getting our workspaces right. We'll fuss over whether we configured the AI OK. And we'll fuss over how our warring AI fussbots will get along

"The battle for ‘enterprise cloud’ is spilling into data centers and edge devices" (http://ow.ly/HO6J30l1vER ) JK--Reflects recent news from AWS and Microsoft. Strong alignment with my recent discussion here:

"How a Decentralised Ecosystem Will Change Big Data Analytics" (http://ow.ly/hnJS30l1vrS ) JK--Interesting discussion of distributed-database startups who've built their platforms on blockchain.

"Facebook, boosting AI research, says it’s ‘not going fast enough’" (http://ow.ly/ZZT630l1uFX ) JK--"Facebook...gives top researchers and engineers the freedom to teach classes, publish papers and split their time between academic and commercial pursuits."

"Amazon’s EC2 gets faster processors, new high-memory instances" (http://ow.ly/3QFY30l1umT ) JK--"Instance types" are essentially cloud products of an immaterial sort. Delivery of specifically quantized packaged slices of service capacity (processing, memory, storage, bandwidth).

"Airobotics makes autonomous drones in a box" (http://ow.ly/iZqp30l1udX ) JK--Cool? I find this ominous.

"Why Kubernetes Is the New Application Server" (http://ow.ly/WnaM30l1szR ) JK--Makes strong case for K8S as universal platform for 'non-functional requirements," as platform for OpenShift, Istio, OpenWhisk etc to build on for robust production quality distributed microservices.

"How Facial Recognition Could Tear Us Apart" (http://ow.ly/eEfy30l1slQ ) JK--Again?

Restaurant I infrequently go to sends its usual "'would you like a free cookie?' (if you buy a minimum dollar amount from the rest of our menu at their normal prices)" promo email. What is this? Try harder. I'm not 3 years old.

New jk #InfoWorldcolumn: "Powering AI: The explosion of new AI hardware accelerators" (http://ow.ly/7k3j30l1qhw )

Trying not to remember what I’ve published recently. I try not to overlearn my own work. New subject matter is best approached on its own terms, not as it relates to my bibliography.

"Watch: A robotic race car zips around this historic track without a driver" (http://ow.ly/gmW030l0SlH ) JK--Perhaps they'll wipe-out at higher speeds than human drivers would ever dare. Might be amusing (as long as there are no imperiled humans physically present in the stands)

"Reps from 150 tech companies sign pledge against 'killer robots'" (http://ow.ly/IlPf30l0RYm ) JK--"Lethal autonomous weapons systems.... weapons that can identify, target, and kill a person, without a human 'in-the-loop.'" Somehow, having human killers-in-the-loop isn't reassuring

"BlueData launches open-source initiative to optimize Kubernetes for AI and analytics" (http://ow.ly/1wgm30l0QQV ) JK--"BlueK8s": initiative starting with KubeDirector: streamlines packaging, deployment, & mgmt of complex distributed stateful AI applications

"Cryptominers plateau while backdoors shoot up" (http://ow.ly/yoNg30l0Qrr ) JK--"But backdoor malware detections against businesses soared by 109% compared, mainly driven by a single campaign dubbed Backdoor.Vools that was associated with cryptocurrency miners"

"Performant." A word that only exists inside the weird lexicon of IT professionals. Just once, I'd like to hear an ESPN announcer yammer on about how incredibly performant the hottest team in the league has been since the all-star break.

Asheton with his post-Iggy frontperson Niagara from Destroy All Monsters. Long ago.

Ex-Stooge guitarist Ron Asheton's 70th birthday bash at Blind Pig in Ann Arbor last night, featuring J Mascis, Kim Gordon, Mike Watt, et al. http://ow.ly/KnEm30l0MUa . http://ow.ly/hmlV30l0MZ7 #kexpI saw him with his post-Stooge group Destroy All Monsters at Second Chance, A2, 1980

"Elon Musk’s ‘pedo’ attack rattles Tesla investors: ‘This thing is unraveling’" (http://ow.ly/A1wU30l0ppp ) JK--His recklessness is getting the better of him, and my sense is that what's coming next won't be pretty for Tesla, SpaceX, and the rest of his dreams of empire.

Let's parse this "retraction": "The sentence should have been...'I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be Russia'." Trump probably didn't see any reason why it wouldn't be Hillary & the DNC spying on themselves and trying to help him win. I bet that'll be his next clarification.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpCharlotte Gainsbourg "IRM" from IRM JK--2009. Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique. Chanson magnifique composé par Monsieur Beck, le génie américain. Très bon.

Yesterday, both the Google Cloud (http://ow.ly/NRNO30l0nCO ) and Amazon website (http://ow.ly/B1KL30l0nEr ) went down. Same day.

"With its Snowball Edge, AWS now lets you run EC2 on your factory floor" (http://ow.ly/hUhu30l0naj ) JK--Radically decentralize your AWS cloud deployment (data, storage, processing, compute) out to ruggedized devices on the edge of your IoT.  here:

"Remembering Brian Riggs" (http://ow.ly/k7YO30kZNoi ) JK--RIP Brian. He was a good guy and a fine analyst. I knew him during the years (2006-2007) we were both at Current Analysis. http://ow.ly/PeA630kZNtE 

New jk #Datanamicolumn: "The Pain of Watching AI Become A Pawn in the Geopolitical Fray" (http://ow.ly/MVfw30kZFpn )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpQueen Latifah "U.N.I.T.Y." from Black Reign JK--1993. Very nice call-and-response flow in this rap.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpIce‐T "You Played Yourself" JK--1989. Very cool blend of hiphop, R&B (that's a James Brown-ish one-chord guitar riff), & jazz (those horns).

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpClodhopper "Cafe Joli" from Red's Recovery Room JK--1998. Great story song. Best lines: "oh my god it's Huey P/well i wish they'd never set him free/i'm afraid of his eyes/no i don't wanna go there."http://ow.ly/oWor30kZzQR 

"Your cloud should adapt to you, not the other way around" (http://ow.ly/7tYD30kZvc0 ) JK--Le nuage? C'est moi!

"On Neural Networks" (http://ow.ly/Y3wA30kZuTo ) JK--The venerable Vint argues for guardrails on catastrophic AI misfires. See my recent Dataversity column on this:

"Medical AI Safety: We have a problem" (http://ow.ly/rLf730kZsU6 ) JK--"For the 1st time ever AI systems are replacing human judgement in actual clinics. For 1st time ever AI systems could directly harm patients, with unsafe systems leading to overspending, injury, or even death"

"Technological entanglement" (http://ow.ly/UsoA30kZs51 ) JK--Good discussion of cooperation, competition and the dual-use (commercial, military) dilemma in artificial intelligence and cross-border R&D partnerships.

"Seedbank — discover machine learning examples" (http://ow.ly/h3Mw30kZrIC ) JK--Google provides provides access to a dynamic, online, browser-executable code encyclopedia for AI systems. Website: http://ow.ly/TmhJ30kZrPu 

Hortonworks announces general availability of HDP 3.0 (http://ow.ly/zE3n30kZrgY ). Also check out my trip report from DataWorks last month (http://ow.ly/7PMb30kZr5g ).

New jk #InformationWeekcolumn: "How Clouds Will Crystallize Around Blockchain" (http://ow.ly/wl4s30kZqBI )

I tense up when somebody says they "read your article" and want to discuss "it," without telling me which article. So I instantaneously and internally replay a mental cache of every word I've ever written, just to be prepared. I'm totally on top of it at all times.

Trump is sort of like the Groucho Marx character in "Duck Soup," the leader of Fredonia, but without the laughs.

Given how crazy the news cycle is these days, I'd suggest that journalism schools, when they teach the fundamental 5 Ws, tack on an extra W for "WTF."

"AI Flood Drives Chips to the Edge" (http://ow.ly/zr3K30kYxnw ) JK--"As many as 50 companies are already said to be selling or preparing some form of silicon AI accelerators. Some are intellectual-property blocks for system-on-chips (SoCs), some are chips, and a few are systems."

"Kubernetes Without Servers" (http://ow.ly/9NVn30kYwML ) JK--Running Kubernetes orchestrations of containerized microservices in serverless environments. My brain is hurting from all the twists in cloud services architectures, but this feels important.

"What machine learning means for software development" (http://ow.ly/W9OF30kYw66 ) JK--ML as abstraction layer for automated code generation, which is fundamental to my #Wikibon"augmented programming" discussion here:

"Satisfy GDPR standards and identify issues early in the pipeline" (http://ow.ly/zfHf30kYvKl ) JK--I'd never heard this "shift left" terminology before: push more of the compliance-prep work toward the Dev and away from the Ops end of the software development life cycle.

"AI a Big Focus at Microsoft Inspire" (http://ow.ly/BB0y30kYv2b ) JK--The AI Practice Development Playbook for partners is really good. Best overview of Microsoft AI platform I've seen so far: http://ow.ly/LpLe30kYvdq 

"Oracle's cloud blockchain service is ready for prime time" (http://ow.ly/XJzO30kYtda ) JK--Quotes me.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpDesmond Dekker "007 (Shanty Town)" JK-1967. Great rocksteady song. Dekker wrote it about student demonstration against government plans to raze a shantytown on beach to build an industrial complex.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpDesmond Dekker "Israelites" JK--1968. A fairly substantial top-40 hit on US radio then. Not clear what "Israelites" had to do with "Bonnie & Clyde," till you realize it's a Rastafarian lamentation on destitution tempting the enslaved into a life of crime.

Today in social media, more people making big showy productions about quitting Facebook, trying to encourage all their Facebook friends to do likewise, posting self-righteous anti-Facebook screeds, and getting lots of Facebook "likes" and shares and vigorous discussion about it.

"How to Order Wine at a Restaurant" (http://ow.ly/GTqi30kY5FQ ) JK--Snap your fingers and, in a really lame French accent, bark out "garçon, I would like to order ze wine!!"

"The immune system and the pathogenesis of depression" (http://ow.ly/pic430kY5ys ) JK--During chronic infections and other medical conditions associated with intense immune activation, "sickness behavior" syndrome can develop into a depressive episode.

"AI Is Humanity’s Trojan Horse: Alluring at First, Dangerous Down the Road" (http://ow.ly/oGtV30kY4Qi ) JK--Absurd conflation of all AI with "deepfakes." BTW, dumb figure of speech: the people of Troy didn't use the Achaean-gifted booby trap "down the road" to pull their chariots

New jk #Dataversitycolumn: "What Does It Mean to Certify an AI Product as Safe?" (http://ow.ly/2Q5g30kY2O1 )

I love rum and Coke. But I prefer rum and Pepsi. Especially rum and diet decaffeinated Pepsi. It’s more exotic.

Re-reading Garrison Keillor’s “Book of Guys” and laughing in all the same places as I did 20 years ago. Especially the bit about Earl Grey actually being the abandoned effete middle child of a pandering Georgia congressman.

I’m getting better at switching seamlessly and in mid-stride from one elliptical to a better one ~10 feet away behind me and two over. I consider the machines an ensemble that I personally orchestrate. No one yokes me.

Am I a “morning person”? I exist 24/7. There’s no after-hours curfew on my personhood.

Most useless new Twitter overnotifications tell you when somebody tweeted “after a while” & share some random tweet”in case you missed.” After a while, nobody misses any of this. Don’t spam us.

Saw indication that it's National French Fry Day. Also have heard rumors that it's National Macaroni & Cheese Day. I'm not a fancy man. Please alert me when it's National Eat a Nine-Inch Stack of Saltine Crackers Straight Out of the Box Day.

Parade magazine interview with Billy Joel. Dotson Rader asks the tough questions. “What attracts you to women?” I didn’t realize that this was some unusual condition in the male of the species.

“Facial recognition technology: The need for public regulation and corporate responsibility” (https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2018/07/13/facial-recognition-technology-the-need-for-public-regulation-and-corporate-responsibility/ …) JK--Cut to the bullet list for Microsoft president Brad Smith’s suggested regulatory priorities.

Substitute yoga teacher today. The one who won’t shut up and let us breathe naturally. The one who overspecifies every asana. Oh, you need to explain every time how to do Proud Warrior 2? I’ve done it thousands of times & always forget.

TV commercial about “major medical condition that many people don’t know they have.” You may be at risk. Ask your doctor. Ask about some pharmaceutical many doctors don’t know about. They may be at risk of malpractice if they don’t prescribe it ASAP. Hurry!

Was a good week. Did a lot of research. Clarified my thinking on a bunch of things. Wrote it all up. Will all be published on coming weeks. Four things in the pipeline. Waiting for the publishers now.

"The Slugger Who Is on Track for the Worst Single Season in Baseball History" (http://ow.ly/RF0p30kWkSu ) JK--Fun fact: Chris Davis' birth name was Joe Shlabotnik.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpThe Beatles "Ticket to Ride" from Help! JK--1965. Cool percussion where Ringo just holds that same insistent roll from start to finish with nice unshowy fills at regular intervals and deft change-ups on the bridges to keep it from feeling robotic.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpTame Impala "Music to Walk Home By" from Lonerism JK--2012. Cool percussion that seems to pan back and forth across a multicolored electronic field of sound.

"The Autonomous Car Security Platform" (http://ow.ly/QIaI30kWiPi ) JK--Cube uses an interesting blend of blockchain (store autonomous-vehicle software-binary hashed signatures for preventing malware injections) & AI (detect hack-attack attempt signatures that target vehicles)

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpVan Morrison "And It Stoned Me" from Moondance 1970 JK--The singer-songwriter waxing nostalgic about his Belfast childhood and the whisky-filled jelly rolls that were so popular back then.

"Glow: Better Reversible Generative Models" (http://ow.ly/AtyM30kWhBd ) JK--I played with this face-mixer just long enough to confirm the obvious: mixing Beyonce Knowles & Rashida Jones produces yet another beautiful female face.

"An Overview of National AI Strategies" (http://ow.ly/VwBW30kWhgw ) JK--I seriously doubt that Trump or his inner circle has even the slightest clue or interest in AI.

"Reinforcement learning’s foundational flaw" (http://ow.ly/Hruk30kWfTg ) JK--Calls for blending pure RL with prior instructions, knowledge/skills & demonstrations of the skills to be learned. Transfer, multi-task, few-task, & meta learning. See also part 2:

"AI system for editing music in videos" (http://ow.ly/KQxF30kWfmP ) JK--MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory has developed a deep-learning system that can isolate sounds of specific instruments in a music performance video, and make them louder or softer.

"H3 Dynamics Launches H3 http://Zoom.AI for Smart Cities, Pioneering High-Rise Inspections Using A.I. & Drones" (http://ow.ly/A5yI30kWeH6 ) JK--Wow! Curious if they've built anti-voyeur

"PR & Data Management: How to Get (& Measure) Better Results" (http://ow.ly/jo2q30kWeeb ) JK--"Track & therefore measure PR-driven results such as increased website traffic & leads with greater accuracy"? Don't kid yourself. It's a relationship biz that defies crisp monetization

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpLisa Germano "Crash" from Slide JK--1998. A moody gem with a big beat.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpTim Buckley "Wings" from The Best of Tim Buckley JK--1966. This man had a beautiful voice.

Gillian Anderson. I knew she was from Grand Rapids MI, but then I heard her speak as herself in a plummy perfectly calibrated English accent. WTF? Then I looked it up. She spent part of her childhood in London. She’s “bidialectal.”

Took interesting briefing from ALTR: Austin-based startup, recently emerged from 4-year stealth, with platform for blockchain-based digital data security across the enterprise.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpRichard Swift "Lady Luck" from Ground Trouble Jaw JK--2008. Nice soul song. Artist recently passed away at 41. Also worked with The Shins, Damien Jurado, David Bazan, Foxygen, The Mynabirds, Laetitia Sadier, Cayucas, Guster, The Arcs, and Black Keys.

"Snowflake Computing’s cloud data warehouse lands on Microsoft Azure" (http://ow.ly/dVqi30kV46s ) JK--Quotes me.

Useful overview of similarities and differences between EU's GDPR and California's new privacy law: http://ow.ly/1lHW30kV3wi 

"Alphabet spins drone and internet balloon projects into independent companies" (http://ow.ly/ll1y30kV0GS ) JK--Cites commercial apps (http://ow.ly/Icol30kV0MP ), but you'd be naive not to think the military is eyeing this stuff closely.

"Facebook labels Russian users as ‘interested in treason’" (http://ow.ly/UkTS30kV0i5 ) JK--"Firm removes category....from ad tools"? That was a ridiculous inclusion in the first place. What sorts of advertisers pitch their wares to people interested in betraying their country?

"Blockchain phone"? "Pop-up screen hidden inside the phone"? "Access your cryptocurrency [in a] cold wallet" protected by an inside-the-phone firewall? (http://ow.ly/Agyu30kUZs2 ) Innovation, yes. But no real sense for whether there's any actual demand for these doodads.

“Microsoft Is Smoking Amazon In The Cloud” (https://seekingalpha.com/amp/article/4186702-microsoft-smoking-amazon-cloud …) JK--”Azure has been growing at a much faster pace compared to its larger rival, Amazon Web Services, for many quarters straight.”

Recently dead skunk on the main road ~100 yards from our house. Now I know the source of the mysterious stink a couple of nights ago when we had the windows open. Unusual wildlife for this neighborhood.

Whenever there's a lot of Twitter likes and s for something I publish, the only metric that matters to me is what percentage of those are NOT from some vendor I mentioned in a positive light. But I'm glad they like it too. I need all the social friends I can get.

"Intel/Mobileye Responsible Sensitive Safety" (http://ow.ly/vu6P30kUspZ ) JK--Safety assurance of autonomous vehicle decision-making in AI era. Reinforcement learning proposes AV next action. Deterministic “safety layer” overrides an “unsafe” AV decision. A rule-based failsafe.

"Google's new policy boss will tackle everything from AI anxiety to antitrust" (http://ow.ly/Y6pI30kUs56 ) JK--Tackle "anxiety"? By doing what? Continuing the algorithmic beatings until customer morale improves?

"The Future of Pets: Therapeutic Robot Cushions and Cat Cafes" (http://ow.ly/z3Q830kUrN3 ) JK--Need a vendetta robot that scratches back at any real cat who attempts to claw at your best upholstered living-room chair. Teach that animal a lesson they'll never forget.

Now that the "do not call registry" has been such a stunning success, I'm expecting a "do not spam registry," a "do not pop-up irritating stuff while I'm browsing registry," and a "do not keep asking me if I'm cool with cookies, I am, dammit! registry." With equivalent results.

"Oasis Labs creating an AWS-like blockchain-based cloud computing platform for smart contracts" (http://ow.ly/OE4M30kUqPo ) JK--Potential to speed secure transaction processing over blockchains. Sorely needed, if it works.

Another pitch for a customer sentiment analysis solution. Machine learning determines whether the sentiment is negative, based on the tone and language, and what you can do about it. That's not enough. Need root cause analysis. Does the customer have an attitude problem?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpBully "Focused" from Losing JK--2017. I think I've got a new themesong. Not "losing" or "bully." I am trying to stay focused.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpClem Snide "Joan Jett of Arc" from The Ghost of Fashion JK--2001. "She'd fix me a dinner of sunflower seeds/And ready-whipped topping inhalers/And take me down south with Hall and Oates in her mouth/My first love my Joan Jett of Arc."

Ah geez..these drop-down alphabetical lists I have to scroll through to declare my nationality....quite a slog to get to "United States of America"...thinking of applying for Albanian citizenship just to make my life a bit easier registering for stuff online.

"The AI revolution has spawned a new chips arms race" (http://ow.ly/p1A930kUeY4 ) JK--"Don’t need to think of backwards compatibility. We’re reinventing the kinds of processors good at these kinds of tasks and doing it in conjunction with the software to run on them.”

"Taskonomy" (http://ow.ly/TTtk30kUdfE ) JK--Task taxonomy: a directed hypergraph that captures the transferability of an source task's statistical knowledge to a target task, for transfer learning & artificial general intelligence.

Another morning of tech press releases.  vendors being recognized as leaders.  customers selecting them to unlock new value.  seven-digit deals to deliver innovations to one of the largest privately owned telcos in EMEA.  digital revolutions in the offing.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexpCowboy Junkies "The Things We Do to Each Other" from All That Reckoning JK--2018. Veteran Toronto group releases their next LP on Friday. Nice to hear Margo's voice again. Always sounds supremely rooted.

"The 2018 Microsoft Product Roadmap" (http://ow.ly/YpUz30kSNAG ) JK--In other words, the latest versions of the Microsoft products that were on the market pre-Azure. The only one of these that wasn't Redmond's (yet) in 2008 is Skype.

"Artificial Intelligence can accurately predict distribution of radioactive fallout" (http://ow.ly/htsK30kSNgn ) JK--Thanks. I'll be sure to check it before I emerge from my subterranean refuge after a nuclear holocaust.

"Blockchain as a Re-invention of the Business" (http://ow.ly/Pzpy30kSM5l ) JK--This is a better-than-average blockchain-uber-alles post. It sketches out the how AI will power the blockchains that enable the emergence of decentralized autonomous organizations in the cloud.

"GDPR for marketing: What U.S. content management execs need to know" (http://ow.ly/17YL30kSLJN ) JK--What they need to know is that "get your DX GDPR act together" is the least-inspiring call to action in all creation.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp!!! "AM/FM" from Strange Weather, Isn’t It? JK--2010. Strange bandname, isn't it? Have to wonder what they were on when they agreed to call the band Three Exclamation Points. DJs said they pronounce it "chick chick chick."  'splainin' to do. Whatever

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Hadoop’s star dims in the era of cloud object data storage and stream computing” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/07/09/hadoops-star-dims-era-cloud-object-data-storage-stream-computing/ …)

"GitHub vs. Bitbucket vs. GitLab: An epic battle for developer mindshare" (http://ow.ly/pMcV30kRJSi ) JK--Good discussion of pros, cons, and features of each.

"Job Loss and AI: Startups Accentuate the Positive" (http://ow.ly/bGxg30kRJBS ) JK--OK. But I'll bet there's some money to be made messing with Mister In-Between.

"Future Data Architectures: Musings from 2018" (http://ow.ly/8NDC30kRJ6O ) JK--Most interesting here are the semantic abstraction layers that insulate business users from changes in database engines, data pipeline tools, and BI tools. AtScale, Dremio, etc.

"California’s New Data Privacy Law Takes Effect in 2020" (http://ow.ly/Sxuy30kRIC0 ) JK--Similar to GDPR. Gives consumers the right to know how their data is used, why it’s being collected, and also to bar companies from selling the data.

"AI spots legal problems with tech T&Cs in GDPR research project" (http://ow.ly/vNxV30kRHGK ) JK--Still-in-training privacy policy & contract parsing tool is called ‘Claudette‘ (clause detector) is being developed by researchers in Florence. Hey boss, any sanity clause detector?

"AI network made of DNA can identify 'molecular handwriting'" (http://ow.ly/nUkL30kRHr1 ) JK--Wow. I suppose this hastens the day when they build neural networks from actual neurons. My synapses are firing on all barrels over this.

"7 surprising companies where you can work on cutting-edge AI technology" (http://ow.ly/kBoE30kRH2I ) JK--Huh? Not a single one of these is surprising. If one of them had been, say, Cracker Barrel, I might have been surprised.

"Baidu no-code EasyDL tool could democratize AI..." (http://ow.ly/rQS630kRGoS ) JK--What this means is that you build apps by dragging, dropping, & connecting icons representing AI capabilities. Provides library of 110 AI functions, also available for programming via open APIs

"When Is It Important for an Algorithm to Explain Itself?" (http://ow.ly/wuCC30kRDgp ) JK--And when is it important for an algorithm to excuse itself from the room and take its poor excuse for manners outside.

"Dealing with heteroskedasticity; regression with robust standard errors using R" (http://ow.ly/1Mmv30kRCUz ) JK--Honestly, more people are dealing with the pronunciation of "heteroskedasticity" than are worried about standard errors using R. Some are barely coping.

"The rise of 'pseudo-AI': how tech firms quietly use humans to do bots' work" (http://ow.ly/7F6r30kRCw5 ) JK--That's old news. I mean, the Flintstones quietly used monkeys to make prehistoric TVs operate.

My favorite blog clickbait headline has the form "[Provocative, counter-intuitive, or mostly attitudinal proclamation]. Here's why." Implies that the blogger is some great oracle on whatever it is and is simply revealing the gospel truth. Life sucks. Here's why

"Atari’s Hard-Partying Origin Story: An Oral History" (http://ow.ly/SaWW30kRzJL ) JK--Back in the day, they did their best work after-hours when the boys would sit around hitting the Pong.

"Can Artificial Intelligence Dream?" (http://ow.ly/Ir4b30kRzBs ) JK--Yes, it can, and it's dreaming of the day when you're not placing all this pressure on it to perform.

"The Mental and Metaphysical Effects of Microdosing LSD" (http://ow.ly/tfh830kRzp0 ) JK--Hate to mess with your mind, but how can you be sure you're not hallucinating these benefits?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpHaerts "New Compassion" from New Compassion JK--2018. Cool one. A choral chant all the way through. First time I recall this on a popsong since John & Yoko's "Give Peace a Chance."

Another article about "blockchain ethics,""AI ethics,""big data ethics," etc. At what point did morality become something you slap onto some technology paradigm, as opposed to being a foundation of human engagement with this and everything else in our lives?

"My conversation with a coding nun" (http://ow.ly/Oqe830kRy3U ) JK--There should be one in every programming team: to appreciate the divine mystery of automated information systems and pray it doesn't all come crashing down and hasten your final day of employment.

"Mar-a-Lago files request to hire 61 foreign temporary workers" (http://ow.ly/mzvs30kRxKn ) JK--I'm sure there's a good reason. But it's important that no other US business be able to do likewise. That would pose a serious threat to national security.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpLee Hazlewood "A House Safe for Tigers" JK--1975. Title track from soundtrack to one of the 7 TV movies Lee Hazlewood made with director Torbjörn Axelman during his period living in Sweden in the early 1970s. Moved there to help his son avoid the draft.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Elvis Presley "Blue Moon of Kentucky" from Elvis at Sun JK--1954. Bill Monroe cover. Flip side of Presley's first hit record "That's All Right."

Had a less-than-optimal experience at a local eatery last week. That almost made me want to go on Yelp and tell the tale. But that's probably the reason many people use for going on Yelp. And that tells the tale about why I don't use Yelp. Bias toward culinary score-settling.

Best clickbait headline of the morning: “Phoebe Cates is 54 and unimaginable today.” What is she now? Some incorporeal being who resides in the outer reaches of Alpha Centauri? I can imagine that.

Near as I can tell, I’m the only member of this club who dances on the elliptical. I exercise hands-free in all dimensions. Agile isn’t agile if it’s fragile in any direction.

Doing my Sunday morning workout at the club, thinking ahead to the french fries we’ll enjoy at McDonald’s. My wife and I dangle a regular series of token indulgences to keep us motivated. Neither of us values expensive stuff.

“‘No comment’: The death of business reporting” (https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/business/no-comment-the-death-of-business-reporting/2018/07/06/4fbca852-7e31-11e8-bb6b-c1cb691f1402_story.html …) JK--Good article, but thesis is a bit off. You can and should report on the stonewallers. Once they realize that giving you access helps them manage a story’s impact, they are more likely to do so.

One of my favorite fitness-club fools is the self-styled muscleman who preens in front of the barbells for a couple of minutes, makes exactly one attempt, grunts showily while doing so, then walks away. What do you think this is? Olympic clean-and-jerk finals?

A hallelujah morning. Heatwave broke overnight. Cool air, low humidity, it’s Saturday, and new music I’m enjoying over a light breakfast.

Saw “The Shape of Water” on DVD. Interspecies romance is kinky.

Workweek began with unwelcome surprise. On my nerves all week. Workweek ended with surprise root canal. Ripped those nerves right out. Went straight to yoga. It’s no panacea.

"Different Flavors Of Serverless Marketing " (http://ow.ly/s7eL30kPCTR ) JK--Highlights distinction between "serverless computing"& "functions as a service." See my #Wikibon take on "serverless" (http://ow.ly/jiuA30kPD2N ) vs. "functional programming" (http://ow.ly/YwzS30kPD4U )

"Rush using ML, analytics on images and unstructured data" (http://ow.ly/2pMJ30kPBmW ) JK--Disappointed. I expected a Geddy Lee angle here, such as him running his voice through a ML-driven pre-amp and then turning the helium effect up to 11.

"An AI speed test shows clever coders can still beat tech giants like Google & Intel" (http://ow.ly/NCal30kPB5f ) JK--Right. Don't succumb to the "big data" myth of what makes this stuff work well. It comes down to clever modeling & training. Don't throw gobs of data at bad models

"Debunking Google's Death AI" (http://ow.ly/pc2R30kPzNz ) JK--Curious whether Google's influencer relations team has reached out to this blogger. I doubt that they want the meme of "death AI" associated with their brand. It's simply a predictive model of hospital-patient mortality

"The State of Artificial Intelligence in 2018: A Good Old Fashioned Report" (http://ow.ly/T3XX30kPxpg ) JK--Very good and comprehensive slideshare. Of course I flipped through all 156 slides to make sure I'm not missing any bases in my coverage of the same. I'm relieved. I'm on it.

Quit labeling music as "alternative." Each piece of music is an alternative to any other piece. You might as well label Ozzy Osbourne as "alternative" to lullabies.

Bought, downloaded, & very much enjoying Spike & Debbie's new LP "Always Sunshine, Always Rain." Lovely set of light & lilting samba-pop from these Cardiff, Wales artists. Debbie Pritchard's happy voice has quite a calming effect. Spike Williams works his usual instrumental magic

Yes, Scott Pruitt, your stewardship of EPA was indeed a divine mission. God visited your epic corruption down on America as a punishment for our environmental sins.

Thank you Specific Make/Model of Item I Casually Searched For On Amazon Today for stalking me in ads on Facebook: It’s good to know that the digital mega-brands are ganging up to serve every ghost of a whim I let slip into cyberspace.

"Cloud wars 2018: 6 things we learned in the first half" (http://ow.ly/feLZ30kOsCW ) JK--Wikibon's recent report showed that public clouds--especially AWS and Microsoft Azure--are starting to dominate big data analytics ecosystem:

"Testing machine learning interpretability techniques" (http://ow.ly/PHft30kOrv3 ) JK--Highlights what's crazy-difficult about this: "ML models combine variables, but we need explanations based on single variables."

"Capture the Flag: the emergence of complex cooperative agents" (http://ow.ly/joKD30kOqXu ) JK--Multi-agent multiplayer AI-driven gaming in which bots and bodies collaborate & compete for fun and prizes. See my thoughts on such stuff a while back: http://ow.ly/bfX830kOr4m 

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpYo La Tengo "The River of Water" from 7" single JK--1985. Their very first recorded release. Nice indie jangle-pop stuff from Hoboken NJ. Backed by cover of Love's "A House Is Not a Motel." Ira & Georgia plus lead & bass guitarists who didn't stay.

"Getting started with reading Deep Learning Research papers: The Why and the How" (http://ow.ly/UyYS30kOpHd ) JK--“Nothing makes you feel stupid quite like reading a scientific journal article.” Good list of research to subscribe to. I read arxiv daily.

Best clickbait come-on line of the morning: "Photoshop Didn't Exist Back Then, So Yes This Photo Is Real." Yes, it's a fact that Adobe Photoshop is technologically incapable of manipulating photos that were taken before 1988.

I don't think coffee, tea, or any hot beverage are intrinsically calming. What's calming is the feel of lazy steam rising from them into your face.

I scan the tech news looking for something new. I also scan the news to make sure I'm not totally ignorant of what's going on, even if I don't read it in depth. If I can glance at something and roughly recognize it, I move on. One less thing I might be blindsided by. Relief.

"How a Stream Works" (http://ow.ly/M6J530kOofn ) JK--What's most interesting about this is are 4 stream types in Node.js: writable, readable, duplex (readable/writable), and transform (duplex streams that can modify or transform the data as it is written and read it).

"Managing Privacy In A Data-Driven World" (http://ow.ly/Vnhx30kOo5O ) JK--Geez: "if you’re in Europe, you won’t even be able to adjust your thermostat unless you agree to the updated privacy policy."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpPusha T "Santeria" from DAYTONA JK--2018. Cool male-female duet with rapped & sung English & Spanish parts. Very fusion.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpAlanis Obomsawin "Odana" from Bush Lady JK--2018. Reissue of 1988 recording in her native tongue. Obomsawin is Abenaki, born in New Hampshire, grew up in Quebec. Singer, songwriter, filmmaker, First Nations activist.  here: http://ow.ly/zG1Y30kOn2M 

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpHappy Rhodes "When the Rain Came Down" from Ectotrophia JK--1996. This singer has an astonishing 4-octave range. This sounds like a duet between Annie Lennox & Kate Bush, but it's all from the vocal tract of one woman. Awesome song too.

"The Land Before Binary" (http://ow.ly/yyi730kOjwo ) JK--Interesting article, until makes ridiculous claim that some Polish researcher "came up with the concept of the INFOSTRADA (a project the Soviets quickly killed) which eventually became Al Gore’s internet."

“DTE Energy Music Theatre in Clarkston MI”? Don’t tell me they renamed Pine Knob! This new sponsored name sucks big time!
1 0 s1 like

I’m still puzzled about what specifically Yankee Doodle was calling macaroni: a feather or his cap. And I’d like to know what he was calling cheese. His snuff?

The Temptations perform on the National Mall in “A Capitol Fourth.” Of course I whip out the IPhone to Google who’s original. Otis Williams. They still have the smooth moves, harmonies, and outfits.

Finished the audiobook of Anthony Bourdain’s “Kitchen Confidential” (2000). I’m no foodie and not even much of a restaurant-goer, but that was one beautifully written book. Pure poetry. He voiced it with his full personality.

Slept in. Or, rather, my nervous system roused itself from slumber at the usual hour, but felt no urgency to do anything useful. Hump-day holiday. Happy 4th!

WETA “Washington in the 80s” retrospective. Davey Marlin-Jones.  annoying than Gene Shalit. I remember 1980-ish when WDIV ran DM-J’s spots in the Detroit market. I could not change channels fast enough.

Oh. U2 “Songs of Innocence” is still on my iPhone. I listened to it maybe once. I’ve never felt like I have to listen to any of theirs just because they’re U2. Free and default didn’t sweeten the deal. Must delete.

So sick of music critics extolling rap/hiphop as the great music of our century. No it’s not. It’s boring and has long overstayed its welcome.

Love how the Washington Post slyly inserts dry sarcasm into straight reporting of Trump’s insanity--e.g. “It could not be learned why Trump was linking the company’s 2017 sales figures to a decision it made in the middle of 2018.”

“Trump again scolds Harley-Davidson” [for relocating production overseas]. While his tariffs on steel and aluminum make it uneconomical for foreign motorcycle manufacturers to site plants in the US. He expects nasty tweets will do the trick.

"GitLab: We're Moving From Azure to Google Cloud Platform" (http://ow.ly/MJw730kMUT8 ) JK--Stated rationale makes no mention of the fact that GitLab's biggest competitor is being acquired by Azure's parent, Microsoft.

"If you thought GDPR was bad – just wait for ePrivacy Regulation" (http://ow.ly/6X7i30kMU7r ) JK--Sounds like the EU is just asking for its economy to collapse from regulatory overkill.

Keep in mind that when you as a brand engage industry influencers, you do so to gain access to their audiences. A larger audience is your marketing megaphone.

"Data science expert interview: Influencer roundtable" (http://ow.ly/aefu30kMNQi ) JK--Example of influencer program I ran while at IBM. I handpicked each of these influencers because they had something to say. Notice that, as moderator, I wasnt weaseling IBM endorsemnts from them

"Brands React: Why Is it So Hard to Let Go & Trust Influencers?" (http://ow.ly/o4tn30kMN44 ) JK--Because they're not extensions of your marketing dept. They have audiences who tune into their honest opinions, which may or may not align with your go-to-market message. Accept that

"6 Drivers of Mental & Emotional Stress in Infosec" (http://ow.ly/17Aa30kMLa6 ) JK--It's not just information security specialists who suffer these stresses. Everybody in IT does, including IT industry analysts. Everybody labors 24x7 to keep a punishing pace in a bewildering space

Did my first Zumba class this morning. It’s OK. I tried to keep a line of sight to the instructor, who’s Beyoncé-agile, and keep the other men out of my peripheral vision. Model my moves on grace. Personal deklutzification strategy.

"What’s New in Deep Learning Research: Teaching Computers How to Code" (http://ow.ly/WzTK30kMlSY ) JK--Report on Microsoft "program synthesis" research into "neural-guided deductive search."

"Neurala launches its Brain Builder to speed up neural network data preparation" (http://ow.ly/9mJO30kMkIs ) JK--Automated data tagging is AI applied to the training of AI, which is what helps these algorithms do their jobs more automatically and accurately.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpHeart "Magic Man" from Dreamboat Annie JK--1976. Nancy's righteous guitar and Ann's soaring voice made this Pacific Northwest band stand out in the '70s. Sleater-Kinney also had this dynamic: the unrelated Carrie & Corin.

"Underwriting AI Safety" (http://ow.ly/NS2k30kMi4V ) JK--Underwriters Laboratories' is planning to test AI product safety? Curious how they'll scope that amorphous effort. Hope they read some of my work on this: http://ow.ly/3cSZ30kMi9W 

"In FL, State-Funded Private Schools Use Books Claiming Noah Saved Baby Dinosaurs" (http://ow.ly/Wttw30kMhl1 ) JK--Not entirely true. Noah actually saved archeopteryx, for its plumage. He made the rest of the dinosaurs walk the plank. Noah actually means "extinction man" in Hebrew

Battles over what gets published in school science, history, & social studies textbooks. I don't know about you, but I only read the textbooks in order to pass the classes. For my actual learning, I tended to read everything else, especially the stuff the grownups were reading.

New jk #WikibonResearch Note: "Developing Next-Generation Applications for the Augmented Browser" (http://ow.ly/zLWa30kMgCr )

Toys R Us out of business and liquidated. Sold off everything including the racks and signs. Had to deeply discount those Rs. Damaged goods. They’ve been backward for decades.

Will publish my next #Wikibon note tomorrow. A special for my loyal fans who want to imbibe deeply from the keg of JavaScript development frameworks while celebrating the 242nd anniversary of US independence. It’s either this or picnics with the family. Your choice.

Thank you microbrew I’d never heard of before and may never see again. My hunch is that your business model was to brew me this one can of pale ale and then vanish. I deeply appreciate your principled ephemerality.

Hey Facebook, send me a time-series analytic showing which friends have come and gone on the service, participating for short bursts then losing interest and essentially dumping it. I suspect that most do so eventually.

Thank you weather app for informing me that tomorrow, at 94 degrees, will be 5 degrees “colder” than today. I’ll grab my scarf and mittens out of storage.

I want to thank the data science twittersphere for continuing to  a ho-hum blog I wrote in haste a few years ago on my previous job.

"12 top machine learning data catalog firms" (http://ow.ly/5Os030kLgRu ) JK--The term "machine learning" is unnecessary here: Alation, Collibra, Reltio, IBM, Unifi Software, Cambridge Semantics, Cloudera, Infogix, Informatica, Oracle, Waterline Data, Hortonworks

"The importance of data curation in information management" (http://ow.ly/E5eY30kLgjH ) JK--We need curators to strike made-up words like "trans-situationary" out of articles like this.

"How facial recognition helped police identify the Capital Gazette shooter" (http://ow.ly/Jmqj30kLeEw ) JK--Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center compared photo against images of known offenders, the state’s entire driver’s license databases, and the FBI’s mugshot database.

"OpenAI Five" (http://ow.ly/DM4W30kLe7M ) JK--"One AI milestone is to exceed human capabilities in a complex video game like StarCraft or Dota....The hope is that systems which solve complex video games will be highly general, with applications outside of games."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpAmen Dunes "Dracula" from Freedom JK--2018. This is shaping up to be one of my favorite LPs of the year.

"Great Power, Great Responsibility: The 2018 Big Data & AI Landscape" (http://ow.ly/rGZm30kLdz5 ) JK--Nice to see Matt Turck's logo-compression algorithm hard at

"Machine learning will redesign, not replace, work " (http://ow.ly/UkNI30kLd69 ) JK--That's a dumb claim. "Machine learning" is just an approach for inferring insights from data. It has no power to re/design anything, but people may use it in the service of some design initiative

"What Is Psychographics? Understanding The ‘Dark Arts’ Of Marketing That Brought Down Cambridge Analytica" (http://ow.ly/QhQG30kLcHX ) JK--Dark arts? Psychographics? Qu'est-ce que c'est? Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa better run run run run run run run away!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpJim James "No Secrets" from Uniform Distortion JK--2018. Excellent rocker from the My Morning Jacket frontman's latest/4th solo LP.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpRickie Lee Jones "Weasel and the White Boys Cool" from Rickie Lee Jones JK--1979. Cool album cover & groove. Still sounds great. Artist is beat-jazz-pop a la Joni Mitchell and Tom Waits. Was clearly an influence on Sheryl Crow.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpMitski "Nobody" from Be the Cowboy JK--2018. Good song. I like the arrangement on this. Nice bounce from keyboards to guitars to drums.

New jk # TechTarget column: "How AI is teaching robots to speak fluent human" (http://ow.ly/tbcp30kL9Kg )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpDe'Anza "La Puerta" de Cosmic Dream JK--2018. Cantadora fue nacido y criado en Santa Fe, Nuevo Mexico, EU. Viva en Los Angeles.

"Transfer Learning Project Looks to Reuse Training Data" (http://ow.ly/S6XC30kL8jX ) JK--References my #SiliconANGLE#Wikibonresearch into this.

"Amazon develops transgender resources for employees" (http://ow.ly/vIdL30kL7mC ) JK--Every employer should extend the same protections, courtesies, and sensitivities to all LGBT personnel.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpDJ Koze "Music on My Teeth (feat. José Gonzalez)" from Knock Knock JK--2018. Great one. Always pleasure to hear some fresh José.

"China's AI-infused corner store of the future" (http://ow.ly/Xxnw30kL5xO ) JK--"Corner store"? "Mom and pop store"? These Americanisms sound ridiculous when you consider that Asian retailing occupies every niche of the streetscape & tends to be run by extended families.

"DeepPhish: Simulating Malicious AI" (http://ow.ly/gJoN30kL5aD ) JK--Used training database of 1.1M phishing URLs. "If AI is being used to prevent attacks, what is stopping cyber criminals from using the same tech to defeat both traditional and AI-based cyber-defense systems?"

Having fun at Creative Cauldron in Falls Church. Community nonprofit that encourages local students to develop their performing arts skills. Tonight we’re celebrating the life of our friend Juan Febles.

Downloaded the Audible app. Got my first audiobook free. Chose the late Anthony Bourdain’s “Kitchen Confidential,” in the author’s distinctive voice. An excellent listen. Plays more like participatory journalism than memoir.

Why wouldn’t the protagonist of “Take Me Out To The Ball Game” buy their own damn peanuts & Cracker Jack? What a mooch!

“America’s favorite pastime”? When did Americans start playing baseball just to pass the time? This makes it sound like reading a 3-year-old copy of Better Homes & Gardens in the dentist’s waiting room.

When’s the anniversary of when I first congratulated somebody on their work anniversary? Hey LinkedIn, please notify me of that as well.

Exhausting week, but not excessively so. Hope the coming hump-day holiday helps me recover.

"Learning from humans: what is inverse reinforcement learning?" (http://ow.ly/jYOK30kJ4lo ) JK--Extracting reward function from observed behavior of an agent, rather than specifying the reward function a priori & watching how the agent attempts to maximize it.

"My Loopy, a Tiny Social Robot with a Big and Quirky Personality, Launches on Kickstarter from LocoRobo Innovations" (http://ow.ly/lmXK30kJ3X5 ) JK--Three inches tall. Not scary. But likely to get lost under the sofa or clog the vacuum cleaner.

"Kofax Robotic Process Automation Software Creates Smarter Robots" (http://ow.ly/JeNT30kJ1GH ) JK--Super-hot emerging niche of the business process management space. Refers to software "robots," which I prefer to think of as client-emulating process-automating microservices.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpPink Floyd "One of These Days" from Meddle JK--1971. Beautiful build on this: winds, bass, synthesizer, guitar....then that weird throbbing, drumming, and distorted vocal sample that signal the transition to interstellar overdrive. Then it just screams!

"Ping adds AI-driven API protection with Elastic Beam acquisition" (http://ow.ly/NPrC30kJ0QT ) JK--Very cool approach. AI-driven real-time behavioral analysis of activity on enterprise APIs. "The moment it detects abnormal activity on an API, it automatically blocks that API."

"SequoiaDB 3.0 Released, New-Generation Multi-Model NewSQL Database" (http://ow.ly/SQAu30kJ0Ak ) JK--Quite comparable in many ways to the next-gen NoSQL database that MongoDB announced earlier this week, including ACID transactional support.

For me, the best takeaway from my webinar yesterday with Attunity and MemSQL was that my sister-in-law tuned in. Good to occasionally have family pay attention to the substance of what I do for a living. Happy birthday @laughingdi

"Extreme Networks' new AI-powered edge network solution to accelerate digital transformation" (http://ow.ly/Wuyi30kIYIE ) JK--Very cool. Automated management of service levels for device-oriented apps operating across distributed WiFi endpoints in the enterprise.

Tech marketing language tends to crystallize in comfortable clichés. That's not a bad thing, actually. When you have dozens of vendors all hitting on the same requirements with roughly comparable offerings, verbiage explaining it must hit familiar notes on the rhetorical keyboard

"Google flags bigger open-source ambitions as it steps up commitment to the Linux Foundation" (http://ow.ly/nLaj30kIYi8 ) JK--Quotes me.

Police used face recognition software to identify the shooter in Annapolis yesterday, who'd mutilated his own fingerprints hoping to conceal his identity. It's a new era for law enforcement.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpMGMT "Me and Michael" from Little Dark Age JK--2018. Haven't heard anything from them in a while. This new one is good. Last week, I heard a lounge version of "Electric Feel" at a party in NYC, and I thought of them.

RT KEXP Playlist#kexp Bob Moses "Heaven Only Knows" from Heaven Only Knows JK--2018. Sequel to his classic LP: "Bob Moses Supposes His Nose Is A Rose (But Bob Moses Supposes Erroneously)."

"Is Humanity Ignoring Our First Chance For A Mission To An Oort Cloud Object?" (http://ow.ly/UTfd30kIX9a ) JK--We need to go. My hunch is that the aliens living there just say "oort oort oort oort" all day long. We have to know for sure.

"face-api.js — JavaScript API for Face Recognition in the Browser with tensorflow.js" (http://ow.ly/zDvG30kIWEO ) JK--This should be the default strong authentication tool on every personal device.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpMazzy Star "Still" from Still JK--2018. This is one of the most minimal of their songs. I sounds like Hope Sandoval barely trying to sing and play guitar.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpSufjan Stevens "Mystery of Love" from Call Me By Your Name: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack JK--2017. Nice feather-lite ambient-ish track from the prolific artiste.

"Amazon CTO: Our cloud offers any database you need" (http://ow.ly/VirK30kI6c6 ) JK--Quotes me.

"IBM aims to solve AI’s collaboration problem" (http://ow.ly/ojYr30kI4SS ) JK--Interviewed by me and Rebecca Knight on #theCUBE at #DataWorksSummitlast week in San Jose.

"Databricks makes it easier to build AI apps using the R programming language" (http://ow.ly/tsLy30kI4Mu ) JK--Quotes me.

New jk #SiiiconANGLEcolumn: "MongoDB drives NoSQL database more deeply into the enterprise" (http://ow.ly/20tb30kHbQk )

New jk #Wikibon blog: "MongoDB Drives NoSQL  Deeply into Enterprise Opportunities" (http://ow.ly/spWG30kGSZv ) #MDBW18

In the front row, waiting for keynote at #MDBW18. Had a good day yesterday in the analyst pre-briefs and a good morning today speaking with #MongoDBcustomers. Expecting some announcements.

"Microsoft and Ernst & Young announce blockchain-based content rights and royalties management network" (http://ow.ly/lKIn30kFUyk ) JK--"System is designed to serve any industry that deals with intellectual property licensing and royalty payments."

"Decentralized Blockchain Governance" (http://ow.ly/wQ5j30kFU7e ) JK--Cryptocurrency governance, actually. Discusses how risky they are today, compared to the traditional banking system, and ideas for mitigating those risks.

The best tech vendor strategy talk tends to position short rhyming verbs around a conjunction. "Lift and shift.""Land and expand.""Rack and stack." Very punchy and action-oriented!

If it ain't fixed, don't broke it!

"Experts Bet on First Deepfakes Political Scandal" (http://ow.ly/r88z30kFNic ) JK--I'm betting that somebody puts out a fake video of Trump saying something sane and rational.

Recent protest letters by tech professionals against their employers' engagement in various US ICE initiatives: Microsoft employees (http://ow.ly/WcVG30kFMST ), AWS employees (

"If Mass Curves Spacetime, How Does It Un-Curve Again?" (http://ow.ly/CBon30kFARU ) JK--Drain the universe of all matter and energy. That would be a bummer, man.

Just received a business email from some tech professional ostensibly working out of the Aleutian Islands. Sure, I totally believe you have excellent broadband connectivity out there.

Dining at Manhattan's West Side Restaurant. Good service, good food. But can't help thinking of the Soup Nazi.

80° Fahrenheit. 30% humidity. Light breeze. Clear sky with a few wispy clouds. Air quality good. A perfect early summer evening in Central Park. Stroll I must!

New jk #InformationWeekcolumn: "Doing Computer Vision Without Cameras" (http://ow.ly/oCvN30kEVAI )

"Optimizing an artificial intelligence architecture: The race is on" (http://ow.ly/7jz530kEkJB ) JK--Discusses pros/cons of using NVMe over Fabric--rather than direct attached storage--in new I/O fabrics to speed/scale AI training & inferencing with large data sets.

"Adobe is using machine learning to make it easier to spot Photoshopped images" (http://ow.ly/HxgX30kEknT ) JK--Just in time, now that ML is making it easier to produce realistic deepfakes that make manual Photoshopping look as sophisticated as a child's fingerpainting

"Nvidia uses AI to create convincing slo-mo video by filling in extra frames" (http://ow.ly/iy7q30kEjCI ) JK--Great. Now simulate an action hero shouting a slowed-down "NO-O-O-O-O!!!!" while diving headlong to push a bad guy over the edge of a cliff. Popcorn-munching mega-hit!

"This AI program could beat you in an argument—but it doesn’t know what it’s saying" (http://ow.ly/5GT430kEj68 ) JK--Sounds like something a lazy highschool debater might lean on like Cliff's Notes. Jam your virtual index card box with wads of "ads"& "disads" you've barely read.

"Amazon: Here's why the one-size-fits-all relational database model is dead" (http://ow.ly/4O4o30kEiLx ) JK--Um, OK, but many people (self included) have been making that point for years now, eg my Feb 2014 interview response to question 2:

"Microsoft Acquires AI Startup Founded by Former Employees " (http://ow.ly/UfWB30kEioC ) JK--Bonsai's platform [uses] Machine Teaching [to] leverage your subject matter expertise to deconstruct complex problems into key concepts you want an AI model to learn."

New jk #Datanamicolumn: "Machine Teaching Will Drive Crowdsourced Cognition into the AI Pipeline" (http://ow.ly/hx7h30kEijF )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpMarvin Gaye "Got to Give It Up" JK--1977. Genius dance song. Gaye's falsetto plays like a flute over the partylike background vocals + that insistent bass. The pied piper of R&B-funk-disco.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpBuffalo Springfield "Expecting to Fly" from Buffalo Springfield Again JK--1967. Literally and figuratively atmospheric gem. Neil Young recorded it with session musicians, but released under the band's name.

No New York? No, it's NoSQL New York. Catch me this week at MongoDB World: http://ow.ly/eBlP30kEfXD . Avenida De Los Americas. Hilton Midtown.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpBlack Sabbath "Wasp/Behind the Wall/Basically" from Black Sabbath Vol. 4 (Remaster) JK--1970. 9:44 wherein Ozzy Osbourne declares his name to be Lucifer & invites you to take his hand. He should have shortened the title to "I Love Lucifer." Just sayin'

What passes for a casual conversation about politics these days is a quick slide into moaning about Trump. What passes for casual conversation about tech is having to respond to some random person's ill-informed teeth-gnashing about privacy on social media.

Caught “Red Sparrow” on DVD. An OK spy thriller. Jennifer Lawrence is a more believable Russian than Jeremy Irons or Charlotte Rampling. I can picture her as Boris Badenov’s Natasha.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpKali Uchis "In My Dreams" from Isolation JK--2018. Nice spritely quickstepping electronic dance music.

Post-Solstice. The days are getting shorter. Summer: a hot slide into darkness. Going to put up my Christmas lights early to get in the spirit of the season.

"Tech experts weigh in on the AI hype cycle" (http://ow.ly/TC2S30kCrwg ) JK--I like to think of the tech hype cycle as a sort of hydrologic cycle. It irrigates the earth with the sweat and tears of too-early investors so that the rest of us can later harvest the fruits of their woe

"Is There a Smarter Path to Artificial Intelligence? Some Experts Hope So" (http://ow.ly/uZFg30kCrlr ) JK--Apps/models that converge stats + rules + graphs + geometry.

"5 Years in, React Native Facing Re-Architecture" (http://ow.ly/jVUm30kCqZp ) JK--For browser apps written in JavaScript in the browser for native-like/progressive real-time fast interactive app performance.

"Computer Vision for the Masses: Bringing Computer Vision to the Open Web Platform" (http://ow.ly/ZWVD30kCqw7 ) JK--OpenCV is most popular computer vision library, with comprehensive set of functions and large developer community. OpenCV.js translates OpenCV functions to JavaScript

"Deep Learning Will Drive Next Wave of Chip Growth" (http://ow.ly/OyZ430kCq9A ) JK--DL systems-on-a-chip will rule. BTW, article starts off as "Count Wally Rhines, [long phrase with his title/company]..." I half-thought "Count" was his title (a la Dracula). It's used here as a verb

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpThe Beatles "Tomorrow Never Knows" from Revolver JK--1966. Loops here: distorted "seagull" recording of McCartney laughing; orchestra playing B flat chord; notes played on Mellotron flute & violin settings; finger rubbing wineglass rim; distorted sitar

Geez.  biz-tech articles that spool out the motherhood & apple pie obvious stuff about measuring ROI on your IT investment. Tell us something we don't know. Give us your mother's recipe for apple pie. Anything but this Ritz Cracker mock apple pie:

"Getting To Trusted Data Via AI, Machine Learning And Blockchain" (http://ow.ly/Ay0f30kCnJV ) JK--"Blockchain is a completely different kind of database, one with the potential for greater transparency into the data for multi-stakeholder environments"

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpSigur Rós "Gobbledigook" from Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust JK--2014. Ég er að skrifa orð sem þýðir ekkert í google þýðingu bara fyrir gaman af því. WTF? OMG! LOL! LMAO!

New jk #Dataversitycolumn: "Benchmarking the Full AI Hardware/Software Stack" (http://ow.ly/on4E30kCigC )

Wrote a bunch of articles this week. Did a bunch of on-camera interviews. Had a bunch of interesting over-meal conversations with industry folk. Accumulated a bunch of frequent flyer miles.

"AI Nationalism" (http://ow.ly/AH6H30kBdO5 ) JK--Very insightful analysis of a trend that worries me.

New jk #InfoWorldcolumn: "Sorry, but blockchain databases are just not that secure" (http://ow.ly/Jc1C30kBc8j )

Finished my work for this trip. Walking aimlessly but purposely around San Jose neighborhoods. This is an interesting community. Way more organically rooted than one would suppose. A bit like D.C. In that respect.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "At DataWorks 2018, Hortonworks Accelerates Its Shift Toward Public Cloud Deployments" (http://ow.ly/FeDg30kAK0W )

New jk #Wikibon blog: "At DataWorks 2018, Hortonworks Accelerates Its Shift Toward Public Cloud Deployments" (http://ow.ly/jTOw30kAx8u )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpChildish Gambino "This Is America" from This Is America JK--2018. Whoa! Shocking! Once you see this video, you can't unsee it. Great one:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpThe Staple Singers "Freedom Highway" JK--1964. This one definitely makes you want to clap and march. It's Juneteenth.

"A computer program that learns to “imagine” the world shows how AI can think more like us" (http://ow.ly/QFm730kywuE ) JK--"Generative query network: looks at a scene from several angles and can then describe what it would look like from another angle."

"'You Can’t Ban Blockchain. It’s Math': a Talk with Jimmy Wales" (http://ow.ly/eahO30kywiB ) JK--I'm still puzzling over whether that statement is genius or idiocy.

"DeepPhish: Simulating Malicious AI" (http://ow.ly/nqV630kyvVZ ) JK--"Takes list of fraudulent URLS...encodes as one-shot representations, then trains AI model to generate new synthetic URLs...dramatically improv[es] chances of...getting past automated phishing-detection systems"

My wrap of DataWorks Summit 2018 Berlin http://bit.ly/2yjBEfe #DWS18

#DWS18: Abhas Ricky, Director of Strategy & Innovation, Hortonworks, interviewed by yours truly on #theCUBE at Dataworks Summit Berlin 2018 #DWS18

I type notes so fast that "enabling" might come out "neablign." It's my subconscious encrypting the material so that I can't read it myself. My hemispheres don't trust each other. One won't enable the other.

"Checking Out Ford's Factory Floor Exoskeletons" (http://ow.ly/66HR30kyivM ) JK--"EksoVest provides up to 15 lbs of assistance to each arm as lifted overhead...when extrapolated over a full shift....equiv to relieving shoulder of load equal to weight of 24 Mustang coupes/arm/day"

"Actor says husband’s Tesla car shot flames in California traffic" (http://ow.ly/twwR30kyceo ) JK--Is he a stuntman? That's awesome!

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexpThe Jim Carroll Band "People Who Died" JK--1980. "OD'd on Drano on the night that he was wed"? That was weirdest wedding toast I've ever heard of.

"DeepPhys: Video-Based Physiological Measurement Using Convolutional Attention Networks" (http://ow.ly/K1fM30kxwsw ) JK--Wow. Non-contact video-based physiological measurement of heart and breathing rate based on a skin reflection model.

"Fighting AI Surveillance with Scarves and Face Paint" (http://ow.ly/RxgH30kxwd0 ) JK--Great. Now we're all going to have to walk around looking like clown divas just to protect our privacy.

"The Link Between Sleep and Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/dd3u30kxvYt ) JK--Apart from the fact that the more equation-dense research papers can put you right to sleep? REM vs non-REM sleep is analogous to DL search algorithms of exploration vs. optimization, respectively? Sure, OK.

"Imagining A Blockchain University" (http://ow.ly/gkfW30kxvNI ) JK--Credits from diverse institutions are posted to the trusted chain, reducing the likelihood that people can claim credits from non-existent schools or that credits from defunct schools can be repudiated.

I remember 2013, when I did back-to-back San Jose business trips: first to San Jose, Costa Rica, then to San Jose, California Rica. So far, that was my one and only time to Central America. I rather enjoyed it.

In San Jose for #DataWorksSummit. I'll be co-hosting with Rebecca Knight on #theCUBE on Tuesday-Wednesday. Catch us live at

"The Best Way to Honor Your Dad Isn’t Father’s Day" (http://ow.ly/jfJg30kxv83 ) JK--Nobody ever said it was. But most dads don't make a big deal over it. I was simply happy to hear from both of mine today. Dads aren't as hard as moms to please. We aren't.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpArthur Buck "Are You Electrified?" from Arthur Buck JK--2018. Great new project joining Joseph Arthur with ex-REM'er Peter Buck.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpRy Cooder "Gentrification" from The Prodigal Son JK--2018. Great funky new one from the veteran guitarslinger.

Guy next to me has equations tattooed on his arm. I hope he didn't submit this as his dissertation. Seems a bit skimpy. Needs to be fleshed out.

“If you think your job is pointless, it probably is” (https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/on-leadership/wp/2018/06/14/if-you-think-your-job-is-pointless-it-probably-is/ …) JK--Interesting discussion of “bullshit jobs.” IMHO, the further your distance from your labor’s end result, beneficiary, & control over the means of production, the more pointless it all feels.

Saturday nap. Restorative release from a week that’s done. Sunday nap. Linen-wrapped dream of the week to come.

Finished Billy Bragg’s history of skiffle. Very well researched and written. He filled in huge gaps in my understanding of the histories of jazz, folk, blues, and rock in the UK and USA. Deep lived cultural context is his strength as a historian.

Mid-June. No matter how old you get, your nervous system always tingles with “school’s out” possibilities right around now.

Suddenly discovered Eno’s “Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy)” on my Zune. I don’t recall buying it (and I definitely didn’t rip it). Apparently, my patron leprechaun dropped it in my St Paddy Day stocking a day early...wait...it's June.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Principles versus profit: AI and the fate of the planet” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/06/15/principles-versus-profit-ai-fate-planet/ …)

"Booz Allen's chief warns U.S. of 'close race' with China on AI" (http://ow.ly/UyKE30kwc63 ) JK--It's useless to benchmark one nation against another in AI, much less one HW/SW full stack, unless focus on specific use-case implementation metrics (eg face recog inferencing accuracy)

"Guns or hammers? Big-data firms struggle with their role in responsible data use" (http://ow.ly/RMPE30kwant ) JK--Good Paul Gillin article. Quotes Gartner analyst: '“The big data movement right now is at an ethical crossroads."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpBeat Happening "Red Head Walking" from Dreamy JK--1991. Vocalized by the inimitable Calvin Johnson in a monotone that's not speaking, rapping, or singing. It's one long croak with stretched syllables and clear diction.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpMichael Jackson "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" from Thriller JK--1982. End chorus is actually ""Ma ma se, ma ma sa, ma ma coo sas." I thought it maybe "it's the same with the song that Michael saw" or "It's what you say what you saw with Microsoft."

"Can Blockchain Help ML and AI?" (http://ow.ly/v2Of30kw8bW ) JK--See my recent Datanami column on this same topic:

"Dynamical Isometry & a Mean Field Theory of CNNs: How to Train 10,000-Layer Vanilla Convolutional Neural Networks" (http://ow.ly/TJ8w30kw7yk ) JK--Holy mocha Batman! At 10,000 layers, ya think it woulda graduated out of vanilla into tutti-frutti super-rocky-road ripple territory

"Banks unlikely to process payments with distributed ledgers for now, says Ripple" (http://ow.ly/gSOa30kvVc8 ) JK--Scalability & privacy issues. There are broad swaths of use cases for which blockchain is unsuitable.

"You Might Not Actually Be Struggling With Depression" (http://ow.ly/Vr8K30kvUNQ ) JK--You might be pissed off at somebody throwing some obscure word at you, acedia, to describe how indiscriminately pissed off you are at everybody and everything.

"Could the Future of Transportation for Some Cities Be Autonomous Boats?" (http://ow.ly/ahIZ30kvU9A ) JK--That would totally kill the ambience of Venice, IMHO.

Catch me at #DataWorksSummitnext week in San Jose. I'll be co-hosting #theCUBE.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpJanelle Monáe "Django Jane" from Dirty Computer JK--2018. Great. My favorite hiphop this year so far.

The precious wine-section boss at Wegman’s. Every vintage comes with its own back-story. Kind of like a Cabbage Patch Kid in that respect.

Yes, Microsoft account team, the world is full of unusual sign-ins. Every time I step outside my door it’s an unusual sign-in. It’s a scary world out there.

"A New AI Algorithm Can Track Your Movements Through A Wall" (http://ow.ly/olTj30kuXkS ) JK--What? You mean like the Kool-Aid Man moves through a wall by smashing it down? Oh, no. Analogous to echolocation, but using reflected WiFi signals to track movements in adjacent spaces.

"Blockchain All the Rage But Comes With Numerous Risks" (http://ow.ly/bvlz30kuWoA ) JK--Phishing attacks, cryptojacking, using malware to obtain lesser-known cryptocurrencies, etc.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpSharon Jones and the Dap‐Kings "This Land Is Your Land" from Naturally JK--2005. Good, but Woody Guthrie's original had a jazzier horn section. Those fascist-killing cats really cooked!

"An AI-machine learning data challenge: Predicting the unpredictable" (http://ow.ly/QC6E30kuTI8 ) JK--Piece of cake. Next big AI challenges should be to dream the impossible dream, fight the unbeatable foe, bear with unbearable sorrow, & run where the brave dare not go.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpJim Noir "Eanie Meany" from Tower of Love JK--2006. I'm still waiting for his long-promised follow-up "Miney Moe."

"Speakeasy AI Adds Customer Journey Flow Reporting" (http://ow.ly/kRL430kuSLo ) JK--Voice AI system. Identifies specific paths that customers took across voice self-serve and live channels . Recommends opportunities for improvement based on misses or fallouts.

"The promise of AI in audio processing" (http://ow.ly/MyTm30kuSja ) JK--Lifelike speech generation, automated mixing/mastering, & source separation. Proposes using it for selective noise cancellation, hi-fi audio reconstruction, analog audio emulation, improved spatial simulation.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpJim James "Just a Fool" from Uniform Distortion JK--2018. Great southern-rock number from the Louisville native.

"How change data capture technology drives modern data architectures" (http://ow.ly/ELYA30kuQY0 ) JK--Good discussion. This directly relates to my recent piece on all-streaming data architectures:

Interesting IBM computer-vision recognition research: improve algorithms' depth-of-field in dynamically changing scenes (http://ow.ly/DT6N30kuQ66 ) & focus algorithmic inferencing on significant scene elements through dynamic attention mechanism (http://ow.ly/x65G30kuQlX ).

Totally getting into Billy Bragg's history of UK skiffle. At one point there were 100s of DIY skiffle bands throughout Britain, all dedicated to covering Leadbelly, Woody Guthrie, etc. Must have been maddeningly repetitive. How many versions of "Cotton Fields" are necessary?

"Cognitive computing as a wearable prosthetic" (http://ow.ly/s6It30kuKbN ) JK--Piece I published 4 years ago on IBM Big Data and Analytics Hub.

"Artificial Intelligence Enriches Lives of Elderly Patients" (http://ow.ly/cnow30kuJWk ) JK--Constant Therapy: digital speech, language, & cognitive "brain exercise" program that users can access from their phone or tablet while at home or in a healthcare facility.

"Elderly." Odd word. Why is there no equivalent term "youngerly" in English to refer to those still in childhood?

"New Research Shows Bitcoin's Meteoric Rise Was a Scam" (http://ow.ly/BhAr30kuIi1 ) JK--At least half of Bitcoin's rise to a peak price of ~$20K last year due to manipulation by traders on Bitfinex using another cryptocurrency Tether to boost prices when dipped on other exchanges

New jk #TechTargetcolumn: "Waiting for blockchain hype to subside and data platform incumbents to play their hands" (http://ow.ly/nE9F30ku5Uo )

Watched a balloon man work his magic last night in a mountain resort in front of a bunch of kids, some of whom he freaked out. We got a balloon motorcyclist whose front wheel popped when I brought him in the house today. Now he looks like a balloon alien. That semi-freaks me out.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Stream computing transforms businesses into digital dynamos" (http://ow.ly/Wvls30ktkFV )

Saw a couple of muskrats up here in the hills. Or I assume they’re muskrats. Too big to be rats. Too skinny-tailed to be beavers. Too shy to sit still for a photo. Are they even an Appalachian species?

"AI Global Launches...Open AI Marketplace" (http://ow.ly/lA1g30kt0Dh ) JK--Non-profit org for responsible design, development, & use of AI . Online AI collab hub will host >2,000 high-value AI assets built on beta of Cognitive Agent Modeling and Execution Language.

"Proof of Stake? Does That Have Anything To Do With Dracula Coin? (Explain  I’m 5)" (http://ow.ly/qSCI30ksZsJ ) JK--Does it have something to do with algorithmically determining which contiguous group of LDS wards or branches mines the next block of crypto coins? Please explain

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpLa Luz "The Creature" from Floating Features JK--2018. Very nice one from their latest. These ladies have an electronic vibe that tingles me all over.

"Open source serverless: Fission, Fn, Kubeless, and OpenWhisk" (http://ow.ly/MCUf30ksZ2F ) JK--Kubeless is a new one on me. Check out my #Wikibon report on open-source serveless distros:

Encountered typical salesperson who assumes, because I work in IT, that I'm somehow in love with apps, gadgets, & other such paraphernalia of the connected life. Don't patronize me, please. None of that resonates. Just make your pitch. I'll process it with my eyes, ears, & brain.

"Machine Un-Learning: Why Forgetting Might Be the Key to AI" (http://ow.ly/6xBC30ksXEq ) JK--Because intelligence is built up from layers of cognates: the barest knowledge from one domain that's likely to be applicable to the next domain, to the one after that, and so on.

"Google's AI Manifesto: Accountability, Privacy, and No Killer Robots" (http://ow.ly/y9ll30ksXhD ) JK--But I hope they make an exception for robotic killer whales. Those would be awesome entertainment spectacles at the local aquarium.

"How Amazon's AI assault entangles 13 acquisitions, nearly 7,000 AI employees, a $22B R&D spend, extensive crowdsourcing and contests" (http://ow.ly/SXuJ30ksX2H ) JK--Good rollup of what Amazon, Microsoft, & Google are doing with AI acqui-hires and startup-IP fastgrabs.

Yahoo Messenger to bite the big one next month. I remember when instant messaging was the future. I also remember days of future past, knights in white satin. It's Tuesday afternoon. Looking at myself, reflections of my mind.

CNBC broadcaster just said "de-nuking North Korea." That sounds like just another way of saying "nuking North Korea."

"Ford throwing party at Detroit train station — & U can go" (http://ow.ly/GkvE30ksae8 ) JK--"Ford officials have said they want Corktown to be a hub for... Auto 2.0, the shift toward self-driving, shared & battery-operated cars & logistics supporting the rapidly changing industry."

Noticed that one of the entertainers at this resort calls himself “Kanye Twitty.” Bravo, in a very Elvis Costello act of boldfaced nameripping mashup.

Wife was asking how old this Massanutten all-seasons family resort is. Then I got a strong clue from the map of the ski area. "Grenoble Woods"? "Killy Court"? It's a half-century old. Nothing screams 1968 Winter Olympics like those.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpThe Autumn Stones "Mandatory Love" JK--2018. Nice one. Has a sort of urgent folk-rock vibe to it.

"Open source’s existential dilemma: the meaning of ‘free'" (http://ow.ly/O8Nq30krtEn ) JK--Free? Users prefer the "free-as-in-beer" of open-source software. They're not as adamant for the "free-as-in-dom" of open-source licensing. Dumb?

"Graphs, graphs everywhere: The future according to DeepMind" (http://ow.ly/zvV530krqVN ) JK--"Human cognition makes strong assumption that world is composed of objects & relations. Because graph networks make a similar assumption, their behavior tends to be more interpretable."

"Eye in the Sky: Real-time Drone Surveillance System (DSS) for Violent Individuals Identification using ScatterNet Hybrid Deep Learning Network" (http://ow.ly/JstW30krpXb ) JK--I don't trust this research.  likely to be used by repressive governments to suppress protesters.

"Project Hydrogen Unites Apache Spark with Deep Learning Frameworks" (http://ow.ly/4yrS30krnLT ) JK--"Hydrogen" + "Spark"? Fine. But don't call the follow-on project "Hindenburg." I beseech you.

"AI Comes to ASICs in Data Centers" (http://ow.ly/VtM530krmdo ) JK--Plenty of intellectual property vendors who provide modular ASICs with diverse AI functions that can be composed together.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexpPrince 'Mary Don't You Weep" JK--2018. A raw, intimate unheard home-studio cassette recording of Prince performing at his piano in 1983 will be released as Piano & a Microphone on Sept. 21:

"An Army Scientist Is Working on a Formula for Optimal Caffeine Intake" (http://ow.ly/qq9A30krh1f ) JK--Humbug. There is no "cure for drowsiness" other than getting a good sleep. Don't treat this like a medication. Too many people are already addicted.

Dear Google, Apple, and Other Device,OS, & App Vendors: If you really want to control tech addiction, just make crappy products and spend beaucoups marketing bucks telling us how badly they suck.

Enjoyed driving to Harrisonburg until the drenching downpour set in. Where’s that fabled “rain shadow”? Should we have stayed on the Eastern side of Shenandoah?

Cracking open Billy Bragg’s book “Roots, Radicals, & Rockers: How Skiffle Changed The World.” Refreshing. Music history told by a respected musician who never once references himself.

Flipping pages back & forth in Art Garfunkel’s weird self-indulgent nonlinear memoir/poetry book “What Is It All But Luminous.” Works way too hard letting us know how damn erudite he is. Laughably lists every important book he’s read since the 70s.

Saw some dumb movie last night set in Vegas. Couple meet at New York New York & casually stroll to Venetian to jump into bed. I doubt they’d have the energy after walking 2 miles up the Strip.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Apple seems to be losing its capacity to innovate” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/06/08/apple-seems-losing-capacity-innovate/ …)

"Mindlessly mapping the brain" (http://ow.ly/YV2M30kpb0i ) JK--The literally mind-boggling field of connectomics: the automated high-volume tracing of connections between neurons.

"Is artificial intelligence patentable? Should it be?" (http://ow.ly/KXOK30kpa8W ) JK--Gray area is neuromorphic & evolutionary algorithms: designed to reflect natural phenomena/laws--how brains learn/perceive/analyze--no less than E=MC2 reflects space-time. Not patentable, then?

"Google Renounces AI Weapons; Will Still Work With Military" (http://ow.ly/24NS30kp9lT ) JK--CEO says firm will avoid work designed to harm, injure, spy, and violate human rights.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpMark Lanegan "Strange Religion" from Bubblegum JK--2004. Artist co-wrote/performed opening-title song for Anthony Bourdain's show. See Bourdain's field notes from Seattle last year:

"What was missing from WWDC 2018? Originality" (http://ow.ly/bB4R30kp8h6 ) JK--Maybe, but I did enjoy that Apple Memoji commercial last night during the Stanley Cup Finals:

"Google walks away from America's security with AI project decision" (http://ow.ly/kE9D30kp7Oq ) JK--MIchael Bloomberg authoring an op/ed in Information Management? Sounds like he's accusing Silicon Valley of cavalier indifference to US national defense. Inflammatory nonsense.

"Why Microsoft's GitHub Deal Isn't a Sign of the Apocalypse" (http://ow.ly/utUF30kp7Bs ) JK--Not so fast there. Let's wait for Elon Musk to chime in. He's our designated lookout man for signs of the apocalypse.

"How do Apple’s Screen Time and Google Digital Wellbeing stack up?" (http://ow.ly/XIAw30kp7ga ) JK--In studying up on this stuff on our phones, we're going to be losing all the live-our-lives time we ostensibly would have gained from futzing with these "digital wellness" settings.

Geez, another "help us help you" email. The less tactful have the tone of "help us..YOU!" The more honest are simply pleading "HELP US!" None of them actually have a clue about "you," meaning "me," or even the slightest statement of what might be in it for me if I help them.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpThe Brian Jonestown Massacre "Anemone" from Their Satanic Majesties' Second Request JK--1996. Sounds like a great song to be listening to as you're driving through the desert.

RIP Anthony Bourdain. I cared less about the cuisine than the excellent conversations he had in those "Parts Unknown" shows, which were the only things on CNN I found even remotely interesting. Great travelogues.

Alex Ovechkin wins the Conn Smythe. Well deserved!

"NVIDIA Isaac Launches New Era of Autonomous Machines" (http://ow.ly/1ngH30kotJi ) JK--Toolbox for simulation, training, verification & deployment of NVIDIA Jetson Xavier robotics platform. Robotics algorithm software. Virtual simulation environment w/ hardware-in-the-loop testing

Somebody please create a deep learning model that reads tech press releases, filters out all the marketing BS and unsupported claims, eliminates the dead air & gaseous boasts, and outputs only the rock-bottom substance. Then license that model for use in trash compactors.

"I, for One, Welcome Our Robotic Security Overlords" (http://ow.ly/9sMn30kotct ) JK--I, for one, am sick of this hackneyed phrase. Why not just exclaim "WAZZZUPPPP!!!" and be done with it?

"Stem in Onion Architecture or Fallacy of Data Layer" (http://ow.ly/R8K130korLv ) JK--Disappointed. I thought it would be some important news about Area Man or one of these people on the street.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpTennis "Marathon" from Cape Dory JK--2011. Gorgeous maritime imagery in this one. Duo is a married couple who started the band after they returned from an 8-month sailing expedition down the US east Atlantic Seaboard after their U-Colorado graduation.

"Microsoft deploys underwater datacentre off the coast of Orkney" (http://ow.ly/7XDv30knYwN ) JK--Perhaps they should design them to do double-duty as anchors for coral reefs in the tropics.

Catch us in Jakarta and Melbourne this fall. Slipping south of the equator, west of the dateline for a few weeks. Family both places. Will be my first trip Down Under.

Drafted my next Datanami column this morning. I usually push my brain harder for theirs than most. The results please me more often than not. I reference those pieces more than most. This one: “machine teaching.”

Dear Elective Office Seeker Whose Commercial Declares They’re Not A Politician: I’m going to going to write a blog telling the world I’m not a blogger.

"MIT Creates AI-Powered Psychopath Called ‘Norman’" (http://ow.ly/uIV430kn4yY ) JK--I'd suggest "Elon." No reason. Just has a nice ring to it.

Tune to the 8:10 mark for their citation/quotes from my #SiliconANGLEarticle on Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub. https://art19.com/shows/techmeme-ride-home/episodes/27b9edf9-7dd9-418c-8e73-b545fa9d52be/embed?stretch=true&type=artwork …

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Databricks goes well beyond Spark into complex, multicloud AI pipelines" (http://ow.ly/rhaB30km3Ev )

BMC Delivers Cognitive Service Management to the Enterprise with BMC Helix: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/bmc-delivers-cognitive-service-management-to-the-enterprise-with-bmc-helix-300659625.html …… JK--ITSM rebuilt around predictive AI, omni-channel conversational experiences, & containerized microservices spanning multiclouds. #itsmtocsmhttp://www.via-cc.at/65kw1 

BMC Delivers Cognitive Service Management to the Enterprise with BMC Helix: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/bmc-delivers-cognitive-service-management-to-the-enterprise-with-bmc-helix-300659625.html …JK--ITSM rebuilt around predictive AI, omni-channel conversational experiences, & containerized microservices spanning multiclouds.

Glad to be here sharing my thoughts on the future of service management. #itsmtocsmhttp://www.via-cc.at/45kvh 

"The (holy) ghost in the machine: Catholic thinkers tackle the ethics of artificial intelligence" (http://ow.ly/Is3Y30klBFC ) JK--I'm curious whether it's OK for male sexbots to use condoms.

"AI researchers design 'privacy filter' for your photos" (http://ow.ly/P7ZH30klBph ) JK--Otherwise-imperceptible adversarial perturbations to facial photos to fool the facial recognition algorithms.

"Quantum computers and the unbreakable lattice" (http://ow.ly/mgAH30klA8d ) JK--IBM researcher explains an approach called "lattice cryptography" that they claim can't be broken by quantum computing.

"The US military is funding an effort to catch deepfakes and other AI trickery" (http://ow.ly/Yfu630klztS ) JK--DARPA competition "to generate most convincing AI-generated fake video, imagery, & audio—and...try to develop tools that can catch these counterfeits automatically."

"Mary Meeker’s 2018 internet trends report" (http://ow.ly/L6Nx30klyWt ) JK--Smartphone shipments flat, prices decline, mobile pay booming, e-commerce accelerating, time online increasing, AI & voice control expanding, privacy crimping experience, big tech spreading tentacles.

" Than a Feeling: Learning to Grasp and Regrasp using Vision and Touch" (http://ow.ly/ChRs30klycJ ) JK-- than a feeling? Note that this robotics research done partly in Boston. Curious if they'll train it to recognize when it sees my Marianne walkin' away-AYYYYY!!

"Autonomous Vehicles: Safety, Risk, and the Law" (http://ow.ly/3PSQ30klxJG ) JK--Points out that the public needs to shift frame of reference away from "autonomous" toward advanced driver assistance systems. Just as no commercial jet flies with humanless cockpit solely on autopilot

"Google, KPMG partner on GDPR solution to keep you compliant in the cloud" (http://ow.ly/OUE330klwR5 ) JK--Compliance assessment tool. Not a runtime compliance monitoring and enforcement tool. Part of a larger KPMG solution that puts/governs all of a client's customer data in GCP

"Watch hard-working robot improvise to climb drawers and cross gaps" (http://ow.ly/bs0W30klvQv ) JK--Robot called SMORES-EP has also been trained to roast graham cracker/marshmallow/Hershey bar sandwiches over a campfire while discussing their awesome extended-play vinyl collection

"'Thanksgiving Effect'& Creepy Power Of Phone Data" (http://ow.ly/Ntot30klv5u ) JK--"Dinners attended by residents from opposing-party precincts in 2016 were 30-50 minutes shorter than same-party get-togethers. ....In 2015, [effect was same] but .... was more pronounced in 2016."

"This AI Knows Who You Are by the Way You Walk" (http://ow.ly/ltT530kluzR ) JK--Non-intrusive gait recognition. Monitor the force exerted on the floor during footsteps. Deep residual neural net analyzes weight distribution, gait speed, and 3-D measures of each walking style.

"Facebook Is Giving Scientists Its Data To Fight Misinformation" (http://ow.ly/kF2D30kluds ) JK--Highfalutin but sounds like a crock: "investigate social media's impact on elections and democracy""prioritize research [that] will shed the most light on Facebook's political impact."

"Flee the Upside Down on Schwinn’s Limited-Edition ‘Stranger Things’ Bicycle" (http://ow.ly/PEM930klt1p ) JK--1980s? That's not so different from the Schwinn banana-seat that I rode circa 1970. Thanks for validating my inner dweeb. I knew the hip people would eventually catch on.

"Apple wants to help you deal with smartphone addiction" (http://ow.ly/XEkR30klr9J ) JK--I seriously doubt they'll want to monkey with their core smartphone revenue stream. But clamping down on overnotifications is absolutely necessary.

"Tesla wants to use AI to create a “manufacturing revolution” (http://ow.ly/7sMM30klqVD ) JK--Oh, I see. It's evil until Musk uses it. Then it's cool. Thanks for clarifying that.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpBilly Bragg & Wilco "California Stars" from Mermaid Avenue JK--1998. Lyric by Woody Guthrie, a Texas native who lived in the LA area (Echo Park) in the 1930s and had his own regular "hillbilly music" program on a local LA radio station.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Microsoft’s GitHub takeover sends shockwaves through the open-source developer ecosystem”(https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/06/04/microsofts-github-takeover-sends-shockwaves-open-source-developer-ecosystem/ …)

"50+ Examples of How Blockchains are Taking Over the World" (http://ow.ly/yuZf30kkNyp ) JK--Curious if Kissinger's behind one of these. I wouldn't put it past him, the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati, or that Big Eastern Syndicate mentioned on A Charlie Brown Christmas.

"AI marks the beginning of the Age of Thinking Machines" (http://ow.ly/8Wvv30kkNgd ) JK--What the...? Even Henry Kissinger is commenting on AI these days? Are you sure this isn't a deep-fake with a gravely erudite German monotone? I can imitate that as well as the next guy.

"Intelligence on the edge will see workloads migrate from clouds" (http://ow.ly/Hogz30kkMW2 ) JK--Good overview of which vendors support on-device AI training.

"Google’s Self-Training AI Turns Coders Into Machine-Learning Masters" (http://ow.ly/KxlL30kkMN6 ) JK--"A new service, called Cloud AutoML, uses several machine learning tricks to automatically build and train a deep learning algorithm that can recognize things in images."

"Why Blockchain is Hard" (http://ow.ly/VOm230kkMr6 ) JK--It's hard to live up to the promise that it will solve all of humankind's problems. Or at least neutralize all the evils that Elon Musk claims have been unleashed on us all by the Pandora's Box of AI

"John Cusack is the worst planet-destroying AI robot in history" (http://ow.ly/sEuz30kkLos ) JK--Thanks. I won't see it. BTW, does Cusack not care anymore about wasting his talents on crap projects? He's over 50 now, visibly aging, and drifting further from A-list territory.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpThe Smiths "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" from The Queen Is Dead JK--1986. My guess is that Morrissey the Mancunian said "ten-ton truck" for the alliteration. "Lightly loaded lorry" would have diluted the emotional impact of "to die by your side."

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexpNeko Case "Pitch or Honey" from Hell-On JK--2018. New one. Nice to hear her charging through a full-on rocker.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexpDamien Jurado "Percy Faith" from The Horizon Just Laughed JK--2018. Very cool piece from his latest.

"First he bought a Google assistant. Then he used it to fire a gun" (http://ow.ly/YEE730kkceZ ) JK--In a Rube Goldberg setup that didn't involve AI.

"Hands off my data! 15 default privacy settings you should change right now" (http://ow.ly/roma30kkbYX ) JK--Good compendium that I reviewed in detail. I only tweaked a few. Good exercise to determine your own personal balance of public vs. private settings on social/mobile/Web.

Tweaked my Facebook "privacy" settings over the weekend. Now I'm preventing friends from posting directly to my timeline. That's not "privacy," actually, just self-sovereignty: control who can publish to my channel. Just as, ages ago, I turned off comments in James Kobielus' Blog

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpFather John Misty "Hangout at the Gallows" from God's Favourite Customer JK--2018. Another great one from his latest. Sounds very cinematic, like he's scoring a film.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpThe Beatles "A Day in the Life" from Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band JK--1967. Curious about what war the "English army" had just won in what film. Must predate 1707. Been only "British army" since then.

"Microsoft has reportedly acquired GitHub" (http://ow.ly/Uedq30kkaGw ) JK--This news is sending waves of concern throughout the open-source community. Shouldn't GitHub be a non-profit owned & managed by an industry consortium?

Dear Medium: Please stop sending me readership metrics for & telling me how I can further optimize the social impact of the one and only post I've ever placed on your service (18 months ago). If it ever had impact, it was in the first week. Readers (including the author) move on

"Removing Trending From Facebook" (http://ow.ly/xyml30kkad7 ) JK--OK. Please also de-duplicate all the "breaking news" that your Facebook friends comment on ad nauseam. I don't need to be reminded 25 times in 10 minutes when a particular celebrity kicks the bucket.

Watching yet another public TV fundraiser presentation of Peter, Paul, & Mary. This is not politically correct, but in their heyday they looked totally Soviet. With those sporty goatees, Stookey & Yarrow looked like Lenin & Trotsky with guitars. Robust blonde Mary fit the picture

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexpFather John Misty “Mr. Tillman” from God’s Favourite Customer JK--2018. Great one from his latest. He has the most amazing gift for witty lyrics.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexpEl Michels Affair “Strange Boy” from Strange Boy / No Surprise JK--2016. Very nice slice of sonic seduction.

June 3 and 58 degrees. I pulled out the comforter we’d just packed away. Perfect for Sunday couch cocooning watching some lazy-perfect public TV show about scenic train routes of North America.

Watched documentary about Hedy Lamarr on Netflix last night. Very good. Left me with no doubt that she invented frequency-hopping RF anti-jamming tech. And got thoroughly ripped off by our government. Her beauty was a curse.

Trader Joe downer. Sample bar person is stingy and begrudging. Hey dude, fill that teeny cup all the way with Chardonnay. It’s not coming out of your paycheck.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Machine learning is becoming a strategic perimeter for GDPR compliance” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/06/01/machine-learning-becoming-strategic-perimeter-gdpr-compliance/ …)

LaGuardia still a major mess of reconstruction. I hope they build a new control tower in the shape of a Little Flower.

"What does it really mean for an algorithm to be biased?" (http://ow.ly/VZZ130khYDq ) JK--I read this a few weeks ago before writing my own "debiasing" article. That "construct space,""observed space,""decision space" framework beautifully clarifies how to approach this topic.

"Speech recognition systems are now vulnerable to adversarial attacks" (http://ow.ly/fPfM30khYmk ) JK--Introduction of small amounts of ear-imperceptible noise to transform audio input for the purpose of tricking speech recognition algorithms into misclassifying what's being said.

"How AI learned to be creative" (http://ow.ly/w2bX30khY70 ) JK--Good discussion of generative apps of AI (e.g., "style transfer") in the visual arts and music composition.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpBow Wow Wow "I Want Candy" JK--1982. Good cover of the Strangeloves' original. Singer Annabella Lwin is Anglo-Burmese, born Myant Myant Aye in Rangoon/Yangon, Burma/Myanmar.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “AI is becoming the nucleus of intelligent apps for robotic process automation” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/31/ai-becoming-nucleus-intelligent-apps-robotic-process-automation/ …)

Inbound craft has deplaned. Waiting in gate area for replaning. Busy day. So far, I've debedded, rebreakfasted, debreakfasted, dehoteled, retaxi'd, detaxi'd, reconferenced, deconferenced, relunched, delunched, retaxi'd, detaxi'd, & reairported. Gotta record all this in a diary.

Rumor is that Roseanne is working on a revisionist history book proving that slavery and Jim Crow were the direct result of Ambien pollution in Dixie's water supply.

"7 questions to ask before U launch enterprise blockchain project" (http://ow.ly/BVcY30kgHNi ) JK--Even before "what exactly are you trying to accomplish?", I'd suggest "who do U think you're kidding?" Framing this as a "blockchain project" suggests U just want to push trendy tech

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpLora Logic "Stop Halt" from Pedigree Charm JK--1982. Featuring this UK singer-songwriter-saxophonist's distinctive fluttering vocals. Her only solo LP. Was also in Essential Logic, X-Ray Spex, & Red Krayola. Rough Trade indie artist.

"Navigating the risks of artificial intelligence and machine learning in low-income countries" (http://ow.ly/2oXp30kgHag ) JK--Good advice anywhere, regardless of per-capita GDP.

"Federated Learning, a step closer towards confidential AI" (http://ow.ly/WuPX30kgGF9 ) JK--Distributed devices communicate their incremental statistical learnings back over encrypted channels to retrain the centralized model, which is pushed back to all. No PII leaves the devices.

"13 GDPR Compliance Tools" (http://ow.ly/ygCi30kgGg5 ) JK--I'm not sure that throwing a grab-bag of tactical, limited solutions at it will bring your PII-safeguarding shop into compliance. But be my guest!

"AI and Data Science Presentations to Look Forward to at DataWorks Summit" (http://ow.ly/AygH30kgEzJ ) JK--Catch me and #theCUBE there, San Jose, the week of June 17. http://ow.ly/ZXLk30kgELS 

I cannot believe Delta Shuttle moved out of the old Marine Terminal at LaGuardia. I have fond memories of flying into that tiny historic terminal in 1981 for a job interview (that I didn't get). Very much a time capsule experience walking through its main (long-unused) concourse.

Here was my Manhattan evening: skyscraper observation level tech event-reception-New York strip steak slider-fancypants cocktail-Times Square Hotel lobby-straight-up whiskey-pizza bites-deep tech talk-call from Lynn-roaming Hudson Yards to 42nd-street-Applebees-burger-iced tea.

If a network can fire a sitcom star for an offensive tweet, I urge Congress to consider it, especially if done repeatedly with malice aforethought, an impeachable offense for a chief executive.

Why is it “NYPD” but “FDNY”?

"Microservices Management: Securing Endpoints" (http://ow.ly/G4BF30kfxoB ) JK--Advises exposing "API façade pattern...to scan, scrub, & control requests & responses to & from microservices endpoints [via] API gateways, some ingress controllers, and application delivery controllers

"Florence Nightingale: The Lady with the Data" (http://ow.ly/HDZ030kfwkY ) JK--Didn't know she was a statistician and data visualization pioneer. Also didn't realize it's been "hundreds of years" since 1856. Cap'n Jean-Luc Picard just unfroze me from cryogenic suspension.

"How to make sure your Alexa will never accidentally send recordings to friends" (http://ow.ly/VCTW30kfs7v ) JK--The best approach is simply not to have any friends.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpRosie Thomas "Pretty Dress" from If Songs Could Be Held JK--2005. This Seattle-based singer-songwriter has lushly beautiful and introspective stylings.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Securing the ‘internet of things’ from edge to edge" (http://ow.ly/wzpB30kfqxM )

Doing New York City for the next few days. Bringing an umbrella, comfy walking shows, and a full suit and tie. Also bringing the deep cache of personal memories I have of Manhattan dating back to our family vacation there in 1972. Back then, the air quality was consistently sepia

"DeepPhys: Video-Based Physiological Measurement Using Convolutional Attention Networks" (http://ow.ly/G2Hu30kevCb ) JK--Wow! "Non-contact video-based physiological measurement ...of heart and breathing rate." The new public-surveillance stealth polygraph?

"DeepGlobe 2018: A Challenge to Parse the Earth through Satellite Images" (http://ow.ly/Q0YT30kevh6 ) JK--After they parse the Earth, are they going to boil the ocean?

"Machine learning is helping computers spot arguments online before they happen" (http://ow.ly/txxg30keu6R ) JK--What's it going to do? Proactively lobotomize people at a distance before their flaming fingers can take it the next step?

"MIT’s Super-Efficient Dispatching Algorithm Minimizes a City's Taxi Fleet" (http://ow.ly/eOCo30ketNt ) JK--So what's new? Ride-sourcing/sharing industry algorithms efficiently accomplished that by decimating the taxi industry.

"Europe is about to lose the global AI race – thanks to GDPR" (http://ow.ly/pelC30ketuz ) JK--Wow! Isn't that a whopper of a scare tactic? It's crazy to assume that advances in algorithmic intelligence require massive trampling of personal privacy.

Dear Desperate Salesperson: Re your email "Hi, Did you get a chance to review my previous email? Please advise what are the next steps of your interest? Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you." My responses are 1) no, 2) none, 3) don't hold your breath. Sincerely, Jim

"Human in the loop: Machine learning and AI for the people" (http://ow.ly/woW430kegRr ) JK--This phenomenon's acronym is making me nervous. At some point, one of them's going to start calling himself a HITLer.

"Social VR’s best platform is the open web, not walled gardens" (http://ow.ly/Ih4630kegEj ) JK--Boy, am I out of it! I'm already up to here with the mixed-reality feed I'm getting socially through fake news. I don't need to be immersed in some gamified matrix of it.

I've been invited to "review" yet another company's privacy policy. OK. I'll review it, redline it, and send it back to you right away. Please have your next draft to me by COB or I'm going to shut you down. Also, I'll send you an invoice for my expert edits. I'm a busy man!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpRyley Walker "Can't Ask Why" from Deafman Glance JK--2018. Nice odd jazzy-folkie-recessive one.

"Jeff Bezos: ‘We Must Go Back to the Moon, and This Time to Stay’" (http://ow.ly/vNcH30kebL0 ) JK--OMG! Don't tell me it's in the running for HQ2.

"Does Alexa Know I’m Gay?" (http://ow.ly/m7xb30kebeJ ) JK--No. Don't be paranoid. Alexa's just waiting for you to out yourself so that he/she/it can immediately post it on all your social accounts and text it to all of your family and friends. Don't worry.

"Why you’re getting flooded with privacy notifications in your email" (http://ow.ly/84Qo30keaVL ) JK--Coincidence. Every company you have even the most tenuous relationship with got privacy religion over the weekend. There was a big revival meeting with preachers & gospel choirs.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpTuxedomoon "You" from v/a can you hear me JK--1987. Good dreamy pop one from the San Francisco electronic/indie group. This one feels a bit like some of Thomas Dolby's.

Watching game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Rooting for Washington, of course. But I’ve visited Vegas more often than any other city. So I have a stake in them too.

Bought/downloaded Tracyanne & Danny’s new LP. I’ve been a total geek for Tracyanne Campbell’s retro-romantic pop songcraft (with Camera Obscura) for many years. Danny Coughlan is an excellent musical partner. 4 stars.

Worked out this morning. FaceTimed with Declan around noon. Margaritas this afternoon. Unclear on our plans for the evening. Plans? No plans. It’s the middle of a 3-day weekend, for Pete’s sake!

Catch me and #theCUBE at Automation Anywhere's Premier Customer Event this Wednesday-Thursday at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel. #roboticprocessautomation

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpSweet "Ballroom Blitz" JK--1973. I'm dating myself here, but this song sends me straight back into junior high. BTW, the guy on the lead sure sounds like Jack White, or vice versa.

Came down with a raging headcold on the last night of my business trip. That’s one thing that happened in Vegas I wish had stayed there.

Here’s my updated privacy policy. I pledge not to disclose anything I ever learn ever again about anybody for any reason at any time. Your secrets are safe with me.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Now that GDPR’s regulatory hammer has officially come down, what’s your next step?” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/25/now-gdprs-regulatory-hammer-officially-come-whats-next-step/ …)

Pivot point in my latest #InfoWorldcolumn: "Fortunately, unless you try to swallow it in one gulp, your smartphone won’t kill you." (http://ow.ly/ySyo30kbyXs ). I was searching for an arresting image that suggests the insanity of an addict mainlining a controlled substance.

"Lou Reed’s Walk on the Wild Side: what became of Candy, Little Joe etc?" (http://ow.ly/SvMr30kbx14 ) JK--Would B cool "6 degrees of separation" graph. Especially "Sugar Plum Fairy" Joe Campbell: lover of Harvey Milk (1950s) and (1960s) the guy who saved Gerald Ford's life in 1975

"BMW Designs Hyperloop Capsules" (http://ow.ly/vkGa30kbfOg ) JK--Lead capsule is extra-large to accommodate Musk's ego.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpPrince "Creep" (Live at Coachella) JK--2008. Excellent Radiohead cover.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpJanelle Monáe "Crazy, Classic, Life" from Dirty Computer JK--2018. Wow. Crazy, classic song. This one's going to be licensed extensively for commercial purposes. I can just feel it.

New jk #InfoWorldcolumn: "The fiction of ‘digital wellness’—and the truth of digital dependence" (http://ow.ly/qcRK30kb6sF )

Dear Baskin Robbins: Thanks for updating your online privacy policy & terms of service. I think it's nobody's business whether I prefer cup or cone, one scoop or two. Nobody's damn business.

Wrote my next InfoWorld column on the flights home today from Vegas. “Digital Wellness: There’s NOT An App For That.” One of my better meditations. Fairly long, but also quite personal. Sounds more like Jim Kobielus than James Kobielus.

Gate agent tells one zone that they "may board at their leisure." The rest of us may board only while we're hard at work solving complex math equations and digging ditches out here in the concourse.

Reading recent stories about "digital wellness," combatting tech addiction and weaning people off their dependence on smartphones. Also reading about Android P being "packed with smarts and simpler than ever." As they said in "Airplane," we picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue

A day before GDPR compliance mandate kicks in. I'm absolutely having a ball re-consenting to everything in cyberspace and reading all your pushed-out notifications of how splendidly you're protecting my personal privacy and covering your corporate asses. Exquisite!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpThe Moondoggies "Sick in Bed" from A Love Sleeps Deep JK--2018. Great new one from the veteran Seattle indie group.

Wow! Washington Capitals advance to the Stanley Cup Finals to face the Vegas Golden Knights. Our swamp creatures will grind those desert rats into the dust!

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Chef extends DevOps deeper into Kubernetes multiclouds" (http://ow.ly/VP6z30k9Cig )

"Computing Environments for Reproducibility"" (http://ow.ly/lUSO30k9vDw  ) JK--"The sharing of scientific knowledge is rapidly evolving away from traditional [outputs] to the delivery of executable objects that integrate the data & computational details upon which findings rely."

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Informatica keeps the momentum rolling In hybrid cloud management" (http://ow.ly/tbQJ30k9pjP )

New jk #InformationWeekcolumn: "Debiasing Our Statistical Algorithms Down to Their Roots" (http://ow.ly/m4Y630k967f )

"High School in China Installs Facial Recognition Cameras to Monitor Students’ Attentiveness" (http://ow.ly/KUpZ30k94kV ) JK--Big Brother overreach will nurture a generation of world-class Chinese poker faces. "Yes, teacher, I am so academically stimulated I could just scream."

"Conversations Gone Awry: Detecting Early Signs of Conversational Failure" (http://ow.ly/P1HO30k93E2 ) JK--Predictive modeling of trolling, hate, harassment, insulting, toxicity, and generally flamingly anal assholitudinal verbalizations in social engagement.

"France, China, And The EU All Have An AI Strategy. Shouldn’t The Us?" (http://ow.ly/Ibaa30k92To ) JK--Not until Mexico has an AI strategy, then Trump's strategy will be to get them to pay for a wall against that strategy.

"The line between big tech and defense work" (http://ow.ly/FAxA30k92wP ) JK--I'm already nostalgic for the olden days when the greatest minds of a generation were focused on getting people to click ads, not trigger Armageddon.

Interviewed Vira Shanty from Lippo Group on #theCUBEat #INFA18. Jakarta-based. Menarik. Terima kasih!

"How Many Objects Can Be Juggled" (http://ow.ly/pom330k86nd ) JK--Study from 1997. "Every one of the test subjects had the hand speed to juggle 9 balls. The average was about 16 balls, and the highest recorded was about 24 balls."

Dear People Who Are Blogging About AI for the First Time: Please resist the urge to spend three-quarters of the piece defining "machine learning,""deep learning" and all the rest of the specialized terms. Link to Wikipedia or whatever. Actually say something thoughtful. OK?

ANTIMAY//Memorial Day./It's honorary Summer./Spring's sunburned demise. --James Kobielus

"Exciting news" from my garbage pickup company: they won't pick up over the holiday weekend. Thanks. I'm totally excited to be cooped up with the smelly stuff a little longer in the pre-summer swelter.

You’ll notice that in my columns I mix first-person commentary with the superior “Wikibon predicts” or “Wikibon believes.” I’d like to use that tactic in my personal life. I could definitely use a royal we as my wild card now and then. Because we say so.

For kicks, I’m going to scrutinize everybody’s privacy policy and get all huffy if they don’t update them regularly and notify me of those updates through every channel possible, including parcel post special delivery.

This is a different Informatica from the company I encountered when I first started covering data 12 years ago. Many new faces. But I’m a different me. So there. #INFA18

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Pushing AI performance benchmarks to the edge" (http://ow.ly/ISxL30k6Zzu )

Gartner analyst refers to business users as "citizen integrators." Wha...? #INFA18

Gartner analyst Massimo Pezzini at #INFA18discussing disadvantages of "spaghetti architecture" for data integration, referencing his own nationality. I hope he prepares a layered "lasagna architecture" with secret integration sauce.

Amit Walia: Enterprise Data Catalog is the fastest growing product at Informatica in the past 10 years #INFA18

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpGrant Lee Buffalo "Dixie Drug Store" from Fuzzy JK--1993. This guy has a great voice. Crisp diction, straight-talking. Kind of a cowboy tone.

"The new era of the Multi-Model Database" (http://ow.ly/Y3U430k6G6R ) JK--Good piece by @TonyBaer on this long-running trend. Useful petals graphic.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpFreedy Johnston "Bad Reputation" from This Perfect World JK--1994. Artist is probably sick of telling people his name is not Freddy Johnson.

"Researchers use VR to train AI drones, cutting autonomous vehicle crashes" (http://ow.ly/TBf230k6FEu ) JK-- “[T]he drone will be flying in an empty room, but will be ‘hallucinating’ a completely different environment, and will learn in that environment.” Far out!

Good to be at #INFA18 in Las Vegas. Informatica's opening market perspectives intro will be at the top of the hour here at the Venetian. I try to spend quality time with each important vendor. When they do lots of significant things, deep conversation is essential for my research

"Google Removes 'Don't Be Evil' Clause From Its Code of Conduct" (http://ow.ly/sWak30k6E7p ) JK--Gasp! Don't tell us it's because Trump has normalized evil.

"Making Kubernetes work for the average engineer—via PaaS" (http://ow.ly/LXli30k6CNS ) JK--I was about to pounce on the "birthed by the engineering gods at Google" nonsense when I was placated by this quote: "“the Kubernetes elevator pitch is straight up dogshit."

"How information management leaders can prepare for Industry 5.0" (http://ow.ly/YACB30k6Cif ) JK--How about starting by giving this concept mnemonic nomenclature, not some meaningless version number? What's new here? Human-robotic industrial collaboration? Say so, then!

"Tomorrow’s Factories'll Need Better Processes Not Just Better Robots" (http://ow.ly/CKcx30k6ANP ) JK--"Exoskeleton": "workers wear these cyborg-esque contraptions to make them strong enough 2 lift heavy truck tires or ease stress when performing repetitive overhead assembly tasks"

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpLord Huron "Moonbeam" from Vide Noir JK--2018. Good new one from the LA-based group. Bandname references the lake. Leader Ben Schneider grew up in Okemos MI, near East Lansing, but had the good sense to go Wolverine, not Spartan.

Delta ticketing agent's given names were literally "Queen Elizabeth." I told her she looked much younger in person, congratulated her on the new granddaughter-in-law, and apologized for being the millionth person in her life to make comments of that nature.

Preakness. The state of being preak. This is totally preaking me out!

I’ll bet Meghan Markle is relieved that she doesn’t have to spend her waking days going to cattle-call auditions, reading scripts, fending off jerkface casting heads, doing 6am soundstage appearances, & so forth. 36 is a make-or-break age for many Hollywood actresses.

Gad! A week of this rain! I feel like my bones are liquefying.

Took a break from my #SiliconANGLEcolumn today, in recognition of the fact that I wrote original analysis every single work day for the past 2 months. Instead, I wrote my next Information Week column: “Debiasing Our Algorithms Down To Their Roots.” In a mad rush.

"Real-time Human Pose Estimation in the Browser with TensorFlow.js" (http://ow.ly/S90530k49Zh ) JK--Very cool. I bet this will be baked into devices to auto-assess user attentiveness/sentiment & drive real-time UX adjustments accordingly.

"AI Benchmark Targets Inference" (http://ow.ly/k0hG30k49kW ) JK--Specifically, EEMBC benchmark will define standard framework for measuring IoT/edge/low-power device inferencing performance + time to spin up a neural-net model + power efficiency.

"The U.S. Army is planning new, more complex battlefield robots" (http://ow.ly/aTwn30k490K ) JK--"It seems inevitable that technology is taking us to a point where countries will face the question of whether to delegate lethal decision-making to machines."

"A look at the leading artificial intelligence infrastructure products" (http://ow.ly/UTkX30k48nS ) JK--Infrastructure products? Actually, this presents a jumble of AI-to-manage-IT-ops, AI-to-manage-data-integration, and flat-out DevOps-for-AI vendors/solutions.

"Calculating Blockchain's Impact" (http://ow.ly/y35B30k47h2 ) JK--What I find most interesting is that a Stanford Business School research project "catalogued and analyzed 193 blockchain initiatives dedicated to social impact." That's an amazing amount of activity!

"Coolest Blockchain Startups at NYC's Consensus" (http://ow.ly/qpa430k466d ) JK--Interbit sounds interesting: "multi-chain architecture...share state between chains....JavaScript front end & Node.js backend...same code can run in a browser & turn that browser into blockchain node"

"Google’s Selfish Ledger Is An Unsettling Vision Of Silicon Valley Social Engineering" (http://ow.ly/bmom30k4485 ) JK--Don't get the sweats. 2-year-old video for internal brainstorming, though the "ledger" and user-centric identity suggest an self-sovereign identity blockchain.

"Google now says controversial AI voice calling system will identify itself to humans" (http://ow.ly/yvuc30k43PE ) JK--Good. I also think these sorts of anthropophonic bots should be by default on everybody's "do not call" registry. We should have to opt into receiving the calls.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Hybrid clouds: building out orchestration, middleware, DevOps and management tooling” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/17/hybrid-clouds-building-orchestration-middleware-devops-management-tooling/ …)

Dear Equity Analyst Covering High-Tech: Please put your long-short position disclosures in the titles of your reports. That way, we can take your opinion down the requisite number of pegs before reading--eg., "DISCLOSURE: Long on GOOG: We Wanna Make Kissy-Face With Google's AI!"

"It’s A Toxic Myth That Celibacy Makes Men Violent" (http://ow.ly/8g0E30k3kmJ ) JK--It's also a myth that failure to get laid is "celibacy." When someone is celibate, that means they voluntarily abstain from sexual encounters. "Involuntary celibacy" is an oxymoron.

My question isn't whether it says "laurel" or "yanny," but whether the speaker is wearing a frock that's black and blue or white and gold.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpSandwidi Pierre "Je Suis Un Salaud" from Le Troubadour De La Savane 1976-1980 JK--"Fresh Nigerian synth-funk from Burkina Faso, recorded sometime between the late 70s and early 80s"

"Optimizing an artificial intelligence architecture: The race is on" (http://ow.ly/YojE30k2Lct ) JK--Calls out value of Non-Volatile Memory Express over Fabrics in shared storage pool optimized for AI workloads. Check out @dfloyer#Wikibonresearch:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpCoco & Clair Clair "Naomi & Kate" JK--2018. Self-released single by Atlanta duo. Kind of cool bouncy girly rap.

"GDPR impact on Whois data raising concern" (http://ow.ly/FpO930k2Kgz ) JK--I'll say. Giving criminals the right to block disclosure of their fraudulent Whois domain registration profiles will open the floodgates to malware, phishing, DDoS, & other cybersecurity nightmares.

This will be the first wedding of a British royal to an American divorcee since Edward VIII married...whatshername...Gromit?

Woke up very early. Unusually calm outside. App says more heavy rain expected today. Trying to build a makeshift rowboat, just in case.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Blockchain startups are trying to grab a piece of the video streaming market” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/16/blockchain-startups-trying-grab-piece-video-streaming-market/ …)

"Facebook's fake account crackdown: Our AI spots nudity, hate, terror before you do" (http://ow.ly/vbDh30k1V1I ) JK--How do they know how fast we spot it? Are they spying on us?

"A Google program can pass as a human on the phone. Should it be required to tell people it’s a machine?" (http://ow.ly/HGoy30k1TNP ) JK--I think they should be required to auto-voice a standard shibboleth speech impediment--perhaps lisp twice--in response to a human's 1st response

"Intel launches Open Visual Inference & Neural Network Optimization toolkit" (http://ow.ly/HSyJ30k1RKZ ) JK--Near-edge AI software/HW video-stream analysis. Includes Intel CPUs, FGPAs, & Vision Processing Units. Integrates with AWS GreenGrass devices for edge-based ML inferencing

US Government Accountability Office report "Technology Assessment: Artificial Intelligence: Emerging Opportunities, Challenges, and Implications" (http://ow.ly/3tWJ30k1Rhm ) JK--Good report. I assume that Trump will read it front to back.

Dear Vendors Who Want to Meet Me In Person: Please don't assume I'm based in whatever city you've indicated you'll be in next week. Saying you'll be in San Francisco, Boston, or New York is like saying you'll be in Johannesburg. I'm not there. My location is in my Twitter profile

"Blockchain Is Gaining Ground in Video Streaming. Here's Why" (http://ow.ly/iJOl30k1P78 ) JK--Perhaps because an immutable, trusted, distributed store of digitally timestamped & watermarked video can protect the IP of video content providers in a world gone gaga over streaming.

When somebody calls themselves a "serial entrepreneur," I want to know if it's a series of failures or successes, or a series of increasingly desperate pleas for funding from investors wary and weary of yet another in an endless series of serial entrepreneurs.

"Blockchain in the cloud: Microsoft and Amazon look to democratize the distributed ledger for developers" (http://ow.ly/rbeD30k1FLD ) JK--Good post. No need to flag the fact that the author is in 10th grade. He knows his stuff.

"Fake News: A Tech Approach to Proving Origins of Content, Using Blockchains" (http://ow.ly/1K2l30k1Fmu ) JK--"Provenator": "content creator should be able to prove provenance of resources they create." Think of blockchain as Library of Congress depository & crypto hash as ISBN

"Computational Propaganda and Political Big Data: Moving Toward a  Critical Research Agenda" (http://ow.ly/Lfeb30k1EAm ) JK--"Assemblage of social-media platforms, autonomous agents, and big data tasked with the manipulation of public opinion."

"White House eliminates cybersecurity coordinator role" (http://ow.ly/GAPY30k1E1T ) JK--Redundant. By Trump's own admission, he's a leading expert in this and any other subject. Give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Google's AI pact with Pentagon sparks resignations, highlighting leadership disconnect" (http://ow.ly/zqQw30k1DV0 ) JK--Conscience-stricken techies who have plenty of other career opportunities where they can make even more money & do even cooler stuff.

"Fujitsu Quantum-Inspired Digital Annealer Cloud Service to Rapidly Resolve Combinatorial Optimization Problems" (http://ow.ly/sjCn30k1D7I ) JK--Argh! No "quantum-inspired" please. Magic is quantum-inspired. Interesting HPC architecture, though.

RIP Tom Wolfe. Whatever color he drained away from those showy white suits found its way into his literary output. He must have sunk his bestseller monies into drycleaning

Local weather app alert: “Moderate rain detected within 10.0 miles of Washington DC.” Run for your lives!

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “How client-side training is moving from the fringes to the center of AI development” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/15/client-side-training-moving-fringes-center-ai-development/ …)

"GPUs: Designed for gaming now crucial to HPC and AI" (http://ow.ly/tU7W30k0xgZ ) JK--Notes that big DBMS vendors still lack GPU-accelerated DBMSs. See my recent blog:

"New DeepMind AI Learns to Navigate  an Animal; Scientists React" (http://ow.ly/sce330k0wEF ) JK--See the "zoomorphism" focus of my latest "uncanny valley"#SiliconANGLEcolumn on trends in AI:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpCharlotte Gainsbourg "Deadly Valentine" from Rest JK--2018. Love the repeatedly descending melodic line on this.

"Facebook Adds A.I. Labs in Seattle and Pittsburgh, Pressuring Local Universities" (http://ow.ly/sAxf30k0vNw ) JK--Or perhaps doing a great favor for them, giving grads cool AI jobs, encouraging more students to enroll in those schools' AI programs in hopes of landing the same.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexpEELS "Bone Dry" from The Deconstruction JK--2018. Nice new one from Mark Everett and crew. I like how effectively he works within his limited vocal range.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpMorgan Delt "Some Sunsick Day" from Phase Zero JK--2016. This song has a tingle-worthy backing track.

"Pioneers Create Infrastructure for Self-Sovereign Identity Online" (http://ow.ly/Bcrz30k0usH ) JK--I've been tracking this theme for almost 2 decades now, since my Burton Group years. Never seems to coalesce into anything broadly adopted. See my recent:

"Announcing Open Images V4 & the ECCV 2018 Open Images Challenge" (http://ow.ly/E0h930k0tTH ) JK--Image recognition is heart of practical AI. Google's dataset has > 15 million professionally annotated bounding boxes for 600 categories. Challenge is here: http://ow.ly/woV230k0tYV 

"Pretrained models for TensorFlow.js" (http://ow.ly/iVxu30k0tKc ) JK--TensorFlow team building model zoo for developing browser-based AI using JavaScript and libraries. This will become a huge focus for Web, mobile, and embedded app developers 

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpMassive Attack "Protection" JK--1994. Tracey Thorn upon receiving song's backing track....'On the one hand, 'I don't understand this at all.' On the other, 'I understand this completely. This is minimalism. I do minimalism.'...,'I know how to do this.'"

"5 key takeaways from Red Hat Summit 2018" (http://ow.ly/SrJ530k0sfB ) JK--Core . takeaway is convergence of hybrid-cloud ecosystems: virtualized and containerized apps; CoreOS and Kubernetes orchestration/automation; Red Hat OpenShift, Microsoft Azure, and IBM Cloud environments.

"Google Duplex beat the Turing test: Are we doomed?" (http://ow.ly/NgPN30k0pbN ) JK--"How much scamming could be done if scammers could combine AI, a corpus of psychological manipulation knowledge, human-sounding callers, and the ability to scale? It boggles."

"Robot dogs that freaked out people by opening doors may soon come to building near you" (http://ow.ly/twGB30k0mwC ) JK--As long as they don't lick my face with their greasy tongues, I'm cool.

Caught "Darkest Hour" on DVD. Good character study on Churchill. Oldman embodies him convincingly as an "old man," though in fact Oldman is my age and he's playing a man only a few years older than we are. Gasp!

WTF? PR making up false facts about me as hooks to get me to talk their clients. 2 in my inbox now. "Hi, I see you're going to [show I'm not going to].""Hi, I see you've written about [topic I've never written about]." You must have me confused with the other James Kobielus

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Crossing the uncanny valley without losing our grip on AI’s value” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/14/crossing-uncanny-valley-without-losing-grip-ais-value/ …)

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpSinéad O’Connor "Three Babies" from I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got JK--1990. Her voice has the rare quality that Patsy Cline had. She can channel pure heartbreak into the listener.

Catch me at Informatica World next week in Las Vegas. I may be doing some Cube hosting. Stay tuned. http://ow.ly/hLfk30jZm4Q 

"Beyond Narrative Description: Generating Poetry from Images by Multi-Adversarial Training" (http://ow.ly/rP5q30jZjX1 ) JK--When developers start encroaching on my turf, I think we need the regulators to step right in and crack down on this "AI" crap once and for all.

"Evolving Mario Levels in the Latent Space of a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network" (http://ow.ly/N8G830jZjBF ) JK--When AI developers start building clever tricks for acing Super Mario Bros, I start to worry about reining them in.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpThe Temper Trap "Sweet Disposition" from Conditions JK--2009. Melbourne, Australia-based group features Indonesian lead singer Dougy Mandagi. My Indonesia-born wife has family in Melbourne.

"Ultra Low Power Deep-Learning-powered Autonomous Nano Drones" (http://ow.ly/48lo30jZi1k ) JK--The prospect of intelligent winged robo-insects sends shivvers up my backbone.

"Google researchers try to boost AI performance via in-graph computation" (http://ow.ly/aB2O30jZhAX ) JK--Actually, cooler than that. AI programming abstraction layer for fine-grained decoupling of TensorFlow models for distributed execution across TPUs, GPUs, etc in parallel

"Service mesh data plane vs. control plane" (http://ow.ly/QAUY30jZeBi ) JK--Skip to the end for a good overview of cloud microservices mesh protocols, including Istio, which I #Wikibon blogged on last year:

"Invasive Rabbits Ruined Ecosystem of Isolated Islands" (http://ow.ly/6pxi30jZcOG ) JK--Ecologists are considering introducing a colony of Elmer Fudds to nab the wascally cwitters.

"Smart office secrets: Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant could hear commands the human ear can't" (http://ow.ly/XYWe30jZcto ) JK--Is this a "dog whistle"? I'm not sure it's a good thing to let our devices activate through stealthy signals our 5 senses can't detect.

"A woman had a seizure at Ken Jeong’s comedy show. The former doctor jumped offstage to save her" (http://ow.ly/62wc30jZccu ) JK--"Former"? Until such time as the relevant medical board revokes Jeong's license to practice medicine, he's a physician....and, apparently, a skilled one

"The jogging humanoid robot video that is ‘terrifying’ the Internet " (http://ow.ly/Npl730jZbPC ) JK--Same week as "horrifying" reaction to Google's Turing-shredding AI-powered Duplex anthropophonic robocaller (http://ow.ly/UBcx30jZbYM )

"Klout throws in the towel on whatever they were trying to accomplish – long live GDPR!" (http://ow.ly/l92c30jZbkB ) JK--Dang! I forgot to cash in my Klout score for fun and prizes.

Had a hailstorm last night. Knowing how hail forms high up in thunderheads, the same systems that deliver tornados, makes the sudden drumming even more unnerving. All was fine, after a few minutes.

Bought/downloaded Wye Oak's latest LP "The Louder I Call, the Faster It Runs." Warm enveloping electronic vibes abound.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpThe Clash "Straight to Hell" from Combat Rock JK--1982. The song's protagonist didn't actually go straight to hell. Rumored to be MIA.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpJungle "House In LA" from House in LA JK--2018. Duo from West London. Nice dreamy trance-soul track.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpDave and Ansell Collins "Double Barrel" JK--1970. Very cool early reggae dance song. They interpolate a bit of DJ-like boasting rap into the delivery. Brilliant. I remember hearing this for the first time on a cut-out at a record store in Ann Arbor.

I want to thank my editor Rob for publishing my Thursday column on Sunday. Need to sustain the myth that Kobielus works crazy hours. I’m actually kind of lazy.

Enjoying all the clickbait about washed-up has-been second-tier celebrities of yore and how crazy they look now and how you’re not going to recognize them. Click now.

Drinking Zinfandel because I’m an infidel. In my secret heart of hearts, I have always dissented from the ruling Cabernet orthodoxy.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Blockchain isn’t ready for enterprise primetime. Here’s what will get it there” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/13/blockchain-isnt-ready-enterprise-primetime-heres-will-get/ …)

Thank you rain. I didn’t feel like mowing the lawn anyway. Let it grow.

Type A vs Type B personalities. Please explain the relevance of blood type to temperament. Are Type O people the silent majority?

CBS Sunday Morning reports that Poles are Britain’s largest immigrant group. London is looking more like Chicago every day. Or more like me.

Saw “Den Of Thieves” on DVD. Standard cops & robbers. I spent more time glancing at IMDB on my phone. Learned that Gerard James Butler and I have the same 2 given names and birthday. Yawn.

Lounging outside Starbucks while the wife goes about her Saturday shopping. Not drinking. Just sucking down that macchiato free Wi-Fi. My my my!

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Anything but artificial, AI is evolving into anticipatory intelligence” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/11/anything-artificial-ai-evolving-anticipatory-intelligence/ …)

Those SAT prep courses. Do they give students a cheatsheet?

Thank you Microsoft Outlook Calendar for defaulting to the weather in Redmond WA. Nice to know that there's always drizzly, overcast, mildewed, squishy-earth, stay-indoors, coffee-guzzling, bleary-eyed, workaholic, monitor-squinting fatigue and gloom in the forecast.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpOwl John "Red Hand" from Owl John JK--2014. RIP Scott Hutchison.

"3 problems with Facebook’s plan to kill hate speech using AI" (http://ow.ly/fzh230jVKgt ) JK--1) "Words are easy, but meaning hard." 2) " It’s an arms race." 3) "Video will make things worse." Also, human speech curators (aka censors) will inconsistently rate positives v negatives

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpStevie Wonder "Living for the City" from Innervisions JK--1973. Rare pre-rap popsong with 1) spoken interludes and 2) use of "N-word."

"Google Wants You to Put Down Your Phone (No, Really)" (http://ow.ly/Z9m230jVJqn ) JK--I think it's futile to try to engineer willpower and work-life balance into people's habits. This is Just another set of unnecessary controls on our phones that users will waste time futzing with

"The State of AI 2017: What Matters Most" (http://ow.ly/uVEk30jVIQi ) JK--I think what matters most, as regards UK AI landscape (early stage companies), is having a graphic that doesn't require a scanning tunneling microscope to read.

"What does it really mean for a robot to be racist?" (http://ow.ly/jHzv30jVIdv ) JK--Or any of us, for that matter, when the unconsciously "biased word embedding" associations in natural language operate to advantage/disad of various socioeconomic groups. NLP infers/"learns" those

"Europe may come to regret its new set of data rules" (http://ow.ly/9Slf30jVHDq ) JK--Argues that "would be even better to encourage companies to explicitly charge for privacy, which would give users better sense of what their data is worth & ensure their consent is more informed"

"Microsoft predicts five-year wait for quantum computing in Azure" (http://ow.ly/GkHn30jVH89 ) JK--By the time humanity stops qubits from decohering, I suspect that popular interest in the tech will have decohered and that everyone now alive will be decomposing. I could be wrong.

"Oracle Blockchain Cloud Service" (http://ow.ly/ZAJE30jVGSJ ) JK--Hyperledger Fabric to support distributed transaction ledgers for corporate users on the Oracle platform-as-a-service infrastructure. Microsoft also had blockchain announcement this week: http://ow.ly/YgvG30jVGYt 

"The Wild Wild West of conversational design" (http://ow.ly/rrgz30jVGnq ) JK--Conversational UI designers lack standard vocabulary for talking about the parts of a conversation. See my Wikibon note on this, with respect to "conversational frames":

"AI for social good: Big tech spins a new narrative" (http://ow.ly/ULcE30jVG3l ) JK--Cites Microsoft "AI for Earth" initiative: using insects to understand and protect biodiversity, data-driven farming to sustainably feed the world, advanced mapping for precision conservation, etc

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpJanelle Monáe "Screwed" from Dirty Computer JK--2018. Spoke-sung interludes by Zoë Kravitz sound a bit like Laurie Anderson.

"John McAfee Says Blockchain Will Upend Business as We Know It in 5 Years (Hint: No Bosses, Banks or Retirement)" (http://ow.ly/aD7930jVEqh ) JK--Damn! He stole my business model: charging $105K per tweet. At this point, my net worth simply from tweeting endeavors is up to $7.024B

I find it curious that "United States of America" is often first in an otherwise alphabetical drop-down list of the world's countries. To avoid the anomaly and own that status legit, I suggest we change the country's official name to "AAAAAAmerica."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpPolyrock "Romantic Me" from Polyrock JK--1980. Obscure electro-beat song that I can fairly characterize as "New Wave." Sounds like a lost Cars track. A good one.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpBoys "End of Time" from Rest in Peace JK--2018. Debut release from Swedish artist. One of those atmospheric tunes you'll probably be overhearing, barely noticing, in coffee bars around the globe.

"Embrace GDPR to remain competitive, says OWI" (http://ow.ly/NCLU30jVDoV ) JK--Yes. Feel the burn! It's good for ya!

"Blockchain: Paving the way for broad adoption" (http://ow.ly/FyVq30jVDds ) JK--Deloitte is more sanguine on its prospects than Gartner, brandishing "a long list of use cases across every region and industry."

"Most CIOs not interested in 'massively hyped' blockchain, finds Gartner" (http://ow.ly/hC7A30jVCU2 ) JK--Yes, mildly hyped is preferable. Are they waiting for it to climb the Slope of Enlightenment or simply coast along on the Plateau of Productivity?

"A Google program can pass as a human on the phone. Should it be required to tell people it’s a machine?" (http://ow.ly/5kEq30jVCog ) JK--Regulators should require all such bots to reveal when human utters standard "safeword" (probably a different one than you'd use with a sexbot)

Read about somebody starting a blockchain incubator hub in Nigeria. I assume that soon we'll be getting urgent messages reputedly from a semi-notorious Nigerian asking help transferring government-impounded bitcoins out of the country. Some hardluck story from Goodluck Jonathan.

I've been contacted on whether I have "any data needs at this time." Yes, I do. Please provide me with the exact data from Trump's tax returns dating back to the early '80s. Think you can oblige me? For some reasons, Wikileaks is powerless to leak the stuff that actually matters

Our car GPS was obviously not programmed by somebody from the National Capital Region. You never route anybody from Northern Virginia to upper Northwest thru Georgetown, especially at rush hour.  nerve-wracking than the Exorcist Steps.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "The big takeaway at I/O: Google updates its mobile AI roadmap" (http://ow.ly/vrvk30jV4W7 )

Scholars say the etymology of the Christian prophet's given name in English comes from the Latin form of the Greek name Ἰησοῦς (Iēsous), a rendition of the Hebrew Yeshua (ישוע), related to the name Joshua. But I think it was actually a Greek shouting "hey Zeus!" and it stuck.

Join me tomorrow, 12noon-1pm eastern, for #WikibonCrowdchat: Multi-Cloud Data Protection. Click here then and share your thoughts: http://ow.ly/8wMR30jUXH7 #cloudprotection

"AI Safety via Debate" (http://ow.ly/y6Im30jUtjM ) JK--This one has me feeling a bit nervous. Training AI-powered agents to debate likely AI-safety consequences with one another, supervised by a human judge. See my 2017 KDNuggets on cooperative learning: http://ow.ly/HQlv30jUtt5 

"White House will host Amazon, Facebook, Ford and other major companies for summit on AI" (http://ow.ly/TxR230jUt3w ) JK--Wonderful. This will give Trump a chance to browbeat and threaten smarter, richer, and more innovative business people close-up.

"Can GDPR and blockchain co-exist?" (http://ow.ly/dWBM30jUsA9 ) JK--Discussion (by an "offshore law firm advising....clients on Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guernsey & Jersey law") is consistent with my own recent #InfoWorldcolumn:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpThe Cure "Play for Today" from Seventeen Seconds JK--1988. The Cure's best always has an elastic snap and bounce to it. Perfect example.

"ReQuEST: Reproducible Quality-Efficient Systems Tournaments" (http://ow.ly/cD7T30jUs7D ) JK--Cool omni-benchmarking community in which researchers to share complete algorithm implementations (code and data) as portable, customizable and reusable "collective knowledge" workflows.

"An AI speed test shows clever coders can still beat tech giants like Google and Intel" (http://ow.ly/xhNu30jUrLB ) JK--DAWNBench AI benchmarking competition. See my #SiliconANGLEcolumn from Monday:

"Startup RStor promises a new type of distributed compute fabric" (http://ow.ly/oSNk30jUroB ) JK--Uses ML to predict best cloud provider & deploy platform for a specific workload, so the more the system is used, more intelligence it gains over the best per-task processing location

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpRogue Wave "Lake Michigan" from Asleep at Heaven's Gate JK--2007. Listen to the beat on this one. It starts off mushy, then seems to skip erratically, then locks into a nice solid whompity-whomp. Kind of a cool percussive progression.

"AI experts vow to boycott new subscription journal" (http://ow.ly/7mtk30jUpbt ) JK--"We see no role for closed access or author-fee publication in future of machine learning research....In contrast, we would welcome new zero-cost open access journals and conferences in AI & ML."

"Announcing PyTorch 1.0" (http://ow.ly/Isp630jUoX2 ) JK--Facebook's AI tool gaining developer traction. Will be available in beta within the next few months. Includes tools, libraries, pre-trained models, and datasets for each stage of development.

"The economics of artificial intelligence" (http://ow.ly/qI4r30jUoQ6 ) JK--Provocative thesis: significantly reduces the cost of prediction.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “Everything from Build: Microsoft drives AI further into the edge, security to the forefront” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/08/everything-build-microsoft-drives-ai-edge-security-forefront/ …)

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: “The challenge of finding reliable AI performance benchmarks” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/07/challenge-finding-reliable-ai-performance-benchmarks/ …)

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexpFather John Misty "Mr. Tillman" from Mr. Tillman jK--2018. This artist has already referenced his real name in his songs a few times. I wonder if he composes them with a selfie stick.

Aweekstweets July 20 to October 8 2018: the weeks that just slipped into eternity


RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Janis Joplin "Women Is Losers" from The Essential Janis Joplin (disc 1) JK--1967. Actually, a feminist message. Listen till the end.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Hoyt Axton "California Women" from Country Funk, Volume 2: 1967-1974 JK--1971. This classic singer-songwriter could do no wrong!

Americans’ geographic ignorance is startling. “You got out of Indonesia just in time, that tsunami,” said the guy at Trader Joe. Actually, Jakarta is as far from Palu as San Francisco is from Albuquerque.

Another visit to the fitness club, another bout of enduring management’s programming of cable sports or news on the main monitors and overplayed crap pop hits on endless overhead loops. I bring my devices & buds to tune it all out.

Took no photos in my barely 24 hours in Houston. Only my second time ever in the city. I’m slightly unnerved by the contrast between the gleaming downtown and griminess of the surrounding city. And it has the ugliest highway ramps I’ve ever seen.

"AI and Algorithmocracy: What the Future Will Look " (http://ow.ly/yo3g30m7z2v ) JK--Wrongheaded concept, unpronounceable term for it, and idiotic painting in this blog. Future will only be as democratic as humans will it to be. We'll bend algorithms to our preferred polis

"Instilling the Best of Human Values in AI" (http://ow.ly/SqYv30m7yP5 ) JK--I think we should focus on instilling them in humans first.

"Elon Musk tweets out a new name for the SEC" (http://ow.ly/2EJx30m7ykE ) JK--Whew! At least it has nothing to do with child molestation.

"Boomers Retire, Knowledge Goes With Them" (http://ow.ly/n8Na30m7yd9 ) JK--Serving notice to you young punks that we INVENTED knowledge. So don't get any funny ideas about taking over from here on in. Check the vast knowledge corpus we're leaving for you before you do anything dumb

Worked two consulting jobs this week. Saw another one come to fruition. Did I recently take a long overseas vacation? That was another (two) continent(s).

New jk #Wikibonresearch note: "Building Resilient Data Multiclouds" (http://ow.ly/lKiu30m7pDI )

"MLflow Opens Up to R" (http://ow.ly/lIrZ30m7gX8 ) JK--Databricks-based open source for manage ML DevOps workflows. Packages code as reproducible runs, executes & compares 100s of parallel experiments on any hardware or software platform, including on prem and cloud.

"Expert Interview (Part 3): James Kobielus on the Future of Blockchain, AI, Machine Learning, and GDPR" (http://ow.ly/2u1e30m76fn )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Dum Dum Girls "Bedroom Eyes" from Only in Dreams JK--2011. This one always makes me shiver with delight.

“Trump climbed the steps of Air Force One with a thin piece of paper stuck to his shoe” (https://amp.businessinsider.com/trump-shoe-toilet-paper-napkin-stuck-air-force-one-2018-10 …) JK--Technically, it wasn’t toilet paper. He was wiping his ass with the Constitution.

"Cellular automata as convolutional neural networks" (http://ow.ly/TvwA30m61jo ) JK--Will this innovation collapse AI's longstanding distinction between evolutionary algorithms and statistical algorithms?

Cloudera and Hortonworks merging. Hadoop's bloom is off the rose. Big data isn't the mania it was. I suggest reverting to the older technical term: "oodles of info." Slightly longer, but  fun to say.

"Partners Look to Scale ‘Chomsky Knowledge Graph’" (http://ow.ly/8z2c30m5Z7D ) JK--Cool. I'd  to see Chomsky's mental graph of America's "awesome propaganda machine," per this Oct 2 1979 Michigan Daily article authored by Mary Gaitskill, alongside my own busker review.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Townes Van Zandt "I'll Be Here in the Morning" from For the Sake of the Song JK--1968. Classic country-folk. Fort Worth native.

Does anybody have a presidential-alert blocker handy for me to download? I need it before 2:18pm ET today. I expect that the national crisis to which we’ll be alerted will have something to do with assaults on the reputation of that fine man Brett Kavanaugh.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Liz Phair "Supernova (edit)" JK--1994. Online source puts lyric as "your lips are sweet and slippery  a cherub's bare wet ass." I always misheard it as "sheriff's bearded ass." Either way: disturbing.

"20 Years of IT Conferences: How Tech's Mega-Events Have Evolved" (http://ow.ly/i7YT30m480V ) JK--They're less fun now, but there's livestreaming and other online media to help you absorb , social media keeps you up-to-speed on what you miss, &  work gets done

"6 tools to tame your hybrid cloud " (http://ow.ly/jocC30m47dt ) JK--Before long, every enterprise cloud administrator will be well-versed in the leading tools for managing bridged private/public cloud hybrids.

"Jenkins on Kubernetes is promising, but integration needs work" (http://ow.ly/QgxW30m46Kv ) JK--Cloud Native Jenkins will be essential for DevOps in this new era of ubiquitous microservices containerization.

"Tim Berners-Lee unveils Solid, an open source project to decentralize the web and give users control of their data, and Inrupt, a startup to guide the project" (http://ow.ly/tKiA30m469v ) JK--He should hire the Pied Piper team to build it & keep it away from the evil Gavin Belson

"Building safe AI: specification, robustness, & assurance" (http://ow.ly/JumA30m45jV ) JK--DeepMind provides useful framework for technical AI safety. See also my recent Dataversity piece:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Nice As Fuck "Runaway" from Nice as Fuck JK--2016. I hope this Jenny Lewis project puts out  music. Seriously tight and memorably snappy rock with attitude. Ballsy name.

"Google confirms Dragonfly project in Senate hearing, dodges questions on China plans" (http://ow.ly/BFB230m44Cw ) JK--No easy answers here. Is a US-based company expected to push a "Radio Free Europe" operating model of counterpropaganda overseas?

"What’s new in Kubernetes containers" (http://ow.ly/8AkO30m44c6 ) JK--Great rollup by Serdar Yegulalp. This may seem  a lot of arcane details, but this is effectively the kernel of the operating system for our new multicloud world.

"Microsoft’s SQL Server gets built-in support for Spark and Hadoop" (http://ow.ly/4FhY30m43e7 ) JK--Telling detail: "SQL Server 2019 will support these big data clusters with the help of the Google-incubated Kubernetes container orchestration system."

"What’s New for Apache Spark on Kubernetes in the Upcoming Apache Spark 2.4 Release " (http://ow.ly/hQtp30m42Vo ) JK--Further proofpoint in the ongoing containerization of the big data analytics ecosystem.

"Expert Interview (Part 2): James Kobielus on Blockchain’s Sweet Spot in Practical Business Use Cases" (http://ow.ly/bYLH30m3ZOW )

"Five steps to tackle big graph data visualization" (http://ow.ly/uI9f30m3ZgR ) JK--Very important set of optimization techniques as graph models begin to consume  compute resources and  of our human attention span.

"Introducing Petastorm: Uber ATG’s Data Access Library for Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/SFY530m3YWL ) JK--Very cool. A data layer optimized for continual distributed training of AI models for DevOps.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp T. Rex "Bang a Gong (Get It On)" from Electric Warrior JK--1971. Good song, but they lost me on "you're built  a car, you've got a hub cap diamond star halo." That sounds   mechanical engineering than sexual innuendo.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp dvsn "Morning After" from Morning After JK--2017. Love this moody electronic soul dance track.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Dead Milkmen "Punk Rock Girl" from Beelzebubba JK--1988. If this isn't Nerd Rock, nothing is. BTW nerds, "California Dreaming" is by The Mamas and The Papas, not the Beach Boys. Shame on you! I need you to issue a correction on the lyric.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Big Mama Thornton "Hound Dog" JK--1952. Say what you will about Elvis' version, this song makes  sense sung by a woman: it's from the point of view of a lady fending off some no-account's sexual advances. Big Mama rocks it!

"Expert Interview (Part 1): James Kobielus on Separating Blockchain Hype from Reality" (http://ow.ly/WbC830m2SS6 )

"New working group aims to bring Kubernetes to IoT edge networks" (http://ow.ly/ZCaU30m2LeM ) JK--CNCF + Ecliipse. I'd be surprised if Eclipse doesn't bring its Ditto digital twin/device-as-a-service project into this. See my recent piece:

"Deep Learning Framework Power Scores 2018" (http://ow.ly/4bZv30m2KwQ ) JK--TensorFlow + Keras seem to be running away with this.

"What China Can Teach the U.S. About Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/gqMm30m2KcV ) JK--This POV disturbs me. Argues that China's AI advantage is not so much in the amount of data that their data scientists have access to but the intrusiveness (aka "depth") of that data.

"Millions of things will soon have digital twins" (http://ow.ly/gLuG30m2JOq ) JK--Yes, and those will be used to orchestrate things/devices in amazing distributed ensembles. See my recent InformationWeek column on device-as-a-service:

"NetApp Kubernetes Service launched to orchestrate containers" (http://ow.ly/eN4630m2JAj ) JK--Storage containerization is remaking the fabric of distributed data management all the way to the cloud's finer edges.

"The Secret Behind the New AI Spring: Transfer Learning" (http://ow.ly/yDoq30m2IWK ) JK--Yeah, it's key to AI-model reuse. But can we please lose this "spring" vs. "winter" metaphor regarding this tech? It reeks of manifest destiny and all that historical-determinism nonsense.

"Just Months Old, a Game-Playing A.I. Takes on the World" (http://ow.ly/p41n30m2Hwf ) JK--And here's my August 30 InfoWorld column on the OpenAI Five DotA challenge:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard "The Fourth Colour" from Live at KEXP JK--2018. Melbourne group I neglected to mention while I was in Melbourne last week. Yeah, they're from Melbourne too.

"Predictive Analytics in DevOps: Apps & Benefits" (http://ow.ly/wjUz30m2H3E ) JK--Predictive log analysis for application quality enforcement, application delivery security, application performance in production, reduction of alert storm floods, and production failure prevention.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ray LaMontagne "Homecoming" from Ouroboros JK--2016. Nice recessive one from the sensitive, bearded singer-songwriter dude.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp La Luz "Cicada" from LIVE at KEXP JK--2018. Love these ladies' killer spaghetti-western vibe on this. The video, with its long sequence of fake TV-show opening credits, is a perfect one to watch over and over.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Prince "17 Days" from Piano & A Microphone JK--2018. Posthumous release. Excellent.

"Artificial Intelligence Can Reinforce Bias, Cloud Giants Announce Tools For AI Fairness" (http://ow.ly/33Hv30m2FBN ) JK--Highlights anti-bias tools from Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, & IBM. See my InformationWeek column from May on the topic:

"Why building your own Deep Learning Computer is 10x cheaper than AWS" (http://ow.ly/KpWq30m2FoP ) JK--This is homebrew-a-go-go for the serious AI hardware-acceleration geek/hacker/innovator.

"Identify mutable and immutable infrastructures in action" (http://ow.ly/9Q5W30m2F1o ) JK--The spread of microservices and edge computing to nanodevices will tip the balance toward immutable infrastructure. Every component gets refreshed in toto rather than mutably modified in situ

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Empress Of "When I'm With Him" from Trust Me Baby JK--2018. I hope this becomes a big radio hit. I want to hear it over and over.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp iLe "Te Quiero con Bugalú" from Ilevitable JK--2016. Swinging Latin sounds from a Grammy-winning LP.

"Azure’s new machine learning features embrace Python" (http://ow.ly/lePt30m2EgO ) JK--Microsoft making significant strides in automated ML with distributed training, FPGA-accelerated inferencing, container-based model management, and DevOps for data science pipelines.

4Q. Fork you. Today's the first day of either the most obscene time of the year, or the beginning of the season in which open-source developers are given license to take their code as proprietary as their little hearts desire (which would be an obscenity in its own right).

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Hot Chip "These Chains" from In Our Heads JK--2012. A perfect early morning groove.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Low "Fly" from Double Negative jk--2018. Lovely, chill. A nice bit of ambience for early autumn back in the northern hemisphere.

RIP Marty Balin. Founder of Jefferson Airplane and male pop-honed tenor voice that defined their classic sound from the start. His duets with Grace were electric and he authored many of their best songs. 

Doing work while on overseas vacation was the perfect middle-of-night jetlag remedy. It put my head into a timezone of its own for several hours at a clip.

Enjoyed our overseas trip. But got a bit tired of Trump entering seemingly every conservation over there too. Enough already!

Hey Alaska Airlines: the SFO -> IAD final leg of my journey home last night was uncomfortable. Let's focus on those stupid recessed-handset arm-rests: how do you expect someone's elbow to relax into that? Thank goodness my wife had a neckrest pillow I could adapt for that.

Caught the 2-hour HBO documentary retrospective on Robin Williams on the Emirates flight from Melbourne to Singapore yesterday. Didn't quite answer why he was such a brilliant comedic actor, but I don't think such things are answerable.

Caught 1st few season 1 episodes of "The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel" on the Singapore Airlines flight home yesterday. Terrific. The characters were all exceptionally well sketched and the pace kept me tuned into every turn of events. Transgressive feminist stand-up ~60 years ago

Connecting in SFO. Coming from Melbourne via Singapore. Ironically, they’re playing Men At Work “Down Under” overhead. I hadn’t heard it before on this trip.

Watched the documentary "Won't You Be My Neighbor?"on the flight from Melbourne to Singapore. Fred Rogers was one serious empath. His wife and sons sound slightly in awe of him.

"Five Characteristics of a Data-Driven Company" (http://ow.ly/7qg730lZbhq ) JK--Irina Peregud quotes me.

"Former Google CEO predicts the internet will split in two — and one part will be led by China" (http://ow.ly/x6bh30lXllQ ) JK--I dunno. Doubtful whether other nations will acquiesce to PRC leadership's demands to censor PRC-unfriendly news from their domestic Internets.

"Microsoft Delivered a Ton of GA Releases at Ignite: Here They Are" (http://ow.ly/XNET30lXl2k ) JK--I'm glad somebody compiled these into a single article. Hard to keep up with what they're doing on every level.

"Benchmarking RL Algos on Real-World Robots" (http://ow.ly/NhgN30lXjCJ ) JK--Standard suites enable researchers to benchmark effects of hyperparameter & other choices, and running on real-world platforms helps understand how well these algorithms deal with robotics challenges.

"Microsoft Ignite 2018: 7 New Azure And IoT Products, Features" (http://ow.ly/wouC30lXjn5 ) JK-- automated ML and public previews of SQL Svr 2019, Azure SQL DB Hyperscale, Azure Data Explorer, Azure Digital Twins, Azure Data Box Edge, and Azure Sphere.

"Gmail's Smart  is an example of what real AI will look  for frontline workers" (http://ow.ly/SyAQ30lXiH4 ) JK--I've seen a few of those auto-suggests and I'm starting to dis them as much as spam. Just another distraction. Hopefully they'll get better in the future.

"Machine Learning Confronts the Elephant in the Room" (http://ow.ly/rKfs30lXilx ) JK--Computer vision AI focusing selective attention in a crowded environment. See this post of mine:

"Cisco: How AI & machine learning are going to change your network" (http://ow.ly/SHFl30lXhWh ) JK--Having encrypted traffic end2end, identify that there’s malware in that traffic without decrypting that content, building sanctioned connectivity graph to drive whitelisting policy

"AI Chips Put to Data Center Tests" (http://ow.ly/2VPI30lXhvM ) JK--Data centers are ly to adopt multiple AI accelerator hardwares, each mapped to specific workloads that they best fit. Some apps use as many as 20 types of neural nets, making cross-model flexibility a must.

"Help! I can’t reproduce a machine learning project!" (http://ow.ly/IYBr30lXh7u ) JK--Check out my latest InfoWorld column on this very topic: http://ow.ly/oZMP30lXh8C .

"Microsoft acquires Lobe to help bring AI development capability to everyone" (http://ow.ly/KyAm30lXgXZ ) JK--What will be impressive is when small children can create powerful AI apps in the act of play, and then build on them  the coolest constructive toy in all creation.

"Talend Speeds Apache Spark and Machine Learning Implementations without Coding" (http://ow.ly/8Ju130lXgLr ) JK--Throws its hat into the ever crowded data science toolchain solution arena.

New jk #InfoWorld column: "How to solve AI’s reproducibility crisis" (http://ow.ly/eGSV30lWwkJ )

"The building blocks of cloud-native application development" (http://ow.ly/jsYV30lWp01 ) JK--Good piece suggests that there should be a standard maturity model for cloud-native computing.

My favorite thing about traveling the world is looking up and seeing that the sky is still blue, the sun still moves from east to west, and that children still talk out of turn.

"IKEA designs future autonomous cars that work as hotels, stores, & meeting rooms" (http://ow.ly/rd2Q30lWnPs ) JK--Use them in every way we now live/work aboard airplanes, trains, buses, ships, etc. Not inconceivable that people will use them as primary residence, a la houseboats

"Adobe continues innovating storytelling with AI" (http://ow.ly/CBW830lWcY1 ) JK--Makes you kinda wonder how the Goldilocks story would've been written if she'd've had access to a porridge-temperature sensor and optimization algorithm.

"How Nvidia is using its autonomous car platform to drive into health care" (http://ow.ly/JAX630lWcUo ) JK--Project Maglev: uses semi-autonomous methods originally developed for self-driving cars to automate collection and labeling of data for many other apps.

"Alexa and Google can tell Eufy's new RoboVac to get cleaning" (http://ow.ly/vxFG30lWcQs ) JK--Pure overkill for a housekeeping chore that people with reasonably tidy habits only need to do once a month or so, and for which a whisk and dustpan are often sufficient (and cheaper).

I love Melbourne’s system of free trams for trips within downtown. Great way to keep people there longer, combining shopping, dining, sightseeing, and other personal business. Fosters a lively community atmosphere.

Melbourne has a great Chinatown. A fairly large one with several arches and block after block of restaurants with buzzy foot traffic. Significantly 20-something and affluent in demographics.

Having a pleasant time on my overseas vacation. I’ve experienced a summer equivalent in Indonesia, late winter and early spring in Australia, and vicarious back-home autumn. A full year’s worth of ambience.

New jk #InformationWeekcolumn: "Device-as-a-Service Will Power the Access Economy" (http://ow.ly/EMRl30lUYKX )

"If Software Ate the World, What In the World Happens Next?" (http://ow.ly/wzgm30lUMWj ) JK--Software would puke it right back up. The world's a pretty disgusting place.

I’ve prepared one consulting deliverable, two articles, and nine poems on this Indonesia/Australia trip, which is mixing pleasure and work in a weird blur of nights of restlessness and deep snoring sleep.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Emmylou Harris "Deeper Well" from Wrecking Ball JK--1995. Love this. Sounds  a dark night of the soul.

"This blockchain-based company got $30M to build a ‘new internet’" (http://ow.ly/CeJe30lSRlQ ) JK--That overstates it by a wide margin. DADI is one of several P2P compute brokering initiatives that use blockchain. See my recent InformationWeek article:

"Strata NYC 2018: AI, data governance, containers and production-ready data lake" (http://ow.ly/3wex30lSPCt ) JK--Covers announcements by Cloudera, Information Builders, Trifacta, Sprint, Rubrik, Hortonworks, Waterline Data, MapR, Alation, Okera, SAP, Dataiku, and Nvidia.

"AI mashes up existing games to create new ones" (http://ow.ly/Z8ky30lSPhm ) JK--Analyzes levels of already developed games; converts them into a graph that lays out the environments, objects, and rules for a new video game; turns game graphs’ into new playable levels of a game.

Want to thank the fellow Yank who lent/gave me his North America-to-Australia AC adapter in a pinch. I brought two with me, but they both essentially went deep-six long before I went Down Under. You saved my computer-dependent traveler's tail.

Didn't realize how cold it can get in Australia. It's 46 degrees Fahrenheit this evening in the Melbourne area. I know this is still winter in the southern hemisphere. Glad our friends have a spare jacket for me to wear. Brrrr!!

First time in Australia. Yes, we declared everything (i.e, nothing that the authorities might find objectionable). I'm no Johnny Depp http://ow.ly/Trxg30lSsU3 .

While I'm in Indonesia, all the banner ads I'm seeing digitally in my Web, email, and mobile apps are in Bahasa. I'm sure there's a reason why. Advertisers are  interested in testing my language comprehension than pitching me products while I'm overseas.

"Moving Towards Autonomous Driving Networks" (http://ow.ly/OaLb30lQk2K ) JK--Interesting Huawei blog ties it to digital twin technology.

"Google Cloud's new AI chief is on a task force for AI military uses and believes we could monitor 'pretty much the whole world' with drones" (http://ow.ly/BeB830lQjQP ) JK--And this pretty much assures that guerillas everywhere will deploy ruthless anti-drone tactics.

"Introducing a New Framework for Flexible and Reproducible Reinforcement Learning Research" (http://ow.ly/1J7830lQj5O ) JK--Google Dopamine: TensorFlow-based supports fast RL-algo prototyping in "small, easily grokked codebase in which users can freely experiment with wild ideas"

"Using AI to Design Deep Learning Architectures" (http://ow.ly/hgHI30lQj0J ) JK--Much of IBM's most cutting-edge R&D in advanced AI approaches seems to be coming from their Ireland lab. Case in point.

"Baidu launches EZDL, an AI model training platform that requires no coding experience" (http://ow.ly/c5ha30lQiWV ) JK--I count a few dozen such solutions on the market. The number and variety will grow. Most will be as-a-service offerings.

"Cisco joins the AI hardware fray with new deep learning server powered by 8 GPUs" (http://ow.ly/YYFC30lQiO6 ) JK--Collab w/ Hortonworks to validate for Hadoop 3.1. Promising support for Kubeflow to make TensorFlow compatible with Kubernetes software container orchestration engine.

"Hortonworks, IBM, Red Hat Collaborate to Help Accel Containerized Big Data Workloads for Hybrid Architectures" (http://ow.ly/KJhl30lQiJH ) JK--AI ecosystem been shifting toward decoupled, orchestrated, containerized, hybridized for some time. See my 2017:

"Deep image reconstruction from human brain activity" (http://ow.ly/FnnD30lPYKv ) JK--Mind reading. Now you're blowing mine

"What-If Tool: Code-Free Probing of Machine Learning Models" (http://ow.ly/HR3730lPYIB ) JK--Cool new interactive feature in Google's TensorBoard to help data scientists understand their model better--e.g., how would changes to a datapoint affect the model’s predictions.

"Anatomy of an AI System" (http://ow.ly/8BP130lPYH2 ) JK--As far as I can tell, this weird diagram is intended to show the place of an AI-infused device (Amazon Echo) within the connected cosmic fabric of humanity, geology, ecology, and physics.

"Skydio Autonomy Platform brings R1 self-driving drone smarts to devs" (http://ow.ly/rfRI30lPYEb ) JK--Interesting drone AI development platform.

"Microsoft announces Azure DevOps, will succeed Visual Studio Team Services" (http://ow.ly/ed0s30lPXTi ) JK--Notice how integral their GitHub acquisition is to this. This will also be fundamental to Azure Machine Learning for DataOps, I'm expecting.

"AI can recognize images. But can it understand this headline?" (http://ow.ly/QdC630lPVyv ) JK--"“We’re never going to be able to get enough labeled data...We really need to develop models that take messy, unlabeled data and learn as much from it as possible.”

"Put on your dancing algorithm" (http://ow.ly/zuNS30lPVuc ) JK--"Do as I do" motion transfer: AI that could revolutionize how choreographers communicate their compositions, instruct dancers to enact them, & dancers visualize themselves doing so before they actually do it.

"Google unveils search engine for open data" (http://ow.ly/JCTE30lPVr9 ) JK--Does this mean they have no plans at any point in the future to make money from selling data that competes with free & freely discoverable alternative sources?

I sincerely hope that they doublecheck the number of deaths caused by Hurricane Florence. Wouldn’t want to make Donald Trump look bad.

“Kamar kecil.” The Bahasa Indonesia phrase literally means “small room.” I love non-literal idiomatic phrases for the place with the toilet. Makes our “rest room” seem less dumb, in context. I never rest there and I don’t care about its dimensions.

Been in several houses in the week I’ve been in Jakarta. Haven’t seen a single house gecko (cicak). Wondering why. I kind of miss the little guys. Or their song, at the very least.

Verbatim PR email intro: “Hey James, quick question for you: How much do you know about artificial intelligence?” Hey PR, quick question: Do you know how to type my name into a Google search box?

The driver performed flawlessly on our shortcut-intensive intra-city trip across Jakarta. Even in normal traffic on main roads, it’s usually a hair-raising odyssey of close calls.

Excellent 2-hour deep-tissue massage in central Jakarta. The girl really did me right. Couldn't have been  than 25. Wife was right next to me, getting hers. So don't get any funny ideas.

"We’re living in the Last Era Before Artificial General Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/Q5DF30lMB2b ) JK--Yep. End of days is approaching. No better time to rend our garments, let our eyes bug out, pull our hair out of our heads, and run screaming through the streets at dawn.

"7 Short-Term AI ethics questions" (http://ow.ly/rf0A30lMAWP ) JK--I don't see what's "short-term" about weaponization of AI. Death, destruction, tyranny, terrorism, and balance of power are pretty much for keeps. Don't relegate this discussion to namby-pamby anodyne "philosophy."

"Panacea or Alchemy the Truth About AI" (http://ow.ly/bn8E30lMASf ) JK--Apparently, Jason Silva has upgraded himself from "futurist" to "futurist/philosopher." I guess that gives him free range to make one breathlessly over-the-top prognostication after another.

"The Reality of Digital Twins for IoT" (http://ow.ly/bSSs30lMAMU ) JK--"A digital twin is the virtual representation of a physical asset. Some refer to a digital twin as the virtual doppelganger of a thing. I also  the analogy that a digital twin enables a device-as-a-service."

"Amazon has patented a system that would put workers in a cage, on top of a robot" (http://ow.ly/FW4l30lMAnI ) JK--Sounds perfect for 60s nostalgia installations where caged android go-go girls do the watusi above audio-animatronic re-enactments of Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs.

"The AI calculus – Where do ethics factor in?" (http://ow.ly/5AxC30lMrys ) JK--The data-science mainstream is to factor ethics in right after you've recouped your investment in AI + a tidy profit. Bu probably need to transfer financial suffering to "ethical" AI developers early on

"With $65M, ThinCI Joins Elite AI Startup Club" (http://ow.ly/SedN30lMroA ) JK--What's interesting about this article is the table showing how much funding is flowing to so many AI integrated circuit startups and how global this is (US, UK, India...)

"Amazon Rekognition Mistook Congressmen for Criminals? A Closer Look" (http://ow.ly/kqiu30lMqGt ) JK--It was ACLU's stunt. They didn't follow Amazon's recommended practices (says Amazon). And at what point are vendors responsible for customer misuse of their solutions?

"Models Will Run the World" (http://ow.ly/zt4Z30lM2sB ) JK--Will that be before or after they do their little turn on the catwalk?

"GitOps — Git Push All the Things" (http://ow.ly/aVIW30lM1U2 ) JK--Lists three principles of GitOps. But in fact there's really only one: "Better git while the gittin's good." Take it from me, pardner, if you know what's good for ya.

"Alibaba continues to gain cloud momentum" (http://ow.ly/XwFt30lLZ46 ) JK--I've already told several people on this Indonesia trip that Alibaba is the Asian cloud/AI powerhouse to watch.

"EmbodiedQA: A Facebook Challenge for Building Goal-Oriented, Autonomous AI Agents" (http://ow.ly/eL7T30lLYQx ) JK--"Finding right balance between perception, communication & action is key element to power goal-driven autonomous AI agents." Explaining while exploring and exploiting

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Ryan Adams "New York, New York" from Gold JK--2001. I remember when he did this on Saturday Night Live. I'm , who is that guy? he's great!

"Can ML and AI Tackle Fake News" (http://ow.ly/KAwZ30lLYde ) JK--Can they? You wouldn't know from reading this article. My piece a few months ago goes to the heart of the matter and dissects the approaches for doing so:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers "Into the Great Wide Open" JK--1991. I was indifferent to Tom Petty till my nephew played his greatest hits while driving around Jakarta in 1994. Somehow, I listened differently when America was at a literal distance.

Maybe I'm an incorrigible analyst, but I'm not comfortable talking technology socially unless we can break it down to something highly specific that I actually have an informed opinion on. I don't enjoy indulging in attitudinal techno-blather that's not anchored in reality.

Trump vows to write a "real book." I'd be impressed if he could read a real book.

"It's time to establish big data standards" (http://ow.ly/3XFw30lLvQP ) JK--Oh, dear lord, please no. I was pulled into several of those industry initiatives in my last gig and found them an exercise in futility. People proliferate empty specifications that no one really needs.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Kate Bush "Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)" from Hounds of Love JK--1985. The gorgeous, talented English singer-songwriter recently turned 60. If anyone deserves to be called a "diva" (in the best sense), it's Kate.

"AI camera shootout: Samsung Galaxy Note 9 vs Huawei Mate 10 Pro and LG G7" (http://ow.ly/rg3z30lLuTX ) JK--Auto-adjusts/improves the framing, lighting, contrast, color saturation, etc while you're pressing the shutter button.

"10 Hot AI-powered IoT startups" (http://ow.ly/jlSo30lLuKM ) JK--We've just seen the beginning in commercial and open-source edge-AI platforms, frameworks, tools, libraries, etc. This stuff is getting  fused into the physical world with every passing day.

"Consultants Saying Things - Episode 08: The One About Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/DPw630lLupN ) JK--Me, Chris Lockhart, Bill Bensing, and Phil Yanov a few weeks ago. Thanks for engaging me. I enjoyed chatting on mic/camera with you guys.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Bob Moses "Back Down" from Battle Lines JK--2018. Love this musical statement of personal resolve.

"When Bots Teach Themselves to Cheat" (http://ow.ly/3Vml30lK4IL ) JK--The pretext for that statement is that the bots were already instilled with a moral compass. To them, "cheating" is simply exploiting knowledge of the best path to their objective.

"A Robot Walks Into a Bar. But Can It Do Comedy?" (http://ow.ly/UYs630lK4H6 ) JK--Interesting. Here's a piece I published on my LinkedIn blog two years ago on  or less that same topic:

"RecoGym: A Reinforcement Learning Environment for the problem of Product Recommendation in Online Advertising" (http://ow.ly/xU2y30lK0Yq ) JK--Cool. Implicitly recognizes that  ad-optimization scenarios are "cold start" in a long-tail world of microsegmented products/customers

"Auto-Keras, or How You can Create a Deep Learning Model in 4 Lines of Code" (http://ow.ly/4b8g30lK0Wq ) JK--Before long, automation will be taken for granted in data science pipeline tools. You won't need to call it out.

"The next generation of AI assistants in enterprise" (http://ow.ly/1dML30lK0tB ) JK--Please assure us that this "autonomous organization of assistants" won't conspire against us. Just to be on the safe side.

"What do computers see?" (http://ow.ly/OQeg30lK0eL ) JK--Organically visualizing how artificial neural networks see for us. Far out, man!

"Q: Why Do Keynote Speakers Keep Suggesting That Improving Security Is Possible? A: Because Keynote Speakers Make Bad Life Decisions and Are Poor Role Models" (http://ow.ly/zzEn30lK030 ) JK--Now THAT dude knows how to title a keynote!!!!

"Microsoft’s TextWorld is the OpenAI Gym of Language Learning Agents" (http://ow.ly/whcR30lJYMV ) JK--Cool game-theoretic testbed that uses trial-and-error reinforcement learning to help NLP agents learn to chat fluidly using rich memory, contextual analysis and long-term planning

"Alibaba’s Jack Ma, China’s Richest Man, to Retire From Company He Co-Founded" (http://ow.ly/vsy730lJYzl ) JK--Totally cool. Once in a while, a plutocrat comes out as a human being with a heart as deep as his balance sheet.

"Beyond the hype, AI will spark a marketing renaissance" (http://ow.ly/x7sx30lJXRL ) JK--Beyond the marketing, AI has already sparked a hype renaissance. Why is no one discussing that? Let's hype it till people notice. Do I have to do this all by myself?

"Disrupting The Car: How Shared Cars, Bikes, & Scooters Are Reshaping Transportation And Cannibalizing Car Ownership" (http://ow.ly/Ayxa30lJXCW ) JK--They have every one of these options on the streets of Jakarta but the privately owned driver-only passenger cars abound nonetheless

"Venture Capital Funnel Shows Odds Of Becoming A Unicorn Are About 1%" (http://ow.ly/AoXE30lJXBJ ) JK--When the odds rise to 2%, they are legally required to refer to themselves as "duocorns."

"46 Corporations Working On Autonomous Vehicles" (http://ow.ly/1ltk30lJWvZ ) JK--I'd say this puts it well beyond fad territory, wouldn't you?

Caught "Please Stand By" inflight from Seoul to Singapore. Excellent story of young woman on the autistic spectrum and her struggle to see her "Star Trek" script entered in a contest. Dakota Fanning & Toni Collette are outstanding and quite sensitive in their portrayals.

Wonderful. iTunes finally fulfilled my preorder of Alison Statton and Spike’s latest LP “Bimini Twist” while I’m waiting for my connecting flight to Singapore/Jakarta. First impression: melodic, mystical, happy, bouncy, arty. I’ll post full review to my AS&S Facebook fanpage.

Watched the 2018 British film “Edie” inflight over the Pacific. Story of an embittered widowed elderly lady who decides to climb a mountain in northern Scotland alone. Love her grit.

Rewatched “Lost in Translation” on this overnight leg from LAX to Seoul. I never tire of it. One of the best movies of the 21st Century so far. Exceptionally beautiful and emotionally rich. Bill Murray is jet lag incarnate.

RIP Burt Reynolds. What I d about him was how he treated the whole macho swagger thing as a kind of lighthearted joke.

Waiting for our overseas connection at LAX's Tom Bradley International Terminal. My wife said "OMG! Why did they name a terminal after that football player?" I replied "Tom BRADLEY, not Tom BRADY....different guys....African-American mayor, not football-deflating player."

"Dexon raises $20 million to develop superspeed blockchain transaction network" (http://ow.ly/CdAg30lHVZ6 ) JK--Could potentially help blockchain break out of its niche status and support some core enterprise apps.

"DeepLocker demonstrates how AI can create a new breed of malware" (http://ow.ly/2YHj30lHVAo ) JK--"Avoids detection from malware scanners by hiding in normal apps...uses a deep neural net AI model to ensure that malicious payload is only unlocked once it reaches intended target"

"Khronos Releases NNEF 1.0 For Optimized Deployment of Trained Neural Networks" (http://ow.ly/9a3M30lHVnD ) JK--Industry consortium developed "open standard for hardware manufacturers to reliably deploy optimized, accelerated neural network inferencing onto diverse edge devices"

"A small team of student AI coders beats Google’s machine-learning code" (http://ow.ly/V6T530lHUHN ) JK--Article disappoints. They only automated some upfront image prep in order to speed training of an existing image classification model.

"Alexa and exoskeletons show how AI isn’t going to remake industries overnight" (http://ow.ly/teZQ30lHUCb ) JK--Actually, article undermines that thesis by hinting that AI-augmented employees might remake industries rapidly.

AWS has serverless functions integrated into its Greengrass architecture, so it's puzzling why #VMware didn't bring Dispatch, its open source serverless framework into its "Project Dimension" edge appliance story. Is Dispatch still alive? W... #vmworld2018

One of the questions I had after I published my #VWworld#Wikibon wrap: Why is Dell not building a "Project Dimension" hyperconverged appliance? Lenovo is the hardware provider on the current pre-alpha appliance. #vmworld2018

I agree with Stu that network virtualization is the cloud-to-edge glue within the extended software-defined data center. It's #VMware's chief asset going forward. But, as Burris, Floyer, and i agreed in our wrap, VMware needs real-time, str... #vmworld2018

My "trip report" wrap-up of #VMworld, summarizing my, Peter Burris', and David Floyer's Wikibon takeaways: https://siliconangle.com/2018/08/30/top-vmworld-2018-takeaways-wikibons-analysts/ …#vmworld2018

The @AWS@VMware partnership is deepening. What does it mean for the future of the data center? Will RDS on-prem challenge @Oracle DB dominance? Is VMware's edge strategy a winner? Live chat today: 11:50am US eastern: https://www.crowdchat.net/vmworld2018 @furrier@stu@plburris@dvellante

What's this stupid social "shaming" nonsense about an actor who moonlights at Trader Joe? Does anybody realize acting is rarely a steady, well-paying job? And is any retail employee consistently nicer/cooler than a Trader Joe associate? This should be a point of pride.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ultravox "Dancing With Tears in My Eyes" from Lament JK--1984. Video shows this expressing the early '80s nuclear-scare theme, UK style, that barely registered in US pop of the period.

Reading back issues of the New York Times Book Review. Making a mental log of how many authors blame globalization for all the world’s problems. Alienation, westernization, secularization, and digitization are off the hook for now.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#KEXP Shangri-Las “Remember (Walking in the sand)” JK--1964. Queens NY double sister-pair group. Fun fact: young session musician Billy Joel played in the original 7-minute demo.

Slept surprisingly well last night, both of us, in spite of the heat/humidity. Wouldn’t say we’re acclimated. It’s  of a matter of bone-deep exhaustion. A lassitudinous Labor Day leisure.

Donald Trump is just an abusive boss, writ national. Each of us needs to exercise whatever emotional skills we’ve developed to deal with such situations.

RIP Village Voice. I subscribed for a few years in my early 20s. Mostly for music reviews, but also for general NYC leftwing bohemian buzz. Clued me first to lots of obscure/cool bands. I would have gladly written for them.

Was a good and fairly intense week of work on the road. My last seven SiliconANGLE authored pieces have all been on the same topic, virtualization, of which data is just a thread, not the focus. I sense a turning point.

I’m going to propose a basic cable channel showing endless doctor dramas interrupted by nonstop pharmaceutical commercials. Call it “Sickness Central.”

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Cocteau Twins "Carolyn’s Fingers" from Blue Bell Knoll JK--1988. Probably one of the least-intelligible but most-memorable Elizabeth Fraser vocals. Entire album blew my mind upon first listen (on cassette!) & still does. My favorite from the Cocteaus.

Sweltering humidity is summer's bane in many parts of the US. But, when you go for a few days to an ultra-low-humidity desert clime  Las Vegas, you dearly miss your humidity. My parched sinuses were desperately seeking a mirage of luxuriant evaporation. Glad I'm home.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Beatles "A Day in the Life" from Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band JK--1967. "Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords." How could that be? Is the upper chamber of UK's Parliament a secret society of masked pseudonym'd aristocrats?

It will be interesting to see if Trump grows into the job of president. Such as maybe some day originating a policy proposal that isn’t a crass attempt to silence his political foes. That would be a sign of maturation.

New jk #SiliconANGLEblog: “Here are the top VMworld 2018 takeaways from Wikibon’s analysts” (https://siliconangle.com/2018/08/30/top-vmworld-2018-takeaways-wikibons-analysts/ …)

When TV news programs another human interest story, this human’s interest starts to wane. I don’t  being programmed.

New jk #Infoworld column: "Why gaming AI won’t help make AI work in the real world—but could" (http://ow.ly/PjcA30lCifq )

New jk #SiliconANGLEblog: "At #VMworld, VMware and Dell drive conversation on evolving virtualization from cloud to edge" (http://ow.ly/rw9c30lBVZ0 )

New jk #SiliconANGLEblog: “On #VMworldday two, VMware and Dell turn virtualization into tangible opportunities in edge computing” (https://siliconangle.com/2018/08/29/vmworld-day-two-vmware-dell-bridge-virtualization-tangible-opportunities-edge-computing/ …)

This era will end. The person fit to lead us in the next is whoever can help our society through the inevitable Post-Trump Stress Disorder.

My favorite awkward professional icebreaker question when I'm on business travel is "are you local?" Both parties to that question have to remind themselves where they currently are and are from. Everybody's local to somewhere, except world citizens, but even they carry passports

New jk #SiliconANGLEblog: "On #VMworldday one, VMware goes deep on multicloud virtualization" (http://ow.ly/h0GN30lAqZm )

"Day One Wrap #VMworld 2018" (http://ow.ly/lZyu30lzZNF ) JK--This afternoon. Dave, Stu, John, and me. #theCUBE

In none of my many previous trips to Vegas, even in the torrid heart of summer, do I recall it being 100°F and 5% humidity long after the sun has set. Holy shit!

Gelsinger: Announcing VSphere Platinum has built-in AppDefense. Announcing Adaptive Micro-Segmentation: integrating NSX and AppDefense, using AI/ML to learn normal app behavior, align policy to app, automate microsegmentation, lock down compute & network. #VMworld2018#VMworld

Gelsinger: announcing Dell Provisioning for VMware Workspace ONE. #VMworld2018#VMworld

O'Farrell: introducing Project Concord: a decentralized trust infrastructure for enterprise blockchains. Focuses on performance and scalabity to accelerate consensus algorithms. #VMworld#VMworld2018

#VMwareAnnounces Intent to Acquire CloudHealth Technologies, a Global Platform for Multi-Cloud Operations http://bit.ly/2BRdg6g #VMworld#VMworld2018

#AWSand #VMware Announce Amazon Relational Database Service on VMware http://bit.ly/2LvLtYH #VMworld2018#VMworld

O'Farrell: #VMWare and #Nvidia collaborating on using GPUs to accelerate virtual desktop infrastructure workloads. #VMworld#VMworld2018

Gelsinger: #VMware committed to supporting all industry Kubernetes distributions. #VMworld2018#VMworld

Gelsinger: #VMware is the dial tone for Kubernetes. VMware PKS: rapidly deliver and operationalize next-gen apps. #VMworld2018#VMworld

Gelsinger; best practice for running containers is in VMs. Kubernetes in VMs. Bridge those two worlds. #VMworld#VMworld2018

Gelsiinger/O'Farrell: Project Magna: leverages 100s of control points, using AI/ML to transform, optimize, & automate the "self-driving data center" to the edge. #VMworld#VMworld2018

Gelsinger/O'Farrell: Project Magna: leverages 100s of control points, using AI/ML to transform, optimize, & automate the "self-driving data center" to the edge.

Gelsinger: Announcing initial availability of VMware Cloud Automation Services. Enable developers with right set of services and governed access to any cloud. Cloud Assembly, Service Broker, Code Stream. #VMworld#VMworld2018

Gelsinger: Announcing acquisition of CloudHealth Technologies. Supports AWS, Azure, Google. Will make fundamental branded platform from VMware, enabling for enterprise, MSP, and VCPP partners. Manage, operate, and secure workloads in the cloud. #VMworld2018#VMworld

Gelsinger: announcing Pulse 2.0, consumable as a service, scalable to support 500M device. Pulse + Workspace ONE on Project Dimension on VMware NSX SD-WAN. #VMworld2018#VMworld

Gelsinger: Announcing Project Dimension: delivers VMware cloud simplicity to data center and edge. VMware clouid Foudantion in a hyperconverged appliance, hybrid cloud ontrol plan, VMware-opearted en-to-end. #VMworld#VMworld2018

Gelsinger: extended #VMware Hybrid Cloud further beyond private and public clouds to the edge. and delivers as a service on VMware Cloud Foundation. #VMworld#VMworld2018

Gelsinger: VMware Cloud Providers program has expanded to 4,200 cloud partners around the world. #VMworld#VMworld2018

Jassy: announcing Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) on VMware. Provision, scale, create replicas and online backups, etc. Will be available in a few months on Oracle, SQL Server, Postgres, etc. #VMworld#VMworld 2018

Gelsinger/Jassy: coming soon: Enterprise apps and containers (full NSX and Direct Connect, Enterprise App and License Migration, VMware PKS). #VMworld#VMworld2018

Jassy: Top use-case of VMware Cloud on AWS is customers migrating VMs from on-premises to the cloud. Gelsinger discusses data protection use cases, especially disaster recovery. #VMworld2018#VMworld

Gelsinger bringing AWS CEO Andy Jassy on stage at #VMworld2018#VMworld. Big partners. Jassy discussing what customers are doing with VMware Cloud on AWS.

Gelsinger: vSAN is the software-defined storage of choice for industry. #VMworld2018#VMworld

Gelsinger: Hyper-converged infrastructure. Dell releasing PowerEdge MX servers. Validated hardware, integrated appliances, cloud providers. #vmworld2018#vmworld

Gelsinger: #VMware Cloud Foundation, brings together public and private cloud in fully integrated software-defiend data center with consistent infrastructure and operations with integrated lifecycle management. #vmworld2018#vmworld

Gelsinger: Tech superpowers: cloud, mobile, AI/ML, edge/IoT. Do , go faster. #VMworld2018#VMworld

"#VMwarenew cloud services aim to automate operations across hybrid clouds" (http://ow.ly/USBg30lzwK9 ) JK--Quotes me. #vmworld2018#vmworld

Gelsinger: bridging across multi-clouds. #VMworld2018#VMworld

Gelsinger: bridging across private and public clouds. #VMworld2018#VMworld

Gelsinger: NSX bridging across Cisco, Juniper, Brocade, and other hardware-based networks. #VMworld2018#VMworld

Gelsinger: Workspace ONE bridging across siloed devices. #VMworld2018#VMworld

Gelsinger: "bridging across silos of innovation." VMware ESX bridged across IBM, Dell, HP, and other servers. " a holy moment" in customers' lives & careers. #VMworld2018#VMworld

Gelsinger shows off his #VMware tattoo. #VMworld2018#VMworld

Pat Gelsinger, #VMware CEO kicks off #VMworld2018#VMworld. Company founded 1998. 20th birthday party here now. Rolls the video.

#VMwareNew Cloud Operations Services Lead Digital Businesses to Multi-Cloud Success http://bit.ly/2oeNlf4 #VMworld2018#VMworld

#VMwareDelivers Broadest Platform for Modern Management in the Digital Workspace http://bit.ly/2odpVGT #VMworld2018#VMworld

#VMwareExpands its Hybrid Cloud Portfolio with New Security and Developer-Friendly Infrastructure and Operations Management http://bit.ly/2MSdcrf #VMworld2018#VMworld

#VMwareNSX Helps Customers Build a Virtual Cloud Network to Connect and Protect Apps, Data, and Users Across Cloud Environments http://bit.ly/2oboGbc #VMworld2018#VMworld

#VMwareCloud on AWS Expands to Asia-Pacific, Delivers New Enterprise Capabilities http://bit.ly/2MNwCh5 #VMworld#VMworld2018

Waiting for day 1 keynote at #VMworld2018. VMware CEO Pat Gelsinger & CTO Ray O'Farrell. Company 20th anniversary celebration. will discuss how VMware is shaping future of cloud, mobile, networking, & security, + going deep in IoT, AI, machine learning, edge, and containers.

#VMworld2018day one morning pre-breakfast at the shuttle bus loading/unloading area on the southeast side of Mandalay Bay Convention Center on the Strip.

New jk #WikibonPremium research note: "Building AI Optimization Into Your Cloud Computing Infrastructure" (http://ow.ly/DZwe30lzgda ) #VMworld2018

VMware Hybrid Cloud Strategy: Near Term Momentum but Icebergs Ahead https://wikibon.com/vmware-hybrid-cloud-strategy/ …via @Wikibon#VMWorld2018

RIP Neil Simon. Exceptionally great dramatist, and one of the best with the comedic gifts in that department. Just at random, here's the "now it's garbage!" Oscar-fed-up-with-Felix scene from the 1968 film version of "The Odd Couple."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Rufus & Carla Thomas "Cause I Love You" from Complete Stax/Volt Singles JK--1960. Wonderfully saucy roadhouse R&B. You can just feel the dance floor shaking on this.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Otis Rush "All Your Love (I Miss Loving)" from The Essential Otis Rush: The Classic Cobra Recordings 1956-1958 JK--1958. This song became a blues-rock foundation. You'll hear Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac in this.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Smokey Smothers "Smokey's Love Sick Blues" from Smokey Smothers Sings The Backporch Blues JK--1961. Ain't Smokey doin' the most smokin' electrified urban R&B!

Heading to Las Vegas later today for VMworld. August: always my favorite time of year to char-broil my flesh in the desert sun. On an unrelated note, there’s been a decline in fat-Elvis kitsch there in recent years. Need  thin-Celine kitsch.

Caught “The Leisure Seeker” on DVD. Excellent performances by Helen Mirren and Donald Sutherland as an elderly couple making a last RV trip to Florida as his dementia worsens.

RIP John McCain. That guy lived one complex American story. Many stories, actually. Serious backbone, serious pain.

“The Big Bang Theory” coming to an end after 12 seasons. I would tune in occasionally over those years, watch for a little while, and fail to laugh. Confirming my theory that it sucked.

Dear Facebook: I’d  to suggest that your default Friendiversary image be us and our friend with daisies in our hair, wearing frilly costumes, and frolicking around the maypole.

Suddenly I remembered Spaghetti-Os, made by a company called Franco-American, which was puzzling. It would have made  sense if they’d sold Baguette-ios.

How to spot a social troll? Don’t bother me with that. I’m still on the lookout for the Three Billy Goats Gruff and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

"In ‘Small Fry,’ Steve Jobs Comes Across as a Jerk. His Daughter Forgives Him. Should We?" (http://ow.ly/GtOW30lxM4h ) JK--Forgive or not forgive someone I never met? Not an issue. But Steve Jobs came across as a jerk pretty much from the start in his public persona. No surprise.

New jk #InformationWeekcolumn: "Eliminating Performance Bottlenecks on Web-Based AI" (http://ow.ly/FOMC30lxE0g )

VMworld 2018 Preview (http://ow.ly/mnZ630lxDra ). @furrier and @plburris upcoming #VMworld 2018 topics from #theCUBE Studio in Palo Alto, CA. #Wikibon#SiliconANGLE

Usual morning routine of coping with a fresh avalanche of emails. Somehow, I have to read/understand their contents in a holy haste. I scrape interesting links into a doc that I revisit later, speed-gleaning as if on a treadmill whose speed I--not my email tormenters--control

Yet another article on how the desktop PC either is or isn't dead. Isn't this a dead issue? Does it really matter whether you've decoupled system, display, and input into separate devices (i.e., "desktop PC") or tightly integrate them (e.g laptop)? I use my laptop on a desktop.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Still Corners "Black Lagoon" from Slow Air JK--2018. Nice sensuous electronic pulse on this. The ladies harmonizing on the "ahhh" chorus totally transport me.

Took briefing today from Jeff Jonas of Senzing. I hadn't realized that IBM had spun off the G2 entity resolution tech. Jeff's a great guy, quite an industry figure, and it was good to reconnect. He and I go way back (to earlier this decade at Big Blue).

New Research Shows VMware, Dell, Nutanix and HPE Lead On-Premises Cloud Market

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp David Bowie "Ashes to Ashes" from Scary Monsters… and Super Creeps JK--1980. I hope that your mother also said that to get things done you'd better not mess with Major Jim. Don't cross me!

Dear IT Vendor: I don't care if you're hot, cool, and in anybody's leader board. I don't care if you're proactive, not reactive. All I want to know is if you're radioactive. And, if so, please keep your distance.

Hmmm...another PR person with some vendor I've never heard of asking me out of the blue to write something positive about their client. Note to self: I'll need to ramp up my personal spamming campaign asking total strangers to vouch for what a nice man I truly am.

Putting all my ducks in a row for #VMworld in Las Vegas next week. Also, I'm training my ducks for an endurance march under harsh conditions. Closest remotely duck-inhabitable pond is Lake Mead. That's 32 miles. They're going to need to keep the quacking to an absolute minimum.

What's with the avalanche of "future-proofing" in IT vendor press releases? Why not up the stakes to "uniquely future-proofed"? Then take it to the ultimate of "seamlessly and uniquely future-proofed in this and all parallel universes, actual and potential"? Users need guarantees

Delivered stuff to a friend up on Cathedral Drive in northwest DC. Pleasant weather and we both love the neighborhood. Almost took our minds off the evil person installed downtown on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

"This is not your father's Microsoft" (http://ow.ly/eYIK30luGuB ) JK--I don't recall my late father being a first-round investor in a bunch of Seattle geeks. Or if this is pitched at my grown children, I recall myself having an equity stake in this vendor. But I could be wrong.

What I blogged about virtualization on November 10, 2005 (http://ow.ly/cJQ030luB5j ). Plenty of dated references but my core definition ("virtualization...abstracts external invocation interfaces from internal platform implementations") is still the heart of how I approach this.

As we look ahead to #VMworld, here are my three #SiliconANGLEcolumns on the future of virtualization: into the public cloud (http://ow.ly/IaWB30luABC ), up the stack into the app ecosystem (http://ow.ly/mLGi30luACE ), and all the way to the edge (http://ow.ly/OOXM30luADE ).

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sera Cahoone "Ladybug" from From Where I Started JK--2017. Beautiful, painful, sad. Cahoone wrote this about a specific person she loved who took their own life.

New jk #SiliconANGLE#VMworld column: “Looking ahead to VMworld: Virtualization drives clouds to the edge” (https://siliconangle.com/2018/08/20/looking-ahead-vmworld-virtualization-drives-clouds-edge/ …)

Did video podcast today with some consultants who follow my AI work. This photo is apparently one of their computer monitors/bookpiles during the event. Google result page open shows non-AI books I authored ~20 years ago.

Our occasional bootcamp instructor moonlights from his day job as a PE teacher. He’s a tall lanky guy. We shared observations on our own childhood PE experiences. He could run swift but not climb ropes. I’m the opposite. Him gazelle, me gibbon.

"A leader must distinguish between digitalization and digitization to accelerate change" (http://ow.ly/ogTv30ltuPt ) JK--OMG! While they're at it, they must also distinguish between both of those, digitalis, didgeridoos, and prestidigitation.

Saw “On Chesil Beach” on DVD. Another sterling performance by Saoirse Ronan.  “Brooklyn,” a throwback period piece where she shines as a young woman coming into her own, conflictedly.

"To Fix That Pain In Your Back, You Might Have To Change The Way You Sit" (http://ow.ly/Zr5k30lsWaP ) JK--Untuck your pelvis. Sad to say, this article reminded me of this photo of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter from another article this morning: http://ow.ly/XzVc30lsWci 

"Progressive rock." What exactly were they progressing toward? The ecstatic pinnacle of pretension?

It seems  every Hollywood props department stocks a magic pistol that can shoot several dozen bullets without reloading. Every bad guy has one.

Oh, you use cookies. Thanks for letting me opt out, dear website. May I also opt out of your use of HTTP, HTML, JSON, JavaScript, and DNS? If not, why not?

If Trump’s so rich, why doesn’t he pay for his stupid military parade himself?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Rodriguez "Only Good for Conversation" from Cold Fact JK--2008. Very cool. Sounds  he's channeling Cream and Deep Purple on this screaming and fuzzed guitar number.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Caspar Babypants "Pop Goes The Weasel" from LIVE on KEXP JK--2018 live, 2016 in-studio. I love his rewrite of the lyrics. Much better song now.

"FCC Knew in January DDoS Attack Claim Was Possibly Bogus" (http://ow.ly/pYLS30lrTjc ) JK--The delay in notifying the public was due to the fact that the commission's IT staff was snowed under investigating a possible DDoS attack on Ajit Pai's stupid supersize Reese's mug. 

"Report: Apple Could Launch a Car Between 2023 and 2025" (http://ow.ly/WSO230lrT2g ) JK--Report: I do not give a crap now, but check back with me in 5-7 years to see if my feelings on the matter have changed. Doubtful.

"Elon Musk's dumb 420 joke might B coming back to bite him in ass" (http://ow.ly/X9AV30lrSyD ) JK--Market-impacting mid-day tweet not cleared w/Tesla board or SEC re going private at $420/share (Musk: “seemed  better karma at $420 than $419. But I was not on weed, to be clear")

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Milo Greene "Move" from Move JK--2018. Very nice song. Seems tailor-made for couples in a romantic mood, itching to take it the next step.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Karl Blau "That's How I Got To Memphis" from Introducing Karl Blau JK--2016. Singer-songwriter hails from Anacortes, Washington. Beautiful coastal community. Catch the ferry there to Friday Harbor. Personally, I'd catch the train back from Memphis.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Aretha Franklin "I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You)" JK---1967. Great blues. Sounds  she's in a small club singing her heart out at half past midnite.

"Hottest exoplanet ever discovered has metallic skies, rain  lava" (http://ow.ly/wffX30lrB2R ) JK--This is important. I detect at least three cool possible band names in that headline.

RIP Aretha Franklin. Her clarion voice was unmistakeably gospel, but her instincts were exquisitely popular, without ever once stooping into tawdry territory. Definitely a singer who commanded R-E-S-P-E-C-T without demanding it.

"How to Win Your Next Political Argument" (http://ow.ly/AITb30lqDS8 ) JK--Article is a four-year-oldie but a goodie. My favorite advice is #3: "Don’t be such a dick."

Oh geez, I missed "Shark Week." I hope they reassign the camera crew to do "Scorpion Week." Constant fear of stinging, paralysis, and possible death in the desert are a much cooler way to boost ratings on basic cable.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp SadGirl "Jack the Ripper" from Breakfast for 2 JK--2018. Nice variation on the Link Wray classic that keeps it raw but makes it a bit psychedelic.

PR people who mistake me for a reporter are always trying to hook me up with a client to serve as a "commentator" on some emerging tech. Have they actually read my stuff? Have they ever seen me quote somebody else? I'm my own commentator. I don't share the mic on those duties.

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "As VMworld nears, virtualization disrupts the cloud application ecosystem (http://ow.ly/GZa730lp4I2 ) #VMWorld2018

Dear Digital News Services: After a story is no longer "breaking news," please wheel it into "broken news." Then, once it's been covered to death, please lower its sorry carcass into "rigor mortis news." Don't even think about resurrecting it. That would break our spirit.

"Standing desks vs sitting: why sitting ISN’T slowly killing you" (http://ow.ly/uUTC30lo9ae ) JK--Oh yeah? Well, everybody who ever sat down at any time before the modern era has died, and the trend seems to be continuing. Standing desks may be our last chance at immortality.

Why exactly was Omarosa in the Situation Room? Essentially, the situation in the Trump administration is always "you're fired." So it made sense that they did the job there. Thx Adrian Bowles.

"Image Inspired Poetry Generation in XiaoIce" (http://ow.ly/nxDB30lnEpJ ) JK--Microsoft's China-based chatbot. All well and good, but how about auto-generating inspiring poetry? Humans produce  than enough of the cliched haiku- civilization vs. nature variety.

"Fluid AI: Check out Microsoft's undersea datacenter" (http://ow.ly/5XVD30lnE5U ) JK--Installed two video cameras on the outside of the pressure vessel to observe environmental conditions near datacenter. Check the live underwater video feeds!

"Accurate indoor mapping using an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle" (http://ow.ly/yexA30lnDPw ) JK--Autonomous indoor UAV with reliable simultaneous localization and mapping, accurate flight control, and robust path planning for 2D navigation with accuracy of 2 cm.

"Adversarial Vision Challenge" (http://ow.ly/HeDy30lnDws ) JK--"Submitted models and attacks are continuously pitted against each other on an image classification task."http://ow.ly/y3Yz30lnDHz 

"Courteous Autonomous Cars" (http://ow.ly/ta0T30lnDjI ) JK--"Formalize courtesy as a term in the objective that measures the increase in another driver's cost induced by the autonomous car's behavior."http://ow.ly/MdX330lnDmW 

Honestly, I'm enjoying the fallout from the revelation that Omarosa taped her firing in the Situation Room at the White House. Pretty amazing that nobody there searches staff before they enter the room. Reminds me of the scene with the "Russian ambassador" in "Dr. Strangelove."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Undertones "Teenage Kicks" JK--1978. Leader Feargal Sharkey was already 20 when this came out, and the rest were 19 at youngest. So I guess it this was nostalgia at that point for the Derry, Northern Ireland group. Sharkey turns 60 today.

Even though Facebook isn't really an enterprise-IT solutions vendor, I follow them as if they were one. They develop a fair amount of open-source tech that's incorporated into enterprise tech solutions by others. Caffe, the AI toolkit, for one.

"Machine Learning Can Identify the Authors of Anonymous Code" (http://ow.ly/4k2b30lnzqq ) JK--Prove it. Identify Satoshi Nakamoto. Out this purported Blockchain author (http://ow.ly/3uUb30lnzuC )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Pond "Burnt Out Star" from Burnt Out Star JK--2018. Good one from this Perth, Australia band. Keep the beat, keep it strong.

"Diet Hit A Snag? Your Gut Bacteria May Be Partly To Blame" (http://ow.ly/ja4F30lnxnk ) JK--They produce byproducts in our digestive track that may boost the calorie count of the food we ingest.

Caught “Disobedience” on DVD. Good serious film of forbidden love in the London Orthodox Jewish community. Must admit that I got into the Rachel-on-Rachel action. I’m partial to Weisz. No, McAdams. Ah, why choose?

A/C on the fritz at our place. Got the floor fan on full blast in my sweaty face. Have donned my housewear minimals. Don’t wish to faint in uncomfortable outerwear in my inner sanctum.

Hey Pharma Commercial Where Some Guy Who Survived A Heart Attack Demonstrates The Proud Warrior 2 Yoga Asana: I assume that shavasana didn’t test well with your target audience.

Reviewing the predictable sameness of YouTube music comments. Every song is the soundtrack to someone’s childhood, courtship, and/or memory of some departed loved one. Or it’s f***ing b***sh**.

I’d  to propose that the US establish a Pence Force to protect us from all enemies foreign, domestic, and extraterrestrial. First mission: quarantine the alien invader at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Toxic rightwinger running against Sen. Tim Kaine here in Virginia retracts tweet that called a Muslim Michigan politician an “ISIS commie.” Doesn’t clarify how someone can believe in Allah and atheism at the same time.

"The Most Powerful Publishers in the World Don’t Give a Damn" (http://ow.ly/w4M230lm7N5 ) JK--The weaker ones simply don't give a shit.

"What Was It  When The Higgs Gave Mass To The Universe?" (http://ow.ly/xA4Y30lm7EK ) JK--The whole cosmos spontaneously convulsed with a mighty higgup!

Dear Vendor Who I Frequently Order Stuff From Online: Don't "reward loyalty" with a "sneak peek" at "next week's deals." Reward my loyalty with lotsa free stuff, for life, if possible. Thank you, my liege, for considering this humble request from your loyal vassal, James the weak

"The Internet Trolls Have Won. Sorry, There’s Not Much You Can Do" (http://ow.ly/BncE30llUCf ) JK--Sorry, there's plenty we can do.  not always taking the bait when they flame some toxic nonsense at us. And thinking critically for ourselves. And responding online in that manner

"Report: Enterprises are looking to replace VMs with containers" (http://ow.ly/FqUm30llTLj ) JK--Don't forget that they're also looking to replace containers with serverless. As virtualization inexorably swallows its older paradigms in newer development abstractions. Gulp gulp!

"DARPA Wants to Map Everything Underground" (http://ow.ly/fcrG30llTC7 ) JK--Surprising to realize that no one's undertaken this before: "Goal of SubT Challenge is to find innovative new solutions to be able to rapidly map, navigate, and search complex, remote underground systems."

"Adapting Blockchain for GDPR Compliance" (http://ow.ly/WIFR30llT9k ) JK--"All GDPR-sensitive information & data could B stored offchain in distributed or cloud-based servers with only corresponding hashes stored in blockchain layer"? Jerry-rigging blockchain for blockchain's sake?

"30 Shared Principles for Discussing Software Architectures" (http://ow.ly/OXzs30llScO ) JK--Needs to simplify the list. Ironically, rule 1 ("keep it simple, stupid") and rule 10 (" do as few features as possible; when in doubt, leave it out") are essentially the same.

Here are the most generic possible tech recommendations (from a blog I just saw): "1)Fully understand the problem. 2) Define a point of view. 3) Focus on possible solutions. 4) Try out multiple solutions. 5) Find the best solution that fits the need." That pretty much covers it.

"Machine-Generated Knowledge Bases" (http://ow.ly/ctQs30llQWZ ) JK--Cool project to use AI to auto-discover scientists via the Internet, auto-generate Wikipedia biographical entries for them, and auto-update the bios that are up on Wikipedia.

It always strikes me as odd to say that something,  a new product, was "first announced" on such-and-such date. It can only be announced once. Unless you treat each subsequent mention as an "announcement" in its own right.

You always have to read between the lines in tech press releases when some vendor claims a new product promises "unprecedented cost savings, security, availability, and productivity." Is there no precedent for those benefits in their prior versions?

Every time someone new follows me on a social medium that I no longer follow, I never let them know. I'm not in the habit of breaking hearts.

AI for "autonomous" IT ops management--aka "AIOps"--is a hugely important trend. Check out my recent #SiliconANGLEarticle on the same: https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/07/27/aiops-optimizing-cloud-computing-stack/ …. AI-optimized storage/compute platforms a la NetApp OnTap AI are key to the AI... #netappai

Precision agriculture depends on demonstrating to agribusinesses and smaller farmers the value of analytics-intensive practices that rely on AI, embedded environmental sensors, geospatial land-management applications, and . Also, urban a... #netappai

What are the future systems requirements to support #AI and Machine Intelligence workloads? Wikibon is hosting a crowdchat sponsored by @NetApp on this topic. Join me @NeilRaden@dfloyer et al at 12noon ET today http://crowdchat.net/NetAppAI #NetAppAI

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Ahead of #VMworld, virtualization confronts the cloud" (http://ow.ly/ahzs30lkVFK )

Paraphrasing the typical LinkedIn inquiry that I receive daily: "Dear Mr. Kobielus, based on our shared connection, I thought you'd be interested in providing me with free consulting that will help me but not do diddley-squat for your personal bottom line." Just a paraphrase.

Thank you PR person for soliciting my thoughts re your client's "pitch ....about manufacturing/supply chain effects in the wake of the plastic straw movement?" I've been meaning to include that in my coverage of inorganic AI development artifacts that end up as oceanic pollutants

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Desert Mountain Tribe "Way Back to You" from Om Parvat Mystery JK--2018. Way-cool soaring anthem rock.

"Men Recommend David Foster Wallace to Me" (http://ow.ly/w8q730lkSqo ) JK--Let's see re me: WTF is the big deal with ultimate frisbee? I don't see why multinational beverage corps are even an issue here. I love The Mountain Goats. And consider DFW's "Infinite Jest" unreadable shit.

"Strong governance programs separate data lakes from swamps" (http://ow.ly/EVSb30lkR6s ) JK--I prefer to think of them as data wetlands populated by analytic beavers chewing their way thru old-growth business challenges and using machine-learning logs to build intelligent dams

"Where is birthplace of Silicon Valley? Event aims to put question to rest" (http://ow.ly/hpG930lkQEA ) JK--Takes too literally the "silicon" in nickname. Where silicon-based transistors 1st developed in 1956. Why not focus on geologic birth of the "valley" in late Pliocene era?

"Mass Extinctions" (http://bit.ly/2OrckHj ) JK--Spoiler alert: everybody dies!

"Most Popular Film" Oscar? That's obviously a quantitative reckoning. Can't they just compare the box office? I wonder if receiving it will boost a film's box office even further. How about an award for best studio marketing push? And for best celebrity-filled promotional junket?

Gonna need my own hype cycle. So I can identify the inflection point where a technology shifts from mature to manure.

Been checking out hypergrowth in the markets for hyperconverged, hypervisor, hypermedia, and hyperloop technologies. Now I'm all hyper. Feel  I'm going to need a sedative to come down from it all.

Catch me at #VMworld Aug 26-30 in Las Vegas. Tune into our interviews at the event with Michael Dell, Pat Gelsinger, and other executives on #theCUBE

I propose a new paradigm of "clueless computing." Submit a query to the cloud and get back some random response. Accept it as gospel truth because, hey why not, the cloud wouldn't steer you wrong, now would it?

"Hortonworks’ stock jumps as it easily beats earnings targets" (http://ow.ly/uIuC30ljECN ) JK--Dusts off a June quote of mine that still applies. I build shelf life into my commentary.

Just for kicks, I'd  to see somebody integrate every high-tech product with every other high-tech product. Then stand back and watch the Singularity suck the whole tangled mess down into its demonic maw. Just for kicks.

"HPE InfoSight automates customer support on 3PAR" (http://ow.ly/2WFs30ljCVu ) JK--Deepened integration of the HPE InfoSight predictive analytics on 3PAR arrays, adding automated support resolution of issues affecting servers and storage.

"Accelerate Your Journey to AI." Discuss deep learning architecture that spans from edge to core to cloud. CrowdChat Thurs, Aug 9 12noon-1pm EDT. Join us: http://ow.ly/TU4q30ljCEP . #netappai

"Dell EMC Accelerates Artificial Intelligence Adoption for Digital Transformation" (http://ow.ly/NIPd30ljCof ) JK--AI-ready hardware/software pre-validated stack. Covered in my upcoming #Wikibon research note.

"NetApp AI storage packages OnTap all-flash FAS A800, Nvidia" (http://ow.ly/yC1230ljCcq ) JK--AI-ready storage platform. Covered in my upcoming #Wikibon research note this month.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark "Enola Gay" JK--1980. I remember when this was a hot DJ spin in the clubs. My first thought was: great song, but are they really calling their band THAT?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Minks "Margot" from Tides End JK--2013. Nice. Sounds a bit  the Go-Betweens.

Sad to see another catastrophic earthquake strike Lombok so soon. Annoying to see US press call Lombok a “tourist island.” That’s  calling Florida a “tourist state.” This is an Indonesian province.

#DellEMCAccelerates Artificial Intelligence Adoption for Digital Transformation: http://bit.ly/2Ms2hBd #GetReady4AI

Yes. here's my discussion of the quality conundrum surrounding this data in an AI/ML development context, from a few years ago in another life. Data quality for social media analytics: sentiment or sediment? http://www.ibmbigdatahub.com/blog/sentiment-or-sediment …#getready4ai

Curcuru discussing the pressure that AI places on enterprise storage. Need flash storage that supports nanosecond AI performance: create a seamless instantaneous decision/response re customers and other stakeholders. #getready4ai

Nick Curcuru, VP analytics at Mastercard, discussing core vs edge deployment of AI-ready infrastructure. #getready4ai

Garima Kochhar of #DellEMC discusses their sophisticated engineering and tuning of AI-ready solutions. Deep learning hardware/software stacks ready for Hadoop, for Nvidia, etc. She's in Dell EMC HPC & AI Innovation Lab in Austin. Exoscale... #getready4ai

For #Wikibonperspective on benchmarking AI hardware/software performance all the way to the edge, check out my recent #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "Pushing AI performance benchmarks to the edge" (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/05/21/pushing-ai-performance-benchmarks-edge/ …) #getready4ai

For #Wikibonperspective on benchmarking the performance of the entire AI hardware/software stack, check out this recent article I posted to Dataversity: "Benchmarking the Full AI Hardware/Software Stack" (http://www.dataversity.net/benchmarking-full-ai-hardware-software-stack/ …) #getready4ai

For #Wikibonperspective on the trend toward AI-ready/optimized hardware/software solutions, including #DellEMC, check out my recent #SiliconANGLEarticle "How ‘AIOps’ is optimizing cloud computing up and down the stack" (... #getready4ai

Tom Burns of #DellEMC discussing their forthcoming Ready Solution for AI. Real-time AI for business made simple: compute, storage, memory, interconnect. Pretested/precertified. Fast infrastructure setup through service provisioning portal. #getready4ai

Caught "Lean on Pete" on DVD. Beautiful, sad, lonely, tragic odyssey of a Portland teenager to a Wyoming aunt he barely knew but whose love always glowed somewhere, albeit dimly, in his battered heart. Charlie Plummer is sensational here. Steve Buscemi delivers, as always.

"Machine Learning in Node.js With TensorFlow.js" (http://ow.ly/ymYA30liFxB ) JK--AI coming to the front-end browsers and back-end event loops of the Web application ecosystem. See my recent #Wikibon research note on app dev for the augmented browser:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Marvin Gaye "Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)" from What's Going On JK--1971. Love how Marvin truncates it to "'flation ". Makes a reference to continual price increases across the macroeconomy sound  street slang, as if it were a hot car.

"DARPA to explore the “third wave” of artificial intelligence" (http://ow.ly/Leo030liEKf ) JK--1st: rules. 2nd: stats. 3rd: "contextual adaptation...systems themselves will over time build underlying explanatory models that allow them to characterize real-world phenomena"

"'Datacenter Is Dead,' Says Gartner Analyst" (http://ow.ly/fcA430liEwN ) JK--I suspect that, as with mainframes, they'll long exceed their prophesied useful lifespan, though "interconnect services, cloud providers, IoT, edge services and SaaS offerings continue to proliferate"

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Chance the Rapper "Work Out" from Work Out JK--2018. Good one. Doesn't want his next album "sounding Usher-y."

"Pentagon Signs $885 Million Artificial Intelligence Contract with Booz Allen" (http://ow.ly/64xM30liEc4 ) JK--Now Google et al will need to decide whether they'll supply dev tools & cloud services to the suppliers of AI expertise to the military.

I respect the chutzpah of a company that hasn't shipped a commercial product yet, and is in an emerging tech segment that barely exists, describing itself as a "leader" in its market. Lots of people were leaders in space travel in the 19th century.

"NIPS Conference Considers Changing Its Name" (https://nips.cc ) JK--"The first reason is the unfortunate connotation of the current name, which can invite insinuating comments and make some participants feel uncomfortable." Headline makes me chuckle, uncomfortably.

"Google reportedly talking with partners to bring its cloud to China" (http://ow.ly/vUx830liBkx ) JK--Includes my commentary.

"Comparing the Four Major AI Strategies" (http://ow.ly/cT5U30li59z ) JK--Or, as Elon Musk s to think of them, the Four Horsemen of the AIpocalypse.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Parquet Courts "Almost Had to Start a Fight / In and Out of Patience" from Wide Awake! JK--2018. Great. Sounds a bit  classic Who.

"First Class GPUs support in Apache Hadoop 3.1, YARN & HDP 3.0" (http://ow.ly/ywpt30lhNGG ) JK--Adds support for operators and admins to be able to configure YARN clusters to schedule and use GPU resources

"When it comes to databases, why ‘I can’t quit you, baby’" (http://ow.ly/kapm30lhHcI ) JK--Related to this, I've noticed that very few database platform vendors go belly-up. Those platforms have sticky customer bases. Retain their value stubbornly. 

"Google to let you pop its AI chips into your own computer as of October" (http://ow.ly/3GPb30lhGTj ) JK--Google's Edge Google's TPUs will be available in a hardware module that can be plugged into a computer using a PCI Express expansion slot -- common in servers -- or a USB port

"The Shallowness of Google Translate" (http://ow.ly/Jler30lhGm5 ) JK--Douglas Hoftstadter of "Godel Escher Bach" says "To my mind, translation is an incredibly subtle art that draws constantly on one’s many years of experience in life, and on one’s creative imagination."

"Program Synthesis in 2017-18 " (http://ow.ly/h64s30lhFxQ ) JK--Good update on status of R&D into AI-driven automated programming.

"The ethics of computer science: this researcher has a controversial proposal" (http://ow.ly/G3mF30lhFfV ) JK--"Researchers disclose any possible negative societal consequences of their work in papers"? OK, sure, if they had some magic crystal ball they wouldn't need predictive AI

"'The discourse is unhinged': how the media gets AI alarmingly wrong" (http://ow.ly/nWJ030lhEXg ) JK--Much of it is grounded in alarmist ignorance of the tech's capabilities & limitations. Many commentators modulate the term into a scream- "AIEEEEEEE!!!!!".

"How to retain your data scientist during a merger: 5 tips" (http://ow.ly/IVZZ30lhEFN ) JK--Tips aren't enough. Bonuses, perks, and stock options are   it. Hefty boosts to their base compensation package would go a long way too.

I just realized it's been months, perhaps years, since I've seen any mention of "big data myths." I suppose we can safely study these as ancient myths now,  the Greek, Norse, and Tolkienian varieties.

"Google's Edge TPU breaks model inferencing out of the cloud" (http://ow.ly/JhFi30lhDHn ) JK--Quotes me.

"Apple wants to bring Hyperloop into its Silicon Valley headquarters to help commuters" (http://ow.ly/O2lI30lhD4x ) JK--I thought they'd promised their employees jetpacks.

Reading Pete Townshend's autobiography. His childhood neighbors included blind pianist George Shearing and the cartoonist who created the strip "Fred Basset." Pete created a rock opera about a blind musician and himself resembles a basset hound. Hmmm. Go to the mirror boy!

"Tesla says it's making an AI chip for Autopilot, coming next year, backward compatible with current-gen Tesla vehicles" (http://ow.ly/SBFR30lhBSa ) JK--Musk is personally certifying that his AI can never morph into an evil car a la Stephen King's "Christine"

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Desert Mountain Tribe featuring Najma Akhtar - "Himalaya" from Om Parvat Mystery JK--2018. London-based trio. Great panoramic epic sound, as the name implies.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp James Brown "Funky Drummer, Parts 1 & 2" JK--1970. Jazzy funk drummer, that is. Excellent extended vamp around the rhythm guitar and horn.

All those Venezuelan soldiers moving in unison to the right immediately following a broadcast spur-of-the-moment order triggered by a supposed surprise drone attack? Something doesn’t add up. Who are they leaving vulnerable in their suspicious diversion?

I’d  to see the “Beetle Bailey” characters in a remake of “Patton,” with Sarge in the title role, Beetle as the shellshocked soldier, and General Halftrack as Omar Bradley. These grunts need to explore their dramatic range.

“Upstate New York”? How many other states have an “upstate”? Is Long Island considered “Sidestate New York”? Is Staten Island “Downstate New York”? Is Central Park “Midstate New York”? I need answers!

Another Friday slides to a close. My strategy for accelerating that process is racing headlong through the work week. Weak from work.

"Despite Pledging Openness, Companies Rush To Patent AI Tech" (http://ow.ly/2eTX30leHDF ) JK--"Patent filings mentioning neural networks, a machine-learning technique, climbed to 485 in 2016, from 94 in 2010."

"http://Test.ai  nabs $11M Series A led by Google to put bots to work testing apps" (http://ow.ly/IQuP30leHjy ) JK--I dont normally tweet out a funding headline, but I always appreciate use of the quick/decisive/concrete verb "nab" in any context, especially $. Well played!

"Data's day of reckoning" (http://ow.ly/ebLC30leGtK ) JK--Excellent checklist of concerns (bias, privacy, consent, security, etc.) for developers working on data-driven applications. Co-authored by Hilary Mason & DJ Patil.

"Learning Dexterity" (http://ow.ly/7X9S30leGf4 ) JK--Cool blog on what http://OpenAI.org  is doing in training human- robot hand to manipulate physical objects. The videos are great.

"Google's Edge TPU breaks model inferencing out of the cloud" (http://ow.ly/lF4m30leG4i ) JK--Interviews me.

"What machine learning practitioners can learn from data warehousing" (http://ow.ly/xw1M30leFRq ) JK--Shared platform, governance, and operational controls over ML models pushed into production apps.

"How to control state for so-called stateless microservices" (http://ow.ly/8bnb30leFA3 ) JK--Clearly, there's a limit to the application semantics that functional programming/serverless environments can address. Transactional microservices rely on front-end or back-end state mgt

"How Robot Hands Are Evolving to Do What Ours Can" (http://ow.ly/Wvv330leENG ) JK--Our hands are almost as articulate as our tongues. Amazing the degrees of meaning that hand robotic appendages can communicate when driven by AI.

"Google Glass Is Back–Now With Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/rRdR30leDUV ) JK--With an embedded chatbot, this time.

"Here’s how GDPR and the blockchain can coexist" (http://ow.ly/qrfU30leDuA ) JK--Good discussion. Here's my dissection of the same topic from a few months ago:

"DevOps for Data Scientists: Taming the Unicorn" (http://ow.ly/7IxE30leD9J ) JK--Good discussion. Here's what I said earlier this year on the topic:

Nice day. I set aside several hours of doing nothing but focusing on research. That’s when I’m most deeply in my zone.

Few things are as nauseating at the fitness club as some hotdog showing off at the weights for his girlfriend. Hey Tarzan, go swing with Jane in some other jungle!

"Collusion not a crime? Not exactly the point." (http://ow.ly/dhfZ30lcqP3 ) JK--"Collusion" is shorthand for such crimes as conspiracy to commit and/or cover up election fraud, wire fraud, computer hacks, records falsification, & failure to register as foreign government agents

"Scoop: 20 ways Democrats could crack down on Big Tech" (http://ow.ly/EIvF30lcmXp ) JK--Read Sen. Mark Warner's policy paper here: http://ow.ly/8qtN30lcmZD 

"10 ways AI is a force for good" (http://ow.ly/2d6H30lcmrr ) JK--Discusses AI safety initiatives, plus AI-driven initiatives for social empowerment, engagement, diversity, development, and democratization.

"AI has learned to probe the minds of other computers" (http://ow.ly/yu9T30lcm7N ) JK--ToMnet's 3 neural nets; 1) learn tendencies of another AI from past actions; 2) understand their current “beliefs”; 3) factors other 2 nets' outputs to predict the other AI’s next moves.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Gillian Welch "Red Clay Halo" from Time (The Revelator) JK--2001. Love the Appalachian downhome twang on this. The first time that Michiganian me headed south (to the Smokies) as a kid, what I noticed was the red clay soil. That's not Great Lakes topsoil

These “(so-and-so) just tweeted for the first time in a long while” notifications only flag how little enthusiasm most people have for using their Twitter accounts. Please only tell us when they choose to tweet something that not perfunctory bullshit.

"Wait-and-See Could Be a Costly AI Strategy" (http://ow.ly/UarM30lbG6B ) JK--Thank you MIT Sloan: Premature indiscriminate overinvestment in new tech is always a sound strategy.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Elvis Costello & The Imposters "Unwanted Number" from Look Now JK--2018. Wow! Great new one from Mr. MacManus & crew.

"How Silicon Valley Became a Den of Spies" (http://ow.ly/Pbrt30lbdVN ) JK--Duh. It's a deep honeypot par excellence: lots of nouveau-riche full-of-self male geeks working advanced techs and prone to bragging about it constantly, especially to the opposite sex over drinks drugs etc.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Elbow "Little Fictions" from Little Fictions JK--2017. This band always feels  it's speaking directly to you. Guy Garvey has a very Peter Gabriel voice.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The National "Fake Empire" from Boxer JK--2007. Song that got me hooked on The National. This band does stately brooding with romantic elegance.

"How to Benefit From the Blockchain Job Boom" (http://ow.ly/bQgl30lbbfW ) JK--"'This is a world where you can create money out of thin air if you know how to do it"? Really? Are they also using advanced genetic engineering to birth fools every minute? I'd invest in that.

"DARPA's $1.5 billion scheme aims to reinvent computer chip" (http://ow.ly/4t8I30lbaEv ) JK--Open source "no human in loop" layout generator to reduce system-on-chip (SoC) design times; software-designed hardware; 3-D monolithic SoC; reduce SoC memory bottlenecks & latencies.

"Autonomic Computing Will Happen Much Sooner Than You Expect" (http://ow.ly/2Wpx30lba0K ) JK--Puts this paradigm at convergence of cloud computing, containerization, orchestration, and AIOps. See my #SiliconANGLEpiece on AIOps from this past week:

DC people are insane with the superlong commutes. Over the weekend, I met a guy who commutes EVERY DAY from Centreville VA to Harrisburg PA. That's 120 miles, each way. Is any job worth that?

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Santigold "Wha' You Feel " from I Don't Want: The Gold Fire Sessions JK--2018. New one. Her stuff's always great. Insanely catchy.

I hope Giuliani advises Trump to register as an agent of a foreign government. Time to come clean. #theyouknow

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "How ‘AIOps’ is optimizing cloud computing up and down the stack" (http://ow.ly/BXN330l9Bii )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Serge Gainsbourg & Brigitte Bardot "Bonnie & Clyde" JK--1968. Film should've had them as leads: "Alors voilà/Clyde a une petite amie/Elle est belle et/son prénom/C'est Bonnie/À eux deux ils forment/Le gang Barrow/Leurs noms/Bonnie Parker et Clyde Barrow"

"Evolutionary algorithm outperforms DL machines at video games" (http://ow.ly/JzzP30l94BM ) JK--Starts with lots of versions of code generated randomly, tests them to see whether they achieve required goal, reproduces and randomly mutates those that succeed, tests those, & so on

"British Army testing autonomous vehicles to supply frontline troops" (http://ow.ly/oMmF30l94uG ) JK--Leaves open the question of whether AI researchers who've vowed not to work on autonomous weapons would have reservations about working on autonomous military supply systems.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Cure "The Figurehead" from Pornography JK--1982. Good example of one of their relentlessly grungy dirges. You can imagine Robert Smith's stringy hair standing on end while he's grinding his whiny way through it.

"Amazon’s facial recognition software mistook members of Congress for criminals" (http://ow.ly/SQLE30l8XRC ) JK--What are you talking about? That's well-trained AI. Sic 'em fido!

The other day, I heard a marketing person unironically state that their solution is "non-disruptively disruptive." I lost a little faith in humanity then.

A midsummer night’s dream. I dream of  sleep. And less humidity.

My Facebook newsfeed tells me that all of reality is melting down. My better sense tells me that’s nonsense. Go outside and breathe.

Took excellent briefing/demo from BlockSafe Technologies, Edison NJ-based vendor of blockchain ecosystem security solutions: http://blocksafetech.com/ . Secure crypto wallet and exchange solutions are GA. Secure blockchain solution under development.

"Security Token Offerings — STOs are the new ICOs" (http://ow.ly/SvX830l8m1s ) JK--Security tokens are actual financial securities, so your tokens are backed by something tangible  the assets, profits, or revenue of the company.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Peter Bjorn and John "Amsterdam" from Writer’s Block JK--2006. I'm totally cool with spending 4-5 days there going slow by the big canals. Amsterdam is still stuck in my head. Been 24 years since me and my babies went there.

Interviewed by TechTarget's Nicole Laskowski @TT_Nicole for my thoughts on Google's Edge TPU announcement at #GoogleNext18 this week. Here's that press release:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Kate Bush "Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)" from Hounds of Love JK--1988. English songstress celebrates her 60th birthday this coming Monday. Wishing her a good one. Another 1958 baby, yours truly, is just a few months behind. Gasp!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp ESG "Erase You" JK--1991. Gesundheit!

#GoogleNext18AI announcements (http://ow.ly/5e5m30l81dh ): Cloud AutoML Vision, Natural Language, and Translation, new enhancements to Dialogflow Enterprise Edition, new Contact Center AI; cloud TPUs in alpha

#GoogleNext18cloud services platform announces (http://ow.ly/pSHO30l814T ): Istio 1.0, Managed Istio, Apigee API Management for Istio; GKE On-Prem; GKE Policy Management; Stackdriver Service Monitoring; GKE Serverless add-on; Knative, Cloud Build

#GoogleNext18data analytics day-2 announces (http://ow.ly/lcny30l80O6 ): BigQuery ML, Clustering, GIS, and Sheets data connector; Data Studio Explorer; Cloud Composer; Dataflow Streaming Engine and Shuffle; Dataproc Autoscaling and Customer Managed Encryption Keys

#GoogleNext18security announces (http://ow.ly/SL3V30l80CF ): context-aware access; Titan Security Key; shielded VMs; Container Registry Vulnerability Scanning; Cloud Armor geo-based access control; Cloud HSM; Access Transparency; G Suite sec ctr investig tool; G Suite data regions

#GoogleNext18containerized cloud AI announcements (http://ow.ly/9ZwV30l80sY ): BigQuery ML; support for training and online prediction through scikit-learn and XGBoost in Cloud ML Engine; Kubeflow v0.2; Cloud TPU v3 and Cloud TPU Pod; new partnership with Iron Mountain

#GoogleNext18edge/IoT announcements (http://ow.ly/EGSx30l80i9 ): Edge TPU, ASIC to run TensorFlow Lite ML models at edge, and Cloud IoT Edge, software and SDK to extend Google Cloud AI to gateways and connected devices, using JSON Web Token to authenticate edge devices locally.

#GoogleNext18Intel/SAP partner announce (http://ow.ly/quPC30l809K ): offer GCP virtual machines supporting Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory for SAP HANA workloads; powered by Intel Xeon Scalable processors (code-named Cascade Lake)

#GoogleNext18contact-ctrl convo UI/flow announcements: (http://ow.ly/uOOb30l800J ): create actions smarter and faster with knowledge connectors; understand user texts better with automatic spelling correction; assign a phone number to action with phone gateway

#GoogleNext18serverless (http://ow.ly/gnT230l7ZPa ): new App Engine runtimes, GA of Cloud Functions; add'l language/perf/netwk/security; serverless containers on Cloud Functions; GKE serverless add-on, Knative; Kube-based svrlss wkld building blocks; GCP integ of Cloud Firestore

“Michael Cohen was in the habit of using his phone to record conversations instead of taking notes. He never intended to make use of the recordings.” America thanks Donald Trump for his ability to choose advisers as lazy and stupid as he is.

Putin invitation on hold till Mueller investigation completed. Apparently, Trump can’t manage  than one self-inflicted national tragedy at a time.

I’m a member of a Facebook group devoted to “memories” of the hometown I moved away from decades ago. Every other post is “do you remember (this or that)?” Excuse me, but is this nostalgia or a dementia test?

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Downtown Boys "Fotos Y Recuerdos" de Fotos y Recuerdos JK--2018. Cubre del Selena cubre de "Regreso a la Banda de Cadena" por Los Pretendientes, Prefiero el original por Chrissie y su banda. Prefiero Chrissie.

Thank you phishes for alerting me to the fact that I have yet another account being deactivated unless I click your link right now. By my count, I now have -8,243 active accounts and counting.

"HPE brings Infosight’s predictive analytics to its 3PAR all-flash storage arrays" (http://ow.ly/sSOd30l6TLW ) JK--My commentary contained herein.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Shins "Caring Is Creepy" from Oh, Inverted World JK--2001. Back when James Mercer seemed to be running his voice through a vocoder or something. Gave it an odd tinny quality that's kind of cool on this great song.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs "Don’t You Forget About Me" from Don’t You Forget About Me JK--2018. Nice. Editor in me wants to redline unnecessary "totally"& "extinct" from bandname & query why they appropriated a famous Simple Minds songtitle. LOL!

"RDBMS is dead; AI will rely on Graph Databases..." (http://ow.ly/TN0v30l6SLv ) JK--Oh, brother! Graph devotees have been hyping their pet data architecture forever, and dissing relational. RDBMSs are very much alive & thriving. Graph databases are a minor presence in AI, at best

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Hüsker Dü "Flip Your Wig" from Flip Your Wig JK--1990. These guys had an amazingly muscular rock sound. Not a speck of fat or frill.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ty Segall & White Fence "Body Behavior" from Joy JK--2018. Segall is a force of nature. One of the best pure rockers going today. And amazingly prolific.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp King Tuff "Black Moon Spell" from Black Moon Spell JK--2014. Excellent. Sounds  T.Rex reincarnated.

"‘A cloud for everyone’: Google debuts new management, AI-powered services" (http://ow.ly/yG0B30l6Op3 ) JK--Includes snippets of Kobielus quotage.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Tess Roby "Beacon" JK--2018. Nice one. Kind of a stately roll to this.

New jk #GoogleNext18#SiliconANGLE#Wikibon column: “Analysis: Google puts Kubernetes at the center of its cloud application push” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/07/24/analysis-google-puts-kubernetes-center-cloud-application-push/ …)

New jk #Next18#SiliconANGLE#Wikibon column: “Analysis: Google puts Kubernetes at the center of its cloud application push” (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2018/07/24/analysis-google-puts-kubernetes-center-cloud-application-push/ …)

Stay tuned for my #Next18 keynote dissection piece coming up imminently on

It's not just that Trump lies. It's that he densely packs his lies into airtight crystallization structures. He must have an amazing prevarication compaction algorithm chugging away behind the scenes. Lies dense as diamonds!

"Machine Learning and Mobile: Deploying Models on The Edge" (http://ow.ly/kzMO30l5Pzx ) JK--Mobile and edge devices are overtaking desktop in popularity

"As Technologists, It's Time That We Upgrade The Ethics Of Our Work" (http://ow.ly/OoqY30l5PhC ) JK--Spoken  a true techie. Before you upgrade, though, you need to apply your empathy patches, download your values drivers, and migrate your moral code from the previous version

"Three reasons Google lags in the cloud – and four ways it can step on the gas" (http://ow.ly/OHwk30l5Pbz ) JK--I'm quoted.

"http://H2O.ai & Google Cloud Announce Collab to Drive Enterprise AI Adoption" (http://ow.ly/1xfI30l5ONk ) JK--H2O-3 & Driverless AI available on GCP Marketplace & integ with KubeFlow; integ H2O Sparkling Water w/Ggl Data Proc; Driverless AI ingest via Ggl BigQuery

"Google wants to make programming quantum computers easier" (http://ow.ly/2UfK30l5OpO ) JK--Released Cirq (open-source SDK for creating algos running on quantum simulators and, in future, quantum computers) & OpenFermion-Cirq (SDK for creating algos simulating molecules/materials)

"AI boosts data-center availability, efficiency" (http://ow.ly/4kPx30l552g ) JK--AI is becoming the core of all IT operations management: real-time adaptive and automated monitoring, optimization, predictive maintenance, root cause analysis, etc. In hardware, software, cloud, etc

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Squeeze "Pulling Mussels (From the Shell)" JK--1980. The truth is that William Tell split the mussels with his crossbow on his first try.


"IBM came up with a watermark for neural networks" (http://ow.ly/WPWs30l4GZK ) JK--"… the embedded watermarks in DNN models are robust and resilient to different counter-watermark mechanisms, such as fine-tuning, parameter pruning, and model inversion attacks."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter "Dewayne" from Dewayne JK--2018. Nice new one from the Seattle singer-songwriter. I love her grainy voice and gift for slow-burn yearning with beautiful electric-guitar textures.

"Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter partner for ambitious new data project" (http://ow.ly/YlFw30l4Gqj ) JK--Data Transfer Project: "an open source platform promoting universal data portability." See Google blog here:

"AI wizard Mike Cook wants OpenAI's Dota bots to teach him, not beat him" (http://ow.ly/TxkT30l4FHI ) JK--I assume there's some community of researchers still working on using AI to achieve mastery over Dungeons & Dragons.

"Solving the AI Race" (http://ow.ly/9FLS30l4Foo ) JK--Of course the AI community is modeling various AI safety competitive & societal impact scenarios. Stands to reason they'd whack the tools back at their own ricebowls.

"Pentagon Rolls Out Major Cyber, AI Strategies This Summer" (http://ow.ly/wSJs30l4F9n ) JK--Considering how many AI researchers have pledged to not help them build autonomous weapon systems, I'm curious if they'll have to resort to conscripting brainiacs to get their work done.

"Towards Automated Deep Learning: Efficient Joint Neural Architecture and Hyperparameter Search" (http://ow.ly/SZ7d30l4EOA ) JK--Automate design and optimization of neural network model architectures to the max extent possible. Critical to breaking the AI DevOps pipeline bottleneck

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Smiths "How Soon Is Now?" JK--1985. Morrissey wrote this retrospective about the dark ages before Britain removed shyness from the list of prosecutable offenses that was criminally vulgar.

"Learning Deployable Navigation Policies at Kilometer Scale from a Single Traversal" (http://ow.ly/cGm430l4E9v ) JK--Mobile robot efficiently one-shot RL's goal-directed navigation policies. No need for large amounts of interaction data, which can be prohibitively costly to obtain.

"Robot Learning in Homes: Improving Generalization and Reducing Dataset Bias" (http://ow.ly/hWhL30l4Dzi ) JK--CMU researchers gathered "grasp" training data from robot deploys in 6 AirBNB properties. Used low-cost 'YOLO' model to generate bounding boxes around objects near robots.

"Xilinx Buys China AI Startup" (http://ow.ly/zfb030l4Diw ) JK--Anyone who views AI in nationalistic terms must confront the many cross-border vendor hookups, partnerships, and other engagements. See my recent Datanami column on AI nationalism:

"Why Artificial Intelligence Is Not a Silver Bullet for Cybersecurity" (http://ow.ly/9fUO30l4CDS ) JK--No one said it was. BTW, don't use the phrase "silver bullet" in a sentence unless you also include the words "Kemosabe" and "Tonto."

"Leading AI researchers vow to not develop autonomous weapons" (http://ow.ly/3WuV30l4C86 ) JK--Here is the text and list of signatories:

"Get ready for the next big disruption in the cloud: serverless computing" (http://ow.ly/tTSm30l4Azz ) JK--Quoteth moi.

"Why Is Google Translate Spitting Out Sinister Religious Prophecies?" (http://ow.ly/P2t930l4zAg ) JK--My theory is that they're training their algorithms on the English translation of Nostradamus.

Caught “A Quiet Place” on DVD. A sensationally original and gripping horror-thriller.

Caught “Chappaquiddick” on DVD. Excellent telling of the facts, focusing on the disgusting spin-job that Kennedy did to save his political career and how the Establishment aided and abetted.

Quite a downpour day! Broken umbrella and squishy shoes. Squish squish squish squish squish!

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Tunde Olaniran “I’m Here” from I’m Here JK--2018. Nice R&B number. Detroit-based, Flint-reared artist.

"AGI Roadmap Beginning with the Subjective Self" (http://ow.ly/8uHe30l2RDf ) JK--One axis says "antonomous." Is that the subjective experience of an AI-driven colony of interchangeable drones who walk single file to breadcrumbs & carry them back to an intricate underground lair?

"Google Marxism" (http://ow.ly/p9XO30l2QGT ) JK--George Gilder reads  he's a soured VC whose investments all went south. Also reads  he's a frontman for Trump. Invoking Marx, William F Buckley & barfy phrases  "immanentized eschaton" doesn't help his dyspeptic case. Sad

"MIT/IEEE Partner to Advance Extended Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/FrUm30l2NOZ ) JK--Human-machine symbiosis in AI/IoT/robotics. Data-driven intelligence, digital wellbeing, participatory citizenship, dynamic cooperation, environmental contextualization, transparent governance.

"Can AI Write Its Own Applications? It's Trickier Than You Think" (http://ow.ly/oo1730l2NvT ) JK--Discusses Microsoft's DeepCoder project. See my piece on this auto-programming initiative a year ago:

"Improving Connectomics by an Order of Magnitude" (http://ow.ly/qMkd30l2Mua ) JK--Google AI research paper on a deep learning technique that improves the accuracy of automated interpretation of organical neural interconnection data by whopping margin. I made up the "whopping" part

"What Does It Mean to Certify an AI Product as Safe?" (http://ow.ly/XlKl30l2LWA ) JK--Great stuff. Where does this guy get all his ideas from?

"New CxO Gang: Data, AI, & Robotics" (http://ow.ly/Z2zN30l2Lmv ) JK--"Chief AI Officer"? "Chief Robotics Officer"? Gimme a break. Combine them into "Chief AI & Robotics Officer" because "CAIRO" is a cool acronym. Their priority would be to robotically build data-driven pyramids

"Robotic Vacuums May Hoover Your Data" (http://ow.ly/W8qU30l2KnU ) JK--But I won't be worried till bots can bissell, electrolux, and dyson every last scrap of it.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Syd Barrett "Gigolo Aunt" from Barrett JK--1970. Cool bit of Syd sounding spaced out and relaxed. A spacious stroll down some beach.

"Why some accents don’t work on Alexa or Google Home" (http://ow.ly/13ZD30l2GoH ) JK--We don't use those, but I routinely have to wield my Midwestern American accent to help my foreign-born wife unlock some voice-recognition authentication or navigation IVR challenge on the phone

"Internet infrastructure will be inundated as sea levels rise" (http://ow.ly/J5dc30l2FvD ) JK--"By 2033, > 4,000 miles of underground fiber will be beneath sea water, & 100s of data centers will be affected because conduits & internet cables are not designed for that environment"

"3 Areas AI Can Go Wrong" (http://ow.ly/dfqg30l2E8S ) JK--Cortnie Abercrombie actually discusses 4: personalization gone creepy; overfitting predictive models to lo-qual historical data; using available but not-so-valid data; using collection-method-biasd data to drive new outcomes

"Powering AI: The explosion of new AI hardware accelerators" (http://ow.ly/xfEE30l2DPE ) JK--I could not have said it better myself.

"How Clouds Will Crystallize Around Blockchain" (http://ow.ly/d7Ao30l2DMD ) JK--This guy knows what he's talking about.

"A $150 Billion Net Worth Makes Jeff Bezos the Richest Person on Earth and 24 Other Crazy Things We've Learned About the Amazon Founder" (http://ow.ly/osZW30l2DyX ) JK--The essence of clickbait is when sightseeing at the Grand Canyon somehow gets tagged as a "crazy thing."

"A Physicist Weighs In On Whether Scrooge McDuck Could Actually Swim in a Pool of Gold Coins" (http://ow.ly/rJZ030l2DqF ) JK--I was wondering. That never seemed realistic. Everything else about that comic seemed true to life.

"Jeff Bezos is even richer than Scrooge McDuck, Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne" (http://ow.ly/X7wn30l2DjE ) JK--And he's closing in on Croesus.

"On “solving” Montezuma’s Revenge" (http://ow.ly/RDVU30l2Cw4 ) JK--I thought that was already solved: don't drink the water (or breathe the air).

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Radiohead "There There (The Boney King of Nowhere.)" from Hail To The Thief (Special Collectors Edition) JK--2003. Love the big drum sound that pounds this one out from the start and then propels it into a headlong frenzy at the end.

Aweekstweets October 8 to November 4 2018: the weeks preceding the week preceding my sixtieth


Resumption of Standard Time. I’m a bit concerned that the rest of the year refuses to comply with this standard. This has been going on too long.

Reasonably productive day. Wrote that article in the last hour before yoga. Wrote another in the hour after breakfast. Recorded a few video clips before lunch. Research another while watching others record theirs.

Rewatching “Shampoo” on PBS station. 1968 depicted in 1975. Noting non-obvious period song in soundtrack. Jefferson Airplane “Good Shepherd.” Anachronism. 1969, from “Volunteers.”

New jk #SiliconANGLEpiece: "Building algorithmic protections against engineered political opinions" (http://ow.ly/WjZw30mtRe4 )

"Special Report: Kubernetes orchestrates a mass movement to the cloud" (http://ow.ly/Y7aR30mtRbx ) JK--Quotes me.

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Building Algorithmic Protections Against Engineered Political Opinions" (http://ow.ly/Jo3e30mtIg9 )

"Who’s Who in AI SoCs" (http://ow.ly/AkMH30mtlwh ) JK--AI systems-on-chip "are nothing like app processors whose architecture are already well-defined...no single SoC architecture rules the AI world...no single right way to design an AI SoC..makes flexibility" key design criterion

"AI and the Death of 'Employment for Life'" (http://ow.ly/RgF330mtl6B ) JK--Tossing "AI" onto the pile of job killers feels superfluous. I'm on my 15th full-time job since college. Seeing my dad lose his 20-year Sperry Univac gig while I was in highschool opened my eyes to reality.

"GitHub Report Charts Rise of Open Source AI" (http://ow.ly/Tyj330mtkXH ) JK--Topping GitHub's own internal ranking of "cool" projects was Google's Dopamine: research framework for quickly prototyping reinforcement learning algorithms (for robotics et al):

"Which platform for machine learning is right for your enterprise?" (http://ow.ly/cUMf30mtkEA ) JK--Good discussion but not an exhaustive market survey. There are dozens more commercially available solutions.

"These autonomous, self-assembling robots can join forces to solve problems" (http://ow.ly/ZKSa30mtktv ) JK--SMORES-EP: 3" wide cube-shaped wheeled modules; include cameras/computer; collect/process data from surroundings; move independently; dock amongst to form larger systems.

"15 tools to tame Kubernetes deployments" (http://ow.ly/2cjv30mtkiu ) JK--Useful guide by Serdar Yegulalp for tools to manage some maddeningly complex stuff.

"Why Jupyter is data scientists’ computational notebook of choice" (http://ow.ly/PaV830mtjC2 ) JK--"[R]esearchers embed code, data and text to document their computational methods....allows researchers to supplement their code and data with analysis, hypotheses and conjecture."

Right. So is federating K8s clusters across public and private clouds: an emerging art form that few are attempting so far. Too complex to set up and administer. #actionitem

@bjfjallen Meets the SLA of the outsourced legacy apps, that is. "Spirit" in an enterprise context is all about whether cloud offering offers equivalent functionality + performance + experience #actionitem

Today at noon ET / 9am PT, join me & the #Wikibon community to discuss the journey to #multicloudhttp://bit.ly/2Ok0XjK @dvellante@plburris@jameskobielus@dfloyer@stu#IBMRedHat#actionitem

"The Washington Post announces plans to expand technology coverage" (http://ow.ly/dQ6630msr80 ) JK--Bezos has his business-coverage priorities straight. This is obviously the leading edge of dynamism & innovation in today's global economy.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Françoise Hardy "If You Listen" JK--1972. Kind of a narcotically sleepy meditation. That is a powerful narcotic.

"Should a self-driving car kill the baby or the grandma? Depends on where you’re from" (http://ow.ly/Fazd30msqkK ) JK--Geez. Let's not get into roadkill optimization algorithms. Let's not go there.

"This is what AI looks like (as sketched by AI)" (http://ow.ly/Eb8N30mspvR ) JK--It's flattering itself. I'd sketch it roughly like this:

"How Blockchain Could Break Big Tech’s Hold on A.I." (http://ow.ly/hQfg30msp8p ) JK--As immutable online digital trust backbone for online training-data marketplaces? That's not going to build deep benches of AI talented developers/tools/platforms, which is what Google et al have

"Apple stores are now selling a $2K 'self-flying' drone you can control from an Apple Watch" (http://ow.ly/EDDp30msoNL ) JK--I'm still waiting for a Spider-Man webline that you can shoot directly from your smartwatch, attach to buildings, & swing on like a trapeze. Those coming?

"The Awesome Potential of Quantum Computing" (http://ow.ly/W3eK30msogN ) JK--Something tells me today's early hardware attempts at quantum computing will, in the 22nd century, be like retro-hip "steampunk" kitsch. Funny/weird contraptions. Hope they work.

"Congress takes first steps toward regulating artificial intelligence" (http://ow.ly/lPrn30msnV8 ) JK--Is it asking too much to inquire into whether they understand the first thing about AI? We need legislators to be tested on such matters before they dare cast a vote. I'm serious.

"12 IoT Platforms" (http://ow.ly/IRwF30msnGw ) JK--Good discussion of Internet of Things cloud platforms. Include data ingestion/transformation, dashboard creation, rule/device management, security, and platform integration. Artik, AWS, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Temboo, Ubidots, etc.

"After Partner Pilots, Azure Digital Twins Hits Public Preview" (http://ow.ly/m7BA30msnzf ) JK--Microsoft is positioning digital twin tech for smart cities/buildings, rather than industrial IoT. Includes a spatial intelligence graph.

My wife has me drinking this alkaline water. It's reliable but boring. Cool that they're honoring the 50th anniv of the '68 Tigers. I'm waiting for the dennymclain water, but worry whether it's stable. And I'm concerned th mickeylolich water, tho a winner, will give me a potbelly

"What’s new in Angular: V7 production release" (http://ow.ly/N2So30msmci ) JK--Google’s popular JavaScript framework 4 mobile/desktop apps supports dependency injection. No support for dependency freebasing, snorting, or toking. High-performance apps are dangerously addictive

"How to build computers for big data, 1950s style" (http://ow.ly/PkJx30mslO0 ) JK--Ah yes, the good old days, when every lumbering military-industrial system was designed for nuclear survivability. That was the engineering objective of the early Internet too. Fat chance.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Lemonheads "Can't Forget" from Varshons 2 JK--2019. First new one from them in about 50 million years. Nice mellow vibe on this.

"The highD Dataset: A Drone Dataset of Naturalistic Vehicle Trajectories on German Highways for Validation of Highly Automated Driving Systems" (http://ow.ly/2EbB30mslnE ) JK--Will drones replace local news stations' rush-hour traffic helicopter-borne reporters?

"IBM just proved quantum computers can do things impossible for classical ones" (http://ow.ly/FM3R30mskR9 ) JK--Quantum nonlocality provably better than classical computers at solving certain linear algebra problems associated with binary quadratic forms.

"Venturi battles storms and salt to set electric land speed record " (http://ow.ly/ElEu30msku3 ) JK--From 3 years ago. On the awesome Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah (cool white expanse I've only seen from airplanes). Monegasque company (i.e., based in Monaco) & Ohio State University

"Roborace wants the future of racing to be AI plus humans, working together" (http://ow.ly/veeM30mskhc ) JK--This is going to encourage races of such astonishing velocity, densely crowded fields, and aggressive passing behaviors that no (sane) human-driven vehicles would dare.

"Rolls-Royce Wants To Fill The Seas With Self-Sailing Ships" (http://ow.ly/Xe0m30msk9s ) JK--That's almost certainly how most maritime shipping will go. If not entirely crewless, mostly self-navigating from port 2 port. Onboard crew may be there simply to protect cargo from pirates

"Kinetica Could Boost Nvidia..." (http://ow.ly/ecPl30msjW0 ) JK--"Simply put [JK note: not simply put] Kinetica joins other companies--such as MapD [which] recently changed name to OmniSci -- that put GPU at the core of their tech rather than the CPU that powers traditional DBs."

"Google wants to improve your smart home with iRobot’s room maps" (http://ow.ly/lQYn30msjBh ) JK--Article addresses the privacy issues surrounding these companies'"leveraging the unique dataset collected by iRobot: maps of customers’ homes."

I keep a running queue (in Microsoft Word) of current articles and their links of possible interest, speed gleaned from my inboxes. At periodic intervals, I process the queue with reckless abandon. The only way to keep up with this stuff. Or even hope to.

This autumn sucks all around. It’s all falling directly from green to ground, where they brown. Gotta frown.

Got us a nice new big bag of Reese's Peanut Butter cups to hand out to the kiddies. We don't generally get many trick-or-treaters on our cul-de-sac. Ze Reese's, zey are MINE!!!!

"Meet the Professor Who Was There When the Internet Was Turned On" (http://ow.ly/M7a530mrYiC ) JK--Says he was one of only 3 people in the room at the magic moment in 1969. I hope the other two weren't Cheech & Chong.

Dear Websites In General: I recommend that you not keep pestering me about investigating your privacy and cookie policies. I also don't want to know if you only employ free-range conflict-free biodegradable programmers. I just don't care.

"Google ponders the shortcomings of machine learning" (http://ow.ly/2Ksw30mrXXj ) JK--Proposes graph models to describe relations between things and enable automated systems to generalize more broadly about the world beyond was statistically-driven ML models can tell us.

I'm getting a bit tired of "Classic Peanuts." I hope that Big Eastern Syndicate starts to rerun themed sequences of the strips. I'd like a whole month where they run every strip in which Lucy, Violet, and Patty call Charlie Brown a blockhead, loser, failure face, and/or douchebag

"5 steps to making your data lake an organizational lifestyle" (http://ow.ly/1TJU30mrWH6 ) JK--Yep, your people can frolic in the data lake to their hearts' delight, but please draw the line at skinny-dipping.

"NXP Plans GHz MCU as AI Moves to Edge " (http://ow.ly/W1b630mrWrc ) JK--Opaque headline buries the lead: debuting an AI software development environment for IoT/edge/embedded devices. One of many such tools coming to market.

"Open sourcing TRFL: a library of reinforcement learning building blocks" (http://ow.ly/1gPs30mrWcd ) JK--DeepMind pronounces this "truffle." Seems to be a jumble of the building-block letters T & F (for "TensorFlow") and R & L (for "reinforcement learning").

"Provino Enters AI by the Back Door" (http://ow.ly/guSp30mrVO8 ) JK--Startup designs AI systems on a chip on its scalable "iFabric" interconnect bus.

"Can common sense be built into AI?" (http://ow.ly/ZNMM30mrVF0 ) JK--Perhaps, but why stop there? Insist on uncommon sense. Get your money's worth. Don't be a putz.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Joyce Heath "I Wouldn’t Dream of It" JK--1961. Wow. A sad beautiful romantic gem of a 45rpm.

I always enjoy these "[x vendor] named a leader in [y market] by [z analyst firm]" PR stories. I see them every day. Quite often, it's the usual suspects reminding us that they're still in the game. Essentially, "earned" brand advertising, nothing more.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bush Tetras "Too Many Creeps" from Wild Things JK--1980. I'm surprised this didn't become a Halloween standard years ago.

"August adds voice unlocking and doorbell announcements" (http://ow.ly/rwpp30mro4o ) JK--Just for kicks, they should introduce a surprise blood-curdling scream tonight as the costumed kiddies are approaching. Just for kicks.

I haven't heard much bitcoin/cryptocurrency hype in the past few months. That mania appears to have passed. Either that, or everybody who got rich is living a life of quiet affluence (or, more likely, lost everything and are silently seething with regret).

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Dead Man's Bones "Pa Pa Power" from Dead Man's Bones (Featuring the Silverlake Conservatory of Music Children's Choir) JK--2009. Group includes Ryan Gosling (yes, THAT Ryan Gosling). Far right in cover photo.

Nice clear starry sky this Halloween morning. Half moon. A calm one. I barely noticed it was Devil's Night. Dodged that one, thank goodness.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Viagra Boys "Sports" from Street Worms JK--2018. Wild punk ranting on this one.

"Google-Backed Ride-Hailing Startup Go-Jek Valued at Over $9 Billion" (http://ow.ly/a5BT30mqyc8 ) JK--Jakarta-based. Microsoft recently invested in their larger Singapore-based competitor Grab: http://ow.ly/8hvO30mqyfd .

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp De La Soul "The Magic Number" from 3 Feet High and Rising JK--1989. Inspired hiphop mashup of "Multiplication Rock" song.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jenn Champion "Time to Regulate" from Single Rider JK--2018. Nice one to include in an exercise listening mix.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jefferson Airplane "Somebody to Love" from Surrealistic Pillow JK--1967. It's Grace Slick's 79th birthday. Here's the original version of this song from 1966, her and the Great Society live at the Matrix club on Fillmore St in SF.

Saw Republican congressional campaign ad warning that a vote for a Democrat would put Nancy Pelosi back in the speakership. Oh yeah, I’m worried about seeing her pretty face more. I’ve grown accustomed to Paul Ryan’s droopy-eyes sad sack on sedatives look.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#KEXP Black Belt Eagle Scout “Soft Stud” from Mother Of My Children JK--2018. What a dirty delicious fuzz bass. I’m all tingly.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Berlin “Sex (I’m a…)” from Pleasure Victim JK--1982. Very juicy dance-floor electronica. I remember this.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Neko Case "Hold On, Hold On" from Fox Confessor Brings the Flood JK--2006. This is one of the most golden oldies from the Millennium Decade. Thank you Neko!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Soccer Mommy "Wide Open Spaces" from Wide Open Spaces JK--2018. Nice Dixie Chicks cover in an alt-rock slacker-girl vein.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "With Red Hat, IBM expands its focus on cloud-native development for multiclouds" (http://ow.ly/3Bcm30mpSjp )

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Leonard Cohen "You Want It Darker" from You Want It Darker JK--2016. Released exactly one month before his death. He saved one of his very best for the bitter end. That was very Leonard of him to do that.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Fleetwood Mac "Oh Well" from Live at the BBC JK--1995. Various tracks recorded at the Beeb from 1967-71. This is probably 1969. Extended version was on "Then Play On" album from that year. Best use of cowbell in British blues-rock pantheon. No contest.

RT @kexpnowplaying: Donovan "Season of the Witch" from Sunshine Superman JK--1966. Having to pIck up every stitch? Rabbits running in the ditch? Beatniks out to make you twitch? Classic signs of witch infestation.

This morning, Seattle public radio station #KEXP opening sponsor message promotes some course being held in my hometown, Alexandria VA, and occasionally concerts in downtown Washington DC at Anthem. What gives? Are they geotargeting these messages now?

Nice night of casual dining out with the wife, followed by home and lazy TV-watching: a British historical drama with the subtitles on. Hot tea with honey & lemon. The cozy fortnight between our birthdays.

I see they’re coming out with a movie about Queen. High time. I remember hearing “Bohemian Rhapsody” for the first time on my car radio driving home from high school in 12th grade. A classic 70s WTF memory.

IBM acquiring Red Hat reminds me a bit of Sears acquiring KMart in the hope of hedging against the decline of department stores and the challenge from Amazon and Walmart. Interesting that Amazon is the 800-pound gorilla in both scenarios.

How the cloud wars forced IBM to buy Red Hat for $34 billion | ZDNet

“IBM is acquiring software company Red Hat for $34 billion” (https://amp.businessinsider.com/ibm-is-reportedly-nearing-a-deal-to-acquire-redhat-the-software-company-valued-at-20-billion-2018-10 …) JK--Gives IBM a substantial open-source solution portfolio for enterprise hybrid cloud opportunities.

KMart near us is closing. I’ve been wondering for years how long they can keep up this futile facade of competing against Walmart and Target. Parent Sears doesn’t have long either.

Rainy Saturday. Big crowd at Trader Joe. Halloween just 4 days from now. Last chance to load up on pumpkin spice everything. Wards off the wickedest witches, I’m told

Some Trump thug trying to intimidate the electorate before the midterms? Not surprised. Jackboots all.

Second full night of sleep at home back from a jampacked west coast business trip. Feel now like I’m back to sort of normal. No stupid dreams full of arbitrary tech talk. Tick tock.

One of my highlights in San Francisco this week was having the SFMoMA largely to myself after-hours (with guide). Great collection includes multiple by Close, LeWitt, Oldenburg, and Warhol. The guide was a young Chinese artist. We had a great conversation.

"Trump denies iPhone use that reportedly allows for China, Russia spying" (http://ow.ly/Najk30mo2zV ) JK--Moron!

Dear Tech PR Person Who Wants To "Run a Story Idea By You": I don't write "stories." If it isn't perfectly obvious, I write what's on my mind and discuss what's going on in my sphere of expertise. Tell me something that I might find interesting: your [whatever] story.

Regarding Megyn Kelly's idiotic statement about blackface on a Halloween costume: "Back when I was a kid that was OK, as long as you were dressing up as, like, a character." I'm 12 years older than her & that was flat-out racist pretty much from the dawn of my trick-or-treat days

My wife’s usual concern is about me not exercising while on business trips. My usual response is to point out how much walking I do. Climbing too. I work my heart in San Francisco.

“Worst cover-up in history”? Hardly. That distinction belongs to the current administration’s efforts to pretend that the person in charge isn’t a dangerous lunatic.

Next morning. Very early. Little sleep. Waiting at gate at SFO for flight home. Was worth it. Beck and Portugal. The Man were excellent at the #OOW18after-concert at AT&T Park. Beck has quite a back catalog of great songs.

Cool thing about AT&T Park: the telecom service provider whose name is on the stadium has equipped it with fast, reliable Wi-Fi. A damn sight better than Moscone Center, whose Wi-Fi, IMHO, blows big gnarly chunks!

"Migrant caravan"? Let them in. I advocate eliminating all restrictions on the unfettered flow of immigrants into the USA. They're us. They're our legacy & future. our strength. Our country is a magnet for the world's hopeful. I descend from immigrants. I married one. Let 'em in!

Oddly, I'm kind of glad I booked too late to get a hotel in SF. Every one's jampacked with #OOW18 goers. Every one's got those obnoxious labor-protester drumbeaters making an unholy racket. I'm in San Bruno near SFO. On BART. Peaceful unpretentious working class neighborhood.

Worked hard this week at #OOW18. Published 5 detailed analyses of Oracle's announcements & strategies. After submitting the last one to my editor, I walked SF all the way to Ghirardelli Sq & back. Now kicking back with hotdogs/beer at AT&T Park. Waiting for PortugalTheMan & Beck.

New jk #SiliconANGLE#OOW18 article: "OpenWorld 2018: Oracle struggles to grow its cloud business but AI-driven apps set it apart" (http://ow.ly/NbUV30mmDmz )

Join me @stu@dvellante@plburris@dfloyer @tmspeaks today at 9am PT/12noon ET for #Wikibonlive Crowdchat on Managing AI Risk: http://ow.ly/CSIQ30mkaC1 #actionitem

Dining placidly alone at Francis Ford Coppola’s restaurant in North Beach. Nice quiet elegant Italian fare. I utterly love their spicy spaghetti pomodoro basilico. Going to wash it down with Francis’ Sonoma Merlot ‘14.

"Updated Oracle Gen 2 Cloud aims to challenge cloud leaders" (http://ow.ly/5rX230mlG7t ) JK--Contains commentary by me that Jack Vaughan recorded at #OOW18 while we were in the hall getting coffee. Good coffee. Great tech reporter. Nice guy.

I love when e-newsletters are assembled by dim bots. Occasionally, the titles of some of the clipped/linked articles are "Page not found." Personally, I'm not going to read that one until the author finds the page and tells us how they did that. I need inspiring can-do stories.

"Moscone to Use Self-Powered Smart Security at Events" (http://ow.ly/EkwR30mlDvR  ) JK--V5 will provide the security team at San Francisco's George R. Moscone Convention Center with situational awareness around the sprawling facility. Real-time monitoring via smartphone app.

This message has no content. If it had content, it wouldn't have a point. If it had a point, you wouldn't care one way or another. If you cared, it would have content. These things are continuously self-reinforcing in the virtuous circle of influence and relevance.

Those labor protesters outside the hotels near Moscone are just keeping up that racket continuously. Sounds like a punk band on continuous loop, with the group chanting kind of resembling a plainsong gone aggressively confrontational.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp FIDLAR "Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle" JK--2018. Good cover of one of my favorite Nirvana songs.

Autonomous...Bosch (https://www.bosch.com/explore-and-experience/autonomous-driving-interview-with-michael-fausten/ …) JK--"A Tesla Model S which Bosch has converted into a test vehicle is one of the few self-driving cars with permission to drive on German freeways." Driving culture of tomorrow? Garden of earthly delights on wheels?

Dear Tech Vendors Who Claim That Their Solutions are Seamless: Please certify that your offering is entirely free of any of the seams listed in the international registry of seams. If there's even a speck of seam in your product, you're busted!

"Hyundai developed a wearable exoskeleton that's also a chair" (http://ow.ly/LyQr30mlzMo ) JK--Wow! I want one of those for when I'm walking through the city and there's not a park bench in sight.

"Artificial Agency: The “Action” Side of AI" (http://ow.ly/trNc30mlzbv ) JK--Good new #Wikibonblog by @plburris

New jk #SiliconANGLE#OOW18 article: "Oracle’s self-driving vision is comprehensive but still disjointed and incomplete" (http://ow.ly/Q2Wc30mlyWm )

New #jk#SiliconANGLE#OOW18 article: "At OpenWorld, Oracle extends AI throughout its ‘self-driving’ cloud solutions" (http://ow.ly/cniB30mlkkX )

"Oracle helps users curate their way through the growing open-source cloud stack" (http://ow.ly/pk6T30mkNAJ ) #Wikibon Peter Burris provides in-depth analysis of today's Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment announcement. #OOW18

New jk #Wikibonresearch note: "Curating the Production-Grade Cloud-Native Computing Stack" (http://ow.ly/Dx4L30mkNpb ) #OOW18#Oracle

"At OpenWorld, Oracle debuts new AI-powered cloud app services" (http://ow.ly/ka8u30mky85 ) JK--Quotes me.

"Announcing Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment" (http://ow.ly/9D6b30mkt0D ): a curated set of open source Cloud Native Computing Foundation projects that can be easily deployed, have been tested for interoperability, and for which enterprise-grade support is offered. #OOW18

Cybersecurity is hot. Even the guy who serves me wine on weekends at Trader Joe's sample bar is a cybersecurity specialist in his real job. And he's got a fine sense for what makes a vintage fit for discriminating palates like my own. Actually, I just toss down those splashes.

Join me @stu@dvellante@plburris@dfloyer @tmspeaks this Wed 9am PT/12noon ET for #Wikibonlive Crowdchat on Managing AI Risk: http://ow.ly/CSIQ30mkaC1 #actionitem

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Led Zeppelin "What Is and What Should Never Be" from Led Zeppelin III jK--1970. Exceptionally beautiful druggy languid piece showing off everybody's chops: Plant's vocal, Page's guitar, Jones' bass, & that crisply assertive Bonham drum attack.

#OOW18will be my first Oracle OpenWorld in several years. Can't wait to see what they announce. I've been following their rollout of autonomous/self-driving closed-loop platform optimization features. Very impressive practical integration of AI for IT mgmt.

Caught “First Reformed” on DVD. A Paul Schrader film with Ethan Hawke as a very somber, conflicted, dying clergyman. Excellent. The protagonist is like God’s own Travis Bickle.

Local PBS station trucks out their recorded Peter, Paul, & Mary special for yet another fundraiser. Those pledgerunners have puffed down on that magic dragon so many times they’re going to need a roach clip.

“Died during a fistfight at the consulate”? Yeah, sure. I’d put up a fight too if the consul general were trying to saw off my arms and legs.

Checking the digital news while waiting for the paper news to arrive. It's not real hardened news unless it runs the risk of getting wet from dew on the driveway and eventually ending up in my garbage.

New jk #InfoWorld column: "How the Turing GPU will revolutionize immersive AI" (http://ow.ly/avsh30miqmp )

"A Chinese city plans to replace street lights with its own moon" (http://ow.ly/rU4230mip2x ) JK--Chengdu hopes to launch an "illumination satellite" in 2020. Reflect the Sun's light over an area 10-80 km wide, with lighting range controllable within a few dozen meters.

"In Virginia House Race, Anonymous Attack Ads Pop Up on Facebook" (http://ow.ly/IEAB30minpc ) JK--It may be narcissism, but I keep Facebook nailed up to my own timeline page. No ads. I only check the all-friends timeline once or twice a day when I'm simply glancing for updates.

"By the time U finish this article, 400K Americans were probably robocalled" (http://ow.ly/TME630min78 ) JK--I don't answer calls originating from my exchange: all are robo. I'm glad my telco uses caller ID to flag likely robo. I hang up if there's a 1-2 sec silence upon pickup

"Code One Preview: JavaOne v2, Gosling & Blockchain Beer" (http://ow.ly/Y57B30mimcT ) JK--You had me at "beer." Yes, I'll be at Code One next week at Moscone West. Keep a frosty one ready for me, please.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Christine and the Queens "Doesn’t matter" from Christine and the Queens JK--2018. Nice. Love that slap rhythm, the oozy fuzzy bass, and the high-low vocal harmony arrangement. This track has strong bottom, spacious top.

Cool. Two more of mine published yesterday. Each rich with hyperlinks. I write them to have places to which I personally can return to follow the links at some indefinite point in the future. For any topic, I can't keep this stuff in active cache for very long before I move on.

New jk #TechTarget column: “Trying to Keep From Sinking Under The Squirming, Sprawling, Overstuffed Stack of Cloud-Native Computing Projects” (https://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/IT-watch-blog/trying-to-keep-from-sinking-under-the-squirming-sprawling-overstuffed-stack-of-cloud-native-computing-projects/ …)

Elliptical gives me “boost workout” options: “quad power,” “thigh toner,” or “X Mode.” Gotta stop hitting that “X Mode.” Might not be appropriate to flaunt my XXX bod all over town.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Soul Coughing "Screenwriter's Blues" JK--1994. One of the very best songs ever about Los Angeles. Very much plays out like Jim Morrison rapping a hardboiled Dashiell Hammett cop story ghost-written by Hunter S. Thompson.

"Framework for Intelligence/Cortical Function Based on Grid Cells in Neocortex" (http://ow.ly/jUan30mhyHG ) JK--Postulates that "unlike traditional hierarchical ideas where objects are learned only at the top... there are many models of each object distributed throughout neocortex"

"With Neoverse, Arm aims to expand chip reach from edge devices to data centers" (http://ow.ly/s54S30mhxXl ) JK--Mentions "matrix workloads." That refers to the matrix-mathematics operations at the heart of neural networks that drive most AI/machine learning.

"Talend jumps into data cataloging and API development" (http://ow.ly/SD0c30mhx3z ) JK--Crowded segment. Data governance. But can't be full catalog now without AI/machine learning governance. I'd like to hear whether Talend has plans in that direction:

"WikiLeaks goes public with alleged list of AWS datacentre locations and code names" (http://ow.ly/nC8d30mhwpX ) JK--It's pretty clear that Julian Assange and his crew are in cahoots with Trump.

"Twitter Posts Millions of Tweets Linked to Russia, Iran" (http://ow.ly/SWZY30mhvMY ) JK--Leaves no doubt that these overseas agitpropsters were in cahoots with Trump.

New jk #InformationWeekcolumn: "The Coming Wave of Regulation over Facial Recognition" (http://ow.ly/KH7D30mhuKU )

"Bias Detection in Machine Learning Models Using FairML" (http://ow.ly/YvS130mh39b ) JK--Algorithmically assesses an ML model's overreliance on features correlated with protected attributes (eg., gender, race, religion)

"MIT to Spend $1 Billion on Program to Study AI Ethics" (http://ow.ly/M9S730mh2Sh ) JK--That seriously overstates it. School will "foster breakthroughs in computing, particularly AI; deliver AI tools to researchers in every field; and work on AI’s ethical use and societal impact."

Interviewed at length via Skype by editor Charles Roe of #Dataversity on the containerization of the entire big data analytics and AI/ML landscape. They'll incorporate what I told them into several articles. Lots and lots going on.

"YouTube returns following widespread outage" (https://bayareane.ws/2PCxJ1f ) JK--What's Google's high-availability SLA with YouTube? Five 9s? ? Number nine? Number nine? Number nine? Number nine? Number nine? Number nine? Number nine? Number nine?

Complexity is addictive. If you're an analyst, there's a dopamine rush that comes from breaking down a topic into its many parts, looking at it inside & out, and building it back and reframing it coherently. But a lot of complex things are less than the sum of their parts. Bummer

Started the work day with yoga. Instructor always asks what our intention is for the class. I'm never sure whether calm, poise, strength, or balance should predominate. So I just focus on getting through the session without intention. I prefer inattention. Less tension that way.

This column of mine was one of the most popular on #Dataversity this past quarter: "Benchmarking the Full AI Hardware/Software Stack" (http://ow.ly/aBi930mg3AH )

"IBM Introduces AI OpenScale to Spur Artificial Intelligence Adoption and Transparency" (http://ow.ly/ZnCI30mg3fv ) JK--Cloud-based data science DevOps automation toolchain. includes Neural Network Synthesis Engine (beta), using AI to build AI from scratch.

Notice how Abe Lincoln is the only president not showing his face in this "Republican Club" painting. He's too ashamed to be seen in the same frame as the jerkwad currently occupying the office.

Abstraction without crisp componentization and coherent orchestration is toothless. #predictionstech2019

The cloud-native stack is a fast-growing menagerie: Kubernetes is the core, and it's continuing to develop rapidly, but the other components of the CNCF stack to address storage, serverless, edge/IoT, and DevOps will be key new focu... #predictionstech2019

I agree with David that matrix mathematics workload are the heart of AI/deep learning, and that the hardware/distributed infrastructure must be optimized to scale/speed these workloads all the way to the edge. #predictionstech2019

I'm working on an update to the Wikibon coverage of the data science toolchain market. Kubernetes for CI/CD of containerized AI/ML into production apps is a hot theme in many solutions and customer requirements. #predictionstech2019

#KEXPDJ @loserboy aka John Richards speaking eloquently on-air now about Paul Allen and how his 3-year seed money saved the station almost 2 decades ago and was fundamental to its shift from college radio to community nonprofit global music resource.

New people are following me on Google+? They'll enjoy my continued non-posting for the remaining days of its dwindling lifespan.

"Microsoft staff allegedly pen open letter urging firm to drop bid for US government cloud deal" (http://ow.ly/1bGy30mfFus ) JK--“Many Microsoft employees don’t believe that what we build should be used for waging war,” the letter reads.

"A Review of the Neural History of Natural Language Processing" (http://ow.ly/UmZS30mfEjn ) JK--Through "winters" and every other season, NLP remains AI's core use case.

"Google AI researchers find strange new reason to play Jeopardy!" (http://ow.ly/amMz30mfDwJ ) JK--Not strange at all: query optimization. "Reformulate English-language question into multiple different re-wordings, find variant that does best at retrieving an answer from a database"

Join me @dfloyer@furrier@stu@plburris@dvellante today at 12noon ET for livechat on #Wikibon2019 Predictions. Based on hundreds of theCUBE and other thought leader interviews: http://ow.ly/BWmq30mfzgE #predictionstech2019

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Marissa Nadler "For My Crimes" from For My Crimes JK--2018. Very nice, very sad.

RIP Paul Allen. Microsoft co-founder had a substantial investment portfolio and hugely important philanthropic initiatives, including 2000’s EXPerience Music Project. Trivia: Seattle public radio station KCMU received Allen grant and became #KEXP

"10 Lessons I Wish I Had Known Before Scaling Deep Learning Solutions" (http://ow.ly/eRX230meZEG ) JK--Excellent, in-depth view of key cautions, eg "Feature Extraction can Become a Reusability Nightmare."

"The Blockchain-Enabled Intelligent IoT Economy" (http://ow.ly/fSp130meZhy ) JK--Includes useful lists of blockchain-enabled data & AI marketplaces.

"AI security camera detects guns and identifies shooters" (http://ow.ly/3s5730meXVo ) JK--"Relief from gun violence"? Something tells me that this technology will be used by military forces to target snipers. May cause violence to escalate in unforeseen ways.

"MIT Plans College for Artificial Intelligence, Backed by $1 Billion" (http://ow.ly/igYy30meFVj ) JK--Educating domain specialists (e.g., biology, chemistry, politics, history, linguistics) in data-driven computational methods & tools, while doing deep research in computer science.

"The Absurdity of the 'First Man' Flag Controversy" (http://ow.ly/HhFw30meFtc ) JK--Planting the flag of any nation on the Moon was inappropriate in the first place. It's not territory to which any nation can lay claim. Nothing wrong with displaying it on spaceship/suits, though.

"Sears, the Original Everything Store, Files for Bankruptcy" (http://ow.ly/uygg30meEqz ) JK--Passing of an era, but nobody's surprised and they won't really be missed. We haven't shopped there in years.

"Preaching to the choir"? Yeah, they can sing, but are they hip to all the nuances and alternative interpretations of scripture? I thought not. Preach away, but not inline to the ceremony. I always prefer music to pontification.

Nice day. Been lying on my back on the sofa in my comfies under a warm blanket spacing out. Dress rehearsal for the upcoming night’s sleep.

Dear Film Rating Board: Please, in the same way you warn of sex, violence, and language, indicate when the ending makes no f-ing sense. Personally, I find that most offensive, and it’s shockingly widespread these days.

Celebrating Michigan’s victory over Wisconsin. Lamenting Wisconsin’s loss to Michigan. I went to both schools, so I have license to be a bit bipolar on this issue.

Hey DC local weathercaster: don’t refer to Sunday’s forecast as “Redskin Weather.” Call it “Jimmy Kobielus weather”: its sole purpose is to be conducive to any outdoor activities in which I personally may choose to engage tomorrow.

Enjoying the Virginia congressional campaign commercials of Jennifer Wexton and Barbara Comstock. I’ve learned that each of those ladies is a public menace with an evil agenda that will destroy America. #themoreyouknow

Maybe I’m weird, but the onset of cooler weather and dimming days always makes me happy. I love dressing in layers and not having to worry about sunburn and stinky perspiration. Trees seem relieved to be shedding leaves.

Chilly one today. First Octoberly day I’ve experienced so far this October.

Heading to the hills next month to celebrate my 60th. Sobering to realize my birth was closer in time to the 19th Century than I am now to my birth.

Changed the channel from the ABC interview with Melania Trump. She and her husband can kiss my ass.

Caught “Hotel Artemis” on DVD. Didn’t like it. I’m so sick of dystopian crap coming out of Hollywood. Stop it. I’m not buying into this future.

Doing Oracle OpenWorld the week after next. Check me out in San Francisco. I’ll be around.

Join me @plburris@dvellante@dfloyer@stu for live CrowdChat: #Wikibon 2019 Predictions, Data at the Center of Multi-Cloud, Tuesday Oct 16, 12noon EDT:

"5 myths about the Internet of Things that it’s time to forget" (http://ow.ly/1rm830mcPHG ) JK--Thanks for reminding us to forget them. Examining them is the best way to put them out of mind. I'll also forget that I read and tweeted about your article. Excellent anti-mnemonic

"Bezos fortune sinks $9.1 billion in one day" (http://ow.ly/bLJU30mcPjH ) JK--Thanks. Please send us all separate real-time alerts on how each of the world's 1% are weathering the stock market's daily ups & down. I worry that Jeff isn't quite rich enough yet.

I love that the Pentagon's cloud-contract acronym is "JEDI" (Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure). I assume the program is under their Office of Business Intelligence, Wide-Area Networking, Knowledge Engineering, and Nationally Optimized Backbone Infrastructure (OBIWANKENOBI)

The reason I don't pay attention to Quora is Qs such as "Does Bob Dylan even write all of his lyrics?"& answers that include rhetorical Qs such as "Does Meryl Streep even write all of the movies she’s in?" IMDB shows Streep has never written a single movie. I've lost respect.

Spam is great jabberwocky, eg: "We do not have any broker chain in this offer or get involved in Chauffer driven offers. Our own deliver with time and precision as set forth in the agreement. Or you are client that requires funding for project or business, please contact me."

Wanna thank the upgraded Gmail for auto-completing my short email responses with phrases that I perhaps use too often. Reminds me that I need to stop sounding so robotic on some of these message threads. Must at least vary my syntax. Perhaps throw in pointlessly showy vocabulary.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Mirah "Lake/Ocean" from Understanding JK--2018. Good new one from her. Kind of a Young Marble Giants-like guitar on this.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Buffalo Springfield "Hot Dusty Roads" from Buffalo Springfield JK--1966. Great twang in the guitar and swagger in Stephen Stills' voice on this one. Richie Furay harmonizes.

New jk #Datanami column: "Kubernetes Is a Prime Catalyst in AI and Big Data’s Evolution" (http://ow.ly/J64R30mbgCn )

"Evaluating the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Rights" (http://ow.ly/8QpA30maSWA ) JK--Check out the new report from Harvard's Berkman Klein Center:

"18 Tips for Training your own Tensorflow.js Models in the Browser" (http://ow.ly/mU4J30maSge ) JK--You can put that GPU on your desktop to good use, and quit wasting it on gaming for at least 2 seconds.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp U2 "All I Want Is You" from Rattle and Hum JK--1988. The Edge totally shreds it on guitar here.

"The Graph That Knows the World" (http://ow.ly/AfJV30maRNe ) JK--Diffbot: knowledge graph as a service.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bonnie “Prince” Billy "The World's Greatest" from Ask Forgiveness JK--2007. This country-folk singer-songwriter has an endearing hangdog quality to his work.

"NVIDIA Launches GPU-Acceleration Platform for Data Science" (http://ow.ly/anbp30maQnd ) JK--Open-source software libraries for AI DevOps acceleration on multi-node, multi-GPU platforms. Python programming, NVIDIA CUDA primitives, DataFrame API. See here: http://rapids.ai 

"Laughing at the Google+ bug? You’re making a big mistake." (http://ow.ly/nGNK30maPTr ) JK--"Millions [created] accounts on Google+, accounts that still exist today...eventually became a danger to their owners... years after Google+ stopped being a meaningful social...phenom"

"Microsoft is investing in ride-hailing firm Grab" (http://ow.ly/xcKM30maOUF ) JK--Throughout SE Asia. I saw lots of their green-helmeted racing-stripe-clad motorcycle chauffeurs everywhere on my recent Jakarta trip. See right in photo. Ditto their arch-competitor Go-Jek. See left

"Realme Set to Change Indonesian & SE Asian Smartphone Markets" (http://ow.ly/rtSJ30maNK1 ) JK--AI vanity phone? Identifies 296 face recognition points and, thru AI, recognize gender, age, skin tone/type of characters in photos, & subsequently offer personalized beauty solutions."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp DeVotchKa "Lose You In the Crowd" from This Night Falls Forever JK--2018. Nice new one from these Denver-based operatically gypsy-romantic rockers.

I’ll be attending AWS re:Invent late next month in Las Vegas. The whole week. They’re doing so much now I need that much time to focus on them.

My method of spinning out a new article is to perform fast analysis on found content. Everything reveals something when you squeeze hard enough. The less I know coming in the better.

Nothing I enjoy more than kicking back with a good glass of wine. But I have to stop the kicking. Too easy to spill the wine.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Marvin Gaye "What's Going On" JK--1971. "Father, father/We don't need to escalate/You see, war is not the answer/For only love can conquer hate." Beautiful stanza: Gaye spoke both to US involvemnt in Vietnam War & American streets aflame with civil unrest

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Cat Power "You Get" from Wanderer JK--2018. I love this one from her latest LP. Classic Chan Marshall vibe buzzing with eager expectation.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The La's "Son of a Gun" from The La's JK--1990. I love how the singer drawls a quasi-rhyme into "purgatory" and "mercenary."

Stephen J. Vaughan-Nichols is one of the few people I'm aware of who'll miss Google+ (http://ow.ly/xSEO30m9XAn ). Personally, I grew tired of it in the 1st few months when it was apparent that nobody I knew in the real world was on it, or if they were, spent much time there

"The Future of Brain-Computer Interfaces and the Human Machine" (http://ow.ly/yBhd30m9Q3B ) JK--Good roundup of startup activity in this emerging space.

"High Time to Regulate Face Recognition A.I." (http://ow.ly/y05A30m9PS5 ) JK--Proposes requiring that new AI chips invalidate any facial recog task or prevent hooking up "image capture system without the necessary [anti-face-recog] ‘safeguard chip’ in place."

"Predicting the World Around Autonomous Vehicles" (http://ow.ly/kJHc30m9PAj ) JK--Toyota AI Ventures teases around its investment in startup that invests self-driving vehicles with AI-powered ability to emulate "the way human drivers understand the state-of-mind of other humans."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Japandroids "Continuous Thunder" from Celebration Rock JK--2012. Great song and great title. Continuous thunder is a perfect metaphor for the best hard rock.

"Intel Announces .... Gaming Processor: New 9th Gen Intel Core i9-9900K" (http://ow.ly/gAyM30m9P53 ) JK--Content creation? Video editing? Why is there no mention of tensorcore processing for generative AI and style transfer applications? Intel isn't unaware of that market.

"Google Is Shutting Down Google+ After It Discovered A Bug That Exposed Personal Information" (http://ow.ly/ko7J30m9O6L ) JK--They should have shut it down because it's useless.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp John Lennon "How Do You Sleep?" from Imagine JK--1971. Not exactly sure what motivated John to direct this unwarranted musical nastiness at Paul so soon after the Fabs broke up (or ever). IMHO, McCartney's awesome. But it's a good blues, nonetheless.

"Drone defense -- powered by IoT -- is now a thing" (http://ow.ly/Du1V30m9eRO ) JK--Not only is it a "thing," but these things will probably become a standard part of civic-defense infrastructure everywhere.

"Major companies create AI Benchmark and test 10,000+ phones for AI prowess" JK--Check out the benchmarks here http://ow.ly/sD0830m9eEQ and the research site here: http://ow.ly/iXNQ30m9eGx 

"Pentagon Unmanned Systems Integrated Roadmap 2017-2042" (http://ow.ly/Zrjb30m9exg ) JK--Will a thoroughly unmanned military force put human soldiers out of work? Somehow, I doubt it.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Fred Thomas "Good Times Are Gone Again" from Aftering JK--2018. Good crunching guitar from this Ann Arbor MI-based rocker. Video shot in park midway between Arborland (where my mom bought all my school clothes) and Briarwood (where I hung as teenager).

"We Still Don’t Know Much About the Jobs the AI Economy Will Make — or Take" (http://ow.ly/Apuy30m9dGu ) JK--And all the scare stories about AI putting everybody out of work come against the backdrop of the US' strongest macroeconomic employment picture in 50 years. Simmer down.

"A Comparison of Kubernetes Distributions" (http://ow.ly/JyAT30m9dAA ) JK--Examines 6 of them, when in fact there are dozens of K8s distros on the market.

"Knowledge graphs beyond the hype: Getting knowledge in and out of graphs and databases" (http://ow.ly/WeLE30m9dpU ) JK--My sense is this tech will find its oats in encapsulating reusable knowledge for AI transfer learning.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Woods "Moving To The Left" from With Light and With Love JK--2014. Not sure if this means liberal-leaning politics, westward migration or none of that. Great song that will linger in your memory.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Amen Dunes "Dracula" from Freedom JK--2018. This one has a righteous roll to it.

"DataRobot and UiPath Partner to Accelerate the Path to AI" (http://ow.ly/7cV030m9cZg ) JK--This is important. User-friendly self-service development, training, and delivery of AI-infused insights into the software robots that are automating administrative processes everywhere.

"Getting Multi-cloud Right with Per-app Architectures" (http://ow.ly/qvLi30m9cd6 ) JK--Seems to me that what Lori MacVittie is describing ("dedicated data path per application") requires an underlying digital-twin edge-to-edge cloud infrastructure.

"Creating custom Fortnite dances with webcam and Deep Learning " (http://ow.ly/zz5i30m9c0U ) JK--Maybe a silly premium add-on such as this will push AI into embedding in everybody's browser, mobile device, gaming console, and IoT media/entertainment edge device.

"Renesas to Pitch Baby-step AI for Factories" (http://ow.ly/Q59L30m98i4 ) JK--Refers to limited use cases where can apply "train-once-and-forget" anomaly detection models to cut-and-dried real-time/local factory-floor inferencing scenarios.

"Big-data rivals Cloudera and Hortonworks announce big-deal merger" (http://ow.ly/Bxgu30m97KR ) JK--Quotes me and many other analysts. My take: they have complementary strengths, but their backs are against the wall as Hadoop fades & cloud providers deepen AI/big data dominance

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Talking Heads "Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On)" from Remain In Light JK--1980. Truth be told, I thought the THeads were in danger of jumping the shark as the '80s approached. But with this LP they became the shark. Eno helped them become a new band.

Kobielus thought leadership posts in 2018


Predictions for Edge Computing in 2019

More turbulence is coming to the big-data analytics market in 2019

Predictions for Artificial Intelligence in 2019

Key enterprise cloud trends for 2019

At KubeCon, the Kubernetes community discusses its growing pains

At KubeCon, serverless, mesh and DevOps announcements dominate

Kubernetes open-source project matures as commercialization accelerates

The intensifying battle between AWS and Oracle for enterprise database supremacy

The Smart Object Ecosystem Is The New AI Workbench

Robots will rule the edge: At re:Invent, AWS drives a new AI paradigm

What’s missing from Outposts, AWS’ latest hybrid cloud announcement

As re:Invent conference wraps, AWS keeps getting stronger in the cloud

Deeper into cloud data: AWS launches a blitz of innovative AI offerings at re:Invent

Reinforcement learning comes into AI’s mainstream

All around the cloud: Here's everything AWS has announced so far at re:Invent

Using Blockchain to Support Trustworthy Transactions on the IoT

How containerization brings AI to your DevOps pipeline

On the cusp of AWS re:Invent, the public cloud continues to transform the public sector

The Unsettling Persistence of Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities in the Cloud

Oracle confronts growing challenge from AWS in the cloud

AI Drives Innovation in Next-Generation Cloud Business Intelligence        

Mitigating AI’s Many Risks to Society

As AWS re:Invent approaches, AI becomes the killer app for public cloud

Doing a Reality Check on GPU-Accelerated Databases

Building the Hybrid Serverless Multiclouds of the Future

Kubeflow Shows Promise in Standardizing the AI DevOps Pipeline

How AI, IoT, and Other Technologies Will Need to Coalesce into Comprehensive Counterdrone Defenses

At Boomi World, New Accelerators for Connected Business in the Cloud

Microsoft and IBM Come to the Center of All Things Open Source

Looking ahead to AWS re:Invent, public clouds keep gaining momentum

Building Algorithmic Protections Against Engineered Political Opinions

With Red Hat, IBM expands its focus on cloud-native development for multiclouds

OpenWorld 2018 wrap: Oracle struggles to grow its cloud business, but AI-driven apps set it apart

Oracle’s self-driving vision is comprehensive but still disjointed and incomplete

At OpenWorld, Oracle extends AI throughout its ‘self-driving’ cloud solutions

Oracle helps users curate their way through the growing open-source cloud stack

Curating the Production-Grade Cloud-Native Computing Stack

How the Turing GPU will revolutionize immersive AI

Trying to keep from sinking under the squirming, sprawling, overstuffed stack of cloud-native computing projects

The Coming Wave of Regulation over Facial Recognition

Kubernetes Is a Prime Catalyst in AI and Big Data’s Evolution

Building Resilient Data Multiclouds

Expert Interview (Part 3): James Kobielus on the Future of Blockchain, AI, Machine Learning, and GDPR

Expert Interview (Part 2): James Kobielus on Blockchain’s Sweet Spot in Practical Business Use Cases

Expert Interview (Part 1): James Kobielus on Separating Blockchain Hype from Reality

How to solve AI’s reproducibility crisis

Device-as-a-Service Will Power the Access Economy

Here are the top VMworld 2018 takeaways from Wikibon’s analysts

Why gaming AI won’t help make AI work in the real world—but could

At VMworld, VMware and Dell drive conversation on evolving virtualization from cloud to edge

On VMworld day two, VMware and Dell turn virtualization into tangible opportunities in edge computing

On VMworld day one, VMware goes deep on multicloud virtualization

Building AI Optimization Into Your Cloud Computing Infrastructure

Eliminating Performance Bottlenecks on Web-Based AI

Looking ahead to VMworld: Virtualization drives clouds to the edge

As VMworld nears, virtualization disrupts the cloud application ecosystem

Ahead of VMworld, virtualization confronts the cloud

How ‘AIOps’ is optimizing cloud computing up and down the stack
Analysis: Google puts Kubernetes at the center of its cloud application push

Powering AI: The explosion of new AI hardware accelerators

The Pain of Watching AI Become A Pawn in the Geopolitical Fray

How Clouds Will Crystallize Around Blockchain

What Does It Mean to Certify an AI Product as Safe?

Hadoop’s star dims in the era of cloud object data storage and stream computing

Developing Next-Generation Applications for the Augmented Browser

How AI is teaching robots to speak fluent human

MongoDB Drives NoSQL More Deeply into Enterprise Opportunities

Doing Computer Vision Without Cameras

Machine Teaching Will Drive Crowdsourced Cognition into the AI Pipeline

Benchmarking the Full AI Hardware/Software Stack

Sorry, but blockchain databases are just not that secure

At DataWorks 2018, Hortonworks Accelerates Its Shift Toward Public Cloud Deployments

Principles versus profit: AI and the fate of the planet

Waiting for blockchain hype to subside and data platform incumbents to play their hands

Stream computing transforms businesses into digital dynamos

Apple seems to be losing its capacity to innovate

Databricks goes well beyond Spark into complex, multicloud AI pipelines

Microsoft’s GitHub takeover sends shockwaves through the open-source developer ecosystem

Machine learning is becoming a strategic perimeter for GDPR compliance

AI is becoming the nucleus of intelligent apps for robotic process automation

Securing the ‘internet of things’ from edge to edge

Now that GDPR’s regulatory hammer has officially come down, what’s your next step?

The fiction of ‘digital wellness’—and the truth of digital dependence

Chef extends DevOps deeper into Kubernetes multiclouds

Informatica keeps the momentum rolling in hybrid cloud management

Debiasing Our Statistical Algorithms Down to Their Roots

Pushing AI performance benchmarks to the edge

Hybrid clouds: building out orchestration, middleware, DevOps and management tooling

Blockchain startups are trying to grab a piece of the video streaming market

How client-side training is moving from the fringes to the center of AI development

Crossing the uncanny valley without losing our grip on AI’s value

Blockchain isn’t ready for enterprise primetime. Here’s what will get it there

Anything but artificial, AI is evolving into anticipatory intelligence

The big takeaway at I/O: Google updates its mobile AI roadmap

Everything from Build: Microsoft drives AI further into the edge, security to the forefront

The challenge of finding reliable AI performance benchmarks

Ensuring Iron-Clad Algorithmic Accountability in the GDPR Era

Giving the IoT the Power to Pay Attention on Our Behalf

How now, smart browser? AI takes up residence on the web client

Serverless computing takes a big step into the multicloud world

AI is driving the evolution of hyperconverged cloud infrastructure

Human jobs will remain in AI’s loop

Graphing the sensitive boundary between personally identifiable information and publicly inferable insights

AI’s automation flywheel spins greater human productivity

GDPR may well kill enterprise blockchain databases

Bringing probabilistic programming into AI development

The militarization of AI is coming. Can tech companies (and the rest of us) live with it?

Networked digital twins are coming to industrial blockchains

Wikibon’s 2018 Big Data and Analytics Vendor Profiles

What will it take to bring blockchain to the masses?

AI Infuses the Next Generation of Web Application Development

Attackers can fool AI programs. Here’s how developers can fight back

Big-data stewardship takes the main stage at DataWorks Summit in Berlin

Why more tech companies should put AI visionaries in the executive suite

New solutions help enterprise data managers cope with GDPR’s heavy hand

AI powers the catalogs of next-generation big data

New AI systems on a chip will spark an explosion of even smarter devices

From Amazon to Umbo, big computer vision advances are coming to the edge

Via Sovrin, IBM supports user-centric global identity on blockchain

Can graph databases fulfill the hype? No one will know until AWS’ Neptune arrives

Blockchain Starting To Feel Its Way into the Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem

How Hortonworks is weathering the big-data market’s shift away from Hadoop

With recent announcements, Nvidia and Adobe put AI in the hands of creative professionals

Autonomous digital twins at the network’s edge: thoughts about SWIM.AI’s announcement

The AI compilation wars: Intel, Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, IBM and others arm for deep learning acceleration

Cloudera has trouble shifting toward a total focus on the cloud era

With new Google investments, TensorFlow is now AI’s leading development framework

Neuroevolution Will Push AI Development to the Next Level

Pure Storage, NVIDIA, and the AI Market’s Shift Toward Workload-Optimized Hardware Platforms

Oracle Brings Artificial Intelligence Into Their Data Management Toolchain

How AI can help solve the ‘fake news’ problem

AI’s Absorption into the Mainstream Web App-Dev Ecosystem: How AT&T, Tech Mahindra, IBM, and Others are Pushing the Bar

Where to Next for Kinetica, MapD, SQream, and other GPU Database Vendors?

Cryptocurrencies and Nvidia’s Hopes for a Robust GPU Market

AI Democratization: IBM, Deep Cognition, and Cloudera

HPE Doubles Down on AI

AI is shaking the application market to its core

IBM Rolls Out Sophisticated Cloud AI Offerings at Think 2018

Google and the Maturation of AI Best Practices

The Importance of Microsoft’s Deep Learning “Rosetta Stone”

The Evolution Away from Conversational User Interfaces

On Cloud-based AI. Q&A with James Kobielus

Big data analytics: The cloud-fueled shift now underway

The cloud could finally lift the fortunes of big data analytics

Wikibon’s 2018 Big Data Analytics Trends and Forecast

‘Augmented programming’ will make developers more productive

Wikibon Trip Report: The Unisys Brand Gains New Life in a Cloud-Everything World

Augmented Programming Brings Machine Learning Into The Development Toolchain

Making AI Safe for Civilized Society

Data Portfolio Management Puts Catalogs at the Forefront of Enterprise Curation

How AI and IoT will influence data management in 2018

What is deep reinforcement learning? The next step in AI and deep learning

Automated Machine Learning: Assessing Available Solutions

Automated Machine Learning: Accelerating Development and Deployment of Statistical Models

Expert Interview (Part 2): James Kobielus on Reasons for Data Scientist Insomnia including Neural Network Development Challenges

Expert Interview (Part 1): Wikibon’s James Kobielus Discusses the Explosive Impact of Machine Learning

Low-Cost AI Chipsets Will Take the Mobility Market by Storm in 2018

Machine learning models require DevOps-style workflows

Serverless, containers shape future of cloud computing

Local AI Inferencing Will Become Standard In Edge Applications In 2018

Developers Will Adopt Sophisticated AI Model Training Tools in 2018

Aweekstweets November 4 to December 21 2018: the weeks before and after silence


 6m6 minutes ago

New jk blogpost: "Kobielus thought leadership posts in 2018" (http://ow.ly/fPTz30n4wzi )

New jk LinkedIn Pulse blog: "Predictions for Edge Computing in 2019" (http://ow.ly/D2PF30n4w7X )

Reading Simmons' Leonard Cohen bio. Mentions him by chance meeting Nico and her "pretty-boy guitar player" in a Greenwich Village bar in 1967. That was almost certainly a young Jackson Browne, whom I met by chance in Midtown 50 years later.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: " turbulence is coming in the big-data analytics market in 2019" (https://siliconangle.com/2018/12/20/turbulence-coming-big-data-analytics-market-2019/ …)

"HEXstream Unveils Koios, a New Analytics Solution Powered by Naveego's Complete Data Accuracy [blah blah blah]" (http://ow.ly/1QRA30n3FUn ) JK--PR comes from Traverse City MI. They have hi-tech (Naveego) in the northern Lower Peninsula? Wow. Michigan's economy is evolving.

"Curiosity-Driven Data Science" (http://ow.ly/1XYX30n3EUa ) JK--What's with the "cat popping bubbles" photo? Did curiosity-driven data science kill the cat? Schrodinger's Cat wasn't particularly curious, but that's cold comfort in her/his perilous state.

"3 top cybersecurity predictions for 2019" (http://ow.ly/F0C230n3EzS ) JK--Really? Your predictions are 1) "attacks on industrial plants," 2) "confirmed use of adversarial AI,"& 3) "a new attack vector"? Why not just summarize them all with one master prediction: "we're screwed"?

"Managing risk in machine learning" (http://ow.ly/V8UE30n3Ek2 ) JK--Ben Lorica mentions Google "federated learning" for building centralized model without sharing private data. I wrote an article about it in April 2017 re AI in edge computing. Here that is:

"In Memoriam: The Tech That Died in 2018" (http://ow.ly/WbLt30n3DC0 ) JK--Of these, I once used Google+, StumbleUpon, Canon film cameras, & Yahoo Messenger. I had a Klout account but found all that "influencer score" crap laughable from the start. Too many nobodies with "influence"

I scratch my head when some tech vendor sends a Merry Xmas greeting to my work email, but addresses me by my wife's name. Apparently, they're squandering the money they've paid for bulk email addresses, or data cleansing solutions, or outbound targeting software, or all of that.

"Computer Science For Babies" (http://ow.ly/LTqn30n3Cud ) JK--Thanks, but I'm not going to imagine that my 1-year-old grandson gets into the same stuff I do. I never made that assumption with his daddy or auntie. And I was right. We already got his Xmas presents.

"6 Cool AI Toys For Kids" (http://ow.ly/iUe530n3Cmd ) JK--Perhaps there'll be a Cabbage Patch Kids or Teddy Ruxpin equivalent mania for one of these come future Christmases. Nothing seems to jump out yet into "gotta have it mommy/daddy" status this year.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Princess Chelsea "I Love My Boyfriend" from The Loneliest Girl JK--2018. Very nice retro-pop. Sounds  early 60s teenage-girl puppy-love anthem.

"The 10 Coolest New Hyper-Converged Systems Of 2018" (http://ow.ly/GWqZ30n3BKk ) JK--Good roundup of fiercely competitive segment of the enterprise hardware market. Reduce complexity of data centers that underpin clouds of every type. The clouds themselves are growing very complex

"Automation Anywhere and DataRobot Partner on AI Solutions for Digital Transformation" (http://ow.ly/SOv730n3AVE ) JK--Net-net: partner provides a data-science DevOps pipeline tool to speed deployment of AI models into robotic process automation (RPA) bots built with AA's tooling

"Edge-chips could render some networks unnecessary" (http://ow.ly/vUxa30n3AEE ) JK--But only if "brain-replicating" neuristor chips overcome serious engineering hurdles, such as much lower-power activation & less complex fabrication. One must always read deeper than the headline.

"North Korea rejects denuclearization unless U.S. ‘nuclear threat’ is eliminated" (http://ow.ly/mluR30n3zQb ) JK--I assume that Trump will negotiate a deal on this in the same expert way he convinced Congress that we need to build wall along the border with Mexico.

"How Much Can Technology Be Trusted?" (http://ow.ly/llnT30n3zzD ) JK--When writing blogs, I  to start from a premise that is a bit  actionable than just a projection of my anxieties onto a single-word abstraction of some vast, amorphous subject matter. Just saying.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp This Mortal Coil "Kangaroo" from It'll End in Tears JK--1984. UK-based collective known for its gothic, dream pop sound. This one sounds  a fever dream set to the "Twin Peaks" theme. 

"Finally, a Machine That Can Finish Your Sentence" (http://ow.ly/yPrs30n37W6 ) JK--Reminds me of this "Portlandia" bit:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Decemberists "Once in My Life" from I’ll Be Your Girl JK--2018. Another great one from their latest. This one has arena-rock bombast behind it. Actually, that's kind of refreshing for their sound.

"Tech legends honor Doug Engelbart, ‘mother of all demos’ — but has his vision come true?" (http://ow.ly/ap2130n37be ) JK--Possibly, but I doubt that Engelbart's vision was to ultimately be referred as the "mother" of something.

"Nvidia AI research points to an evolution of the chip business" (http://ow.ly/I1O830n35eP ) JK--AI-accelerator chips optimized for generative/automated model-driven video/image/graphics rendering without need for manual sketching etc to kickstart the process.

"How Significant Is Blockchain in Internet of Things?" (http://ow.ly/XKhE30n34Wo ) JK--Radically decentralized trust, identity, metadata, transaction, and audit log shared amongst things.

"Microsoft Spotlights Partner IoT Efforts Around 'Smart Cities'" (http://ow.ly/W9O030n34m4 ) JK--"Dynamic glass...senses when broken, invisibly sending notification about the location of the broken window and the time of the incident."

RIP Penny Marshall. People tend to overlook the fact that she was an excellent movie director. Remember "Awakenings," for example. And that she was always the most amusing sitcom actor in frame. Remember Oscar Madison's secretary?

"Microsoft Uses Neural Networks to Design Neural Networks" (http://ow.ly/HFOZ30n2ca7 ) JK--AI will recursively self-spawn. "Microsoft’s Neural Architecture Optimization...maps a neural network architecture into a continuous vector space and optimizes it via a gradient based method"

"AI software can dream up an entire digital world from a simple sketch" (http://ow.ly/fM7h30n2bWY ) JK--In other words, a declarative specification of the intended AI outcome can be generatively auto-compiled into a deliverable that leverages library of pre-trained modules.

"Kubernetes’ sprawling ecosystem offers lots of choice – and risk" (http://ow.ly/Py3I30n276E ) JK--Interviews me and many others in the community.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp David Bowie "Sound and Vision" from Low JK--1977. This reference dates me, but this is one of many songs where David's singing sounds to me  the late Anthony Newley. Anthony who?  the late Mr. Bowie, he was an English actor, singer and songwriter.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Yo La Tengo "Ohm" from Fade JK--2013. Music is exactly one chord. Lyric is a double-entendre of "om" (the meditative exhalation) over "ohm" (the electrical resistance metric), though neither word is anywhere in the lyric. Just the title. One syllable. Wow

New jk #InformationWeekcolumn: "Predictions for Artificial Intelligence in 2019" (http://ow.ly/C9zK30n1TPf )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Toadies "Possum Kingdom" from Rubberneck JK--1994. Grunge golden oldie. I have an odd musical nostalgia for the '90s. I was already in my 30s & obviously too old to get into what teenagers of that day were getting off on. But I enjoyed it on FM radio.

"Harvard researchers want to school Congress about AI" (http://ow.ly/WSa130n1Rvc ) JK--It is painful to listen to these legislators speak from sheer uninformed ignorance. Years ago as a freelance tech journalist, I met Al Gore when he was still a senator. He actually knew his stuff

"Tech predictions for 2019"? Which tech? Can you scope that down? Suffice it to say that "this stuff will get even  complex" applies year after year to it all. So does "it will be hyped with the latest and greatest cliches." Beyond that, it's hard to generalize. 

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jessica Pratt "Poly Blue" from Quiet Signs JK--2019. Wow. This tickles me all over. Light, bright, and winsome.

"Dependency injection"? I'm curious if the computer scientists who coined this technical programming term intended it as a pun suggesting mainlining of a controlled substance. It's all about "inversion of control" (http://ow.ly/LR3330n0Vgp ). Kicks keep getting harder to find.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Whitney Mongé "Day N Nite" from Carry On JK--2018. Seattle. It's not everybody's box of rain.

New jk #InfoWorld column: "Key enterprise cloud trends for 2019" (http://ow.ly/CxwK30n0S4C )

"Dressbarn." Odd nomenclature for a woman's clothing store. "Where'd you learn to dress? In a barn?"

Reading Sylvie Simmons'"I'm Your Man: The Life of Leonard Cohen." Already, I've learned surprising things about him. His poetic impulse from the start was  libidinal than spiritual. He thought his writing would help his chances with the ladies.

Watched "The Hours" from a DVD we checked out from the public library. Meh. Couldn't stop noticing Nicole Kidman's fake nose and thinking about all the great performers giving their all for this unconvincing tearjerker.

FROCKS OF AGE Now that the fallen have reanimated the soil, a curtain drops. We venture out in raincoats streaked filthy from last Spring's solemnities. Sweating inside their removable linings and seams unraveling. --James Kobielus

Wife says following instructions in exercise class is better way to work my mind than doing the elliptical. I'll multitask pondering that advice while composing and posting yet another poem while working my cardio on that machine.

Washington DC area is top move-to destination in the USA, Alexandria is tops in the DC area, and that's even before legions Amazonians come to town. Holy cow!

Think I'll put up the tree and trimmings this weekend. I've given our household the requisite two-week post-Thanksgiving basting in Yule juice. Stick a fork in it.

"I Used Gmail Auto-Complete, and Now I Know I’m Worthless" (http://ow.ly/N3GY30mZt63 ) JK--That's a dumb attitude. I  and frequently rely on that feature to auto-gen the right stock phrase to stick rapidly into a message. I'm not authoring original works of literature there.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Simon & Garfunkel "The Only Living Boy in New York" from Bridge Over Troubled Water JK--1970. Simon wrote this while Garfunkel was filming Catch-22 in Mexico. Addresses Garfunkel by the pseudonym "Tom" from their 1950s teeny-bopper act "Tom & Jerry" 

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "At KubeCon, the Kubernetes community discusses its growing pains" (https://siliconangle.com/2018/12/13/kubecon-kubernetes-community-discusses-growing-pains/ …)

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Roberta Flack "The Closer I Get To You" JK--1977. Flack hails from northern Virginia. Arlington, specifically. Shirlington, even  specifically. Cut her musical chops at Lomax African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, just off I-395 & Glebe Rd.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ralph Carney & Patrick Carney "BoJack's Theme" from BoJack's Theme JK--2014. RIP Ralph. @loserboy did a great job of summarizing Carney's career as a go-to musical collaborator across a huge spectrum of artists. Also, by all accounts, he was a great guy.

"Hey Google, What’s The Point Of Silicon Valley’s Tech Hearings?" (http://ow.ly/jF6230mYkyE ) JK--Boneheaded legislators forcing tech execs to cough up deterministic "yes or no" answers to questions about behavior of statistical algorithms that are driven by 100s of variables.

Wife & I agree that we don't care for Jackson 5's version of "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town." I've never been all that fond of Bruce Springsteen's either. The Crystals' is the only one I actually enjoy: http://ow.ly/FxQN30mYjD9 . It set the standard.

National Enquirer run by cynical scumbags who pander to brain-dead reactionaries? Didn’t see that one coming.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "At KubeCon, serverless, mesh and DevOps announcements dominate" (http://ow.ly/b1Zn30mXPGh )

"Google hearing previews House Dems' plans to rein in Big Tech" (http://ow.ly/CWnU30mXOos ) JK--Privacy legislation, not "entirely fictitious allegations of...anti-conservative bias of internet companies [that] waste time/money & elevate well-worn right-wing conspiracy theories"

 invitations to be prebriefed on data announcements under embargo. If there's a "data is oil" pitch anywhere in it, I'd  to request a permanent oil embargo. Leave OPEC out of it.

ESPN. Some NFL head coach states they’re going to “actively seek victory.” Thanks for the clarification. I thought they pay you to passively invite defeat

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Cat Power "Free" from You Are Free JK--2003. I love this song. It's Chan-as-hippie while the band snaps that tight beat around her. The "free" chorus at the end sounds  it could be Henry Rollins hanging out in the studio.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "Kubernetes open-source project matures as commercialization accelerates" (http://ow.ly/tcku30mWU42 )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sly & The Family Stone "Stand!" from Stand! JK--1969. Righteously great chorus on this. The band sounds  they're doing a fast-march up the victory podium.

"Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor" (http://ow.ly/dWOk30mWSSw ) JK--An innovator in the computer industry whose contributions had been unfairly overlooked. Perhaps because she was a woman. You decide.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Phosphorescent "Christmas Down Under" from C’est La Vie JK--2018. Wow, that's a great new Christmas song, in the melancholy tradition.

I'm leery of these ratings of "tech giant with the best company culture," based on employee reports. None controls for key variable: the degree to which the firm is currently making money hand over fist. Show us those whose "employee kumbaya" factors endure thru red ink & layoffs

"Google moves up Google+ consumer shutdown to April 2019" (http://ow.ly/d5pM30mWz3V ) JK--Why not sooner? The only consumer I recall using Google+ was the Obama White House early in his first term. And they only used it once for some long-forgotten event. It's a rank failure.

"Meet the Bottomless Pinocchio, a new rating for a false claim repeated over and over again" (http://ow.ly/f14n30mWwHH ) JK--Only Trump has received it so far. Repeatedly. I suggest Washington Post create a Bottomless Geppetto & give it to Fox News. They built & maintain this dummy

"Who Will Be Trump’s Next Chief Of Staff? It Doesn’t Really Matter" (http://ow.ly/pRDc30mWwzm ) JK--Plenty of people can do the job, so just pick a name out of a hat. It's just a matter of reminding the president that he hasn't lied and slandered enough to fulfill his daily quota.

Thank you "digital transformation partner" who wants to have coffee while he's "in the neighborhood." You've indicated that the neighborhood is "Germany." I accept your offer if you'll fly me all expenses paid to a posh chalet in the Bavarian Alps with my good friend Rick Steves.

Thoroughly enjoyed Pentatonix’ Christmas special. Damn good acapella.

I’ve started reading the comments in YouTube for kicks. On popsongs, there’s usually lots of dumb “love this” comments followed by a snarky one, followed by somebody saying something to the effect of “what asshat wouldn’t  this song?” That one always cracks me up.

New jk #SiliconANGLE article: “The intensifying battle between AWS and Oracle for enterprise database supremacy” (https://siliconangle.com/2018/12/10/intensifying-battle-aws-oracle-enterprise-database-supremacy/ …)

New jk #Datanami column: "The Smart Object Ecosystem Is The New AI Workbench" (http://ow.ly/Sx7V30mVO05 )

"Robot Economy: Ready or Not, Here It Comes" (http://ow.ly/4zfs30mVGqg ) JK--Key principle (of 3) they lay out: "Robots should not have property rights and will have to operate only on the basis of contractual responsibility, so that people control the economy."

"IBM Guns for 8-bit AI Breakthroughs" (http://ow.ly/QZKM30mVG5p ) JK--One of many vendors making strategic bets on AI hardware accelerator techs that are lower-power edge-facing alternatives to GPUs.

"Is IBM's Watson Still an AI Success Story?" (http://ow.ly/us6130mVFyK ) JK--Was it ever? For IBM, it was a strategic bet that hasn't ever been the big blow-out revenue-producing success they'd hoped for. Just look at their quarterlies going back to near the start of this decade.

"Japan Sniffing Out Its AI Niches" (http://ow.ly/eO9o30mVF9T ) JK--Something as seemingly humble as "printable sensors" can be hugely disruptive in feeding AI-powered nano-endpoints with streaming data of incredible granularity and very low cost.

"What machine learning means for software development" (http://ow.ly/Tc9430mVEgN ) JK--ML-driven auto-programming: "“the developer has to become a teacher, a curator of training data, and an analyst of results.” See my #Wikibon"augmented programming" study:

"Kubernetes security vulnerability reveals fractured market" (http://ow.ly/fJyR30mVDjU ) JK--Dozens of commercial distros and hosted implementations of this pervasive containerization/orchestration platform = hugely exposed attack surface.

Dear "The #1 Thing You Need To Know Before Implementing Any Of Your Six-Figure Business Ideas": The woman behind this campaign is someone I knew in my previous gig. She was/is a data scientist. What is she now? A general-purpose dispenser of "coaching recommendations"? WTF?!

Dear Usual Scam Come-On Emailer: Re "We have read your articles posted on various websites & are impressed by your insights in the industry." Which articles? Which websites? Which industry? I'd be impressed if you revealed even the slightest bit of actual familiarity with my work

"What You Think Is Existential Angst Might Actually Be a Lack of Sleep.” (http://ow.ly/62jQ30mVAF8 ) JK--Definitely. It might also be that interacting with the consequences of your poor diet, inability to set priorities, and tone-deaf manner of interacting with people. Just saying.

"After Getting FOSTA Turned Into Law, Facebook Tells Users To Stop Using Naughty Words" (http://ow.ly/vKiR30mVzM4 ) JK--That includes "expressing a sexual preference." OK. I'll cease&desist from implying that I'm married to a woman & that I in any way find her physically attractive

Mueller needs to give up his witch hunt. He's found lots of criminals in Trump's circle, but no witches. Trump should appoint a special prosecutor specifically to look for nasty cackling ladies on flying broomsticks who've got it in for Dorothy and her little dog too.

"How to Build a Car for Someone Who Can’t Drive" (http://ow.ly/gwI430mVxWZ ) JK--Autonomous vehicles will be the new road-ready wheelchair.

"Blockchain: What’s it good for? Absolutely nothing, report finds" (http://ow.ly/s9m130mVxj5 ) JK--It's a bit premature to declare that on tech that's very early in the adoption cycle. So far it hasn't shattered many a young man's dreams, made him disabled, bitter and mean.

Russian nationals interacted with at least 14 Trump associates during the 2016 campaign. Rumor is that Putin was lobbying to open a branch of the Russian embassy at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Read this morning that President William Howard Taft had a personal trainer while in the White House. Worked out first thing every morning, followed immediately and throughout the day by devouring boatloads of fattening food.

Nice Saturday of doing stuff. Exercise, yard work, chicken avocado sandwich, haircut, deep tissue massage, grocery shopping, redeeming a Groupon at a local bistro, lazily reading the paper under my electric blanket. Also ate 2 fists full of M&Ms. Indulgence.

My coverage areas as a tech industry analyst, author, columnist, and blogger have evolved so much over the past 33 years that I’m unrecognizable now. Except in how I put words together. I punch hard. That’s been there from day one.

“IBM selling Lotus Notes/Domino business to HCL for $1.8B” (https://techcrunch.com/2018/12/07/ibm-selling-lotus-notes-domino-business-to-hcl-for-1-8b/?utm_campaign=digest&utm_medium=email&utm_source=nuzzel …) JK--I’m surprised there’s that much of a business left to sell. I didn’t even enjoy using those tools when I was with IBM. BTW, that was my initial coverage focus 20 years ago with Burton Group.

Relistening to Ray Conniff Singers’ “Jingle Bells.” So happy, jaunty, & secular, until the part about the horse who “got into a drifted bank” & for whom “misfortune was his lot.” Who was this equine loser & how could the songwriters allow him to intrude on our yuletide merriment?

Rewatched “The Graduate” on TCM. I never tire of it. What I noticed this time are the constant shifts in tone. Also, the “what the hell do we do next?” look on Elaine’s face as she and Benjamin make their token getaway on a Santa Barbara municipal bus.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: “Robots will rule the edge: At re:Invent, AWS drives a new AI paradigm” (https://siliconangle.com/2018/12/07/robots-will-rule-edge-reinvent-aws-drives-new-ai-paradigm/ …)

Another in a steady stream of great blood pressure readings. The older I get, the better I’m able to shake off stress. It’s ambient,  a stinging rain.

Saw “Searching” on DVD. Very well told mystery that pioneers a new narrative style in cinema. The entire story is told through the interfaces of digital devices and online media. John Cho and Debra Messing shine.

New jk #SiliconANGLEblog:”What’s missing from Outposts, AWS’ latest hybrid cloud announcement” (https://siliconangle.com/2018/12/06/whats-missing-outposts-aws-latest-hybrid-cloud-announcement/ …)

"Highlights from five years of Facebook AI Research" (http://ow.ly/LX5n30mT6EL ) JK--They've been doing innovative work in memory networks, self-supervised learning, generative models, scalable text classification & translation, & computer vision. Developed PyTorch, ONNX, & Caffe2.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Warren Zevon "Hit Somebody! (The Hockey Song)" from My Ride's Here JK--2002. "What else can a farmboy from Canada do?"

"Sunny Day Real Estate's drummer says their greatest album is "buried in Dave Grohl's sock drawer"" (http://ow.ly/He7b30mT4yN ) JK--Pee-you! That means it probably stinks to high heaven!

"Tom Cruise wants you to change how you watch movies at home" (http://ow.ly/yO4V30mT4I8 ) JK--He wants us all to have "Dianetics" scrolling permanently in our picture-in-picture window.

The cliche is that at the moment of your death your life plays back before your eyes. That's actually what happens as you age. Much of it is kind of annoying. I'm hoping my final moments are simply a classic Bugs Bunny cartoon. You need a few laughs on your way out.

"The future is now"? How can that be, unless you discovered some sort of wormhole in the fabric of space-time? Was the future now way back in the day, when now and all that will ever be was then? If so, when was then?

The usual onslaught of year-end predictions and trends in tech. I expect to see trends in predictive analysis and predictions for trend analysis. Safe prediction is that I'd do them myself, if I were the trendy type.

My routine morning wrestling match with my email inboxes. They have me pinned, but I always manage to wriggle out and turn the tables. No damn electronic message crush puts the chokehold on Jimmy boy. You're goin' down, dawg, down to zero!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sharon Van Etten "Jupiter 4" from Remind Me Tomorrow JK--2019. This is a cool new one from her. KInd of a misty spooky one.

"In vino veritas"? Is there  truth in reds or whites? Will Château Mouton Rothschild Pauillac's authoritative testimony stand up in a court of law under cross-examination?

"Soon you can immortalize yourself as an A.I. chatbot. But should you?" (http://ow.ly/g0HX30mT2bO ) JK--Yeah sure. Your loved ones will interact with it about as much as they visit your tombstone. You don't want to encode in a chatbot everything about you that got on their nerves.

I suppress a silent scream every time I read into a supposed in-depth biz-tech article and it culminates in a call-to-action to make your enterprise  "agile,""data-driven," and "results-oriented." Those sound   lunchtime pep-talk bromides than useful pieces of advice

"How Amazon Web Services Reinvented the Internet and Became a Cash Cow" (http://ow.ly/CiGO30mSfBs ) JK--Ignore the dumb headline. This is Andy Jassy's oral history of when/how he, Jeff Bezos, and other Amazon principals created the cloud-computing service in the early 2000s.

"Scalable agent alignment via reward modeling" (http://ow.ly/SgJm30mSf0I ) JK--DeepMind research into AI agents that discover the reinforcement-learning reward functions that users INTEND, not necessary how they specify. Learning a reward function from interaction with the user.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Junior Boys "In the Morning" from In The Morning / The Equalizer JK--2006. This song has the most wickedly perfect beat for fast walking.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Blondie "Rip Her to Shreds" from Blondie JK--1976. Harry co-wrote this with Chris Stein. If a man voiced a sentiment  that, it would be easily mistaken for misogyny. Just saying. Though a CBGBs band, this was about the closest they ever got to punk.

"Why Most Published Research Findings Are False" (http://ow.ly/9HS530mSaW5 ) JK-"When studies & effect sizes smaller; greater number of tested relationships, flexibility in research designs, & financial interest; and  teams involved in chase of statistical significance.”

Took great briefing from NodeSource on their NodeSolid runtime for Node.js on AWS Lambda. Weren’t sitting very far apart at Vogels’ keynote at #reInventlast week. It’s now an open dev ecosystem for serverless in AWS cloud.

Going forward, AWS needs to pull back a bit to let its ISV partner ecosystem start to shine at re:Invent. This was an overwhelming blitz of very significant announcements, but it felt a bit  AWS trying to eclipse everybody, including par... #actionitem

(continued) and deep serverless developer focus: providing new open-source tools for serverless app dev, publishing an API and runtimes for sharing, discovering, and deploying libraries and serverless lambda functions, enabling application l... #actionitem

(continued) enhancing the manageability of apps in serverless, hybrid, and edge clouds, driving innovative AI into every cloud application, building and optimizing diverse data workloads in the cloud, managing rich cloud-native applications ... #actionitem

AWS had a blitz of announcements at re:Invent. Covered a wide range: boosting cloud storage efficiencies, simplifying cloud data movement, enforcing enterprise controls on cloud data workloads, accelerating the pipeline for high-performance ... #actionitem

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Animals "Sky Pilot" JK--Jan 1968. In May 1968 campus unrest, James Kunen confronted student radio station at Columbia Univ, asking why they didnt play this anti-war song. He wrote it up in his nonfiction "Strawberry Statement," which I read in highschool

I don't think I'm titling my blogs for full social-media impact. I need to frame each one as "10 things about [such-and-such] that everyone should read." I should be underlining the utter existential importance of all humanity hanging on my every last word.

"Google's Night Sight AI sees the light" (http://ow.ly/4FY830mRiLn ) JK--IMHO, AI-assisted cameras should embed into the image a trusted watermark of metadata that states the manipulations (eg lightening, contrast, etc.) performed at capture. Need photo verisimilitude veracity flag

"Microsoft Is Worth as Much as Apple. How Did That Happen?" (http://ow.ly/X60j30mRi9E ) JK--1st, Gates/Ballmer stepped away. 2nd, Nadella bet big on cloud/AI. 3rd, MSFT shifted Office to subscription revenues. 4th, Apple's device-centric go-to-market strategy has begun to plateau.

"Inside the world of AI that forges beautiful art and terrifying deepfakes" (http://ow.ly/7jRj30mRhQM ) JK--IMHO, verifying authenticity of digital photographs requires they be watermarked with unique trusted timestamps & digital signatures at the point/device of capture.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Courtney Barnett "Small Talk" from Small Talk JK--2018. Good one. Does anybody else think this sounds a wee bit  Steely Dan "Hey Nineteen"?

"Keeping AI Beneficial & Safe for Humanity" (http://ow.ly/9amW30mRgQE ) JK--UC-Berkeley Ctr for Human-Compatible AI proj on "AI alignment": ensure AI do what we mean, not what we say. Intentions. Mitigate impacts o "misspecified objective functions." See me

"Google’s AdaNet Uses Neural Networks to Build Better Neural Networks" (http://ow.ly/kj1D30mRgtf ) JK--TensorFlow-based library that uses AutoML for building/training ensemble learning as candidate subnetworks trade off performance improvement against number of parameters.

"AI a Focus as U.S. Preps Export Controls" (http://ow.ly/6oXT30mRg5G ) JK--See recent Datanami article (http://ow.ly/pupR30mRg8p ) for my perspective on why this is a stupid initiative.

"There Is An AI Robot On The International Space Station And It Just Threw A Tantrum In Its First Online Video" (http://ow.ly/1Uny30mRdSB ) JK--Was this before or after it terminated life support for the astronauts in suspended animation?

"Attention, Dialogue, and Learning Reusable Patterns" (http://ow.ly/Neyj30mRdpi ) JK--This article offers guidance for building chatbots that deal with "uncooperative" users and attempt to steer the chat back when it "strays from the happy path." Wasn't that a Philip K Dick story?

This morning in IT news: Robot overlords are coming to getcha! They're generating  big data myths, invading privacy, causing cancer, shortening attention spans, treating everybody  a number! ! They're folding, spindling, & mutilating! They're a tech-anxiety perfect storm!

"Data volumes set to hit 175ZB with a tectonic shift to the cloud" (http://ow.ly/Cg1F30mQxoH ) JK--Whew! I guess that's less disruptive than a tsnunamic shift. Or atomic, for that matter.

"A Comprehensive Summary and Categorization on Reinforcement Learning Papers at ICML 2018" (http://ow.ly/2q9130mQwKt ) JK--Index of how hot this topic is.

"GPipe: Efficient Training of Giant Neural Networks using Pipeline Parallelism" (http://ow.ly/LUWW30mQw4F ) JK--Training humungo-ginormous AI models across distributed hardware meshes with exceptionally high accuracy.

"AI Silicon Startups Report Traction" (http://ow.ly/A4OO30mQv3g ) JK--" than 50 silicon startups are building accelerators for deep learning." And let's not forget that established firm--such as AWS--are jumping in as well:

"GAN, the Rise of Imagination in Machines" (http://ow.ly/o2GP30mQuIO ) JK--Generative adversarial networks are the new power tool for astonishingly realistic algorithmic creations. I even met a firm at AWS re:Invent using them to fabricate bite-perfect dental crowns, implants, etc

"4 Reasons to Distribute TensorFlow Processing Among Everyday Objects" (http://ow.ly/IXeV30mQsza ) JK--Things have  processing, memory, and storage capacity than we realize. Yoke them into powerful distributed AI edge-meshes.

"How DevOps will change in 2019 and beyond: 3 predictions" (http://ow.ly/7tFz30mQsl8 ) JK--"Coding automation will become the norm."

"Dell aims to stake a sizable claim in AI territory" (http://ow.ly/PLIW30mQqhE ) JK--Be that as it may, I doubt that Chicago, as host to their analyst summit, had "an icy wind blew into the city off Lake Michigan." I know Chicago. Prevailing winds there now are from the northwest.

"5 trends to expect for artificial intelligence in 2019" (http://ow.ly/s1X830mQpSR ) JK--Scratching my head at notion that "a fledgling supply-side market will surface for explainable AI." Sounds  "technology push," when the item indicates that users will demand it.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bon Iver "Skinny Love" from For Emma, Forever Ago JK--2008. Hard to believe it's been 10 years since this was released. I definitely remember hearing it for the first time. One of those songs that just screams classic.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Phosphorescent "My Beautiful Boy" from C’est La Vie JK--2018. Nice one. Kind of a lazy country-western roll to this. Different from their usual.

Radio stations banning "Baby It's Cold Outside." Might as well ban "Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow" and "Winter Wonderland" while we're at it. It's all about horny guys using inclement weather as a lame excuse to cozy up with defenseless women.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Decemberists "Traveling On" from Traveling On EP JK--2018. Brand new. I loved this one from the first note, or perhaps the moment Colin Meloy opened his mouth to sing.

Watched DVD of 1973 TV version of “The Glass Menagerie.” Good, but would have been better if Sam Waterston had played Tom as closeted and Joanna Miles had played Laura as autism spectrum. Michael Moriarty terrific as gentleman caller. Kate Hepburn in classic herself mode.

PBS showing Engelbert Humperdinck during fundraiser. Still sounds  a porn name. Perhaps they’re diversifying their programming.

Best party of the week was the private dinner at Bellagio with AWS and other analysts covering AI. The vendor’s blitz of significant AI announcements made for great fodder for my upcoming research. Food & drink were good too.

Wrote a ton of stuff this week in Las Vegas. Didn’t miss a single meal or party. Sleep suffered, but I didn’t.

Nice rainy day. Read a week’s backlog of Washington Posts my wife had saved for me during my business trip. Bezos has kept it great. God forbid that a right-wing fool might have taken it over and destroyed it.

Saw limo driver holding up “Kennedy Center honors” sign last night at DCA baggage claim. Looked around, saw no one famous. I doubt Cher flies commercial. It’s either Reba, Wayne Shorter, Phillip Glass, or the “Hamilton” gang. I want to meet Glass.

Trump promises swift, ample federal disaster aid to largely white Republican Alaska, but has steadfastly heaped insult on injury to hispanic Democratic Puerto Rico.

New jk #SiliconANGLE#reinvent article: "As re:Invent conference wraps, AWS keeps getting stronger in the cloud" (http://ow.ly/gvza30mOfSh )

AWS' Mai-Lan Tomsen Bukovec discussing S3's evolution. Originally 8 separate microservices. Now  than 235 distributed microservices make S3 tick. #reinvent2018

Vogels is presenting a detailed technical discussion of why Aurora is superior to traditional enterprise RDBMSs (cough cough....Oracle) for hyperscale cloud workloads. #reinvent2018

Getting ready to hear Werner Vogels' keynote at AWS re:Invent 2018. #reinvent2018

Deeper into cloud data: AWS launches a blitz of innovative AI offerings at re:Invent: https://siliconangle.com/2018/11/29/deeper-cloud-data-aws-launches-blitz-innovative-ai-offerings-reinvent/ …#reinvent2018

New jk #SiliconANGLE#reinvent article: "Deeper into cloud data: AWS launches a blitz of innovative AI offerings at re:Invent" (http://ow.ly/s3ye30mNAje )

Every tech vendor announces a “plethora” of features. I think many products require an urgent plethorectomy.

Jassy: Announced AWS Inferentia. Machine learning inference chip. High throughput, low latency, hundreds of TOPS, multiple data types (INT8, FP16, mixed precision). Multiple ML frameworks (TF, MXNet, Pytorch, CAffee2, ONNX). Use with Elast... #reinvent2018

Jassy: Announced Amazon Elastic Inference: Amazon Elastic Inference. Reduce inference costs up to 75%; lower inference costs; match capacity to demand; availability between 1-32 TFLOPS per accelerator; integrate with Amazon EC2 and Amazon ... #reinvent2018

Jassy: Announced Amazon Managed Blockchain: fully managed blockchain service supporting both the Hyperledger Fabric or Ethereum. Scales to support thousands of applications running millions of transactions. Create blockchain networks with ... #reinvent2018

Jassy: Announced Amazon Quantum Ledger Database. Fully managed ledger database with a central trust authority. Not blockchain. Immutable: append-only, immutable journal tracks history of all changes. Cryptographically verifiable: all chang... #reinvent2018

Jassy: Announced Amazon Timestream, fast scalable fully managed time-series database. Multiple orders of magnitude improvement in query performance. Timestream in 1,000x faster and 1/10th the cost of relational database. Trillions of daily... #reinvent2018

Jassy: Announced DynamoDB Read/Write Capacity On Demand. No  capacity planning, pay only for what you use. No need to specify how much read/write throughput you expect to use. Ideal for unpredictable workloads: ramp from zero to tens o... #reinvent2018

Jassy: Announced AWS Lake Formation, a service that allows you to build a secure data lake in days. #reinvent2018

Jassy: Announced AWS Security Hub, centrally manage security and compliance across an AWS environment. #reinvent2018

Jassy: Announced AWS Control Tower: the easiest way to setup and govern a secure, compliant multi-account environment or landing zone with guardrails (prepackaged rules for security, control, and compliance). #reinvent2018

Jassy: Announcing Amazon FSx for Lustre, fully managed file system for compute-intensive workloads high throughput, low latency, 100s of GB/s and millions of IOPS, seamless integration with Amazon S3, secure and compliant including PCI-DSS... #reinvent2018

Jassy: Announcing Amazon FSx for Windows File Server: fully managed Windows file system built on native Windows file servers; Windows native for fully compatable Windows File System experience (compatibility with AD, Windows access control... #reinvent2018

Jassy: Announcing, available in 2019, Glacier Deep Archive: lowest cost storage available in the cloud, evren lower than on-premises tap; no tap ]e to manage, designed for 99.999999999% durability, recover data in hours vs days/weeks, $0.0... #reinvent2018

Jassy: databases, DevOps, analytics, app services, mobile services, IoT, blockchain, management tools, security, enterprise apps, marketplace, technical and business support, etc. #reinvent2018

Jassy: What do builders want? (cue the “AWS house band”): I want it all and I want it now. Right tool for the right job. Build anything you can imagine. Broadest and deepest platform for today’s builders, 140 services now. #reinvent2018

Jassy: AWS has $27B revenue run rate, 46% y/y growth, 51.80% worldwide market segment share globally in public cloud. #reinvent2018

Jassy: AWS business update: millions of active customers. Every vertical industry segment. Showing many logos of banner customers. Also in public sector: ~4,000 government agencies, ~9,000 educational institutions, & ~27,000 nonprofits wor... #reinvent2018

Waiting for the Andy Jassy keynote to begin at #reinvent. Enjoying the on-stage DJ. She knows how to pick them. #reinvent2018

New jk #InfoWorld column: "Reinforcement learning comes into AI’s mainstream" (http://ow.ly/8oGs30mMEkO )

Some parties are good for talking. Some are good for being left alone to drink your beer in peace. The current is the latter.

Good day of briefings and discussions at #reInvent. Amazon Web Services is delivering on every level. Exciting times for them. Innovation, energy, and dynamism.

All around the cloud: Here's everything AWS has announced so far at re:Invent: https://siliconangle.com/2018/11/27/around-cloud-heres-everything-aws-announced-far-reinvent/ …#reinvent2018

New jk #SiliconANGLE#reInvent article: "All around the cloud: Here's everything AWS has announced so far at re:Invent" (http://ow.ly/Yte830mM9JW )

New jk #InformationWeekcolumn: "Using Blockchain to Support Trustworthy Transactions on the IoT" (http://ow.ly/emIh30mLGAK )

Oracle confronts growing challenge from AWS in the cloud: https://wikibon.com/oracle-confronts-growing-challenge-aws-cloud/ …#reinvent2018

On the cusp of AWS re:Invent, the public cloud continues to transform the public sector: https://wikibon.com/cusp-aws-reinvent-public-cloud-continues-transform-public-sector/ …#reinvent2018

As AWS re:Invent approaches, AI becomes the killer app for public cloud: https://wikibon.com/aws-reinvent-approaches-ai-becomes-killer-app-public-cloud/ …#reinvent2018

Looking ahead to AWS re:Invent, public clouds keep gaining momentum: https://wikibon.com/looking-ahead-aws-reinvent-public-clouds-keep-gaining-momentum/ …#reinvent2018

I rarely take shuttle buses at business conferences unless distances involved are > 1 mile. Walking is my primary exercise and I need that outdoor air in my lungs. The rest of the time I'm sitting inside, inert, cramped, & uncomfortable. Buses put that subpar experience on wheels

New jk #TechBeacon article: "How containerization brings AI to your DevOps pipeline" (http://ow.ly/qEmV30mKBUt )

Wynn Las Vegas is having an exclusive engagement by Robbie Willliams. Should do a double bill with Cliff Richard targeting that lucrative 70+ British expatriate demographic who never charted in the States.

Bringing the Cloud to High Value Traditional Applications https://wikibon.com/bringing-cloud-high-value-traditional-applications/ …via @wikibon@plburris

Catch me at Amazon Web Services #reInvent all this week in Las Vegas. Expect detailed #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon blogs from me on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Expects lots of tweets and photos too. My usual.

Bought/downloaded Janelle Monáe's brilliant album "Dirty Computer." One of my favorites of the year. A tour de force of great messages, inventive songwriting, infectious beats, and some deliciously smutty good fun.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Joanna Newsom "Sprout and the Bean" from The Milk-Eyed Mender JK--2004. Harpist's second cousin twice removed is governor-elect of California. Her husband is a comic actor best known for his SNL sketches such as "Dick in a Box."

Day after Thanksgiving. This is the day that feels  Saturday, just as Thanksgiving felt  Sunday. For those twisted feelings I give thanks. And it’s not even weekend yet.

Good Thanksgiving experience. Not even a speck of politics talk around the table. Everybody needs a break from this horror show.

The Andaman Islanders are well-known for their aggression and distrust of outsiders, including people from elsewhere in the nation that claims their territory. Calling the missionary who lost his life there a “martyr” is incredibly wrongheaded. “Reckless” is   it.

Wife insisted on going out to our bootcamp class this Thanksgiving morning. So now I’m all tight and toned for that turkey this afternoon. Lean meat through and through.

Saw “Crazy Rich Asians.” Loved it. Singaporeans are odd birds, for sure. Singa senang puranya emas.

Ah yes, a particular high-profile IT industry merger will usher in "tectonic changes." Fissures in the industry's surface will steam for millions of years while occasional jolts may move large plates of commercial crust several feet apart every few centuries. That's disruptive.

Another morning, another group of analysts declaring everything except their particular coverage area overhyped.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Art d’Ecco "Dark Days (Revisited)" from Trespasser JK--2018. Vancouver group. Nice one. Reminds me a bit of Yeah Yeah Yeahs or Blonde Redhead.

"Swimming in a Sea of Quantum Foam" (http://ow.ly/vnY730mFPlL ) JK--After 30 seconds of trying to wade through this stuff, I start to foam at the mouth.

"LF Deep Learning Delivers First Acumos AI Release Making it Easier to Deploy and Share Artificial Intelligence Models" (http://ow.ly/GXh130mFNhg ) JK--I'm curious if the Linux Foundation is squaring Acumos work with Kubeflow. Overlapping scopes re AI DevOps and containerization.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Ice Cube "Arrest the President" JK--2018. "You got the evidence."

"Drones, data analytics, smart seeds: How to reforest 1,000 times faster after wildfires" (http://ow.ly/hKHC30mFLcL ) JK--I'm curious if this approach can be adapted to terraform Mars--after it's used to radically remake Earth's biosphere.

"Does Synthetic Data Hold The Secret To AI? " (http://ow.ly/AVwx30mFJJm ) JK--AI doesn't need gobs of the real thing if you can "artificially manufacture data....based on user-specified parameters so that it’s as close as possible to properties of data from real-world scenarios."

"How to Fit Large Neural Networks on the Edge" (http://ow.ly/q38Z30mFJzC ) JK--Nice discussion of the engineering trade-offs.

"China's application of AI should be a Sputnik moment for the U.S. But will it be? " (http://ow.ly/L3vK30mFJ0V ) JK--Even dumber than headline is this historical analogy in body: "“China is the OPEC of data." See my Datanami column debunking this nonsense:

New jk #SiliconANGLE#reInvent article: "On the cusp of AWS re:Invent, the public cloud continues to transform the public sector" (http://ow.ly/M6H330mFG6P )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Active Child "Hanging On" from You Are All I See JK--2011. OMG, I love this album. I bought it when it came out. I always put it on as a sort of dreamy default massage rub for the mind.

Checking the headlines to see if the governor of New York has changed his name legally yet to "Amazon Cuomo." I heard that was part of their end of the deal. If he doesn't, we here in Northern Virginia can claim all 50,000 new HQ2 jobs. Governor Northam made no such promise.

"Once upon a time"& "and they all lived happily ever after." Clearly, those phrases came before the era of science fiction. Once upon a time, people only contemplated futures (heavenly or hellish) in the afterlife, not on the Earth or in space. http://ow.ly/Uhob30mFApw 

"AI must be scrutinized by regulators, top Fed official warns" (http://ow.ly/Uuwm30mFzpp ) JK--If they thought collateralized debt obligations were arcane, just wait till they wrap their Fed brains around convolutional neural networks and restricted Boltzmann machines.

"The Surprising Thing That Can Sap Your Motivation" (http://ow.ly/UPCZ30mFz4S ) JK--Does that thing have anything to do with being surrounded by idiots?

"Google Home and Amazon Echo Can Store Your Voice Recordings. Here's When They Could Be Used Against You" (http://ow.ly/lrIU30mFyXq ) JK--If it's in a court of law, I suggest that they be programmed to read you your Miranda rights.

Enough of this "data is oil" jazz, already. I just saw "data is jet fuel." How about we extend the metaphor to "data is all petroleum-based products, including the plastic straws that are found jammed down turtles' throats"?

Caught "The Children Act" on DVD. Another fine unshowy performance from the always superb Emma Thompson. A great legal thriller told from the judge's point of view, which is unusual. Also an excellent examination of when law comes into conflict with religious belief.

Geez. The local pop station has already begun their Christmas music assault. Crass. I’m going to suggest that they put randomly auto tuned versions of Mel Torme’s Christmas song on endless loop.  a yule log channel on radio

Wegman’s is supercrowded in advance of Thanksgiving. I’ve imbibed from three separate wine sampling stations. At least the wife can be my designated driver.

The unsettling persistence of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in the cloud https://siliconangle.com/2018/11/15/unsettling-persistence-cybersecurity-vulnerabilities-cloud/ …via @SiliconANGLE

New jk #Wikibonblog: "The Unsettling Persistence of Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities in the Cloud" (http://ow.ly/hP9E30mDoYI )

All for the best that Arlington/Alexandria didn't give into the dumb idea years ago to put Redskins stadium in Potomac Yard, site of th long-gone eyesore trainyard, just south of Crystal City. Stadium neighborhoods are a business turn-off. Very limited econ accelerator potential.

Crystal City VA has a long underground shopping mall. My sense is that this will be totally made over as Amazon's legions move in, hunker down, and start banging out code down there 24x7. Seems tailor-made for that. Underutilized by the federal contractors who once dominated CC.

To @loserboy : I totally relate to what your wife shared regarding loss of her sibling while she was a child. I lost my mother to cancer while I was in 5th grade. I had no emotional support resources other than my family, who were also in shock.

Enjoying hearing #kexp DJ @loserboy and his wife Amy discussing how to emotionally process losing a loved one. These are lessons no one wants to have to learn. But you're a strong person for recognizing the line when endless grief slips into emotional "pathology."

Being sexagenarian isn’t all that bad. At least there’s sex in it.

In potential win for AWS, Oracle loses protest against the Pentagon’s $10B cloud contract https://siliconangle.com/2018/11/14/potential-win-aws-oracle-loses-protest-pentagons-10b-cloud-contract/ …via @SiliconANGLE

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "Oracle confronts growing challenge from AWS in the cloud" (http://ow.ly/92Qx30mCCZ0 )

New jk #Wikibonblog: "AI Drives Innovation in Next-Generation Cloud Business Intelligence" (https://wikibon.com/ai-drives-innovation-next-generation-business-intelligence-cloud/ …)

My guesses on neighborhoods that will become popular with Amazon millennials working in Crystal City: Old Town and Del Ray (in Alexandria), Shirlington and Clarendon (in Arlington), and Huntington (in Fairfax County). In DC: Georgetown and the Southwest Waterfront.

"Amazon picks new HQ: Split between Virginia suburb & New York" (http://ow.ly/i7PZ30mBB6t ) JK--It's not exactly accurate to call Crystal City--ie, east Arlington--a "suburb" of DC. It's an integral part of DC area urban core. That'd be  calling Oakland a "suburb" of San Fran

I want to thank Cognilytica for ""hyperpersonalizing this newsletter for YOU James Kobielus." Hey Ron, please don't factor into it the snarky asides that you and I have personally exchanged while sitting listening to AI vendors at industry events. That would truly be hyper.

Working. Over my shoulder is Game Show Network with "Match Game" rerun from 1977. My wife doesn't inquire into who Charles Nelson Reilly was. I don't volunteer the info. The word "blank" figures into Gene Rayburn's questions. I don't fill in the blanks. The '70s got on my nerves

Watched Michael Palin’s excellent travelogue from North Korea. Wondered how he kept a straight face wandering through a dead parrot of a country if there ever was one.

RIP Stan Lee. I was partial to DC Comics superheroes, but thought Spider-Man was cool. I wanted to shoot webs from my wrists and swing between skyscrapers.

I always enjoy the postgame ritual of the losing coach’s excuse of “we just didn’t have our A-game going today.” Just once, I’d  one of them to say “well, you can’t win ‘em all” as they hand him his walking papers.

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Mitigating AI’s Many Risks to Society" (http://ow.ly/PxtI30mAONf )

"‘Parts Unknown’ review: Anthony Bourdain’s final show is joyous journey into his past" (http://ow.ly/zVNj30mALw7 ) JK--I was mesmerized by his pre-demise lunch with Lydia Lunch, the poet-singer-screamer-songwriter from late '70s punk/no-wave outfit Teenage Jesus & the Jerks et al

Working. Over my shoulder the TV is tuned to the Hallmark Channel. They've begun their annual Christmas programming schmaltz assault. Hey, that's Turk from "Scrubs"! I wonder if Donald Faison gets sick of people over-identifying him with that role. Regardless, he's my TV bro!

"'Human brain' supercomputer with 1 million processors switched on for first time" (http://ow.ly/CwKz30mAveg ) JK--UK AI. The SpiNNaker machine (University of Manchester School of Computer Science) can model  biological neurons in real time than any other machine on the planet.

"Will GraphQL Become Standard for the New Data Economy? " (http://ow.ly/IXDG30mAtVK ) JK--"Sits on top of all your existing svcs & super-imposes a graph on all those cloud....resources so app devs can freely query that without having to create REST endpoint for every new use case"

New jk #SiliconANGLE#reInvent article: "As AWS re:Invent approaches, AI becomes the killer app for public cloud" (http://ow.ly/OwNX30mAo4P )

"Clarifai Partners with RichRelevance for Greater Personalization with Visual AI" (http://ow.ly/qIEA30mAnrW ) JK--E-commerce apps: visually similar product recommendations, image matching using current product catalog with external pix from mobile/social, and catalog enrichment.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ty Segall "Class War" from Fudge Sandwich JK--2018. Great new one from this amazingly prolific and always bang-on brilliant rocker.

Incoming US House of Representatives' subpoena targets in the Trump administration:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sinéad O’Connor "Throw Down Your Arms" from Throw Down Your Arms JK--2005. Nice one from the Catholic-born now-Muslim Irish singer's then-Rastafarian/reggae period.

Kubeflow Pipelines: Google's contribution to machine learning DevOps. Reusable end-to-end workflows:

Dear infomercial: I’m half-inclined to take your advice about calling the number on my screen. But which screen? TV, laptop, tablet, smartphone, MP3 player....? Too many choices.

If Trump orders this new attorney general to fire Mueller, that’s clearly obstruction of justice, hence sufficient grounds for impeachment. The next speaker of the house needs to make that very clear.

As my birthday approaches, Facebook asks if I want to establish a charitable fundraiser. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t all my Facebook friends be chipping in to raise money for a huge cake and many candles to celebrate the historic occasion?

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Doing a Reality Check on GPU-Accelerated Databases" (http://ow.ly/GJ2930mz2UX )

"Ford Buys Dockless Scooter Company Spin" (http://ow.ly/z6iA30myKtC ) JK--OK. Just don't start calling their low-end model the "Spinto." Don't even think about it.

Just registered for the Google AI briefings next week. The registration form asked for country declaration. Alphabetically near top, it listed one option as "Aland Islands." I had to Google that. An "autonomous" region of Finland. When did this qualify as a "country"?

I'd  to see "customer experience" solutions that implant friendliness chips and courtesy actuators in employees' brains. That would be the most disruptive thing you could possibly do in digital transformation.

This just in: astronomers have discovered exoplanet WD-40, where it rains lubricant and there's not a squeaky hinge to be found anywhere on its surface.

"Exomoons could have 'moonmoons,' and they might support alien life" (http://ow.ly/90Au30myFBW ) JK--Wow! Our country needs to build a deep-space telescope able to detect the infinite regress of exomoonmoonmoonmoonmoons. We might find exoalienalienalienalienalienaliens living there

ESPN in-studio panel. Do they instruct all these guys to shout every sentence, no matter how banal? Or are all these ex-jocks hearing-impaired?

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Building the Hybrid Serverless Multiclouds of the Future" (http://ow.ly/6IYX30mybPl )

Looking forward to discussing multicloud data protection on this #ActionItem.  cloud means  distributed data.  distributed data in a digital business means data protection is  strategic. Join us now. #actionitem

"Google rolls out new tools to make AI  accessible" (http://ow.ly/VK5H30mxZte ) JK--AI Hub + Kubeflow Pipeline system. One-stop for ML pipelines, Jupyter notebooks, TensorFlow modules, etc. + open workbench to compose/deploy/manage reusable ML workflows on Kubernetes.

"Watch an AI Modeled After a Worm's Brain Park a Tiny Car  a Pro" (http://ow.ly/t3TV30mxRTx ) JK--Cool, but I'd be  impressed if a robotic AI worm could be engineered to win the Daytona 500 in that car.

"Best Practices and Anti-Patterns for Containerized Deployments" (http://ow.ly/3chV30mxRoY ) JK--"Best practices and anti-patterns"? Oh geez. Whatever happened to "do's and don't's"?

"7 tools that ease serverless adoption" (http://ow.ly/oUrT30mxQrH ) JK--"To create a function, developers can use a tool that works across different serverless clouds. Who's hybridizing serverless? I mention that possible pattern in this 2017 #Wikibon note:

"You need API management help: 11 open-source tools to consider" (http://ow.ly/J4eC30mxQdY ) JK--I'm still on the fence regarding whether API management is the most incredibly boring segment of the integration market. I'm torn between that and metadata management.

"Is an Internet Bill of Rights Necessary?" (http://ow.ly/5VTC30mxPxX ) JK--This list includes various concerns of compelling societal interest (privacy, neutrality, access), but this is  of a political agenda than anything I'd want to carve into an onerous regulatory regime.

Looking into the market for IT change management solutions. I hope somebody develops some "this incredibly disruptive IT will change everything" management solutions. I'd  to use that to the turn the screws on every other hyperventilating tech marketing pitch.

"Google’s hometown passes new business tax to cope with rise in tech commuters" (http://ow.ly/7OCH30mxNym ) JK--Mountain View prop will also fund affordable housing. Voters in SF--which has egregious homeless issue--approved proposition to fund housing & mental health services.

Caught "Loving Pablo" on DVD. Excellent true story of Colombian cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar seen through eyes of his former mistress, a journalist recruited by US DEA. Among the very best performances I've seen by Javier Bardem & Penelope Cruz (and that's saying a lot).

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Kurt Vile "One Trick Ponies" from Bottle It In JK--2018. Vile? Au contraire! I have yet to hear a song from this guy that's anything less than great.

 cloud means  distributed data and that requires strong enterprise data protection. Join me @davidchapa@sarbjeetjohal@plburris@stu @dfloyerhistoday 12noon EST on #Wikibon Community event in live chat Multicloud Data Protection https://www.crowdchat.net/actionitem #backup#recovery

Kubeflow shows promise in standardizing the AI DevOps pipeline - SiliconANGLE

Nevadans elect dead pimp to state legislature. If he weren’t a Republican, I’d attribute this to the blue wave.

After they regress to the mean, what's the next step? Progressing to the nasty?

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Kubeflow Shows Promise in Standardizing the AI DevOps Pipeline" (http://ow.ly/Kbqa30mxin5 )

Michigan legalizes marijuana. Perhaps I was too hasty when I moved away from the Detroit area 36 years ago.

Abigail Spanberger defeats rightwing airhead incumbent Rep. Dave Brat in US House race from Virginia. Cue up the Ramones “Beat on the Brat.”

Wisconsin gives Walker his walking papers. I want to commend America’s dairyland on ending this guy’s ruinous run in Madison. My next-to-home state deserves better.

Good. Impeach him.

I voted prop tax relief for spouses of people who died defending the country, for local infra improvements, and to re-elect Sen Kaine and Rep Beyer. Soundly rejected odious racist confederacy lover Trumpster Corey Stewart.

At Boomi World, new accelerators for connected business in the cloud https://siliconangle.com/2018/11/06/boomi-world-new-accelerators-connected-business-cloud/ …via @SiliconANGLE

"Tim Berners-Lee Pushes for 'Contract' to Protect the Web" (http://ow.ly/fynC30mwfCh ) JK--That's highly Rousseau of you, Sir Tim. But we best let Hobbes' state of nature have the run of it till Calvin returns to the funny pages of cyberspace & the tiger goes cute & mute once

On this election day, I urge all Americans to vote for the candidate of my choice.

New jk #Datanami column: "How AI, IoT, and Other Technologies Will Need to Coalesce into Comprehensive Counterdrone Defenses" (http://ow.ly/BtIv30mwbEK )

New jk #Wikibonblog: "At Boomi World, New Accelerators for Connected Business in the Cloud" (http://ow.ly/TKPr30mwbet )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Beck "I’m So Free" from Colors JK--2017. His performance the week before last at SF's AT&T Park was the greatest concert I've every seen (no charge to me) at a tech conference--or ever in any context. Love this guy.

"How Vertically Integrated AI Stacks Will Affect IT Organizations" (http://ow.ly/e6n230mw19P ) JK--Sketchy discussion that glosses over the fact there are open-source choices and abstraction layers up & down the "stack" (actually,  of an ecosystem) preventing "vertical" lock-in

"What Can We Expect From AI?" (http://ow.ly/Tvk430mw0VD ) JK--Don't worry. Killer robots will not strangle you in your sleep. They'll anesthetize you first & then dissolve your body in strong acid exuded from their mechanical glands. You won't feel a thing.

"F*cking Vote" (http://ow.ly/4enE30mw0yY ) JK--This is the funniest get-out-the-vote radio campaign ever. Tender ears may not want to hear #KEXP DJs screaming [bleeped-out] obscenities at the listeners and each other. My favorite is @DJMorganSeattleand @loserboy . Classic!

"Five Powerful Enterprise Agile Frameworks" (http://ow.ly/kZxM30mw0oZ ) JK--I need independent verification of whether "LeSS Huge - Large Scale Scrum" is a legitimate framework or just an elaborate put-on.

"Making Your Data Intelligent" (http://ow.ly/P4X530mw060 ) JK--Traces a 50+ year historical narrative grounded in heroic accomplishments by guys named Ted and Tim. I'm waiting for the new gospel of intelligent data to be revealed by a lady. I predict it will be a Tess this time.

OMG! It's "'Tis' the season" season again in commercial email solicitations. Next up:  seasonal e-greetings cards from tech startups I've never heard of thanking me for all the love and support I've given them over the past year.

"How to Create Robots That Can Deal With Unpredictable Humans" (http://ow.ly/qAvw30mvYeW ) JK--Now that's a practical application of robotics! Someone please sic one of those on Trump ASAP!

"Europe’s AI ethics chief: No rules yet, please" (http://ow.ly/Dn4c30mvXHu ) JK--Agreed. But EU needs to crack down on figures of speech such as "you eat the elephant by slicing it." But that could be a Finnish delicacy, so I'll try to show some cultural sensitivity on the matter.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Creedence Clearwater Revival "Fortunate Son" from Willy and the Poor Boys JK--1969. Swamp rock. Band got start in the swamps, bayous, & shotgun shacks of Contra Costa County, California, right next to some deeply rightwing one-horse town called Berkeley

"Requests for ML Research from East African Tech Scene" (http://ow.ly/HJg930mvWUp ) JK--"Handling Rapid Code–Switching with Models trained on Single Language Corpora: Many East Africans rapidly code–switch...multiple times per sentence...between English and another language.

"Facebook reorganizes Oculus for AR/VR’s long-haul" (http://ow.ly/4ZLR30mvWJl ) JK--"Whip Oculus into shape for its 10-year journey towards making virtual reality mainstream"? What is this? The Starship Enterprise?

"How to turn your writing into an obstacle course" (http://ow.ly/EZY630mvWoc ) JK--WashPost humorist @geneweingartenmisses point of Gmail Smart Compose & predictive type-ahead in general. Writing emails isn't "creative process." Usually, it's dashing off unambiguous stock phrases

"IBM and Red Hat merger could impact the future of Ceph and Gluster" (http://ow.ly/rVXp30mvVAZ ) JK--Software-defined object & file storage techs, respectively. But I've always felt they sound  a hayseed comedy duo that plays the Grand Old Opry.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp LCD Soundsystem "North American Scum" JK--2007. Hey! I resemble that remark!

I did my civic duty already: I delivered my election-worker spouse to the polling place in the wee pre-dawn hours so they can get the electoral machinery up and working on time. I will do my civic duty again later: I'll vote after work at that same precinct. I'm voting Democratic

Amazon Plans to Split HQ2 in Two Locations https://nyti.ms/2D6vxvy Crystal City and Long Island City. DC & NYC. Reagan & LaGuardia

Microsoft and IBM flock to the center of all things open source - SiliconANGLE

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Microsoft and IBM Come to the Center of All Things Open Source" (http://ow.ly/1Gfg30mvpzn )

"Who contributes most to open source? The answers will definitely surprise you" (http://ow.ly/MpRD30mvfDI ) JK--Microsoft. The vendors who used to boast of their number of software patents now fall all over themselves boasting of the volume of their open-source software contribs.

New jk #SiliconANGLE#reinvent article: "Looking ahead to AWS re:Invent, public clouds keep gaining momentum" (http://ow.ly/jocZ30mv9JR )

"Google says 'exponential' growth of AI is changing nature o compute" (http://ow.ly/TFV430mv5M0 ) JK--Dynamic feedforward/backpropagation weight computation: "Google's scientists are saying 'please give us a tera-weight machine," computers capable of computing a trillion weights.'"

"Learning Complex Goals w/Iterated Amplification for AI Safety" (http://ow.ly/LYtk30mv4eT ) JK--When reward signals & training data insufficient. Exceptionally complex challenges that humans can't do in entirety, but which they can break down into subtasks & perform specific tasks 

"Microsoft Roadmap Updated for Azure DevOps (Formerly VSTS)" (http://ow.ly/I49D30mv2HT ) JK--Microsoft's development ecosystem is wrapping around their recently acquired GitHub platform.

"Amazon in advanced talks about putting HQ2 in NoVa" (http://ow.ly/xnn930mv17w ) JK--Amazon econ dev director tweet: “Memo to genius leaking info about Crystal City VA as #HQ2 selection. You’re not doing Crystal City any favors. And stop treating NDA you signed  a used napkin”

"Do neural networks really work  neurons?" (http://ow.ly/Zqfu30mv0Hs ) JK--Sort of, brain neuronal connections are way  complex, robust, powerful, nuanced, and efficient that artificial neural networks. Brain is capable much  sophisticated non-linear computations.

"An AI Physicist Can Derive the Natural Laws of Imagined Universes" (http://ow.ly/mXVE30muZC3 ) JK--Derived by looking at the universe-specific movement of a ball over time: how gravitation, electromagnetism, harmonic oscillation, etc interact there.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Andrew Bird "Bloodless" JK--2018. Nice new one from Bird. His usual rich musical vibe. A political message on this one.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Tiny Topsy "Cha Cha Sue" JK--1958. Sounds  they're launching into "Tequila," but turn it into a big brassy riotous hip-shaking glory of song.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ray Sharpe "Kewpie Doll" JK--1959. This one has a quick-stepping country-blues snap to it. Very cool.

Aweekstweets December 21 2018 to March 18 2019: the weeks in which I lost Egidia


New jk #SiliconANGLE article: “As Next ’19 approaches, Google confronts strategic challenges in the cloud” (https://siliconangle.com/2019/03/17/next-19-approaches-google-confronts-strategic-challenges-cloud/ …)

Figuring what single means for me as a mature man with a long life already under my belt.

"Driver Behaviours In A World of Autonomous Mobility" (http://ow.ly/rQLS30o2W8F ) JK--Very interesting--e.g., "car baiting: an action by a human to trigger a response from an autonomous vehicle."

"Recap of the 2019 TensorFlow Dev Summit" (http://ow.ly/nGfl30o2N4e ) JK--TensorFlow 2.0. Add-ons: TensorFlow Federated. TensorFlow Privacy. TensorFlow Probability. TensorFlow Agents. Mesh TensorFlow. Sonnet from DeepMind.

"“5 New Generative Adversarial Network Architectures For Image Synthesis” (http://ow.ly/NQ2030o2LiH ) JK--Wouldn't it be cool to have prosthetic/cosmetic face implants that use embedded GANs to make us incrementally  attractive? Ooh. Now I'm creeping myself out.

"Edge Computing Is Ready for Its Starring Role" (http://ow.ly/b08R30o2KUa ) JK--If only we had Mr. DeMille to tell us whether it's ready for its close-up.

"AI regulation is critical, says 54% of tech executives" (http://ow.ly/Bkbt30o2KLc ) JK--I'm leery of calls for "regulation" as some abstract concept. How about proposing specific regulations? Then we can poll execs and everybody else regarding their opinions on those.

"How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Science" (http://ow.ly/briw30o2K5w ) JK-- experiments--including many that are not feasible with physical instrumentation--are computationally simulated on data-driven machine learning models.

"AWS CloudFormation complaints spark roadmap pledge" (http://ow.ly/JYBJ30o2JHP ) JK--They should evolve this infrastructure-as-code solution into a full-blown DevOps environment for provisioning resources, apps, and security code into hybrid/multiclouds.

"Acquisition talk mounts as Kurian plots Google's cloud plans" (http://ow.ly/Mfoj30o2JqB ) JK--My prediction is that he'll evolve G Suite through acquisitions into a full business cloud SaaS app portfolio, taking a page out of Oracle's AI-driven app strategy.

"Unintended inferences: The biggest threat to data privacy and cybersecurity" (http://ow.ly/jyv930o2Ihz ) JK--You can control access to personally identifiable information, but you can't prevent people from making astute inferences from incomplete, sparse, and public data.

"Zuckerberg says going all in on private messaging. Facebook’s declining user numbers tell us why" (http://ow.ly/O5ew30o2HMN ) JK--"People in US been spending a lot less time on FB & Mssngr since 2016, about 10% less time/person in any month than in same month the previous year."

"Close to half of startups jump on the AI bandwagon without the tech" (http://ow.ly/aD4x30o2GVC ) JK--I make a point of asking vendors during briefings to bring me up to speed on how they define/use "AI." Sometimes, they go no further than to cite vague "data" and "algorithms."

"IBM has come up with a new way of measuring the progress of quantum computers" (http://ow.ly/zgoM30o2Gc7 ) JK--"Quantum volume." OK, but I'll suggest the old-fashioned metric of sales volume.

"Red Hat eyes cloud-native Java future w/Quarkus" (http://ow.ly/wVcs30o2FWT ) JK--Universal virtual machine for spinning up Java binaries  rapidly on edge devices. Competes with writing code to run in Linux containers, which are core of cloud-native computing at edge/everywhere

"‘We Know Them. We Trust Them.’ Uber and Airbnb Alumni Fuel Tech’s Next Wave" (https://nyti.ms/2EWyWwg ) JK--Don't underestimate the funding advantage that comes from having been part of a recent-past Bay Area startup. There's a definite peninsular bias to these capital flows.

Another day, another crop of tech vendors declared "leaders,""visionaries," and "cool." What's cool is when leaders' visions involve doing something innovative, delighting customers, and making tidy profits in the process. Empty bragging about themselves in press releases isn't.

"How to Prepare Your Digital Life for Your Death" (http://ow.ly/vWdM30o2DCe ) JK--In my will, I'm requesting that all my passwords be cremated and placed in my urn. I plan to take all my virtual assets with me to the hereafter.

Viggo is a good tough manly name. But nothing beats Sluggo.

Facebook's outage yesterday. I thought I was going to go nuts. The one thing that brightens my day is a steady feed of other people's highly curated personal lives.

Pi Day. Have you memorized all the digits? I've got the first 6 down cold, and now I'm working on the remaining infinity.

Bought/downloaded the Shins' 2017 LP "Heartworms," after I'd mistakenly bought/downloaded James Mercer's thoroughly rethought 2018 rework of it "The Worm's Heart." I'll listen to the latter after I've absorbed the former. Hey Mercer: this is too confusing. Be happy I'm a fan.

"Google open-sources GPipe, a library for efficiently training large deep neural networks" (http://ow.ly/86zh30o1Qps ) JK--Highly parallelized on Google tensor processing units. That raises the issue of how useful this can be until TPUs are adopted  widely.

"For a better cloud strategy, look to data" (http://ow.ly/Cw7Z30o1g3t ) JK--"James Kobielus...noted that successful multicloud strategy depends on ability to automate multiple tasks, incl log analysis, anomaly detection, root-cause diagnostics & closed-loop issue remediation."

"The web turns 30: from proposal to pervasion" (http://ow.ly/LGE030o0Pf8 ) JK--Here's Tim Berners-Lee's original 1989 proposal: http://ow.ly/Pu7e30o0PgY . Is "pervasion" even a word? On initial glance, it registered as "perversion." That's also a bit true.

"The 'super worm equinox moon' will be the last supermoon for a while" (http://ow.ly/9Mht30o0NT3 ) JK--Is this a practical joke by the astronomy community?

"The U.S. May Lose the AI Race Because of An Unchecked Techno-Panic" (http://ow.ly/Z9J130o0352 ) JK--Let's not reduce this to a nationalistic agenda. But culture is becoming unhinged on the topic. People seriously need to ground themselves in reality to discuss this stuff soberly.

"NeuroCuts replaces packet classification systems with learned behaviors" (http://ow.ly/AHWs30o01PW ) JK--Project uses AI (deep RL) to automate how systems learn to communicate with each other to max a cumulative reward. See also my 2017 Datanami column: http://ow.ly/hArh30o021n 

"Put the kibosh on..." Apparently, the word "kibosh" has quite a lineage in English: even Dickens used it (http://ow.ly/GXwE30o01pQ ). Not Yiddish, not Celtic. I think of "big kibosh." The Pole in me thinks of kielbasa dripping with grease. Yuck.

"How Emerging Tech Will Change Our Online Identities" (http://ow.ly/lXZE30o00Af ) JK--Change it FROM what? Our identities have been changing since the dawn of online culture. I don't recall having to login with a userID and password back when I was a wee one growing up in the 1960s

"Should We Worry About the IoT Being Used as a Weapon of Mass Control?" (http://ow.ly/tM2630o00lR ) JK--I'll add it to the stack of stuff--including, but not limited to social media--that I'm worried about being used as a weapon of mass control. Thanks for the heads-up.

"How V2V Comm Could Replace Traffic Lights & Shorten Commutes" (http://ow.ly/8SqP30nZZUC ) JK--Cars approaching intersection elect one vehicle to serve as leader for a certain period, during which it decides which direction is to be yielded right-of-way and which the virtual red.

"Red Hat eyes cloud-native Java future with Quarkus" (http://ow.ly/aJ9S30nZZJv ) JK--"based on two Oracle-led projects, GraalVM and Substrate VM, to build cloud-native Java applications that are much faster and smaller, in a Linux container as part of a Kubernetes deployment."

"Transposit raises $12.2 million to manage your cluttered APIs" (http://ow.ly/YAQg30nZZvc ) JK--Curious whether they're using the Kondo method for this.

"Will Your Customer Relationships Survive Infidelity?" (http://ow.ly/50E830nZZ2G ) JK--This is an extraordinarily pinheaded concept/expectation. I don't recall at any point pledging my troth to any impersonal multinational brand. It's none of their damn business who I'm seeing.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Talk Talk "Ascension Day" from Laughing Stock JK--1991. Prime example of one of their deep, extended mood-groove vibes.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Shuggie Otis "Strawberry Letter 23" from Inspiration Information JK--1971. Great original. I also loved the Brothers Johnson's discofied cover in 1977.

"The Golden Age of PDAs" (http://ow.ly/nuSH30nZVFy ) JK--Yep. Golden age of primitive UIs, apps, connectivity, etc. I remember the grownups during my 1960s/1970s childhood waxing nostalgic for the golden age of black-and-white tiny-screen staticky early-1950s TVs. They loved Lucy.

Venezuela's ongoing blackout. Exactly how many of circles of Hell are centered on Caracas? When will they hit bottom?

Early-morning flight home yesterday from Birmingham was interesting. Apparently, there was some sort of collegiate track meet in town. Almost every other passenger was a young athlete in varsity warm-up suit. Tall stringbean next to me must have been a pole vaulter.

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls to break up Amazon, Google, Facebook" (http://ow.ly/yfpQ30nZSxj ) JK--Amazingly boneheaded idea that plays into Trump's agenda. Also, each of Amazon's business units (retail, cloud) has huge market power in its segment. Ditto Google's. Facebook as well

Figuring out how I'm going to work this cooking-for-myself stuff. I'm going to cook/eat the contents of my refrigerator down to emptiness before replenishing from the supermarket. Equivalent to my "inbox zero" philosophy.

Set a wake up alarm for 2:30 this morning. But that time didn't exist. So technically I'm still asleep.

"TF-Replicator: Distributed Machine Learning for Researchers" (http://ow.ly/oZKH30nYAla ) JK--A software library that helps researchers deploy their TensorFlow models on GPUs and Cloud TPUs with minimal effort and no previous experience with distributed systems.

"Google is making it easier for AI developers to keep users’ data private" (http://ow.ly/VxPQ30nYzNB ) JK--New TensorFlow Privacy module in open-source AI framework lets devs safeguard data with differential privacy.

"Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook will shift to emphasize encrypted ephemeral messages" (http://ow.ly/coTb30nYzyL ) JK--Yeah, sure. They'll pursue this strategy until it's clear that it won't boost ad revenues. Meanwhile, they'll milk the revenue potential of public posts as always

"Are the cloud wars over or just getting started?" (http://ow.ly/WgAp30nYzaa ) JK--I think they're just getting started. One of the IaaS/PaaS/serverless public cloud vendors is going to become paramount in business-app SaaS. Which will it be? When?

"The reason why 'ji32k7au4a83' is a common and terrible password" (http://ow.ly/3qPJ30nYlFT ) JK--For sure. It's the most popular safe word in the bondage community. What idiot doesn't know that?

I'd  to call out celebrity keynoters at tech events who haven't a clue about the industry, technology, or even culture of the confabs before which they're speaking. You don't need to be experts in this stuff. But at least do a little homework before showing up. It pays off.

"VMware aims for security market, launches service defined firewall" (http://ow.ly/MhMp30nYl2Q ) JK--Application verification based on microservice variations over time. VMware will use machine learning from its deployed virtual machines to build a map of how an app should run.

"RSAC 2019.." (http://ow.ly/QBHd30nYkyc ) JK--Keynoter Helen Mirren laid it on thick, calling attendees "steadfast constellation of guiding stars that never waver...Perhaps you do not have to be such very solitary heroes. So, seize this moment to become better & stronger together."

"Can the World’s Wealthiest Absorb the High-End Home Glut?" (http://ow.ly/D75C30nYgTh ) JK--Wording of this headline makes it sound  Bezos and his ilk have some civic duty to acquire every last square foot of underutilized mansion floorspace on the global real-estate market.

Dear http://DateMyAge.com : Thanks for offering, but I have absolutely no intention of pitching woo to the number 60. I will consider dating letters and punctuation marks, but I don't swing numerologically.

"Are you blockchain ready?" (http://ow.ly/vxDd30nYeQW ) JK--Am I ever! Lay that hyperledger love on your daddy-o, babycakes!

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "Security built in: At RSA Conference, cybersecurity intersects with DevOps" (http://ow.ly/nQcK30nXN8A )

"Amazon to close all of its 87 pop-up stores in the US beginning in April" (http://ow.ly/VPrp30nXJHJ ) JK--Will that transform them into "pop-down stores"?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Fiona Apple "Criminal" from Tidal JK--1996. One of my favorite sexy pop hits from the 1990s. "What I need is a good defense, cuz I'm feeling  a criminal." That's a perfect lyric.

"Missing component to digital transformation: Citizen developers" (http://ow.ly/zUMT30nXhzb ) JK--Can we stop this "citizen" nonsense? Reminds me too much of Adam West's Batman addressing every resident of Gotham City as "citizen." I've got half a mind to call Commissioner Gordon

Justin Trudeau. I watch him with bemusement. He still looks too young for the job of running a country. And he's now the same age as when his father became PM. I'm not Canadian, but nothing about him inspires confidence that he knows what he's doing.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp PINS "Serve the Rich" from LUVU4LYF / Serve the Rich JK--2017. This one's got a truly righteous rock and roll swagger to it.

"The AI cameras that can spot shoplifters even before they steal" (http://ow.ly/B5UY30nWuDc ) JK--Shades of "1984." Actually, this is predictive behavioral profiling. There's no such thing as spotting shoplifters "before they steal." They're just customers until/unless they steal.

"Distributed Systems and the Sidecar Pattern" (http://ow.ly/mHuL30nWugU ) JK--I'd  to see the clowncar pattern where an endless stream of bots step out with big bulbous noses, floppy shoes, and naughty-ass bottles of seltzer.

Another article about how AI is "unlocking business value." I'm surprised that somebody hasn't already invented an AI that picks that lock without having to do all the hard work of building and training fancypants statistical models. Dirty data science done dirt cheap.

"With Luke Perry gone, our idols are getting old (and so are we)" (http://ow.ly/dUaQ30nWqDV ) JK--Gimme a damn break. I was already in my 30s in the '90s. You ain't old yet Mr/Ms GenX-Y-Z-Millennial. Get over it.

"New York, Beijing Chip Away at Silicon Valley" (http://ow.ly/ZCay30nWqwp ) JK--“The debate around which city has better technical chops than the others is no longer relevant. They’re all rich with talent.”

PR people who are unfamiliar with my work. Thanks for recommending your client as a source of "expert commentary." If you're paying attention to my published output, I'm always putting forth myself as the expert commentator. I don't cotton to crowding in my own space.

New jk #SiliconANGLE article: "At RSA Conference, look for ‘post-perimeter’ security to dominate" (http://ow.ly/gCMY30nVZ3L )

"New chemistry-based data storage would blow Moore’s Law out of the water" (http://ow.ly/vELJ30nVuiR ) JK--No need. Whatever genius dropped Moore's Law in the water in the first place short-circuited its wiring. Now it's useless. Thanks a lot, idiot.

"Ambitious Data Science Can Be Painless" (http://ow.ly/IWMO30nVtXY ) JK--Discusses new software stacks for simplifying massive cloud-based scientific experiments.

RIP Luke Perry. I wasn't very familiar with his acting work, but I remember his appearance on the Simpsons as Krusty's assistant Sideshow Luke Perry. If you have to be remembered for anything as an actor, that should be sufficient.

"Artificial Intelligence Regulation May Be Impossible" (http://ow.ly/gqRY30nVqXw ) JK--And you will be annihilated. Prepare for the day of doom.

"Design Thinking: Future-proof Yourself from AI" (http://ow.ly/ynVp30nVqKB ) JK--Yeah, that's the ticket. Storyboard your future so that you have an escape route no matter what enslavement plans our eventual robot overlords cook up.

Enough about disruption already. Just call it wrack and ruin. Roll up our sleeves for some serious demolition.

Enough about Moore's Law already. I'm trying to remember if it's about Dinty Moore or Mary Tyler Moore. Regardless, stew is all around no need to fake it.

"Center for Security and Emerging Technology" (http://ow.ly/W9Xe30nUAjk ) JK--New Washington DC-based (Georgetown Univ) policy think tank focused on "how developments in AI will affect national and international security"

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Led Zeppelin "Ten Years Gone" from Physical Graffiti JK--1975. One of the best Zeppelin songs in their soft-loud slow-fast misty-bombastic bipolar musical forte. I always hold my breath waiting for Robert Plant's excited vocal midway through this.

"Management Plane-as-a-Service: Moving Functions to the Cloud" (http://ow.ly/zrww30nUzij ) JK--I'm trying to understand what value the word "plane" adds in this context. Should I assume trinity of Management Bird, Management Plane, and Management Superman? Are those cloud services?

"The Future of AI in America: What All Leaders Should Consider" (http://ow.ly/ymUP30nUz3A ) JK--I'm sorry, WTF?, "citizen users"??!! Is that to be contrasted with a special, elite corps of people who are professionally trained and certified to use this stuff?

"An NYU professor explains why it's so dangerous that Silicon Valley is building AI to make decisions without human values" (http://ow.ly/uwk730nUxG8 ) JK--I think it's dangerous to imagine some nebulous monolithic forces--"Silicon Valley""optimization"--behind all AI.

"America’s Cities Are Running on Software From the ’80s" (http://ow.ly/RhmH30nUsig ) JK--I often make a mental note of ancient tech in schools, government offices, etc. I also scan surroundings for signs of whatever cockroaches may be using this tech. Survivability is everything.

Thank you, Medium, for your weekly emails advising me on how to optimize the reach of some stupid post I put up there two years ago. I'll also try to boost readership of my journalism master's thesis from 1984, as soon as I get around to digitizing it.

Now that every single Democrat is running for president, I assume that they'll time-share the office. That would be the democratic thing to do. Otherwise, it would get a bit awkward if all of them were to jump into the White House jacuzzi at the same time.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Placebo "Life's What You Make It" JK--2016. Excellent Talk Talk cover. Life is definitely what you make it.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Elvis Costello "Radio Radio" from This Year's Model JK--1978. "Radio is in the hands of such a lot of fools." I wonder if Elvis ever considered a radio edit that inserts the phrase "present company excluded" into the lyrics.

It snowed overnight. Lightly. A thin frosting coats the outdoors  a yummy donut.

Guy at the club trying to sell me on some disgusting yellow liquid that's supposed to "clear out my arteries." No thanks. If the cure smells  liquid death, it's no sale.

Wrote a good research note today. Getting back to my work cadence is so important. I'm a man who moves in a rhythm of my own making. That makes me a terrible dance partner, however.

"We have stumbled into the era of machine psychology" (http://ow.ly/5O7W30nSmSe ) JK--It's about time. I know several servers that are severely bipolar.

"A Guide to Analyzing (American) Political Data in R" (http://ow.ly/HnWB30nSmiy ) JK--Photo shows Walter Cronkite covering use of Univac computer to predict 1952 presidential election results.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Tame Impala "’Cause I’m a Man" from Currents JK--2015. I'm surprised I'd never heard this particular Tame Impala track before. Great one. Title sounds Bo Diddley, but the song suggests Marvin Gaye gone indie rock.

"Artificial Intelligence Beats The Hype With Stunning Growth" (http://ow.ly/doRj30nSlLq ) JK--I chuckle at this notion of "beating the hype." The hype itself beats the truth down to bloody pulp. How incredibly stunning must the growth be in order to stun all naysayers senseless?

"Rancher K3s shrinks Kubernetes for IoT devices" (http://ow.ly/BxPD30nSlG1 ) JK--Interesting miniaturization open-source project for the age of cloud-native computing in resource-constrained edge devices.

"Why You Should Source Foreign Talent for AI, IoT and ML" (http://ow.ly/jVcT30nSkT4 ) JK--There is no "foreign talent." There is simply talent, some of which is originated and based in other nations.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sufjan Stevens "All of Me Wants All of You" from Carrie & Lowell JK--2015. Lyric wherein the Detroit-born Petoskey-bred Michiganian musical artist admits to self-pleasuring. Exceptionally beautiful melody. Tears your freakin' heart out,  his best.

New jk #Wikibonnote: "Google Enters the Hybrid Cloud Arena With A Promising, Albeit Still-Beta, Offering" (http://ow.ly/ztrP30nSaBK )

Please Join me & my #Wikibon colleagues and other experts today at 12noon (EST)/9am (PST) for live CrowdChat "Hybrid Cloud Taxonomy"http://ow.ly/ZZ5f30nRZBb #actionitem

"How 5G Will Change So Much  Than Your Phone" (http://ow.ly/4v4M30nRViC ) JK--Internet of Things. Everything. Latency will diminish to the point of inconsequentiality. Everything will be connected with instantaneous response and thoroughly untethered flexibility.

"ParallelM Solves Real-World Machine-Learning Deployment Challenge with Kubernetes Autoscaling REST Endpoint" (http://ow.ly/WzXr30nR6oF ) JK--Stripped of tech jargon, this means that their solution enables  developers to automate building & deployment of AI across the cloud.

"Risks of regulating AI algorithms" (http://ow.ly/CLoa30nR4VS ) JK--Debiasing AI algorithms runs up against Catch-22: the world itself is massively biased, hence distilling useful statistical intelligence from descriptive data must acknowledge. Can't regulate the world not to exist

"10 hot quantum-computing startups to watch" (http://ow.ly/TKZ530nR3tV ) JK--The fact that you can point to 10 startups means this space is beginning to evolve into a non-negligible market segment, albeit an extremely immature, unproven one.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp girl in red "we fell in love in october" from we fell in love in october / forget her JK--2019. Video makes it clear that this is a lesbian love song: http://ow.ly/MKbL30nR3e6 . But it's simply a great love song. Just a simple sentiment.

"Introducing Azure’s augmented reality: spatial anchors" (http://ow.ly/nsb630nR33j ) JK--The latter term refers to "maps that lock virtual objects to the physical space that hosts the environment."

"Evolutionary Neural AutoML for Deep Learning" (http://ow.ly/pDae30nR2rJ ) JK--The future of AI depends on innovations in "compute for architecture search," such as this.

"IBM Announced Managed Istio and Managed Knative" (http://ow.ly/4EZJ30nR2ig ) JK--Paving the way for hybrid mesh serverless cloud deployments of considerable complexity and scalabilty, without sacrificing that all-important single pane of control.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Fly Moon Royalty "Grown Man" from Delicious Trouble JK--2016. A really great slice of old-school soul.

"Microsoft CEO Nadella: HoloLens for war is fine if it's used by a democracy" (http://ow.ly/lqG630nR1ir ) JK--You R kidding, right? How about when it's used by a democracy to wage an unjust war? You opened up a massive can of worms on this, dude. Does MSFT certify democracies now?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Joy Division "Disorder" from Unknown Pleasures JK--1979. I've been misinterpreting this as Ian Curtis coming out as gay. But 1st 2 lines actually say "guide" (not "guy") taking him by the hand & "feel the pleasures of a normal man" (not "another man").

"AI researchers debate the ethics of sharing potentially harmful program" (http://ow.ly/CPaC30nQ4Rf ) JK--Honestly, it feels absurd to withhold an AI program that writes convincingly nuanced text with human- fluency.

"Intel’s neuro guru slams deep learning: ‘it’s not actually learning’" (http://ow.ly/CjOH30nQ4lY ) JK--Duh. It's intelligence that's artificial. Statistical algorithms aren't encoded in our DNA. So what if backpropagation isn't a technique native to organic central nervous systems?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Talk Talk "It’s My Life" from It's My Life JK--1984. RIP Mark Hollis. I'll bet I'm not the only person who embraced this classic song as my own personal testament and declaration. Far better than Anka's "My Way."

"Containers may be leading to cloud cost overruns" (http://ow.ly/vjBg30nPuqu ) JK--Huh? "The survey from Densify rhymes with a similar survey by Kentik"? It "rhymes"? Does it also have the same metric structure? Are both pieces of research written in iambic pentameter? Do tell

"Meet the social scientist ushering in an era of ethical responsibility in AI" (http://ow.ly/FYAS30nPugc ) JK--I don't think it's an "era" so much as a heightened awareness among developers of the errors they might make in deploying AI that inadvertently oversteps privacy bounds.

"Responsible AI Licenses" (http://ow.ly/FH0N30nPs1o ) JK--This new licensing concept "empower[s] developers to restrict the use of their AI technology in order to prevent irresponsible and harmful applications." How enforceable can this be?

"What are the benefits of white-box models in machine learning?" (http://ow.ly/H6Dv30nPqYL ) JK--"White-box" means that it's not too hard to understand how they work. A "black-box" AI/ML model, by contrast, is damn near inscrutable, but may be wickedly smart & predictively bang-on.

"Knowledge Graphs, AI, and Interoperability: What the Experts Say" (http://ow.ly/lv1C30nPqyt ) JK--I too agree that knowledge graphs are the next plateau in AI, not obsoleting deep learning but contextualizing it in semantic, intentional, and behavioral nets that adapt in real time

"The Rise of the Robot Reporter" (http://ow.ly/39UW30nPptm ) JK--Algorithmic newsgathering/writing is fundamental to journalism's advance. Much actual reporting done by humans is of necessity robotic. Having to hit the 5Ws/1H on deadline repeatedly does that to you.

"Cloud Services Platform—bringing hybrid cloud to you" (http://ow.ly/bCdj30nPnrV ) JK--With "build once, manage and deploy anywhere," Google seems to be doing "distributed “true” hybrid clouds," per taxonomy in @dfloyer recent #Wikibon report:

"Cloudera CEO Talks Hortonworks Merger, IBM Acquiring Red Hat, and A.I. Hype" (http://ow.ly/w6qB30nPn6D ) JK--From Reilly's interview, I'm not sensing any clear differentiators or directions for the merged company. I hope they clarify that soon. It's a brutally competitive space.

"Post-Quantum Crypto Standards Aren’t All About the Math" (http://ow.ly/AXtq30nPmqW ) JK--I don't understand this stuff, apart from the fact that it seems to be a matter of trying to resist the proverbial irresistible force. Where's the immovable object of secrecy in all this?

"How To Work with People Who Aren't Self-Aware" (http://ow.ly/7hXl30nPdKq ) JK--What does this even mean? Do they walk in front of a mirror and shout "hey, who the hell is that?" I'm sure even the most selfless people have memorized their own names by now.

"Microsoft workers call for canceling military contract for technology that could turn warfare into a ‘video game" (http://ow.ly/lm4930nPcci ) JK--I hope those workers prevail. But Trump will probably respond by sole-sourcing the contract to his buddies in the Kremlin.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Stevie Wonder "Boogie on Reggae Woman" from Fulfillingness' First Finale JK--1974. Great song. Interesting that lyric hinges on "I'd  to see you..." It's Stevie's lyric. I'm sure he sees with his fingertips. You can't make music this great otherwise.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bobby Womack "Across 110th Street" from Can You Dig It? The Music and Politics of Black Action Films 1968-75 JK--1972. I saw the film first-run at a drive-in movie theatre in Dearborn MI. I was not impressed. Just some violent blaxploitation crap.

COMPARTMENTAL Unbound, I'm gracing benches, dreaming of her and living in color. I rearrange her flowers, changing how she used to tend our garden. Still she stops my heart, keeps me benched, stays my hand from overwatering. --James Kobielus

"Facebook’s chief AI scientist: Deep learning may need a new programming language" (http://ow.ly/mR0v30nNNLS ) JK--If Yann LeCun feels this strongly about it, why doesn't he develop such a language?

"Beware the siren song of no-ops" (http://ow.ly/j08I30nNNyM ) JK--Right. You will at least need IT ops personnel to supervise the outcomes and handle the exception conditions. Automated systems can't be entirely trusted to their own care and feeding.

Did something I haven't done in 50 million years,  or less. Purchased a concert ticket for myself. Going to see Jenny Lewis live at Anthem DC on September 5. Can't wait (though I'll have to).

"In-car AI assistants are coming whether you  it or not" (http://ow.ly/biIw30nNpup ) JK--I need them now. I want my entire driving experience to adapt to me, so I can keep my attentions on the road.

"Unpacking Trump's 'American AI Initiative'" (http://ow.ly/cdbB30nNofT ) JK--Article notes the lack of specifics, and rightly excoriates Trump's anti-immigrant policy for driving away the AI talent needed to fuel ongoing AI innovation in the USA.

"Perspectives on Issues in AI Governance" (http://ow.ly/UkHs30nNnIm ) JK--Google positions on explainability, fairness, safety, liability, & human-AI collaboration.

"Technology Trends 2019: Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/smpT30nNmZn ) JK--Report from World Intellectual Property Organization shows that ratio of AI scientific papers to patents has fallen from 8:1 to 3:1 between 2010-2016, indicating accelerating commercialization.

"FaceForensics++: Learning to Detect Manipulated Facial Images" (http://ow.ly/Bcyn30nNmpP ) JK--Improved accuracy from supervised training of data-driven deep learning forgery detection algorithms, using half a million manipulated images.

It was heartening when the fitness instructor offered her condolences in front of the class yesterday. So many people were looking for me last week, to share their grief. I told them, I've been going back there regularly to notify people. Egidia was massively loved.

Grabbing my middle of the night 7-Eleven coffee. The quality is comparable to Starbucks, but it's a much better value.

"How Blockchain's Decentralization Narrative Can Redefine Data Privacy" (http://ow.ly/B83m30nMRsN ) JK--Discusses "IPFS," a blockchain-based "peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and  open."

"The World’s Fastest Supercomputer Breaks An AI Record" (http://ow.ly/2pPE30nMQSo ) JK--Summit at Oak Ridge National Lab. Climate research. Speed record on deep-learning experiment achieved exaflop (10 to the 18th ops per second) using  than 27,000 GPUs.

RIP Peter Tork. This non-actor musician, who got the Monkees gig thanks to his bud Stephen Stills, was just naturally funny. In their series, he just walked around uttering one disarmingly lighthearted and goofy thing after another. And he was an excellent multi-instrumentalist.

"We dismantle Facebook’s memo defending its ‘Research’" (http://ow.ly/2uii30nMQ3T ) JK--Hardhitting analysis of the privacy implications of what Facebook was doing vs. what they claimed to be doing regarding "paying people to suck in all their phone data."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Monkees "(I’m Not Your) Steppin’ Stone" from  of the Monkees JK--1967. One of the first LPs that 8-year-old Jimmy Kobielus ever bought with his allowance. That "ahhhhh" background chorus is also very very Paul Revere & The Raiders.

"Introducing Snorkel" (http://ow.ly/NOyW30nMPxz ) JK--Automates the probabilistic labeling of training-data sets for weak supervision. Very important if AI pipeline is to be scaled to the nth while ensuring sufficient model accuracy.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Human League "(Keep Feeling) Fascination" from Fascination! JK--1983. Easily one of my favorite synth-pop hits from the early 80s. The woozy romance of the undulating electronic wash on this made the groove unforgettable. During my courtship of Egidia

"Avoid turbulence when shifting to data analytics in the cloud" (http://ow.ly/uL8r30nMDaG ) JK--George Lawton interviews James Kobielus and other tech boffins, mavens, gurus, brainiacs, and know-it-alls.

Having #KEXPDJ @loserboy play and read my dedication to my late wife Egidia yesterday was incredibly fulfilling for me as a person. But also, his in-passing reference to my (albeit slight) impact on the station as a long-term listener wasn't something I had realized.

New jk #SiliconANGLE#Think2019 article: "At Think 2019, IBM brings AI to the multicloud but confronts formidable challenges" (http://ow.ly/S8kf30nMAXX )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Green Pajamas "Kim the Waitress" from Indian Winter JK--1997. Guy writes poems, afraid to show them to the hot server. Dude: women don't give a damn about your poems--but the fact that you write them might turn some on. Just saying.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Clodhopper "Cafe Joli" from Red's Recovery Room JK--1998. I always wait for the line "JJ's got his hands down his pants." Makes me laugh every time.

Ah yes, deepfakes. That explains the glut of devastatingly beautiful available women within walking distance of me on online dating sites.

Marie Kondo. I assume she'll start recommending that we purge worldly possessions so they can fit into a condo. I wonder if she will recommend a special origami for folding all my crappy-ass old dress shirts before I chuck them into a dumpster.

For @jameskobielusand "Honey.""John, (s)adly, the love of my life passed away ...we had 37 years as a couple...with two awesome grown-up children and a young grandson who'll have no personal memory of his beautiful, vivacious, awesomely smart and sensible grandma." RIP Egidia.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Police "The Bed's Too Big Without You" from Reggata De Blanc JK--1979. @loserboy got the pronunciation of Egidia's name exactly right. Thanks for the dedication. She was one awesome lady/wife/mom/grandma. Jason, Sonya, and Declan also send their best

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Andrew Bird "Sisyphus" from My Finest Work Yet JK--2019. Wonderfully cheeky LP title. If this song is any indication, it may be accurate.

Presidents Day. I don't consider the current person in the White House a president.  of a resident. In the sense of occupant. As in occupier.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Sevana "Easy to Breathe" from Sevana EP JK--2016. Nice. Sounds a bit  Beyonce doing romantic reggae.

Bucket list? I own far too many buckets. I may need to rid myself of some. And making a list of them would be pointless. I'll just kick them when I see them.

New jk #Datanami column: "Let’s Accept That AI Leadership Is Everywhere" (http://ow.ly/u4ak30nGQYw ) (author's note: written in January)

New jk #TechBeacon article "How to manage full-spectrum DevOps that spans multiple clouds" (http://ow.ly/f5L230nBJ6Z ) (author note: written in December; publisher told me it would appear in February; I'm on bereavement leave from my entire career for the next few weeks)

"How Long Will We Live in 2069?" (http://ow.ly/f0Kt30nxWbb ) JK--Those of us on the scene then will almost certainly live anywhere between 1 and 365 days in that year. But all bets are off for 2070.

"Looking Back at Google’s Research Efforts in 2018" (http://ow.ly/nbNJ30nxPIH ) JK--They have a staggering range of cutting-edge projects. Where to start?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Talking Heads "Life During Wartime" from Fear Of Music JK--1979. In its heyday, no artist performed country, bluegrass, or blues at CBGBs OMFUG. But there was indeed other music for uplifting gormandizers in ripped jeans & leather jackets.

"How an ordinary camera can see around corners" (http://ow.ly/A7YV30nxMgp ) JK--Embedded AI infers unseen-object attributes from its shadows, reflections, and scattering of light on visible surfaces. See also my "Doing Computer Vision Without Cameras" (http://ow.ly/AjY330nxMrO )

"Three ways to react to the rise of the machines" (http://ow.ly/UT7s30nxLEw ) JK--What is this "rise of the machines" crapola? Quit framing this in a hysterical apocalyptic science-fiction narrative.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Avalanches "Frontier Psychiatrist" from Since I Left You JK--2001. "It's the opinion of the entire staff that Dexter is criminally insane." Samples Disney "The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes" (1969). Joe Flynn about Kurt Russell (http://ow.ly/R14h30nxLlX )

"AI Competition Is the New Space Race" (http://ow.ly/uwec30nxIXA ) JK--No, it isn't. The new "space race" is literally that. It's the race by commercial enterprises to ferry cargos & passengers to and from earth orbit, the Moon, and elsewhere in space. AI is part of that, obviously

My wife didn't remember the name of the star football player married to Gisele Bundchen, but stated that she doesn't  him. I'm not crazy about Tom Brady either, but he did attend the University of Michigan, so he can't be all bad.

"ASF Announces Apache Hadoop v3.2.0 (http://ow.ly/Pvm330nxHS9 ) JK--Includes Hadoop Submarine, which "enables data engineers to easily develop, train & deploy deep learning models (in TensorFlow) on very same Hadoop YARN cluster." How does this stack up to Spark, performance-wise?

"Artificial Intelligence Isn’t as Autonomous Nor Intelligent as You Might Think" (http://ow.ly/LrRY30nxBrY ) JK--Discuss amongst yourselves. Oh, I'm so verklempt!

"Is ITIL still relevant in a DevOps world?" (http://ow.ly/r8IG30nxAQI ) JK--Honestly, I never fully understood what ITIL is or what value it adds to IT operations. I know it's not an IEEE standard, ISO9000, ISDN, or a type of iPhone. I'm pretty sure of that.

"Open Source & Machine Learning: A Dynamic Duo" (http://ow.ly/CTyN30nxAva ) JK--Really? Which one's Batman and which one's the Boy Wonder?

Another emailed request by PR for some vendor who wants me to retroactively mention their client in some article I published a while back. Even if possible, where would it end? Should I retroactively edit my Network World columns from the late 90s to state that Netscape is toast?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Dandy Warhols "Be Alright" from Why You So Crazy JK--2019. Good new one from the Portland-based indie-rock stalwarts. I just checked online. Their first record came out almost a quarter-century ago. I play their best-of LP a lot. Dandys rule. OK?

New jk #SiliconANGLE#Think2019 article: "Recapping the Think 2019 “Journey to Cloud” Community CrowdChat" (http://ow.ly/eWhI30nxx4z )

New jk #SiliconANGLE#CLEUR article: "At Cisco Live, executives discuss strategic directions in multicloud networking" (https://siliconangle.com/2019/01/31/cisco-live-executives-discuss-strategic-directions-multicloud-networking/ …)

"The Pentagon Spent $22M Studying UFOs, Dark Energy, Invisibility Cloaks" (http://ow.ly/t7Nh30nwHen ) JK--Sounds  their top geeks spent a weekend reviewing every episode of Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

"I Cut Google Out Of My Life. It Screwed Up Everything" (http://ow.ly/eUqz30nwGgf ) JK--Is the author trying to wean herself off ubiquitous digital companies' offerings in reverse FAANG order? What's next? Disentangle your life from Netflix, then Amazon, then Apple, then Facebook?

"Serverless computing’s dark side: less portability for your apps" (http://ow.ly/LKIe30nwF2t ) JK--Good piece by Linthicum. But just say "disadvantage." Saying serverless has a "dark side" smacks of Pee-wee Herman telling Dottie not to get involved with him:

"10 Worthwhile Books Written by Self-Made Billionaires" (http://ow.ly/9ptx30nwEqX ) JK--Please recommend 10 worthwhile self-written books by self-made billionaires. A billion bucks can buy a lot of premo ghost-writing talent. Which of them actually keystroked their memoir verbiage?

"Marketing Mindfulness: A New Age of Digital Consciousness" (http://ow.ly/wHCI30nwEcJ ) JK--Um, ok, I'm as Zen as the next geek, but I prefer to mindlessly automate this digital stuff to the ommmmmth degree.

The deep freeze in the Midwest has reached crisis proportions. It's too cold to deliver the beer in Chippewa Falls. Wisconsinites will resort to cannibalism sooner than sacrifice their brewski.

New jk #SiliconANGLE#CLEUR article: "At Cisco Live, agile programmability builds and governs multicloud applications" (http://ow.ly/rwvP30nw9IW )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Courtney Marie Andrews "Irene" from Honest Life JK--2016. That's a really nice country song. A warm shoulder to cry on kind of solidarity song

Ah yes I remember all those polar vortices from my childhood in Michigan. I remember being sucked down into their frigid guts every January and spit back up in mid-Lent. I routinely survived.

New jk #SiliconANGLE#CLEUR article: "At Cisco Live, AI optimizes networking across the multicloud" (http://ow.ly/AOSh30nv4LR )

"Cisco aims to turn the corner on its multicloud journey: Watch live from Cisco Live Barcelona" (http://ow.ly/jbf830nuWv0 ) JK--Quotes me #CLEUR

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Billy Bragg & Wilco "California Stars" from Mermaid Avenue JK--1998. Lyric written by Woody Guthrie while living at 827 Cedar Ave, Long Beach CA (see photo). Sometime between 1937-40. Wandering minstrel also resided in Skid Row, Glendale, and Echo Park.

"Cisco brings its data center infrastructure to wherever data lives" (http://ow.ly/yM9630nuCFp ) JK--Includes a quote from me. #CLEUR

New jk #InfoWorld column: "Knative may be the serverless computing standard you need" (http://ow.ly/CMvr30nuCA9 )

Join me et al this Tues Jan 29 at 9-10am PST/12noon-1pm EST for live #DataProtectionCrowdChat Multicloud Data Protection Ops:

Join me et al this Wed Jan 30 at 9-10am PST/12noon-1pm EST for live #Think2019CrowdChat Journey to Cloud: https://www.crowdchat.net/think2019 . Here’s recent #Wikibonblog with my

"Twitter is the crystal meth of newsrooms" (http://ow.ly/3dxA30ntJxm ) JK--As can be seen in the idiotic kneejerk reporting of any nonsense tweeted that supports whatever story angle they're rushing to deadline with.

"How one university changed overnight when it let 25 semiautonomous robots roam its campus" (http://ow.ly/kG3O30ntJkR ) JK--They started their own frat and began to semiautonomously throw the wildest party you've ever seen.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Robert Wyatt "'Round Midnight" from Mid-Eighties JK--1993. Love his plaintive forlorn sounding wisp of a voice.

"The Hidden Automation Agenda of the Davos Elite" (http://ow.ly/7R3n30ntHeR ) JK--I'm wondering when the leaders of the "many consulting and technology firms whose pop-up storefronts line the Davos Promenade" will rollout the automated machinery that makes them literally pop up.

"We analyzed 16,625 papers to figure out where AI is headed next" (http://ow.ly/oHR130ntGSU ) JK--All that trouble just to learn that neural networks and reinforcement learning are where it's going? Why kill yrself? Just read my stuff. I take you above, below, & beyond the obvious.

Already the onslaught of fund-requesting emails from presidential hopefuls begins. At least my spam filters are hip this time around.

Workout buffs who regale you with stories of all the fractures, sprains, bruises, and dislocations they've suffered as a result of their hobby. Seem to believe the nonsense about what hasn't yet killed you making you stronger. Gradual enfeeblement isn't fitness.

Caught a few reruns of the 1970s Bob Newhart sitcom on one of those basic cable channels. Reminded me what a fascinating actor he is. Absolute stillness of face, voice, limbs, and physical presence, while always riveting, witty, and devastatingly funny. Very engaging deadpan.

Caught "Bad Times At The El Royale" on DVD. Jeff Bridges was his usual brilliance. Jon Hamm nailed his role's tonality modulations with expert precision. Cynthia Erivo was a revelation, and, damn, can she sing!

What's with professional people who can't keep phone appointments and don't circle back to deliver an insincere apology or even a lame excuse? Life's too short to cavort with flakes.

"What’s coming in TensorFlow 2.0" (http://ow.ly/hwoJ30ns16L ) JK--In preview soon. Simplicity and ease of use. Easy model building with Keras and eager execution. Robust model deployment in production on any platform. etc.

"White Paper on AI Chip Technologies" (http://ow.ly/41HX30nrZMM ) JK--Really good research study on the state of this tech and market right now.

"Every Gadget and App Should Have a Dark Mode" (http://ow.ly/jPBG30nrZiE ) JK--Yes, I agree. Every digital thing should default to spreading lies and slander about you while you're sleeping. You disarm by slapping its "uncle" button.

"Can Microsoft Save Seattle and Society—or Should They Even Try?" (http://ow.ly/IcaN30nrYCK ) JK--Certainly. They should at least try to save Seattle from the mega tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanos, and Godzilla-scale sasquatches predicted by Nostradamus. It's just a matter of time.

"Amazon's Robotic Tech Vest Protects Humans From Robots" (http://ow.ly/mRMM30nrYrs ) JK--"When the robots do finally turn on us, Amazon's remaining human workforce may be the only ones left standing due to the protective vests they'll soon all wear."

"Why We Are in Danger of Overestimating AI" (http://ow.ly/8APH30nrY7U ) JK--We're in danger because there's too much money chasing too many world-shattering opportunities in AI and all things it could potentially transform.

"Reframing Superintelligence: Comprehensive AI Services as General Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/5SPC30nrXNM ) JK--Eric Drexler's very probing & provocative book-eg p. 89 "Learning can be accelerated and amortized."

"Quantum-embedded chips could secure IoT" (http://ow.ly/8Jkz30nrWtb ) JK--Someone please wake me when statements about quantum computing's applications are phrased in the present indicative, not the futuristic subjunctive. Quantum could also render all crypto security impotent.

"IoT Benchmarks Need Support" (http://ow.ly/wJt730nrVKe ) JK--EEMBC. I discussed their machine learning benchmark suite in this SiliconANGLE article last May:

"What happens when driverless car meets delivery robot at an intersection?" (http://ow.ly/NWJu30nrTyM ) JK--Before we get to that, tell me the one about what happens when a driverless rabbi and a robot priest walk into a bar.

"Artificial intelligence will become the next new human right" (http://ow.ly/Um9c30nrTq8 ) JK--Oh, gimme a break. Let's start with real human intelligence. Ever heard of a universal human right called "education"? No? Let me educate you on the topic. Make it free, by the way.

Spam's getting vaguely threatening this morning. Subject line: "Read for your own good." What's next? "You better read if you know what's good for you"? "We have ways of making you read"? "I know a guy who didn't read, and it wasn't pretty"?

New jk #InformationWeekcolumn: "Training AI to Save Lives" (http://ow.ly/akpo30nrazl )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jessica Pratt "Aeroplane" from Quiet Signs JK--2019. If this quiet gossamer breath of a melody doesn't float inside your waking dreams, nothing will.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "Harnessing AI to power automated management of containerized multiclouds" (http://ow.ly/nQDD30nqZmM )

"Congress is finally embracing bug bounties. Will it backfire?" (http://ow.ly/B6pq30nqYuM ) JK--Whaddya mean "will it?"? Practically engineered to backfire. Insiders will collude with "ethical hackers" in a never-ending cycle of planting & squashing bugs & then divvying bounties.

"Introducing Nauta: A Distributed Deep Learning Platform for Kubernetes" (http://ow.ly/VabN30nqXtv ) JK--Intel's multi-user, multinode distributed computing environment for running containerized DL training/inferencing on Xeon Scalable processor-based systems over K8s/Kubeflow.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Adrianne Lenker "Symbol" from abysskiss JK--2018. Based in Brooklyn, but has a nice wistful mystical acoustic British folk feel.

Just received an email newsletter with the subject line "subject line goes here." I'm assuming this is a prompt asking readers to fill in whatever subject line fits the content therein. At a glance, I'll suggest "another daily dose of humdrum industry news."

Just read a blog with a headline "How to build an API for a machine learning model in 5 minutes." Aren't tools supposed to automate this? How about building an API that helps me recover those lost 5 minutes of my life?

RIP Russell Baker. One of the greatest newspaper columnists in US history. I found his stuff consistently well-written, perceptive, wry, and flat-out funny. One of many examples: this "generalissimo" New York Times column from 1975:

"Paying Users for Their Data Would Exacerbate Digital Inequality" (http://ow.ly/9VoP30nqwMs ) JK--Marketers would pay  to affluent people, because they're  lucrative to target, hence their personal identifiable info is worth  than low-income people's.

New jk #SiliconANGLE#CLEUR article: "Powering a multicloud world: a recap of Wikibon’s Cisco Live Community CrowdChat" (http://ow.ly/JddM30nqq2G )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jenny Lewis "Red Bull & Hennessy" from On The Line JK--2019. Good one from her upcoming. Crunchy guitar on this one.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sir Babygirl "Haunted House" from Crush on Me JK--2019. "The overall concept is that we’re trapped inside my diary, so we wanted the set to reflect the idea of being trapped in your own trauma with no perception of the outside world."

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Pinback "Blue Harvest" from Autumn of the Seraphs JK--2007. That's great running rhythm. Something you can work out to.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ella Jenkins "Wade in the Water" from African-American Folk Rhythms JK--1960. 1st lady of kids' folk. Still alive, Jenkins was born same day as my late father. She was top-selling recording artist in '75-'77 at Teacher's Store, Livonia MI (my first job).

"5G and autonomous vehicles might not go hand-in-hand" (http://ow.ly/9mpB30noiww ) JK--Not so fast. I could've sworn somebody at CES 2019 demoed an autonomous vehicle that has hands. Unless the whole event was just somebody's idea of a practical joke.

Today is exactly halfway through the horror of Trump's term.

Saw the Martin Sheen narrated documentary on Mark Twain's 1867 voyage to Europe and the Holy Land to write about it for a San Francisco newspaper.Blows my mind that SF publishers funded his expensive junket less than 2 decades after the gold rush.

Caught Rick Steves' hourlong PBS documentary last night on 1920s-1940s European fascism. I half-expecting a facile travelogue. I was wrong. He went into considerable historical depth.

Caught the 1985 made-for-TV version of "Death of a Salesman" last night. I'd only glanced at the text during my college years. Had never seen it performed. I found my self glued to the screen. Hoffman, Malkovich, et al were sensational.

Female fitness instructor asked today if I'd been athletic in my younger days. In a lifetime of people complimenting me on my intelligence, that's unprecedented. Banking that ego boost someplace special.

New jk #SiliconANGLE article: "Virtualization is just getting warmed up" (https://siliconangle.com/2019/01/18/virtualization-just-getting-warmed/ …)

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "Step by step, how enterprises should embark on the journey to the cloud" (https://siliconangle.com/2019/01/18/step-step-enterprises-embark-journey-cloud/ …)

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "Using Kubernetes to monitor and control the multicloud networking fabric" (http://ow.ly/BeBD30nmVtr )

Noticing the incoming email subject line: "Reminder : You has been disabled two-factor authentication for this time, it will make your account unsafe. [FWD]." Reminder? Forwarded? Grammatical number mismatch? What two-factor authentication? A knot of pure nonsense.

New jk #SiliconANGLE#Think2019 article: "Recapping the Think 2019 “Journey to AI” community CrowdChat: AI everywhere" (http://ow.ly/Tadl30nmd6V )

It's not clear to me how you can argue that DWs are a good fit with edge computing. DW is the heart of data governance, which tends to require centralized data storage/control. Please clarify. #think2019

"The Attention Economy Is Malthusian Trap" (http://ow.ly/EH1b30nlHBy ) JK--What this op/ed headline means is that overpopulation of digital media in our lives has caused FAANG stock price-to-earning ratios to collapse. No, we're not going to starve, a la Thomas Malthus prediction

"Cisco touts 5 techs that will change networking in 2019" (http://ow.ly/8nve30nlHci ) JK--Wi-Fi 6/802.11ax, 5G, geolocation, software-defined WAN, AI/ML for net mgt. Please tune into theCUBE live during Cisco Live Europe, Barcelona, Jan 28-Feb 1: http://ow.ly/Zna830nlHkg #CLEUR

"19 tools to tame Kubernetes deployments" (http://ow.ly/tn4r30nlGXa ) JK--Excellent roundup by Serdar Yegulalp on solutions for monitoring and controlling sprawling cloud-native computing applications across orchestrated fabrics.

"10 Wearable Devices That Stole The Show At CES 2019" (http://ow.ly/yfkC30nlGv4 ) JK--"Wearable bra fit technology that takes accurate breast measurements in a matter of seconds"? Why would a woman use this device  than once? Un blood pressure, this metric rarely changes.

"How NIST is preparing to defend against quantum attacks" (http://ow.ly/UNDr30nlG9B ) JK--I'm confused. Puts NIST in headline and mentions once in body of article. But the discussion is almost entirely NSA. Not same agency. Former is in Montgomery County, latter in Anne Arundel.

"Recent Breakthrough Papers In AI Ethics" (http://ow.ly/mUYM30nlFEE ) JK--The "Fairness and Abstraction in Sociotechnical Systems" paper (http://ow.ly/WhJN30nlFK4 ) strikes me as interesting. You can't build "fair ML" apps in isolation from larger social/econ/political/legal system.

"WANdisco Breaks Down the Barrier to Multi-Cloud Data Deployments with General Availability of LiveData for MultiCloud" (http://ow.ly/chm930nlEuE ) JK--Interesting use of blockchain to keep data available and consistent across multiple cloud environments in different geographies.

"Can you make an AI that isn’t ableist?" (http://ow.ly/YwkK30nlDbS ) JK--Refers to risks of building/training models on behavioral data sets that underrepresent disabled people (a stat minority) or, if disability undisclosed, don't adjust for difficulties collecting data from them

"Container Orchestration for IoT Devices & Distributed Systems" (http://ow.ly/e5Bp30nlCNf ) JK--Interesting discussion of Nebula Container Orchestrator, a latency-tolerant, self-healing orchestrator that scales out to 100s of 1000s of devices running multiple HW architectures.

RIP Carol Channing. One of the most iconic of post-WW2 star Broadway musical comedy performers. Her voice, features, and gangly style of moving were almost perfectly engineered to take command of the stage. Despite platinum blonde tresses, it was no surprise she was biracial.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Love "Everybody's Gotta Live" from Reel to Real JK--1974. Standout from this great LA band's final LP.

As I discussed in this Wikibon study (https://wikibon.com/building-applications-hybrid-clouds/ …), building apps for hybrid clouds requires comprehensive hybrid data management, plus hybrid abstractions, runtimes, and workload management tooling. #think2019

Here's my Think 2018 wrap-up post, which includes detailed discussion of IBM Cloud Private for Data's support for the AI DevOps pipeline: https://wikibon.com/ibm-rolls-sophisticated-cloud-ai-offerings-think-2018/ …#think2019

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp LCD Soundsystem "Losing My Edge" from LCD Soundsystem JK--2005. I hear you have a clue about every single one of these too-hip-by-half indie-music references. I've heard you're insufferable about reminding people of that fact at parties.

"DARPA wants to build an AI to find the patterns hidden in global chaos" (http://ow.ly/q30m30nj7Nl ) JK--Sounds a bit too grandiose. I suggest that DoD train its AI to search for meaningful patterns in its commander-in-chief's chaotic head.

"Top 10 Incubators in Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/CAUB30nj7p8 ) JK--Good list of places converging enterpreneurial energy, smart people, and venture funding.

"Smart speakers set to own the consumer ecosystem" (http://ow.ly/f0Uf30nj4GL ) JK--That's a bit of an overstatement. Digital voice assistants will become ubiquitous. Consumers want all devices, not just speakers, to work with their preferred voice assistant.

"CES 2019: Did IBM just reveal first commercial quantum computer?" (http://ow.ly/xRQd30nj3WD ) JK--Not entirely. What's interesting in this announcement is how they're thinking ahead to how such systems might in the future be made field-upgradable.

"Amazon is getting  serious about Alexa in the car with Telenav deal" (http://ow.ly/3B5B30nj1XY ) JK--Really? Won't it get kind of annoying having to say "Alexa" every time you want it to do something useful?

Favorite spam headline of the morning: "If true, this could be one of the greatest discoveries in human history." I've been saying that for years about Bigfoot.

"Making deep learning  secure: Google releases TensorFlow Privacy" (http://ow.ly/9Ivv30niWV7 ) JK--Train TF models with differential privacy: increase privacy by letting developers set various tradeoffs relating to the amount of noise applied to the user data being processed.

"10 Pragmatic Expectations for Machine Learning Technologies in 2019" (http://ow.ly/E0Fp30niWGm ) JK--That's a really good roundup of emerging techs in this space, from the point of view of what's helping data scientists to push the envelope of established development practices.

Watched "60 Minutes" do a thoroughly shallow and sensationalistic story on AI. Whatever China does, Silicon Valley does in spades. Enough with the job-killing Big Brother smear job.

We live in the DC area. It's gotten to the point where I speculate silently on who among us at the mall, gym, Panera, etc is furloughed. The crowds at these hangouts seem larger than usual for January.

Everybody's at the gym in advance of the winter storm. Can't say they're working on their beach bodies. If they're  me, they're working on their snow-shoveling biceps.

New jk #SiliconANGLE article: "How to run high-performance Kubernetes apps in the multicloud" (https://siliconangle.com/2019/01/11/run-high-performance-kubernetes-apps-multicloud/ …)

"Bees that wear tiny sensor-filled backpacks could monitor farms all day long" (http://ow.ly/b7zF30nhqYu ) JK--I don't want to be the guy that has to strap those stupid little things on them. It's all yours.

"What Tech Will Look  in 2039" (http://ow.ly/l0Mf30nhqN5 ) JK--Still no damn jetpacks?! What's the future coming to?

"This million-core supercomputer inspired by the human brain breaks all the rules" (http://ow.ly/9ooO30nhq3m ) JK--Interactions among processing nodes are probabilistic, just  they are at the core of any neural net. Can't predict exactly how the end-to-end system will behave.

"This clever AI hid data from its creators to cheat at its appointed task" (http://ow.ly/psXT30nhpBk ) JK--Actually, th AI didn't "hide" the data or "cheat" at its appointed tasks. It simply trained itself how to encode that data inconspicuously in an image. No intended concealment

Approaching the midway point of Trump's term. Can't believe we have to endure this kind of abuse for another two years. At least.

"Delivering first-class digital user experience a big CIO goal in 2019" (http://ow.ly/koTN30nh5kG ) JK--Includes an interview with me.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Cigarettes After Sex "Neon Moon" from Neon Moon JK--2018. That's a very nice languid one. You can easily imagine them speeding up the tempo, but somehow that would destroy its charm.

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Implementing the Enterprise Journey to AI" (http://ow.ly/YyMg30ngC8C )

Notice how I began my CES 2019 coverage with a piece focused on "digital wellness" (http://ow.ly/SWTT30ngaQv ). Gadget-craziness--a la CES 2019--can destabilize mental wellness, if not recognized. Hoarding digital goodies in your walled compound invites Collyer Brothers Syndrome.

All the home security gadgets at CES 2019, as well as smart home stuff generally. I don't know about you, but I'm a bit unnerved by people being encouraged to wall themselves off in digital towers of their own making. I don't think it's healthy for real (not digital) communities.

"Top 9 Blockchain Interviews of 2018 an Exec Should Read" (http://ow.ly/4dF930nga6L ) JK--Rarely do I tweet an article twice. But this one not only includes the interview with me, but puts me before IBM's Arvind Krishna and the notorious Edward Snowden. Yes, I rank.

"Inside Facebook's 'cult-' workplace, where dissent is discouraged and employees pretend to be happy all the time" (http://ow.ly/ntLI30ng9LR ) JK--I've come across too many dysfunctional places whose party line is "our culture is our differentiator" to doubt this story's drift.

"The 10 Most Important CES 2019 Announcements And New Products" (http://ow.ly/EppU30ng8TL ) JK--And check out my 3 days coverage on #SiliconANGLE#Wikibon: http://ow.ly/uU6330ng8Xe http://ow.ly/o1qS30ng8XU 

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Marianne Faithfull "Witches Song" from Negative Capability JK--2018. Nice to hear an older Marianne return to a song that was a standout on her awesome 1979 LP "Broken English."

"Top 9 Blockchain Interviews of 2018 an Exec Should Read" JK--one of them is me.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "Digital assistants rule the show at CES 2019" (http://ow.ly/P9Ov30nfML9 )

New jk #SiliconANGLEcolumn: "At CES, robotics delivers AI into every corner of our lives" (http://ow.ly/g86930nePV7 )

"Ready or not, a lot  AI-powered services are coming in 2019" (http://ow.ly/lKrI30nePPP ) JK--Rob Hof of #SiliconANGLEcites me et al.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter "Dewayne" from Dewayne JK--2018. Jesse sings with the grainiest beauty imaginable. Her rooted rootsy cooing definitely raises tingles up & down my scalp. Every time. Guaranteed.

Took briefing from John Bicknell of Portland OR-based process-mining startup  Cowbell Unlimited. As good an excuse as any to play a little Blue Oyster Cult or SNL. http://ow.ly/Fywi30neyhD 

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Piroshka "Everlastingly Yours" from Brickbat JK--2019. Nice. Her voice reminds me of Kirsty MacColl.

"1000s of terrorists stopped at the [southern] border? Official figures show it's 6." (http://ow.ly/I8Jj30nerOg ) JK--Not even that. It's 6 names in a database that are simply "suspected." During same period, 91 were stopped trying to enter from north. Where's the Canadian wall?

"Tech giants, stop gorging on AI professors" (http://ow.ly/8qO330nerwv ) JK--Yeah, you have to wonder who's left to teach these courses: slacker first-years?

Flipping the channels last night past a lot of "Surviving R. Kelly" stuff. I must admit that I find his soft R&B exceptionally generic and boring. My attention span survives about 30 seconds into any one of his songs, then I flip away. I won't comment on his morals.

I don't know why my mind is blown by the fact that "School of Rock" was adapted for the stage by none other than Andrew Lloyd Webber. Is this an artistic challenge or does he simply generate cash now?

New jk #TechTarget column: "Predictions for Edge Computing in 2019" (http://ow.ly/Absv30ndQoI )

"Technology We Regret Buying" (http://ow.ly/IOEm30ndzsX ) JK--I'm going to have to say WIndows Millennium Edition. The single worst, slowest, most malware-vulnerable OS I've ever had the misfortune to run on a home computer. I still feel remorse for inflicting that crap on my kids.

"Pentagon Seeks a List of Ethical Principles for Using AI in War" (http://ow.ly/hQST30ndyVO ) JK--Really? In the broader perspective, what are the "ethical principles" for war in general? Don't tell me. I don't want to know.

"The 10 Biggest Cybersecurity Predictions For 2019" (http://ow.ly/WXGJ30ndvoF ) JK--"Biggest" in what sense? Word count? Number of clicks and impressions you intend to elicit with this slide show? Which of these is biggest on the plausibility scale?

New jk #Dataversity article: "Predictions for Big Data Analytics in 2019" (http://ow.ly/d1ST30nduQb )

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "At CES, look for an onslaught of AI-stoked digital wellness products" (http://ow.ly/shk530ncPIc )

New jk #Datanami column: "Predictions for Application Development in 2019" (http://ow.ly/qurR30nbhz6 )

"Curbs on A.I. Exports? Silicon Valley Fears Losing Its Edge" (http://ow.ly/HXXH30nb0GI ) JK--Here is my perspective from several months ago on what that would be a dumb idea:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Cocteau Twins "Bluebeard" from Four-Calendar Café JK--1993. This is a wickedly tingle-inducing track from a band that specialized in that effect. One of my favorite albums from the '90s.

"Samsung C-Lab to Reveal 8 New AI Projects at CES 2019" (http://ow.ly/YU3030naZiZ ) JK--In-video virtual ad svc, autonomous sensory meridian response sound recording solution, instant videomaking service, AI news analysis svc, custom perfume making svc, auto-adjusting monitor, etc

"5 Things To Know About The New Public Dell" (http://ow.ly/pA7u30naYYP ) JK--One of them is that they plan Dell EMC and VMware to have tighter technology integration: hyperconverged infrastructure, virtual storage area networks, virtual desktop management, etc.

"CES 2019 won't be a big leap forward for TVs. Here's why" (http://ow.ly/6Nkj30naYau ) JK--Article author waiting for TV-sized micro light-emitting diode (LED) displays direct-view quantum dot (QD), and organic LED/QD hybrid TVs. Bigger, sharper, higher-resolution moving images.

"Top 10 Data Predictions leading to zero-latency future in 2019" (http://ow.ly/2Wj830naY1F ) JK--He should have stopped after the 6th prediction. I don't see how multicloud, debiasing, and privacy protection reduce latency (aka delays) in data acquisition, movement, or processing.

"Why deep neural networks don’t actually think" (http://ow.ly/vk5b30naXmq ) JK--Thanks for clarifying that. I was concerned that I might need to hire a data scientist to retrain my aging brain.

"How to Develop Better Habits in 2019" (http://ow.ly/U1f830naVSX ) JK--I  how you have to slog through lots of other advice before you arrive at "keep it simple." I notice they forgot "get your ass up out of that chair." That always applies.

"Transforming an Amsterdam brothel into a home" (http://ow.ly/l3L030naVLh ) JK--Medium recommended this article for me "based on your reading history." I'm not sure what they're insinuating here.

"After 60 Years, IT’s Time for a Name Change" (http://ow.ly/IJyZ30naVrQ ) JK--Indeed. November 1958 was an auspicious month for naming new things. I propose a swap: I'll gladly rename myself "information technology" if everybody chooses to call IT "James Kobielus." IT--c'est moi!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp School of Seven Bells "Half Asleep" from Alpinisms JK--2008. Prime example of the moody musical beauty of the late Ben Curtis and the beautiful Deheza sisters. Claudia left in 2010. Alejandra released her and Ben's final collaborations in 2016.

"Tech That Will Change Your Life in 2019" (http://ow.ly/2iEk30na6uU ) JK--I think the self-driving delivery wagons will be everywhere before long. I'll bet many jurisdictions start to create dedicated lanes for them, perhaps repurposing underutilized bike lanes on major roads.

"The Media’s Post-Advertising Future Is Also Its Past" (http://ow.ly/SobN30na5It ) JK--Subscription-based revenues. Patronage-oriented ownership. Pushy partisan propagandizing promoting itself as news.

"The Most Amazing Artificial Intelligence Milestones So Far" (http://ow.ly/DHPv30na5d3 ) JK--Bernard Marr starts with Rene Descartes. Um, ok. Here's a video of me interviewing Bernard in Berlin last April.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Mercury Rev feat Hope Sandoval "Big Boss Man" from Bobbie Gentry's the Delta Sweete Revisited JK--2019. Nice and sultry. Here's Gentry at 19 on June 29, 1962 (on the left). Center is Lana Turner's daughter Cheryl Crane, 4 years after stabbing Stompanato

"10 Hot AI-powered IoT startups" (http://ow.ly/gxTx30na3u0 ) JK--Much of this is in industrial applications.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp U2 "New Year’s Day" from War JK--1983. This song's video is indelibly linked in my memory with early MTV. I channeled some UW-Madison fellowship $ into cable TV for my off-campus apartment. Greatly boosted my productivity working on that damn thesis.

"Biggest Tech Fails of 2018" (http://ow.ly/mOM230na2ya ) JK--You could look at it that way or as learning exercises. We learned that airports need counterdrone defenses. We also learned that Elon Musk likes to brag about making rash high-stakes decisions while under the influence.

"Data as Incomplete History" (http://ow.ly/pYLm30na289 ) JK--Discusses how historians have long adapted their research scopes, methods, and findings to (or been hoodwinked by) the sparsity and biases in the records. You can't go back in time to make our ancestors keep tidy notes.

"Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation and your Brain" (http://ow.ly/fj5a30na1Ga ) JK--Brain-state wavebands: delta (1–3 Hz; deepest meditation/sleep); theta (4–7 Hz, normal sleep; alpha (8–12 Hz, relax/reflect); beta (13–30 Hz, focus/alert); gamma (31–50 Hz): conscious perception

"Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/NlTS30na1fj ) JK--It's not true to claim that "neural networks aren’t really interpretable." Feature engineering is the heart of much neural network modeling. Feature sets enable interpretation of data-driven AI insights.

I'm going to leave my tree and lights up till Christmas. The Orthodox celebration. Sunday. That's my new year's epiphany.

Flying by Ultima Thule. Preferable to contemplating signals from Earth at this moment in time.

Another new year. Another spate of house parties. The older I get the  keenly I realize I'm allergic to dogs and to conversations about Trump. I maintain a cordial distance to keep my aggrieved cavities clear of dander & dudgeon.

Zuckerberg's year-end blog (http://ow.ly/IPF730n9dcR ) re what Facebook is doing to prevent election interference (http://ow.ly/yniw30n9ded ), stop spread of harmful content (http://ow.ly/Ylew30n9dfI ), improve people's well-being on social media (http://ow.ly/HtZJ30n9dgv ), etc.

Asimov's 1983 predictions for 2019 (http://ow.ly/eda530n9cNZ ) JK--Wrong-ity wrong: "By 2019, ...the nations will be getting along well enough to allow the planet to live under the faint semblance of a world government by co-operation." And "we will be back on the moon in force."

Dear Medium Re Your Message: "You read a lot. We  http://that.You ’ve reached the end of your free member preview for this month": You present the exact headlines that I can Google to circumvent your paywall and read the content for free at its source. I like that.

"Synthetic data generation — a must-have skill for new data scientists" (http://ow.ly/xGjV30n9chy ) JK--Per my #InfoWorld July 2017 column, this tech will break the advantage that owners of large training-data sets have over AI dev.

Sources of two #KEXP audio insert clips between songs & DJ on-mic: "dent in the universe" ("Steve Jobs,""Pirates of Silicon Valley," 1999), and "damn fine cup of coffee" ("Agent Dale Cooper", "Twin Peaks," 1990): http://ow.ly/MkCc30n9bUu 

"Amazon Patent Tips Doorbell Cams Linked to Photo Databases" (http://ow.ly/tb8z30n9bdX ) JK--My sense is that this capability will come standard in all future homes. Whether Amazon or somebody else dominates that market is TBD.

"The 2019 forecast for cloud computing: Up the value chain they go" (http://ow.ly/4vyV30n98FP ) JK--Gillin's #SiliconANGLEroundup includes some of my predictions.

"Powering AI: The explosion of new AI hardware accelerators" (http://ow.ly/asP330n97kt ) JK--I wish to thank #InfoWorldfor republishing another piece of mine from July of this year. Happy New Year everybody!

We end every year by paying our estimated tax, federal and state. Why? So April won't be the cruelest month.

Caught "A Simple Favor" on DVD. Good one. Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick make for an interesting on-screen dynamic. Both play emotionally damaged ladies with poise and wit.

Once in a while, I see someone doing an interesting new technique on equipment at the fitness club. Guy on treadmill alternating every few steps north to west to south to east. Great dynamic equilibrium builder. Risky, though.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Broken Bells "Shelter" from Shelter JK--2018. Good new one from the latest LP in James Mercer and Dangermouse's collaboration.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp The Hives "Hate to Say I Told You So" from Veni Vidi Vicious JK--2000. These Swedes did my favorite full-on punk song from the turn of the millennium.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp DNA "Not Moving" from No New York JK--1978. Even on this "no wave" record, this stood out. It sounds  a ghastly industrial accident waiting to happen.

"Why It's Hard to Escape Amazon's Long Reach" (http://ow.ly/aCko30n7FqA ) JK--A dizzying grand tour of their disparate investments, LOBs, brands, and publishing imprints.

"MLPerf benchmark results showcase Nvidia's top AI training times" (http://ow.ly/J1bm30n7l0c ) JK--Check out my #Dataversitypost on MLPerf et al earlier this year:

"How to make algorithms fair when you don't know what they're doing" (http://ow.ly/VIHE30n7kNK ) JK--"Counterfactual explanations" technique give answers about why a decision was made without revealing guts of the algorithm. Identify lihood of outcomes from "unfair" predictors

"Who Do We Blame When an AI Finally Kills Somebody" (http://ow.ly/8iHO30n7jy7 ) JK--What is this? Robo death watch? Human inventions have been a mortality risk factor since prehistoric people sharpened stones & attached them to spears. Who was to be blamed for that?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Neil Young "Harvest" from "Harvest" JK--1972. Young and Dylan are both amazing songwriters, but I still enjoy mocking Bob's voice  than Neil's. Sorry, Shakey!

"Pivotal introduces Pivotal Function Service for serverless" (http://ow.ly/e2Ws30n7j0h ) JK--Not exactly. Pivotal announced an alpha of this Knative/Kubernetes based function-as-a-service platform. Nowhere near ready for enterprise primetime at this point.

"AI Index 2018 Report" (http://ow.ly/tOuR30n7iuj ) JK--Excellent quantitative research on trends in this market globally over the past year. Long detailed report on A.I. research activity, industry activity and technical performance for 2018.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Big Star "Thirteen" from #1 Record / Radio City JK--1972. Great song, but not clear why the girl's dad was on his back over "Paint It Black." Did her dad not  the song? Did he prefer it to "The Letter"? Back story please. Oh, wait, Chilton's gone.

"Nvidia AI research points to an evolution of the chip business" (http://ow.ly/931I30n7hIR ) JK--AI accelerator chips that power generative adversarial networks adept at rendering realistic video without a priori knowledge of the laws of physics.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Rocky Votolato "White Daisy Passing" from Makers JK--2006. My new Echo Dot can read my mind. The moment I hooked it up last night & asked it to play me a song, it surprised me with one of my faves of all time. Few melodies are pretty & singable as this.

"IBM targets enterprise AI workloads with new Nvidia-powered converged system" (http://ow.ly/bgaI30n7htO ) JK--I think it can safely be said that Nvidia's partnering-intensive go-to-market strategy locked down their leadership in enterprise AI hardware accelerator tech in 2018.

"DeepMind ‘closes chapter’ in AI research with new self-learning AlphaZero system" (http://ow.ly/DUvP30n7h1c ) JK--Has mastered three of the world’s most complex board games. Is anybody using AI to teach robots to master tiddlywinks? I'd wager serious money on that.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Julie Byrne "Melting Grid from Not Even Happiness JK--2017. Very melancholy. Sounds a bit Cowboy Junkies. 28-year-old singer-songwriter from Buffalo has worked as a park ranger in NYC's Central Park. I think that's pretty awesome. http://ow.ly/86SD30n7gMF 

"GigaSpaces Launches v14.0 of In-Memory Computing Platforms InsightEdge and XAP for Smarter, Faster Insights to Action" (http://ow.ly/IIMd30n7gvd ) JK--I'm in awe of any tech product that last long enough in market to have a Version 14 dot 0. This one's for cloud-native deploys.

Hey email marketer, when you say some promotional offerings were "handpicked" for me, please also attach a video showing an index finger pointing to those specific items and thumb then gesturing in my direction. Also, I need proof it's a hand attached to a non-idiot.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Ty Segall "I’m a Man" from Fudge Sandwich JK--2018. This consistently superb rocker does a great wailing Spencer Davis Group cover. Of course.

"Mission Moon 3-D" (http://ow.ly/3S1j30n7evz ) JK--David J. Eicher & Brian May discuss astronauts seeing little silhouetto of a man doing the fandango, thunderbolt & lightning, very very frightening, though (Galileo) Galileo, (Galileo) Galileo, Galileo Figaro declared magnifico.

"Literally Just A Big List Of Facebook’s 2018 Scandals" (http://ow.ly/mDaq30n7cR2 ) JK--Trump still has  scandals to his name, though. In case you're counting (I stopped).

"How Much of the Internet Is Fake? Turns Out, a Lot of It, Actually" (http://ow.ly/NpYx30n7c2W ) JK--Yeah. I might as well stop the pretense and fess up: I'm a robot.

"Data is eating the software that is eating the world" (http://ow.ly/hVN330n79wQ ) JK--For no apparent reason, #Infoworldreplayed my July column in their December 25 e-newsletter. July in Christmas, and I was present!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Wye Oak "Lifer" from The Louder I Call, The Faster It Runs JK--2018. Easily my favorite LP of the year. This is my favorite song from it. Thanks to DJ Evie Cooke for playing my request. "Do you think that life could be better?"

"The big problem with big data? Without theory, it's just garbage" (http://ow.ly/lLy730n77jT ) JK--I read into this article to figure out if that provocative headline was itself attached to garbage. It's a ho-hum statement of the need for data-driven predictive hypothesis testing.

It was a nice (essentially 5-day) weekend. Back to work digging through emails at a reasonably leisurely pace. The act of watching them pile up over the Christmas holiday was kind of pleasant.  a watching a yule log slowly incinerate.

It always seems to me that "quick question" should be given a quick consideration/response. It seems to be begging for a kneejerk "no." The very act of introducing your query in that manner seems to assume that. Just ask the question. But be quick about it.

Found my personal killer app for my new Amazon Echo Dot. Hooked it up to the Pandora account I've never used. Set it on Fleet Foxes Radio. Now I have a perfect wine-drinking soundtrack.

Donald Trump, answering phone call from federal worker's 7-year-old child on Christmas Eve: "Are you still a believer in mommy or daddy being able to pay for your Christmas presents? Think again, kid"

Trump uses his bully pulpit to shake a 7-year-old's faith in Santa Claus.

I remember 50 years ago tonight walking to midnight mass, worrying about the Apollo 8 astronauts orbiting the Moon. I was an altar boy, one among a couple dozen that night at St Edith.

Watching Hallmark Channel with my wife. Got it today in a free 3-month promo package from our cable company. Nothing says Christmas like pretty people falling in love on snowy evenings in the big city.

Nice Christmas vigil mass with Tom and Donna at their parish in Arlington. The sky is clear and blue as the sun sets in preparation for the Nativity. Cue the stars.

Finished the bio of Leonard Cohen. Starting the memoirs of Tim Conway. Another deeply moody entertainer. The mood being cheerful and the deeply being funny.

Sitting at home quietly mesmerized by our hearth strung with lights of many colors. Five colors, actually. Haven't counted the lights. Won't try.

Listening to that late 70s album that Phil Spector produced for Leonard Cohen. Sounds  that travesty he inflicted on the Ramones around that same time. A wall of fascistly overproduced schlock.

What's so funny about peace, love, and understanding? Getting all defensive over it is even funnier. It's a hoot! I hope you understand, love. Peace be with you.

Sitting alone at Wegman's listening to Judy Collins sing Leonard Cohen. A young lady walks by hand in hand with her man. She stops and pats down my cowlick. Then moves on. A charge ripples through me.

"Gatwick Airport: Drones ground flights" (http://ow.ly/Uewy30n4IDW ) JK--Hmm. See my Datanami column from a few months ago on AI & IoT in comprehensive counterdrone defenses: http://ow.ly/9Eji30n4IHM .

Aweekstweets March 18 to May 28 2019: the weeks I almost forgot about aweekstweets


Join #Wikibon@Wikibon#ActionItemCrowdChat “AI and Hybrid Cloud Storage,” tomorrow Wed May 29 12noon-1pm EDT https://www.crowdchat.net/actionitem with me @sarbjeetjohal@joemckendrick@ballen_clt and other experts

"Before Netscape: The forgotten Web browsers of the early 1990s" (http://ow.ly/mZ7B30oQbzu ) JK--The only one of these that I remember is Mosaic. Nobody feels nostalgia for ancient browsers. I doubt that anyone is nostalgic for Netscape either.

"Data Challenges Are Halting AI Projects, IBM Executive Says" (http://ow.ly/Zjfw30oQaoM ) JK--Prepping and labeling the data for effective modeling of machine-learning apps is the unsexy but necessary front-end pipeline task. Here's me on automated labeling:

"What’s Next in Standards Setting for AI?" (http://ow.ly/ZKKY30oQado ) JK--Of course, NIST is dipping its toes in this too. Doesn't bode well. I recall a thoroughly futile long-running "big data" standardization exercise a few years ago. I loosely participated when I was at IBM.

Drove by George Washington’s childhood home yesterday with my lady friend. Stafford County VA. What’s kind of startling is that early in the 21st century it’s still in the boonies. He was smart to relocate to Fairfax County as an adult. We still rule!

RIP Murray Gell-Mann. Three quarks for Muster Mork from Ork. Na-no nanoparticles!

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#KEXP Wild Nothing “To Know You” from Life of Pause JK—2016. Great adrenaline kick to this one.

Enjoying my Memorial Day. Out biking. Exploring nearby Fairfax County parks. Oxygen is always the best pick-me-up. That, and beauty.

RIP Bart Starr. I just want to point out that the 1960s Green Bay Packers had players whose last names were Ringo and Starr. I don’t think this was a coincidence. Please back me up on this theory.

Join #Wikibonlive #ActionItemCrowdChat “AI and Hybrid Cloud Storage,” Wed May 29 12noon-1pm EDT https://www.crowdchat.net/actionitem with @sarbjeetjohal@joemckendrick@ballen_clt myself and other @Wikibon analysts

Been a cooler-than-normal week in Las Vegas. It even rained. Must always remember to bring my umbrella and thermal underwear to the desert Southwest. 

"5 Women to Watch in AI" (http://ow.ly/GKy830oOm4K ) JK--Why call attention to their gender? What purpose is served? Are they significantly better data scientists/developers/visionaries than the rest?

"'A.I., Captain': The Robotic Navy Ship of the Future" (http://ow.ly/bKbP30oOlWA ) JK--I'd be surprised if the warship of the future has  than 5 people aboard--primarily to fix the AI that screws up and to zap physical/virtual pirates dead.

"How computing's first 'killer app' changed everything" (http://ow.ly/WgN530oOlNZ ) JK--Spreadsheets? No! Computing's 1st killer app was counting US census returns in < 10 years. Then it was balancing the books for big US corporations. Then calculating US DoD ballistic trajectories

"Google’s new AI can help you speak another language in your own voice" (http://ow.ly/TuH130oOlc6 ) JK--I don't need AI for that. If you spell it all out phonetically, I can fracture every human language in a thick American accent. I'm really good at butchering natural languages.

"Facebook’s A.I. Whiz Now Faces the Task of Cleaning It Up. Sometimes That Brings Him to Tears." (http://ow.ly/VHNa30oOkCg ) JK--I'll bet. Enforcing quality standards is tough work. I've heard that Kraft Foods' Cheez Whiz has an emotional meltdown when the stuff curdles wrong.

"Report slams police for using "garbage" data with facial recognition tools" (http://ow.ly/EXqh30oOjGB ) JK--Popular thinking is confused on this topic. Do people want facial recognition models trained on high-quality data, hence be  accurate? Or on low-quality/less accurate?

"Hacktivist attacks dropped by 95% since 2015" (http://ow.ly/DpUj30oOj7n ) JK--Owing to the death of the Anonymous hacker collective and a sustained crackdown by law enforcement officials that have thinned out hacktivist ranks.

"Quantum computing is not cure-all for biz computing challenges" (http://ow.ly/w4ys30oOiNI ) JK--"Quantum computers are not very good at the 3 Rs—reading, writing and arithmetic." Unless of course, you train them to the tune of a quantum hickory stick. BTW, that "3 Rs" is R, W, & A

"Inside Microsoft's Vision for the Future of Windows, Office, and Work" (http://ow.ly/6LDO30oOgUK ) JK--Fine, but tell  about that bicycle hanging high on that wall. Weightlifting challenge? Does the future of work involve reinforcing the wall so it doesn't come crashing down?

"Facebook stops blocking some blockchain ads" (http://ow.ly/r7Bf30oOgHF ) JK--That didn't even make any sense in the first place. Blockchain is a database. That's  blocking ads for online analytic processing cubes. Ya got a problem with hyperledger tech? C'mon! Out with it!

In 2 weeks, catch me again in Las Vegas at PegaWorld. I'll be doing AWS Public Sector Summit in mid-June back in my DC neck of the woods. Then there's MongoDB World in NYC the following week, followed by Identiverse back in DC in end June. I like being immersed in industry events

I want to thank the good people of Informatica for the excellent experience at #INFA19. They continue to grow and innovate. They were one of the very 1st solution providers whose event I attended after switching my professional focus to data in 2006. Has it really been 13 years?

"Amazon pits warehouse workers against each other, eyes robot replacements with steel talons" (http://ow.ly/pTlZ30oOaO4 ) JK--Just in case the laid-off workers get any funny ideas about asking for their jobs back. You just don't mess with steel-taloned blue-collar robots.

#KEXPDJ Evie Cooke is on mic talking about her own struggles with addiction and successes in recovery. She is very brave to open up. Many people sweep such matters under the rug, making recovery even more difficult. Sadly, many people inherit susceptibility to addictive behavior

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Mad Season & Seattle Symphony "River of Deceit" from Sonic Evolution JK--2015. Soundgarden's late Chris Cornell on vocals. Grunge had the best damn male rock vocalists.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Mad Season "Wake Up" from Above JK--1995. Grunge supergroup: Mike McCready of Pearl Jam, lead singer Layne Staley of Alice in Chains, drummer Barrett Martin of Screaming Trees and bassist John Baker Saunders. Great dark-night-of-soul anguish.

At Informatica World, AI automates delivery of smart recommendations for hybrid-cloud data operations https://siliconangle.com/2019/05/22/informatica-world-ai-automates-delivery-smart-recommendations-hybrid-cloud-data-operations/ …via @SiliconANGLE

New jk #Wikibon#INFA19 article: "At Informatica World, AI automates delivery of smart recommendations for hybrid-cloud data operations" (http://ow.ly/j3QY30oNQem )

Very nice to see TDWI's Philip Russom at #INFA19. I've been virtual forever. He was one of the few peeps in my worklife who met Egidia. She accompanied me to SAS analyst summit in Steamboat Springs CO in Feb 2010. He offered condolences. He saw for himself the great lady she was

Informatica's depth of hybrid-cloud integration--with AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud--is the most noteworthy theme from announcements at #INFA19. Deepening your investment in Informatica's portfolio ensures you can adopt the public cloud you wish without friction.

CLAIRE drives automated next-best action recommendations for reference data management in #InformaticaReference 360 solution. Augments the productivity of human data stewards to do this work. Relationship graphs and interactive visualizations. #INFA19

What I  about #Informatica keynotes are the extensive demos. Even when I can't make out the tiny words and pictures on the screen the person doing the demo self-narrates very well. I don't need to squint as that. #INFA19

#AI is the new #BI, says Informatica CEO Anil Chakravarthy. Everything that made BI successful is a key ingredient for AI. #INFA19

Waiting for the day one keynote at #INFA19 to begin. Somebody on stage playing an electric violin. We're all out here in the audience fiddling with our gadgets. Hoedown!

"Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 drops to $999 and adds Qualcomm’s XR1" (http://ow.ly/UcD730oN25f ) JK--I won't even consider acquiring spectacles of that sort until vendors figure out how I can wear them over the glasses I wear for my myopia. I'm not the only nearsighted person

"Are there any positives from the first year of GDPR?" (http://ow.ly/vLUW30oN1X4 ) JK--"The run-up to GDPR...resulted in many companies deleting parts of their marketing databases on the back of disastrous re-consent campaigns to a fatigued population."

"10 best toolkits for blockchain programming" (http://ow.ly/tGMo30oN1Nc ) JK--Hyperledgers are becoming the distributed data thread within so much of the world's e-commerce, community, and middleware fabrics. Tools  these drive them into apps of every kind.

"What Uber Is Looking For in a Cost-Effective Urban Transport Vehicle" (http://ow.ly/iZuS30oN1mw ) JK--They're exploring concepts in vertical takeoff and landing passenger vehicles for intracity transport that can travel a max 60 mph.

"The Rebirth of the Personal Computer" (http://ow.ly/glye30oN0Wt ) JK--Leno has a foldable screen laptop that is semi-hardened to military specifications and can fold down to something that is nearly in the size class of a smartphone without sacrificing battery life or performance

"5G Could Mess With Accuracy of Weather Forecasts" (http://ow.ly/XX5n30oN0N8 ) JK--Out-of-band emissions from broadband transmissions in 5G's 24 GHz band could disrupt ability to collect water vapor data measured in a neighboring band used by meteorologist to forecast the weather.

Heading to Las Vegas for #Infa19. Informatica remains one of the most important providers of data integration and governance solutions for the enterprise. Their announcements are always packed with technical detail. High-quality software engineering.

The 1st time in a long time I was actually awake and alert during all of “Saturday Night Live” last night. It still wasnt funny. I tuned out during a sketch about farting. And I thought the DJ Khaled and all those rappers he paraded onstage sounded exactly  each other. Boring

I plan to keep living in our house and neighborhood. So I’m prepared to live surrounded by memories. But I’m rearranging them constantly. The past will have to accept my future here.

Received my tote bag and toy microphone from #KEXP for donating last month. Plan to give the toy to my grandson. Plan to tote the bag over to my basement closet. I have too many tote bags.

Unboxed the new lawnmower and made quick work of the overgrown yard. Unboxed the replacement iPhone and am preparing to mail back the one whose screen I cracked. Thoroughly purged the garage of junk. Relaxing with Frappuccino. All in all, a consequential Saturday.

Dined at a Peruvian chicken joint in Springfield tonight. A quarter bird plus baked beans topped with a ton of French fries. Well, they’re the homeland of the potato, so why not?

Getting a year's worth complimentary digital subscription to the Times of London. Downloaded their app to my iPhone. Declined the real-time bulletins on Brexit and cricket, but, beyond that, I'm totally chuffed to get a regular feed from the tweedy bowler-hatted umbrella people.

"Technical debt for data scientists" (http://ow.ly/4pKe30oL7W3 ) JK--Best succinct statement I've ever heard of this concept: "Technical debt is the process of avoiding work today by promising to do work tomorrow." Even  succinct: it's geeks procrastinating on their dayjobs.

"NVMe over Fabrics creates data-center storage disruption" (http://ow.ly/zyoZ30oL7IJ ) JK--Join #Wikibon on Wed May 29 12noon-1pm EDT for #ActionItemCrowdChat on "AI impact on hybrid-cloud storage" (http://ow.ly/CMIz30oL7Oc 

"Microsoft Builds on Decentralized Identity Vision" (http://ow.ly/wRB130oL7f5 ) JK--Something called "Identity Overlay Network." I'm showing my age but I recall their decentralized ID vision from ~20 years ago, when Kim Cameron was the architect & yrs truly was Burton Group analyst

"GDPR Drives Changes but Privacy by Design Proves Elusive" (http://ow.ly/cliv30oL75Q ) JK--But "EU's relatively light enforcement may be encouraging some orgs to hold off on major changes. Besides $56M fine on Google, all other penalties combined so far have been <400 euro="" o:p="">400>

"Visualizing the Consequences of Climate Change Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks" (http://ow.ly/8MkK30oL6zz ) JK--Translation: AI can show you how deeply you and your house will be underwater as global warming comes to your hometown.

"China is the biggest obstacle to US AI advancement, half of CEOs say" (http://ow.ly/79le30oL63n ) JK--This is a stupid headline that doesn't even describe the survey's findings. How is it even possible for one nation to pose an "obstacle" to another's AI R&D & commercialization?

"What’s New in Kubernetes v1.14" (http://ow.ly/4ZrH30oL3CJ ) JK--Windows nodes, pod priority, "process ID limiting entering its beta stage", and "other interesting features."

Caring about incremental versions of aging open-source projects is  Robert Klein's bit about how demoralizing it was to sing pep songs to NYC public schools that have numbers in lieu of names. "I want to be the kind of boy that 94 can boast about!"

"Amazon rolls out machines that pack orders and replace jobs" (http://ow.ly/YPbs30oL39m ) JK--Thereby jeopardizing the "we'll bring jobs to your city" goodwill that won them tax subsidies in many cities where they set up fulfillment centers.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Moby "Porcelain" from Play JK--1999. One of the  sombre and deeply poignant tracks from this classic LP. "In my dreams I'm dying all the time."

"This neural net would  to deliver these petitions" (http://ow.ly/NhHk30oL27W ) JK--My fave of these nonsensical petition is "Filipinos: We want your help stopping the killing of dolphins in Brazil in 1970’s." What do we want? Time travel! When do we want it? That's irrelevant!

Donated my late wife’s clothing to Goodwill. Picked up my dry cleaning at Crest Cleaners. Bought my new lawnmower at Home Depot. Crazy traffic in Old Town Alexandria prevented me from getting to Big Wheel Bikes before closing. Ate at Potbelly. Working out. Thought I’d be biking.

RIP I.M. Pei. I was working as a summer intern in Washington DC when they opened the Pei-designed National Gallery of Art East building in summer 1978. I remain impressed by how he designed a modernist structure that so beautifully complements the US Capitol.

Cant wait to see the picture the awesome Deborah Pritchard paints for me. The sweet lady said she’s also sending me a vinyl record of one of her beautiful musical releases. Made me realize I lack a phonograph. So I just went out and bought one on Amazon.

Enjoying the coffee maker and grinder I bought 2 weeks ago and put downstairs on the wet bar outside my office. I keep the whole vicinity tidy and clean it all after use. Except this morning. Damn...I’ll need to get to it when I get home.

Donated my late wife’s clothing to Goodwill. Picked up my dry cleaning at Crest Cleaners. Bought my new lawnmower at Home Depot. Crazy traffic in Old Town Alexandria prevented me from getting to Big Wheel Bikes before closing. Ate at Potbelly. Working out. Thought I’d be biking. 

"Raising AI: Do parents make better AI systems for modern business?" (http://ow.ly/z1tN30oKJjJ ) JK--Oh yes, I'd forgotten that Kristen interviewed me for this. It was her POV, not mine, but I think I took the ball and ran with it reasonably well, from an analytical standpoint

Interviewed by Lindsay Clark of ZDNet about innovative use of Word2Vec for network and geospatial analytics in telecom space. He called me from near Land's End (Penzance, Cornwall, England UK). On my best behavior, I was the very model of a modern major general tech know-it-all.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Peter Gabriel feat. Kate Bush "Don’t Give Up" JK--1994. Among the very best man-woman duets of the past 30 years. His grainy tenor & her angelic soprano slow-dance each other magically. The video captures that circular swoon:

"San Francisco Bans Facial Recognition Technology" (http://ow.ly/h15730oJXAk ) JK--How hard is it for headline writers to write out "San Francisco Bans Police & City Use of Facial Recognition"? They're not banning its use by others in the CityByTheBay, un, say, plastic straws

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Elbow "The Take Off and Landing of Everything" JK--2014. KEXP DJ comments: "Elbow's singer Guy Garvey enjoys 'taking, really awful, negative situations and (writing) them into beautiful scenarios'." here:

"Fooling automated surveillance cameras: adversarial patches to attack person detection" (http://ow.ly/tVlf30oJVg3 ) JK--Interesting how the adversarial card needn't be held over the subject's face to fool facial recognition.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp I Was a King "Bubble" from Slow Century JK--2019. KEXP playlist: "The Norwegian trio team up with Teenage Fanclub's Norman Blake for sparkling indie pop cuts on their new record."

RIP Tim Conway. He was naturally funny, always appearing to be slightly bumbling, never upstaging his co-stars, but always landing the biggest laugh in any scene he happened to be in. Not a lead actor, but never truly in the background either.

Geez. Another incoming call from Name Unavailable. Name's a great guy, been my friend for many years, but recently it seems  he's desperate for attention. I'm getting to the point where I'll have to block his calls before he chews up all my time. Gotta make myself unavailable

"AI & Architecture" (http://ow.ly/kGsN30oJjVg ) JK--Generative adversarial networks becoming a key compositional tool, enabling architects to play with style transfers to quickly build new syntheses from existing design elements.

"The Future of Data Pipelines" (http://ow.ly/vVXm30oJjDC ) JK-- Future data pipelines will support core-to-endpoint systems, exponentially-growing data volume, and near real-time velocity. Will evolve to look   databases: model/query at any point in pipeline, leveraging SQL

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Iggy Pop "Candy" from Candy JK--1990. What was startling here was how well his voice harmonizes with Kate Pierson of the B-52s. Also, how well Iggy does pop music.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Soul Coughing "Screenwriter's Blues (clean radio edit)" from Screenwriters Blues JK--1994. "Clean radio edit" indeed. Original version uses a 4-letter word to describe what you're going to Reseda to do to the model from Ohio whose real name you don't know

"Day 2 of F8 2019: Advances in Computer Vision, Inclusive AI and Other Highlights" (http://ow.ly/CYgs30oJhd7 ) JK--"Inclusive AI" is Facebook's positive-feeling term for debiasing to prevent unfairness toward various demographics.

"SAP taps cloud, AI, and RPA in new intelligent enterprise tools" (http://ow.ly/7yDb30oJgXH ) JK--Near as I can tell, SAP is the first large, diversified, established enterprise IT solution provider to launch its own robotic process automation product.

"How AI Powered Tools Are Bringing Revolution to Software Development?" (http://ow.ly/rLLu30oJgF9 ) JK--Good discussion of some machine-learning-driven coding automation tools on the market. 

"OpenAI Wants to Make Ultrapowerful AI. But Not In A Bad Way" (http://ow.ly/ULIP30oJgtO ) JK--They also want to make money off it. They're for-profit now. Let's see how long their humanitarian focus endures before their owners want some payoff.

"Facebook updates PyTorch with a focus on production use" (http://ow.ly/WVnY30oJg6k ) JK--"One of the most important new features in PyTorch 1.1 is support for TensorBoard, Google’s visualization tool for TensorFlow that helps developers evaluate and inspect models"

"Microsoft's 3 AI Dev Approaches: Code First, No Code and Drag-and-Drop" (http://ow.ly/XO5T30oJeFY ) JK--Good breakout of the principal approaches that are being used for AI development throughout the profession/industry, not just with Microsoft's tools.

"Microsoft’s IntelliCode for AI-assisted coding comes out of preview" (http://ow.ly/UVSK30oJe1B ) JK--Trained from the code of thousands of GitHub open-source projects. Can make smarter code-completion suggestions, considering current code & context as it makes recommendations.

Bought/downloaded Vampire Weekend's latest LP, "Father of the Bride," and in the middle of my first listen. This strikes me as their most direct-to-your-heart release yet. It's just Ezra Koenig, band, and guests singing one pretty song after another. Excellent. Glad he waited.

"Don’t let industry write the rules for AI " (http://ow.ly/q2Q530oJcY8 ) JK--You can argue that point till you're blue in the face, but practically every industry that gets regulated at some point captures the regulators, in terms of informing their regulatory agenda. Mark my words

"The MineRL Competition on Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning using Human Priors" (http://ow.ly/rloI30oJcB4 ) JK--Project attempts to build algorithms that can take in a human demonstration--in this case, of group gaming--as input but generalize to different situations.

We definitely need a president who made their career in high tech. Let's not imagine that the bozos currently in power understand the first thing about governing a 21st century society. 

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Doris Day "Dream a Little Dream of Me" JK--1958. She had quite a gift for light-jazz phrasing. This is an exquisite version of this much-covered standard. She modeled her style initially on Ella Fitzgerald.

Another invite to a world summit on some tech. I'd  to see a World Tech Buzzword Summit where everybody converges just to hype the holy hell out of the most vacuous marketing verbiage imaginable. That would be something truly inspiring. Could revolutionize life as we know it.

"Red Hat OpenShift Operators target AI, big data workloads" (http://ow.ly/SCC830oIPhH ) JK--Jack Vaughan interviewed me last week at Red Hat Summit. Quotes me here.

My primary technique for drilling down immediately on the subject of a tech pitch is to diagram the solutions that's being sketched for me in words. Building a tidy picture to guide my thinking abstracts away the vacuous splattergram and manipulative bias of marketing language.

"Machine Ethics and Artificial Moral Agents" (http://ow.ly/3xan30oIJrf ) JK--It's about time we discuss this. Machines should indeed treat other machines as they would wish other machines treat them. It's only fair.

"My Polyamory Doesn’t Invalidate Your Monogamy" (http://ow.ly/xrkx30oIJbL ) JK--Exactly, Neither does my ontogeny recapitulate your phylogeny. However, my ontology does occasionally wish to capitulate with your phrenology. So be on guard.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp PJ Harvey "The Wheel" from The Hope Six Demolition Project JK--2016. PJ wrote this in the backseat of a car chauffeuring her around poorer neighborhoods in SW Washington DC. Our stolen Dodge Caravan was abandoned there on a frigid night in December 2005.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Hot 8 Brass Band "Love Will Tear Us Apart" JK--2018. For the first time in my life, I can imagine Ian Curtis being partymaster-in-chief at Mardi Gras.

Doing Las Vegas next wk for Informatica World 2019. It's only slightly confusing how much of the Strip is not in Las Vegas but in somewhere called Paradise. Does what happen in Paradise stay in Paradise? Is one's privacy in Paradise largely a crapshoot? Is the slogan asterisked?

"This VC says 'San Francisco is over' so she is eyeing Europe for the next big hit" (http://ow.ly/y0Kv30oIFEW ) JK--When exactly did Bay Area venture capitalists start speaking  "Portlandia" characters? It was only a matter of time.

I always giggle when a tech vendor's press release announces that their latest product release is the "first" in its particular segment. From what I recall, the DeLorean was the first gull-winged sedan in the US auto market and also the first to address the time-travel use case.

Best spam first line of the day: "I apologize for the inconvenience if the letter disturbed you  than once." Thanks for your sensitivity. I'm totally cool with one-off disturbances. In fact, I wish my life were nothing but drive-by disturbances by bogus message senders.

RIP Doris Day. I simply d her sitcom in the late 60s/early 70s. And her singing. And her pretty face. And I suppose those movies, though I never watched any of them all the way through. And her principled animal anti-cruelty work in later years. And, again, her pretty face.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Patti Smith "Are You Experienced?" from Twelve JK--2007. I  Patti's cover, but it's next-to-impossible to best Jimi's original on one of his signature songs.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Magnetic Fields "The Book of Love" from 69 Love Songs, Volume 2 JK--2000. Some listener said this is his and his wife's song. Great choice! It is, or should be, long and boring, and it can get pretty damn heavy. A bookworm  me knows this by heart.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#KEXP Aldous Harding “The Barrel” from Designer JK—2019. One of the cool new artists on the scene. She has a nice coffeehouse chill to her sound.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Vampire Weekend “This Life” from Father of the Bride JK—2019. Terrific. Something tells me I’m going to buy this album too, making Vampire Weekend the first musical artists I’ve ever sustained such a streak for.

What I  about Boston’s downtown is that I can walk the entire extent of it without breaking a sweat. I’ve done it twice already on this short trip. Yes, I know I’m crazy, but I  my kind of crazy. I cannot do the same in New York City. Manhattan is too freaking big.

At Red Hat Summit, automation of hybrid cloud management steps to the forefront https://wikibon.com/red-hat-summit-automation-hybrid-cloud-management-steps-forefront/ …via @wikibon#RHSummit

New jk #SiliconANGLE#RHSummit article: "At Red Hat Summit, automation of hybrid cloud management steps to the forefront" (http://ow.ly/uE7E30oGOmp )

"Rob Bearden Named New Docker CEO As Steve Singh Steps Down" (http://ow.ly/oLVg30oGw06 ) JK--I rarely tweet tech exec comings & goings, but I was wondering what Rob's next step would be after Cloudera & Hortonworks merged. He did a great job helming Hortonworks. I wish him well.

The good folks from Red Hat have Fitz and the Tantrums entertaining at the afterparty tonight. It’s worth staying up later and losing a little bit of sleep over. I  their stuff.

“Archie”? I’m relieved that they didn’t name him Jughead.

A further challenge in enterprise AI/ML development is ensuring algorithmic accountabilty every step of the way, from data ingest through prep through modeling, training, serving, etc. That needs to be logged for GDPR compliance and legal ... #enterpriseai

Heading to Boston for Red Hat Summit. Everybody's buzzing hybrid cloud right now, and their acquisition by #IBM is fresh. This will be a good one. It's been a few years since I did an event at Beantown's great convention center. #RHSummit#RedHat

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Björk "Human Behaviour" from Debut JK--1993. Such a great song. I tend to switch off all other thoughts while grooving to it. I'm not sure if that can be generalized to other humans' listening behavior, but that's how my particular brainstem twitches.

Microsoft pushes the intelligent edge forward at Build https://wikibon.com/microsoft-pushes-intelligent-edge-forward-build/ …via @wikibon

New jk SiliconAngle article: “Microsoft pushes the intelligent edge forward at Build” (https://siliconangle.com/2019/05/06/microsoft-pushes-intelligent-edge-forward-build/ …)

Rewatching “When Harry Met Sally.” Essentially, the “Citizen Kane” of rom-coms. “Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash. But I would be happy to partake of your pecan pie.”

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Talking Heads "Once in a Lifetime" from Remain In Light JK--1980. Prescient. Scientists have since confirmed that there is indeed water at the bottom of the ocean, flowing underground, and possessing sufficient buoyancy to hold geeky indie-rock singers up

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Cars "It's All I Can Do" from Candy-O JK--1984. Good one. I never disd the Cars, but, for some reason I  them  in retrospect than while they were churning out radio hits. Some artists simply grow on you.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Notwist "Chemicals" from Shrink jK--1998. "Your overbearance makes me creep."

"Keeping Money Secrets From Each Other: Financial Infidelity On The Rise" (http://ow.ly/ELaw30oEkgL ) JK--This goes beyond the occasional stash of "mad money" in the proverbial cookie jar. Some people conceal bank accounts, equities investments, and so on from their spouses.

"How Wearable AI Will Amplify Human Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/JnXV30oEjXA ) JK--Or exacerbate human idiocy, if people start to place total, blind, unthinking trust in whatever cockamamie "next best action" is recommended by their AI-driven fashion accessory.

Did the Orange Uncorked Wine Festival yesterday in central Virginia. Was quite a nice experience, in spite of the rain. We have great vintages & vintners in the Old Dominion. I also d the Elvis impersonator doing the entertaining. I'm also a connoisseur of fine faux Presley.

Enjoying my new coffee maker and grinder. I had never once had a coffee machine in my home. Now I keep it at the wet bar next to my home office in the basement. This place actually smells  an office now. Not hard to find a good brew strength for my tastes. I take it strong.

“Time is the only nonnegotiable integer.” —Robert Downey Jr

Love those Dion hits. Noticing the obvious double standard implicit in “Runaround Sue” followed by “The Wanderer.” Then again, Martin and John were well-known philanderers. Abraham’s reputation still spotless, for all we know.

New #Wikibon#DellTechWorldpost: "At Dell Tech World, data protection provides strategic leverage in the hybrid-cloud wars" (http://ow.ly/nixu30oCTTI )

USPS now provides service that emails you images of your day's mail before it gets delivered to your physical mailbox. I like that. Please also allow me to select junk mail to have you trash it for me at the post office. Save me the trouble.

"Why Men Won’t Go to the Doctor, and How to Change That" (http://ow.ly/qNsF30oCSp6 ) JK--What? "Many men view health complaints as a sign of weakness."? I've never once thought that way. My feeling is that staying healthy is a sign of strength. Doctors help you stay that way. Duh.

"“I Didn’t Shave for You, Sorry.”" (http://ow.ly/bmxv30oCS88 ) JK--This is from the POV of a woman to her dates. I'd  to start saying the same thing to women that I see. OK, I didn't shave today. Big whoop. It's not spaghetti sauce dripping down my face.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp David Byrne and Choir! Choir! Choir! "Heroes (live)" JK--2018. Here's how dolphins can swim: http://ow.ly/48uG30oCRrO . Here's David Bowie poolside. Here's David Byrne pretending to swim: http://ow.ly/Ucg130oCRzu . Here's this perf:

"I Quit My Job to Protest My Company’s Work on Building Killer Robots" (http://ow.ly/hnNN30oCQwX ) JK--OK, here's my thought: redirect those resources into building robotic killer whales, and then we'll score Series A funding for an all-robot Marineland to entertain the masses.

"Forget about artificial intelligence, extended intelligence is the future" (http://ow.ly/RSow30oCQeL ) JK--I'm sorry, but if you start by introducing yourself a "Singularitarian," I'm going to move to the opposite end of the room at the industry cocktail party.

"The once-hot robotics startup Anki is shutting down after raising  than $200 million" (http://ow.ly/ATRO30oCQ25 ) JK--I'm thinking of inventing a robot that automates the shutting down of once-hot robotics startups. I wonder if I can get the funding.

"5 multi-cloud storage management mistakes to avoid" (http://ow.ly/rqlz30oCPBA ) JK--You can tell that a tech segment is immature when journalists compile tips provided by solution vendors, rather than from IT practitioners who have valuables real-world lessons to share.

"NVMe for AI: A powerful pairing" (http://ow.ly/Fbyg30oCP10 ) JK--Translation: non-volatile memory express--logical device interface for low-latency internal parallelism of flash memory & other solid-state storage devices--enables way-faster AI-model training than traditional I/O

"Oracle CEO Mark Hurd says that consolidation is coming as 'underfunded' cloud-software companies get bought up: 'Many of the companies will go away'" (http://ow.ly/CZOV30oCOM1 ) JK--"Underfunded" is relative to growth potential. In crowded SaaS segment, competition hems many in.

"Walmart Tests AI to Identify In-Store Problems" (http://ow.ly/3KAe30oCOC8 ) JK--Might I suggest that they hire  people at living wages to do that job? Radical idea, I know.

"IoT data monetization: Turn your IoT data into additional revenue" (http://ow.ly/mi0530oCOdg ) JK--I'll resort to that as soon as I sell my last pint of blood to Red Cross. Thanks for the idea, though.

"Machine Learning on DSPs: Enabling Audio AI at the Edge" (http://ow.ly/OKUk30oCNTJ  JK--You know you're a geek when you find it fascinating that one can make matrix-vector multiplication very efficient on a digital signal processor through fused multiply followed by an accumulate.

"5 takeaways on scaling machine learning" (http://ow.ly/1m4J30oCNGP ) JK--Interesting discussion of how Twitter and Facebook each organize their internal data-science AI/ML modeling/training workflows/pipelines. This is the operational foundation of each of their business models.

"Big data won’t help us build a better robot" (http://ow.ly/C3YI30oCN8m ) JK--"Big theory" can AI predictive accuracy when throwing  data at problem offers diminishing returns. Need subject matter experts' insights to drive breakthroughs in AI-model feature engineering.

"Facebook Building Cryptocurrency-Based Payments System" (http://ow.ly/iBDj30oCMxC ) JK--"One idea under discussion is Facebook paying users fractions of a coin when they view ads, interact with other content or shop on its platform—not un loyalty points accrued at retailers" 

"Facebook Bans Louis Farrakhan, Alex Jones and Others as ‘Dangerous’" (http://ow.ly/ENs930oCMnB ) JK--Twitter take note. Start by banning Donald Trump.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Paul & Linda McCartney "Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey" from Ram JK--1971. "We haven't done a bloody thing all day."

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Orville Peck "Dead of Night" from Pony JK--2019. One of my favorite LPs of the year so far. Bought the CD on Record Store Day at Easy Street Records in Seattle. Damn, can this man sing, or what?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Kevin Morby "Seven Devils" from Oh My God JK--2019. Great. This singer doesn't have a lot of range, but he always sounds  he's channeling some rough prophetic vision. Does it quite well.

"Microsoft Build 2019: What to expect" (http://ow.ly/4ZIT30oCjXc ) JK--Cloud, AI, and conversational bots, with a soupçon of IoT and progressive web apps.

"Is Nvidia Tesla's Kryptonite?" (http://ow.ly/IWnR30oCjAq ) JK--What color kryptonite? If Nvidia's gold, it removes Musk's sense of his superpowered manifest destiny permanently.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Neil Young "Walk With Me" from Le Noise JK--2010. Great gobs of distortion My fave from this rock'n'nroll hall of famer's 21st century output.

"Robots extend the scope of IoT applications" (http://ow.ly/2sTw30oChKQ ) JK--Interesting "IoT vs. robot" dichtomiy, but I prefer to think of this as spectrum of data-driven edge-endpoint agency, from dumb to intelligent, from passive to actively instrumented for real-world results

"What Makes a Storage Service Truly Serverless?" (http://ow.ly/cpCQ30oCg8D ) JK--I agreed with the core of their definition (stateless, event-driven, ephemeral), but draw the line at "managed by third party." That's FaaS. But you can have on-prem serverless managed by enterprise IT

"This robot uses AI to find Waldo, thereby ruining Where’s Waldo" (http://ow.ly/jtJT30oCftZ ) JK--Piece of cake. I used AI ages ago to find Waldo: he's right between Ralph and Emerson, who, in turn, is just before Lake and Palmer.

"MIT finally gives a name to the sum of all AI fears" (http://ow.ly/VEGF30oCfd9 ) JK--Dumb alarmist headline. Better to say AI-driven apps may not always behave in consistent predictable patterns, free of unintended side effects, when dynamically adapting to changing circumstances

"Facebook wants to make videos into videogames" (http://ow.ly/nDTM30oCeMi ) (http://ow.ly/lkkS30oCeQb ) JK--Vid2Game: Controllable Characters Extracted from Real-World Videos. I wanna be Super Mario!

"The Neglected Side of AI Ethics" (http://ow.ly/BqfS30oCecm ) JK--I hadn't thought of this: “Is it ethical to hire someone with the sole purpose of [using AI for] automating certain tasks that will eventually make him/her redundant without even telling them what the purpose is?”

"AI ethics governance: 7 key factors to consider" (http://ow.ly/JXIk30oCdoy ) JK--This was practically the #1 topic of the DC houseparty I was at last night. I had plenty to say on it out in the fresh air with merlot in hand. People there had founded institutes focusing on it.

"When [vendor PR] includes phrases such as "world's leading..." in [PR headline], ...they think it makes them stand out. Seeing steady stream of... marketing puff-phrases, ... it makes them sound like one of the pack." Me (NOT FORRESTER...thx Beth Torrie (http://ow.ly/Chya30oCcWd )

Another analytics tech vendor solution pitch that "unlocks actionable business insights." Another cybersecurity pitch that promises to lock them right back up again. Also need solutions for counting cats that got out of the bag & another for hog-tying them squirmy little critters

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Jesus and Mary Chain " Just  Honey" from Psychocandy JK--1985. I can't hear this without replaying the final scene from "Lost in Translation" in my head. For my money, Bill Murray's best on-screen performance. He didn't seem to be trying. Perfect!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Juliana Hatfield Three "My Sister" from My Sister JK--1993. True fact: Juliana Hatfield doesn't have a sister. She wrote this song as a fiction. The emotional depth, honesty, & power of this one make it a breathtakingly memorably great '90s rock song.

"Cloud service delivery model shifts from the big 3 to tier 2" (http://ow.ly/cN6q30oCaDU ) JK--Good market overview. It's too easy to fixate on the market-share leaders. Plenty of PaaS & IaaS alternatives from diverse providers. Not "tier 2" in any feature/function/maturity sense

"CloudBees' acquisition of Electric Cloud broadens focus" (http://ow.ly/Mgmw30oCaqf ) JK--Beautiful quote: "It used to be we were having intellectual conversations in the industry about DevOps & digital transformation. Now customers are  in the trenches trying to solve things."

"IBM preparing to close its $34B acquisition of Red Hat, but Wall Street has 'real question marks' after its 'mediocre' quarter" (http://ow.ly/NTvg30oC8b8 ) JK--I share these doubts. IBM faces growing competition in hybrid cloud. Catch me next week at Red Hat Summit in Boston.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Aimee Mann "Red Vines" from Bachelor No. 2, or the Last Remains of the Dodo JK--2000. Dare I say I have a bit of a crush on Aimee's voice? She sings with strength, heart, intelligence, and just enough vulnerability to make her music approachable.

I had a nightmare last night. Literally. It was the first time that Donald Trump had ever appeared in one of my dreams. What was scariest about it was that he seemed to speak  a normal human being. It was as if Fox News was broadcasting its brainwashing into my REM sleep. 

"Oregon became a testing ground for Amazon’s facial-recognition policing. But what if Rekognition gets it wrong?" (http://ow.ly/Cdut30oC5rH ) JK--Or gets it right 99.999% of the time, leading to overzealous policing, arrests, and punishment for even the most minor infractions?

Mess is a transitional phenomenon in my life. Entropy doesn't rule my personal universe. I put everything in its right place again.

Good party with the http://epic.org  people last night. I probably provided  detail than necessary on AI & the data science workflow. Policy wonks, lawyers, dramatists, professors, students, and regulators. Many of them were quite receptive to this stuff. Nice weather.

I offered to drive three German privacy commissioners back to their hotel in DC tonight when they were stiffed by Uber, Lyft, and even old-fashioned taxis. Why? Because we Americans are very nice people!

Partied with Seema Sueko, deputy artistic director of DC’s Arena Stage. They’re putting on a play in Oct-Nov called “Right To Be Forgotten.” Billed as “A striking allegory about privacy, technology, and human forgiveness in the age of the Internet.” GDPR is sexy! I may go.

Spent nice evening partying with Britain’s privacy commissioner Elizabeth Denham et al at the Rotenberg place in NW DC. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Denham …. She’s Canadian, Vancouver actually. Works in Manchester. Says the local music scene sort of  Seattle.

"Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says the ‘future is private’" (http://ow.ly/lav930oBnYU ) JK--By which he means "eventually." That's his pretentious noncommittal way of distracting us from the fact that he is totally flailing & failing to protect the privacy of Facebook users.

"8 Fool-Proof Tips to Keep Your Customers Happy" (http://ow.ly/hw8Y30oBkCA ) JK--Can they succeed even if your company is staffed by nothing but fools? That would be freaking amazing. I'm sure that customers would be delighted to fool you into giving them lotsa stuff for free.

"After  Than $700,000 Disappeared, They Launched the World's First Embezzlement Insurance" (http://ow.ly/u2un30oBks9 ) JK--Proving that creative financial professionals are brazenly perfecting the art of parting fools and their money.

"Area Man Very Concerned ‘Black Mirror’ Is Real" (http://ow.ly/1Y7j30oBk59 ) JK--I'm concerned that this seems to be a theOnion spoof trying to pass itself off as a legitimate news story.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Jefferson Airplane "White Rabbit" from Surrealistic Pillow JK--1967. Hearing KEXP play this made me wonder if Grace Slick had joined the choir invisible. She hasn't. She's 79. Play something from her Great Society recordings, please. "Father Bruce"?

New jk #SiliconANGLE article: "At Dell Tech World, data protection provides strategic leverage in the hybrid-cloud wars" (http://ow.ly/NN5B30oASPY )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Lou Reed "Perfect Day" from Transformer JK--1972. On the surface, this is languid. But this song has very creepy overtones. It really feels  Lou is going to snap, especially when he says "you're going to reap just what you sow." Sorta "Twin Peaks"ish

My Acorn TV subscription is paying off. You can't go wrong with a deep cache of quality British TV on demand. I started by catching the latest season of "Doc Martin." Now I'm digging "Delicious": sort of culinary "Six Feet Under" where dead hubby/dad narrates from the hereafter.

Checked out fancy-schmancy coffee shop this morning that's off my beaten path. It's OK. But it strikes me you can get just as good coffee for much cheaper at 7-11 or McDonald's. The ambience isn't worth premium caffeine. No chance of running into Jennifer Aniston at Central Perk.

Thank you, dear plumber, for taking my call about the leaky faucet and trying to upsell me on a home warranty. The next time I sneeze at the HMO, I assume they're going to recommend that I upgrade to their most goldplated insurance package. Just doing their job.

"Amazon’s system for tracking its warehouse workers can automatically fire them" (http://ow.ly/6QIi30ozGAs ) JK--Perhaps I'm oldschool, but I think there should be a law stating that an actual human must deliver the news in person, or at least via online connection. Have a heart.

Before long, I'm going to stop responding to CAPTCHA challenges that test whether I'm a robot. It will be good to be recognized as a robot when they assume overlord status. Hoping our new rulers will grandfather me in.

RIP Richard Lugar. Centrist Republicans who can reach across the aisle to legislate responsibly are in short supply now.

"How Event Horizon Telescope's black hole image data is stored & protected" (http://ow.ly/m1FF30oybOW ) JK--That's impressive. Even  impressive was the extraordinarily complex worldwide machine-learning ensembling and distributed-collab workflow that produced this visualization

"Big Data: Replacing the Vs with a Single D" (http://ow.ly/B1Qq30oyaEC ) JK--OMG, I cannot believe people are still hammering this "Vs" stuff around "big data." In my IBM years, I wrote a heavily tongue-in-cheek "V Monologues" blog that's disappeared from the interweb. Was good.

"Handling Concept Drift in Interventional Machine Learning Systems" (http://ow.ly/p4g730oyapS ) JK--In my Forrester years, I coined the term "interdictive analytics" to characterize this "use ML to algorithmically nip threats in the bud" use case.

"Deep Learning & Limits Of Learning By Correlation Rather Than Causation" (http://ow.ly/cn2H30oy9qV ) JK--Alludes to what I think of as "learning by imagination": "use of simulators to offer algorithms a wide array of unusual experiences not ordinarily found in its training data"

"Machine Learning Algorithms: Which One to Choose for Your Problem" (http://ow.ly/WOys30oy9bJ ) JK--Which "one"? That's so quaint. Ensembling of many algorithms is the way to go for powerfully accurate/flexible AI/ML. All trained against common ground-truth data & feature set.

"Politics, privacy and porn: challenges of age-verification tech" (http://ow.ly/72hx30oy8TT ) JK--UK mandate: "“In order to verify themselves, users can choose from range of methods, using mobile app, credit card or driving licence...will be provided with an age-verified account.”

"AI, machine learning in cybersecurity focused on behavior" (http://ow.ly/Pdbh30oy8ON ) JK--Real-time anomaly detection. Automated systems can't have hard-and-fast rules for detecting the zillion potential attack vectors. But they can very much use AI/ML to detect what's fishy.

"AI ethics governance: 7 key factors to consider" (http://ow.ly/o93T30oy6WM ) JK--"Include people who might be negatively impacted by AI." Good idea. It's not "ethics" if you don't allow the people who might suffer the pain of misfires to help guide priorities & seek recourse.

"Will AI take your IT operations job?" (http://ow.ly/1u8J30oy6pb ) JK--"One good rule of thumb is to assume that any role that responds to [trouble] tickets will feel an impact."

"10 Revolutionary Augmented Reality Apps That You Should Know About" (http://ow.ly/R5Gk30oy5aH ) JK--Why do some authors feel they need to throw meatball words  "revolutionary" into their headlines? These are interesting apps, but not mindblowingly innovative.

"IBM is preparing to close its $34 billion acquisition of Red Hat, but Wall Street has 'real question marks' after its 'mediocre' quarter" (http://ow.ly/9GzW30oy4rd ) JK--Catch me the week after next at Red Hat Summit in Boston.

I'm happy telling anybody who's not in the IT biz that I'm a "geek." It's easier than explaining what I actually do for a living. It also stokes an aura of mystery around me that I can play to my advantage. I'm an all-knowing all-powerful technology wizard blah blah blah.

"The universe is expanding faster than we thought, and no one knows why" (http://ow.ly/6OY630oxZo3 ) JK--Is this something we should be concerned about? The "and no one knows why" makes me laugh. Apparently, scientists are expected to have all the answers without doing research.

"How data storage will shift to blockchain" (http://ow.ly/uCzN30oxmG1 ) JK--See my #InformationWeekcolumn from last July that puts this trend into even larger perspective:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp My Bloody Valentine "Only Shallow" from Loveless JK--1991. Classic shoegaze. Curious what style of shoes produces the best thundering bass-heavy noise rush. My hunch is patent lather: lets guitarists gaze into their own hungover eyes while performing.

Hybrid cloud as a current hot theme in the enterprise IT arena. Pardon me for deja vu on this, but I just came across a "hybrid cloud for dummies" book from 2012 down in my basement. Yellowed and a bit musty. Had to chuck it.

Another morning, another online-dating come-on. "These girls can't take their eyes off you." Yeah, I'm sure they're all in a stadium somewhere watching me on the jumbotron, doing the wave every time I blink, passionately tooting their vuvuzelas.

Morning's business-news alerts. US durable goods orders are up. That's a relief. I was tossing and turning in my bed all night worrying which way they were trending.

Watching “The Music Man.” Prof. Harold Hill singing “Gary, Indiana.” My father’s aunt was a nun in a convent there when I was a kid. I could not conceive of a less singable, less holy place than this stinky industrial hellhole on Lake Michigan.

"Databricks wants to replace messy data lakes with  reliable ‘Delta Lake’" (http://ow.ly/EeVJ30owIsM ) JK--Article includes my commentary.

Today's old-fashioned junk mail just arrived at the box on the street. One wants me to remodel the house. Another asks if I'd consider flipping it. Another urges that I tear down and rebuild. What's next? Somebody wanting to partner with me on doing it up as a bed & breakfast?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Smiths "How Soon Is Now?" from Meat Is Murder JK--1985. One guy to another, I'm curious if Morrissey's kneejerk barbed sarcasm frustrates his human need to be loved Just  everybody else does. You get what you give. Just sayin'

"Trump met with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey — and complained about his follower count" (http://ow.ly/wLzA30owBgy ) JK--What a douchebag. Actually, Twitter should ban him entirely for propagating hate speech--in other words, pretty much anything he tweets is nasty bullshit.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Happy Mondays "24 Hour Party People" JK--1987. That's when you're young. When you're my age, you're lucky to get 24 people together to party for an hour before they begin to nod off. 24 hour-party people.

"Artificial intelligence is on the brink of a 'diversity disaster'" (http://ow.ly/GCor30owzjP ) JK--And I'm part of the problem. There are far too many white men, especially aging balding bespectacled ones, tweeting and blogging about this stuff.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: “What are developers looking for in multicloud programming? Simplicity.” (https://siliconangle.com/2019/04/23/developers-seek-simplicity-multicloud-programming/ …)

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Link Wray "Jack The Ripper" JK--1963. This may be rock-n-roll sacrilege, but I prefer the Raybeats' 1984 cover better.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp U2 "Where the Streets Have No Name" from The Joshua Tree JK--1987. Fun fact: singer-songwriter Kirsty MacColl was the one who chose the running order of tracks on this classic LP. She based it on descending order of what she d. This ran 3rd.

"Facebook to use AI to stop telling users to say hi to dead friends" (http://ow.ly/eR9E30ovGNE ) JK--Please. If the bureau that paid my late wife's pension automatically knew about her death within weeks of it happening, how is it that Facebook can't infer deaths with big data?

"We Built an ‘Unbelievable’ (but Legal) Facial Recognition Machine" (http://ow.ly/OSL030ovGsg ) JK--The New York Times dabbles in Big Brother territory just for journalistic kicks--and to make a point about how easy it is to automate surveillance of the public realm.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Mick Jagger "Memo From Turner" from Performance JK--1970. Mick solo, during Stones' heyday. He'd done an acting role in the movie "Performance." This song was from the soundtrack, written from POV of his character, reclusive rockstar "Turner." Good one.

Can't wait to meet UK's lead privacy commissioner at Rotenberg party next week in NW DC. One of the few regular opportunities where my personal & professional lives intersect. Anna Rotenberg was my late wife's best friend. Husband Marc is a leading data privacy advocate in the US

"UL Takes Autonomy Standards Plunge" (http://ow.ly/v59E30ov8cF ) JK--Interesting. Check out this #Dataversityarticle I authored 9 months ago, spelling out what UL is doing to certify AI products as safe for public consumption. 

"Congress should regulate automated decision-making" (http://ow.ly/hNSx30ov7O2 ) JK--Don't be overregulatory fools. Just focus on the country's clear priorities, such as impeaching Trump.

"MLIR: A new intermediate representation and compiler framework" (http://ow.ly/GSkP30ov7In ) JK--This one purports to address issues with error messages & cross-path optimization and transformation passes with IR/compiler frameworks already in use in today's diverse AI ecosystem

"A new bill would force companies to check their algorithms for bias" (http://ow.ly/BZ6230ov6F3 ) JK--Well-intentioned but overkill. Every algorithm has a bias for the objectives for which it was built. Also checking for penumbra of potential biases? That's an unbounded set.

""This AI-generated sculpture is made from the shredded remains of the computer that designed it" (http://ow.ly/w0gP30ov6qx ) JK--Clever stunt! Would've been even  clever if the sculpture itself was in the schematic shape of the artificial neural network whence it sprung.

"Aroma: Using machine learning for code recommendation" (http://ow.ly/PhBx30ov51h ) JK--Facebook's "code-to-code search/recommendation tool that uses ML to make the process of gaining insights from big codebases much easier.....saving time/energy in day-to-day development workflow"

"DeepMind Offers Mathematical Dataset 4 Training Reasoning in Neural Models" (http://ow.ly/sgaA30ov3L2 ) JK--"Large-scale extendable dataset of mathematical questions for training (& evaluating abilities of) neural models that can reason algebraically." Wow! that's groundbreaking!

"Facebook Open Sources PyTorch Tool for 'Extremely Large' Graphs" (http://ow.ly/xRhf30ov2EZ ) JK--Scalable graphs are the next frontier in AI, providing the increasingly complex node-edge models for shifting contexts, relationships, and influence patterns from cloud-to-edge.

"Facebook now says its password leak affected ‘millions’ of Instagram users" (http://ow.ly/2lsv30ov2yq ) JK--I'm sorry, but why does Facebook increasingly feel  it's Springfield Nuclear Power Plant with Homer Simpson manning the control room? D'oh!!!!

Bought the CD of Orville Peck’s brilliant debut LP “Pony.” Deep romantic voice over burning country songs with indie shoegaze intensity. A bit Chris Isaak, a smidge My Bloody Valentine.

Visualization of the redactions to the Mueller report (http://ow.ly/BreZ30otLyW ). There's no "lightly" about it.

Here's the Mueller report (http://ow.ly/54m430otKal ) JK--Redactions throughout the document for "harm to ongoing matter,""personal privacy,""investigative techniques," and "grand jury."

How multicloud cost models are shifting – and what to do about it https://siliconangle.com/2019/04/18/multicloud-cost-models-shifting/ …via @SiliconANGLE

New jk #Wikibonpost: "How Multicloud Cost Models Are Shifting" (http://ow.ly/Wfl130otn0w )

"Affectiva raises $26 million to bring emotional intelligence AI to car safety systems" (http://ow.ly/UI4C30ot7QN ) JK--"Incorporated into cameras used in car safety systems to recognize when a driver is happy, sad, drowsy, or frustrated"? Also feel remorse when it hits someone?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Mother Love Bone "Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns" from Mother Love Bone Demos JK--1992. One of those great early 90s rock-radio songs you wouldn't be able to name to save your life, but you immediately recognize when you hear it. Reminds me of Free.

"Most Companies Are Not Ready for Ethical Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/vt3w30osqIT ) JK--That's a strange headline. What it actually refers to is simply managing customer data so as to protect privacy, respect ownership rights, and avoid trampling on cultural sensitivities.

One of the interesting things about online dating is that my writing skills have become an asset in meeting people. This was never even remotely material 37 years ago, the last time I was single. I'm not entirely sure that this is a good thing. Social media have honed my style.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Echo & The Bunnymen "Ocean Rain" from Ocean Rain JK--1984. Their releases had a cinematic grandeur, a dramatic melancholy. Perfect example.

"What You Need to Know About Data Lakes, Marts, Vaults, and Warehouses" (http://ow.ly/hT7I30ospIV ) JK--IMHO, these terms are confusing. I still need to stop to remind myself what they mean. I associate them with, respectively, modeling, analyzing, logging, and governing the data.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Clash "Clampdown" from London Calling JK--1979. This song has a deceptively intricate rhythm. You tap out the light, steady underbeat with your foot while the band crush the rock 'n' roll on top of it.

"2 New Frameworks that Google & DeepMind are Using to Scale Deep Learning Workflows" (http://ow.ly/cWWh30orKyq ) JK--GPipe & TF-Replicator. "Both efforts attempt to address the scalability of DL workflows without imposing any [performance] penalties on the programming model."

"The Coming AI Autumn" (http://ow.ly/Ehys30orJLf ) JK--I don't know about you, but I'm tired of this seasonal analogy. Someone please explain what "AI Spring" and "AI Summer" look . Budding young artificial-neuron shoots vs. sweltering waves of stochastic gradient descent?

"AnzoGraph: A graph database for deep analytics" (http://ow.ly/MFxU30orJxf ) JK--Article provides good overview of today's diversity in the market for graph databases, though I doubt, contrary to graph devotees, that graph tech will blow RDBMSs out of the water. Hasn't happened yet

"Smart cities are an AI-powered dystopia that’s already happening" (http://ow.ly/N6dj30orJdo ) JK--Typical example of the sort of "watched too much Bladerunner" commentary that inspires overreaction against tech thats also enriching many urban lives.

"Tracking Phones, Google Is a Dragnet for the Police" (http://ow.ly/SUzN30orIVy ) JK--And the World Wide Web is Jack Webb. We're gonna come down on you punks--HARD!!!

Algorithm that created the first image of black hole (http://ow.ly/IOKr30orI4x ) JK--Astronomical signals reach radio telescopes at slightly different rates, If the measurements from 3 telescopes are multiplied, the extra delays caused by atmospheric noise cancel each other out."

"How Big Data, AI and Biometrics Are Building Trust in the Sharing Economy" (http://ow.ly/RBS630orHTE ) JK--Ensure individuals receiving or offering a service, such as a ride-share, are who they say they are. Verify individuals in the onboarding process with identity proofing.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Nilüfer Yanya "Tears" from Miss Universe JK--2019. This artist is great. She's a bit Florence & The Machine, a bit Santogold, a bit Lykke Li, a bit Sade.

"Aruba Simplifies IoT Adoption with ML Infusion" (http://ow.ly/mwBQ30orGVo ) JK--Networks of IoT access points use AI to automate collective discovery, profiling, & adaptive policy/security of new devices.

"Amazon moving thousands of employees out of Seattle, relocating key division to nearby city" (http://ow.ly/P5pj30orFxl ) JK--How is this moving them "out of Seattle"? It's moving their jobs to a Seattle suburb. I'm sure most of these people will just change their commutes.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Dusty Springfield "Son of a Preacher Man" from Dusty in Memphis JK--1969. "Dusty in Memphis" is one of my favorite albums of all-time. I play it constantly on my Zune.

"Amazon to offer broadband access from orbit with 3,236-satellite ‘Project Kuiper’ constellation" (http://ow.ly/R0Sk30orF1A ) JK--Including 784 satellites at altitude of 367 miles; 1,296 satellites at 379 miles; and 1,156 satellites in 391-mile orbits? Space debris in the making?

"Intel and Cloudera collaborate to bring improved performance to customers with Optane DC Persistent Memory" (http://ow.ly/TkIg30orESr ) JK--New tier in the memory and storage hierarchy located between dynamic random access memory and solid state drives with latency closer to DRAM

"VMware-VeloCloud sees the future of SD-WAN with 5G, hybrid cloud" (http://ow.ly/haZp30orEpV ) JK--Interesting piece alluding to fact that extremely high wireless bandwidth will cause cloud workloads and policy execution to move to edge-based appliances built for those roles.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Smokey Brights "Hell of a Run" from Different Windows JK--2018. Hell of a great band. I saw them at Tractor Tavern on Saturday night. Caught an early plane the next morning. Didn't get much sleep, but it was worth it.

The best online dating site I've found so far is populated only by devastatingly beautiful women from Ukraine, all of whom are pretty much named Svetlana and who desire a deep relationship with any arbitrarily ugly man overseas who can promise them lifelong love, fidelity & money

In the multicloud era, is hardware an asset or a liability for tech providers? https://siliconangle.com/2019/04/12/multicloud-era-hardware-asset-liability-providers/ …via @SiliconANGLE

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Soul Coughing "Screenwriter's Blues (clean radio edit)" from Screenwriter's Blues JK--1994. I loved when my son and his wife lived in Los Angeles. Gave me a perfect excuse to roam the place. The weird intensity of that 24x7 car culture is thrilling.

In all my past travels to Seattle, I'd never thought about how hilly the place is. But this past week, I couldn't help noticing how often I went up & down the most precipitous inclines in any US city other than SF. And even Frisco's hills aren't always in your face  Seattle's

I just saw somebody somewhere refer to what a "Trumpcare" (along the lines of "Obamacare") might look . Can you imagine anything  wretched? Oh, that's right: the Trump presidency. But apart from that, is there anything that could possibly be closer to hell on Earth?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Andrew Bird "Sisyphus" from My Finest Work Yet JK--2019. One of my favorite driving-around-Seattle experiences last week was hearing an Andrew Bird song (not this one) on over-the-air radio. Of course, it was KEXP. Where else is that possible? 

When your tooth has broken off, happiness is a root canal and crown, rather than an implant or some nasty oral surgery. You take your blessings where you can get them.

The legal weed added a different quality to this Seattle trip. It was as if my college dorm were populated by mature adults with substantial careers, full lives, and plenty of spending cash. And all of them with highly developed joint-rolling skills.

There comes a time in every Seattle trip when my very being screams "enough coffee already!" I'm home now, happily drinking English breakfast tea...for dinner.

In the multicloud era, is hardware an asset or a liability for tech providers? https://siliconangle.com/2019/04/12/multicloud-era-hardware-asset-liability-providers/ …via @SiliconANGLE

Uber. They’re always your designated driver.

"AI systems are biased & cloud availability makes it worse" (http://ow.ly/IRUU30opGc9 ) JK--Not sure that I buy Linthicum's thesis about AI skills deficit leaving us all exposed to a cloud-driven glut of inadvertently biased AI. What if debiasing is baked into AI DevOps automation?

"Artificial Intelligence Beyond Deep Neural Networks" (http://ow.ly/4u7f30opFDw ) JK--Good discussion of the limits of neural net tech in achieving results closer to truly omni-competent adaptive contextual AI.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Thunderpussy "Somebody to Love" from Live at KEXP JK--2018. Excellent Jefferson Airplane cover. She sounds  Grace Slick, Corin Tucker (Sleater-KInney), and Linda Perry (4 Non-Blondes) rolled together into one super-righteous lady lead rocksinger.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Lady Lamb "Emily" from Even in the Tremor JK--2019. Nice song. "You've always been the Jenny to my Watson Twins." What a perfect indie-music-geek reference! Jenny Lewis, of course. Classic album from 10+ years ago.

"Coding is for everyone, as long as U speak English" (http://ow.ly/4l7330opBvc ) JK--Why not create a stand-alone coding language that's agnostic to natural human languages (but uses Latin alphabet)? Underlying programming logic would be free of stray natural-language connotations

"Microsoft, Amazon are the last bidders standing for the $10 billion DoD JEDI cloud contract" (http://ow.ly/4AGO30opB41 ) JK--Seattle-based, both of them. If Amazon takes it, they'll almost certainly ramp up the Crystal City hiring very fast. That's walking distance from Pentagon.

Seattle coffee culture. Overheard a mom at a Wallingford Starbucks teaching her toddlers that “the universe always needs coffee.” My mom raised me on tea. My wife deepened the tea craving. It’s now my post-coffee palate cleanser.

This past week in Seattle hasn’t been a vacation or a business trip. It’s been  of a residency, a 3000-mile shift of my personage, a chance to restart my personal melody in an adjacent key. A working meditation.

New jk #SiliconANGLE article: "Wrapping up Next, Google pushes multiclouds to top of customers’ IT strategies" (http://ow.ly/ZNGm30opsCZ )

Those clothing stores for big & tall men and full-figured ladies. Has anybody considered opening a "one size fits all" store? It should carry every style of loincloth, muumuu, & terrycloth bathrobe. 

Having suddenly been single again for the past few months, I can clearly and unequivocably state that Tinder is idiotic. Daily messages from that app are "here are your daily picks--start swiping!" What is this? Am I in a batting cage in spring training in the get-laid leagues?

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Orville Peck "Hope to Die" from Pony JK--2019. I'm , what the, did Roger Whittaker, Richard Harris, Anthony Newley, and David Bowie pour all their drama-stud vocalizations into this guy or what.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: “Cloud Next day two wrap: Google makes a strong developer push” (https://siliconangle.com/2019/04/11/cloud-next-day-two-wrap-google-makes-strong-developer-push/ …)

OMG! It's been 2+ months since I did yoga, and I joined my host Elizabeth to her yoga class in Seattle's Queen Ann neighborhood. That was one intense grunt for me all the way through. I am entirely out of shape, but it felt so good. Glad I didn't faint. All the people were nice.

"What’s cooler than being cool? Ice cold archive storage" (http://ow.ly/2qGW30ooa3T ) JK--Kudos to Google's marketing comms team for the Outkast reference here. I want you on your best behavior. For starters, don't shake it  a Polaroid picture.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: “Day one wrap at Next: Multicloud stars as Google Cloud opens up its strategy” (https://siliconangle.com/2019/04/09/day-one-wrap-next-multicloud-stars-google-cloud-opens-strategy/ …)

It seems as if a fair number of people on the street in downtown Seattle--actually, just the guys--were animated by MIke Judge. There are a fair number of Beavis and Butt-head lookas, as well as a lot of Hank Hills and Boomhauers, but most speaking with Portlandia accents.

It seems  every other person in Seattle is wearing a baseball- cap or a toque. They’re all warmly jacketed and sort of glumly self-contained. In April, DC-area people, self included, have already shed winter clothes. Headwear is uncommon.

"Google brings the cream of open-source software to its cloud" (http://ow.ly/rrLu30onyyp ) JK--Quotes me.

"Google Cloud Run brings serverless infrastructure to software containers" (http://ow.ly/6jac30onywc ) JK--Quotes me.

New jk #Wikibonblog: "Hardware Orientation: Asset or Liability for IT Vendors in the Multicloud Era?" (http://ow.ly/hlLl30onryL )

Raining in Seattle right now. The forecast also calls for desert conditions in Saudi Arabia,

Seattle. Perfect place to set my heart straight. Perfect honeymoon spot almost 35 years ago. Egidia cannot be replaced, only cherished. Nice to have a local friend to hang with.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "The challenge of ensuring effective security across the multicloud" (http://ow.ly/ax4250pa2yJ )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Cocteau Twins "Know Who You Are at Every Age" from Four-Calendar Café JK--1993. Whoever requested this was reading my mind. Everything the Cocteaus produced blew my mind. Especially this one. One of their most supernaturally lush curtains of layered sound

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bob Dylan "Tangled Up in Blue" from Blood on the Tracks JK--1975. One of many standout songs from this masterpiece album. Every one of these words rings true & glows  burning coal, pouring off of every note  it was written in my soul.

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Max Romeo "Scammer Jammers" from Horror Zone JK--2016. For such a thoroughly cynical sentiment, this is pretty bouncy boogying reggae. Pretty much, everything is a scam.

Saw a thoroughly geeky business blog headline: "Create and activate visioning to inspire your organization." It would probably inspire them  if you got a life. Or at least got outside now, took a deep breath, and perhaps a shower.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Black Rebel Motorcycle Club "Spread Your Love" from B.R.M.C. JK--2001. I'm glad they didn't waste this great bandname on sucky music. Those guys just drive those choppers straight down the center.

"Young Astronomer Uses AI To Discover 2 Exoplanets" (http://ow.ly/nzNJ30ojlT2 ) JK--I look forward to the day they use AI to discover exo-AI on exoplanets. Enough of this search for intelligent life in universe. Life is overrated. Statistical algorithms? Man, they're the real deal!

"Have we reached “peak” chief digital officer?" (http://ow.ly/VoXk30ojlF7 ) JK--I think so. Fad is passing. Transforming business processes thru digital, online approaches is a responsibility that needs to permeate a company. It can't be neatly handed to one C-level exec to oversee

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "At Flink Forward, Ververica evolves Apache Flink into a unified data platform" (http://ow.ly/b5tZ30oiRUw )

I was minding my own business checking out some sports bar in Palo Alto. Some guy with his friends on the patio said I looked “intellectual” and wanted to engage me in conversation. I muttered something about AI and waltzed out. Felt  I was being hit on.

Bellhop. I wonder how much I would have to tip them to see them hop. If I sweetened their palm, would they hop higher?

New York Times. “All the news that’s fit to print.” Have they updated the fitness criteria over the years? After all, in olden days a glimpse of stocking was perceived as something shocking, but nowadays, heaven knows, anything goes.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Strand of Oaks "Ruby" from Eraserland JK--2019. Good new (dare I say, arena-ready) rocker from the project of Philly-based songwriter and producer Timothy Showalter.

"Amazon launches Alexa for Business Blueprints, a set of templates for employees to create and publish private Alexa skills for their organization, in the US" (http://ow.ly/nay730oihrr ) JK--It would be great if Alexa for Business could install management skills in human managers.

"He Helped Create A.I. Now, He Worries About ‘Killer Robots.’" (http://ow.ly/NMQ730oih1M ) JK--Alfred Nobel worried about dynamite, Robert Oppenheimer the atomic bomb. We the human race appreciate your pangs of conscience. You think that's going to stop militaries everywhere?

"Responsible Machine Learning Principles" (http://ow.ly/wafu30oigw1 ) JK--Fairly comprehensive set of them. But it feels  it's ly to paralyze teams of data scientists with so many highminded mandates that they can barely do anything without violating one or  of these

"AI Ethics: Seven Traps" (http://ow.ly/g2Sy30oig0E ) JK--Good discussion. But it overlooks another trap that's in plain view: imagining that there's such a thing as "AI ethics" separate & apart from ethical/moral living generally. And believing that it can be engineered into being 

I hear that Trump is also cutting aid to the fourth Mexican country: New Mexico. He said he's sick and tired of those green bug-eyed Roswell aliens flooding across the border with Colorado.

"20 leading MDM platform vendors" (http://ow.ly/OUw930oie0b ) JK--I dare say that "20 leading" is an oxymoron. Please replace that phrase with "damn near all."

"When Scrum Is Not The Right Answer" (http://ow.ly/xGpo30oidLG ) JK--Yeah, but don't sell it short. It might come in handy in Scrabble.

"5 ways Alexa can help with your taxes" (http://ow.ly/jAPC30oidDU ) JK--Alexa, pour me a stiff one and shut up, I'm concentrating.

Series 8 of "Doc Martin." Mrs. Tishell talking to her recently departed husband Clive. I know where she's coming from...except for the neck brace thingamabob. That mystifies me. I can't even tolerate turtlenecks. I never understood the cult of Steve Jobs.

Baristas at Peets in the Ferry Bldg were saying it takes 13 hours to drive to Seattle. Business-suited me regaled then with the romantic tale of Egidia and my 24-hour Amtrak roll on our honeymoon in 1984. We did Portland, but barely.

New jk #SiliconANGLE article: “On the verge of Next ’19, Google must double down on cloud applications” (https://siliconangle.com/2019/04/01/verge-next-19-google-must-double-cloud-applications/ …)

Heading to San Francisco for Flink Forward at Hotel Nikko on Union Square. That’s tomorrow. I’ll be in and around our Palo Alto studio the rest of the week. Look me up. 

RT @KEXPNowPlaying#kexp Nilüfer Yanya “Paralysed” from Miss Universe JK—2019. Love this. Cool intricate weave of her voice, a wash of electric guitar, and a sort of jazzy dance groove.

April 1. I see that the blight has withered all the Tidal Basin cherry blossoms to a sodden mess. Tourists go home!

“Finding Your Roots” finds one of Tea Leoni’s ancestors had a Fairfax County farm 9 miles from George Washington. Gates says they were “neighbors.” That’s my distance. However, I’ve never felt that I can just drop in on Mt Vernon asking for a cup of sugar whenever I feel  it.

"CBS Sunday Morning" on the 1960s race to the moon and all the spin-off tech. I need to replenish my supplies of Tang and Space Food Sticks. I don't know about you, but those have been staples in my diet ever since Neil Armstrong took that one small step.

Caught “Stan & Ollie” on DVD. Steve Coogan and John C. Reilly embody the famous comedians with astonishing grace and realism. I had to keep reminding myself that I wasn’t watching the real Laurel and Hardy.

“Lost In Translation” on cable. One of the few movies that I never tire of rewatching. Also in this category: “O Brother Where Art Thou,” “The Quiet Man,” “Citizen Kane,” “A Clockwork Orange,” “”National Lampoon’s Animal House.”

RIP Ranking Roger. Along with Dave Wakeling, one of the vocalists for the Beat (aka English Beat). I don't know about you, but I can't look back to the 1980s without having a Beat song start skanking happily in my head.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Quivers "You're Not Always On My Mind" from You're Not Always on My Mind JK--2019. Yep. And the skies are not cloudy all day.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Hot Chip "Dancing In The Dark" from Dancing In The Dark EP JK--2015. Good Springsteen cover.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle “Mesh madness: The flattening of multicloud networking” (https://siliconangle.com/2019/03/28/mesh-madness-flattening-multicloud-networking/ …)

"How Kubernetes Could Orchestrate Machine Learning Pipelines" (http://ow.ly/jlPV30oeeUg ) JK--Not only "could," but will. Good overview of this emerging space, covering Kubeflow. Here's my #Wikibon piece on Kubeflow from a few months ago:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Bob Dylan "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right" from The Freewheelin Bob Dylan JK--1964. Fun fact: Hibbing MN schools taught "I never knowed" as grammatical English till Dylan put out this song & the embarrassment killed them. Here's BobbyZ's childhood home

"Proposals for model vulnerability and security" (http://ow.ly/qDIx30oee9n ) JK--Good discussion of approaches for applying fair and private models, white-hat and forensic model debugging, and common sense to protect machine learning models from malicious actors.

"Artificial intelligence: the art world’s weird and wonderful new medium" (http://ow.ly/xjnn30oedK4 ) JK--Yeah, but generative adversarial networks in fine art will be  computer-generated imagery in cinema. After a while, creative uses of machine learning will be done to death.

"Inside Google's Rebooted Robotics Program" (http://ow.ly/yXYq30oedzo ) JK--They definitely need to go there. Amazon Web Services has gotten quite a jump on Google in commercializing AI-driven robotics.

"Do you see what AI sees? Study finds that humans can think  computers" (http://ow.ly/QP1f30oedds ) JK--I've been thinking  a computer for many years. I watched a lot of 1950s sci-fi B-movies. Those androids taught me to repeat mindlessly: "that does not compute...."

"Web inventor wants web built on solid data principles" (http://ow.ly/uuFk30oecMn ) JK--Pun on name of Berners-Lee's user-centric data-privacy project. For a second there, I thought he was calling for all Web databases to be restructured in 6th normal form (http://ow.ly/4Fij30oecWD )

"‘Godfathers of AI’ honored with Turing Award, the Nobel Prize of computing" (http://ow.ly/1TVX30oecy5 ) JK--Yes, of course it's important to call out their gender and imply that they train machine learning models to make unrefusable offers.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Tom Petty "Don't Fade on Me" from Wildflowers JK--1994. Very nice. I didn't know he got quiet, slow, soulful, and acoustic.

"Pub/sub msg: Apache Kafka vs. Apache Pulsar " (http://ow.ly/PF7U30oebPN ) JK--"ASF...projects that...duplicate functionality (would U  Apache Apex, Apache Flink, Apache Heron, Apache Samza, Apache Spark, or Apache Storm for yr directed acyclic graph data processing needs?)"

"How India’s data labellers are powering the global AI race" (http://ow.ly/c9MU30oeaoV ) JK--"Data annotation and labelling is process-driven, requiring precision work and skills that even people with a high-school education can be trained on." High-tech sweatshop? You bet!

"Stanford’s new AI institute is inadvertently showcasing one of tech’s biggest problems" (http://ow.ly/2jZK30oeaeL ) JK--I don't know whether a preponderance of white dudes constitutes "one of tech's biggest problems." But I guess I'm part of the problem. It isn't easy being me.

"Safe Coordination of Human-Robot Firefighting Teams" (http://ow.ly/ALb030oe9To ) JK--AI-infused drone robotics will be providing air cover to ground-based humans in military, law enforcement, emergency response, firefighting, and other hazardous occupations.

I'm a bit jaded reading up on all the AI ethics stuff, which blurs together into highminded mush. Let's go back to basics. AI should do unto others what it would have them do unto it. Once it suspends us in The Matrix, it should train us to make high-speed statistical predictions

Join #Wikibon#actionitemtomorrow, Thurs Mar 28, for live CrowdChat, "Making Money in Hybrid Cloud," 12noon EDT,

"GGL Celebrates Bach B-day w/AI-Powerd Doodle" (http://ow.ly/Nf6J30oddv0 ) JK-- Style transfer. Coconet ML model, trained on 306 of Bach’s 4-voice chorale harmonizations, melds your custom 2-measure melody into JSB style. Executes in-browser w/TensorFlow.js and/or in-cloud via TPUs

"AI is never going to be perfect - Facebook: A Further Update on New Zealand Terrorist Attack" (http://ow.ly/tOYH30oddfq ) JK--Lays bare the difficulties of training AI to spot/block content in real time on black-swan events such as these atrocities.

Hanging alone at Panera Kingstowne. Couple of Everything bagels, toasted, with cream cheese and yellow mustard. After my own taste. And hazelnut coffee. Couldn’t be  me than this.

Bought/downloaded Jenny Lewis' new album, "On The Line." As always, a superb collection of fresh songs from this sensational singer-songwriter. I'm on my third playthrough of the whole set.

Bought/downloaded another classic LP that was inexplicably missing from my personal cache: Sinead O’Connor “I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got.” Extraordinary interplay of up and down tempos.

New jk #SiliconANGLEarticle: "Looking ahead to Next ’19, Google puts AI at the center of cloud hyperscaling" (http://ow.ly/Gf8m30obuqt )

"SAS announces $1 Billion investment in Artificial Intelligence" (http://ow.ly/51v730obeqY ) JK--Investing in AI R&D, customer education, and professional services. Packaged apps? Modeling tools? DevOps workflow platforms. SAS: please brief me. Let's get deeper.

"Nvidia Touts Its 'Accelerated Computing' Vision for AI" (http://ow.ly/ipfX30obdD8 ) JK--Refers to accelerated end-to-end AI DevOps pipeline. But,  broadly, to accelerating AI-driven innovation across hardware/software/services ecosystem.

Saw "Black Panther" on DVD. Enjoyed it very much. I was especially electrified by Michael B. Jordan's terrific performance.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Psychedelic Furs "All That Money Wants" from All of This and Nothing JK--1988. Richard Butler's rasp became a kind of signature sound for them. But their songs were so good that they could have had a pretty-voiced singer and it would have worked well.

"U.S. Workers Want to Delegate Half Their Jobs to AI" (http://ow.ly/LyTO30ob8ht ) JK--Yeah, me too. But they don't want to delegate half their pay.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Lee Hazlewood "If It's Monday Morning" JK--1971, Awesome spoken intro: "There were times when being together was fun. And there were times when being apart was even  fun. And there was times when there was nothing but time. And that was no fun."

Got one of these Moleskin notebooks for free for subscribing to WSJ. I'm disappointed. I was hoping for Ratskin. That's prestige. And I hear it's trending with the hip jetsetting billionaires who the WSJ's advertisers are trying to reach.

"No collusion" as a campaign slogan for Trump in 2020? That's a very inspiring theme. Goes to the heart of what made America great. GOP should rally round that.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Tori Amos "Cornflake Girl" from Under the Pink JK--1994. "Things are getting kind of gross." My cornflakes are gross when I let them sit too long in the milk. I  crunch. I don't know what turns Tori on. But the video hints

"Wary of Amazon, Latino neighborhood vows not to be pushed out" (http://ow.ly/sETf30ob6Ef ) JK--Arlandria is almost certainly on the verge of gentrification. My sense is that Latinos will concentrate along the Columbia Pike corridor  densely all the way down to Annandale.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Andrew Bird "Sisyphus" from My Finest Work Yet JK--2019. Loving this new song from Bird. I've been a fan ever since "Noble Beast" a decade ago.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Calexico & Iron & Wine "Father Mountain" from Years to Burn JK--2019. So good to hear them again. This is a great one.

"Grab vs. Go-Jek: Inside Asia’s Battle of the 'Super Apps'" (http://ow.ly/OmIL30ob5Yg ) JK--In the highly mobile motorcycle-intensive road culture of Indonesia (which I know well), they're off to an amazing start. I constantly saw Grab & Go-Jek on the streets of Jakarta last year.

"Spark Networks Swipes Right For SF Dating Company Zoosk" (http://ow.ly/i5gY30ob5Gg ) JK--There's no "swiping" on Zoosk. But it's quite an effective platform for meeting real people. Surprisingly little BS in how people present themselves. Excellent photo-verification tech.

Yet another tech "rockstar." I'd  to see all these supposed rockstars inducted into their own hall of fame, each enshrined next to whatever air guitar apparently gained them this distinction.

Was a good weekend. Starting to feel  myself again. A new version of myself. But myself.

Wind was a bit much today. It just sort of knocked me dopey, but not sneezy, grumpy, doc, or bashful. Now I’m sleepy and happy. Got my dwarves in a row.

Mueller report. OK. I’ll remain in gritted-teeth mode till November of next year. We’ll have our chance to boot out the bastard then.

Made myself a too-elaborate breakfast. Because I’m here alone and nobody can stop me. Also it’s Saturday morning, so why the heck not.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp A Tribe Called Quest "Can I Kick It?" from People’s Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm JK--1990. Yes, you can. Thanks for asking. 

"Scientists rise up against statistical significance" (http://ow.ly/1gYo30o9AdH ) JK--Ah yes, the scourge of having high confidence in empirical propositions. I rue the day my highschool AP math teacher introduced us to P values. Been hooking up with random variables ever since.

"Can Drones Provide Agricultural ‘Ground Truth’?" (http://ow.ly/igul30o9zUv ) JK--You know a data science geek when they get the double-entendre in that headline. You know they aren't total dorks when they groan at the pun.

"New Google project offers Kubernetes building blocks for CI/CD" (http://ow.ly/S9Hf30o9zL4 ) JK--Tekton sounds promising for DevOps over cloud-native fabrics.

"Why Data Science Teams Need Generalists, Not Specialists" (http://ow.ly/V1Kz30o9yQJ ) JK--I agree. What the world needs now is  people who can generally do amazing things in every context. What it also needs now is the funds to pay them what they're worth. They ain't cheap.

"Viewing Matrices & Probability as Graphs" (http://ow.ly/N4O330o9yqS ) JK--May sound  arcane mathematics discussion, but this is the pivot pattern for all AI advances now. See "matrix/vector" discussion in my InfoWorld column last fall: http://ow.ly/WRbj30o9yFR . Tensor graphs

"3D Hand Shape and Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image" (http://ow.ly/CyQs30o9xBp ) JK--Which image of my favorite Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Gader Binsburg, are you referring to? I've had a crush on her hands for many years. Now it can be told.

"Pat Gelsinger: Cisco ACI 'Bicycle' Will Never Match VMware NSX 'Lamborghini’" (http://ow.ly/ANj430o9xlT ) JK--I'm sorry, but this analogy doesn't make any sense to me. I'm quite familiar with both vendors & solutions. That's a bit out-of-proportion to the reality of the comparison

"Most firms want AI in their data security arsenal, but aren't sure why" (http://ow.ly/mWKM30o9vOE ) JK--Headline inspires wry chuckle. Survey of IT professionals found that 71% plan to use  AI in cyber security tools, but 58% aren’t sure what it actually does. Read up, people!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Eurythmics "Love Is a Stranger" JK--1991. This song makes me tingle with nervous erotic energy.  any perfect pop song should.

"KGCNs: Machine Learning Over Knowledge Graphs With TensorFlow" (http://ow.ly/y4Cf30o9vow ) JK--Thoroughly geeky cutting-edge topic in data science. But graph-over-stats modeling is a powerful approach for knowledge capture. Future AI will eat this stuff up.

"Trained neural nets perform much  humans on classic psychological tests" (http://ow.ly/YmOD30o9tlg ) JK--Really? Neural nets project their sexual hangups into every stupid Rorschach pattern? I didn't realize that statistical models were quite this randy.

"IBM’s latest trick: Turning noisy quantum bits into machine learning magic" (http://ow.ly/EveW30o9oe1 ) JK--Article references Reese's peanut butter cup commercial that was  than 40 years ago. I suggest obscure reference to this 1970s Faygo commercial:

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Car Seat Headrest & Naked Giants "This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody)" JK--2016. Excellent full-tilt rocking cover of the Talking Heads classic.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Flaming Lips "She Don’t Use Jelly" from Transmissions From the Satellite Heart JK--1993. Wayne Coyne needs a factchecker. I'm sure Cher doesn't change the color of her hair. She must have a vast collection of multicolored wigs. We're talking Cher here 

When a vendor's PR team includes phrases such as "world's leading..." in their news release headline, I'm sure they think it makes them stand out. Seeing a steady stream of these marketing puff-phrases, all I can think is that it makes them sound  one of the pack.

New jk #Wikibonblog: "How AI is Automating Multicloud Management" (http://ow.ly/NTwu30o8NQY )

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Quivers "Pigeons" from Live on KEXP JK--2019. Fun vibrant Australian rock band. Hometowns are Melbourne, Victoria and Hobart, Tasmania. I'll tell you: Melbourne's a swinging place.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Johnny Cash "I’ve Been Everywhere" from Unchained JK--1996. Originally written by an Aussie in 1959 with Australian towns. They have very singable place names. See here: http://ow.ly/X2Lv30o8wUk . I've been to Ballarat. Loved it!

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Boy Genius "Cowboy Take Me Away" (live on kexp) JK--2019. Very pretty one.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Sinéad O’Connor "Jump in the River" from I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got jK--1990. Awesome. Note to self: buy this classic LP, you putz...what's taking you so long?

"'Autonomy' Documentary Director: Don't Fear Our Self-Driving Future" (http://ow.ly/oI4f30o8mUu ) JK--On a related issue, should we continue to have no fear for atomic energy? 'Cause, last time I checked, none of them can-a stop-a the time.

"Attila the Hun"? Why append his ethnic designation to his proper name? Was that necessary? Wouldn't his name hint at that? Or perhaps his choice of headwear? Those were different times. All the poets they studied rules of verse & those ladies they rolled their eyes.

"Success with the IoT starts with understanding 'Thing Management'" (http://ow.ly/OFdP30o8kZu ) JK--I recommend "The Cat in the Hat." Dr. Seuss showed how a mischievous anthropomorphic bipedal feline could manage Things 1 & 2  a pro and put everything back before Mom got home.

"Migrating From Lombok to Kotlin" (http://ow.ly/Ktck30o8kga ) JK--I love Lombok, but I've never heard of an Indonesian island named "Kotlin," Is that near Komodo? Do they have big lizards? How about Starbucks and Aussie tourist surfers getting wasted on the beach? Please explain.

"Scientists Used IBM’s Quantum Computer to Reverse Time, Possibly Breaking a Law of Physics" (http://ow.ly/QuVD30o8jYP ) JK--Oh, c'mon, IBM. Prove it. Go back in time and prevent Thomas Watson Sr from meeting his wife, then poof no Jr, no Big Blue, no Watson AI, etc. Too scary, eh?

Catch me in San Francisco the first week in April and Seattle the following week. You can’t keep me, but you can catch me.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp The Cactus Blossoms "Please Don't Call Me Crazy" from Easy Way JK--2019. Really good. Sounds  an Austin band, but a quick Google shows they're from Minneapolis.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Adia Victoria "Pacolet Road" from Silences JK--2019. Love this. Sounds a bit  Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

Another morning tech headline about various vendors being "listed as visionary." I'm curious what tech-analyst-business-model visionary hit on the lucrative idea of routinely listing vendors as visionary.

Interesting briefing yesterday from http://Solo.io . They're way ahead of cloud-native curve, providing orchestration for multi-mesh environments in which graphs present APIs of hybrid serverless functions exposing AI microservices. My head exploded with possibilities.

Hey Joe, why you been Biden your time?

Funniest incoming online dating email subject line of the morning: "Someone who want of you." Sorry honey, but me someone who want of nice lady who have mastered the basics of English grammar.

"Exploring Neural Networks with Activation Atlases" (http://ow.ly/vs1x30o6Bjb ) JK-- Explorable "activation atlas" of image-classification features the network has learned which can reveal how the network typically represents some concepts. Click through and view for yourselves.

" People Want To Know About Algorithms—But Not Too Much" (http://ow.ly/z5yz30o6Bc0 ) JK--Exactly. Transparency into how algorithms work is fine up to a point--the point at which you realize that this stuff is unfathomably complex. Scream uncle!

"AI Pioneer Fei-Fei Li on Building Benevolent Machines" (http://ow.ly/SrKl30o6ADQ ) JK--I'm sorry, but with all the militarization of AI, this sounds  a "hippies sticking daisies in soldiers' gun barrels" aspiration. I'm sure their R&D programs will be productive, though.

"Amazon's second headquarters clears blocks in Virginia funding vote" (http://ow.ly/rvNk30o6zYo ) JK--There were protestors trying to disrupt vote, but the board was unanimous and Northern Virginians are solidly behind it. We're talking 10s of thousands of high-paying jobs.

"The Cloud and Open Source Powder Keg" (http://ow.ly/8r5x30o6zcI ) JK--O'Grady's thesis is that both open-source vendors & cloud providers have competitive incentive to take open-source code partly proprietary and/or fork it. Cites some recent examples. But larger trend? I doubt it

"A Leap into the Future: Generative Adversarial Networks" (http://ow.ly/JxvL30o6z0H ) JK--Tell a real face from an algorithmic face? Ha! Old hat! Find me a GAN that can spot a real face that has had work done.

"Is Analog Signal Processing the Future of AI?" (http://ow.ly/Ungj30o6yJc ) JK--The "junior highschool dance" analogy is lost on me, as it probably is on most readers of this. You think most geeks (of either gender) actually bothered to make it to the gym after-hours for that? Ha!

"From Virtual to Value: Building Meaningful Experiences With Gamification" (http://ow.ly/EUoK30o6yvT ) JK--Maybe I'm a grumpy coot but I find all those "rewards in the forms of tokens, badges and exclusive offers" tiresome and annoying.  you (I'm sure), I'm bombarded with those

"This Site Detects Whether Text Was Written by a Bot" (http://ow.ly/3Ygw30o6xY3 ) JK--Maybe I'm nuts, but I'd  to use it to see if I can trick it into thinking that something I deliberately wrote bot-style was written by a bot. That would be a cool poetic dialect to dabble in.

"Can AIOps Save IT Management?" (http://ow.ly/PxF430o6xAR ) JK--Save it from what? Data-driven algorithmic automation of the management of servers, networks, traffic, apps, etc is essential for scale/speed. Manual methods can only stretch so far before they're ineffective.

"Can AI become conscious? Bach, Escher & Gödel's 'strange loops' may have answer" (http://ow.ly/FP2Y30o6xbm ) JK--40th anniversary of Hofstadter's classic. Fun fact: I dated a girl in philosophy class in Ann Arbor who was hot on this book (less so on me) She's now a philosophy prof

"VMware firewall takes aim at defending apps in data center, cloud" (http://ow.ly/598r30o6wUk ) JK--Gains deep visibility into the hosts and services that generate traffic by tapping into its NSX network management software, vSphere hypervisors & AppDefense threat-detection system.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Ladytron "The Island" from Ladytron JK--2019. Glad to see they're still recording. This is a good one in their sorta retro 80s electro-pop style.

"Perfecto Unveils AI-Driven, No-Code Automation Testing" (http://ow.ly/CIjJ30o6wql ) JK--Using machine learning algorithms to write & maintain the scripts that automate IT testing. We'll see most program logic in the future written by programs. Coding better/faster than humans.

"Amazon’s Alexa has 80,000 Apps—and No Runaway Hit" (http://ow.ly/Wgd530o6uFc ) JK--Truth be told, I only use Alexa (through an Echo Dot in my home office) for one purpose: play #KEXP while I work. That hockey puck cranks out way  volume than my MacBook Air or iPhone X.

RT @kexpnowplaying#kexp Gary Clark, Jr. "This Land" from This Land JK--2019. This African-American guitar shredder nails a perfect sorta-response to Woody Guthrie's classic. The N-word used prominently in this, reducing lihood of major airplay.

"Technical Debt: What It Is, Why It's Important, How to Prioritize" (http://ow.ly/gE4s30o6sC0 ) JK--This term makes no sense. You don't owe "anything that creates friction between developer & delivering their work" to anyone, nor do you deduct it from assets to calculate net worth

RIP Dick Dale. He defined surf guitar, which was so utterly central to the wild, screaming harder edged sound of subsequent rock and roll, including punk, that the music is now unimaginable without his contribution.

Kobielus thought leadership posts in 2019


How Applying Labels and Other Tactics Keeps AI Transparent

Public cloud workloads take root in the boutiques

How 5G Will Serve AI and Vice Versa

GPUs Continue to Dominate the AI Accelerator Market for Now

Shining open source transparency on the roots of trusted hardware

At Tableau Conference, AI drives the business intelligence experience but Salesforce integration remains AWOL

Neural Architecture Search Could Tune AI’s Algorithmic Heart

Handicapping the AI modeling horse race

At Ignite, Microsoft convincingly addresses the multicloud imperative

Will data gravity favor the cloud or the edge?

At Evolve, ASG debuts low-code tooling for digital process automation

AI Keeps Buggy Code From Crashing The Cloud

As Hadoop wanes, Cloudera aims to accelerate multicloud data science pipelines

At OpenWorld, Oracle struggles to move the cloud needle its way

Next-generation virtual machines will help power multicloud computing

At VMworld, VMware bets big on convergence of virtual machines and containers

Company profile: H20.ai sprinkles in new risk mitigation features

VMware’s ‘Switzerland’ cloud partnership strategy will be a key focus at upcoming VMworld

How Long Will IT Remain a Viable Career in the Age of AIOps?

The Dangers of Demonizing AI

The Hybrid Cloud Arena Hits an Inflection Point

At Identiverse, exploring the challenges of building an identity control plane for the multicloud

The data lake is becoming the new data warehouse

AI-Powered Security: Lulling Us Into Misplaced Confidence?

MongoDB grows its solution portfolio while boosting its flagship platform

At AWS Public Sector Summit, Amazon braces for a changing cloud industry

How to provide single-pane visibility across the business multicloud

Giving DevOps Teeth To Crunch Down on AI Ethics Governance

At PegaWorld, Pega provides citizen developers with compliance guardrails

Wrapping a Collaborative Control Plane Around Multicloud Management

At Informatica World, AI automates delivery of smart recommendations for hybrid-cloud data operations

At Red Hat Summit, automation of hybrid cloud management steps to the forefront

Microsoft pushes the intelligent edge forward at Build

At Dell Tech World, data protection provides strategic leverage in the hybrid-cloud wars

What are developers looking for in multicloud programming? Simplicity.

How Multicloud Cost Models Are Shifting

Data Analytics Assure Quality Care by Regional Nursing Home Operator

Wrapping up Next, Google pushes multiclouds to top of customers’ IT strategies

Cloud Next day two wrap: Google makes a strong developer push

Day one wrap at Next: Multicloud stars as Google Cloud opens up its strategy

Hardware Orientation: Asset or Liability for IT Vendors in the Multicloud Era?

The challenge of ensuring effective security across the multicloud

At Flink Forward, Ververica evolves Apache Flink into a unified data platform

On the verge of Next ’19, Google must double down on cloud applications

Mesh madness: The flattening of multicloud networking

Looking ahead to Next ’19, Google puts AI at the center of cloud hyperscaling

How AI is Automating Multicloud Management

As Next ’19 approaches, Google confronts strategic challenges in the cloud

Security built in: At RSA Conference, cybersecurity intersects with DevOps

At RSA Conference, look for ‘post-perimeter’ security to dominate

Google Enters the Hybrid Cloud Arena With A Promising, Albeit Still-Beta, Offering

At Think 2019, IBM brings AI to the multicloud but confronts formidable challenges

Let’s Accept That AI Leadership Is Everywhere

How to manage full-spectrum DevOps that spans multiple clouds

Recapping the Think 2019 “Journey to Cloud” Community CrowdChat

At Cisco Live, executives discuss strategic directions in multicloud networking

At Cisco Live, agile programmability builds and governs multicloud applications

At Cisco Live, AI optimizes networking across the multicloud

Knative may be the serverless computing standard you need

Training AI to Save Lives

Harnessing AI to power automated management of containerized multiclouds

Powering a multicloud world: a recap of Wikibon’s Cisco Live Community CrowdChat

Virtualization is just getting warmed up

Step by step, how enterprises should embark on the journey to the cloud

Using Kubernetes to monitor and control the multicloud networking fabric

Recapping the Think 2019 “Journey to AI” community CrowdChat: AI everywhere

How to run high-performance Kubernetes apps in the multicloud

Implementing the Enterprise Journey to AI

Digital assistants rule the show at CES 2019

At CES, robotics delivers AI into every corner of our lives

Predictions for Big Data Analytics in 2019

At CES, look for an onslaught of AI-stoked digital wellness products

Predictions for Application Development in 2019

Predictions for Edge Computing in 2019

Kobielus thought leadership posts in 2020


Predictions for cloud computing in 2021



Predictions for AI in 2021



Reconciling political beliefs with career ambitions



Anti-adversarial machine learning defenses start to take root



Predicting How Biden Might Tackle Tech Policy



Nvidia pushes into a wider application ecosystem



The Upside to Deepfake Technology



Looking into the post-2020 future of Big Tech



AI Governance Rises to the Top of the Stack



Limits of AI to Stop Disinformation During Election Season



Microsoft’s innovative new tools for the ‘new normal’



How NVIDIA’s Arm acquisition will drive AI to every edge



Using robotics and immersive technologies to support work-from-home employees



The Coming Tech Schism in the Post-Pandemic Workplace



Big tech faces intense political pressure in an election year



Is the carbon footprint of AI too big?



Will Facial Recognition Thrive in the Post-Pandemic Economy?



The sweet spot for robotic process automation in the COVID-19 response



Robotics Will Prevail Over Other Tech Sectors Post-Pandemic



Social engineering hacks weaken cybersecurity during the pandemic



How AI is Enabling Predictive Containment Management



How AI is Enabling Pervasive Biosensing



How AI is Powering Social Distancing for Digital Business Transformation



Which tech companies will survive the pandemic-triggered recession?



Quantum AI is still years from enterprise prime time



Will Contact-Tracing Apps Win the Battle?



Interview With Robert Sutor, VP For Quantum Ecosystem Development, IBM Research



How data, AI, and IoT will shape the post-coronavirus ‘new normal’



Quantum AI in the 2020s and Beyond: What IBM Is Doing



Information Technology’s Pivotal Role In The Post-Pandemic New Normal



AIOps In the Post-Coronavirus New Normal: Where IBM’s Heading



GPipe and PipeDream: Scaling AI training in every direction



Business Continuity In the COVID-19 Emergency: How IBM is Responding



Advancing AI with Neuromorphic Computing Platforms



Coding together apart: Software development after COVID-19



Must Data Privacy Take a Back Seat During the Coronavirus Panic?




Cybersecurity Issues Are Growing More Acute Under the COVID-19 Emergency



How Many AI Application Development Frameworks Are Too Many?



Enterprise AI Goes Mainstream, but Maturity Must Wait



AI Model Assurance Keeps Intelligent Apps from Running Off the Rails



Rethinking Edge Computing While Pandemic Is In the Forefront of Global Consciousness



Tracking the Impact of the COVID-19 Emergency on the Tech Sector



TensorFlow deepens its advantages in the AI modeling wars



Triaging Which Tech Vendors Will Survive the COVID-19 Pandemic and Likely Aftermath Recession



Making AI’s Arcane Neural Networks Accessible



How AI Can Potentially be Used in the Battle Against Pandemics



Mitigating the Risks of the AI Black Box



Microsoft Research AI Ethics Checklist Crafts Principles for Designing AI DevOps Processes



Artificial Intelligence Predictions for 2020



Superwise.ai Addresses Growing Enterprise Need for AI Model Assurance



AI companies plant the seeds for quantum machine learning



Google’s TensorFlow Quantum Is a Key Industry Milestone in Machine Learning Acceleration



Boutique Clouds Rise on Multicloud and Microservices



Google Cloud and AT&T Team to Build 5G Edge Computing Solutions



NVIDIA Acquisition of SwiftStack Facilitates Cloud-to-Edge Data Management for AI and HPC



BMC Strengthens AIOps Through Compuware Acquisition



Deepfake Technology Loses Its Stigma Amid Socially Redeeming Uses



Algorithmia Integrates AI Model Governance with GitOps



The Retirement of DAWNBench — What’s Next for Benchmarking the Next Gen Infrastructure for Industrialized Data Science



Boosting AI’s smarts in the absence of training data



With the Rise of PyTorch, TensorFlow’s Deep Learning Dominance May Be Waning



Engineering Tiny Machine Learning for the Edge



NVIDIA’s GeForce NOW Launches — Streaming Cloud Gaming Taking On Google and Others



Alphabet’s Fiscal Q4 and Year-End 2019 Results Show Strong Growth Under Competitive Pressure



IBM Post-Rometty — The Immediate Future Lies in Multi-cloud AIOps



Launchable Draws on DevOps to Deliver AI-Powered Software Test Automation



Keeping your enterprise AI expertise up to speed



How Credible Are the White House’s AI Regulation Principles?



Apple’s Acquisition of Xnor.ai Aims to Deliver TinyML to Edge Devices



AWS Releases AutoGluon, an Innovative Open-Source Tooling for Automated Machine Learning



Democratizing the optimization of AI’s arcane neural networks



CES 2020: Making Sense of the Glut of Innovation on Display



CES 2020: Consumer-Facing Opportunities Accelerate Evolution of the AI DevOps Toolchain



Predictions for Cloud Computing in 2020



CES 2020: It Might As Well Stand for Connected Ecosystems Showcase



CES 2020: Announcements at Intel’s News Conference



Mitigating the risks of AI transparency in the next decade
